# Dictionary creation library # Copyright (C) 2002 John Goerzen # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA import sys, string, gzip, os b64_list = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/" url_headword = "00-database-url" short_headword = "00-database-short" info_headword = "00-database-info" def b64_encode(val): """Takes as input an integer val and returns a string of it encoded with the base64 algorithm used by dict indexes.""" startfound = 0 retval = "" for i in range(5, -1, -1): thispart = (val >> (6 * i)) & ((2 ** 6) - 1) if (not startfound) and (not thispart): # Both zero -- keep going. continue startfound = 1 retval += b64_list[thispart] if len(retval): return retval else: return b64_list[0] def b64_decode(str): """Takes as input a string and returns an integer value of it decoded with the base64 algorithm used by dict indexes.""" if not len(str): return 0 retval = 0 shiftval = 0 for i in range(len(str) - 1, -1, -1): val = b64_list.index(str[i]) retval = retval | (val << shiftval) shiftval += 6 return retval validdict = {} for x in string.ascii_letters + string.digits + " \t": validdict[x] = 1 def sortnormalize(x): """Returns a value such that x is mapped to a format that sorts properly with standard comparison.""" x2 = '' for i in range(len(x)): if validdict.has_key(x[i]): x2 += x[i] return x2.upper() + "\0" + x.upper() def sortfunc(x, y): """Emulate sort -df.""" xl = x.split("\0") yl = y.split("\0") ret = cmp(xl[0], yl[0]) if ret != 0: return ret return cmp(xl[1], yl[1]) class DictDB: def __init__(self, basename, mode = 'read', quiet = 0): #, url = 'unknown', shortname = 'unknown', # longinfo = 'unknown', quiet = 0): """Initialize a DictDB object. Mode must be one of: read -- read-only access write -- write-only access, truncates existing files, does not work with .dz. dict created if nonexistant. update -- read/write access, dict created if nonexistant. Does not work with .dz. Read can read dict or dict.dz files. Write and update will NOT work with dict.dz files. If quiet is nonzero, status messages will be suppressed.""" self.mode = mode self.quiet = quiet self.indexentries = {} self.count = 0 self.basename = basename self.indexfilename = self.basename + ".index" if os.path.isfile(self.basename + ".dict.dz"): self.dictfilename = self.basename + ".dict.dz" self.usecompression = 1 else: self.dictfilename = self.basename + ".dict" self.usecompression = 0 if mode == 'read': self.indexfile = open(self.indexfilename, "rt") if self.usecompression: self.dictfile = gzip.GzipFile(self.dictfilename, "rb") else: self.dictfile = open(self.dictfilename, "rb") self._initindex() elif mode == 'write': self.indexfile = open(self.indexfilename, "wt") if self.usecompression: raise ValueError, "'write' mode incompatible with .dz files" else: self.dictfile = open(self.dictfilename, "wb") elif mode == 'update': try: self.indexfile = open(self.indexfilename, "r+b") except IOError: self.indexfile = open(self.indexfilename, "w+b") if self.usecompression: # Open it read-only since we don't support mods. self.dictfile = gzip.GzipFile(self.dictfilename, "rb") else: try: self.dictfile = open(self.dictfilename, "r+b") except IOError: self.dictfile = open(self.dictfilename, "w+b") self._initindex() else: raise ValueError, "mode must be 'read', 'write', or 'update'" #self.writeentry(url_headword + "\n " + url, [url_headword]) #self.writeentry(short_headword + "\n " + shortname, # [short_headword]) #self.writeentry(info_headword + "\n" + longinfo, [info_headword]) def _initindex(self): """Load the entire index off disk into memory.""" self.indexfile.seek(0) for line in self.indexfile.xreadlines(): splits = line.rstrip().split("\t") if not self.indexentries.has_key(splits[0]): self.indexentries[splits[0]] = [] self.indexentries[splits[0]].append([b64_decode(splits[1]), b64_decode(splits[2])]) def addindexentry(self, word, start, size): """Adds an entry to the index. word is the relevant word. start is the starting position in the dictionary and size is the size of the definition; both are integers.""" if not self.indexentries.has_key(word): self.indexentries[word] = [] self.indexentries[word].append([start, size]) def delindexentry(self, word, start = None, size = None): """Removes an entry from the index; word is the word to search for. start and size are optional. If they are specified, only index entries matching the specified values will be removed. For instance, if word is "foo" and start and size are not specified, all index entries for the word foo will be removed. If start and size are specified, only those entries matching all criteria will be removed. This function does not actually remove the data from the .dict file. Therefore, information removed by this function will still exist on-disk in the .dict file, but the dict server will just not "see" it -- there will be no way to get to it anymore. Returns a count of the deleted entries.""" if not self.indexentries.has_key(word): return 0 retval = 0 entrylist = self.indexentries[word] for i in range(len(entrylist) - 1, -1, -1): # Go backwords so the del doesn't effect the index. if (start == None or start == entrylist[i][0]) and \ (size == None or size == entrylist[i][1]): del(entrylist[i]) retval += 1 