diff options
-rw-r--r--bots/dictionaries/freedict-eng-hin.dict.dzbin0 -> 1087517 bytes
-rw-r--r--bots/dictionaries/freedict-eng-mal.dict.dzbin0 -> 400759 bytes
-rw-r--r--input-methods/ibus-sulekha/icons/sulekha.pngbin0 -> 1794 bytes
-rw-r--r--proverb/about.pngbin0 -> 2919 bytes
-rw-r--r--proverb/bin/proverb_ml.qmbin0 -> 9647 bytes
-rw-r--r--proverb/icon.pngbin0 -> 5256 bytes
-rw-r--r--proverb/proverb_ml.qmbin0 -> 9647 bytes
-rw-r--r--pykuttans/src/ (renamed from pykuttans/src/
-rw-r--r--silpa/css/images/2nd_nav_bg.gifbin0 -> 198 bytes
-rw-r--r--silpa/css/images/body_bg.gifbin0 -> 153 bytes
-rw-r--r--silpa/css/images/content_wrap_bg.gifbin0 -> 337 bytes
-rw-r--r--silpa/css/images/content_wrap_e_bg.gifbin0 -> 172 bytes
-rw-r--r--silpa/css/images/featurebox2_bg.gifbin0 -> 11441 bytes
-rw-r--r--silpa/css/images/featurebox_bg.gifbin0 -> 9106 bytes
-rw-r--r--silpa/css/images/header_bg.gifbin0 -> 644 bytes
-rw-r--r--silpa/css/images/sprites.gifbin0 -> 12536 bytes
-rw-r--r--silpa/css/images/td_bg.gifbin0 -> 3106 bytes
-rw-r--r--silpa/html/css/images/2nd_nav_bg.gifbin0 -> 198 bytes
-rw-r--r--silpa/html/css/images/body_bg.gifbin0 -> 153 bytes
-rw-r--r--silpa/html/css/images/content_wrap_bg.gifbin0 -> 337 bytes
-rw-r--r--silpa/html/css/images/content_wrap_e_bg.gifbin0 -> 172 bytes
-rw-r--r--silpa/html/css/images/featurebox2_bg.gifbin0 -> 11441 bytes
-rw-r--r--silpa/html/css/images/featurebox_bg.gifbin0 -> 9106 bytes
-rw-r--r--silpa/html/css/images/header_bg.gifbin0 -> 644 bytes
-rw-r--r--silpa/html/css/images/sprites.gifbin0 -> 12536 bytes
-rw-r--r--silpa/html/css/images/td_bg.gifbin0 -> 3106 bytes
-rw-r--r--silpa/html/images/thumb_100wide.gifbin0 -> 1293 bytes
-rw-r--r--silpa/modules/fortune/database/fortune-ml.datbin0 -> 1364 bytes
228 files changed, 80703 insertions, 166 deletions
diff --git a/bots/ b/bots/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1d9036
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bots/
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+# Dictionary creation library
+# Copyright (C) 2002 John Goerzen
+# <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import sys, string, gzip, os
+b64_list = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
+url_headword = "00-database-url"
+short_headword = "00-database-short"
+info_headword = "00-database-info"
+def b64_encode(val):
+ """Takes as input an integer val and returns a string of it encoded
+ with the base64 algorithm used by dict indexes."""
+ startfound = 0
+ retval = ""
+ for i in range(5, -1, -1):
+ thispart = (val >> (6 * i)) & ((2 ** 6) - 1)
+ if (not startfound) and (not thispart):
+ # Both zero -- keep going.
+ continue
+ startfound = 1
+ retval += b64_list[thispart]
+ if len(retval):
+ return retval
+ else:
+ return b64_list[0]
+def b64_decode(str):
+ """Takes as input a string and returns an integer value of it decoded
+ with the base64 algorithm used by dict indexes."""
+ if not len(str):
+ return 0
+ retval = 0
+ shiftval = 0
+ for i in range(len(str) - 1, -1, -1):
+ val = b64_list.index(str[i])
+ retval = retval | (val << shiftval)
+ shiftval += 6
+ return retval
+validdict = {}
+for x in string.ascii_letters + string.digits + " \t":
+ validdict[x] = 1
+def sortnormalize(x):
+ """Returns a value such that x is mapped to a format that sorts properly
+ with standard comparison."""
+ x2 = ''
+ for i in range(len(x)):
+ if validdict.has_key(x[i]):
+ x2 += x[i]
+ return x2.upper() + "\0" + x.upper()
+def sortfunc(x, y):
+ """Emulate sort -df."""
+ xl = x.split("\0")
+ yl = y.split("\0")
+ ret = cmp(xl[0], yl[0])
+ if ret != 0:
+ return ret
+ return cmp(xl[1], yl[1])
+class DictDB:
+ def __init__(self, basename, mode = 'read', quiet = 0):
+ #, url = 'unknown', shortname = 'unknown',
+ # longinfo = 'unknown', quiet = 0):
+ """Initialize a DictDB object.
+ Mode must be one of:
+ read -- read-only access
+ write -- write-only access, truncates existing files, does not work
+ with .dz. dict created if nonexistant.
+ update -- read/write access, dict created if nonexistant. Does not
+ work with .dz.
+ Read can read dict or files. Write and update will NOT work
+ with files.
+ If quiet is nonzero, status messages
+ will be suppressed."""
+ self.mode = mode
+ self.quiet = quiet
+ self.indexentries = {}
+ self.count = 0
+ self.basename = basename
+ self.indexfilename = self.basename + ".index"
+ if os.path.isfile(self.basename + ""):
+ self.dictfilename = self.basename + ""
+ self.usecompression = 1
+ else:
+ self.dictfilename = self.basename + ".dict"
+ self.usecompression = 0
+ if mode == 'read':
+ self.indexfile = open(self.indexfilename, "rt")
+ if self.usecompression:
+ self.dictfile = gzip.GzipFile(self.dictfilename, "rb")
+ else:
+ self.dictfile = open(self.dictfilename, "rb")
+ self._initindex()
+ elif mode == 'write':
+ self.indexfile = open(self.indexfilename, "wt")
+ if self.usecompression:
+ raise ValueError, "'write' mode incompatible with .dz files"
+ else:
+ self.dictfile = open(self.dictfilename, "wb")
+ elif mode == 'update':
+ try:
+ self.indexfile = open(self.indexfilename, "r+b")
+ except IOError:
+ self.indexfile = open(self.indexfilename, "w+b")
+ if self.usecompression:
+ # Open it read-only since we don't support mods.
+ self.dictfile = gzip.GzipFile(self.dictfilename, "rb")
+ else:
+ try:
+ self.dictfile = open(self.dictfilename, "r+b")
+ except IOError:
+ self.dictfile = open(self.dictfilename, "w+b")
+ self._initindex()
+ else:
+ raise ValueError, "mode must be 'read', 'write', or 'update'"
+ #self.writeentry(url_headword + "\n " + url, [url_headword])
+ #self.writeentry(short_headword + "\n " + shortname,
+ # [short_headword])
+ #self.writeentry(info_headword + "\n" + longinfo, [info_headword])
+ def _initindex(self):
+ """Load the entire index off disk into memory."""
+ for line in self.indexfile.xreadlines():
+ splits = line.rstrip().split("\t")
+ if not self.indexentries.has_key(splits[0]):
+ self.indexentries[splits[0]] = []
+ self.indexentries[splits[0]].append([b64_decode(splits[1]),
+ b64_decode(splits[2])])
+ def addindexentry(self, word, start, size):
+ """Adds an entry to the index. word is the relevant word.
+ start is the starting position in the dictionary and size is the
+ size of the definition; both are integers."""
+ if not self.indexentries.has_key(word):
+ self.indexentries[word] = []
+ self.indexentries[word].append([start, size])
+ def delindexentry(self, word, start = None, size = None):
+ """Removes an entry from the index; word is the word to search for.
+ start and size are optional. If they are specified, only index
+ entries matching the specified values will be removed.
+ For instance, if word is "foo" and start and size are not specified,
+ all index entries for the word foo will be removed. If start and size
+ are specified, only those entries matching all criteria will be
+ removed.
+ This function does not actually remove the data from the .dict file.
+ Therefore, information removed by this function will still
+ exist on-disk in the .dict file, but the dict server will just
+ not "see" it -- there will be no way to get to it anymore.
+ Returns a count of the deleted entries."""
+ if not self.indexentries.has_key(word):
+ return 0
+ retval = 0
+ entrylist = self.indexentries[word]
+ for i in range(len(entrylist) - 1, -1, -1):
+ # Go backwords so the del doesn't effect the index.
+ if (start == None or start == entrylist[i][0]) and \
+ (size == None or size == entrylist[i][1]):
+ del(entrylist[i])
+ retval += 1
+ if len(entrylist) == 0: # If we emptied it, del it completely
+ del(self.indexentries[word])
+ return retval
+ def update(self, string):
+ """Writes string out, if not quiet."""
+ if not self.quiet:
+ sys.stdout.write(string)
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ def seturl(self, url):
+ """Sets the URL attribute of this database. If there was
+ already a URL specified, we will use delindexentry() on it
+ first."""
+ self.delindexentry(url_headword)
+ self.addentry(url_headword + "\n " + url, [url_headword])
+ def setshortname(self, shortname):
+ """Sets the shortname for this database. If there was already
+ a shortname specified, we will use delindexentry() on it first."""
+ self.delindexentry(short_headword)
+ self.addentry(short_headword + "\n " + shortname,
+ [short_headword])
+ def setlonginfo(self, longinfo):
+ """Sets the extended information for this database. If there was
+ already long info specified, we will use delindexentry() on it
+ first."""
+ self.delindexentry(info_headword)
+ self.addentry(info_headword + "\n" + longinfo, [info_headword])
+ def addentry(self, defstr, headwords):
+ """Writes an entry. defstr holds the content of the definition.
+ headwords is a list specifying one or more words under which this
+ definition should be indexed. This function always adds \\n
+ to the end of defstr."""
+, 2) # Seek to end of file
+ start = self.dictfile.tell()
+ defstr += "\n"
+ self.dictfile.write(defstr)
+ for word in headwords:
+ self.addindexentry(word, start, len(defstr))
+ self.count += 1
+ if self.count % 1000 == 0:
+ self.update("Processed %d records\r" % self.count)
+ def finish(self, dosort = 1):
+ """Called to finish the writing process.
+ **REQUIRED IF OPENED WITH 'update' OR 'write' MODES**.
+ This will write the index and close the files.
+ dosort is optional and defaults to true. If set to false,
+ dictlib will not sort the index file. In this case, you
+ MUST manually sort it through "sort -df" before it can be used."""
+ self.update("Processed %d records.\n" % self.count)
+ if dosort:
+ self.update("Sorting index: converting")
+ indexlist = []
+ for word, defs in self.indexentries.items():
+ for thisdef in defs:
+ indexlist.append("%s\t%s\t%s" % (word,
+ b64_encode(thisdef[0]),
+ b64_encode(thisdef[1])))
+ self.update(" mapping")
+ sortmap = {}
+ for entry in indexlist:
+ norm = sortnormalize(entry)
+ if sortmap.has_key(norm):
+ sortmap[norm].append(entry)
+ sortmap[norm].sort(sortfunc)
+ else:
+ sortmap[norm] = [entry]
+ self.update(" listing")
+ normalizedentries = sortmap.keys()
+ self.update(" sorting")
+ normalizedentries.sort()
+ self.update(" re-mapping")
+ indexlist = []
+ for normentry in normalizedentries:
+ for entry in sortmap[normentry]:
+ indexlist.append(entry)
+ self.update(", done.\n")
+ self.update("Writing index...\n")
+ for entry in indexlist:
+ self.indexfile.write(entry + "\n")
+ if self.mode == 'update':
+ # In case things were deleted
+ self.indexfile.truncate()
+ self.indexfile.close()
+ self.dictfile.close()
+ self.update("Complete.\n")
+ def getdeflist(self):
+ """Returns a list of strings naming all definitions contained
+ in this dictionary."""
+ return self.indexentries.keys()
+ def hasdef(self, word):
+ return self.indexentries.has_key(word)
+ def getdef(self, word):
+ """Given a definition name, returns a list of strings with all
+ matching definitions. This is an *exact* match, not a
+ case-insensitive one. Returns [] if word is not in the dictionary."""
+ retval = []
+ if not self.hasdef(word):
+ return retval
+ for start, length in self.indexentries[word]:
+ retval.append(
+ return retval
+class DictReader:
+ """This object provides compatibility with earlier versions
+ of dictdlib. It is now deprecated."""
+ def __init__(self, basename):
+ """Initialize a DictReader object. Provide it with the basename."""
+ self.dictdb = DictDB(basename, 'read')
+ def getdeflist(self):
+ """Returns a list of strings naming all definitions contained
+ in this dictionary."""
+ return self.dictdb.getdeflist()
+ def getdef(self, defname):
+ """Given a definition name, returns a list of strings
+ with all matching definitions."""
+ return self.dictdb.getdef(defname)
+class DictWriter:
+ """This object provides compatibility with earlier versions
+ of dictdlib. It is now deprecated."""
+ def __init__(self, basename, url = 'unknown', shortname = 'unknown',
+ longinfo = 'unknown', quiet = 0):
+ """Initialize a DictWriter object. Will create 'basename.dict' and
+ 'basename.index' files. url, shortname, and longinfo specify the
+ respective attributes of the database. If quiet is 1,
+ status messages are not printed."""
+ self.dictdb = DictDB(basename, 'write', quiet)
+ self.dictdb.seturl(url)
+ self.dictdb.setshortname(shortname)
+ self.dictdb.setlonginfo(longinfo)
+ def writeentry(self, defstr, headwords):
+ """Writes an entry. defstr holds the content of the definition.
+ headwords is a list specifying one or more words under which this
+ definition should be indexed. This function always adds \\n
+ to the end of defstr."""
+ self.dictdb.addentry(defstr, headwords)
+ def finish(self, dosort = 1):
+ """Called to finish the writing process. **REQUIRED**.
+ This will write the index and close the files.
+ dosort is optional and defaults to true. If set to false,
+ dictlib will not sort the index file. In this case, you
+ MUST manually sort it through "sort -df" before it can be used."""
+ self.dictdb.finish(dosort)
diff --git a/bots/dictionaries/ b/bots/dictionaries/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3418d2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bots/dictionaries/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bots/dictionaries/freedict-eng-hin.index b/bots/dictionaries/freedict-eng-hin.index
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c52c716
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bots/dictionaries/freedict-eng-hin.index
@@ -0,0 +1,25647 @@
+00-database-info C6 wl
+00-database-short CE 2
+00-database-url zf o
+00-database-utf8 A CE
+00databaseinfo C6 wl
+00databaseshort CE 2
+00databaseurl zf o
+00databaseutf8 A CE
+a 0H t
+a feather in ones cap DcU2 CN
+a few Dhfh C6
+a few Dhib BX
+a fight to the finish DkPB CM
+a fighting chance DkDZ Cx
+a fly on the wall D8f5 Ca
+a la VzW B8
+a la carte V24 B0
+a la mode V6G Bd
+a level Wl+ Bl
+a matter of course GuVM CD
+a matter of openion GuXP B+
+a thorn in ones fleshside DzWN Co
+aback 00 Bn
+abacus 2b Bf
+abandon 36 Bk
+abandoned 5e Bj
+abandonment 7B Bj
+abase 8k Bm
+abashed +K Bo
+abate /y Bg
+abatement BBS Bs
+abattoir BC+ Bj
+abbess BEh Br
+abbey BGM Bx
+abbot BH9 Bm
+abbreviate BJj CD
+abbreviation BLm BY
+abdicate BM+ CR
+abdication BPP B7
+abdomen BRK BX
+abdominal BSh CI
+abduct BUp BW
+abduction BV/ BC
+aberrant BXB Be
+aberration BYf BU
+abet BZz CX
+abeyance BcK CG
+abhor BeQ BG
+abhorrence BfW BN
+abhorrent Bgj BM
+abide Bhv De
+ability BlN Br
+abject Bm4 Bo
+abjure Bog Bt
+ablaze BqN BO
+able Brb CO
+ablutions Btp Bz
+abnormal Bvc Bb
+aboard Bw3 BX
+aboard ByO BP
+abode Bzd BG
+abolish B0j Bv
+abolition B2S Bd
+abominable B3v BQ
+abomination B4/ BT
+aboriginal B6S BX
+aborigine B7p Bz
+abort B9c Db
+abortion CA3 BY
+abortionist CCP CL
+abortive CEa Br
+abound CGF Bh
+about CHm Er
+about CMR CZ
+aboutturn COq Bt
+above CQX BZ
+above CRw BI
+above CS4 BY
+above board BHgU BW
+abracadabra CUQ B9
+abrade CWN BL
+abrasion CXY BP
+abrasive CYn CC
+abrasive Cap Cm
+abrasively CdP B4
+abrasiveness CfH Bs
+abreast Cgz B9
+abridge Ciw Bl
+abridged CkV B0
+abridgement CmJ Br
+abroad Cn0 DJ
+abrogate Cq9 Bb
+abrupt CsY DW
+abruptly Cvu Bi
+abruptness CxQ Be
+abscess Cyu Bb
+abscond C0J BW
+absence C1f Bx
+absent C3Q BW
+absent C61 Br
+absentee C8g Bt
+absentminded C4m CP
+absolute C+N Bg
+absolute C/t B8
+absolute majority DBp Bs
+absolutely DDV BP
+absolution DEk Bl
+absolutism DGJ CJ
+absolve DIS CN
+absorb DKf CI
+absorbed DMn Bk
+absorbing DOL Bj
+absorption DPu CA
+abstain DRu CG
+abstainer DT0 B0
+abstemious DVo BM
+abstention DW0 B4
+abstinence DYs Ba
+abstract DaG CG
+abstract DcM Dv
+abstract Df7 Dq
+abstracted Djl BY
+abstraction Dk9 DA
+abstruse Dn9 Bg
+absurd Dpd C+
+absurdity Dt6 BW
+abundance DvQ B2
+abundant DxG CL
+abuse D3p Cl
+abuse DzR EY
+abusive D6O B2
+abut D8E BH
+abysmal D9L BO
+abyss D+Z BU
+acacia D/t B9
+academia EBq B4
+academic EDi Dc
+academic EG+ B1
+academician EIz Bu
+academy EKh CF
+accede EMm Bm
+accelerate EOM CH
+acceleration EQT B4
+accelerator ESL Bh
+accent ETs CG
+accent EVy B0
+accentuate EXm Bj
+accept EZJ Bi
+acceptable Ear Bi
+acceptance EcN BQ
+access Edd Bi
+access Ee/ By
+accessible Egx Bp
+accession Eia B6
+accessory EkU Bv
+accident EmD Bm
+accidental Enp Bw
+accidentally EpZ Bn
+acclaim ErA Bf
+acclaim Esf B8
+acclamation Eub CF
+acclimatize Ewg Cy
+accolade EzS Bw
+accommodate E1C Gc
+accommodating E7e B6
+accommodation E9Y DG
+accompaniment FAe DW
+accompanist FD0 Br
+accompany FFf Cz
+accomplice FIS Bi
+accomplish FJ0 Bx
+accomplished FLl BQ
+accomplishment FM1 E8
+accord FRx BY
+accord FTJ Ce
+accordance FVn Bd
+according FXE Bq
+accordingly FYu Bp
+accordion FaX Bb
+accost Fby Bt
+account Fdf Cq
+account FgJ Fe
+accountability Fnh Bw
+accountable Fln B6
+accountancy FpR Be
+accountant Fqv Bm
+accoutrement FsV B1
+accredit FuK DY
+accreditation Fxi Cd
+accretion Fz/ CG
+accrue F2F Dq
+accumulate F5v Bp
+accumulation F7Y BW
+accumulative F8u BV
+accuracy F+D DV
+accurate GBY BK
+accurately GCi Br
+accursed GEN Bu
+accusation GF7 Bm
+accusative GHh Bd
+accusatory GKe BZ
+accuse GI+ Bg
+accused GL3 Bc
+accuser GNT Bj
+accusing GO2 Bq
+accusingly GQg Br
+accustom GSL B2
+accustomed GUB Bn
+ace GVo Fe
+ace GbG BV
+acerbic Gcb Bb
+acerbity Gd2 BN
+acetate GfD BE
+acetic GgH Bb
+aceticacid Ghi Bq
+acetylene GjM CF
+ache GlR Be
+ache Gmv BW
+achievable Gpi B9
+achieve GoF Bd
+achievement Grf CC
+achivist pUI Cr
+acid GvD CE
+acidic Gth Bi
+acidify GxH Bm
+acidity Gyt BY
+acidulous G0F CI
+acknowledge G2N Bc
+acknowledgment G3p CC
+acme G5r Bi
+acne G7N BK
+acolyte G8X Bs
+aconite G+D BN
+acorn G/Q Bl
+acoustic HA1 CR
+acoustics HDG CC
+acquaint HFI B2
+acquaintance HIQ Cn
+acquainted HG+ BS
+acquiesce HK3 Cc
+acquiescence HNT Cm
+acquiescent HP5 B0
+acquire HRt Bz
+acquisition HTg Bd
+acquisitive HU9 Bc
+acquit HWZ Bp
+acquittal HYC Bl
+acre HZn B9
+acreage Hbk Bs
+acrid HdQ C1
+acrimonious HiP BU
+acrimony HgF CK
+acrobat Hjj 7
+acrobatic Hke BR
+acrobatics Hlv Ba
+acronym HnJ C+
+across HqH EE
+across HuL F9
+acrostic H0I Bw
+acrylic H14 CM
+acrylic H4E DT
+act H/p Ck
+act H7X ES
+acting ICN Bs
+acting ID5 BE
+action IE9 Db
+action IIY Cv
+actionable ILH Cm
+activate INt Bl
+activation IPS Bj
+activator IQ1 Bn
+active ISc Bi
+active service IT+ Br
+active voice IVp B2
+actively IXf Bx
+activeness IbN BV
+activism Ici Bz
+activity IZQ B9
+actor IeV BD
+actress IfY Bb
+actual Igz By
+actualist IkT Bk
+actuality Il3 BX
+actually Iil Bu
+actuarial Iou CF
+actuary InO Bg
+actuate Iqz Bh
+acuity IsU BZ
+acumen Itt CD
+acupuncture Ivw CK
+acute Ix6 DS
+acute angle I1M Bj
+acutely I2v CE
+acuteness I4z CT
+ad hoc KL6 Bx
+ad hoc KNr Cn
+ad infinitum KR6 Br
+ad lib LBB Bj
+ad lib LCk Cy
+adage I7G BG
+adagio I8M B3
+adam I+D BV
+adamant JA3 BY
+adams apple I/Y Bf
+adapt JCP Dm
+adaptable JF1 B0
+add JHp EU
+add on JL9 Bg
+addendum JNd B0
+adder JPR BY
+addict JQp Bo
+addicted JSR BS
+addiction JTj BL
+addictive JUu Bw
+addition JWe Eu
+additional JdJ Bm
+additionally JbM B9
+additive Jev FM
+addled Jj7 Be
+address JlZ Cn
+address JoA G/
+addressee Ju/ Bt
+adduce Jws Bs
+adenoidal J1z Bd
+adenoids JyY Db
+adept J3Q BQ
+adequacy J7O B2
+adequate J4g Cu
+adequately J9E B0
+adhere J+4 C8
+adherence KD0 Bg
+adherent KB0 CA
+adhesion KFU Cq
+adhesive KH+ Bm
+adhesive KJk CW
+adieu KQS Bo
+adjacent KTl BX
+adjectival KWg Be
+adjectivally KX+ Cs
+adjective KU8 Bk
+adjoin Kaq B4
+adjourn Kci Gh
+adjournment KjD DV
+adjudge KmY Bn
+adjudicate Kn/ Ef
+adjudication Kse B/
+adjudicator Kud Bu
+adjunct KwL Ck
+adjure Kyv CD
+adjust K0y GT
+adjustable K7F Bl
+adjustment K8q CI
+adjutant K+y CP
+adman LFW CB
+admin LHX BS
+administer LIp G+
+administration LPn EA
+administrative LTn Co
+administratively LWP CD
+administrator LYS Cl
+admirable La3 BV
+admirably LcM B1
+admiral LeB C/
+admiralty LhA Br
+admiration Lir BZ
+admire LkE CI
+admirer LmM B/
+admiring LoL B2
+admiringly LqB Bt
+admissibility Ltr Bn
+admissible Lru B9
+admission LvS Cg
+admit Lxy ET
+admittance L3/ Bw
+admittedly L2F B6
+admonish L5v ES
+admonishment L+B B8
+admonition L/9 Bj
+admonitory MBg CQ
+adobe MDw BF
+adolescence ME1 B8
+adolescent MGx B3
+adopt MIo FJ
