path: root/silpa/modules/dictionary/
diff options
authorSanthosh Thottingal <>2009-07-19 18:32:04 +0530
committerSanthosh Thottingal <>2009-07-19 18:32:04 +0530
commitc8a17ee264a269a59651936b34a960f4d40a9074 (patch)
tree3b2b21be4668f50a5c5f307c89e42323b8a8c292 /silpa/modules/dictionary/
parent05f7f938168f9b3195c9b101f4b98f298ab2e981 (diff)
JSON RPC Based new architecture and corresponding changes
Diffstat (limited to 'silpa/modules/dictionary/')
1 files changed, 377 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/silpa/modules/dictionary/ b/silpa/modules/dictionary/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e1d9036
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/dictionary/
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+# Dictionary creation library
+# Copyright (C) 2002 John Goerzen
+# <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import sys, string, gzip, os
+b64_list = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
+url_headword = "00-database-url"
+short_headword = "00-database-short"
+info_headword = "00-database-info"
+def b64_encode(val):
+ """Takes as input an integer val and returns a string of it encoded
+ with the base64 algorithm used by dict indexes."""
+ startfound = 0
+ retval = ""
+ for i in range(5, -1, -1):
+ thispart = (val >> (6 * i)) & ((2 ** 6) - 1)
+ if (not startfound) and (not thispart):
+ # Both zero -- keep going.
+ continue
+ startfound = 1
+ retval += b64_list[thispart]
+ if len(retval):
+ return retval
+ else:
+ return b64_list[0]
+def b64_decode(str):
+ """Takes as input a string and returns an integer value of it decoded
+ with the base64 algorithm used by dict indexes."""
+ if not len(str):
+ return 0
+ retval = 0
+ shiftval = 0
+ for i in range(len(str) - 1, -1, -1):
+ val = b64_list.index(str[i])
+ retval = retval | (val << shiftval)
+ shiftval += 6
+ return retval
+validdict = {}
+for x in string.ascii_letters + string.digits + " \t":
+ validdict[x] = 1
+def sortnormalize(x):
+ """Returns a value such that x is mapped to a format that sorts properly
+ with standard comparison."""
+ x2 = ''
+ for i in range(len(x)):
+ if validdict.has_key(x[i]):
+ x2 += x[i]
+ return x2.upper() + "\0" + x.upper()
+def sortfunc(x, y):
+ """Emulate sort -df."""
+ xl = x.split("\0")
+ yl = y.split("\0")
+ ret = cmp(xl[0], yl[0])
+ if ret != 0:
+ return ret
+ return cmp(xl[1], yl[1])
+class DictDB:
+ def __init__(self, basename, mode = 'read', quiet = 0):
+ #, url = 'unknown', shortname = 'unknown',
+ # longinfo = 'unknown', quiet = 0):
+ """Initialize a DictDB object.
+ Mode must be one of:
+ read -- read-only access
+ write -- write-only access, truncates existing files, does not work
+ with .dz. dict created if nonexistant.
+ update -- read/write access, dict created if nonexistant. Does not
+ work with .dz.
+ Read can read dict or files. Write and update will NOT work
+ with files.
+ If quiet is nonzero, status messages
+ will be suppressed."""
+ self.mode = mode
+ self.quiet = quiet
+ self.indexentries = {}
+ self.count = 0
+ self.basename = basename
+ self.indexfilename = self.basename + ".index"
+ if os.path.isfile(self.basename + ""):
+ self.dictfilename = self.basename + ""
+ self.usecompression = 1
+ else:
+ self.dictfilename = self.basename + ".dict"
+ self.usecompression = 0
+ if mode == 'read':
+ self.indexfile = open(self.indexfilename, "rt")
+ if self.usecompression:
+ self.dictfile = gzip.GzipFile(self.dictfilename, "rb")
+ else:
+ self.dictfile = open(self.dictfilename, "rb")
+ self._initindex()
+ elif mode == 'write':
+ self.indexfile = open(self.indexfilename, "wt")
+ if self.usecompression:
+ raise ValueError, "'write' mode incompatible with .dz files"
+ else:
+ self.dictfile = open(self.dictfilename, "wb")
+ elif mode == 'update':
+ try:
+ self.indexfile = open(self.indexfilename, "r+b")
+ except IOError:
+ self.indexfile = open(self.indexfilename, "w+b")
+ if self.usecompression:
+ # Open it read-only since we don't support mods.
