require 'puppet/property' # This property will get automatically added to any type that responds # to the methods 'exists?', 'create', and 'destroy'. class Puppet::Property::Ensure < Puppet::Property @name = :ensure def self.defaultvalues newvalue(:present) do if @resource.provider and @resource.provider.respond_to?(:create) @resource.provider.create else @resource.create end nil # return nil so the event is autogenerated end newvalue(:absent) do if @resource.provider and @resource.provider.respond_to?(:destroy) @resource.provider.destroy else @resource.destroy end nil # return nil so the event is autogenerated end defaultto do if @resource.managed? :present else nil end end # This doc will probably get overridden @doc ||= "The basic property that the resource should be in." end def self.inherited(sub) # Add in the two properties that everyone will have. sub.class_eval do end end def change_to_s(currentvalue, newvalue) begin if currentvalue == :absent or currentvalue.nil? return "created" elsif newvalue == :absent return "removed" else return "%s changed '%s' to '%s'" % [, self.is_to_s(currentvalue), self.should_to_s(newvalue)] end rescue Puppet::Error, Puppet::DevError raise rescue => detail raise Puppet::DevError, "Could not convert change %s to string: %s" % [, detail] end end def retrieve # XXX This is a problem -- whether the object exists or not often # depends on the results of other properties, yet we're the first property # to get checked, which means that those other properties do not have # @is values set. This seems to be the source of quite a few bugs, # although they're mostly logging bugs, not functional ones. if prov = @resource.provider and prov.respond_to?(:exists?) result = prov.exists? elsif @resource.respond_to?(:exists?) result = @resource.exists? else raise Puppet::DevError, "No ability to determine if %s exists" % end if result return :present else return :absent end end # If they're talking about the thing at all, they generally want to # say it should exist. #defaultto :present defaultto do if @resource.managed? :present else nil end end end