+adoption MNx DW
+adoptive MRH BW
+adorable MSd BV
+adoration MWI Bb
+adore MTy CW
+adoring MXj Bo
+adorn MZL Bd
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+adrenal McQ Bs
+adrenalin Md8 B2
+adrift Mfy Co
+adroit Mia BS
+adroitly Mjs Bo
+adroitness MlU Bh
+adulation Mm1 BX
+adulatory MoM B5
+adult MqF BL
+adult MrQ BY
+adulterate MuU B8
+adulterer MyJ CQ
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+adulterous M18 B8
+adultery MwQ B5
+adulthood Mso Bs
+adumbrate M34 Eu
+advance M8m Qc
+advance NNC Bo
+advance NOq Mu
+advanced NbY IE
+advancement Njc Bo
+advantage NlE Ls
+advantage Nww BC
+advantageous Nxy B5
+advent Nzr D+
+adventitious N3p CO
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+adventurer N83 Bn
+adventurous N+e BY
+adverb OBt 4
+adversary OCl Bs
+adverse OER Bt
+adversity OF+ B1
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+advisable OTG Bt
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+advisedly OXh Bz
+adviser OZU B+
+advisory ObS CJ
+advocacy Odb DA
+advocate Ogb B+
+advocate OiZ DN
+adze Olm CC
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+aeonalso eon Op7 Bz
+aerate Oru C6
+aeration Ouo B9
+aerial Owl DF
+aerial Ozq D8
+aero O3m BM
+aerobatic O70 Ch
+aerobatics O4y DC
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+aeronautic PIW u
+aeronautical PJE Bt
+aeronautics PGG CQ
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+aerosol PM6 Fd
+aerospace PSX Cc
+aesthete PUz CF
+aesthetic PW4 E3
+aesthetics Pbv B+
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+affability Php CS
+affable Pfr B+
+affably Pj7 CS
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+affaire de coeur PrU B+
+affect PtS EL
+affectation P1c B1
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+affecting Pxd CT
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+affectionate P4r Bt
+affectionately P6Y Bd
+affidavit P71 CB
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+after RA5 CT
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+afterglow RXP BX
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+aftertaste RTa Bz
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+against RtK Gv
+agape Rz5 Dk
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+aggravating SYB Bg
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+aground Te0 BO
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+ahem TiN Dv
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+aidedecamp TsR Bz
+aids TuE B4
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+aileron TzH Dr
+ailing Txi Bl
+ailment T2y BN
+aim T3/ BH
+aim T5G Ck
+aimless T7q Bb
+aint T9F Bd
+air T+i DK
+air Up4 Ct
+air chief marshal UGF Dl
+air commodore UJq DI
+air force UTh BW
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+alchemist WXg BV
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+alcohol WY1 CB
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+alcoholism Wb/ BS
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+algorithm Wvf DK
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+allocation YW0 Bl
+allot YYZ Bl
+allotment YZ+ Bg
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+allowable YgP Bh
+allowance Yhw BT
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+alloy YkK BV
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+allround Xdl BP
+allspice Ylf Cm
+allstar XnH DB
+allude YoF Bp
+allure Ypu Bn
+allure YrV Bq
+alluring Ys/ BH
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+ally Yvj BZ
+ally Yw8 B0
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+almost Y8R Bh
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+alphabetical ZSh CH
+alphabetically ZUo CP
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+also ZgM Be
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+altar ZkB De
+alter Znf B8
+alter ego Zsu Bt
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+altercation ZrE Bq
+alternate Zub Bi
+alternate Zv9 Bu
+alternately Zzq Bn
+alternating current Z66 CV
+alternation Zxr B/
+alternative Z3Y Bn
+alternative Z4/ B7
+alternative energy Z+8 FP
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+alumnus aa6 Bl
+alveolar acf BV
+always ad0 BR
+alzheimers disease afF Eg
+am ajl v
+am akU CC
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+amateurish avV B2
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+ambassador a3f Cg
+amber a5/ Ck
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+amorous cN2 Bs
+amorphous cPi Bt
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+amount cTX Ba
+amount cUx DA
+amour cXx B7
+amour propre cZs B/
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+amphibian chL C/
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+amphitheatre cmN Ek
+ample cqx CN
+amplifier cyz Bx
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+ancestry eKH Bb
+anchor eLi Bf
+anchor eUw C/
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+anchorite eZ1 Bj
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+ancillary ejU CF
+and elZ 8
+and thats flat Dw91 CR
+and what is more HDBi CA
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+anemone evQ Cl
+anew ex1 Bk
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+anoint gvS Bw
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+anthropo hry t
+anthropoid hsf Bp
+anthropoid huI Bq
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+appertain k/S B0
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+applaud lJB Ep
+applause lNq C/
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+applicant leE DZ
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+applied lyF CX
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+apply lrt GY
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+apprise muQ B/
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+approach mwP GX
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+arbitrate oS1 DW
+arbitration oWL B5
+arbitrator oYE Cz
+arboreal oa3 BY
+arboretum ocP C9
+arbour ofM Bs
+arc og4 Bi
+arcade oia B5
+arch okT CO
+arch omh BI
+arch onp Bi
+arch way pZQ Ch
+archaeological orW EQ
+archaeology opL CL
+archaic ovm BU
+archaism ow6 B4
+archangel oyy BV
+archbishop o0H CB
+archbishopric o2I CO
+archdeacon o4W Bt
+archdiocase o6D C5
+archduke o88 Bg
+archenemy o+c Bf
+archer o/7 B3
+archery pBy Bs
+archetypal pHQ Bn
+archetype pFp Bn
+archipelago pDe CL
+architect pI3 B1
+architectural pMi B8
+architecturally pOe CS
+architecture pKs B2
+architrave pQw Bo
+archive pSY Bw
+archives pbx Bp
+archrival pWz Cd
+arctic pda Br
+ardent pfF Be
+ardently pgj Bi
+ardour piF Bo
+arduous pjt Bx
+area ple Er
+areacode pqJ B8
+arena psF Bp
+arent ptu B8
+argon pvq BT
+argot pw9 Bq
+arguable p1h Dx
+argue pyn C6
+argument p5S FQ
+argumentative p+i Bx
+argybargy qAT Bw
+aria qCD CI
+arian qEL By
+arid qF9 CC
+aries qH/ BP
+aright qJO BI
+arise qKW Ef
+aristocracy qO1 Bm
+aristocrat qQb Bu
+arithmetic qSJ BI
+ark qTR BM
+arm qUd GB
+arm qae B9
+armada qcb CO
+armadillo qep Bb
+armageddon qgE CL
+armament qiP ER
+armband qmg Bq
+armchair qoK Bn
+armchair qpx BU
+armful qrF Bm
+armhole qsr Bj
+armistice quO Bk
+armlet qvy Bi
+armour qxU Du
+armoured q1C DA
+armourer q4C B3
+armourplated q+k Ba
+armoury q55 Er
+armpit q/+ Bc
+arms rBa Bb
+armsrace rC1 CL
+army rFA Dl
+aroma rIl Bw
+aromatherapy rMS CE
+aromatic rKV B9
+around rOW Dj
+around rR5 IF
+around rZ+ Fw
+arouse rfu FK
+arpeggio rk4 B8
+arraign rm0 DS
+arrange rqG C8
+arrangement rtC Ec
+array r0W Cu
+array rxe C4
+arrears r3E Bz
+arrest r43 Eg
+arrest r9X Cc
+arrival r/z Ce
+arrive sCR CQ
+arrogance sEh Cb
+arrogant sG8 B1
+arrow sIx DR
+arrowhead sMC Br
+arsenal sNt Bh
+arsenic sPO CE
+arson sRS Bl
+art sS3 CO
+art form sVF BU
+artefact sWZ Bs
+artery sYF Bl
+artful sZq CZ
+arthritis scD Bx
+artichoke sd0 CQ
+article sgE Gn
+articulate smr Ba
+articulate soF Cv
+articulated sq0 Co
+articulation stc Br
+artifice svH BV
+artificer swc Bf
+artificial sx7 Bg
+artillery szb CF
+artisan s1g CH
+artist s3n Be
+artiste s5F B3
+artistic s68 Ch
+artistry s9d BX
+artless s+0 BW
+as tAK BQ
+as tBa Be
+as follows EAQY Bo
+as poor as a church mouse HF0h Bn
+as the crow flies D7uN Dn
+ascend tC4 Bx
+ascendancy tEp Co
+ascendant tHR B4
+ascension tJJ DJ
+ascent tMS ET
+ascertain tQl Dz
+ascetic tUY Bh
+ascribe tV5 Eu
+ascription tan Bc
+asepesis tcD Bb
+asexual tde BU
+ash tey C2
+ashamed tho DN
+ashen tk1 CQ
+ashes tnF Eb
+ashore trg B8
+ashram ttc Br
+ashtray tvH Bh
+ashy two BA
+asian txo BV
+asiatic ty9 Bm
+aside t0j DA
+aside t3j Bq
+asinine t5N Bu
+ask t67 Db
+askance t+W B6
+askew uAQ BW
+asleep uBm BX
+asmuchagain HHMI BZ
+asmuchasonecando HHNh Bv
+asp uC9 Bi
+asparagus uEf Be
+aspect uF9 BX
+aspen uHU Bp
+asperity uI9 CA
+aspersions uK9 Bo
+asphalt uMl BQ
+asphalt uN1 Br
+asphyxia uPg BZ
+aspirant uQ5 CC
+aspirant uS7 Bx
+aspirate uUs Cb
+aspiration uXH Bq
+aspire uYx BJ
+aspirin uZ6 CA
+ass ub6 Bv
+assail udp EK
+assailant uhz Bj
+assassin ujW Bj
+assassinate uk5 Bv
+assault umo BV
+assault un9 CG
+assay uqD Bn
+assay urq Co
+assemblage uuS Bw
+assemble uwC Cy
+assemble uy0 B5
+assembly u0t B/
+assent u2s Du
+assent u6a Dy
+assert u+M Dz
+assertion vB/ DG
+assertive vFF B/
+assertively vHE Bx
+assertiveness vI1 CD
+assess vK4 Cb
+assessment vNT Cv
+assessor vQC DJ
+asset vTL Dl
+assiduity vWw Bd
+assiduous vYN Cc
+assiduously vap B5
+assign vci Gc
+assignation vkw Bq
+assignment vi+ By
+assimilate vma Bu
+assimilation voI Bt
+assist vp1 B4
+assistance vrt Bg
+assistant vtN Bh
+assize vuu BR
+associate vv/ CB
+associate vyA BD
+associate vzD Bo
+association v0r ET
+assort v4+ l
+assorted v5j Bc
+assortment v6/ Bn
+assuage v8m BY
+assume v9+ E0
+assume wCy Ba
+assumption wEM BN
+assurance wFZ B2
+assure wHP DQ
+asterisk wKf Bf
+astern wL+ BN
+asthma wNL Bd
+asthmatic wOo BZ
+astir wQB BS
+astonish wRT Bc
+astonishment wSv Bh
+astound wUQ BT
+astray wVj BX
+astride wW6 Bm
+astride wYg Bd
+astringent wZ9 BL
+astrologer wbI Bt
+astrological wc1 Br
+astrology weg B2
+astronaut wgW Cg
+astronomy wi2 Bd
+astute wkT BU
+asunder wln Bp
+asylum wnQ Dc
+asymptomatic wqs /
+at wrr F2
+at ones fingertips Don3 CU
+atallevents wyt Bw
+athe fly in the ointment D8c3 DC
+atheism w18 BP
+atheist w3L BE
+athlete w4P B+
+athletic w6N BW
+athletics w7j BW
+athwart w85 j
+atlas w9c CI
+atleast w/k BZ
+atmosphere xA9 CI
+atom xDF j
+atomic xDo Bc
+atonce wxh BM
+atone xFE Cc
+atonement xHg BX
+atop xI3 B9
+atrocious xK0 Bi
+atrocity xMW Bz
+attach xOJ F7
+attachment xUE C1
+attack xW5 CB
+attack xY6 DQ
+attain xcK Dd
+attainable xfn Cd
+attainment xiE Bz
+attempt xj3 CD
+attempt xl6 Bv
+attend xnp EE
+attendance xrt DB
+attendant xuu Bz
+attendant xwh Bi
+attention xyD Cy
+attentive x01 Bh
+attenuate x2W CO
+attest x4k C0
+attheoutset w0d Bf
+attire x7Y BN
+attire x8l B0
+attitude x+Z Bx
+attorney yAK BY
+attract yBi CA
+attraction yDi Bb
+attractive yE9 BV
+attributable yGS CT
+attribute yIl Bg
+attribute yKF Bz
+attribution yL4 y
+attrition yMq r
+attune yNV B7
+auction yPQ Bn
+auction yQ3 Bl
+auctioneer ySc Bw
+auctioneer yUM B5
+audacious yWF BM
+audible yXR Bi
+audience yYz Di
+audit ycV Bs
+audit yeB Bg
+auditor yfh B8
+auger yhd BB
+aught yie BO
+augment yjs Bk
+augmentation ylQ r
+augur yl7 BB
+augur ym8 Bo
+august yok Bz
+aunt yqX B8
+auntie ysT CA
+auspices yuT B3
+auspicious ywK Bw
+austere yx6 CX
+austerity y0R CT
+authentic y2k FA
+authenticate y7k CW
+authenticity y96 DT
+author zBN GZ
+authoritative zHm Go
+authority zOO NK
+authorize zbY E2
+autobiography zgO Da
+autocracy zjo DL
+autocratic zmz B9
+autograph zow Cu
+automatic zre GJ
+automobile zxn Dk
+autonomy z1L Ct
+autumn z34 DF
+autumnalequinox z69 Eo
+auxiliary 0D6 EP
+auxiliary z/l EV
+avail 0IJ HT
+avail 0Pc By
+available 0RO FZ
+avalanche 0Wn E8
+avarice 0bj C0
+avenge 0eX C4
+avenue 0hP FR
+aver 0mg C5
+average 0pZ DX
+average 0sw Cw
+average 0vg Do
+averse 0zI C6
+aversion 02C Cm
+avert 04o EI
+aviation 0/2 Dj
+aviator 08w DG
+avid 1DZ DI
+avidity 1Gh Dh
+avidly 1KC EE
+avionics 1Ou Dh
+avocado 1SP CS
+avocation 1OG o
+avoid 1Uh DP
+avoidable 1Xw Co
+avow 1aY C3
+await 1dP DT
+awake 1gi CK
+awake 1is Cr
+awake 1pY Cg
+awaken 1r4 Dw
+awakening 1vo B/
+awaketo 1lX EB
+award 18q Fa
+award 1xn LD
+aware 2CE D4
+awareness 2F8 Cm
+away 2Ii KE
+awe 2Sm B9
+awe 2Uj E7
+aweinspiring 2cL Bm
+awesome 2Ze Ct
+awestruck 2dx CO
+awful 2f/ FA
+awfully 2k/ Br
+awhile 2mq Cp
+awkward 2pT J/
+awl 2zS DB
+awning 22T Ep
+awry 2+M BE
+awry 268 DQ
+axe 2/Q CP
+axe 3Bf B8
+axiom 3Db Dw
+axis 3HL CU
+axle 3Jf B8
+aye 3Lb BD
+azure 3Me Cr
+azure 3PJ Dt
+babble 3S2 Eo
+babble 3Xe Cj
+babbler 3aB Bm
+babe 3bn CQ
+babel 3d3 B4
+baboon 3fv EK
+baby 3j5 DE
+baby 3m9 Cs
+babycarriage 3sZ CI
+babyhood 3pp BV
+babyish 3q+ Bb
+babyminder 3uh Bv
+babysit 330 DS
+babysitter 37G CW
+babysnatcher 3wQ Cn
+babytalk 3y3 Dc
+babytooth 32T Bh
+baccilus 4BT BU
+bachelor 39c D3
+back 4Cn FC
+back 4K8 BN
+back 4Vw HO
+back 4c+ Ge
+back slide 5Su Bo
+backache 4m/ Bw
+backbench 4MJ B9
+backbencher 4OG CB
+backbite 4rJ CB
+backbiter 4tK BL
+backbiting 4uV BQ
+backbone 4ov Ca
+backbreaking 4Jd Bf
+backchat 4vl Bv
+backcloth 4xU s
+backcomb 4yA B8
+backdate 4z8 Bk
+backdoor 4QH EW
+backdrop 41g BX
+backer 4jc 7
+backfire 423 B8
+backformation 44z BM
+background 45/ Gx
+backhand 5Aw Cw
+backhanded 5Dg Bb
+backhander 5E7 p
+backing 4kX Co
+backlash 5Fk z
+backless 4Hp B0
+backlist 5GX Br
+backlog 5IC B1
+backnumber 4Ud BT
+backpack 5J3 CF
+backpedal 5L8 B1
+backrest 5Nx CC
+backseat 5Pz BQ
+backside 5RD Br
+backspace 5UW BN
+backstage 5Vj Bn
+backstroke 5XK +
+backtalk 5YI /
+backtrack 5ZH y
+backup 5Z5 Cg
+backward 5cZ Dv
+backwards 5gI Db
+backwash 5jj W
+backwater 5j5 1
+backwoods 5ku l
+backyard 5lT Ba
+bacon 5mt EP
+bad 5q8 K5
+badge 511 D4
+badger 55t CQ
+badger 579 D2
+badly 5/z GL
+badminton 6F+ CY
+baffle 6IW Fo
+baffle 6N+ CD
+bag 6QB HK
+bag 6XL Fx
+baggage 6c8 Dz
+baggagecar 6gv B5
+baggageroom 6io CF
+bagpipe 6kt Cd
+bail 6nK C4
+bailiff 6qC BV
+bait 6rX CO
+bait 6tl Bd
+baize 6vC CS
+bake 6xU BR
+bakelite 627 CK
+baker 6yl Bd
+bakery 61d Be
+baking 60C Bb
+balance 65F Bc
+balance 66h ED
+balcony 6+k BS
+bald 6/2 Ca
+balding 7CQ BY
+baldness 7Do BP
+bale 7E3 BN
+bale 7GE CH
+baleful 7IL Bd
+ball 7Jo BM
+ballad 7K0 B1
+ballast 7Mp Be
+ballet 7OH Br
+balloon 7Py Bs
+ballot 7Re Br
+ballot 7TJ BJ
+ballyhoo 7YO BM
+balm 7US BX
+balmy 7Vp BJ
+balsam 7Wy Bc
+bamboo 7Za BZ
+ban 7az Bs
+ban 7cf B3
+banal 7eW Bf
+banana 7f1 BC
+band 7g3 Bg
+bandage 7iX BS
+bandage 7jp Be
+bandanna 7lH CB
+bandit 7nI Bl
+bane 7ot CU
+bang 7rB Bo
+bangle 7sp 8
+banish 7tl B2
+banishment 7vb CG
+bank 70C Br
+bank 7xh Ch
+bank roll 78V Cm
+bankbalance 71t B1
+bankbook 73i Br
+banker 75N B6
+banking 77H BO
+bankrupt 7+7 By
+bankruptcy 8At Bp
+banner 8CW Bh
+banquet 8Fa CJ
+banqueting 8Hj Bv
+bantam 8D3 Bj
+banter 8JS CJ
+bantering 8Lb B7
+baptism 8O6 Bp
+baptist 8Qj Bb
+baptize 8NW Bk
+bar 8R+ BV
+bar 8TT Dp
+barb 8W8 BY
+barbarian 8Z0 Bp
+barbaric 8bd BE
+barbarism 8eZ B0
+barbarity 8ch B4
+barbarous 8gN BX
+barbecue 8hk CD
+barbed 8YU Bg
+barber 8jn BP
+bard 8k2 Bw
+bare 8mm EN
+bare 8qz C1
+barefoot 8to BX
+barefooted 8u/ Bb
+barely 8wa Be
+bargain 8x4 Bn
+bargain 8zf B3
+barge 81W B1
+bark 83L Bh
+bark 84s BO
+barley 856 BE
+barn 86+ BQ
+barometer 88O CL
+baron 8+Z Bm
+baroness 8// Dq
+barrack 9Dp Bu
+barrel 9FX BA
+barrel 9GX Bz
+barren 9IK Bv
+barricade 9J5 Bo
+barricade 9Lh Bn
+barrier 9NI Bt
+barring 9O1 Bu
+barrister 9Qj B3
+barrow 9Sa BU
+barter 9Tu B6
+barter 9Vo B8
+base 9Xk Bv
+base 9ZT Bk
+base 9a3 Bm
+baseless 9cd B5
+bashful 9eW Bz
+basic 9gJ Bq
+basic 9hz Bk
+basil 9jX BF
+basin 9kc B5
+basis 9mV BO
+bask 9nj CM
+basket 9pv BM
+basketball 9q7 B6
+bastard 9s1 Bv
+bastion 9uk Bf
+bat 9wD B5
+batch 9x8 Bo
+bath 9zk BF
+bathroom 90p B9
+batik 92m B2
+batman 94c Cb
+baton 963 BK
+baton round 98B B3
+batsman 994 BJ
+battalion 9/B CQ
+batten +BR BX
+batten +Co Bs
+batter +EU BM
+batter +Fg Bj
+battered +HD Ba
+battery +Id Cj
+battle +LA Bz
+battle +Mz BU
+battleaxe +RY Be
+battlecruiser +OH B0
+battlecry +P7 Bd
+battlefield +S2 Bn
+battlements +Ud B4
+battleship +WV Bq
+batty +X/ BL
+bauble +ZK Bw
+baulk +a6 BW
+bauxite +cQ Bm
+bawdy +d2 Bi
+bawl +fY Ca
+bay +hy GN
+bay +n/ CA
+bayonet +p/ BR
+bayonet +rQ Bj
+bazaar +sz BE
+be +t3 4
+be found wanting DnZJ CP
+be on the fiddle DiI3 BB
+beach +uv BU
+beach +wD CE
+beach buggy +03 DE
+beachball +yH Cw
+bead +37 Bt
+beam ++N Cq
+beam +5o El
+bean /A3 BB
+bear /B4 9
+bear /C1 Dj
+beast /GY Ch
+beat /I5 B9
+beat /K2 JC
+beautiful /T4 BW
+beautify /VO Bk
+beauty /Wy Bd
+beaver /YP BH
+beaver away /ZW Bx
+becalmed /bH D0
+because /e7 Bn
+beck /gi BV
+beckon /h3 Bq
+become /jh CL
+become a mother HDrM B2
+becoming /ls Bf
+bed /nL EP
+bed /ra EE
+bedeck /ve BF
+bedescendedfrom Cl0O B3
+bedlam /wj BS
+bedridden /x1 Bw
+bee /zl BH
+beef /0s BM
+beehive /14 B6
+beep /3y Bq
+beep /5c BS
+beer /6u CC
+beerhouse /8w Bt
+beet /+d BH
+beetle //k BE
+befall BAAo BY
+befit BACA BP
+before BADP BV
+before BAEk Cr
+beforehand BAHP BT
+befriend BAIi Ba
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+beget BAOX CN
+beget in on the ground floor D3q2 D9
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+beggarly BATb Bm
+begin BAVB Bk
+begin BAWl Bt
+beginner BAYS DK
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+begrudge BAc+ Cs
+beguile BAfq FY
+behalf BAlC Bf
+behave BAmh Bg
+behaviour BAoB BV
+behead BApW Bn
+behest BAq9 Cw
+behind BAtt CS
+behind BAv/ BF
+behind BAxE BI
+behindhand BAyM Ck
+behold BA0w CB
+beholden BA2x BW
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+behove BA5N Bg
+being BA6t EH
+belch BA+0 BZ
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+believe BBEZ BY
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+belle BBIy Bu
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+bellow BBOd Dg
+bellows BBR9 Bo
+belly BBTl BR
+belly out BBU2 BN
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+belongings BBXU Be
+beloved BBYy Bl
+beloved BBaX BG
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+belt BBcu DC
+bemoan BBfw Bn
+bench BBhX Ba
+bend BBix BE
+bend BBj1 Bn
+beneath BBlc BS
+benediction BBmu Bv
+benefactor BBod Cz
+benefice BBrQ B+
+beneficial BBtO BW
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+benevolence BBxc BZ
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+benign BB0B BW
+bent BB1X BR
+bent BB2o BE
+bequeath BB3s Bt
+bequest BB5Z Bl
+berate BB6+ By
+bereave BB8w B/
+bereavement BB+v B9
+berry BCAs BD
+berth BCBv Bb
+berth BCDK BS
+beset BCEc Bl
+beside BCGB 4
+besides BCG5 B3
+besides BCIw Bu
+besiege BCKe Bu
+best BCMM Bd
+best BCNp BS
+best BCO7 Bb
+bestow BCQW Cf
+bet BCS1 8
+bet BCTx BS
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+better BCWu BP
+better BCX9 Bv
+better BCZs Bg
+better BCbM Bj
+between BCcv BP
+beverage BCd+ Bz
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+bewilder BCiv Bj
+bewitch BCkS Bl
+beyond BCl3 BX
+bias BCnO BU
+bib BCoi BL
+biblical BCpt Bm
+bicameral BCrT CK
+bicentenary BCtd CS
+bicentennial BCvv CS
+bicker BCyB Ba
+bicker BCzb Bd
+bicycle BC04 BQ
+bicyclist BC2I B1
+bid BC39 Bl
+bid BC5i BV
+bidder BC63 B+
+bidding BC81 Cz
+biennial BC/o Bg
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+big BDCW Jg
+bigamy BDL2 By
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+binary BDTk i
+bind BDUG BU
+binding BDVa CO
+binding BDXo BJ
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+birth BDiO CG
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+birthrate BDn4 o
+birthright BDog CM
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+bishop BDsG f
+bismuth BDsl BJ
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+bitch BDy5 BX
+bite BD0Q BL
+bite the hand that feeds Ddha CD
+biting BD1b BR
+bitter BD2s Dn
+bitterly BD6T DA
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+bitumen BD+C d
+biweekly BD+f BE
+black BD/j FH
+blackboard BEEq BS
+blacking BEF8 Bw
+blackmail BEHs u
+blacksmith BEIa m
+blade BEJA Be
+blame BEKe 7
+blame BELZ B4
+blameless BENR BU
+bland BEOl Bn
+blank BEQM Bh
+blank BERt x
+blanket BESe BR
+blaspheme BETv BF