+ self.dictfile = gzip.GzipFile(self.dictfilename, "rb")
+ else:
+ try:
+ self.dictfile = open(self.dictfilename, "r+b")
+ except IOError:
+ self.dictfile = open(self.dictfilename, "w+b")
+ self._initindex()
+ else:
+ raise ValueError, "mode must be 'read', 'write', or 'update'"
+ #self.writeentry(url_headword + "\n " + url, [url_headword])
+ #self.writeentry(short_headword + "\n " + shortname,
+ # [short_headword])
+ #self.writeentry(info_headword + "\n" + longinfo, [info_headword])
+ def _initindex(self):
+ """Load the entire index off disk into memory."""
+ for line in self.indexfile.xreadlines():
+ splits = line.rstrip().split("\t")
+ if not self.indexentries.has_key(splits[0]):
+ self.indexentries[splits[0]] = []
+ self.indexentries[splits[0]].append([b64_decode(splits[1]),
+ b64_decode(splits[2])])
+ def addindexentry(self, word, start, size):
+ """Adds an entry to the index. word is the relevant word.
+ start is the starting position in the dictionary and size is the
+ size of the definition; both are integers."""
+ if not self.indexentries.has_key(word):
+ self.indexentries[word] = []
+ self.indexentries[word].append([start, size])
+ def delindexentry(self, word, start = None, size = None):
+ """Removes an entry from the index; word is the word to search for.
+ start and size are optional. If they are specified, only index
+ entries matching the specified values will be removed.
+ For instance, if word is "foo" and start and size are not specified,
+ all index entries for the word foo will be removed. If start and size
+ are specified, only those entries matching all criteria will be
+ removed.
+ This function does not actually remove the data from the .dict file.
+ Therefore, information removed by this function will still
+ exist on-disk in the .dict file, but the dict server will just
+ not "see" it -- there will be no way to get to it anymore.
+ Returns a count of the deleted entries."""
+ if not self.indexentries.has_key(word):
+ return 0
+ retval = 0
+ entrylist = self.indexentries[word]
+ for i in range(len(entrylist) - 1, -1, -1):
+ # Go backwords so the del doesn't effect the index.
+ if (start == None or start == entrylist[i][0]) and \
+ (size == None or size == entrylist[i][1]):
+ del(entrylist[i])
+ retval += 1
+ if len(entrylist) == 0: # If we emptied it, del it completely
+ del(self.indexentries[word])
+ return retval
+ def update(self, string):
+ """Writes string out, if not quiet."""
+ if not self.quiet:
+ sys.stdout.write(string)
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ def seturl(self, url):
+ """Sets the URL attribute of this database. If there was
+ already a URL specified, we will use delindexentry() on it
+ first."""
+ self.delindexentry(url_headword)
+ self.addentry(url_headword + "\n " + url, [url_headword])
+ def setshortname(self, shortname):
+ """Sets the shortname for this database. If there was already
+ a shortname specified, we will use delindexentry() on it first."""
+ self.delindexentry(short_headword)
+ self.addentry(short_headword + "\n " + shortname,
+ [short_headword])
+ def setlonginfo(self, longinfo):
+ """Sets the extended information for this database. If there was
+ already long info specified, we will use delindexentry() on it
+ first."""
+ self.delindexentry(info_headword)
+ self.addentry(info_headword + "\n" + longinfo, [info_headword])
+ def addentry(self, defstr, headwords):
+ """Writes an entry. defstr holds the content of the definition.
+ headwords is a list specifying one or more words under which this
+ definition should be indexed. This function always adds \\n
+ to the end of defstr."""
+, 2) # Seek to end of file
+ start = self.dictfile.tell()
+ defstr += "\n"
+ self.dictfile.write(defstr)
+ for word in headwords:
+ self.addindexentry(word, start, len(defstr))
+ self.count += 1
+ if self.count % 1000 == 0:
+ self.update("Processed %d records\r" % self.count)
+ def finish(self, dosort = 1):
+ """Called to finish the writing process.
