#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2009 Santhosh Thottingal # http://www.smc.org.in # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # If you find any bugs or have any suggestions email: santhosh.thottingal@gmail.com # URL: http://www.smc.org.in import charmap import sys import re from common import * class Soundex(SilpaModule): def soundexDigit(self,char): index=0 cm=charmap.charmap lang= charmap.language(char) try: if lang == "en_US": return cm["soundex_en"][cm[lang].index(char)] else: return cm["soundex"][cm[lang].index(char)] except: '''In case of any exception- Mostly because of character not found in charmap''' return 0 return None def soundex(self,name, len=5, indic=False): """ soundex module conforming to Knuth's algorithm implementation 2000-12-24 by Gregory Jorgensen public domain """ sndx ='' fc = '' # translate alpha chars in name to soundex digits for c in name.lower(): if not fc: fc = c # remember first letter d = str(self.soundexDigit(c)) # duplicate consecutive soundex digits are skipped if not sndx or (d != sndx[-1]): sndx += d # replace first digit with first alpha character if not indic: sndx = fc + sndx[1:] # remove all 0s from the soundex code sndx = sndx.replace('0','') # return soundex code padded to len characters return (sndx + (len * '0'))[:len] def compare(self,string1, string2, indic=True): if indic: if charmap.charCompare( string1[0] , string2[0]) >=0 : return self.soundex(string1, indic=True)==self.soundex(string2, indic=True) else: return self.soundex(string1, indic=False)==self.soundex(string2, indic=False) def process(self,form): response = """


'Sounds like' search across Indian Languages.

Enter the text for searching in the below text area. You can enter the text in say, Hindi and search a Malayalam word in that. If the pronunciation of the search key is similar to any word in the text, it will be highlighted. All Indian Languages and English are supported. More about soundex

Search :

""" if(form.has_key('input_text')): text = action=form['input_text'].value .decode('utf-8') if(form.has_key('search_key')): key =form['search_key'].value .decode('utf-8') response=response % (text,key) words=text.split(" ") response = response+"

Search Results

" else: response = response+ "Enter a string to search." return response % (text,"", algorithm) for word in words: word=word.strip() if(word>""): if word[0]>'0' and word[0]<'Z': soundexStr=self.soundex(word, indic=False) if self.compare(word, key, False) : response += "
" else: response += "
" else: soundexStr=self.soundex(word, indic=False) if self.compare(word, key, True) : response += "
" else: response += "
" response = response+ "
" else: response=response % ("","") return response def get_module_name(self): return "Soundex" def get_info(self): return "Soundex Algorithm for Indian Languages and 'sounds like' search across Indian Languages" def getInstance(): return Soundex()