if len(entrylist) == 0: # If we emptied it, del it completely del(self.indexentries[word]) return retval def update(self, string): """Writes string out, if not quiet.""" if not self.quiet: sys.stdout.write(string) sys.stdout.flush() def seturl(self, url): """Sets the URL attribute of this database. If there was already a URL specified, we will use delindexentry() on it first.""" self.delindexentry(url_headword) self.addentry(url_headword + "\n " + url, [url_headword]) def setshortname(self, shortname): """Sets the shortname for this database. If there was already a shortname specified, we will use delindexentry() on it first.""" self.delindexentry(short_headword) self.addentry(short_headword + "\n " + shortname, [short_headword]) def setlonginfo(self, longinfo): """Sets the extended information for this database. If there was already long info specified, we will use delindexentry() on it first.""" self.delindexentry(info_headword) self.addentry(info_headword + "\n" + longinfo, [info_headword]) def addentry(self, defstr, headwords): """Writes an entry. defstr holds the content of the definition. headwords is a list specifying one or more words under which this definition should be indexed. This function always adds \\n to the end of defstr.""" self.dictfile.seek(0, 2) # Seek to end of file start = self.dictfile.tell() defstr += "\n" self.dictfile.write(defstr) for word in headwords: self.addindexentry(word, start, len(defstr)) self.count += 1 if self.count % 1000 == 0: self.update("Processed %d records\r" % self.count) def finish(self, dosort = 1): """Called to finish the writing process. **REQUIRED IF OPENED WITH 'update' OR 'write' MODES**. This will write the index and close the files. dosort is optional and defaults to true. If set to false, dictlib will not sort the index file. In this case, you MUST manually sort it through "sort -df" before it can be used.""" self.update("Processed %d records.\n" % self.count) if dosort: self.update("Sorting index: converting") indexlist = [] for word, defs in self.indexentries.items(): for thisdef in defs: indexlist.append("%s\t%s\t%s" % (word, b64_encode(thisdef[0]), b64_encode(thisdef[1]))) self.update(" mapping") sortmap = {} for entry in indexlist: norm = sortnormalize(entry) if sortmap.has_key(norm): sortmap[norm].append(entry) sortmap[norm].sort(sortfunc) else: sortmap[norm] = [entry] self.update(" listing") normalizedentries = sortmap.keys() self.update(" sorting") normalizedentries.sort() self.update(" re-mapping") indexlist = [] for normentry in normalizedentries: for entry in sortmap[normentry]: indexlist.append(entry) self.update(", done.\n") self.update("Writing index...\n") self.indexfile.seek(0) for entry in indexlist: self.indexfile.write(entry + "\n") if self.mode == 'update': # In case things were deleted self.indexfile.truncate() self.indexfile.close() self.dictfile.close() self.update("Complete.\n") def getdeflist(self): """Returns a list of strings naming all definitions contained in this dictionary.""" return self.indexentries.keys() def hasdef(self, word): return self.indexentries.has_key(word) def getdef(self, word): """Given a definition name, returns a list of strings with all matching definitions. This is an *exact* match, not a case-insensitive one. Returns [] if word is not in the dictionary.""" retval = [] if not self.hasdef(word): return retval for start, length in self.indexentries[word]: self.dictfile.seek(start) retval.append(self.dictfile.read(length)) return retval class DictReader: """This object provides compatibility with earlier versions of dictdlib. It is now deprecated.""" def __init__(self, basename): """Initialize a DictReader object. Provide it with the basename.""" self.dictdb = DictDB(basename, 'read') def getdeflist(self): """Returns a list of strings naming all definitions contained in this dictionary.""" return self.dictdb.getdeflist() def getdef(self, defname): """Given a definition name, returns a list of strings with all matching definitions.""" return self.dictdb.getdef(defname) class DictWriter: """This object provides compatibility with earlier versions of dictdlib. It is now deprecated.""" def __init__(self, basename, url = 'unknown', shortname = 'unknown', longinfo = 'unknown', quiet = 0): """Initialize a DictWriter object. Will create 'basename.dict' and 'basename.index' files. url, shortname, and longinfo specify the respective attributes of the database. If quiet is 1, status messages are not printed.""" self.dictdb = DictDB(basename, 'write', quiet) self.dictdb.seturl(url) self.dictdb.setshortname(shortname) self.dictdb.setlonginfo(longinfo) def writeentry(self, defstr, headwords): """Writes an entry. defstr holds the content of the definition. headwords is a list specifying one or more words under which this definition should be indexed. This function always adds \\n to the end of defstr.""" self.dictdb.addentry(defstr, headwords) def finish(self, dosort = 1): """Called to finish the writing process. **REQUIRED**. This will write the index and close the files. dosort is optional and defaults to true. If set to false, dictlib will not sort the index file. In this case, you MUST manually sort it through "sort -df" before it can be used.""" self.dictdb.finish(dosort)