+ **REQUIRED IF OPENED WITH 'update' OR 'write' MODES**.
+ This will write the index and close the files.
+ dosort is optional and defaults to true. If set to false,
+ dictlib will not sort the index file. In this case, you
+ MUST manually sort it through "sort -df" before it can be used."""
+ self.update("Processed %d records.\n" % self.count)
+ if dosort:
+ self.update("Sorting index: converting")
+ indexlist = []
+ for word, defs in self.indexentries.items():
+ for thisdef in defs:
+ indexlist.append("%s\t%s\t%s" % (word,
+ b64_encode(thisdef[0]),
+ b64_encode(thisdef[1])))
+ self.update(" mapping")
+ sortmap = {}
+ for entry in indexlist:
+ norm = sortnormalize(entry)
+ if sortmap.has_key(norm):
+ sortmap[norm].append(entry)
+ sortmap[norm].sort(sortfunc)
+ else:
+ sortmap[norm] = [entry]
+ self.update(" listing")
+ normalizedentries = sortmap.keys()
+ self.update(" sorting")
+ normalizedentries.sort()
+ self.update(" re-mapping")
+ indexlist = []
+ for normentry in normalizedentries:
+ for entry in sortmap[normentry]:
+ indexlist.append(entry)
+ self.update(", done.\n")
+ self.update("Writing index...\n")
+ for entry in indexlist:
+ self.indexfile.write(entry + "\n")
+ if self.mode == 'update':
+ # In case things were deleted
+ self.indexfile.truncate()
+ self.indexfile.close()
+ self.dictfile.close()
+ self.update("Complete.\n")
+ def getdeflist(self):
+ """Returns a list of strings naming all definitions contained
+ in this dictionary."""
+ return self.indexentries.keys()
+ def hasdef(self, word):
+ return self.indexentries.has_key(word)
+ def getdef(self, word):
+ """Given a definition name, returns a list of strings with all
+ matching definitions. This is an *exact* match, not a
+ case-insensitive one. Returns [] if word is not in the dictionary."""
+ retval = []
+ if not self.hasdef(word):
+ return retval
+ for start, length in self.indexentries[word]:
+ retval.append(
+ return retval
+class DictReader:
+ """This object provides compatibility with earlier versions
+ of dictdlib. It is now deprecated."""
+ def __init__(self, basename):
+ """Initialize a DictReader object. Provide it with the basename."""
+ self.dictdb = DictDB(basename, 'read')
+ def getdeflist(self):
+ """Returns a list of strings naming all definitions contained
+ in this dictionary."""
+ return self.dictdb.getdeflist()
+ def getdef(self, defname):
+ """Given a definition name, returns a list of strings
+ with all matching definitions."""
+ return self.dictdb.getdef(defname)
+class DictWriter:
+ """This object provides compatibility with earlier versions
+ of dictdlib. It is now deprecated."""
+ def __init__(self, basename, url = 'unknown', shortname = 'unknown',
+ longinfo = 'unknown', quiet = 0):
+ """Initialize a DictWriter object. Will create 'basename.dict' and
+ 'basename.index' files. url, shortname, and longinfo specify the
+ respective attributes of the database. If quiet is 1,
+ status messages are not printed."""
+ self.dictdb = DictDB(basename, 'write', quiet)
+ self.dictdb.seturl(url)
+ self.dictdb.setshortname(shortname)
+ self.dictdb.setlonginfo(longinfo)
+ def writeentry(self, defstr, headwords):
+ """Writes an entry. defstr holds the content of the definition.
+ headwords is a list specifying one or more words under which this
+ definition should be indexed. This function always adds \\n
+ to the end of defstr."""
+ self.dictdb.addentry(defstr, headwords)
+ def finish(self, dosort = 1):
+ """Called to finish the writing process. **REQUIRED**.
+ This will write the index and close the files.
+ dosort is optional and defaults to true. If set to false,
+ dictlib will not sort the index file. In this case, you
+ MUST manually sort it through "sort -df" before it can be used."""
+ self.dictdb.finish(dosort)