# Created by Jeff McCune on 2007-07-22 # Copyright (c) 2007. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation (version 2 of the License) # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301 USA require 'puppet' require 'puppet/provider/nameservice' require 'facter/util/plist' require 'cgi' class Puppet::Provider::NameService class DirectoryService < Puppet::Provider::NameService # JJM: Dive into the eigenclass class << self # JJM: This allows us to pass information when calling # Puppet::Type.type # e.g. Puppet::Type.type(:user).provide :directoryservice, :ds_path => "Users" # This is referenced in the get_ds_path class method attr_writer :ds_path attr_writer :macosx_version_major end # JJM 2007-07-24: Not yet sure what initvars() does. I saw it in netinfo.rb # I do know, however, that it makes methods "work" =) # e.g. addcmd isn't available if this method call isn't present. # # JJM: Also, where this method is defined seems to impact the visibility # of methods. If I put initvars after commands, confine and defaultfor, # then getinfo is called from the parent class, not this class. initvars() commands :dscl => "/usr/bin/dscl" commands :dseditgroup => "/usr/sbin/dseditgroup" commands :sw_vers => "/usr/bin/sw_vers" confine :operatingsystem => :darwin defaultfor :operatingsystem => :darwin # JJM 2007-07-25: This map is used to map NameService attributes to their # corresponding DirectoryService attribute names. # See: http://images.apple.com/server/docs/Open_Directory_v10.4.pdf # JJM: Note, this is de-coupled from the Puppet::Type, and must # be actively maintained. There may also be collisions with different # types (Users, Groups, Mounts, Hosts, etc...) @@ds_to_ns_attribute_map = { 'RecordName' => :name, 'PrimaryGroupID' => :gid, 'NFSHomeDirectory' => :home, 'UserShell' => :shell, 'UniqueID' => :uid, 'RealName' => :comment, 'Password' => :password, 'GeneratedUID' => :guid, 'IPAddress' => :ip_address, 'ENetAddress' => :en_address, 'GroupMembership' => :members, } # JJM The same table as above, inverted. @@ns_to_ds_attribute_map = { :name => 'RecordName', :gid => 'PrimaryGroupID', :home => 'NFSHomeDirectory', :shell => 'UserShell', :uid => 'UniqueID', :comment => 'RealName', :password => 'Password', :guid => 'GeneratedUID', :en_address => 'ENetAddress', :ip_address => 'IPAddress', :members => 'GroupMembership', } @@password_hash_dir = "/var/db/shadow/hash" def self.instances # JJM Class method that provides an array of instance objects of this # type. # JJM: Properties are dependent on the Puppet::Type we're managine. type_property_array = [:name] + @resource_type.validproperties # Create a new instance of this Puppet::Type for each object present # on the system. list_all_present.collect do |name_string| self.new(single_report(name_string, *type_property_array)) end end def self.get_ds_path # JJM: 2007-07-24 This method dynamically returns the DS path we're concerned with. # For example, if we're working with an user type, this will be /Users # with a group type, this will be /Groups. # @ds_path is an attribute of the class itself. if defined? @ds_path return @ds_path end # JJM: "Users" or "Groups" etc ... (Based on the Puppet::Type) # Remember this is a class method, so self.class is Class # Also, @resource_type seems to be the reference to the # Puppet::Type this class object is providing for. return @resource_type.name.to_s.capitalize + "s" end def self.get_macosx_version_major if defined? @macosx_version_major return @macosx_version_major end begin product_version = Facter.value(:macosx_productversion) if product_version.nil? raise Puppet::Error, "Could not determine OS X version from Facter" end product_version_major = product_version.scan(/(\d+)\.(\d+)./).join(".") if %w{10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3}.include?(product_version_major) raise Puppet::Error, "%s is not supported by the directoryservice provider" % product_version_major end @macosx_version_major = product_version_major return @macosx_version_major rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail raise Puppet::Error, "Could not determine OS X version: %s" % detail end end def self.list_all_present # JJM: List all objects of this Puppet::Type already present on the system. begin dscl_output = execute(get_exec_preamble("-list")) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail raise Puppet::Error, "Could not get %s list from DirectoryService" % [ @resource_type.name.to_s ] end return dscl_output.split("\n") end def self.parse_dscl_url_data(dscl_output) # we need to construct a Hash from the dscl -url output to match # that returned by the dscl -plist output for 10.5+ clients. # # Nasty assumptions: # a) no values *end* in a colon ':', only keys # b) if a line ends in a colon and the next