path: root/silpa/www/modules/lemmatizer/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'silpa/www/modules/lemmatizer/')
1 files changed, 121 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/silpa/www/modules/lemmatizer/ b/silpa/www/modules/lemmatizer/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1ca78f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/www/modules/lemmatizer/
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import sys
+import codecs
+import os
+import string
+import curses.ascii
+from common import SilpaModule
+class Lemmatizer(SilpaModule):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.rules_file = "./modules/lemmatizer/lemmatizer_ml.rules"
+ self.rulesDict = dict()
+ def lemmatize(self, text):
+ result = ""
+ self.rulesDict = self.LoadRules()
+ words=text.split(" ")
+ word_count=len(words)
+ word_iter=0
+ word=""
+ while word_iter < word_count:
+ word = words[word_iter]
+ word = self.trim(word)
+ word_length = len(word)
+ suffix_pos_itr = 2
+ while suffix_pos_itr < word_length :
+ suffix = word[suffix_pos_itr:word_length]
+ if suffix in self.rulesDict:
+ word= word[0:suffix_pos_itr] + self.rulesDict[suffix]
+ break;
+ suffix_pos_itr = suffix_pos_itr+1
+ word_iter = word_iter+1
+ #print word
+ result = result + word + " "
+ return result
+ def LoadRules(self):
+ print "Loading the rules..."
+ rules_dict = dict()
+ line = []
+ line_number = 0
+ rule_number = 0
+ rules_file = codecs. open(self.rules_file,encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')
+ while 1:
+ line_number = line_number +1
+ text = unicode( rules_file.readline())
+ if text == "":
+ break
+ if text[0] == '#':
+ continue #this is a comment - ignore
+ text = text.split("#")[0] #remove the comment part of the line
+ line_number = line_number +1
+ line = text.strip() # remove unwanted space
+ if(line == ""):
+ continue
+ if(len(line.split("=")) != 2):
+ print "[Error] Syntax Error in the Rules. Line number: ", line_number
+ print "Line: "+ text
+ continue
+ lhs = line.split("=") [ 0 ] .strip()
+ rhs = line.split("=") [ 1 ] .strip()
+ if(len(rhs)>0):
+ if(lhs[0]=='"'):
+ lhs=lhs[1:len(lhs)] # if the string is "quoted"
+ if(lhs[len(lhs)-1]=='"'):
+ lhs=lhs[0:len(lhs)-1] # if the string is "quoted"
+ if(len(rhs)>0):
+ if(rhs[0]=='"'):
+ rhs=rhs[1:len(rhs)] # if the string is "quoted"
+ if(rhs[len(rhs)-1]=='"'):
+ rhs=rhs[0:len(rhs)-1] # if the string is "quoted"
+ rule_number=rule_number+1
+ rules_dict[lhs]=rhs
+ #print "[", rule_number ,"] " +lhs + " : " +rhs
+ print "Found ",rule_number, " rules."
+ return rules_dict
+ def trim(self,word):
+ punctuations=['~','!','@','#','$','%','^','&','*','(',')','-','+','_','=','{','}','|' ,':',';','<','>','\,','.','?']
+ word=word.strip()
+ index=len(word)-1
+ while index>0:
+ if word[index] in punctuations:
+ word=word[0:index]
+ else:
+ break
+ index=index-1
+ return word
+ def process(self, form):
+ response = """
+ <h2>Lemmatization</h2></hr>
+ <p>Enter the text for lemmatization in the below text area.
+ Language of each word will be detected.
+ You can give the text in any language and even with mixed language
+ </p>
+ <form action="" method="post">
+ <textarea cols='100' rows='25' name='input_text' id='id1'>%s</textarea>
+ <input type="submit" id="Lemmatize" value="Lemmatize" name="action" style="width:12em;"/>
+ <input type="reset" value="Clear" style="width:12em;"/>
+ </br>
+ </form>
+ """
+ if(form.has_key('input_text')):
+ text = action=form['input_text'].value .decode('utf-8')
+ response=response % text
+ result = self.lemmatize(text)
+ response = response+"<h2>Lemmatization Results</h2></hr>"
+ response = response+"<p>"+result+"</p>"
+ else:
+ response=response % ""
+ return response
+def getInstance():
+ return Lemmatizer()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ lemmatizer= Lemmatizer()
+ lemmatizer.rules_file="/home/santhosh/www/"
+ lemmatizer.lemmatize("മുദ്രാവാക്യവുമായി മുറ്റത്തില്‍")