# $Id$ #-- # Copyright 2004 Luke Kanies # # This program is free software. It may be redistributed and/or modified under # the terms of the GPL version 2 (or later), the Perl Artistic licence, or the # Ruby licence. # #-- #-------------------------------------------------------------------- class Facter include Comparable include Enumerable FACTERVERSION="1.0.0" # = Facter 1.0 # Functions as a hash of 'facts' you might care about about your # system, such as mac address, IP address, Video card, etc. # returns them dynamically # == Synopsis # # Generally, treat Facter as a hash: # == Example # require 'facter' # puts Facter['operatingsystem'] # @@facts = {} GREEN = "" RESET = "" @@debug = 0 @@os = nil @@osrel = nil attr_accessor :name, :os, :osrel, :hardware, :searching #---------------------------------------------------------------- # module methods #---------------------------------------------------------------- def Facter.version return FACTERVERSION end def Facter.debug(string) if string.nil? return end if @@debug != 0 puts GREEN + string + RESET end end #---------------------------------------------------------------- def Facter.[](name) if @@facts.include?(name.downcase) return @@facts[name.downcase] else return Facter.add(name) end end #---------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------- def Facter.add(name) fact = nil dcname = name.downcase if @@facts.include?(dcname) fact = @@facts[dcname] else Facter.new(dcname) fact = @@facts[dcname] end if block_given? fact.add end return fact end #---------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------- class << self include Enumerable def each @@facts.each { |name,fact| if fact.suitable? value = fact.value unless value.nil? yield name, fact.value end end } end end #---------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------- def Facter.reset @@facts.each { |name,fact| @@facts.delete(name) } end #---------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------- # def Facter.debugging(bit) if bit case bit when TrueClass: @@debug = 1 when FalseClass: @@debug = 0 when Fixnum: if bit > 0 @@debug = 1 else @@debug = 0 end when String: if bit.downcase == 'off' @@debug = 0 else @@debug = 1 end else @@debug = 0 end else @@debug = 0 end end #---------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------- #def Facter.init # @@os = @@facts["operatingsystem"].value # @@release = @@facts["operatingsystemrelease"].value #end #---------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------- def Facter.list return @@facts.keys end #---------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------- def Facter.os return @@os end #---------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------- def Facter.release return @@release end #---------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------- def <=>(other) return self.value <=> other end #---------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(name) @name = name.downcase if @@facts.include?(@name) raise "A fact named %s already exists" % name else @@facts[@name] = self end @resolves = [] @searching = false end #---------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------- # as long as this doesn't work over the 'net, it should probably # be optimized to throw away any resolutions not valid for the machine # it's running on # but that's not currently done... def add resolve = Resolution.new(@name) yield(resolve) # skip resolves that will never be suitable for us return unless resolve.suitable? # insert resolves in order of number of tags inserted = false @resolves.each_with_index { |r,index| if resolve.length > r.length @resolves.insert(index,resolve) inserted = true break end } unless inserted @resolves.push resolve end end #---------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------- # iterate across all of the currently configured resolves # sort the resolves in order of most tags first, so we're getting # the most specific answers first, hopefully def each # @resolves.sort { |a,b| # puts "for tag %s, alength is %s and blength is %s" % # [@name, a.length, b.length] # b.length <=> a.length # }.each { |resolve| # yield resolve # } @resolves.each { |r| yield r } end #---------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------- # return a count of resolution mechanisms available def count return @resolves.length end #---------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------- # is this fact suitable for finding