# Fact: Cfkey # # Purpose: Return the public key(s) for CFengine. # # Resolution: # Tries each file of standard localhost.pub & cfkey.pub locations, # checks if they appear to be a public key, and then join them all together. # # Caveats: # ## Cfkey.rb ## Facts related to cfengine ## Facter.add(:Cfkey) do setcode do value = nil ["/usr/local/etc/cfkey.pub", "/etc/cfkey.pub", "/var/cfng/keys/localhost.pub", "/var/cfengine/ppkeys/localhost.pub", "/var/lib/cfengine/ppkeys/localhost.pub", "/var/lib/cfengine2/ppkeys/localhost.pub" ].each do |file| if FileTest.file?(file) File.open(file) { |openfile| value = openfile.readlines.reject { |line| line =~ /PUBLIC KEY/ }.collect { |line| line.chomp }.join("") } end if value break end end value end end