line does start with # a space, then the second line is a value of the first. # c) (implied by (b)) keys don't start with spaces. dscl_plist = {} dscl_output.split("\n").inject([]) do |array, line| if line =~ /^\s+/ # it's a value array[-1] << line # add the value to the previous key else array << line end array end.compact dscl_output.each do |line| # This should be a 'normal' entry. key and value on one line. # We split on ': ' to deal with keys/values with a colon in them. split_array = line.split(/:\s+/) key = split_array.first value = CGI::unescape(split_array.last.strip.chomp) # We need to treat GroupMembership separately as it is currently # the only attribute we care about multiple values for, and # the values can never contain spaces (shortnames) # We also make every value an array to be consistent with the # output of dscl -plist under 10.5 if key == "GroupMembership" dscl_plist[key] = value.split(/\s/) else dscl_plist[key] = [value] end end return dscl_plist end def self.parse_dscl_plist_data(dscl_output) return Plist.parse_xml(dscl_output) end def self.generate_attribute_hash(input_hash, *type_properties) attribute_hash = {} input_hash.keys().each do |key| ds_attribute = key.sub("dsAttrTypeStandard:", "") next unless (@@ds_to_ns_attribute_map.keys.include?(ds_attribute) and type_properties.include? @@ds_to_ns_attribute_map[ds_attribute]) ds_value = input_hash[key] case @@ds_to_ns_attribute_map[ds_attribute] when :members ds_value = ds_value # only members uses arrays so far when :gid, :uid # OS X stores objects like uid/gid as strings. # Try casting to an integer for these cases to be # consistent with the other providers and the group type # validation begin ds_value = Integer(ds_value[0]) rescue ArgumentError ds_value = ds_value[0] end else ds_value = ds_value[0] end attribute_hash[@@ds_to_ns_attribute_map[ds_attribute]] = ds_value end # NBK: need to read the existing password here as it's not actually # stored in the user record. It is stored at a path that involves the # UUID of the user record for non-Mobile local acccounts. # Mobile Accounts are out of scope for this provider for now if @resource_type.validproperties.include?(:password) attribute_hash[:password] = self.get_password(attribute_hash[:guid]) end return attribute_hash end def self.single_report(resource_name, *type_properties) # JJM 2007-07-24: # Given a the name of an object and a list of properties of that # object, return all property values in a hash. # # This class method returns nil if the object doesn't exist # Otherwise, it returns a hash of the object properties. all_present_str_array = list_all_present() # NBK: shortcut the process if the resource is missing return nil unless all_present_str_array.include? resource_name dscl_vector = get_exec_preamble("-read", resource_name) begin dscl_output = execute(dscl_vector) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail raise Puppet::Error, "Could not get report. command execution failed." end # Two code paths is ugly, but until we can drop 10.4 support we don't # have a lot of choice. Ultimately this should all be done using Ruby # to access the DirectoryService APIs directly, but that's simply not # feasible for a while yet. case self.get_macosx_version_major when "10.4" dscl_plist = self.parse_dscl_url_data(dscl_output) when "10.5", "10.6" dscl_plist = self.parse_dscl_plist_data(dscl_output) end return self.generate_attribute_hash(dscl_plist, *type_properties) end def self.get_exec_preamble(ds_action, resource_name = nil) # JJM 2007-07-24 # DSCL commands are often repetitive and contain the same positional # arguments over and over. See http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Porting/Conceptual/PortingUnix/additionalfeatures/chapter_10_section_9.html # for an example of what I mean. # This method spits out proper DSCL commands for us. # We EXPECT name to be @resource[:name] when called from an instance object. # 10.4 doesn't support the -plist option for dscl, and 10.5 has a # different format for the -url output with objects with spaces in # their values. *sigh*. Use -url for 10.4 in the hope this can be # deprecated one day, and use -plist for 10.5 and higher. case self.get_macosx_version_major when "10.4" command_vector = [ command(:dscl), "-url", "." ] when "10.5", "10.6" command_vector = [ command(:dscl), "-plist", "." ] end # JJM: The actual action to perform. See "man dscl" # Common actiosn: -create, -delete, -merge, -append, -passwd command_vector << ds_action # JJM: get_ds_path will spit back "Users" or "Groups", # etc... Depending on the Puppet::Type of our self. if resource_name command_vector << "/%s/%s" % [ get_ds_path, resource_name ] else command_vector << "/%s" % [ get_ds_path ] end # JJM: This returns most of the preamble of the command. # e.g. 