answers on this host? # again, this should really be optimizing by throwing away everything # not suitable, but... def suitable? return false if @resolves.length == 0 unless defined? @suitable @suitable = false self.each { |resolve| if resolve.suitable? @suitable = true break end } end return @suitable end #---------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------- def value # make sure we don't get stuck in recursive dependency loops if @searching Facter.debug "Caught recursion on %s" % @name # return a cached value if we've got it if @value return @value else return nil end end @value = nil foundsuits = false if @resolves.length == 0 Facter.debug "No resolves for %s" % @name return nil end @searching = true @resolves.each { |resolve| #Facter.debug "Searching resolves for %s" % @name if resolve.suitable? @value = resolve.value foundsuits = true else Facter.debug "Unsuitable resolve %s for %s" % [resolve,@name] end unless @value.nil? or @value == "" break end } @searching = false unless foundsuits Facter.debug "Found no suitable resolves of %s for %s" % [@resolves.length,@name] end if @value.nil? # nothing Facter.debug("value for %s is still nil" % @name) return nil else return @value end end #---------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------- class Resolution attr_accessor :interpreter, :code, :name def Resolution.exec(code, interpreter = "/bin/sh") if interpreter == "/bin/sh" binary = code.split(/\s+/).shift path = nil if binary !~ /^\// path = %x{which #{binary} 2>/dev/null}.chomp if path == "" # we don't have the binary necessary return nil end else path = binary end unless FileTest.exists?(path) # our binary does not exist return nil end out = nil begin out = %x{#{code}}.chomp rescue => detail $stderr.puts detail end if out == "" return nil else return out end else raise "non-sh interpreters are not currently supported" end end def initialize(name) @name = name @tags = [] end def length @tags.length end def suitable? unless defined? @suitable @suitable = true if @tags.length == 0 #Facter.debug "'%s' has no tags" % @name return true end @tags.each { |tag| unless tag.true? #Facter.debug "'%s' is false" % tag @suitable = false end } end return @suitable end def tag(fact,op,value) @tags.push Tag.new(fact,op,value) end def to_s return self.value() end # how we get a value for our resolution mechanism def value #puts "called %s value" % @name value = nil if @code.is_a?(Proc) value = @code.call() else unless defined? @interpreter @interpreter = "/bin/sh" end if @code.nil? $stderr.puts "Code for %s is nil" % @name else value = Resolution.exec(@code,@interpreter) end end if value == "" value = nil end return value end end #---------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------- class Tag attr_accessor :fact, :op, :value def initialize(fact,op,value) @fact = fact if op == "=" op = "==" end @op = op @value = value end def to_s return "'%s' %s '%s'" % [@fact,@op,@value] end def true? value = Facter[@fact].value if value.nil? return false end str = "'%s' %s '%s'" % [value,@op,@value] begin if eval(str) return true else return false end rescue => detail $stderr.puts "Failed to test '%s': %s" % [str,detail] return false end end end #---------------------------------------------------------------- # Load all of the default facts def Facter.load Facter["OperatingSystem"].add { |obj| obj.code = 'uname -s' } Facter["OperatingSystemRelease"].add { |obj| obj.code = 'uname -r' } Facter["HardwareModel"].add { |obj| obj.code = 'uname -m' #obj.os = "SunOS" #obj.tag("operatingsystem","=","SunOS") } Facter["CfKey"].add { |obj| obj.code = proc { value = nil ["/usr/local/etc/cfkey.pub", "/etc/cfkey.pub", "/var/cfng/keys/localhost.pub", "/var/cfengine/ppkeys/localhost.pub" ].each { |file| if FileTest.file?(file) File.open(file) { |openfile| value = openfile.readlines.reject { |line| line =~ /PUBLIC KEY/ }.collect { |line| line.chomp }.join("") } end if value break end } value } } Facter["Domain"].add { |obj| obj.code = proc { if defined? $domain and ! $domain.nil? $domain end } } Facter["Domain"].add { |obj| obj.code = proc { domain = Resolution.exec('domainname') # make sure it's a real domain if domain =~ /.+\..+/ domain else nil end } } Facter["Domain"].add { |obj| obj.code = proc { value = nil unless FileTest.exists?