#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Any Indian Language to any other Indian language transliterator # Copyright 2008 Santhosh Thottingal # http://www.smc.org.in # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # If you find any bugs or have any suggestions email: santhosh.thottingal@gmail.com # URL: http://www.smc.org.in from common import * class Transliterator(SilpaModule): def transliterate_ml_en(self, word): virama=u"്" #TODO: how to make this more generic so that more languages can be handled here? #idea1: transliterate any langauge to a common language say hindi and the n do conversion? #existing transliterate.py can be used? #idea2: Have dictionaries for each language like english_xx_dict ? #TODO: complete this english_ml_dict={u'അ':'a',u'ആ':'a',u'ഇ':'a',u'ഈ':'a',u'ഉ':'a',u'ഊ':'a',u'ഋ':'a',\ u'എ':'a',u'ഏ':'a',u'ഐ':'a',u'ഒ':'a',u'ഓ':'a',u'ഔ':'a',\ u'ക':'k',u'ഖ':'kh',u'ഗ':'g',u'ഘ':'gh',u'ങ്ങ':'ng',\ u'ച':'ch',u'ഛ':'chh',u'ജ':'j',u'ഝ':'jhh',u'ഞ':'nj',\ u'ട':'t',u'ഠ':'th',u'ഡ':'d',u'ഢ':'dh',u'ണ':'n',\ u'ത':'th',u'ഥ':'th',u'ദ':'d',u'ധ':'dh',u'ന':'n',\ u'പ':'p',u'ഫ':'ph',u'ബ':'b',u'ഭ':'bh',u'മ':'m',\ u'യ':'y',u'ര':'r',u'ല':'l', u'വ':'v', u'റ':'r',\ u'ശ':'sa',u'ഷ':'sh',u'സ':'s', u'ഹ':'h',u'ള':'l',u'ഴ':'zh',\ u'ാ':'a',u'ി':'i' ,u'ീ':'ee' ,u'ു':'u',\ u'ൂ':'uu',u'ൃ':'ri' ,u'െ':'e' ,u'േ':'e',\ u'ൈ':'ai',u'ൊ':'o' ,u'ോ':'oo' ,u'ൗ':'au'} word_length =len(word) index=0 tx_string="" while index""): try: src_lang_code=ld.detect_lang(word)[word] except: continue #FIXME if((target_lang_code=="en_US") and (src_lang_code=="ml_IN")): tx_str=tx_str + self.transliterate_ml_en(word) continue for chr in word: offset=ord(chr) + self.getOffset(src_lang_code, target_lang_code) if(offset>0): tx_str=tx_str + unichr (offset) tx_str=tx_str + " " else: tx_str=tx_str + word return tx_str def getOffset(self,src,target): lang_bases={'en_US':0,'hi_IN': 0x0901,'bn_IN': 0x0981, 'pa_IN':0x0A01,'gu_IN':0x0A81 , 'or_IN': 0x0B01,'ta_IN': 0x0B81,'te_IN' : 0x0C01, 'ka_IN' :0x0C81 ,'ml_IN': 0x0D01} src_id=0 target_id=0 try: src_id=lang_bases[src] target_id=lang_bases[target] return (target_id - src_id) except: return 0 def process(self, form): response = """


Enter the text for transliteration in the below text area. Language of each word will be detected. You can give the text in any language and even with mixed language

""" if(form.has_key('input_text')): text = form['input_text'].value.decode('utf-8') target_lang = form['trans-lang'].value.decode('utf-8') response=response % text response = response+"

Transliterated Text

" result = self.transliterate(text,target_lang) result = result.replace('\n', '
') response = response+result else: response=response % "" return response def get_module_name(self): return "Transliterator" def get_info(self): return "Transliterated the text between any Indian Language" def getInstance(): return Transliterator() if __name__ == "__main__": t=Transliterator () print t.transliterate (u"കരയുന്നോ കരയുന്നോ?" , "ta_IN")