'dscl / -create /Users/mccune' return command_vector end def self.set_password(resource_name, guid, password_hash) password_hash_file = "#{@@password_hash_dir}/#{guid}" begin File.open(password_hash_file, 'w') { |f| f.write(password_hash)} rescue Errno::EACCES => detail raise Puppet::Error, "Could not write to password hash file: #{detail}" end # NBK: For shadow hashes, the user AuthenticationAuthority must contain a value of # ";ShadowHash;". The LKDC in 10.5 makes this more interesting though as it # will dynamically generate ;Kerberosv5;;username@LKDC:SHA1 attributes if # missing. Thus we make sure we only set ;ShadowHash; if it is missing, and # we can do this with the merge command. This allows people to continue to # use other custom AuthenticationAuthority attributes without stomping on them. # # There is a potential problem here in that we're only doing this when setting # the password, and the attribute could get modified at other times while the # hash doesn't change and so this doesn't get called at all... but # without switching all the other attributes to merge instead of create I can't # see a simple enough solution for this that doesn't modify the user record # every single time. This should be a rather rare edge case. (famous last words) dscl_vector = self.get_exec_preamble("-merge", resource_name) dscl_vector << "AuthenticationAuthority" << ";ShadowHash;" begin dscl_output = execute(dscl_vector) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail raise Puppet::Error, "Could not set AuthenticationAuthority." end end def self.get_password(guid) password_hash = nil password_hash_file = "#{@@password_hash_dir}/#{guid}" if File.exists?(password_hash_file) and File.file?(password_hash_file) if not File.readable?(password_hash_file) raise Puppet::Error("Could not read password hash file at #{password_hash_file} for #{@resource[:name]}") end f = File.new(password_hash_file) password_hash = f.read f.close end password_hash end def ensure=(ensure_value) super # JJM: Modeled after nameservice/netinfo.rb, we need to # loop over all valid properties for the type we're managing # and call the method which sets that property value # Like netinfo, dscl can't create everything at once, afaik. if ensure_value == :present @resource.class.validproperties.each do |name| next if name == :ensure # LAK: We use property.sync here rather than directly calling # the settor method because the properties might do some kind # of conversion. In particular, the user gid property might # have a string and need to convert it to a number if @resource.should(name) @resource.property(name).sync elsif value = autogen(name) self.send(name.to_s + "=", value) else next end end end end def password=(passphrase) exec_arg_vector = self.class.get_exec_preamble("-read", @resource.name) exec_arg_vector << @@ns_to_ds_attribute_map[:guid] begin guid_output = execute(exec_arg_vector) guid_plist = Plist.parse_xml(guid_output) # Although GeneratedUID like all DirectoryService values can be multi-valued # according to the schema, in practice user accounts cannot have multiple UUIDs # otherwise Bad Things Happen, so we just deal with the first value. guid = guid_plist["dsAttrTypeStandard:#{@@ns_to_ds_attribute_map[:guid]}"][0] self.class.set_password(@resource.name, guid, passphrase) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail raise Puppet::Error, "Could not set %s on %s[%s]: %s" % [param, @resource.class.name, @resource.name, detail] end end # NBK: we override @parent.set as we need to execute a series of commands # to deal with array values, rather than the single command nameservice.rb # expects to be returned by modifycmd. Thus we don't bother defining modifycmd. def set(param, value) self.class.validate(param, value) current_members = @property_value_cache_hash[:members] if param == :members # If we are meant to be authoritative for the group membership # then remove all existing members who haven't been specified # in the manifest. if @resource[:auth_membership] and not current_members.nil? remove_unwanted_members(current_members, value) end # if they're not a member, make them one. add_members(current_members, value) else exec_arg_vector = self.class.get_exec_preamble("-create", @resource[:name]) # JJM: The following line just maps the NS name to the DS name # e.g. { :uid => 'UniqueID' } exec_arg_vector << @@ns_to_ds_attribute_map[symbolize(param)] # JJM: The following line sends the actual value to set the property to exec_arg_vector << value.to_s begin execute(exec_arg_vector) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail raise Puppet::Error, "Could not set %s on %s[%s]: %s" % [param, @resource.class.name, @resource.name, detail] end end end # NBK: we override @parent.create as we need to execute a