path: root/spec/unit/util/loader.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'spec/unit/util/loader.rb')
1 files changed, 190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/unit/util/loader.rb b/spec/unit/util/loader.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4c0d777
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/unit/util/loader.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper'
+require 'facter/util/loader'
+# Make sure we have a Puppet constant, so we can test
+# loading Puppet facts.
+unless defined?(Puppet)
+ class Puppet; end
+describe Facter::Util::Loader do
+ def with_env(values)
+ old = {}
+ values.each do |var, value|
+ if old_val = ENV[var]
+ old[var] = old_val
+ end
+ ENV[var] = value
+ end
+ yield
+ values.each do |var, value|
+ if old.include?(var)
+ ENV[var] = old[var]
+ else
+ ENV.delete(var)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ it "should have a method for loading individual facts by name" do
+ respond_to(:load)
+ end
+ it "should have a method for loading all facts" do
+ respond_to(:load_all)
+ end
+ it "should have a method for returning directories containing facts" do
+ respond_to(:search_path)
+ end
+ describe "when determining the search path" do
+ before do
+ @loader =
+ @settings = mock 'settings'
+ @settings.stubs(:value).returns "/eh"
+ Puppet.stubs(:settings).returns @settings
+ end
+ it "should include the facter subdirectory of all paths in ruby LOAD_PATH" do
+ dirs = $LOAD_PATH.collect { |d| File.join(d, "facter") }
+ paths = @loader.search_path
+ dirs.each do |dir|
+ paths.should be_include(dir)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "and the FACTERLIB environment variable is set" do
+ it "should include all paths in FACTERLIB" do
+ with_env "FACTERLIB" => "/one/path:/two/path" do
+ paths = @loader.search_path
+ %w{/one/path /two/path}.each do |dir|
+ paths.should be_include(dir)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "and the Puppet libraries are loaded" do
+ it "should include the factdest setting" do
+ @settings.expects(:value).with(:factdest).returns "/my/facts"
+ @loader.search_path.should be_include("/my/facts")
+ end
+ it "should include the facter subdirectory of the libdir setting" do
+ @settings.expects(:value).with(:libdir).returns "/lib/dir"
+ @loader.search_path.should be_include("/lib/dir/facter")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when loading facts" do
+ before do
+ @loader =
+ @loader.stubs(:search_path).returns []
+ end
+ it "should load values from the matching environment variable if one is present" do
+ Facter.expects(:add).with("testing")
+ with_env "facter_testing" => "yayness" do
+ @loader.load(:testing)
+ end
+ end
+ it "should load any files in the search path with names matching the fact name" do
+ @loader.expects(:search_path).returns %w{/one/dir /two/dir}
+ FileTest.stubs(:exist?).returns false
+ FileTest.expects(:exist?).with("/one/dir/testing.rb").returns true
+ FileTest.expects(:exist?).with("/two/dir/testing.rb").returns true
+ Kernel.expects(:load).with("/one/dir/testing.rb")
+ Kernel.expects(:load).with("/two/dir/testing.rb")
+ @loader.load(:testing)
+ end
+ it "should load any ruby files in directories matching the fact name in the search path" do
+ @loader.expects(:search_path).returns %w{/one/dir}
+ FileTest.stubs(:exist?).returns false
+ FileTest.expects(:directory?).with("/one/dir/testing").returns true
+ Dir.expects(:entries).with("/one/dir/testing").returns %w{two.rb}
+ Kernel.expects(:load).with("/one/dir/testing/two.rb")
+ @loader.load(:testing)
+ end
+ it "should not load files that don't end in '.rb'" do
+ @loader.expects(:search_path).returns %w{/one/dir}
+ FileTest.stubs(:exist?).returns false
+ FileTest.expects(:directory?).with("/one/dir/testing").returns true
+ Dir.expects(:entries).with("/one/dir/testing").returns %w{one}
+ Kernel.expects(:load).never
+ @loader.load(:testing)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when loading all facts" do
+ before do
+ @loader =
+ @loader.stubs(:search_path).returns []
+ end
+ it "should load all files in all search paths" do
+ @loader.expects(:search_path).returns %w{/one/dir /two/dir}
+ Dir.expects(:entries).with("/one/dir").returns %w{a.rb b.rb}
+ Dir.expects(:entries).with("/two/dir").returns %w{c.rb d.rb}
+ %w{/one/dir/a.rb /one/dir/b.rb /two/dir/c.rb /two/dir/d.rb}.each { |f| Kernel.expects(:load).with(f) }
+ @loader.load_all
+ end
+ it "should load all files in all subdirectories in all search paths" do
+ @loader.expects(:search_path).returns %w{/one/dir /two/dir}
+ Dir.expects(:entries).with("/one/dir").returns %w{a}
+ Dir.expects(:entries).with("/two/dir").returns %w{b}
+ %w{/one/dir/a /two/dir/b}.each { |f| File.expects(:directory?).with(f).returns true }
+ Dir.expects(:entries).with("/one/dir/a").returns %w{c.rb}
+ Dir.expects(:entries).with("/two/dir/b").returns %w{d.rb}
+ %w{/one/dir/a/c.rb /two/dir/b/d.rb}.each { |f| Kernel.expects(:load).with(f) }
+ @loader.load_all
+ end
+ it "should not load files in the util subdirectory" do
+ @loader.expects(:search_path).returns %w{/one/dir}
+ Dir.expects(:entries).with("/one/dir").returns %w{util}
+ File.expects(:directory?).with("/one/dir/util").returns true
+ Dir.expects(:entries).with("/one/dir/util").never
+ @loader.load_all
+ end
+ it "should load all facts from the environment" do
+ Facter.expects(:add).with('one')
+ Facter.expects(:add).with('two')
+ with_env "facter_one" => "yayness", "facter_two" => "boo" do
+ @loader.load_all
+ end
+ end
+ end