# A resource that we're managing. This handles making sure that only subclasses # can set parameters. class Puppet::Parser::Resource require 'puppet/parser/resource/param' require 'puppet/parser/resource/reference' require 'puppet/util/tagging' include Puppet::Util include Puppet::Util::MethodHelper include Puppet::Util::Errors include Puppet::Util::Logging include Puppet::Util::Tagging attr_accessor :source, :line, :file, :scope, :rails_id attr_accessor :virtual, :override, :translated attr_reader :exported, :evaluated, :params # Determine whether the provided parameter name is a relationship parameter. def self.relationship_parameter?(name) unless defined?(@relationship_names) @relationship_names = Puppet::Type.relationship_params.collect { |p| p.name } end @relationship_names.include?(name) end # Proxy a few methods to our @ref object. [:builtin?, :type, :title].each do |method| define_method(method) do @ref.send(method) end end # Set up some boolean test methods [:exported, :translated, :override, :virtual, :evaluated].each do |method| newmeth = (method.to_s + "?").intern define_method(newmeth) do self.send(method) end end def [](param) param = symbolize(param) if param == :title return self.title end if @params.has_key?(param) @params[param].value else nil end end def builtin=(bool) @ref.builtin = bool end # Retrieve the associated definition and evaluate it. def evaluate if klass = @ref.definedtype finish() return klass.evaluate_code(self) elsif builtin? devfail "Cannot evaluate a builtin type" else self.fail "Cannot find definition %s" % self.type end ensure @evaluated = true end # Mark this resource as both exported and virtual, # or remove the exported mark. def exported=(value) if value @virtual = true @exported = value else @exported = value end end # Do any finishing work on this object, called before evaluation or # before storage/translation. def finish return if finished? @finished = true add_defaults() add_metaparams() add_scope_tags() validate() end # Has this resource already been finished? def finished? defined?(@finished) and @finished end def initialize(options) # Set all of the options we can. options.each do |option, value| if respond_to?(option.to_s + "=") send(option.to_s + "=", value) options.delete(option) end end unless self.scope raise ArgumentError, "Resources require a scope" end @source ||= scope.source options = symbolize_options(options) # Set up our reference. if type = options[:type] and title = options[:title] options.delete(:type) options.delete(:title) else raise ArgumentError, "Resources require a type and title" end @ref = Reference.new(:type => type, :title => title, :scope => self.scope) @params = {} # Define all of the parameters if params = options[:params] options.delete(:params) params.each do |param| set_parameter(param) end end # Throw an exception if we've got any arguments left to set. unless options.empty? raise ArgumentError, "Resources do not accept %s" % options.keys.collect { |k| k.to_s }.join(", ") end tag(@ref.type) tag(@ref.title) if valid_tag?(@ref.title.to_s) end # Is this resource modeling an isomorphic resource type? def isomorphic? if builtin? return @ref.builtintype.isomorphic? else return true end end # Merge an override resource in. This will throw exceptions if # any overrides aren't allowed. def merge(resource) # Test the resource scope, to make sure the resource is even allowed # to override. unless self.source.object_id == resource.source.object_id || resource.source.child_of?(self.source) raise Puppet::ParseError.new("Only subclasses can override parameters", resource.line, resource.file) end # Some of these might fail, but they'll fail in the way we want. resource.params.each do |name, param| override_parameter(param) end end # Modify this resource in the Rails database. Poor design, yo. def modify_rails(db_resource) args = rails_args args.each do |param, value| db_resource[param] = value unless db_resource[param] == value end # Handle file specially if (self.file and (!db_resource.file or db_resource.file != self.file)) db_resource.file = self.file end updated_params = @params.reject { |name, param| param.value == :undef }.inject({}) do |hash, ary| hash[ary[0].to_s] = ary[1] hash end db_resource.ar_hash_merge(db_resource.get_params_hash(), updated_params, :create => Proc.new { |name, parameter| parameter.to_rails(db_resource) }, :delete => Proc.new { |values| values.each { |value| Puppet::Rails::ParamValue.delete(value['id']) } }, :modify => Proc.new { |db, mem| mem.modify_rails_values(db) }) updated_tags = tags.inject({}) { |hash, tag| hash[tag] = tag hash } db_resource.ar_hash_merge(db_resource.get_tag_hash(), updated_tags, :create => Proc.new { |name, tag| db_resource.add_resource_tag(name) }, :delete => Proc.new { |tag| Puppet::Rails::ResourceTag.delete(tag['id']) }, :modify => Proc.new { |db, mem| # nothing here }) end # Return the resource name, or the title if no name # was specified. def name unless defined? @name @name = self[:name] || self.title end @name end # This *significantly* reduces the number of calls to Puppet.[]. def paramcheck? unless defined? @@paramcheck @@paramcheck = Puppet[:paramcheck] end @@paramcheck end # A temporary occasion, until I get paths in the scopes figured out. def path to_s end # Return the short version of our name. def ref @ref.to_s end # Define a parameter in our resource. def set_parameter(param, value = nil) if value param = Puppet::Parser::Resource::Param.new( :name => param, :value => value, :source => self.source ) elsif ! param.is_a?