require 'puppet/parser/ast/branch' class Puppet::Parser::AST # The basic logical structure in Puppet. Supports a list of # tests and statement arrays. class CaseStatement < AST::Branch attr_accessor :test, :options, :default # Short-curcuit evaluation. Return the value of the statements for # the first option that matches. def evaluate(hash) scope = hash[:scope] value = @test.safeevaluate(:scope => scope) sensitive = Puppet[:casesensitive] value = value.downcase if ! sensitive and value.respond_to?(:downcase) retvalue = nil found = false # Iterate across the options looking for a match. default = nil @options.each { |option| option.eachvalue(scope) { |opval| opval = opval.downcase if ! sensitive and opval.respond_to?(:downcase) if opval == value found = true break end } if found # we found a matching option retvalue = option.safeevaluate(:scope => scope) break end if option.default? default = option end } # Unless we found something, look for the default. unless found if default retvalue = default.safeevaluate(:scope => scope) else Puppet.debug "No true answers and no default" retvalue = nil end end return retvalue end def each [@test,@options].each { |child| yield child } end end end