path: root/man/man8/puppetd.8
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+.TH Synopsis "" "" ""
+Synopsis \-
+.\" Man page generated from reStructeredText.
+Retrieve the client configuration from the central puppet server and
+apply it to the local host.
+Currently must be run out periodically, using cron or something similar.
+.\" visit_block_quote
+.B puppetd [\-D|\-\-daemonize|\-\-no\-daemonize] [\-d|\-\-debug] [\-\-disable] [\-\-enable]
+[\-h|\-\-help] [\-\-fqdn <host name>] [\-l|\-\-logdest syslog|<file>|console]
+[\-o|\-\-onetime] [\-\-serve <handler>] [\-t|\-\-test]
+[\-V|\-\-version] [\-v|\-\-verbose] [\-w|\-\-waitforcert <seconds>]
+.\" depart_block_quote
+This is the main puppet client. Its job is to retrieve the local
+machine\'s configuration from a remote server and apply it. In order to
+successfully communicate with the remote server, the client must have a
+certificate signed by a certificate authority that the server trusts;
+the recommended method for this, at the moment, is to run a certificate
+authority as part of the puppet server (which is the default). The
+client will connect and request a signed certificate, and will continue
+connecting until it receives one.
+Once the client has a signed certificate, it will retrieve its
+configuration and apply it.
++puppetd+ does its best to find a compromise between interactive use and
+daemon use. Run with no arguments and no configuration, it will go into
+the backgroun, attempt to get a signed certificate, and retrieve and
+apply its configuration every 30 minutes.
+Some flags are meant specifically for interactive use \-\- in particular,
++test+ and +tags+ are useful. +test+ enables verbose logging, causes the
+daemon to stay in the foreground, exits if the server\'s configuration is
+invalid (this happens if, for instance, you\'ve left a syntax error on
+the server), and exits after running the configuration once (rather than
+hanging around as a long\-running process).
++tags+ allows you to specify what portions of a configuration you want
+to apply. Puppet elements are tagged with all of the class or definition
+names that contain them, and you can use the +tags+ flag to specify one
+of these names, causing only configuration elements contained within
+that class or definition to be applied. This is very useful when you are
+testing new configurations \-\- for instance, if you are just starting to
+manage +ntpd+, you would put all of the new elements into an +ntpd+
+class, and call puppet with +\-\-tags ntpd+, which would only apply that
+small portion of the configuration during your testing, rather than
+applying the whole thing.
+Note that any configuration parameter that\'s valid in the configuration
+file is also a valid long argument. For example, \'server\' is a valid
+configuration parameter, so you can specify \'\-\-server <servername>\' as
+an argument.
+See the configuration file documentation at
+ for
+the full list of acceptable parameters. A commented list of all
+configuration options can also be generated by running puppetd with
+daemonize: Send the process into the background. This is the default.
+no\-daemonize: Do not send the process into the background.
+debug: Enable full debugging.
+.B disable: Disable working on the local system. This puts a lock file
+in place, causing +puppetd+ not to work on the system
+until the lock file is removed. This is useful if you are
+testing a configuration and do not want the central
+configuration to override the local state until everything
+is tested and committed.
++puppetd+ uses the same lock file while it is running, so no more than
+one +puppetd+ process is working at a time.
++puppetd+ exits after executing this.
+.B enable: Enable working on the local system. This removes any lock
+file, causing +puppetd+ to start managing the local system
+again (although it will continue to use its normal
+scheduling, so it might not start for another half hour).
++puppetd+ exits after executing this.
+.B fqdn: Set the fully\-qualified domain name of the client. This is
+only used for certificate purposes, but can be used to
+override the discovered hostname. If you need to use this
+flag, it is generally an indication of a setup problem.
+help: Print this help message
+.B logdest: Where to send messages. Choose between syslog, the
+console, and a log file. Defaults to sending messages to
+syslog, or the console if debugging or verbosity is
+.B no\-client: Do not create a config client. This will cause the daemon
+to run without ever checking for its configuration
+automatically, and only makes sense when used in
+conjunction with \-\-listen.
+.B onetime: Run the configuration once, rather than as a long\-running
+daemon. This is useful for interactively running puppetd.
+.B serve: Start another type of server. By default, +puppetd+ will
+start a service handler that allows authenticated and
+authorized remote nodes to trigger the configuration to be
+pulled down and applied. You can specify any handler here
+that does not require configuration, e.g., filebucket, ca,
+or resource. The handlers are in
++lib/puppet/network/handler+, and the names must match
+exactly, both in the call to +serve+ and in
+.B test: Enable the most common options used for testing. These are
++onetime+, +verbose+, +ignorecache, and
+verbose: Turn on verbose reporting.
+version: Print the puppet version number and exit.
+.B waitforcert: This option only matters for daemons that do not yet have
+certificates and it is enabled by default, with a value of
+120 (seconds). This causes +puppetd+ to connect to the
+server every 2 minutes and ask it to sign a certificate
+request. This is useful for the initial setup of a puppet
+client. You can turn off waiting for certificates by
+specifying a time of 0.
+.\" visit_block_quote
+puppetd \-\-server
+.\" depart_block_quote
+Luke Kanies
+Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 Reductive Labs, LLC Licensed under the GNU
+Public License
+.\" Generated by docutils manpage writer on 2008-03-22 17:46.