+blasphemy BEU0 4
+blast BEVs n
+blast BEWT Cv
+blaze BEZC BR
+blaze BEaT B1
+bleach BEcI CE
+bleak BEeM CN
+bleed BEgZ BR
+blemish BEhq /
+blend BEip v
+blend BEjY B1
+blend BElN Bx
+bless BEm+ Bd
+blessed BEob CG
+blessing BEqh B5
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+blight BEtK Bk
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+blind BEuu C4
+blind BExm DV
+blindfold BE2Z Bc
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+blink BE6g C6
+bliss BE9a v
+blister BE+J BF
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+bloat BFB8 Bd
+bloat BFDZ Bh
+block BFE6 Lu
+block BFQo H7
+blockade BFYj w
+blockade BFZT 7
+blond BFaO BO
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+blonde BFd2 Bn
+blonde BFdC 0
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+bloody BFoX Bb
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+bloom BFsp BP
+blossom BFt4 u
+blossom BFum CJ
+blot BFwv BW
+blot BFyF Bl
+blow BF0/ BQ
+blow BF2P BL
+blow BFzq BV
+blow in BF/X BP
+blow out BF3a BW
+blow over BF4w Ck
+blow up BF7U ED
+blowdry BGAm CS
+blower BGLN Cm
+blowhole BGC4 Bw
+blowlamp BGNz BH
+blowout BGEo Do
+blowup BGIQ BS
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+blowzy BGO6 B2
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+blubber BGSZ Cg
+blubbery BGU5 CZ
+bludgeon BGXS BO
+blue BGYg D2
+blue BGfB DG
+blue bell BGiH CJ
+blue berry BGkQ BO
+blue bottle BGle BW
+blue murder HKOp B8
+blue stone BGsP Ba
+blue water BGtp B+
+blue whale BGcW Cr
+bluegrass BGm0 CN
+blueprint BGpB Bx
+bluesky BGvn Bf
+bluestocking BGqy Bd
+bluff BGxG CV
+bluff BGzb BM
+bluish BG0n BQ
+blunder BG13 Bm
+blunder away BG3d CS
+blunder out BG5v B+
+blunderbuss BG7t Cn
+blunderer BG+U CF
+blunderingly BHAZ Bj
+blunt BHB8 CP
+bluntly BHEL B+
+blur BHGJ By
+blur BHH7 Bh
+blurb BHJc CL
+blurt BHLn Cx
+blush BHOY BO
+blushing BHPm Bk
+blushingly BHRK Bc
+bluster BHSm Bt
+bluster BHUT Ba
+blusteringly BHVt Bq
+blusterous BHXX Be
+boa BHY1 Ba
+boar BHaP C5
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+board BHj5 BN
+board at BHlG CP
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+boardroom BH0P DX
+boardwalk BH3m Co
+boast BH+n DO
+boast BH6O Ci
+boastful BH8w B3
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+boat hook BIEz B1
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+boat people BIIP Cj
+boater BIKy Bj
+boating BIC8 B3
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+boatswain BIOp DN
+boatyard BIR2 Bz
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+bob BIVv Bp
+bobbed BIXY Be
+bobbin BIY2 EM
+bobble BIdC Dn
+bobby BIgp B0
+bobbypin BIid CE
+bobsleigh BIkh Cn
+bode BInI CM
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+bodice BIsi Br
+bodied BIuN CR
+bodily BIwe B4
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+body blow BI5T B6
+bodyguard BI7N Bn
+bog BI80 9
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+boggle BI9x f
+bogus BI/U BT
+boil BJAn B4
+boil BJCf BL
+boil BJDq Bl
+boiler BJFP Bo
+boisterous BJG3 Ci
+bold BJJZ B4
+boldly BJLR B4
+bolster BJNJ g
+bolster BJNp x
+bolt BJOa CH
+bolt BJQh Dc
+bomb BJT9 /
+bomb BJU8 BP
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+bombast BJXq BG
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+booklet BJ03 B3
+bookseller BJ2u CF
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+boomerang BKHC CO
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+boor BKNb Bc
+boorish BKO3 Br
+boost BKQi B8
+boost BKSe B0
+booster BKUS Ex
+boot BKZD C/
+boot BKcC BT
+bootee BKdV CJ
+booth BKfe CK
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+bootleg BKje Cr
+bootstrap BKmJ DY
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+boozy BKwH BE
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+borax BK2T BV
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+border BK+i DB
+border BK7/ Cj
+borderland BLBj CT
+borderline BLD2 CA
+borderline BLF2 CQ
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+borrow BLZ4 Cy
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+borstal BLgW DC
+bosom BLjY BP
+boss BLkn Ci
+boss BLnJ Bz
+botany BLo8 Bf
+botch BLqb BM
+both BLrn r
+both BLsS Bb
+bother BLtt Du
+bothersome BLxb Bx
+bottle BL0Y Cl
+bottle BLzM BM
+bottom BL29 C+
+bottomless BL57 EG
+bough BL+B 3
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+box BMtx Cj
+boy BMwU CU
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+boyish BM1d BI
+brace BM2l BQ
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+bracelet BM5f BU
+brach BM6z 0
+bracket BM7n B8
+bracket BM9j Bq
+brackish BM/N BK
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+braid BNDB BR
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+brass BNWj BW
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+bray BNmg BV
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+breach BNq+ BW
+bread BNsU Cy
+breadth BNvG Bq
+break BN31 M8
+break BNww HF
+breaker BOEx z
+breakfast BOFk B/
+breast BOHj BC
+breath BOIl Dr
+breathe BOMQ D1
+breathless BOQF Cf
+breech BOSk i
+breed BOTG By
+breed BOU4 BX
+breeding BOWP BU
+breeze BOXj BV
+brevity BOY4 g
+brew BOZY +
+brew BOaW BQ
+brewery BObm 3
+bribe BOcd Bu
+bribe BOeL Bn
+bribery BOfy BN
+brick BOg/ 9
+bridal BOh8 Br
+bridal BOjn BC
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+bridegroom BOmn BY
+bridesmaid BOn/ B1
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+bridle BOwf BX
+bridle BOx2 BC
+brief BO1G Bq
+brief BOy4 CO
+brig BO2w BE
+brigade BO30 BX
+bright BO5L H/
+brighten BPBK /
+brighten BPCJ Bk
+brightness BPDt BP
+brilliance BPE8 p
+brilliant BPFl CP
+brim BPH0 BG
+brimstone BPI6 l
+brine BPJf BU
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+brink BPMp BJ
+brisk BPNy Bq
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+brittle BPTN Bh
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+broadcast BPZ9 Bv
+broadcast BPbs BD
+broadcast BPcv Bq
+broaden BPeZ Bj
+broadside BPf8 Bn
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+broil BPi1 k
+broil BPjZ Bl
+broker BPk+ 7
+brokerage BPl5 BH
+bronchitis BPnA 9
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+brooch BPpq B/
+brood BPrp BY
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+brook BPww BP
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+brother BP03 B5
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+brown BP/a BL
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+brutishly BQ4F Bn
+bubble BQ+N B0
+bubble BQ81 BY
+bubble BQ8U h
+buck BRAB BV
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+buddiing BRLP Bp
+budge BRM4 Bg
+budge BROY 2
+budget BRPO CU
+buff BRRi BQ
+buff BRSy BR
+buffalo BRUD BA
+buffet BRVD BE
+buffet BRWH B/
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+bug BRZO BA
+bugle BRaO Bl
+build BRbz 4
+build BRcr H1
+building BRkg Dn
+bulb BRoH B8
+bulge BRqD BT
+bulge BRrW Bf
+bulk BRs1 BB
+bulk BRt2 BG
+bulky BRu8 z
+bull BRvv +
+bulldog BRwt Ct
+bullet BRza /
+bulletin BR0Z Br
+bullion BR2E Bt
+bullock BR3x +
+bully BR4v BV
+bully BR6E Bv
+bully BR7z Bj
+bulwark BR9W 6
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+bumper BSAx BI
+bun BSB5 BJ
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+bunch BSE3 Co
+bundle BSHf Bv
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+bungle BSLF BC
+buoy BSMH Bh
+buoy BSNo Bb
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+buoyant BSPn CY
+burden BSR/ BA
+burden BSS/ CH
+burdensome BSVG Bj
+bureau BSWp CR
+bureaucracy BSY6 Bm
+burgess BSag j
+burglar BSbD BD
+burial BScG CN
+burke BSeT BW
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+burlesque BShK o
+burlesque BShy 2
+burly BSio BQ
+burn BSj4 Bb
+burn BSlT B4
+burn BSnL E/
+burner BSsK i
+burning BSss EO
+burnish BSw6 1
+burnish BSxv BP
+burrow BSy+ c
+burrow BSza BE
+burst BS0e 5
+burst BS1X D3
+bury BS5O BR
+bus BS6f Br
+bush BS8K BI
+bushel BS9S BA
+bushy BS+S /
+business BS/R Ge
+bust BTFv CB
+bustle BTHw BP
+busy BTI/ BE
+but BTKD BR
+but BTLU Bc
+but BTMw 2
+butcher BTNm BQ
+butcher BTO2 B+
+butler BTQ0 BK
+butt BTR+ GH
+butt BTYF CI
+butter BTaN BS
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+button BTgQ Bb
+buttress BThr Bz
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+buy BTkz BW
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+by BTqW BH
+by BTrd DL
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+cable BT4k BU
+cable BT54 CV
+cactus BT8N BK
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+cadet BT+q CU
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+cage BUCk B8
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+cake BUHN 4
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+calamity BUJl B3
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+calculating BUNR Br
+calculation BUO8 CF
+calculator BURB B4
+calculus BUS5 BK
+calendar BUUD BV
+calf BUVY BI
+calibre BUWg Bd
+calico BUX9 BA
+caliph BUY9 Bf
+call BUac Bi
+call BUb+ BD
+call by BUdB Bd
+call down on BUee Co
+call for BUhG Bu
+call forth BUi0 By
+call in BUkm Bs
+call off BUmS Bj
+call out BUp3 BR
+call up BUrI Bb
+call upon BUn1 CC
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+camouflage BU93 BZ
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+camp BVCx Bh
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+campaigner BVF8 B+
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+canary BVMS Bf
+cancel BVNx Bp
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+candid BVQy BY
+candidate BVSK CT
+candle BVUd Br
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+candour BVXd BV
+candy BVYy BB
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+cane BVaQ Bm
+canine BVb2 BW
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+canker BVdu q
+canker BVeY t
+cannibal BVfF Bo
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+canoe BVnX BM
+canopy BVoj B0
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+cant BVrK BS
+cant BVsc x
+cantankerous BVtN CB
+canteen BVvO BQ
+canter BVwe BH
+canto BVxl Bj
+canton BVzI i
+canton BVzq BT
+canvas BV09 B9
+canvass BV26 B/
+canvasser BV45 CT
+cap BV7M Bt
+cap BV85 BY
+capability BV+R CN
+capable BWAe Ca
+capacity BWC4 Db
+cape BWGT CA
+caper BWIT FQ
+capital BWNj Cp
+capitalism BWQM Bh
+capitalist BWRt BS
+capitalist BWS/ Bv
+capitalize BWUu EA
+capitulate BWYu C1
+capitulation BWbj Cf
+capricious BWeC Bm
+capsize BWfo B0
+capsule BWhc BU
+captain BWiw DS
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+captive BWqN BW
+captivity BWrj BR
+captor BWs0 Bk
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+carol BXdu Bk
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+carry on BYGT u
+carry out BYHB B9
+carry over BYI+ Cf
+carry through BYLd Cu
+cart BYPq Bz
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+cartoonist BYVN Bo
+cartridge BYW1 B2
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+cast BYuv EV
+caste BYzE Bz
+casting BY03 C4
+castle BY3v BP
+castor BY4+ DY
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+casual BY90 BZ
+casually BY/N EY
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+cat BZGR 8
+cataclysm BZHN CB
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+catalogue BZK8 B+
+catalogue BZM6 B+
+catapult BZO4 BY
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+catch BZWh BI
+catechism BZXp CP
+categorical BZZ4 CN
+category BZcF Bd
+cater BZdi Bu
+caterer BZfQ B4
+caterpillar BZhI Bm
+catharsis BZiu B/
+cathartic BZkt CM
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+catholic BZoU Bj
+catholic BZp3 Be
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+caution BZ77 Bx
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+cement BahD BU
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+censor Bamc Bv
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+centralize Ba2J CM
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+chaff BbTv CP
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+chain Bbdf Bf
+chair Bbe+ BR
+chair BbgP Bq
+chairman Bbh5 Bt
+chalk Bbjm Bb
+chalk BblB B7
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+challenge BbpE Bl
+chamber Bbqp DU
+chamberlain Bbt9 CY
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+chance Bb6m Bx
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+change BcFh C3
+change BcIY Bi
+channel BcJ6 Ds
+chant BcNm BT
+chant BcO5 Bl
+chaos BcQe BL
+chap BcRp +
+chap BcSn BL
+chapel BcTy BN
+chaperon BcU/ Bz
+chaperon BcWy Bx
+chaplain BcYj Bs
+chapter BcaP EN
+char Bcec B5
+character BcgV Hg
+characteristic Bcn1 BZ
+characteristic BcpO Bz
+characterize BcrB CM
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+charge Bc0/ JP
+charge Bcur GU
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+chastity BdbL BR
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+chat Bdd3 BW
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+chatter Bdgj C7
+chatter Bdje EE
+cheap Bdni Bf
+cheaply BdpB Bk
+cheat Bdql u
+cheat BdrT Bd
+check Bdsw Gi
+check BeAj GS
+check ininto BdzS Cp
+check off Bd17 CK
+check on Bd5j Bz
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+chimpanzee BfGv Ba
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+china BfJI BV
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+chisel BfQb Bf
+chit BfR6 Cl
+chitchat BfUf Bj
+chitchat BfWC Bx
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+chlorine BfZo Bi
+chloroform BfbK Cg
+choice Bfdq BP
+choir Bfe5 By
+choke Bfgr CH
+cholera Bfiy BN
+choose Bfj/ Br
+chop Bflq BE
+chop Bfmu Bx
+choral Bfof BK
+chord Bfpp Dv
+chorus BftY B6
+christen BfvS BV
+chronic Bfwn BY
+chronicle Bf0I Bw
+chronicle Bfx/ CJ
+chronicler Bf14 Bd
+chrysanthemum Bf3V Bo
+chubby Bf49 BJ
+chuck Bf6G Bq
+chuck Bf7w Bj
+chuckle Bf/A Bo
+chuckle Bf9T Bt
+chum BgAo BR
+church BgB5 BJ
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+churchyard BgER Cu
+churn BgG/ Bh
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+cigarette BgMg BZ
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+cinematography BgSq CW
+cinnamon BgVA BV
+cipher BgWV Ew
+circa BgbF Bb
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+circle Bge6 Cw
+circuit Bghq Gd
+circuitous BgoH B1
+circular Bgp8 BY
+circular BgrU Bh
+circulate Bgs1 Cr
+circulation Bgvg C/
+circumference Bgyf Bl
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+circumstance Bg1l CF
+circumstantial Bg3q CV
+circumvent Bg5/ CT
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+citadel Bg+/ Bx
+citation BhAw Di
+cite BhES Dk
+citizen BhH2 BF
+citizenship BhI7 B9
+citrus BhK4 Bl
+city BhMd /
+civic BhNc Br
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+civilian BhbL B5
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+clack BhiQ B1
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+cladding Bhm3 Bi
+claim BhoZ If
+claim Bhw4 Ej
+claimant Bh1b Bq
+clam Bh3F Bx
+clam up Bh42 CG
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+clammy Bh8x B/
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+clamp BiDh C2
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+clap BiKQ DC
+clap BiNS Bk
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+clarion BiWW CS
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+clash Bifw Ft
+clasp Bild Ck
+clasp BioB Bw
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+class BiyA BT
+class BizT CE
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+classic Bi4v Fm
+classical BjBP DE
+classical music HKqR CJ
+classicism BjET CD
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+classification BjI3 CI
+classified BjND DF
+classify BjK/ CE
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+claymore BjpI B6
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+clean Bjyj BX
+clean Bjz6 BJ
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+cleaning Bj+T BY
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+cleanse BkCq BZ
+cleanser BkED Bi
+cleanup Bj7r BL
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+clear BkR/ BZ
+clear BkU+ H6
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+cleat BklS DA
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+cleave BkqN DR
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+clef Bku/ B+
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+clematis Bkyd Br
+clemency Bk2d Cm
+clement Bk0I CV
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+clergy Bk6i Bd
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+click BlJO Bc
+client BlKq Ch
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+climb BlYX EL
+climb Blci BL
+climber Bldt Eb
+clime BliI BN
+clinch BljV Dn
+cling Blm8 E8
+clinging Blr4 Da
+clinic BlvS Bx
+clinical BlxD Di
+clink Bl0l BY
+clink Bl19 Bh
+clinker Bl3e CG
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+clip Bl8P Ct
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+cloak BmLv Bi
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+clobber BmQ2 CK
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+clock BmTA 9
+clockwise BmVj CE
+clockwise BmXn CB
+clog BmZo Bu
+clog BmbW Bd
+cloister Bmcz Ba
+cloistered BmeN Bf
+clone Bmfs BL
+clone Bmg3 Bq
+clonk Bmih /
+clonk Bmjg BF
+close Bm6W FN
+close Bmkl Ly
+close BmwX BZ
+close BnKQ Bt
+close aroundoverround Bm/j Bu
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+cloudless BncF BS
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+clover Bnkc Bs
+clown BnmI CY
+clown Bnog B/
+clownish Bnqf B3
+cloying BnsW Bp
+cloze test Bnt/ CI
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+club BnyW Bc
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+clutter BoQP Bx
+cm BoSA BX
+coach BoTX Ch
+coach BoV4 Bl
+coachload BoXd Cb
+coachman BoZ4 Bn
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+coagulation Bocx Bb
+coal BoeM /
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+coalesce Boj8 B0
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+coarsely Bouy Bp
+coarsen Bowb BL
+coast Boxm BV
+coast Boy7 Bq
+coaster Bo0l D2
+coastguard Bo4b B8
+coastline Bo6X Bn
+coat Bo/R BN
+coat Bo7+ DT
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+coccyx BpWa CJ
+cochineal BpYj DB
+cock Bpbk BJ
+cock BpfV EP
+cock crow BpeW /
+cockahoop Bpct Bp
+cockatoo BplP Bp
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+cockpit Bppu CJ
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+cocksure BptO CU
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+cocky BpxM BR
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+cold BrZy G/
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+collaboratively BsMg CL
+collaborator BsOr Bn
+collage BsQS Dx
+collapse BsUD G9
+collapse BsbA Dq
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+collateral Bsqs C6
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+colleague Bstm Bj
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+collect BsvJ I6
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+colossus Bt5j CA
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+colour Bt86 BG
+colt Bt+A Bh
+column Bt/h FC
+coma BuEj Ba
+comb BuF9 C9
+comb BuI6 Ci
+combat BuLc /
+combat BuMb Bt
+combatant BuOI BT
+combination BuPb Cu
+combine BuSJ B6
+combustible BuUD BS
+combustion BuVV g
+come BuV1 Pm
+come across Buqi Bq
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+come at BunI B1
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+come by BusM BX
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+come down on one side of the fence or other DfEy Ci
+come down with BuxN Bq
+come for Buy3 Bp
+come forward Bu0g CE
+come in Bu2k B+
+come into Bu4i B/
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+complete Bx7O BV
+completion Bx8j BZ
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+compliant ByDP Bq
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+complication ByIR Bm
+compliment ByJ3 B4
+compliment ByLv B5
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+composition BybY C3
+compost ByeP BL
+compound Byfa CS
+compound Byhs B3
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+comprehensive Byou B5
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+continuance B6Ul Bv