(Puppet::Parser::Resource::Param) raise ArgumentError, "Must pass a parameter or all necessary values" end # And store it in our parameter hash. @params[param.name] = param end def to_hash @params.inject({}) do |hash, ary| param = ary[1] # Skip "undef" values. if param.value != :undef hash[param.name] = param.value end hash end end # Turn our parser resource into a Rails resource. def to_rails(host) args = rails_args db_resource = host.resources.build(args) # Handle file specially db_resource.file = self.file db_resource.save @params.each { |name, param| next if param.value == :undef param.to_rails(db_resource) } tags.each { |tag| db_resource.add_resource_tag(tag) } return db_resource end # Create a Puppet::Resource instance from this parser resource. # We plan, at some point, on not needing to do this conversion, but # it's sufficient for now. def to_resource result = Puppet::Resource.new(type, title) to_hash.each do |p, v| if v.is_a?(Puppet::Parser::Resource::Reference) v = Puppet::Resource::Reference.new(v.type, v.title) elsif v.is_a?(Array) # flatten resource references arrays if v.flatten.find { |av| av.is_a?(Puppet::Parser::Resource::Reference) } v = v.flatten end v = v.collect do |av| if av.is_a?(Puppet::Parser::Resource::Reference) av = Puppet::Resource::Reference.new(av.type, av.title) end av end end # If the value is an array with only one value, then # convert it to a single value. This is largely so that # the database interaction doesn't have to worry about # whether it returns an array or a string. result[p] = if v.is_a?(Array) and v.length == 1 v[0] else v end end result.file = self.file result.line = self.line result.tag(*self.tags) return result end def to_s self.ref end # Translate our object to a transportable object. def to_trans return nil if virtual? return to_resource.to_trans end # Convert this resource to a RAL resource. We hackishly go via the # transportable stuff. def to_ral to_resource.to_ral end private # Add default values from our definition. def add_defaults scope.lookupdefaults(self.type).each do |name, param| unless @params.include?(name) self.debug "Adding default for %s" % name @params[name] = param.dup end end end # Add any metaparams defined in our scope. This actually adds any metaparams # from any parent scope, and there's currently no way to turn that off. def add_metaparams Puppet::Type.eachmetaparam do |name| # Skip metaparams that we already have defined, unless they're relationship metaparams. # LAK:NOTE Relationship metaparams get treated specially -- we stack them, instead of # overriding. next if @params[name] and not self.class.relationship_parameter?(name) next if @params[name] and @params[name].value == :undef # Skip metaparams for which we get no value. next unless val = scope.lookupvar(name.to_s, false) and val != :undefined # The default case: just set the value set_parameter(name, val) and next unless @params[name] # For relationship params, though, join the values (a la #446). @params[name].value = [@params[name].value, val].flatten end end def add_scope_tags if scope_resource = scope.resource tag(*scope_resource.tags) end end # Accept a parameter from an override. def override_parameter(param) # This can happen if the override is defining a new parameter, rather # than replacing an existing one. (@params[param.name] = param and return) unless current = @params[param.name] # The parameter is already set. Fail if they're not allowed to override it. unless param.source.child_of?(current.source) puts caller if Puppet[:trace] msg = "Parameter '%s' is already set on %s" % [param.name, self.to_s] if current.source.to_s != "" msg += " by %s" % current.source end if current.file or current.line fields = [] fields << current.file if current.file fields << current.line.to_s if current.line msg += " at %s" % fields.join(":") end msg += "; cannot redefine" raise Puppet::ParseError.new(msg, param.line, param.file) end # If we've gotten this far, we're allowed to override. # Merge with previous value, if the parameter was generated with the +> syntax. # It's important that we use the new param instance here, not the old one, # so that the source is registered correctly for later overrides. param.value = [current.value, param.value].flatten if param.add @params[param.name] = param end # Verify that all passed parameters are valid. This throws an error if # there's a problem, so we don't have to worry about the return value. def paramcheck(param) param = param.to_s # Now make sure it's a valid argument to our class. These checks # are organized in order of commonhood -- most types, it's a valid # argument and paramcheck is enabled. if @ref.typeclass.validattr?(param) true elsif %w{name title}.include?(param) # always allow these true elsif paramcheck? self.fail Puppet::ParseError, "Invalid parameter '%s' for type '%s'" % [param, @ref.type] end end def rails_args return [:type, :title, :line, :exported].inject({}) do |hash, param| # 'type' isn't a valid column name, so we have to use another name. to = (param == :type) ? :restype : param if value = self.send(param) hash[to] = value end hash end end # Make sure the resource's parameters are all valid for the type. def validate @params.each do |name, param| # Make sure it's a valid parameter. paramcheck(name) end end end