;; ml-typewriter.mim -- layout of malayalam typewriter ;; This file is part of the m17n contrib; a sub-part of the m17n ;; library. ;; The library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License ;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of ;; the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; The library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;; License along with the library; if not, write to the Free ;; Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, ;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. (input-method ml typewriter) (description "Malayalam input method in SCIM using m17n based on typewriter layout Author: Jinesh K J ,Swathantra Malayalam Computing I have made a small difference to the original layout one is regarding U0D0B which was not mapped,i mapped it to vacent ^ symbol. next is regarding U0D08 and U0D0A which were not mapped as was created in typewriter using, U0D07/U0D09+U0D57. i mapped them to Y and U respectively. ") (title "ക") (map (trans ("~" "ബ") ("'" "'") ("!" "ണ്ട") ("1" "1") ("@" "ഢ") ("2" "2") ("#" "ല്ല") ("3" "3") ("$" "യ്യ") ("4" "4") ("%" "‍") ("5" "5") ("^" "ഋ") ("6" "6") ("&" "ച്ച") ("7" "7") ("*" "ങ്ങ") ("8" "8") ("(" "ങ്ക") ("9" "9") (")" "ക്ക") ("0" "0") ("_" "_") ("-" "-") ("+" "മ്മ") ("=" "ള്ള") ("Q" "ഒ") ("q" "ഴ") ("W" "ഝ") ("w" "ജ") ("E" "ഫ") ("e" "പ") ("R" "ന്‍") ("r" "ന") ("T" "ഇ") ("t" "എ") ("Y" "ഈ") ("y" "റ") ("U" "ഊ") ("u" "യ") ("I" "ു്") ("i" "വ") ("O" "ൗ") ("o" "ൂ") ("P" "ധ") ("p" "ദ") ("{" "ൃ") ("[" "്") ("}" "ഡ") ("]" "ഏ") ("A" "ഠ") ("a" "മ") ("S" "േ") ("s" "െ") ("D" "ഖ") ("d" "ക") ("F" "ഥ") ("f" "ത") ("G" "ര്‍") ("g" "ു") ("H" "ല്‍") ("h" "ല") ("J" "ീ") ("j" "ി") ("K" "ഉ") ("k" "ു") ("L" "അ") ("l" "ാ") (":" "ആ") ("\;" "ം") ("\"" "'") ("'" "ന്ന") ("|" "ഹ") ("\\" "‌ത്ത") ("Z" "ഘ") ("z" "ഗ") ("X" "​ള്‍") ("x" "ള") ("C" "ശ") ("c" "സ") ("V" "ഛ") ("v" "ച") ("B" "ഞ") ("b" "ങ") ("N" "ണ്‍") ("n" "ണ") ("M" "ട്ട") ("m" "ട") ("<" "ഷ") ("," ",") (">" "ഭ") ("." ".") ("/" "പ്പ") ("?" "‌") )) (state (init (trans)))