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+contour B6ps Cr
+contoured B6sX Co
+contraband B6u/ Bz
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+contraceptive B6y0 CQ
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+contract B63w Ds
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+contractor B68x Bd
+contractual B6+O CL
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+contradiction B7E8 Ee
+contradictory B7Ja B8
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+contrast B7P8 Cn
+contravene B7Sj B6
+contretemps B7Ud Bt
+contribute B7WK IQ
+contribution B7ea Fu
+contributor B7kI B+
+contributory B7mG Br
+contrite B7nx B2
+contrition B7pn Bv
+contrivance B7rW DB
+contrive B7uX Ck
+contrived B7w7 B6
+control B75t C4
+control B7y1 G4
+controllable B78l Bz
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+controversial B8Bv B5
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+controvert B8FX Bt
+contusion B8HE Bb
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+convention B8ii Dc
+conventional B8l+ EJ
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+converter B9Ds CI
+convertible B9KP CN
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+conveyance B9UK Eh
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+convoke B9of Bq
+convoy B9qJ Bb
+convoy B9rk +
+convulse B9si BT
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+copulation B/Sx Dq
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+coronet CBOX DG
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+corrective CByh CV
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+corresponding CB8h FF
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+corroboration CCIW CU
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+corrode CCM/ BL
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+corrosive CCPl BV
+corrugate CCQ6 CO
+corrupt CCTI Fn
+corrupt CCYv B0
+corruption CCaj Bv
+corset CCcS B/
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+cosmopolitan CCoy DN
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+countersign CEt8 B7
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+couple CFYm CF
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+court CFzv Bq
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+crabby CHG7 Bf
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+crack CHPy OS
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+crap CIRm BQ
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+crater CIj4 Co
+cravat CImg D8
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+crony CMeH CU
+crook CMgb F6
+crook CMmV E7
+crooked CMrQ /
+croon CMsP BZ
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+crunchy CP9o BO
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+curse CSz0 /
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+daddy CUQw p
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+daisy CUc6 n
+dale CUdh r
+dam CUeM BO
+dam CUfa w
+damage CUgK +
+damage CUhI BS
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+damn CUmI t
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+dart CVKn Cf
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+dash CVNq Da
+dash CVRE DV
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+dive Cy8q B+
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+diverge Cy/S CM
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+divine CzVq FA
+divinity Czaq Bp
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+divisional CzgC Dg
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+divulge Czoa B3
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+docile Czs0 DU
+dock CzwI BV
+dock Czxd CK
+docket Czzn B2
+doctor Cz1d Cs
+doctrine Cz4J 1
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+document Cz6M Dx
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+domestic C0QH D9
+domestic C0UE 9
+domesticate C0VB CC
+dominant C0XD B8
+dominate C0Y/ Cl
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+don C0eq Bf
+don C0gJ +
+donate C0hH q
+donation C0hx e
+donkey C0iP c
+donor C0ir e
+doomsday C0jJ BX
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+dormitory C0qo o
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+dose C0ry CY
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+dramatically C3wr B9
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+drove C8WF e
+drown C8Wj C/
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+drunk C8ml 0
+drunken C8nZ BB
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+dryness C8yh m
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+duel C9Ey B+
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+dug C9HX W
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+dungeon C9hc 9
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+dynamic C+Xv CS
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+dynamo C+b9 EL
+dynasty C+gI Bm
+e C+hu Bp
+each C+jX +
+each C+kV Bc
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+earplug C/dt Co
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+earth C/jn B/
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+ecclesiastic DAv+ BX
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+elm DFX1 B2
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+encircle DHrJ BQ
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+erotica DNSx C5
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+escort DN9x B3
+esoteric DN/o Bb
+especially DOBD BQ
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+esplanade DODo CV
+espouse DOF9 C/
+espy DOI8 Bp
+esquire DOKl 6
+essay DOLf Bx
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+essayist DOO9 x
+essence DOPu B7
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+estimation DOnZ Dm
+estranged DOq/ Cc
+estrangement DOtb CG
+estuary DOvh B0
+et al DOxV CF
+etc DOza B5
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+etching DO5W Bg
+eternal DO62 /
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+euphoric DPp0 Cv
+eureka DPsj Cg
+eurocheque DPvD B+
+eurocrat DPxB B+
+euroelection DPy/ CK
+europe DP1J 9
+european DP2G BK
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+evade DQDK CH
+evaluate DQFR Bw
+evaluation DQHB Bx
+evanescent DQIy B7
+evangelical DQKt B/
+evangelist DQMs CH
+evangelize DQOz CX
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+evasion DQTY Ba
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+eventually DQ2r BR
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+everlasting DQ8N Bw
+evermore DQ99 Bv
+every DQ/s CE
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+everything DRJT BM
+everywhere DRKf CU
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+evidence DROV Cf
+evident DRQ0 C/
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+evil DRVG Di
+evildoer DRYo r
+evoke DRZT y
+evolution DRaF Bm
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+ex DRd5 q
+exact DRej Ct
+exact DRhQ 4
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+except DSB9 Bk
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+excess DSHr BU
+excessive DSI/ Bm
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+excise DSQl Bn
+excise DSSM B1
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+executive DSzl BU
+executor DS05 CG
+exemplary DS2/ Bh
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+exemption DS9E BZ
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+exhaust DTEo BT
+exhaustion DTF7 BK
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+exhortation DTTl BZ
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+exile DTYU Bc
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+exit DTee +
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+exorcise DTi+ B4
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+expedite DTzL B+
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+explicit DUUf Bf
+explicitly DUV+ B4
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+explore DUds BJ
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+exponent DUkV Bq
+export DUl/ Bq
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+exposure DUtL BS
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+extradite DVmV Ex
+extraneous DVrG En
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+extravagant DV06 BJ
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+extremity DV9+ u
+extricate DV+s Bc
+exuberance DWAI p
+exuberant DWAx k
+exude DWBV BJ
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+facing DWoO BL
+facsimile DWpZ B+
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+faction DWs3 Bt
+factor DWuk DE
+factory DWxo Bc
+facts and figures DkoM CW
+faculty DWzE D/
+fade DW3D B4
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+fail DXAG JG
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+failing DXK1 Bs
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+failure DXPO Cy
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+faint DXVr BZ
+faint DXXE Bp
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+fair DXdP Bb
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+false DYvB /
+falsehood DYwA BG
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+fanciful DZZU BC
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+fashion DafK DM
+fashion DaiW CZ
+fashionable Dakv BY
+fast DamH BV
+fast Danc BJ
+fast Daol BB
+fasten Dapm BM
+fastidious Daqy Bv
+fat Dash 4
+fat DatZ +
+fatal DauX Bk
+fatality Dav7 Bu
+fate Daxp Bm
+fated DazP Bw
+father Da0/ BF
+father Da2E BL
+fatherland Da3P BV
+fatherless Da4k BG
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+fathom Da7E Bb
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+faulty DbEP BM
+faun DbFb BS
+fauna DbGt +
+faux pas DbHr Bn
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+febrile Dc5I B1
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+fecal Dc7r BQ
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+feel Dd99 BO
+feeler Dd/L Ex
+feeling DeD8 DD
+feelingly Dd8d Bg
+feet DeG/ BY
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+fence DfQa EZ
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+fettle Dg+Q Bd
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+fifteen Djic Bj
+fifteen Djj/ Bj
+fifteenth Djli Bo
+fifteeth Djw4 Bg
+fifteeth DjwO q
+fifth DjnK BO
+fifth column DjqD CG
+fifthly DjoY Br
+fifty DjsJ e
+fifty Djsn BQ
+fifty cents DjyY B/
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+fiftyfifty Dj1x t
+fig Dj4e 8
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+finding Dnve Bn
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+finish Dowd BR
+finished Do4d Ck
+finisher Doxu CK
+finishing line Doz4 Cw
+finishing school Do2o B1
+finite Do7B BY
+fiord Do8Z Ck
+fir Do+9 Bw
+fir cone DpAt 2
+fire DpBj Cv
+fire DpwY G/
+fire alarm DpES De
+fire ball DpHw Bn
+fire bomb DpJX CV
+fire break DpLs Dg
+fire brigade DpPM CH
+fire department DpTX BH
+fire door DpUe Dn
+fire drill DpYF Cx
+fire engine Dpa2 Bj
+fire escape DpcZ Cf
+fire extinguisher Dpe4 C8
+fire fighter Dph0 Ca
+fire guard DpkO Cf
+fire lighter Dpmt B7
+fire power Dpoo Dj
+fire service DpRT CE
+fire station DpsL C2
+fire water DpvB BX
+firearm DqBj Bc
+firebrand DqC/ CN
+firecracker DqFM B/
+fired Dp3X CW
+firefly DqHL Bb
+firelight DqIm Bs
+fireman DqKS B5
+fireplace DqML CS
+fireproof DqOd CJ
+fireside DqQm Bl
+firewood DqSL B1
+firework DqUA Dd
+firing Dp5t CD
+firing line Dp7w DF
+firing squad Dp+1 Cu
+firm DqXd D4
+firm DqbV Be
+firm Dqcz Cp
+firm Dqfc Bq
+firmament DqhG BP
+first DqiV Ca
+first DrVE EZ
+first Dra5 Bw
+first aid Dqmu B9
+first base Dqor CR
+first born DrZd Bc
+first class Dqq8 Dh
+first cousin Dqud B5
+first day cover DqwW C+
+first degree DqzU Bf
+first ever Dq0z B8
+first finger Dq2v r
+first floor Dq3a Bs
+first fruit Dq5G Dp
+first gear Dq8v B9
+first lady Dq+s CX
+first light DrBD BW
+first name DrCZ BB
+first night DrDa Bb
+first offender DrE1 Cu
+first rate DrJr BU
+first rate DrK/ BT
+first refusal DrMS CQ
+first school DrOi Cf
+first time DrRB Bd
+firsthand DrgX B9
+firstly Dqkv B/
+firth DriU Br
+fiscal Drj/ Bq
+fiscal year Drlp B5
+fish Drni BD
+fish DsAa Bq
+fish and chips Drta Cc
+fish cake Drv2 CL
+fish eyelense DryB CV
+fish farm Dr0W CU
+fish finger Dr31 CC
+fish hook Dr53 B6
+fish knife Dr7x CX
+fish plate DsSt Dq
+fish slice Dr+I CS
+fish stick Dr2q BL
+fisherman DsKj CS
+fishery DsM1 CW
+fishing DsCE CB
+fishing line DsEF C/
+fishing pole DsHE BM
+fishing rod DsIQ CT
+fishmonger DsPL B/
+fishnet DsRK Bj
+fishy Drqf C7
+fissalparous Dscl Dm
+fissile DsWX Cc
+fission DsYz Dy
+fissure DsgL Bf
+fissured Dshq BX
+fist DsjB BW
+fistcuffs DsmB Bj
+fistful DskX Bq
+fit Dsnk ER
+fit Dsr1 FL
+fit DszQ DK
+fit as a fiddle DiJ4 Bj
+fitful Ds7Z BP
+fitfully Ds8o Bf
+fitment Ds+H Bu
+fitness DsxA CQ
+fitted Ds2a Bp
+fitter Ds4D DW
+fitting Ds/1 Bc
+fitting DtBR C6
+five DtEL B7
+five oclock shadow DtHl CC
+fivefold DtJn CE
+fivefold DtLr CC
+fiver DtGG Bf
+fives DtNt Bh
+fix DtPO Kl
+fix DtoM F8
+fixated DtuI B0
+fixation Dtv8 By
+fixative Dtxu DL
+fixed DtZz EN
+fixed costs Dtfu B4
+fixedly DteA Bu
+fixer Dthm Ei
+fixity DtmI CE
+fixture Dt05 F9
+fizz Dt62 Bb
+fizz Dt8R CD
+fizzle Dt+U B3
+fizzy DuAL Bp
+fl oz D50h B3
+flab DuB0 Bf
+flabbergast DuFz CE
+flabby DuDT Cg
+flaccid DuH3 By
+flag DuJp Ct
+flag DuMW D6
+flag day DuQQ B+
+flag of convenience DuSO DI
+flag waving DuVW CE
+flagellate Dua1 CY
+flagellation DudN Be
+flagged DuZT Bi
+flagon Duer CX
+flagpole DuoJ C4
+flagrant DuhC CW
+flagrantly DujY CM
+flagship Dulk BW
+flagstaff Dum6 BP
+flagstone DuXa B5
+flail DurB BR
+flail DusS CX
+flair Duup BY
+flak DuwB C/
+flak jacket DuzA CF
+flake Du1F Bp
+flake Du2u BZ
+flaked Du4H Bj
+flakiness Du6w Bj
+flaky Du5q BG
+flambe Du8T CE
+flamboyance DvCY Bv
+flamboyant Du+X EB
+flamboyantly DvEH B+
+flame DvGF GS
+flame DvPV E3
+flame thrower DvMX C+
+flamenco DvVR Bh
+flaming DvUM BF
+flamingo DvWy CV
+flammable DvZH Be
+flan Dval BX
+flange Dvb8 Bo
+flank Dvdk Ex
+flank DviV Ba
+flannel Dvjv B8
+flannel Dvlr Bx
+flannelette Dvnc +
+flap Dvoa Fk
+flap Dvt+ ET
+flapjack DvyR Bo
+flapper Dvz5 Bl
+flare Dv1e Bp
+flare Dv3H EN
+flare DwCE Bv
+flare DwDz BO
+flare path Dv7U CX
+flare up Dv9r EZ
+flash DwFB EX
+flash DwJY BX
+flash DwT8 HO
+flash bulb DwKv Bt
+flash card Dwdu Ch
+flash cube DwMc Ck
+flash flood DwPA Cf
+flash gun DwRf Cd
+flashback DwgP Co
+flasher DwbK Ck
+flashing Dwi3 B4
+flashlight Dwkv BY
+flashpoint DwmH Cc
+flashy Dwoj Bg
+flask DwqD Bl
+flat DwwN No
+flat DxQs EQ
+flat DxWY GG
+flat as a pancake DxAG CT
+flat bottomed DxIw Bw
+flat broke DxeF Bt
+flat car Dxjj Ce
+flat fish DxKg 6
+flat footed DxLa C/
+flat out Dxfy Dx
+flat racing DxOZ CT
+flatlet DxU8 Bc
+flatly DxFN Bx
+flatmate DxmB B5
+flatness DxG+ By
+flatten Dxn6 Dd
+flatter DxrX Ev
+flatterer DxwG BM
+flattering DxxS Dl
+flattery Dx03 Bq
+flatulence Dx6A Bt
+flatulent Dx2h Df
+flaunt Dx7t BU
+flautist Dx9B Bw
+flavour Dx+x CZ
+flavour DyDL Br
+flavour of the month DyBK CB
+flavoured DyE2 CV
+flavouring DyHL C+
+flavourless DyKJ B7
+flaw DyME Dm
+flaw DyPq Bs
+flawless DyRW BP
+flax DySl D6
+flaxen DyWf Bv
+flea DyYO BF
+flea bite Dybp DL
+flea market Dye0 CF
+flea pit Dyg5 Bm
+fleck Dyif BS
+fleck Dyjx B5
+fledged Dylq Bn
+fledgeling Dyo6 EV
+fledgling DynR Bp
+flee DytP CK
+fleece DyvZ B5
+fleece DyxS B/
+fleecy DyzR BL
+fleet Dy0c Dx
+fleet Dy7M Br
+fleet admiral Dy4N C/
+fleet street DzAp DT
+fleeting Dy83 B8
+fleetingly Dy+z B2
+flesh DzD8 CT
+flesh DzY1 CZ
+flesh and blood DzHk Cj
+flesh wound Dzfo BY
+fleshly DzbO CC
+fleshpots DzhA CS
+fleshy DzdQ CY
+fleurdelis DzjS C9
+flex DzmP Bz
+flex DzoC BW
+flex ones muscles DzpY Ca
+flexibility Dzv/ Cg
+flexible Dzry EN
+flextime Dzyf DC
+flibbertigibbet Dz1h Ce
+flick Dz3/ FU
+flick Dz9T FU
+flick knife D0Jt B0
+flick something away D0Cn BR
+flick something from D0D4 BR
+flick something off D0FJ CX
+flick through D0Hg CN
+flicker D0Lh E4
+flicker D0Sm CJ
+flicker out D0QZ CN
+flies D0Uv B1
+flight D02E Bv
+flight D0Wk Fi
+flight crew D0gk Ce
+flight deck D0jC Fp
+flight lieutenant D0or BT
+flight path D0p+ CR
+flight recorder D0sP E8
+flight sergeant D0xL Cc
+flight simulator D0zn Cd
+flightless D0et B3
+flighty D08v B5
+flimsy D0+o DU
+flinch D1B8 Cr
+fling D1En F+
+fling D1S8 Cw
+fling off D1QZ Cj
+fling on D1PF BU
+fling oneself at D1Kl B5
+fling oneself into D1Me Cn
+flint D1Vs CS
+flintlock D1a4 CD
+flinty D1X+ C6
+flip D1c7 D3
+flip D1k3 BW
+flip D1mN CI
+flip D1oV B4
+flip chart D1sx CH
+flip flop D1u4 CY
+flip ones lid D1gy CL
+flip side D1xQ Db
+flip through D1i9 B6
+flippancy D12Z B1
+flippant D10r Bu
+flippantly D14O B8
+flipper D16K EF
+flipping D1qN BC
+flipping D1rP Bi
+flirt D1+P E7
+flirt D2DK BY
+flirtation D2Ei DP
+flirtatious D2Hx CQ
+flit D2KB Bp
+flit D2Lq BU
+float D2M+ JT
+float D2lW Fh
+float about D2Y7 9
+float around D2Z4 Dm
+float on air D2WR Cq
+floating D2g3 Be
+floating around D2de DZ
+floating voter D2iV DB
+flock D2q3 FB
+flock D2v4 Cg
+flock D2yY CM
+flog D20k C9
+flog a dead horse D23h Cl
+flog oneself to death into the ground D28e Cn
+flog to death D26G CY
+flogging D2/F CC
+flood D3BH Kv
+flood D3Qw BL
+flood of tears D3R7 CO
+flood out D3L2 Cn
+floodgate D3UJ C6
+flooding D3Od CT
+floodlight D3fH CR
+floodlight D3hY DC
+floodplain D3aP Cy
+floodtide D3dB CG
+floopy diskette D4KS +
+floor D32y EG
+floor D3ka Gc
+floor show D30W Cc
+floorboard D364 CL
+flooring D3zG BQ
+floozie D3+B CL
+floozy D39D +
+flop D4AM El
+flop D4GC DX
+flop back D4Ex BR
+floppy D4JZ 5
+floppy disk D4LQ B/
+flora D4NP CG
+floral D4PV DJ
+floret D4Se B1
+florid D4UT DG
+florin D4XZ C7
+florist D4aU Bx
+floss D4cF DX
+flotation D4fc Dn
+flotila D4jD B8
+flotsam D4k/ Bq
+flotsam and jetsam D4mp E0
+flounce D4rd Cr
+flounce D4uI BR
+flounced D4vZ Bb
+flounder D4w0 Cs
+flounder D4zg CG
+flour D41m BV
+flour D427 Bi
+flouridation D6oi C4
+flourine D6ra Ca
+flourish D47L E/
+flourish D5AK Cn
+flouroscence D6kH B3
+flouroscent D6g4 DP
+floury D44d Cu
+flout D5Cx BX
+flow D5EI Gl
+flow D5Qo ES
+flow chart D5XY DL
+flow from D5NC Be
+flow ininto D5Kt CV
+flow out D5Og CI
+flower D5aj DF
+flower D5gF Cv
+flower bed D5pa CY
+flower chidren D5ry B5
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+flowered D5i0 Bb
+flowering D5kP Ce
+flowerpot D5zJ BY
+flowery D5mt Ct
+flt lt D52Y BZ
+flu D53x Bg
+fluctuate D55R Bm
+fluctuation D563 CI
+flue D58/ CW
+fluency D6CQ BN
+fluent D5/V C7
+fluently D6Dd Bi
+fluff D6E/ DN
+fluff out D6I2 C/
+fluff up D6IM q
+fluffy D6L1 C/
+fluid D6O0 Cu
+fluid D6Ri Cu
+fluid ounce D6Vq Bh
+fluidity D6UQ Ba
+fluke D6XL B6
+flummox D6ZF B5
+flunk D6a+ BJ
+flunk out D6cH Bw
+flunkey D6d3 DB
+fluoride D6l+ Ck
+flurry D6t0 D0
+flush D65W Dc
+flush D6xo Fb
+flush D7At Cw
+flush D7Dd BW
+flush out D68y CB
+flushed D6+z B6
+fluster D7Ez Bl
+fluster D7GY CE
+flute D7Ic BS
+fluted D7LU CW
+fluting D7Nq Bi
+flutist D7Ju Bm
+flutter D7PM HE
+flutter D7WQ EQ
+fluvial D7ag Bs
+flux D7cM Do
+fly D7f0 OZ
+fly D8WD C3
+fly D8t0 EJ
+fly a kite D7+a DI
+fly at D8LV Bh
+fly away D8M2 B1
+fly by D8Or Bs
+fly by night D8TN C2
+fly high D70n Bw
+fly in the face of D72X Cj
+fly into a passion D746 BN
+fly into a rage D77T DH
+fly into a temper D76H BM
+fly off the handle D8ES CN
+fly past D8QX C2
+flyblown D8m+ Br
+flyer D8x9 K0
+flyfishing D8op Cg
+flygo off at a tangent D8Dr n
+flygo out of the window D8Gf o
+flying D8+y Bk
+flying D9FG Bx
+flying buttress D9G3 CS
+flying doctor D9JJ Du
+flying fish D9M3 C6
+flying jump D9Px Cl
+flying officer D9SW B0
+flying picket D9UK Bm
+flying saucer D9Vw DM
+flying sqad D9Y8 Ck
+flying visit D9bg CQ
+flyleaf D9dw C6
+flyover D9gq Ce
+flypaper D8rJ Cr
+flysheet D9jI Cd
+flyweight D9ll Dj
+flywheel D9pI DD
+fm D9sL C/
+fo D9vK Cl
+foal D91D Bt
+foal D9xv Bu
+foam D92w DJ
+foam D955 BL
+foamy D97E B3
+fob D987 Bm
+fob off D9+h B/
+fob off ononto D+Ag CU
+focal D+C0 B6
+focal distance D+Eu Bc
+focal length D+GK Cb
+focal point D+Il Ce
+focus D+LD DS
+focus D+OV H4
+focussed D+WN CW
+fodder D+Yj DD
+foe D+bm By
+foetal D+e7 Cl
+foetus D+dY Bj
+fog D+hg Bk
+fog D+lD EW
+fog horn D+0L Db
+fog lamplight D+w8 DP
+fogbound D+ug Cc
+foggy D+pZ Cj
+fogy D+3m CS
+foible D+54 CY
+foil D+/n Bk
+foil D+8Q DX