series of commands # to create objects with dscl, rather than the single command nameservice.rb # expects to be returned by addcmd. Thus we don't bother defining addcmd. def create if exists? info "already exists" return nil end # NBK: First we create the object with a known guid so we can set the contents # of the password hash if required # Shelling out sucks, but for a single use case it doesn't seem worth # requiring people install a UUID library that doesn't come with the system. # This should be revisited if Puppet starts managing UUIDs for other platform # user records. guid = %x{/usr/bin/uuidgen}.chomp exec_arg_vector = self.class.get_exec_preamble("-create", @resource[:name]) exec_arg_vector << @@ns_to_ds_attribute_map[:guid] << guid begin execute(exec_arg_vector) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail raise Puppet::Error, "Could not set GeneratedUID for %s %s: %s" % [@resource.class.name, @resource.name, detail] end if value = @resource.should(:password) and value != "" self.class.set_password(@resource[:name], guid, value) end # Now we create all the standard properties Puppet::Type.type(@resource.class.name).validproperties.each do |property| next if property == :ensure if value = @resource.should(property) and value != "" if property == :members add_members(nil, value) else exec_arg_vector = self.class.get_exec_preamble("-create", @resource[:name]) exec_arg_vector << @@ns_to_ds_attribute_map[symbolize(property)] next if property == :password # skip setting the password here exec_arg_vector << value.to_s begin execute(exec_arg_vector) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail raise Puppet::Error, "Could not create %s %s: %s" % [@resource.class.name, @resource.name, detail] end end end end end def remove_unwanted_members(current_members, new_members) current_members.each do |member| if not new_members.include?(member) cmd = [:dseditgroup, "-o", "edit", "-n", ".", "-d", member, @resource[:name]] begin execute(cmd) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail raise Puppet::Error, "Could not remove %s from group: %s, %s" % [member, @resource.name, detail] end end end end def add_members(current_members, new_members) new_members.each do |new_member| if current_members.nil? or not current_members.include?(new_member) cmd = [:dseditgroup, "-o", "edit", "-n", ".", "-a", new_member, @resource[:name]] begin execute(cmd) rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail raise Puppet::Error, "Could not add %s to group: %s, %s" % [new_member, @resource.name, detail] end end end end def deletecmd # JJM: Like addcmd, only called when deleting the object itself # Note, this isn't used to delete properties of the object, # at least that's how I understand it... self.class.get_exec_preamble("-delete", @resource[:name]) end def getinfo(refresh = false) # JJM 2007-07-24: # Override the getinfo method, which is also defined in nameservice.rb # This method returns and sets @infohash, which looks like: # (NetInfo provider, user type...) # @infohash = {:comment=>"Jeff McCune", :home=>"/Users/mccune", # :shell=>"/bin/zsh", :password=>"********", :uid=>502, :gid=>502, # :name=>"mccune"} # # I'm not re-factoring the name "getinfo" because this method will be # most likely called by nameservice.rb, which I didn't write. if refresh or (! defined?(@property_value_cache_hash) or ! @property_value_cache_hash) # JJM 2007-07-24: OK, there's a bit of magic that's about to # happen... Let's see how strong my grip has become... =) # # self is a provider instance of some Puppet::Type, like # Puppet::Type::User::ProviderDirectoryservice for the case of the # user type and this provider. # # self.class looks like "user provider directoryservice", if that # helps you ... # # self.class.resource_type is a reference to the Puppet::Type class, # probably Puppet::Type::User or Puppet::Type::Group, etc... # # self.class.resource_type.validproperties is a class method, # returning an Array of the valid properties of that specific # Puppet::Type. # # So... something like [:comment, :home, :password, :shell, :uid, # :groups, :ensure, :gid] # # Ultimately, we add :name to the list, delete :ensure from the # list, then report on the remaining list. Pretty whacky, ehh? type_properties = [:name] + self.class.resource_type.validproperties type_properties.delete(:ensure) if type_properties.include? :ensure type_properties << :guid # append GeneratedUID so we just get the report here @property_value_cache_hash = self.class.single_report(@resource[:name], *type_properties) [:uid, :gid].each do |param| @property_value_cache_hash[param] = @property_value_cache_hash[param].to_i if @property_value_cache_hash and @property_value_cache_hash.include?(param) end end return @property_value_cache_hash end end end