#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import codecs import os import string import curses.ascii from common import SilpaModule class Lemmatizer(SilpaModule): def __init__(self): self.rules_file = "./modules/lemmatizer/lemmatizer_ml.rules" self.rulesDict = dict() def lemmatize(self, text): result = "" self.rulesDict = self.LoadRules() words=text.split(" ") word_count=len(words) word_iter=0 word="" while word_iter < word_count: word = words[word_iter] word = self.trim(word) word_length = len(word) suffix_pos_itr = 2 while suffix_pos_itr < word_length : suffix = word[suffix_pos_itr:word_length] if suffix in self.rulesDict: word= word[0:suffix_pos_itr] + self.rulesDict[suffix] break; suffix_pos_itr = suffix_pos_itr+1 word_iter = word_iter+1 #print word result = result + word + " " return result def LoadRules(self): print "Loading the rules..." rules_dict = dict() line = [] line_number = 0 rule_number = 0 rules_file = codecs. open(self.rules_file,encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') while 1: line_number = line_number +1 text = unicode( rules_file.readline()) if text == "": break if text[0] == '#': continue #this is a comment - ignore text = text.split("#")[0] #remove the comment part of the line line_number = line_number +1 line = text.strip() # remove unwanted space if(line == ""): continue if(len(line.split("=")) != 2): print "[Error] Syntax Error in the Rules. Line number: ", line_number print "Line: "+ text continue lhs = line.split("=") [ 0 ] .strip() rhs = line.split("=") [ 1 ] .strip() if(len(rhs)>0): if(lhs[0]=='"'): lhs=lhs[1:len(lhs)] # if the string is "quoted" if(lhs[len(lhs)-1]=='"'): lhs=lhs[0:len(lhs)-1] # if the string is "quoted" if(len(rhs)>0): if(rhs[0]=='"'): rhs=rhs[1:len(rhs)] # if the string is "quoted" if(rhs[len(rhs)-1]=='"'): rhs=rhs[0:len(rhs)-1] # if the string is "quoted" rule_number=rule_number+1 rules_dict[lhs]=rhs #print "[", rule_number ,"] " +lhs + " : " +rhs print "Found ",rule_number, " rules." return rules_dict def trim(self,word): punctuations=['~','!','@','#','$','%','^','&','*','(',')','-','+','_','=','{','}','|' ,':',';','<','>','\,','.','?'] word=word.strip() index=len(word)-1 while index>0: if word[index] in punctuations: word=word[0:index] else: break index=index-1 return word def process(self, form): response = """


Enter the text for lemmatization in the below text area. Language of each word will be detected. You can give the text in any language and even with mixed language

""" if(form.has_key('input_text')): text = action=form['input_text'].value .decode('utf-8') response=response % text result = self.lemmatize(text) response = response+"

Lemmatization Results

" response = response+"


" else: response=response % "" return response def getInstance(): return Lemmatizer() if __name__ == "__main__": lemmatizer= Lemmatizer() lemmatizer.rules_file="/home/santhosh/www/malayalam.map" lemmatizer.lemmatize("മുദ്രാവാക്യവുമായി മുറ്റത്തില്‍")