+foil D/BL Bf
+foilage D/gs Bo
+foist D/Cq 0
+foist onupon D/De Bt
+fold D/FL En
+fold D/TQ FR
+fold D/Yh DW
+fold D/b3 Bn
+fold in D/RY B4
+fold in ones arms D/MT CQ
+fold into D/Qt r
+fold ones arms D/Jy Ch
+fold ones hands D/Oj CK
+foldaway D/de B0
+folder D/fS Ba
+folio D/iU B8
+folk D/kQ EF
+folk D/oV Bg
+folk dance D/p1 CQ
+folk memory D/wV CY
+folk singer D/yt BW
+folk song D/0D Bl
+folk tale D/1o Bk
+folklore D/sF Bo
+folklorist D/tt Co
+folksy D/3M Dg
+follicle D/6s BZ
+follow D/8F UT
+follow in sbs footsteps EAUh Ch
+follow ones nose EAXC Em
+follow suit EAbo Bt
+follow the crowd EASA Ch
+follow through EAfH B9
+follow up EAhE CZ
+follower EAjd E0
+following EAoR Bo
+following EAp5 Bk
+folly EArd Bp
+foment EAtG Bt
+fond EAuz BR
+fondle EA0A BM
+fondly EAwE C2
+fondness EAy6 BG
+fondue EA2i Em
+font EA1M BW
+food EA7I BE
+food poisoning EA/D Ch
+food processor EBBk CT
+food stamp EBD3 Bl
+food stuff EBFc Br
+foodchain EA8M C3
+fool EBHH Bc
+fool EBIj Bf
+foolhardy EBKC Bp
+foolish EBLr BZ
+foolishly EBNE Bi
+foolishness EBOm BZ
+foolproof EBP/ CI
+foolscap EBSH CS
+foot EBUZ F4
+foot stool K8h2 B3
+footage EBbh Br
+football EBdM BY
+football pool EBiW CR
+footballer EBek CE
+footballing EBgo Bu
+footbridge EBkn Ck
+footer EBaR BQ
+footfall EBnL B0
+foothill EBo/ Cw
+foothold EBrv Dt
+footing EBvc EL
+footloose EBzn B2
+footman EB1d Be
+footnote EB27 Bq
+footpath EB6S Be
+footprint EB4l Bt
+footsie EB7w C4
+footsore EB+o Bp
+footstep ECAR Bb
+footstool ECBs Co
+footwear ECEU Bo
+for ECF8 Fx
+for ECLt B4
+for that matter GuS7 CR
+forage ECNl BP
+forage ECO0 Bk
+foragecap ECQY DA
+foray ECTY DM
+forbear ECWk Bk
+forbearance ECYI Bc
+forbearing ECZk B1
+forbid ECbZ Bc
+forbidding ECc1 Bb
+forbiddingly ECeQ BU
+force ECfk F5
+force ECld E2
+force majeure ECyb CL
+forced ECqT Cm
+forced labour ECs5 BY
+forced landing ECuR CS
+forced march EC0m C0
+forcefeed ECwj B4
+forceful EC5m D5
+forcefully EC9f Bw
+forcefulness EC/P BT
+forcemeat EC3a CM
+forceps EDAi EW
+forcible EDE4 Bw
+forcibly EDGo Cw
+ford EDJY C7
+ford EDMT BT
+fore EDNm Bg
+fore EDPG Bh
+fore knowldge ED+w B+
+fore leg EEAu B9
+fore lock EECr CZ
+fore shore EEgc BR
+fore skin EEht Bz
+forearm EDQn Cp
+forearm EDTQ Da
+forebear EDYu Bc
+foreboding EDWq CE
+forecast EDaK C9
+forecast EDdH Cd
+forecaster EDfk CM
+foreclose EDhw BZ
+foreclosure EDjJ Dd
+forecourt EDmm Cp
+foredoomed EDpP CC
+forefather EDrR BZ
+forefinger EDsq BJ
+forefoot EDtz CT
+forefront EDwG Bn
+foregoing EDxt CE
+foregone EDzx Bw
+forehand ED1h Bw
+foreign ED3R CT
+foreign exchange ED7A B0
+foreign secretary ED80 B8
+foreigner ED5k Bc
+foreman EEFE Bl
+foremost EEGp C/
+foremost EEJo Be
+forename EELG Bv
+forensic EEM1 Da
+foreplay EEQP CE
+forerunner EEST Ci
+foresee EEW9 Cy
+foreseeable EEU1 CI
+foreshadow EEZv B1
+foreshorten EEbk DQ
+foresight EEe0 Bo
+forest EEjg BE
+forestall EEkk CH
+forester EEmr BX
+forestry EEoC By
+foretell EEp0 Bt
+forever EErh BI
+forewarn EEsp CM
+foreword EEu1 Bl
+forfeit EEwa B0
+forfeit EEyO B6
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+forge EE1h BQ
+forge EE2x DL
+forger EE7Y BM
+forgery EE58 Bc
+forget EE8k BL
+forgetful EE9v Be
+forgetfully EFA+ By
+forgetfulness EE/N Bx
+forgetmenot EFEc DX
+forgettable EFCw Bs
+forgivable EFMS BT
+forgive EFHz Be
+forgiveness EFJR Bd
+forgiving EFKu Bk
+fork EFNl Bg
+fork EFPF Dh
+forked EFSm BT
+forlorn EFT5 ES
+forlornly EFYL Bj
+form EFZu Hi
+form EFhQ Ca
+formal EFrS Cj
+formaldehyde EFvf CD
+formalism EFxi B/
+formality EFzh Br
+formalize EF1M Dy
+formally EFt1 Bq
+format EF4+ BY
+formation EF6W Cl
+formative EF87 By
+former EF+t C9
+former EFjq ET
+formerly EFn9 B0
+formidable EGBq Bt
+formless EFpx Bh
+formula EGDX CX
+formulate EGFu CV
+forsake EGID Bs
+forswear EGJv DE
+fort EGMz BU
+forte EGOH C+
+forte EGRF BJ
+forth EGSO BL
+forthcoming EGTZ Bo
+forthright EGWZ BZ
+forthwith EGVB BY
+forties EGw2 Bt
+fortieth EGyj Bn
+fortification EGZf CD
+fortify EGXy Bt
+fortissimo EGbi Bh
+fortitude EGdD Cf
+fortnight EGfi BV
+fortnightly EGg3 Bi
+fortran EGiZ Cu
+fortress EGlH Bd
+fortuitous EGmk BT
+fortunate EGn3 B7
+fortunately EGpy BZ
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+fortune teller EGsg BQ
+forty EGtw Be
+forty winks EGvO Bo
+forum EG0K Dd
+forward EG3n Bf
+forward EG5G BC
+forward EG6I Ba
+forwardlooking EG88 B/
+forwardness EG7i Ba
+fossil EHBY Bh
+fossil fuel EG+7 Cd
+fossilization EHGe Bn
+fossilize EHC5 Dl
+foster EHIF BD
+foul EHJI Cd
+foul EHLl Dm
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+foully EHSl BN
+foulness EHQ5 Bs
+found EHTy Bl
+foundation EHXA E8
+foundation stone EHb8 B5
+founder EHd1 BT
+founder EHhU B1
+founder member EHfI CM
+founding father EHVX Bp
+foundling EHjJ B6
+foundry EHlD B/
+fount EHnC Bc
+fountain EHoe Bt
+four EHqL 8
+four poster EHsX By
+four wheel drive EHuJ Bk
+fourfold EHvt Be
+foursome EHxL Cl
+fourteen EHzw Ba
+fourteenth EH1K Bf
+fourth EHrH BQ
+fowl EH2p Bl
+fox EH4O CJ
+fox EH6X Br
+fox hole EH+n Cm
+fox hound EIBN Cr
+fox trot EID4 Bn
+foxglove EH9D Bk
+foxy EH8C BB
+foyer EIFf Cn
+fracas EIIG Bc
+fraction EIJi CH
+fractional EILp Bx
+fractionally EINa Bk
+fractious EIO+ Bd
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+fracture EIRy BJ
+fracture EIS7 Bu
+fragile EIUp CI
+fragility EIWx Bv
+fragment EIYg BW
+fragment EIZ2 Bk
+fragmentary EIba Cq
+fragmentation EIeE Bk
+fragrance EIfo Br
+fragrant EIhT Bb
+fragrantly EIiu y
+frail EIjg Ba
+frailty EIk6 Be
+frame EImY E4
+frame EIrQ BM
+frame EIsc FM
+frameup EIxo Bg
+framework EIzI D+
+franc EI3G DM
+franchise EI6S Hl
+franchise EJB3 CR
+franco EJEI DU
+francophone EJHc CC
+frank EJJe Bv
+frank EJOt C9
+frankfuter EJRq DS
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+fraud EJmZ BR
+fraudster EJnq CV
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+fraught EJrg B+
+fray EJte Bd
+fray EJu7 BM
+frazzled EJwH B6
+freak EJ06 CF
+freak EJyB +
+freakish EJy/ B7
+freckle EJ2/ Ba
+freckled EJ4Z B/
+free EJ6Y MC
+free EKGa C9
+free ELCd Hz
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+free enterprise EKU7 Ev
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+free floating EKbh B7
+free fone ELS1 Fd
+free for all EKdc Dk
+free hand ELYS B/
+free hold ELaR Bq
+free hold ELb7 Bq
+free holder ELdl CK
+free house EKhA Bk
+free kick EKik DV
+free lance ELfv BT
+free loader ELhC DL
+free love EKl5 CT
+free market EKoM E+
+free mason ELnm EQ
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+free port EKtK Di
+free post ELxQ FO
+free range EKws DY
+free standing EK0E CH
+free style EL59 Eq
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+free trade EK2L CJ
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+frequently EMR0 BQ
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+fresh EMUq BM
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+fritter EN79 BL
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+frozen EO5s BO
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+frustrate EPfT Cm
+frustrating EPjW B6
+frustratingly EPlQ Bb
+frustration EPh5 Bd
+fry EPmr +
+fry EPnp CF
+fryer EPt/ DX
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+fryup EPrg Cf
+fuchsia EPxW DR
+fuck EP0n BD
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+fuddyduddy EP3n DW
+fudge EP69 CC
+fudge EP8/ B1
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+fuel EP/y Bi
+fugitive EQBU Ba
+fugitive EQCu BT
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+fume EQsl B7
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+furious ERn/ Cc
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+furlough ERsQ B+
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+fuzzy ES/x CX
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+gab ETDV BP
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+gaberdine ETEk C/
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+gateway EXi+ E8
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+get through Ea2/ HN
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+girth EcjE Bb
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+glum Eek6 B4
+glut Eemy BR
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+gobbledegook EfqL B+
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+goblet Eft+ +
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+grapple EhVD u
+grapple EhVx n
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+gratify Ehgv 5
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+grating EhiK j
+gratis Ehit r
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+gravely Ehqd Bx
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+grove EjiH BH
+grow EjjO BB
+grow EjkP BW
+growl Ejll BU
+growl Ejm5 BX
+growth EjoQ Bd
+grubby Ejpt BI
+grudge Ejq1 Bz
+grudge Ejso CA
+grudgingly Ejuo Bz
+gruesome Ejwb Bk
+gruff Ejx/ C6
+gruffly Ej05 BJ
+gruffness Ej2C Bk
+grumble Ej3m Bb
+grumble Ej5B CD
+grunt Ej7E Bn
+grunt Ej8r CC
+guarantee Ej+t Be
+guarantee EkAL B6
+guard EkCF B8
+guard EkEB BT
+guard EkFU Bw
+guardian EkHE Bd
+gubernatorial EkIh Bi
+guess EkKD Bz
+guest EkL2 BR
+guidance EkNH BV
+guide EkOc BX
+guide EkPz Ba
+guild EkRN DQ
+guilt EkUd CS
+guilty EkWv BV
+guinea EkYE Hv
+guise Ekfz BL
+guitar Ekg+ Bn
+gulf Ekil Co
+gull EklN CS
+gully Eknf BO
+gulp Ekot BX
+gulp EkqE Bn
+gum Ekrr +
+gummy Eksp Be
+gun EkuH BR
+gunner EkvY Bb
+gunnery Ekwz B4
+gunpowder Ekyr Be
+gunshot Ek0J CC
+gurgle Ek2L Br
+gush Ek32 BY
+gust Ek5O Cm
+gusto Ek70 Bo
+gut Ek9c BZ
+gutter Ek+1 CF
+guy ElA6 BI
+guzzle ElCC CK
+gymnasium ElEM BM
+gymnast ElFY Ba
+gymnastics ElGy BZ
+gypsum ElIL Bm
+gyrate ElJx BE
+h ElK1 Bj
+ha ElMY Be
+habeas corpus ElN2 Ds
+haberdasher ElRi Dn
+haberdashery ElVJ Dr
+habiliments ElY0 CX
+habit ElbL Bv
+habitable Elc6 CE
+habitant Ele+ Cj
+habitat Elhh De
+habitation Elk/ DJ
+habitual EloI Cp
+habitually Elqx BW
+habituate ElsH Bg
+hack Eltn DQ
+hack Elw3 C3
+hacker El2a EP
+hacking cough Elzu Cs
+hackles El6p EX
+hackney El/A DU
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+haemophiliac EmZz CF
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+haemorrhoids Emeh C5
+hag Emha CO
+haggard Emjo DG
+haggis Emmu C+
+haggle Emps DA
+hagiography Emss B2
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+hail Emxf Bq
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+hailstorm Em10 Cc
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+hairgrip EnZ3 C7
+hairless Em90 Bc
+hairline Ency B9
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+hairpiece Enh8 CP
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+hairpin bend Enm/ DE
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+hairsbreadth EnGJ CS
+hairsplitting EnIb CH
+hairspray EnqD Ci
+hairstyle Ensl DG
+hairy Envr Cw
+haj Enyb C4
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+halal En3x C8
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+halberdier En/w Cu
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+hale EoF3 Ct
+half EoIk Cc
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+halfblood EoU6 Cl
+halfboard EoXf EA
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+halfcaste Eod9 Cl
+halfcrown Eogi C+
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+halfsister Eo/Y CU
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+halftruth EpJN C2
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+halfwit EpYD Cl
+halfwitted Epao B+
+halfyearly EpMD C9
+halibut Epcm C8
+halitosis Epfi C1
+hall EpiX Dv
+hall of residence EpmG Cp
+hallmark Epov DE
+hallo Eprz Di
+hallowed EpvV 5
+halloween EpwO Fi
+hallucinate Ep1w Cr
+hallucination Ep4b DQ
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+halo EqHA CG
+halogen EqJG DA
+halon EqMG Dp
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+halt EqSU Cp
+halter EqU9 C+
+halterneck EqX7 DT
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+haltingly EqdX Ce
+halve Eqf1 CV
+halyard EqiK CU
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+ham EqnM Cs
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+hammer Eqxf Ci
+hammer and sickle Eq0B EP
+hammering Eq5M Do
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+hampered ErE1 Cb
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+hand ErOb BE
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+handbook ErzO CT
+handbrake Er1h Dq
+handcart Er5L Cl
+handclap Er7w CP
+handclasp Er9/ Cs
+handcuff ErWL CI
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+handed ErSf Bb
+handgrenade ErYT Cr
+handgun EsDl C4
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+handily EtGs Cw
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+handle EsZu F7
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+handled Esih CB
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+handling Eski Cu
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+handmaid Eso3 CK
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+hangover EtyM DV
+hank Et1h CG
+hanker Et3n C7
+hankering Et6i CW
+hankpanky Et+r C/
+hanky Et84 Bz
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+haphazardly EuJj Cd
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+hard Eu7r CJ
+hard EwBY CN
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+hard core EvFj Dc
+hard court EvI/ Dw
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+hardback EwYT DI
+hardball Ewbb Cj
+hardbitten Ewd+ D/
+hardboard Ewh9 C8
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+harddisk EvPP DS
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+hark ExE7 B+
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+harlot ExIo CS
+harm ExK6 CQ
+harmful ExNK CP
+harmless ExPZ Ca
+harmlessly ExRz Ck
+harmlessness ExUX u
+harmonic ExVF B1
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+harmoniously ExbD Cr
+harmonium Exdu B8
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+harrow Ex6y D0
+harrowing Ex+m Bl
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+harsh EyC5 B4
+harshly EyEx DW
+harshness EyIH DF
+hart EyLM Cz
+harvest EyN/ C+
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+harvest moon EyXj C9
+harvester EyQ9 B/
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+hashish Eyej B4
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+hastily EywU CN
+hasty EyuQ CE
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+haughty EzbT CI
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+haulier Ezp6 Cq
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+haunting Ezz+ C6
+hauntingly Ez24 DH
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+haute cuisine Ez8k DL
+hauteur Ez/v B7
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+haywire E0mv X
+hazard E0nG CT
+hazardous E0pZ B7
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+haze E0tT DP
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+hazy E00k Cj
+he E058 z
+head E080 BY
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+her majesty Gn2/ t
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+hiphop FFOG V
+hipped FE75 E9
+hippie FFOb DE
+hippo FFRf Cm
+hippocket FFG4 Cw
+hippopotamus FFUF DJ
+hire FFXO DO
+hire FFac Dd
+hire hand FFd5 X
+hire purchase FFeQ Dy
+hireling FFiC Et
+hirsute FFmv DZ
+his FFqI CL
+his majesty Gn2S t
+hispanic FFsT r
+hiss FFs+ CV
+hiss FFvT Cx
+histamine FFyE X
+historian FFyb Cz
+historic FF1O EF
+historical FF5T CR
+history FF7k C/
+histrionic FF+j DW
+histrionically FGB5 e
+hit FGCX Co
+hit FGYE CF
+hit list FGQW Dr
+hit man FGUB ED
+hit parade FGaJ Eq
+hitandmiss FGID ED
+hitandrun FGMG EQ
+hitch FGez Ed
+hitch FGjQ Cs
+hitchhike FGl8 D+
+hitech FGp6 Dq
+hither FGtk B9
+hitherto FGvh Bu
+hitter FGE/ DE
+hiv FGxP B9
+hive FGzM Eh
+hoard FG3t Cr
+hoarding FG6Y Eg
+hoarfrost FG+4 DN
+hoarse FHCF Db
+hoarsely FHFg DD
+hoarseness FHIj Dh
+hoary FHME B0
+hoax FHN4 Cs
+hoax FHQk FV
+hobble FHV5 DA
+hobby FHY5 Cd
+hobbyhorse FHbW B+
+hobgoblin FHdU C7
+hobnail boot FHgP Es
+hobnob FHk7 DA
+hobo FHn7 E5
+hobsons choice FHs0 Ep
+hock FH1K DU
+hock FHxd Dt
+hockey FH4e Dp
+hockey stick FH8H DM
+hocuspocus FH/T Ct
+hod FICA De
+hodgepodge FIFe Cp
+hoe FIIH Cd
+hog FIKk Bo
+hogmanay FIMM E7
+hogwash FIRH C3
+hoi polloi FIXp EM
+hoick FIT+ Dr
+hoist FIb1 Ce
+hoitytoity FIeT Bq
+hokum FIf9 Cb
+hold FIiY DO
+hold FIoW Cl
+hold a pistol to sbs head IJFG DC
+hold the fieldagainst sbsth Dilv Cg
+hold the floor D3uz B3
+holdall FIq7 DU
+holder FIuP Ca
+holding FIwp D1
+holding company FI0e Dc
+holding operation FI36 f
+holdup FIlm Cw
+hole FI4Z Bp
+hole FI6C DS
+holiday FI9U C6
+holiday camp FJAO C7
+holiday centre FJDJ DZ
+holidaymaker FJGi DC
+holiness FJJk DX
+holistic FJM7 CU
+holler FJPP CR
+hollow FJRg BQ
+hollowly FJSw C5
+hollowness FJVp C2
+holly FJYf D7
+hollyhock FJca DF
+holocaust FJff Dx
+hologram FJjQ C3
+holster FJmH D5
+holy FJqA CS
+holy communion FJvo Cm
+holy father FJyO CZ
+holy ghost FJ0n Cf
+holy land FJ5o C/
+holy of holies FJ8n EY
+holy orders FKA/ C8
+holy spirit FKD7 C/
+holygrail FJ3G Ci
+holyweek FKG6 ES
+holywrit FKLM CS
+homage FKNe DJ
+home FK3E B0
+home FK44 CA
+home FK64 BO
+home FKQn DF
+home economics FKfN CR
+home office FKrU EL
+home rule FKvf Ce
+home secretary FKx9 DR
+home truth FK1O B2
+homegrown FKhe DX
+homehelp FKk1 DG
+homeland FK8G Bs
+homeless FKTs Dg
+homeless FKXM Ci
+homelessness FKZu De
+homely FK9y Cw
+homemade FKn7 DZ
+homeopath FLDi DW
+homeopathic FLG4 Cj
+homeopathy FLAi DA
+homesickness FLJb C+
+homespun FLMZ CV
+homestead FLOu Cb
+homesteader FLRJ s
+homeward FKdM CB
+homework FLR1 C8
+homey FLUx DQ
+homicidal FLbO Cg
+homicide FLYB DN
+homily FLdu Da
+homing FLhI Ds
+homo sapiens FLzI Bm
+homogeneity FLoI C5
+homogeneous FLk0 DU
+homogenized FLrB CA
+homograph FLtB DV
+homophone FLwW Cy
+homosexual FL0u Bu
+hone FL2c C3
+honest FL5T Ci
+honest broker FL/c Fg
+honestly FL71 Dn
+honesty FME8 DG
+honey FMIC Bv
+honeycomb FMJx Cu
+honeydew melon FMMf B2
+honeymoon FMOV Dc
+honk FMRx D5
+honk FMVq C4
+honkytonk FMYi DY
+honor FMb6 Cd
+honorable FMeX C5
+honorarium FMhQ DY
+honorary FMko EE
+honorific FMos Bw
+honour FMqc C6
+honour FMtW Cw
+honourable FMwG Db
+honourably FMzh Db
+hooch FM28 Bf
+hood FM4b Dl
+hooded FM8A DP
+hoodlum FM/P Cy
+hoodoo FNCB Cj
+hoodwink FNEk DG
+hooey FNHq Bs
+hoof FNJW Cf
+hook FNL1 Cr
+hook FNOg FY
+hook up FNXu EP
+hookah FNb9 Cv
+hooked FNT4 D2
+hooker FNes Cw
+hookworm FNhc C3
+hooligan FNkT Co
+hooliganism FNm7 Dp
+hoopla FNqk CY
+hooray FNs8 Ec
+hoot FN0o DI
+hoot FNxY DQ
+hoove FN9n CJ
+hoover FN3w Dd
+hoover FN7N Ca
+hop FN/w DB
+hope FOCx DO
+hope FOF/ Da
+hopedfor FOJZ CH
+hopeful FOLg Da
+hopeful FOO6 C0
+hopefully FORu C9
+hopefulness FOUr Dj
+hopeless FOYO C1
+hopelessly FObD C7
+hopelessness FOd+ DD
+hopper FOhB Eq
+hopscotch FOlr CR
+horde FOn8 C7
+horizontal FOq3 ED
+horizontally FOu6 Dt
+hormonal FO42 CO
+hormone FOyn GP
+horn FO7E CV
+hornet FPAf EK
+hornpipe FPEp EW
+hornrimmed FO9Z DG
+horoscope FPI/ DS
+horrendous FPMR DQ
+horrendously FPPh DG
+horrible FPSn DZ
+horribly FPWA Cv
+horrid FPYv DQ
+horrific FPb/ Ed
+horrifically FPgc Ds
+horrify FPkI C5
+horrifying FPnB CM
+horrifyingly FPpN C8
+horror FPsJ D5
+horrors FPwC BQ
+horrorstricken FP09 Ct
+horrorstruck FPxS Dr
+horsdoeuvre FP3q DR
+horse FP67 Dd
+horse chestnut FP+Y Cs
+horse race FQDO C1
+horse racing FQGD CM
+horse sense FQIP BA
+horse trading FQJP Dx
+horseback FQNA C0
+horseback FQP0 CP
+horsebox FQSD Fh
+horsedrawn FQBE CK
+horseflesh FQXk EP
+horsefly FQbz DE
+horsehair FQe3 Cm
+horseman FQhd Dh
+horsemanship FQqN Dy
+horseplay FQt/ Dh
+horsepower FQxg Dd
+horseradish FQ09 D1
+horseshoe FQ4y Dv
+horsewhip FQ8h DB
+horsewoman FQk+ FP
+horsy FQ/i DH
+horticulture FRCp Ct
+horticulturist FRFW D7
+hose FRJR EN
+hosepipe FRNe JC
+hosiery FRWg EG
+hospice FRam Dr
+hospitable FReR Ej
+hospitably FRi0 C7
+hospital FRlv DQ
+hospitality FRy0 C1
+hospitalization FRtP Fl
+hospitalize FRo/ EQ
+host FR1p CZ
+host FR4C De
+hostage FR7g Dm
+hostel FR/G EA
+hostelery FSDG Db
+hostess FSGh Dr
+hostile FSKM EX
+hostility FSOj CX
+hot FSQ6 Bp
+hot air FSVJ DZ
+hot air baloon FSYi DD
+hot cake FSd9 DC
+hot cross bun FSg/ D0
+hot dog FSkz Bb
+hot favourite FSmO Ch
+hot flush FSov DJ
+hot line FSr4 E8
+hot potato FSw0 Dd
+hot property FS0R a
