#!/usr/bin/env python # # Authors: # Rob Crittenden # # Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # An LDAP client to count entitlements and log to syslog if the number is # exceeded. try: import sys import os import syslog import tempfile import krbV import base64 import shutil from rhsm.certificate import EntitlementCertificate from ipaserver.plugins.ldap2 import ldap2 from ipalib import api, errors, backend from ipaserver.install import installutils from ipapython.dn import DN except ImportError, e: # If python-rhsm isn't installed exit gracefully and quietly. if e.args[0] == 'No module named rhsm.certificate': sys.exit(0) print >> sys.stderr, """\ There was a problem importing one of the required Python modules. The error was: %s """ % sys.exc_value sys.exit(1) # Each IPA server comes with this many entitlements DEFAULT_ENTITLEMENTS = 25 class client(backend.Executioner): """ A simple-minded IPA client that can execute remote commands. """ def run(self, method, **kw): self.create_context() result = self.execute(method, **kw) return result def parse_options(): from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", default=False, help="enable debugging") options, args = parser.parse_args() return options, args def check_compliance(tmpdir, debug=False): cfg = dict( context='cli', in_server=False, debug=debug, verbose=0, ) api.bootstrap(**cfg) api.register(client) api.finalize() from ipalib.x509 import normalize_certificate, make_pem try: # Create a new credentials cache for this tool. This executes # using the systems host principal. ccache_file = 'FILE:%s/ccache' % tmpdir krbcontext = krbV.default_context() principal = str('host/%s@%s' % (api.env.host, api.env.realm)) keytab = krbV.Keytab(name='/etc/krb5.keytab', context=krbcontext) principal = krbV.Principal(name=principal, context=krbcontext) os.environ['KRB5CCNAME'] = ccache_file ccache = krbV.CCache(name=ccache_file, context=krbcontext, primary_principal=principal) ccache.init(principal) ccache.init_creds_keytab(keytab=keytab, principal=principal) except krbV.Krb5Error, e: raise StandardError('Error initializing principal %s in %s: %s' % (principal.name, '/etc/krb5.keytab', str(e))) # entitle-sync doesn't return any information we want to see, it just # needs to be done so the LDAP data is correct. try: result = api.Backend.client.run('entitle_sync') except errors.NotRegisteredError: # Even if not registered they have some default entitlements pass conn = ldap2(shared_instance=False) # Bind using GSSAPI conn.connect(ccache=ccache_file) hostcount = 0 # Get the hosts first try: (entries, truncated) = conn.find_entries('(krblastpwdchange=*)', ['dn'], DN(api.env.container_host, api.env.basedn), conn.SCOPE_ONELEVEL, size_limit = -1) except errors.NotFound: # No hosts pass if not truncated: hostcount = len(entries) else: # This will not happen unless we bump into a server-side limit. msg = 'The host count result was truncated, they will be underreported' syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, msg) if sys.stdin.isatty(): print msg available = 0 try: (entries, truncated) = conn.find_entries('(objectclass=ipaentitlement)', ['dn', 'userCertificate'], DN(api.env.container_entitlements, api.env.basedn), conn.SCOPE_ONELEVEL, size_limit = -1) for entry in entries: (dn, attrs) = entry if 'usercertificate' in attrs: rawcert = attrs['usercertificate'][0] rawcert = normalize_certificate(rawcert) cert = make_pem(base64.b64encode(rawcert)) cert = EntitlementCertificate(cert) order = cert.getOrder() available += int(order.getQuantityUsed()) except errors.NotFound: pass conn.disconnect() available += DEFAULT_ENTITLEMENTS if hostcount > available: syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, 'IPA is out of compliance: %d of %d entitlements used.' % (hostcount, available)) if sys.stdin.isatty(): print 'IPA is out of compliance: %d of %d entitlements used.' % (hostcount, available) else: if sys.stdin.isatty(): # If run from the command-line display some info print 'IPA is in compliance: %d of %d entitlements used.' % (hostcount, available) def main(): installutils.check_server_configuration() if not os.path.exists('/etc/ipa/default.conf'): return 0 options, args = parse_options() try: tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix = "tmp-") try: check_compliance(tmpdir, options.debug) finally: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) except KeyboardInterrupt: return 1 except (StandardError, errors.PublicError), e: syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, 'IPA compliance checking failed: %s' % str(e)) if sys.stdin.isatty(): print 'IPA compliance checking failed: %s' % str(e) return 1 return 0 try: if not os.geteuid()==0: sys.exit("\nMust be root to check compliance\n") main() except SystemExit, e: sys.exit(e) except RuntimeError, e: sys.exit(e)