require 'singleton' require 'puppet/event-loop' require 'puppet/util' require 'puppet/log' require 'puppet/config' # see the bottom of the file for further inclusions #------------------------------------------------------------ # the top-level module # # all this really does is dictate how the whole system behaves, through # preferences for things like debugging # # it's also a place to find top-level commands like 'debug' module Puppet PUPPETVERSION = '0.18.4' def Puppet.version return PUPPETVERSION end class << self # So we can monitor signals and such. include SignalObserver include Puppet::Util # To keep a copy of arguments. Set within Config#addargs, because I'm # lazy. attr_accessor :args end class Error < RuntimeError attr_accessor :stack, :line, :file attr_writer :backtrace def backtrace if defined? @backtrace return @backtrace else return super end end def initialize(message) @message = message end def to_s str = nil if defined? @file and defined? @line and @file and @line str = "%s in file %s at line %s" % [@message.to_s, @file, @line] elsif defined? @line and @line str = "%s at line %s" % [@message.to_s, @line] else str = @message.to_s end return str end end class DevError < Error; end def unless defined? @name @name = $0.gsub(/.+#{File::SEPARATOR}/,'').sub(/\.rb$/, '') end return @name end # the hash that determines how our system behaves @@config = # The services running in this process. @services ||= [] # define helper messages for each of the message levels Puppet::Log.eachlevel { |level| define_method(level,proc { |args| if args.is_a?(Array) args = args.join(" ") end Puppet::Log.create( :level => level, :message => args ) }) module_function level } # I keep wanting to use Puppet.error # XXX this isn't actually working right now alias :error :err # Store a new default value. def self.setdefaults(section, hash) @@config.setdefaults(section, hash) end # If we're running the standalone puppet process as a non-root user, # use basedirs that are in the user's home directory. conf = nil var = nil if == "puppet" and Process.uid != 0 conf = File.expand_path("~/.puppet") var = File.expand_path("~/.puppet/var") else # Else, use system-wide directories. conf = "/etc/puppet" var = "/var/puppet" end self.setdefaults(:puppet, :confdir => [conf, "The main Puppet configuration directory."], :vardir => [var, "Where Puppet stores dynamic and growing data."] ) if == "puppetmasterd" self.setdefaults(:puppetmasterd, :logdir => {:default => "$vardir/log", :mode => 0750, :owner => "$user", :group => "$group", :desc => "The Puppet log directory." } ) else self.setdefaults(:puppet, :logdir => ["$vardir/log", "The Puppet log directory."] ) end self.setdefaults(:puppet, :statedir => { :default => "$vardir/state", :mode => 01777, :desc => "The directory where Puppet state is stored. Generally, this directory can be removed without causing harm (although it might result in spurious service restarts)." }, :rundir => { :default => "$vardir/run", :mode => 01777, :desc => "Where Puppet PID files are kept." }, :lockdir => { :default => "$vardir/locks", :mode => 01777, :desc => "Where lock files are kept." }, :statefile => { :default => "$statedir/state.yaml", :mode => 0660, :desc => "Where puppetd and puppetmasterd store state associated with the running configuration. In the case of puppetmasterd, this file reflects the state discovered through interacting with clients." }, :ssldir => { :default => "$confdir/ssl", :mode => 0771, :owner => "root", :desc => "Where SSL certificates are kept." }, :genconfig => [false, "Whether to just print a configuration to stdout and exit. Only makes sense when used interactively. Takes into account arguments specified on the CLI."], :genmanifest => [false, "Whether to just print a manifest to stdout and exit. Only makes sense when used interactively. Takes into account arguments specified on the CLI."], :color => [true, "Whether to use ANSI colors when logging to the console."], :mkusers => [false, "Whether to create the necessary user and group that puppetd will run as."] ) # Define the config default. self.setdefaults(, :config => ["$confdir/#{}.conf", "The configuration file for #{}."] ) self.setdefaults("puppetmasterd", :user => ["puppet", "The user puppetmasterd should run as."], :group => ["puppet", "The group puppetmasterd should run as."], :manifestdir => ["$confdir/manifests", "Where puppetmasterd looks for its manifests."], :manifest => ["$manifestdir/site.pp", "The entry-point manifest for puppetmasterd."], :masterlog => { :default => "$logdir/puppetmaster.log", :owner => "$user", :group => "$group", :mode => 0660, :desc => "Where puppetmasterd logs. This is generally not used, since syslog is the default log destination." }, :masterhttplog => { :default => "$logdir/masterhttp.log", :owner => "$user", :group => "$group", :mode => 0660, :create => true, :desc => "Where the puppetmasterd web server logs." }, :masterport => [8140, "Which port puppetmasterd listens on."], :parseonly => [false, "Just check the syntax of the manifests."] ) self.setdefaults("puppetd", :localconfig => { :default => "$confdir/localconfig", :owner => "root", :mode => 0660, :desc => "Where puppetd caches the local configuration. An extension indicating the cache format is added automatically."}, :classfile => { :default => "$confdir/classes.txt", :owner => "root", :mode => 0644, :desc => "The file in which puppetd stores a list of the classes associated with the retrieved configuratiion. Can be loaded in the separate ``puppet`` executable using the ``--loadclasses`` option."