+hot seat FS0r CU
+hot spot FS2/ Ct
+hot spring FS5s CD
+hot stuff FS7v CW
+hot tempered FS+F Cp
+hot water bottle FTAu CS
+hotbed FTDA Ea
+hotblooded FSbl CY
+hotchpotch FTHa Bw
+hotel FTJK EP
+hotelier FTNZ Dk
+hotfoot FTQ9 DA
+hothead FTT9 C6
+hothouse FTW3 CZ
+hotly FSSj Cm
+hotplate FTZQ BV
+hotpot FTal DZ
+hotshot FTd+ B0
+hound FTfy DE
+hound FTi2 C5
+hour FTlv C3
+hour hand FTsK D2
+hourglass FTwA Dc
+hourly FTom Dk
+house FTzc BT
+house FUzL Db
+house arrest FT3J EK
+house benefit FVul DC
+house estate FVxn Bv
+house husband FT7T FK
+house of commons FUAd D/
+house of god FUEc DJ
+house of lords FUHl Er
+house of parliament FUc3 D2
+house of representatives FUMQ FM
+house party FURc Dl
+house plant FUVB Er
+house proud FUZs DL
+house sitter FUkw Gv
+house to house FUrf CS
+house trained FUtx Cr
+house warming FUwc Cv
+houseboat FU2m C+
+housebound FU5k E3
+housebreaking FU+b DY
+housebroken FVBz BB
+houseful FT0v Ca
+household FVC0 CZ
+householder FVIQ Cg
+householdname FVFN DD
+housekeeper FVKw Ci
+housekeeping FVNS DA
+housemaid FVQS Dy
+houseman FVUE D4
+housemaster FVX8 E4
+housesit FUgt ED
+housetops FVc0 D1
+housewife FVgp Ds
+housework FVkV Db
+housing FVnw C3
+housing association FVqn D+
+hove FVzW Dp
+hover FV2/ C3
+hovercraft FV52 Ds
+how FV9i 6
+however FV+c DC
+howitzer FWBe EK
+howl FWFo DJ
+howler FWIx DQ
+howling FWMB Ch
+hp FWOi B9
+hub FWQf Bu
+hub cap FWSN Bn
+hubbub FWT0 B+
+hubby FWVy B1
+hubris FWXn Br
+huckster FWZS CG
+huddle FWbY CJ
+huddled FWdh CN
+hue FWfu B7
+huff FWhp Cl
+huff FWkO B2
+huffy FWmE Cn
+hug FWor CC
+hug FWqt Cc
+hulk FWtJ CE
+hulking FWvN B0
+hull FWxB Ck
+hull FWzl B0
+hullabaloo FW1Z Bs
+hum FW3F Bq
+hum FW4v B4
+human FW/h Da
+human FW6n Cv
+human being FXH9 Ce
+human error FW9W CL
+human interest FXKb D2
+human race FXOR CB
+human rights FXQS DG
+humane FXTY Cq
+humanely FXWC Dh
+humanist FXb0 CV
+humanitarian FXeJ DS
+humanitarianism FXhb CC
+humanity FXjd DV
+humanizeise FXmy Cw
+humankind FXC7 Ck
+humanly FXFf Ce
+humannism FXZj CR
+humanoid FXpi CU
+humanoid FXr2 Cg
+humble FXuW Ca
+humble FXww CR
+humbly FXzB CW
+humbug FX1X CW
+humdinger FX3t EF
+humdrum FX7y CG
+humerus FX94 CV
+humid FYAN CF
+humidifier FYCS DF
+humidity FYFX CF
+humiliate FYHc DS
+humiliation FYKu Cl
+hummock FYNT CD
+humorous FYPW BX
+humorously FYQt DW
+humour FYUD CS
+humourless FYWV CN
+hump FYYi Bt
+hump FYaP C6
+humpback bridge FYfM DH
+humped FYdJ CD
+humus FYiT CZ
+hunch FYks CW
+hunch FYnC B3
+hunchback FYq9 B+
+hunched FYo5 CE
+hundred FYs7 Bi
+hundred weight FYyr Cg
+hundreds FYud Ck
+hundredth FYxB Bq
+hung FY1L f
+hung over FY1q Cm
+hunger FY4Q B8
+hunger march FY6M FR
+hunger marcher FY/d Cg
+hunger strike FZB9 Ck
+hunger striker FZEh Cs
+hungrily FZJL Bk
+hungry FZHN B+
+hunk FZKv DS
+hunt FZOB B7
+hunt FZZV Cu
+hunter FZP8 C8
+hunting FZS4 Cd
+hunting ground FZVV EA
+huntsman FZcD B/
+hurdle FZeC Bv
+hurdle FZfx DJ
+hurdling FZi6 Cy
+hurdy gurdy FZls C5
+hurl FZol Cz
+hurling FZrY CZ
+hurly burly FZtx CM
+hurrah FZv9 Db
+hurricane lamp FZzY CA
+hurry FZ1Y Cl
+hurry FZ39 B5
+hurt FZ+Y B9
+hurt FZ52 CF
+hurt FZ77 Cd
+hurtful FaAV D6
+hurtfully FaEP Du
+hurtle FaH9 Dp
+husband FaLm CB
+husband FaNn CY
+husbandry FaP/ CM
+hush FaSL Ce
+hush FaUp B/
+hush money FaWo Cp
+husk FaZR CY
+husk Fabp DY
+huskily FahQ Ck
+huskiness Faj0 Cc
+husky FafB CP
+husky FamQ DJ
+hussar FapZ DX
+hustings Fasw Dh
+hustle FawR DL
+hut Fazc CP
+hutch Fa1r Cw
+i Fa4b CO
+i Fa6p BS
+ial Fa77 BC
+iambic Fa89 BD
+ian Fa+A BN
+iana Fa/N /
+ibex FbAM CJ
+ibid FbCV Bh
+ibis FbGS B2
+ibm FbD2 Cc
+ice FbII BE
+ice cap FbWb B8
+ice cream Fbaf BX
+ice field Fbdv Cd
+ice floe FbgM Cg
+ice hockey Fbis CH
+ice lolly Fbkz Bf
+ice pack FbmS Bd
+ice pick Fbnv CM
+ice rink Fbp7 CN
+ice water FbsI Br
+iceage FbJM Bw
+iceaxe FbK8 C7
+iceberg Fbtz Bv
+iceblue FbN3 Bz
+iceblue FbPq By
+icebound FbRc B3
+icebox Fbvi B3
+icebreaker FbTT DI
+icecold FbYX CI
+icecube Fbb2 B5
+icing FbxZ CX
+icon Fbzw Bx
+iconoclast Fb1h CT
+icy Fb30 Bm
+id Fb5a Ba
+id card Fb60 Br
+idea Fb8f GN
+ideal FcCs DV
+idealism FcGB Bf
+idealist FcHg BO
+idealistically FcIu BA
+idealization FcJu 0
+ideate FcKi y
+ideation FcLU BP
+identification FcNx Bs
+identify FcMj BO
+identikit FcPd Cm
+identity FcSD BU
+identity crisis FcTX Bw
+ideogram FcVH Ce
+ideological FcZR B1
+ideologically FcbG Bp
+ideology FcXl Bs
+idiocy Fccv Bh
+idiolatry Fc0y B+
+idiolect FceQ n
+idiolize Fc2w Ba
+idiom Fce3 BJ
+idiomatic FcgA B1
+idiosyncrasy Fch1 DE
+idiosyncratic Fck5 Ch
+idiot Fcna BS
+idiotic Fcos +
+idiotically Fcpq 2
+idle Fcqg Bm
+idle FcsG Bc
+idleness Fcti BY
+idly Fcu6 Bh
+idol Fcwb Bc
+idolater Fcx3 BP
+idolatrous FczG Bs
+if Fc4K Ba
+if not Fc5k CB
+if only Fc7l BJ
+if so Fc8u Bg
+iffy Fc+O Bv
+ify Fc/9 BH
+igloo FdBE Bg
+igneous FdCk Bl
+ignite FdEJ BS
+ignition FdFb Br
+ignoble FdHG /
+ignominious FdJr BN
+ignominy FdIF Bm
+ignoramus FdK4 BA
+ignorance FdL4 Bu
+ignorant FdNm Bi
+ignore FdPI Bs
+iguana FdQ0 BU
+ilk FdSI BT
+ill FdTb BJ
+ill advised FdWT Bk
+ill at ease FdUk Bv
+ill bread FdX3 BI
+ill concealed FdY/ B8
+ill defined Fda7 Bi
+ill fated Fdcd BG
+ill got Fddj B7
+ill judged Fdfe B5
+ill mannered FdhX Bu
+ill natured FdjF B4
+ill prepared Fdk9 Bl
+ill starred Fdmi Bs
+ill tempered FdoO BS
+ill treat Fdpg Bq
+illegal FdrK Bx
+illegible Fds7 Bd
+illegitimate FduY Bl
+illeteracy Fd0r B5
+illiberal Fdv9 Bc
+illicit FdxZ Bj
+illiterate Fdy8 Bv
+illness Fd2k BS
+illogical Fd32 B5
+illuminate Fd5v B8
+illumination Fd7r Bh
+illusion Fd9M Be
+illusory Fd+q BP
+illustrate Fd/5 CG
+illustrative FeB/ Cm
+illustrious FeEl BY
+ilo FeF9 x
+image FeGu B+
+imagery FeIs /
+imaginable FeJr Bp
+imaginary FeLU BW
+imagination FeMq BQ
+imaginative FeN6 Bn
+imagine FePh Ba
+imam FeQ7 BH
+imbalance FeSC Bs
+imbecile FeTu BK
+imbecility FeU4 BC
+imbibe FeV6 CP
+imbroglio FeYJ x
+imbue FeY6 Bf
+imf FeaZ Bi
+imitate Feb7 Bt
+imitation Fedo Bl
+imitative FefN Bp
+immaculate Feg2 BQ
+immaterial FeiG Bo
+immature Feju Be
+immeasurable FelM B5
+immediacy FepB BB
+immediate FenF B8
+immediately FeqC B3
+immemorial Fer5 Bl
+immense Fete B6
+immensity FevY Bj
+immerse Few7 Bl
+immersion Feyg Bs
+immigrant Fe0M CN
+imminent Fe2Z v
+immobile Fe3I By
+immobilize Fe46 Ba
+immoderate Fe6U Bs
+immodest Fe8A BJ
+immoral Fe9J Bv
+immortal Fe+4 g
+immortality Fe/Y BT
+immortalize FfAr Bp
+immovable FfCU h
+immune FfC1 Bp
+immunity FfEe B3
+immunization FfIA B1
+immunize FfGV Br
+immure FfJ1 Bk
+immutable FfLZ By
+imp FfNL B6
+impact FfPF Ce
+impair FfRj Bl
+impale FfTI Be
+impalpable FfUm B8
+impart FfWi Bq
+impartial FfYM B4
+impartiality FfaE Br
+impassable Ffbv BY
+impasse FfdH B+
+impassioned FffF B6
+impassive Ffg/ CN
+impatience Ffkq CB
+impatient FfjM Be
+impatiently Ffmr Bv
+impeach Ffoa B9
+impeachable FfqX Br
+impeccable FfsC BW
+impecunious FftY BR
+impedance Ffup Bm
+impede FfwP BE
+impediment FfxT Bg
+impedimentalla Ffyz Ch
+impel Ff1U Bt
+impending Ff3B BF
+impenetrability Ff5s CQ
+impenetrable Ff4G Bm
+imperative Ff78 DD
+imperceptible Ff+/ 6
+imperfect Ff/5 CG
+imperfection FgB/ Bc
+imperial FgDb Bq
+imperialism FgFF B4
+imperialist FgG9 Bn
+imperil FgIk CC
+imperious FgKm BQ
+imperishable FgL2 Bf
+impermanent FgNV Bu
+impermeable FgPD BI
+impersonal FgQL B7
+impersonate FgSG B4
+impersonation FgT+ Bo
+impertinent FgVm B4
+imperturbable FgXe B3
+impervious FgZV r
+impetigo FgaA BU
+impetuous FgbU BO
+impetus Fgci BT
+impiety Fgd1 BK
+impinge Fge/ Bi
+impious Fggh BE
+impish Fghl BX
+implacable Fgi8 BB
+implant Fgj9 B2
+implausible Fglz BZ
+implement FgnM Bp
+implementation Fgo1 CQ
+implicate FgrF B3
+implication Fgs8 CE
+implicit FgvA CE
+implode FgxE B+
+implore FgzC Be
+imply Fg0g Bg
+impolite Fg2A Bn
+impolitic Fg3n Bc
+imponderable Fg5D B1
+import Fg64 Be
+importance Fg/q BV
+important Fg9+ Bs
+importantly FhA/ Bs
+importation FhER BU
+importer Fg8W Bo
+importunate FhCr Bm
+importune FhFl BP
+impose FhG0 Ba
+imposing FhIO Bd
+imposition FhJr B3
+impossibility FhNe B5
+impossible FhLi B8
+impossibly FhPX By
+impostor FhRJ Be
+imposture FhSn Bp
+impotence FhWA Bw
+impotent FhUQ Bw
+impotently FhXw B/
+impound FhZv Bh
+impoverish FhbQ By
+impoverishment FhdC B2
+impracticability FhhF Bz
+impracticable Fhe4 CN
+impractical Fhi4 CI
+impracticality FhlA CI
+imprecation FhnI Bb
+imprecise Fhoj Bm
+imprecisely FhqJ B0
+impregnable Fhr9 Bu
+impregnate Fhtr CZ
+impresario FhwE B6
+impress Fhx+ Bn
+impression Fhzl BZ
+impressionable Fh5g B5
+impressionism Fh0+ B8
+impressionist Fh26 Bn
+impressionistic Fh4h /
+impressive Fh7Z By
+impressively Fh9L CS
+imprimatur Fh/d B4
+imprint FiBV CB
+imprint FiDW BZ
+imprison FiEv BZ
+imprisonment FiGI BX
+improbability FiJc B0
+improbable FiHf B9
+improbably FiLQ Bw
+impromptu FiNA BV
+improper FiOV Bs
+improperly FiQB CI
+impropriety FiSJ Bi
+improve FiTr Bv
+improvement FiVa Bg
+improvidence FiYr Bt
+improvident FiW6 Bx
+improvisation FicD CJ
+improvise FiaY Br
+imprudence Fif/ Bm
+imprudent FieM Bz
+imprudently Fihl BZ
+impudence Fiki Bn
+impudent Fii+ Bk
+impugn FimJ Bt
+impulse Fin2 Ba
+impulsive FipQ BL
+impulsively Fiqb Bo
+impulsiveness FisD Bp
+impunity Fits Bi
+impure FivO Bf
+impurity Fiwt Bn
+imputation Fi0D B6
+impute FiyU Bv
+in Fi19 BJ
+in Fi3G Co
+in Fi70 BB
+in a flat spin DxCZ C0
+in a fog D+jE B/
+in a single file Dld8 Cq
+in apple pie order lTn Cm
+in deep mourning HFtz Ci
+in fear and trembling Dbqk B3
+in fear of ones life Dbt5 Cc
+in foal D9zd Bm
+in motion HEQR Cs
+in ones fifties Djt3 CX
+in round figures Dkqi CW
+in situ Fxv+ Bb
+in the arms of morpheus HCXo CC
+in the first flush D63D CT
+in the flesh DzNP Bx
+in the morning HB0E BW
+in toto F5E8 BS
+inability Fi81 Bq
+inaccessibility FjAG Bs
+inaccessible Fi+f Bn
+inaccuracy FjDR Bg
+inaccurate FjBy Bf
+inaccurately FjEx Bs
+inaction FjGd Bs
+inactive FjIJ Bo
+inactivity FjJx B0
+inadequacy FjNP Bt
+inadequate FjLl Bq
+inadequately FjO8 Bv
+inadmissible FjQr Bx
+inadvertence FjWP Bi
+inadvertent FjSc Bp
+inadvertently FjUF CK
+inadvisable FjXx Bz
+inalienable FjZk Bv
+inane FjbT B0
+inanely FjdH Bv
+inanimate FjgO BW
+inanity Fje2 BY
+inapplicable Fjhk B0
+inappropriate FjjY Br
+inappropriately FjlD B+
+inappropriateness FjnB /
+inapt FjoA B4
+inaptly Fjp4 Bk
+inaptness Fjrc By
+inarticulate FjtO Bf
+inasmuchas Fjut CR
+inattention Fjw+ Be
+inattentive Fjyc Bg
+inaudible Fjz8 BW
+inaugural Fj1S BV
+inaugurate Fj2n Bw
+inauguration Fj4X CI
+inauspicious Fj6f BQ
+inauthentic Fj7v CM
+inauthenticity Fj97 CC
+inboard Fj/9 BO
+inborn FkBL BU
+inbred FkCf BU
+inbreeding FkDz Bx
+inbuilt FkFk CL
+incalculable FkHv Bf
+incandescent FkJO B3
+incantation FkLF Bl
+incapable FkMq B9
+incapacitate FkOn Bl
+incapacity FkQM B2
+incarcerate FkSC BX
+incarnate FkTZ CB
+incarnation FkVa BU
+incautious FkWu BS
+incendiary FkYA BL
+incense FkZL BM
+incense FkaX CE
+incentive Fkcb Bs
+inception FkeH Bp
+incessant Fkfw BP
+incest Fkg/ Bq
+incestuous Fkip Bp
+inch FkkS BA
+inch FkmE B/
+inch by inch FklS y
+inchoate FkoD Bf
+incidence Fkpi Bf
+incident FkrB BW
+incidental FksX Bu
+incidentally FkuF CC
+incinerate FkwH BV
+incineration Fkxc x
+incinerator FkyN n
+incipient Fky0 Bj
+incise Fk0X 4
+incision Fk1P BX
+incisive Fk2m BM
+incisor Fk3y g
+incite Fk4S Bj
+incitement Fk51 BZ
+incivility Fk7O Bc
+inclement Fk8q BR
+inclination Fk97 Bi
+incline Fk/d Bh
+inclined FlA+ BR
+inclose FlCP j
+inclosure FlCy 1
+include FlDn Bl
+including FlFM CS
+inclusion FlHe Bg
+inclusive FlI+ CP
+incognito FlLN CU
+incoherence FlPK Bt
+incoherent FlNh Bp
+income FlQ3 4
+incoming FlRv Bk
+incommensurable FlTT Bz
+incommensurate FlVG B9
+incommode FlXD Bh
+incommunicado FlYk CB
+incomparability FlcH By
+incomparable Flal Bi
+incomparably Fld5 CP
+incompatibility Flhm u
+incompatible FlgI Be
+incompetence Fljp Bd
+incompetent FliU BV
+incomplete FllG BT
+incompletely FlmZ Bt
+incompleteness FloG CQ
+incomprehensibility FlsY B4
+incomprehensible FlqW CC
+incomprehensibly FluQ B+
+incomprehension FlwO Bx
+inconceivable Flx/ CM
+inconceivably Fl0L CP
+inconclusive Fl2a Bc
+inconclusively Fl32 Bo
+incongruity Fl7p Co
+incongruous Fl5e CL
+incongruously Fl+R Ci
+inconsequential FmAz Bu
+inconsequentially FmCh Bi
+inconsiderable FmED Bn
+inconsiderate FmFq Bt
+inconsiderately FmHX B3
+inconsistent FmJO Bo
+inconsolable FmK2 Br
+inconsolably FmMh Bu
+inconspicuous FmOP Bv
+inconspicuously FmP+ Bx
+inconstancy FmS8 w
+inconstant FmRv BN
+incontestable FmTs Bb
+incontestably FmVH BI
+incontinence FmX6 BT
+incontinent FmWP Br
+incontrovertible FmZN Bi
+inconvenience Fmcg Bl
+inconvenient FmeF Bs
+inconveniently Fmfx e
+incorporate FmgP B0
+incorporated FmiD z
+incorporation Fmi2 v
+incorporeal Fmjl v
+incorrect FmkU BX
+incorrectly Fmlr Bj
+incorrectness FmnO Bd
+incorrigible Fmor BZ
+incorrigibly FmqE Bn
+incorrupt Fmrr BF
+incorruptibility Fmun B/
+incorruptible Fmsw B3
+incorruptibly Fmwm B9
+increase Fmyj B1
+increasingly Fm0Y B8
+incredible Fm2U Be
+incredibly Fm3y Cl
+incredulity Fm7p CU
+incredulous Fm6X BS
+increduously Fm99 Ey
+incremental FnCv BF
+incrementally FnD0 5
+incriminate FnEt Bo
+incrimination FnGV v
+incrustation FnHE BZ
+incubate FnId BW
+incubation FnJz Bg
+incubator FnLT Br
+incubus FnM+ Bg
+inculcate FnOe CM
+incumbency FnSH BJ
+incumbent FnQq Bd
+incur FnTQ BU
+incurable FnUk Bb
+incurably FnV/ BB
+incurious FnXA BT
+incursion FnYT o
+indebted FnY7 Bb
+indebtedness FnaW CG
+indecency Fnd+ Bi
+indecent Fncc Bi
+indecently Fnfg Be
+indecipherable Fng+ Bg
+indecision Fnie Br
+indecisive FnkJ BX
+indecisively Fnlg BD
+indecorous Fnmj B+
+indeed Fnoh B5
+indefatigable Fnqa /
+indefensible FnrZ CK
+indefinable Fntj BU
+indefinite Fnu3 B5
+indefinitely Fnww Bu
+indelible Fnye Bf
+indelibly Fnz9 Bg
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+indelicate Fn1d B3
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+indent Fn/C Bo
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+independently FoLI CK
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+indescribably FoQX CI
+indestructible FoSf Bi
+indeterminable FoUB B9
+indeterminacy FoYG Cr
+indeterminate FoV+ CI
+index Foax Ba
+index finger Foeo Bw
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+indexlinked FogY B3
+indian FoiP Bd
+indian summer Fojs B0
+indiarubber Folg CK
+indicate Fonq Bj
+indication FopN Ba
+indicative Foqn Bt
+indicator FosU CB
+indices FouV Ce
+indict Fowz B9
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+indifferent Fo4n C9
+indifferently Fo7k BX
+indigenous Fo87 Bv
+indigent Fo+q Bb
+indigestible FpAF Bt
+indigestion FpBy BN
+indignant FpC/ Bv
+indignantly FpEu Bx
+indignation FpGf CJ
+indignity FpIo DW
+indigo FpL+ BL
+indirct FpNJ Bs
+indirectly FpO1 Cl
+indirvidually Fp0H Cb
+indiscernible FpRa Bq
+indiscipline FpTE 9
+indiscreet FpUB Bm
+indiscreetion FpYC Bz
+indiscreetly FpVn Cb
+indiscriminate FpZ1 Ee
+indiscriminately FpeT CA
+indispensable FpgT B/
+indisposed FpiS B2
+indispositon FpkI B9
+indisputable FpmF Br
+indisputably Fpnw CJ
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+indissolubly Fprr Bt
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+indistinguishable FpwP CP
+individual Fpye Bp
+individualism Fp2i Di
+individualist Fp6E Bt
+individualistic Fp7x Bo
+individuality Fp9Z Bm
+individualize Fp+/ B/
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+indolence FqNM B9
+indolent FqMJ BD
+indomitable FqPJ Bw
+indomitably FqQ5 B7
+indoor FqS0 BO
+indoors FqUC B+
+indrawn FqWA B3
+indubitably FqX3 B/
+induce FqZ2 B5
+inducement Fqbv Bn
+induct FqdW B4
+induction FqfO DE
+inductive FqiS CD
+indulge FqkV ER
+indulgence Fqs0 CG
+indulgent Fqom Ct
+indulgently FqrT Bh
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+industrialism Fqwt Bg
+industrialist FqyN Bk
+industrialization Fq1g Ch
+industrialize Fqzx Bv
+industrially Fq4B CU
+industrious Fq6V Bq
+industry Fq7/ Cn
+inebriate Fq+m Be
+ineffable FrAE Bo
+ineffably FrBs Bq
+ineffective FrDW Bp
+ineffectively FrE/ BV
+ineffectiveness FrGU C2
+ineffectual FrJK BX
+inefficiency FrMP CB
+inefficient FrKh Bu
+inefficiently FrOQ 7
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+inelegantly FrQe BZ
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+ineluctable FrTd CD
+inept FrVg Bk
+ineptitude FrXE CM
+ineptly FrZQ Bm
+inequality Fra2 B6
+inequitable Frcw B/
+inequity Frev Bl
+ineradicable FrgU Bn
+inert Frh7 Bh
+inertia Frjc Bd
+inertial Frk5 Br
+inescapable Frmk CA
+inescapably Frok Bp
+inessential FrqN B5
+inestimable FrsG BW
+inevitability Frvo Bs
+inevitable Frtc CM
+inevitably FrxU Bf
+inexact Fryz BR
+inexcusable Fr0E BS
+inexhaustible Fr1W Bn
+inexhaustibly Fr29 Bu
+inexorable Fr4r Bi
+inexorably Fr6N B/
+inexpensive Fr8M Bc
+inexpensively Fr9o 1
+inexperience Fr+d Bm
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+inexplicable FsEh CY
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+inexpressible FsIn B8
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+infect FsXX B2
+infection FsZN CX
+infectious Fsbk CO
+infer Fsdy B+
+inference Fsfw BH
+inferior Fsg3 CU
+inferior FsjL BA
+infertility FskL n
+infest Fsky j
+infidel FslV 1
+infidelity FsmK 7
+infinite FsnF Bu
+infinite Fsoz 1
+infinitesimal Fspo 7
+infinitesimal Fsqj BG
+infinity Fsrp q
+infirm FssT Bl
+infirmary Fst4 BF
+inflame Fsu9 Br
+inflammation Fswo Dn
+inflammatory Fs0P BY
+inflate Fs1n D0
+inflexible Fs5b B5
+inflict Fs7U Bm
+infliction Fs86 4
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+influence FtBl 8
+influential FtCh BY
+influenza FtD5 y
+influx FtEr y
+inform FtFd Da
+informal FtI3 CJ
+informal FtRI B9
+informality FtTF Ec
+informant FtL+ Bw
+informant FtLA +
+informed FtNu Bn
+informer FtPV Bz
+infra FtXh Ba
+infra dig Fta0 CP
+infraction FtY7 B5
+infrared FtdD Bo
+infrastructure Fter Cg
+infrequent FthL BP
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+infuriate Ftl8 CI
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+ingenious FtuP B0
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+ingenuous Ftzh CS
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+inglorious Ft3O CL
+ingot Ft5Z BU
+ingrained Ft6t Bl
+ingratiate Ft8S B9
+ingratitude Ft+P Br
+ingrediant Ft/6 Bw
+ingroup FuBq EM
+inhabit FuF2 Bj
+inhabitant FuHZ Ba
+inhale FuIz Bg
+inhaler FuKT CV
+inharmonious FuMo CL
+inherent FuOz Bw
+inherit FuQj CT
+inheritance FuS2 CE
+inheritor FuU6 CN
+inhibit FuXH CE
+inhibit FuZL BU
+inhibited FucS Bd
+inhibiting Fuaf Bz
+inhibition Fudv Br
+inhospitable Fufa Dq
+inhouse FujE Bj
+inhuman Fukn Bd
+inhumane FuoG BT
+inhumanity FumE CC
+inimical FupZ Bt
+inimitable FurG BR
+ininto flowers D5do Cd
+initial FusX CC
+initial FuuZ CD
+initial Fuwc B2
+initially FuyS BZ
+initiate Fu2j B8
+initiate Fu4f Bn
+initiate Fuzr C4
+initiation Fu6G Cq
+initiative Fu+g By
+initiator Fu8w Bw
+inject FvAS DC
+injection FvDU BS
+injudicious FvEm Bo
+injunction FvGO Bx
+injure FvH/ Bf
+injured FvJe Ch
+injurious FvL/ BX
+injury FvNW Cg
+injury time FvP2 Cg
+injustice FvSW BW
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+ink FvU3 Bf
+inkling FvXu BS
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+inland FvaZ Bd
+inlay Fvb2 Bo
+inlet Fvde Be
+inmate Fve8 Bd
+inn FvgZ BP
+innate Fvho Bq
+innately FvjS Bt
+inner Fvk/ C2
+inner circle Fvn1 Be
+innings FvpT BW
+innocence Fvqp Be
+innocent FvsH BN
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+innovate FvvU B+
+innovation FvxS Bz
+innovatory FvzF B5
+innuendo Fv0+ CF
+innumerable Fv3D Bf
+innumerate Fv4i Cl
+inoculate Fv7H BZ
+inoculation Fv8g Bc
+inoffensive Fv98 CQ
+inontrouestibly Fmav Bx
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+inordinate FwFd B1
+inorganic FwHS BU
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+inpatient FwKt Bq
+input FwMX DI
+input FwPf B9
+inquest FwRc Cv
+inquire FwUL Bk
+inquirer FwVv Bu
+inquiringenquiring FwXd CF
+inquiry FwZi BV
+inquisition Fwa3 Ee
+inquisitive FwfV BX
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+inrush FwiJ Bv
+ins and outs Fi5u CG
+insane Fwj4 BY
+insanitary Fwmy BM
+insanity FwlQ Bi
+insatiable Fwn+ BZ
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+inscription Fwqq B8