("/etc/resolv.conf") return nil end File.open("/etc/resolv.conf") { |file| # is the domain set? file.each { |line| if line =~ /domain\s+(\S+)/ value = $1 break end } } ! value and File.open("/etc/resolv.conf") { |file| # is the search path set? file.each { |line| if line =~ /search\s+(\S+)/ value = $1 break end } } value } } Facter["Hostname"].add { |obj| obj.code = proc { hostname = nil name = Resolution.exec('hostname') if name =~ /^([\w-]+)\.(.+)$/ hostname = $1 # the Domain class uses this $domain = $2 else hostname = name end hostname } } Facter["IPHostNumber"].add { |obj| obj.code = proc { require 'resolv' begin hostname = Facter["hostname"].value ip = Resolv.getaddress(hostname) unless ip == "" ip end rescue Resolv::ResolvError nil rescue NoMethodError # i think this is a bug in resolv.rb? nil end } } Facter["IPHostNumber"].add { |obj| obj.code = proc { hostname = Facter["hostname"].value # crap, we need Hostname to exist for this to # work list = Resolution.exec("host #{hostname}").chomp.split(/\s/) if defined? list[-1] and list[-1] =~ /[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/ list[-1] end } } ["/etc/ssh","/usr/local/etc/ssh","/etc","/usr/local/etc"].each { |dir| {"SSHDSAKey" => "ssh_host_dsa_key.pub", "SSHRSAKey" => "ssh_host_rsa_key.pub"}.each { |name,file| Facter[name].add { |obj| obj.code = proc { value = nil filepath = File.join(dir,file) if FileTest.file?(filepath) begin value = File.open(filepath).read.chomp rescue return nil end end return value } # end of proc } # end of add } # end of hash each } # end of dir each Facter["UniqueId"].add { |obj| obj.code = 'hostid' obj.interpreter = '/bin/sh' obj.tag("operatingsystem","=","SunOS") #obj.os = "SunOS" } Facter["HardwareISA"].add { |obj| obj.code = 'uname -p' obj.interpreter = '/bin/sh' #obj.os = "SunOS" obj.tag("operatingsystem","=","SunOS") } Facter["MacAddress"].add { |obj| #obj.os = "SunOS" obj.tag("operatingsystem","=","SunOS") obj.code = proc { ether = nil output = %x{/sbin/ifconfig -a} output =~ /ether (\w{1,2}:\w{1,2}:\w{1,2}:\w{1,2}:\w{1,2}:\w{1,2})/ ether = $1 ether } } Facter["MacAddress"].add { |obj| #obj.os = "Darwin" obj.tag("operatingsystem","=","Darwin") obj.code = proc { ether = nil output = %x{/sbin/ifconfig} output.split(/^\S/).each { |str| if str =~ /10baseT/ # we're wired str =~ /ether (\w\w:\w\w:\w\w:\w\w:\w\w:\w\w)/ ether = $1 end } ether } } Facter["IPHostnumber"].add { |obj| #obj.os = "Darwin" obj.tag("operatingsystem","=","Darwin") obj.code = proc { ip = nil output = %x{/sbin/ifconfig} output.split(/^\S/).each { |str| if str =~ /inet ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/ tmp = $1 unless tmp =~ /127\./ ip = tmp break end end } ip } } Facter["Hostname"].add { |obj| #obj.os = "Darwin" #obj.release = "R7" obj.tag("operatingsystem","=","Darwin") obj.tag("operatingsystemrelease","=","R7") obj.code = proc { hostname = nil File.open( "/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences.plist" ) { |file| found = 0 file.each { |line| if line =~ /ComputerName/i found = 1 next end if found == 1 if line =~ /([\w|-]+)<\/string>/ hostname = $1 break end end } } if hostname != nil hostname end } } Facter["IPHostnumber"].add { |obj| #obj.os = "Darwin" #obj.release = "R6" obj.tag("operatingsystem","=","Darwin") obj.tag("operatingsystemrelease","=","R6") obj.code = proc { hostname = nil File.open( "/var/db/SystemConfiguration/preferences.xml" ) { |file| found = 0 file.each { |line| if line =~ /ComputerName/i found = 1 next end if found == 1 if line =~ /([\w|-]+)<\/string>/ hostname = $1 break end end } } if hostname != nil hostname end } } Facter["IPHostnumber"].add { |obj| #obj.os = "Darwin" #obj.release = "R6" obj.tag("operatingsystem","=","Darwin") obj.tag("operatingsystemrelease","=","R6") obj.code = proc { ether = nil output = %x{/sbin/ifconfig} output =~ /HWaddr (\w\w:\w\w:\w\w:\w\w:\w\w:\w\w)/ ether = $1 ether } } Facter["Distro"].add { |obj| #obj.os = "Linux" obj.tag("operatingsystem","=","Linux") obj.code = proc { if FileTest.exists?("/etc/debian_version") return "Debian" elsif FileTest.exists?("/etc/gentoo-release") return "Gentoo" elsif FileTest.exists?("/etc/fedora-release") return "Fedora" elsif FileTest.exists?("/etc/redhat-release") return "RedHat" end } } Facter["ps"].add { |obj| obj.code = "echo 'ps -ef'" } Facter["ps"].add { |obj| obj.tag("operatingsystem","=","Darwin") obj.code = "echo 'ps -auxwww'" } Facter["id"].add { |obj| obj.tag("operatingsystem","=","Linux") obj.code = "whoami" } end Facter.load end # try to load a local fact library, if there happens to be one begin require 'facter/local' rescue LoadError # no worries end