}, :puppetdlog => { :default => "$logdir/puppetd.log", :owner => "root", :mode => 0640, :desc => "The log file for puppetd. This is generally not used." }, :httplog => { :default => "$logdir/http.log", :owner => "root", :mode => 0640, :desc => "Where the puppetd web server logs." }, :server => ["puppet", "The server to which server puppetd should connect"], :ignoreschedules => [false, "Boolean; whether puppetd should ignore schedules. This is useful for initial puppetd runs."], :puppetport => [8139, "Which port puppetd listens on."], :noop => [false, "Whether puppetd should be run in noop mode."], :runinterval => [1800, # 30 minutes "How often puppetd applies the client configuration; in seconds"] ) # configuration parameter access and stuff def self.[](param) case param when :debug: if Puppet::Log.level == :debug return true else return false end else return @@config[param] end end # configuration parameter access and stuff def self.[]=(param,value) @@config[param] = value end def self.clear @@config.clear end def self.debug=(value) if value Puppet::Log.level=(:debug) else Puppet::Log.level=(:notice) end end def self.config @@config end def self.genconfig if Puppet[:genconfig] puts Puppet.config.to_config exit(0) end end def self.genmanifest if Puppet[:genmanifest] puts Puppet.config.to_manifest exit(0) end end # Run all threads to their ends def self.join defined? @threads and @threads.each do |t| t.join end end # Create a new service that we're supposed to run def self.newservice(service) @services ||= [] @services << service end def self.newthread(&block) @threads ||= [] @threads << do yield end end def self.newtimer(hash, &block) timer = nil threadlock(:timers) do @timers ||= [] timer = @timers << timer if block_given? observe_signal(timer, :alarm, &block) end end # In case they need it for something else. timer end # Relaunch the executable. def self.restart command = $0 + " " + self.args.join(" ") Puppet.notice "Restarting with '%s'" % command Puppet.shutdown(false) exec(command) end # Trap a couple of the main signals. This should probably be handled # in a way that anyone else can register callbacks for traps, but, eh. def self.settraps [:INT, :TERM].each do |signal| trap(signal) do Puppet.notice "Caught #{signal}; shutting down" Puppet.shutdown end end # Handle restarting. trap(:HUP) do if client = @services.find { |s| s.is_a? Puppet::Client::MasterClient } and client.running? client.restart else Puppet.restart end end # Provide a hook for running clients where appropriate trap(:USR1) do done = 0 Puppet.notice "Caught USR1; triggering client run" @services.find_all { |s| s.is_a? Puppet::Client }.each do |client| if client.respond_to? :running? if client.running? "Ignoring running %s" % client.class else done += 1 begin client.runnow rescue => detail Puppet.err "Could not run client: %s" % detail end end else "Ignoring %s; cannot test whether it is running" % client.class end end unless done > 0 Puppet.notice "No clients were run" end end end # Shutdown our server process, meaning stop all services and all threads. # Optionally, exit. def self.shutdown(leave = true) Puppet.notice "Shutting down" # Unmonitor our timers defined? @timers and @timers.each do |timer| EventLoop.current.ignore_timer timer end # This seems to exit the process, although I can't find where it does # so. Leaving it out doesn't seem to hurt anything. #if EventLoop.current.running? # EventLoop.current.quit #end # Stop our services defined? @services and @services.each do |svc| begin timeout(20) do svc.shutdown end rescue TimeoutError Puppet.err "%s could not shut down within 20 seconds" % svc.class end end # And wait for them all to die, giving a decent amount of time defined? @threads and @threads.each do |thr| begin timeout(20) do thr.join end rescue TimeoutError # Just ignore this, since we can't intelligently provide a warning end end if leave exit(0) end end # Start all of our services and optionally our event loop, which blocks, # waiting for someone, somewhere, to generate events of some kind. def self.start(block = true) # Starting everything in its own thread, fwiw defined? @services and @services.each do |svc| newthread do begin svc.start rescue => detail if Puppet[:debug] puts detail.backtrace end @services.delete svc Puppet.err "Could not start %s: %s" % [svc.class, detail] end end end unless @services.length > 0 Puppet.notice "No remaining services; exiting" exit(1) end # We need to give the services a chance to register their timers before # we try to start monitoring them. sleep 0.5 if defined? @timers and ! @timers.empty? @timers.each do |timer| EventLoop.current.monitor_timer timer end end if block end end # Create the timer that our different objects (uh, mostly the client) # check. def self.timer unless defined? @timer "Interval is %s" % Puppet[:runinterval] #@timer = => Puppet[:runinterval]) @timer = :interval => Puppet[:runinterval], :tolerance => 1, :start? => true ) EventLoop.current.monitor_timer @timer end @timer end # XXX this should all be done using puppet objects, not using # normal mkdir def self.recmkdir(dir,mode = 0755) if FileTest.exist?(dir) return false else tmp = dir.sub(/^\//,'') path = [File::SEPARATOR] tmp.split(File::SEPARATOR).each { |dir| path.push dir if ! FileTest.exist?(File.join(path)) begin Dir.mkdir(File.join(path), mode) rescue Errno::EACCES => detail Puppet.err detail.to_s return false rescue => detail Puppet.err "Could not create %s: %s" % [path, detail.to_s] return false end elsif next else FileTest.exist?(File.join(path)) raise Puppet::Error, "Cannot create %s: basedir %s is a file" % [dir, File.join(path)] end } return true end end # Create a new type. Just proxy to the Type class. def self.newtype(name, parent = nil, &block) Puppet::Type.newtype(name, parent, &block) end # Retrieve a type by name. Just proxy to the Type class. def self.type(name) Puppet::Type.type(name) end end require 'puppet/server' require 'puppet/type' require 'puppet/storage' # $Id$