require 'puppet/application' class Puppet::Application::Doc < Puppet::Application should_not_parse_config run_mode :master attr_accessor :unknown_args, :manifest def preinit {:references => [], :mode => :text, :format => :to_rest }.each do |name,value| options[name] = value end @unknown_args = [] @manifest = false end option("--all","-a") option("--outputdir OUTPUTDIR","-o") option("--verbose","-v") option("--debug","-d") option("--charset CHARSET") option("--format FORMAT", "-f") do |arg| method = "to_%s" % arg require 'puppet/util/reference' if Puppet::Util::Reference.method_defined?(method) options[:format] = method else raise "Invalid output format %s" % arg end end option("--mode MODE", "-m") do |arg| require 'puppet/util/reference' if Puppet::Util::Reference.modes.include?(arg) or arg.intern==:rdoc options[:mode] = arg.intern else raise "Invalid output mode %s" % arg end end option("--list", "-l") do |arg| require 'puppet/util/reference' puts Puppet::Util::Reference.references.collect { |r| Puppet::Util::Reference.reference(r).doc }.join("\n") exit(0) end option("--reference REFERENCE", "-r") do |arg| options[:references] << arg.intern end def handle_unknown( opt, arg ) @unknown_args << {:opt => opt, :arg => arg } true end def run_command return send(options[:mode]) if [:rdoc, :trac, :markdown].include?(options[:mode]) return other end def rdoc exit_code = 0 files = [] unless @manifest env = files += env.modulepath files << File.dirname(env[:manifest]) end files += command_line.args "scanning: %s" % files.inspect Puppet.settings.setdefaults("puppetdoc", "document_all" => [false, "Document all resources"] ) Puppet.settings[:document_all] = options[:all] || false begin require 'puppet/util/rdoc' if @manifest Puppet::Util::RDoc.manifestdoc(files) else options[:outputdir] = "doc" unless options[:outputdir] Puppet::Util::RDoc.rdoc(options[:outputdir], files, options[:charset]) end rescue => detail if Puppet[:trace] puts detail.backtrace end $stderr.puts "Could not generate documentation: %s" % detail exit_code = 1 end exit exit_code end def trac require 'puppet/util/reference' options[:references].each do |name| section = Puppet::Util::Reference.reference(name) or raise "Could not find section %s" % name unless options[:mode] == :pdf section.trac end end end def markdown text = "" with_contents = false exit_code = 0 require 'puppet/util/reference' options[:references].sort { |a,b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s }.each do |name| raise "Could not find reference %s" % name unless section = Puppet::Util::Reference.reference(name) begin # Add the per-section text, but with no ToC text += section.send(options[:format], with_contents) text += Puppet::Util::Reference.footer text.gsub!(/`\w+\s+([^`]+)`:trac:/) { |m| $1 } Puppet::Util::Reference.markdown(name, text) text = "" rescue => detail puts detail.backtrace $stderr.puts "Could not generate reference %s: %s" % [name, detail] exit_code = 1 next end end exit exit_code end def other text = "" if options[:references].length > 1 with_contents = false else with_contents = true end exit_code = 0 require 'puppet/util/reference' options[:references].sort { |a,b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s }.each do |name| raise "Could not find reference %s" % name unless section = Puppet::Util::Reference.reference(name) begin # Add the per-section text, but with no ToC text += section.send(options[:format], with_contents) rescue => detail puts detail.backtrace $stderr.puts "Could not generate reference %s: %s" % [name, detail] exit_code = 1 next end end unless with_contents # We've only got one reference text += Puppet::Util::Reference.footer end # Replace the trac links, since they're invalid everywhere else text.gsub!(/`\w+\s+([^`]+)`:trac:/) { |m| $1 } if options[:mode] == :pdf Puppet::Util::Reference.pdf(text) else puts text end exit exit_code end def setup # sole manifest documentation if command_line.args.size > 0 options[:mode] = :rdoc @manifest = true end if options[:mode] == :rdoc setup_rdoc else setup_reference end end def setup_reference if options[:all] # Don't add dynamic references to the "all" list. require 'puppet/util/reference' options[:references] = Puppet::Util::Reference.references.reject do |ref| Puppet::Util::Reference.reference(ref).dynamic? end end if options[:references].empty? options[:references] << :type end end def setup_rdoc(dummy_argument=:work_arround_for_ruby_GC_bug) # consume the unknown options # and feed them as settings if @unknown_args.size > 0 @unknown_args.each do |option| # force absolute path for modulepath when passed on commandline if option[:opt]=="--modulepath" or option[:opt] == "--manifestdir" option[:arg] = option[:arg].split(':').collect { |p| File.expand_path(p) }.join(':') end Puppet.settings.handlearg(option[:opt], option[:arg]) end end # Now parse the config Puppet.parse_config # Handle the logging settings. if options[:debug] or options[:verbose] if options[:debug] Puppet::Util::Log.level = :debug else Puppet::Util::Log.level = :info end Puppet::Util::Log.newdestination(:console) end end end