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+insect FwuI BL
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+insectivorous Fw0f BU
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+inseminate Fw6k By
+insemination Fw8W Bw
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+insensible FxBn 6
+insensitive FxCh Bf
+insensitivity FxEA B5
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+insert FxHl Bz
+insertion FxJY DD
+inservice FxMb B1
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+inside FxSn Bm
+inside lane FxWJ Cj
+insider FxUN B8
+insidious FxYs Bj
+insidiously FxaP CB
+insight FxcQ Bv
+insignia Fxd/ C4
+insignificant Fxg3 Bm
+insincere Fxid Bl
+insincerity FxkC BH
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+insinuation Fxn2 CE
+insipid Fxp6 CW
+insist FxsQ Bp
+insistent Fxt5 CF
+insole FxxZ BQ
+insolence Fx0L Bz
+insolent Fxyp Bi
+insoluble Fx1+ Cf
+insolvency Fx4d Bh
+insolvent Fx5+ Bu
+insomnia Fx7s BW
+insomniac Fx9C Bw
+insouciance Fx+y B0
+inspect FyAm Bb
+inspection FyCB Bc
+inspector FyDd Cq
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+inspectorate FyGH CA
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+inspire FyNW Bz
+inspired FyPJ Ba
+inspiring FyQj Bj
+instability FySG Bn
+install FyTt Dm
+installation FyXT D2
+instalment FybJ BQ
+instance FycZ Bl
+instant Fyd+ Cc
+instant Fyga /
+instantaneous FyhZ Bv
+instantaneously FyjI Bt
+instantly Fyk1 Ba
+instead FymP Bb
+instep Fynq Bp
+instigate FypT B1
+instigation FyrI Bg
+instigator Fyso Bl
+instil FyuN Bk
+instinct Fyvx Bt
+instinctive Fyxe Bz
+instinctively FyzR B4
+institute Fy1J Bu
+institute Fy23 CE
+institution Fy47 Bm
+institutional Fy6h CA
+institutionalization Fy+v Cl
+institutionalize Fy8h CO
+instruct FzBU B5
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+instrument FzH7 Dw
+instrumental FzN0 C+
+instrumental music HKsa B1
+instrumentalist FzQy BO
+instrumentation FzLr CJ
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+insufferable FzWu Bc
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+insufficient FzYK Bi
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+insulator FzhN B2
+insulin FzmR Bx
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+insuperable Fzsh BV
+insupportable Fzt2 Bi
+insurance FzvY Be
+insurance policy Fzw2 Bs
+insure Fzyi Bo
+insurgent Fz0K B1
+insurmountable Fz1/ Bf
+insurrection Fz3e C7
+intact Fz6Z Bb
+intake Fz70 C/
+intangible Fz+z Bt
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+integrity F0Ks Bm
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+intense F0wM EC
+intensely F00O BQ
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+intently F1Gz Bu
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+interior design F2ll Bn
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+interject F2pe B/
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+intermediary F28v Bn
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+into F46Q CI
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+intramural F5QG C4
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+intransigent F5S+ Bz
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+intriguing F5kC BV
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+introduce F5o4 Ez
+introduction F5tr Ei
+introductory F5yN Bs
+introspection F5z5 Ca
+introspective F52T Bo
+introversion F57v Bl
+introvert F537 CO
+introverted F56J Bm
+intrude F59U BP
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+intrusive F6By B2
+intuit F6Do Br
+intuition F6FT Bx
+intuitive F6HE B2
+inundate F6I6 C0
+inundation F6Lu BX
+invade F6NF Cs
+invader F6Px Bq
+invalid F6Rb Cd
+invalid F6V0 CD
+invalid F6X3 DT
+invalidate F6T4 B8
+invalidity F6bK Bi
+invaluable F6cs DX
+invariably F6gD Bl
+invasion F6ho DX
+invasive F6k/ Bj
+invective F6mi B0
+inveigle F6oW B+
+invent F6qU Bh
+invention F6r1 B9
+inventive F6ty B0
+inventiveness F6vm Be
+inventor F6xE Bt
+inventory F6yx Co
+inverse F61Z Bo
+inversion F63B Bb
+invert F64c Bj
+invertebrate F677 Bp
+inverted commas F65/ B8
+invest F69k DR
+investigate F7EX Dv
+investigation F7IG DS
+investigator F7Nj Dm
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+investment F7A1 Bm
+investor F7Cb B8
+inveterate F7S/ DC
+invidious F7WB Bo
+invigilate F7Xp B3
+invigilation F7Zg Bu
+invigilator F7bO Bt
+invigorate F7c7 Bb
+invigorating F7eW Bf
+invincible F7f1 BW
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+inviolate F7ij B0
+invisibility F7mB Bm
+invisible F7kX Bq
+invisibly F7nn Bc
+invitation F7pD Bd
+invite F7qg Df
+invitro F7t/ Bx
+invocation F7vw BY
+invoice F7xI BT
+invoice F7yb Bq
+invoke F70F DM
+involuntarily F74q Bx
+involuntary F73R BZ
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+involvement F7+s Bs
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+inward F8ED Cm
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+irresistible F9gG DE
+irresistibly F9jK Bq
+irresolute F9k0 x
+irrespective F9ll D1
+irretrievable F9pa CL
+irreverence F9th Bi
+irreverent F9rl B8
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+irrevocable F9w1 CD
+irrevocably F9y4 Cd
+irrigate F91V BL
+irrigation F92g Bq
+irritable F94K Bp
+irritably F95z Bk
+irritant F97X Bn
+irritant F98+ Cu
+irritate F9/s Cg
+irritated F+CM Bo
+irritating F+D0 Bb
+irritation F+FP Bu
+is F+G9 w
+islam F+Ht Bu
+islamic F+Jb BZ
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+isle F+Nd BL
+islet F+Oo Bf
+isobar F+QH Bx
+isolate F+R4 DP
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+isotope F+b3 BS
+issue F+dJ F2
+issue F+i/ DN
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+itinerary F+4x Bp
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+jacks F/Uv C2
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+jacuzzi F/aR Bz
+jade F/cE Bc
+jade F/ef BA
+jaded F/dg /
+jag F/ff BR
+jagged F/gw Bq
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+jam F/sy EX
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+jangle F/4V BR
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+jaunt GANi BV
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+jetlag GBLI CL
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+jeweller GBRW 9
+jewellery GBST BM
+jib GBTf D3
+jib GBXW Cp
+jibe GBZ/ Bg
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+jig GBg1 BW
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+jiggerypokery GBjp CO
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+jilt GBre BK
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+jingle GBvW BN
+job GBwj BL
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+jocular GCF/ CF
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+jog GCJy Dl
+jog GCNX BN
+john GCOk BA
+join GCPk D0
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+joint GCXG Bc
+jointly GCYi Be
+joist GCaA CE
+joke GCcE Be
+joke GCdi BT
+joker GCe1 BX
+jolly GCgM /
+jolt GChL Ca
+jolt GCjl Ba
+josh GCk/ BV
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+jostle GCpS BU
+jot GCqm BK
+jot GCrw Bw
+joule GCtg T
+journal GCtz Dd
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+jubilee GDHi Bd
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+juicy GDn9 CO
+jujitsu GDqL B1
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+jumble GDtN Bc
+jumbo GDup Bs
+jump GD1z By
+jump GDwV Fe
+jump at GD5a Cl
+jump in GD3l B1
+jump off GEE/ EQ
+jump on GD7/ Bb
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+jump suit GEMq Dt
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+jungle GEYA Dn
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+jute GFZb BB
+juvenile GFac CD
+juvenile GFcf Bv
+juvenile court GFeO Ch
+juvenile delinquency GFgv B/
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+kamikaze GFuU Bu
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+kaput GF3E Bp
+karaoke GF4t CT
+karat GF7A Bf
+karate GF8f DF
+karma GF/k Dt
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+kc GGEt Bn
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+keenness GGYr Bc
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+keep GGc8 C8
+keep GGf4 GR
+keep at GGmJ Ba
+keep at GGnj x
+keep away GGoU Bg
+keep away GGp0 Bk
+keep back GGrY Du
+keep down GGvG Bj
+keep down GGwp Cb
+keep in GGzE BW
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+keep off GG4H B2
+keep off GG59 BL
+keep off GG7I BE
+keep on GG/k w
+keep on GG8M Bl
+keep on GG9x Bz
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+keep oneself in GG1p Ce
+keep out GHCx Cl
+keep sb up GHOA Bf
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+keep the flag flying D8HH BD
+keep to GHFW Ct
+keep to oneself GHID B/
+keep under GHKC CD
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+keep up with GHTA Dm
+keeper GHWm Cp
+keeping GHZP Du
+keepsake GHc9 Bl
+keg GHei BA
+kelp GHfi BZ
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+ken GHiu Bn
+kennel GHkV Cx
+kerb GHnG Bz
+kerchief GHo5 CI
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+kernel GHtG Cn
+kerosene GHvt B9
+kestrel GHxq Ca
+ketch GH0E CM
+ketchup GH2Q B0
+kettle GH4E BR
+kettledrum GH5V Bo
+key GH69 DO
+keyboard GH+L B+
+keyhole GIAJ CW
+keynote GICf Cf
+keypad GIE+ CK
+keystone GIHI Ds
+kg GIK0 DA
+khaki GIN0 Bd
+khz GIPR BU
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+kibosh GIU2 Bc
+kick GIWS C3
+kick GIZJ IM
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+kicking GIrx BV
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+kidneymachine GI+z Ch
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+killing GJDy C5
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+kingly GJtX Ba
+kingpin GJux Bq
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+kink GJwb Ck
+kink GJy/ BX
+kinky GJ0W BN
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+kinswoman GJ4n Bf
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+kip GJ9N Bw
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+kiss GKEX BB
+kiss GKFY CX
+kit GKHv B9
+kitbag GKJs Bf
+kitchen GKLL BS
+kitchenette GKOd B/
+kitchengarden GKMd CA
+kitchenware GKQc B9
+kite GKSZ CB
+kitemark GKUa CT
+kith GKWt 6
+kitsch GKXn CA
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+kleptomaniac GKnf CD
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+knacker GKth m
+knacker GKuH BL
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+knackersyard GKvS DC
+knapsack GK0B Bh
+knave GK1i BS
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+knee GK5U BQ
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+knew GLGa BY
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+knickknack GLHy Be
+knife GLMv +
+knife GLNt Bg
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+knifepoint GLQv B/
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+knightly GLYZ Bx
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+knit GLbY Bt
+knitter GLdF BT
+knitting GLeY /
+knittingneedle GLfX Bk
+knitwear GLg7 B/
+knob GLi6 BB
+knobbly GLj7 Bo
+knock GLlj CV
+knock GLn4 EI
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+knocker GL6g Bd
+knocking someone with a feather Dca9 C2
+knockkneed GLvn Bu
+knockon GLxV Bf
+knockout GL1r Ca
+knockout GL79 CS
+knockout GLy0 C3
+knockup GL4F Cb
+knoll GL+P BG
+knot GL/V FA
+knot GMEV DZ
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+knowing GMZk Bw
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+ko GM07 BT
+koala GM2O Bn
+kohl GM5j BJ
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+kook GM8D BX
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+kopeck GNAH CP
+koran GNCW BF
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+kph GNI0 B7
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+kremlin GNMb Dc
+krill GNP3 DO
+krona GNTF CF
+krypton GNVK B1
+ku klux klan GNYt D0
+kudos GNW/ Bu
+kumquat GNch B5
+kungfu GNea B8
+kw GNgW BV
+kwashiorkor GNhr CW
+kybosh GNkB BT
+l GNlU CC
+l GNnW 4
+lab GNoO Bu
+label GNp8 Em
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+labouring GOEL CC
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+laburaury GOGN Bc
+labyrinthine GOJq BV
+lace GOK/ v
+lace GOLu CT
+lacerate GOOB B5
+lachrymoss GOP6 B+
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+lack GOTN BH
+lackadsiscal GOUU Cm
+lackey GOW6 CX
+lacklustre GOZR BQ
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+lacquer GOby BN
+lacrosse GOc/ 3
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+lactose GOf8 1
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+lad GOi1 BH
+ladder GOj8 CB
+ladder GOl9 v
+laddle GOms z
+laden GOnf BN
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+ladle GOq/ BM
+ladle GOqT s
+lady GOsL BH
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+ladyship GOx1 CO
+lag GO0D BK
+lag GO1N Bc
+laggard GO2p Bs
+lagoon GO4V i
+lair GO43 B6
+laiseefaire GO6x 3
+laity GO7o r
+lake GO8T Bi
+lakeside GO91 Bg
+lamb GO/V C4
+lambaste GPCN CC
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+lame GPFq Cs
+lameduck GPIW Di
+lament GPL4 Cp
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+lamented GPUw w
+laminate GPVg BT
+lamp GPWz B1
+lampidary GRaN w
+lamplight GPYo CR
+lamplit GPa5 CG
+lampoon GPc/ B2
+lampoon GPe1 CJ
+lamppost GPg+ Bf
+lampshade GPid Bc
+lance GPj5 BH
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+lancet GPpQ DQ
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+landform GP6D CB
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+landowner GQkt Bt
+landrover GQma C4
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+landscape GQrC B/
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+lanolin GRIZ CN
+lantern GRKm Bf
+lanyard GRMF CA
+lap GROF FL
+lap GRUs Dk
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+lapel GRYQ B9
+lapis lazuli GRa9 l
+lapse GRbi DQ
+lapse GRey DA
+laptop GRhy w
+lapwing GRii m
+larceny GRjI g
+larch GRjo n
+lard GRkP BV
+larder GRlk BW
+large GRm6 CN
+largesse GRpH Bn
+lark GRqu CQ
+larkspur GRs+ BT
+larva GRuR Bb
+laryngitis GRxF Bj
+larynx GRvs BZ
+lascirions GRyo 3
+laser GRzf z
+lash GR0S CB
+lash GR2T IN
+lashing GR+g CK
+lass GSAq Br
+lassitude GSCV C8
+last GSFR FE
+last GSKV Cg
+last GSM1 EC
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+latch GSST Bq
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+latch on to somebody or something GSVi FJ
+late GSar HY
+late GSiD Bo
+lately GSjr DR
+latent GSm8 D3
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+lather GS3q Bh
+lather GSyy E4
+latin GS5L BT
+latitude GS6e Db
+latrine GS95 BS
+latter GS/L CB
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+lattice GTB2 BD
+laud GTC5 Bc
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+laudatory GTF4 B8
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+laughingly GTQH Ce
+laughingstock GTNK C9
+laughter GTSl BF
+launch GTTq EN
+launch GTZd Bf
+launcher GTX3 Bm
+launder GTa8 Ea
+laundry GTfW Dy
+laureate GTjI EF
+laurel GTnN CY
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+lavishly GTx3 Bg
+law GTzX EW
+lawbreaker GT8i Bh
+lawcourt GT+D Bi
+lawful GT3t C6
+lawless GT6n B7
+lawmaker GT/l Bb
+lawn GUBA By
+lawnmower GUCy BX
+lawsuit GUEJ BV
+lawyer GUFe Bh
+lax GUG/ Cg
+laxative GUJf BU
+lay GUKz Gt
+lay GURg BB
+layer GUSh CE
+layout GUUl BA
+laze GUVl B+
+lazy GUXj BY
+lazyloues GUY7 4
+leach GUZz Bt
+lead GUbg KA
+lead GUlg Ir
+leader GUuL 4
+leadership GUvD Db
+leading GUye C5
+leading question GU1X BC
+leaf GU2Z ES
+leaflet GU8L Bi
+leafy GU6r Bg
+league GU9t Er
+leak GVCY C/
+leak GVFX C0
+leakage GVIL Cz
+leaky GVK+ BE
+lean GVMC GT
+lean GVTZ C9
+leaning GVSV BE
+leap GVWW EJ
+leap GVaf C3
+leap year GVdW v
+learn GVeF F1
+learned GVj6 Cv
+learner GVmp DU
+learning GVp9 BY
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+leasehold GVtn Bc
+leasehold GVvD BY
+least GVwb DC
+leather GVzd Bc
+leave GV05 LW
+leave GWAP CJ
+leaven GWCY BI
+leaven GWDg Bk
+leaves GWFE BT
+lecher GWHB BU
+lecherous GWIV Ba
+lectern GWJv n
+lecture GWKW CZ
+lecture GWMv C0
+lecturer GWPj BY
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+ledge GWSs BL
+ledger GWT3 BK
+lee GWVB W
+leech GWVX B1
+leechery GWGX q
+leek GWXM j
+leer GWXv Bx
+leery GWZg Bc
+leeward GWa8 Bx
+leeway GWct Dl
+left GWgS CC
+leftist GWiU BQ
+leftovers GWjk Bo
+leg GWlM DL
+legacy GWoX C7
+legal GWrS Bl
+legality GWs3 Bn
+legalize GWue Bv
+legate GWwN DI
+legend GWzV Db
+legible GW2w BY
+legion GW4I CT
+legislate GW6b CD
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+legislative GW9x By
+legislator GW/j Bg
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+legitimacy GXEj Bh
+legitimate GXB5 Cq
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+legitimize GXHt Bq
+legless GXJX Bz
+legume GXLK BU
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+leisurely GXOW Bc
+lemon GXPy Cn
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+lemur GXT4 BP
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+length GXYa BN
+lengthy GXZn BW
+leniency GXcJ Bm
+lenient GXa9 BM
+lens GXdv BI
+lent GXe3 j
+lentil GXfa B8
+leo GXhW BB
+leonine GXiX Bi
+leopard GXj5 BN
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+less GXsZ 3
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+lesser GXxJ BO
+lesson GXyX Cm
+lessor GX09 v
+lest GX1s BQ
+let GX28 DV
+let fly D8IK CI
+lethal GX6R CY
+lethargic GX+Z BN
+lethargy GX8p Bw
+letter GX/m Bz
+letterhead GYCX BX
+lettering GYBZ +
+lettuce GYDu BJ
+leukaemia GYE3 3
+levee GYFu BF
+level GYGz Cu
+level GYJh FP
+level GYOw Dv
+leveller GYSf Bo
+lever GYUH DJ
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+leverage GYZB Dv
+leviathan GYcw EK
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+levy GYlG BX
+lewd GYmd BJ
+lexical GYnm Bk
+lexicographer GYrH Bb
+lexicography GYpK B9
+lexicon GYsi E+
+liable GYxg EM
+liaise GY1s CB
+liaison GY3t DD
+liar GY6w 4
+libation GY7o B9
+libel GY9l B0
+libellous GY/Z BZ
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+libertine GZPR x
+liberty GZQC FW
+libidinous GZVY o
+libido GZWA r
+libra GZWr BP
+librarian GZZ4 Cn
+library GZX6 B+
+lice GZcf BD
+licence GZdi D9
+license GZhf Bn
+licensee GZjG Bz
+licentious GZk5 0
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+lick GZmS Cb
+lick GZot Dh
+lid GZsO BR
+lie GZtf CX
+lie GZv2 BI
+lie GZw+ FF
+liege GZ2D 4
+lien GZ27 y
+lierideatanchor eNB Cm
+lieu GZ3t BS
+lieutenant GZ4/ CX
+life GZ7W Ie
+life expectancy GaIp B8
+life imprisonment GaMc CC
+life insurance GaOe 0
+life science GaQ7 Bn
+life sentence GaSi Bo
+life size GaUK B5
+life span GaWD Bq
+life story GaXt BQ
+life support GaY9 B/
+life threatening Gaa8 Bj
+life work Gacf Bu
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+lifeboat GahJ B7
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+lifegiving GaKl B3
+lifejacket GaPS Bp
+lifeless GaD0 DI
+lifelike GajE Bf
+lifeline Gakj Bx
+lifelong GamU Ba
+lifestyle Ganu BW
+lifetime GapE BX
+lift Gaqb HF
+lift Gaxg E7
+ligament Ga2b Bs
+ligate Ga4H l
+ligature Ga4s n
+light Ga5T D3
+light Ga9K Df
+light GbAp H9
+light aircraft GbOF CN
+light as a feather DcXD Bm
+light headed GbQS Bm
+lighten GbTl GX
+lighten GbZ8 DM
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+lightning Gbgz Bj
+lightship GbiW y
+lightweight GbjI Bf
+lightweight Gbkn Bx
+lignite GbmY Bc
+like Gbn0 Es
+like Gbsg Di
+like GbwC 7
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+likeness Gb0k CT
+likewise Gb23 DT
+liking Gb6K BT
+lilac Gb7d Ch
+lilliputian Gb9+ B0
+lilt Gb/y B9
+lily GcBv BS
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+limber GcE1 CN
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+limbo GcIy BS
+lime GcKE DO
+limeaments Gc66 Bw
+limelight GcNS CX
+limerick GcPp BT
+limestone GcQ8 /
+limit GcR7 Bc
+limit GcTX BY
+limitation GcUv EP
+limousine GcY+ Bc
+limp Gcaa Cg
+limp Gcc6 Ch
+limpet Gcfb BQ
+limpid Gcgr BJ
+linchpin Gch0 Dp
+linctus Gcld j
+line Gc0+ DF
+line GcmA O+
+lineage Gc4D BR
+lineal Gc5U Bm
+linear Gc8q Bt
+linen Gc+X Dd
+liner GdB0 BS
+liner GdDG h
+linesman GdDn w
+ling GdEX CZ
+linger GdGw EI
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+liniment GdV0 CC
+lining GdX2 Bm
+link GdZc Bn
+link GdbD CE
+linkage GddH EE
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+lint GdkF Cx
+lion Gdm2 BM
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+lipstick Gdtd Bb
+liquefy Gdu4 BO
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+liquid Gdwp BL
+liquid Gdx0 DX
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+liquidation Gd52 Be
+liquidator Gd7U Bo
+liquidity Gd88 BS
+liquidize Gd+O Df
+liquor GeBt BF
+liquorise GeCy Bq
+lira GeEc +
+lisp GeFa BJ
+lissom GeGj Bh
+list GeI5 CY
+list GeIE 1
+listen GeLR CJ
+listing GeNa BP
+listless GeOp Bf
+litancy GeQI Eb
+literacy GeUj B2
+literal GeWZ CZ
+literally GeYy C7
+literati Gec+ BZ
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+literay Gebt BR
+lithe Geh1 Bh
+lithium GejW m
+lithograph Gelp Bv
+lithographic GenY 9
+lithography Gej8 Bt
+litigant GeoV Ba
+litigate Gepv Bx
+litigation Gerg Bf
+litigous Ges/ y
+litmus Getx i
+litmus test GeuT Ck
+litre Gew3 BD
+litter Ge2U Bg
+litter Gex6 Ea
+little Ge30 FB
+littoral Ge81 j
+liturgy Ge9Y CH
+live Ge/f HA
+live GfGf Bp
+live GfII FE
+liveable GfNM Et
+livelihood GfR5 Bh
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+lively GfTa Do
+liven GfYQ Be
+liver GfZu 6
+livery Gfao BH
+livestock Gfbv BM
+livid Gfc7 CE
+living Gfe/ By
+living Gfgx Cl
+living room GfjW BW
+living wage Gfks BB
+lizard Gflt BK
+llama Gfm3 BO
+lo GfoF Br
+load Gfpw Hx
+load Gfxh Bh
+loaded GfzC DT
+loaf Gf2V +
+loaf Gf3T Bk
+loafer Gf43 BG
+loagnette GjeZ o
+loan Gf59 Ba
+loan Gf7X BL
+loath Gf8i Bb
+loathe Gf99 CT
+loathing GgAQ DE
+loathsome GgDU Bl
+lob GgE5 CE
+lobby GgG9 De
+lobby GgKb C8
+lobe GgNX Cs
+lobelia GgQD BZ
+lobotomy GgRc CW
+lobster GgTy Bv
+local GgVh CF
+local GgXm B2
+local authority Gga8 B7
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+local colour GgeV By
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+local time Ggiv Bl
+locale GgkU BR
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+locally GgZc Bg
+locate Ggou Dx
+location Ggsf Dh
+loch GgwA BK
+lock Gg0h Cn
+lock GgxK DX
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+locker Gg3I By
+locket Gg46 Be
+lockjaw Gg6Y 8
+lockout Gg7U Bw
+loco Gg+i BY
+locomotion Gg/6 CJ
+locomotive GhCD BK
+locomotive GhDN BP
+loctation GOd2 BT
+locumtenens GhEc BM
+locus GhFo De
+locust GhJG BR
+locution GhKX Bx
+lode GhMI p
+lodestar GhMx C3
+lodestone GhPo 4
+lodge GhQg BI
+lodge GhRo Ef
+lodging GhWH CI
+loft GhYP BS
+loft GhZh 6
+lofty Ghab Cm
+log GhdB CZ
+log GhgC CG
+log cabin GhkK Bw
+loganberry GhoF z
+logarithm Gho4 o
+logger Ghfa o
+loggerheads Ghpg By
+logging GhiI CC
+logic GhrS EJ
+logical Ghw1 CP
+logician Ghvb Ba
+logistics GhzE B8
+logjam Ghl6 CL
+logo Gh1A BW
+loin Gh2W 6
+loincloth Gh3Q Bx
+loiter Gh5B Bo
+loll Gh6p C+
+lollipop Gh9n q
+lone Gh+R BU
+lonely Gh/l Cd
+lonesome GiCC BZ
+long GiDb Be
+long GiK7 Bm
+long GiMh BZ
+long Gib6 Bf
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+long jump GiE5 Bc
+long lasting GiPm CH
+long lost GiRt Be
+long odds GiGV BC
+long running GiTL CC
+long serving GiVN CR
+long suffering GiZN Ct
+long wave GiHX y
+long winded GiIJ Cy
+longbow Gie0 w
+longevity Gifk Bt
+longhard GihR Bm
+longing GidZ Bb
+longitude Gii3 7
+longstay GiXe Bv
+look Gijy GF
+look GisU Ez
+lookalike Giqy Bi
+looker Gip3 7
+lookout GiyK CY
+looks GixH BD
+loom Gi0i BJ
+loom Gi1r Eo
+loomy Gi6T BF
+loop Gi+V Dl
+loop Gi7Y C9
+loophole GjB6 CL
+loopy GjEF 7
+loose GjFA E2
+loosen GjJ2 BV
+loot GjLL +
+loot GjMJ BB
+lop GjNK 1
+lope GjN/ Bv
+lopsided GjPu B5
+loquacious GjRn BF
+lord GjSs D/
+lord GjWr CH
+lordly GjYy DG
+lordship Gjb4 BD
+lore Gjc7 Be
+lorry GjfB 8
+lose Gjf9 H3
+loser Gjn0 CA
+loss Gjp0 Dx
+lossmaking Gjtl BB
+lost Gjum DC
+lot Gjxo D+
+lotion Gj1m BK
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+lotus Gj5V BT
+loud Gj6o BY
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+lout GkE9 BP
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+love GkNW Cj
+love affaire GkRO CA
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+lovelorn GkV8 CM
+lovely GkYI BZ
+lover GkZh BT
+lovesick Gka0 By
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+low GkgI Bm
+low Gkhu BV
+lower GkjD DT
+lowland GkmW Bv
+lowly GkoF BL
+loyal GkpQ BI
+loyalist GkqY BW
+loyalty Gkru CE
+lubber Gkty l
+lubricant GkuX BB
+lubricant GkvY B4
+lubricate GkxQ Bq
+luce Gky6 +
+lucid Gkz4 Bo
+luck Gk1g Br
+luckily Gk3L Bl
+lucky Gk4w CF
+lucrative Gk61 n
+ludicrous Gk7c BW
+lug Gk8y Bf
+luggage Gk+R j
+lukewarm Gk+0 C0
+lull GlBo BL
+lull GlCz Bi
+lullaby GlEV g
+lumbar GlE1 BP
+lumber GlGE BW
+lumber GlHa Br
+luminary GlJF BO
+luminous GlKT Bf
+lump GlLy Cy
+lump GlOk BT
+lumpy GlP3 8
+lunacy GlQz l
+lunar GlRY BP
+lunatic GlSn 6
+lunatic GlTh BK
+lunch GlUr BY
+luncheon GlWD Bs
+lung GlXv 9
+lunge GlYs h
+lunge GlZN BZ
+lurch Glam BP
+lure Glb1 B7
+lurk Gldw Bd
+lust GlfN CM
+lust GlhZ BU
+lustre Glit BH
+lustrous Glj0 Bf
+lute GllT Bc
+luxurious Glmv BW
+luxury GloF BH
+lye GlpM 1
+lymph GlqB B3
+lynch Glr4 Bj
+lynx Gltb n
+maam GluC BV
+macabre GlvX BI
+macadam Glwf BU
+macaroni Glxz CU
+mace Gl0H Df
+machination Gl3m Br
+machine Gl5R Bl
+machinery Gl62 Cl
+machinist Gl9b Bj
+macho Gl++ BY
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+mackintosh GmCO BV
+macro GmDj t
+macrocosm GmEQ l
+mad GmE1 EX
+madam GmKk BH
+madame GmLr o
+madcap GmMT BK
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+madder GmQL BF
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+mademoiselle GmSw r
+madhouse GmTb Bs
+madly GmJM BY
+madman GmVH Be
+madonna GmWl 2
+madrigal GmXb BS
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+maestro GmbW Bn
+mafia Gmc9 Bc
+magazine GmeZ Cl
+magenta Gmg+ B8
+maggot Gmi6 Bb
+magi GmkV p
+magic Gmk+ B4
+magical Gmm2 BF
+magician Gmn7 BR
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+magistrate GmrA CD
+magma GmtD BR
+magnanimous GmuU BV
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+magnesia GmxN Bf
+magnet Gmys BU
+magnetic Gm3F BV
+magnetised Gm1j Bi
+magnetism Gm0A Bj
+magneto Gm4a Bk
+magnificat Gm5+ 3
+magnificence Gm8H Bk
+magnificent Gm61 BS
+magnify Gm9r DD
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+magnolia GnEl Cu
+magnum GnHT 9
+magpie GnIQ B9
+maharaja GnKN BV
+mahogany GnLi BW
+maid GnM4 CQ
+maiden GnPI EH
+mail GnTP CB
+mail GnYU Bd
+mailbag GnVQ Bx
+mailbox GnXB BT
+maim GnZx BY
+main GnbJ DB
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+mainspring GngK DJ
+mainstay GnjT Bk
+mainstream Gnk3 CF
+maintain Gnm8 GY
+maintenance GntU Cp
+maisonette Gnv9 CH
+maize GnyE BH
+majestic GnzL BO
+majesty Gn0Z B5
+major Gn3s BV
+majority Gn5B Cx
+make Gn/w BI
+make Gn7y D+
+make away with GoA4 Bu
+make for GoCm Bv
+make it snappy Kd3x Bp
+make much of HHPQ 6
+make off GoF6 BY
+make ones flesh crawlcreep DzPA Bw
+make out GoHS Df
+make shift GoOg Bo
+make up GoKx Ce
+make weight GoQI BQ
+makeamove HGi/ B3
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+maker GoNP BR
+making GoRY DD
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+maladministration GoVz CH
+maladroit GoX6 BQ
+malady GoZK Bh
+malaise Goar Br
+malaria GocW BA
+malcontent GodW Bj
+male Goe5 Bg
+male GogZ BN
+malefactor Gohm BU
+malevolent Goi6 BS
+malformation GokM B9
+malice GomJ BD
+malign GonM BT
+malign Goof BC
+malignant Goph Cc
+maligner Gor9 3
+mall Gos0 DE
+mallard Gov4 BJ
+malleable GoxB BR
+malnourished GoyS Bm
+malnutrition Goz4 CG
+malodorous Go1+ Bf
+malpractice Go3d Bj
+malt Go5A DX
+maltreat Go8X Bo
+mam Go9/ Z
+mama Go+Y a
+mamba Go+y Bm
+mamma GpAY b
+mammal GpAz BM
+mammary GpB/ o
+mammon GpCn B0
+mammoth GpEb BC
+mammoth GpFd Bg
+mammy GpG9 b
+man GpHY Dc
+man GpK0 CF
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+manage GpOQ CF
+manageable GpQV Bx
+management GpSG Bw
+manager GpT2 BB
+mandarin GpU3 FU
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+mandatory GpcE B6
+mandible Gpd+ CV
+mandolin GpgT Bn
+mandrake Gph6 t
+mane Gpin 2
+manganese Gpjd r
+mange GpkI h
+manger Gpkp BE
+mangetout Gplt 4
+mangle Gpoa CN
+mangled Gpml B1
+mango Gpqn 8
+mangrove Gprj BY
+mangy Gps7 BD
+manhandle Gpt+ BW
+manhole GpvU +
+manhood GpwS CF
+manhunt GpyX Br
+mania Gp0C BE
+maniac Gp1G Bv
+manicure Gp21 BY
+manifest Gp4N C+
+manifesto Gp7L Bc
+manifold Gp8n BU
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+manliness GqFJ l
+manly GqDw BZ
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+mannequin GqGb BZ
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+manoeuvre GqM9 B6
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+manservant GqTS BW
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+mantis GqXo i
+mantle GqYK BD
+mantra GqZN 8
+manual GqaJ CO
+manufacture GqcX Cc
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+manure GqgI BQ
+manuscript GqhY CB
+many GqjZ BP
+map Gqko BO
+map Gql2 Bk
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+mar Gqn+ BQ
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+marauding Gqrg CA
+marble Gqtg CH
+march Gqvn C0
+margarine Gqyb BX
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+marginal Gq2k DG
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+marine Gq8F BE
+mariner Gq9J j
+marionette Gq9s s
+marital Gq+Y BU
+maritime Gq/s CY
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+mark GrCo Ea
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+marked GrKC Bl
+marker GrLn Bm
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+marketable GrTo Bl
+marketing GrVN Bf
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+marl GrZu j
+marlin GraR 1
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+marmoset Grca CL
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+maroon GrgG By
+marquee Grh4 Bs
+marquetry Grjk CZ
+marriage Grl9 BH
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+marriage guidance Grsc CN
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+married Grw0 Bl
+marrow GryZ CQ
+marry Gr0p CM
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+marsala Gr4r Bn
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+marsh gas Gr7q BK
+marsh land Gr+w Bs
+marsh mallow GsAc B/
+marshal Gr80 B8
+marsupial GsCb Bt
+marten GsEI BZ
+martial GsFh Bp
+martial arts GsHK B1
+martial law GsI/ B/
+martian GsK+ Bh
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+masculine GsgX Br
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+mask GsjO Bi
+mask Gskw Bd
+masked ball GsmN Ch
+masochism Gsou BH
+mason Gsp1 BV
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+masquerade GstA BU
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+mass Gsxy By
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+massif GtAG Bw
+massive GtB2 BC
+mast GtC4 BP
+mastectomy GtEH BV
+master GtFc D8
+master class GtJY Bf
+master degree GtRJ B9
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+master mind GtUc Bd
+master of ceremonies GtMl B1
+master piece GtV5 Bz
+master plan GtOa Cv
+masterful GtTG BW
+mastery GtXs Bi
+masthead GtZO 0
+mastic GtaC Be
+masticate Gtbg Bb
+mastitis Gtc7 Bh
+masturbate Gtec /
+mat Gtfb BG
+matador Gtgh BY
+match Gth5 EU
+match box GtmN B2
+match maker GtoD CE
+match stick GtqH BX
+match wood Gtre B1
+mate GttT CG
+material GtvZ Bm
+materialism Gtw/ Bl
+materialist Gtyk Bb
+materialistic Gtz/ Ba
+materialize Gt1Z Bz
+maternal Gt3M BN
+maternity Gt4Z B2
+maternity leave Gt6P B0
+maternity pay Gt8D BS
+matey Gt9V Bm
+mathematical GuAB Bq
+mathematician GuBr BY
+mathematics Gt+7 BG
+matinee GuDD Bu
+mating Gued B3
+matins GuEx B7
+matress Guht BK
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+matriarchy GuIR Bq
+matriculate GuJ7 Bb
+matrimony GuLW Bl
+matrix GuM7 BX
+matron GuOS BZ
+matt GuPr Bh
+matter GuRM Bv
+matter of fact GuZN By
+matting GudM BR
+mattock GugU BZ
+maturation GumY Bs
+mature Gui3 Dh
+matzo GuoE BV
+maudlin GupZ BW
+maul Guqv Ca
+maunder GutJ Bq
+maundy thursday Guuz B4
+maurve GuyO BV
+mausoleum Guwr Bj
+maw Gu1V Bf
+mawkish Gu20 BN
+maxim Gu4B Bk
+maximal Gu5l Be
+maximize Gu7D Bz
+maximum Gu82 Cw
+may Gu/m BS
+may GvA4 BS
+may GvCK Bq
+may be GvD0 BP
+may day GvFD C7
+may fly GvH+ B1
+mayonnaise GvLd Dj
+mayoral GvPA BW
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+mayoress GvSE DS
+maypole GvVW Dx
+maythem GvJz Bq
+maze GvZH Da
+mazurka Gvch CV
+mb Gve2 CF
+mba Gvg7 DK
+mbe GvkF Bx
+mc Gvl2 Df
+mcc GvpV BS
+mccoy Gvqn Bg
+md GvsH DK
+me GvvR BW
+mead Gvwn Bq
+meadow GvyR CC
+meagre Gv0T Bm
+meal Gv5g Cu
+meal Gv8O CF
+meal ticket Gv15 Dn
+mealtime Gv+T B5
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+mean GwCc CK
+mean GwEm B9
+mean GwGj BD
+meander GwHm E2
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+meaning GwOJ Bb
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+meaningfully GwRM Bt
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+meanwhile GwZE Be
+measles Gwai Bf
+measly GwcB CR
+measurable GweS B1
+measure GwgH Gc
+measure Gwmj Bv
+measured GwoS Ba
+measurement Gwps BW
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+meat Gwsk Da
+meatball Gwv+ Cf
+mecca Gwyd Cu
+mechanic Gw1L CG
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+mechanics Gw6u Cw
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+mechanism Gw9e B0
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+med GxCh BH
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+meddle GxGy B8
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+mediate GxUg Ce
+mediation GxW+ B4
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+medical Gxgm CX
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+medical officer Gxkc CL
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+meditative Gx1o B4
+mediterranean Gx3g Bt
+medium Gx5N Bs
+medium wave Gx65 Bu
+medley Gx8n CY
+meek Gx+/ Bm
+meekly GyAl BV
+meekness GyB6 BP
+meet GyDJ F/
+meeting GyJI Cz
+meeting house GyL7 Bv
+mega GyNq BI
+megabyte GyOy CZ
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+megalith GyTW Bj
+megalithic GyU5 B8
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+megalomaniac GyYY 2
+megaphone GyZO Bq
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+megaton Gyde Bz
+melamine GyfR Bh
+melancholia Gyiy CS
+melancholic GymG B4
+melancholy Gygy CA
+melancholy GylE BC
+melange Gyn+ BY
+melanin GypW Ba
+melanoma Gyqw DR
+meld GyuB B8
+melee Gyv9 B3
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+melodious Gy0Y BM
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+melodramatically Gy4t B3
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+melon Gy73 2
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+melting point GzBZ Cg
+member GzD5 BP
+membership GzFI Bg
+membrane GzGo BX
+memento GzH/ BZ
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+memoir GzK6 Bs
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+menacing Gzbn BX
+menage Gzc+ Bu
+menagerie Gzes Bs
+mend GzgY BH
+mend Gzlt Bf
+mend fences DfHU C/
+mendacious Gzhf BO
+mender Gzit Bb
+mendicant GzkI Bl
+menfolk GznM BO
+menial Gzoa BJ
+meningitis Gzpj CI
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+menses GzuQ BT
+menstrual Gzvj CJ
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+mentally Gz1P Bq
+menthol Gz4L Bu
+mention Gz55 Bh
+mentioned Gz7a Bn
+mentor Gz9B B/
+menu Gz/A Bx
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+mercilessly G0W0 Bj
+mercurial G0P0 Cn
+mercury G0Sb CC
+mercy G0Ud /
+mercy killing G0YX CB
+mere G0aY BY
+mere G0bw BN
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+merge G0ep BV
+merger G0f+ BN
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+meringue G0if Bl
+merino G0kE Bo
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+mescaline G0yA Bs
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+mesh G0zs CA
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+mesmerise G04g Bo
+mess G06I D0
+mess up G098 Bg
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+messrs G1Hk Bj
+messy G0/c BJ
+met G1JH Bn
+metabolism G1Ku Bm
+metal G1MU /
+metal detector G1NT B2
+metal fatigue G1PJ Bm
+metalanguage G1SN Bt
+metallic G1T6 BV
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+metalwork G1Qv Be
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+metaphysics G1b6 Bj
+mete G1dd g
+mete out G1d9 B9
+meteor G1f6 Ba
+meteorite G1hU Bx
+meteorology G1jF B2
+meter G1k7 Bq
+methane G1ml B8
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+methodical G1qF CB
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+metric G1yh BZ
+metro G1z6 Cj
+metronome G12d Bb
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+miasma G2B9 BX
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+micro G2KO BV
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+micron G2bb CH
+microorganism G2di Bl
+microphone G2fH Bi
+microprocessor G2gp Bx
+microscope G2ia B0
+microscopic G2kO BY
+microwave G2lm Bi
+mid G2nI BR
+midas touch G2oZ B4
+midday G2qR +
+middle G2rP Bg
+middle G2sv Bg
+middle class G2uP B1
+middle east G2wE Bn
+middlebrow G2xr CT
+middleman G2z+ Bw
+middling G21u Bn
+midfield G23V Bs
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+midget G26t BU
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+midnight G29U Bn
+midpoint G2+7 Bb
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+midriff G3CB BJ
+midshipman G3DK BN
+midst G3EX BV
+midstream G3Fs BR
+midsummer G3G9 Bw
+midterm G3It Bm
+midway G3KT Bi
+midweek G3L1 Be
+midwife G3NT BJ
+midwinter G3Oc B+
+mien G3Qa BJ
+miffed G3Rj Bc
+might G3S/ 6
+might G3T5 Ct
+mighty G3Wm B8
+mighty G3Yi BV
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+mike G3ip BZ
+mild G3kC DJ
+mildew G3nL Bt
+mildly G3o4 Bd
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+milestone G3wG Bu
+milieu G3x0 By
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+militant G3zm B3
+militarise G33l B8
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+militaristic G37f Ci
+military G3+B BZ
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+milksop G4HU Bz
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+mill G4M0 DQ
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+millennium G4RE CE
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+millisecond G4lb CJ
+millpond G4nk CX
+millstone G4p7 Bq
+milometer G4rl BZ
+mime G4s+ 9
+mime G4t7 BO
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+mimic G4wg BM
+mimic G4xs BP
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+mimosa G4y7 Bu
+minaret G42F BO
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+mince G44o Bq
+mincemeat G46S Bp
+mincing G477 BM
+mind G49H Iz
+mind G5F6 FG
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+mindfully G5Nl BT
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+mindless G5Qe BD
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+mineworker G5da CW
+mingle G5fw Bb
+mingy G5hL BM
+mini G5iX BA
+miniature G5jX B+
+miniature G5lV DX
+minibar G5os Bg
+minibus G5qM BU
+minicab G5rg CP
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+minim G5vN Br
+minimal G5w4 Bw
+minimise G5yo Bn
+minimum G50P BL
+minimum G51a Ba
+minion G520 BD
+miniseries G533 Bf
+minister G55W Be
+minister G560 Bk
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+ministry G5/1 Bp
+mink G6Be Bo
+minnow G6DG Bs
+minor G6Ey Bq
+minority G6Ha CO
+minster G6Gc +
+minstrel G6Jo BI
+mint G6Kw C3
+mint G6Nn BX
+minuet G6O+ BS
+minus G6QQ CO
+minuscule G6Se CD
+minute G6Uh C6
+minute G6Xb Bi
+minutely G6Y9 Bw
+minx G6at Bp
+miracle G6cW BW
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+mirage G6fC BZ
+mire G6gb BJ
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+mirror G6kP BA
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+misanthropic G6ux Bj
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+misapply G6x1 Bv
+misapprehension G6zk Bu
+misappropriate G61S B1
+misbegotten G63H B+
+misbehave G65F Bp
+misbehaviour G66u CA
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+mishear G7zP Bk
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+misname G8PY CI
+misnomer G8Rg B5
+misogynist G8TZ Cm
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+missal G8tw CP
+misshapen G8v/ Bd
+misshapen G8xc Bt
+missile G8zJ CX
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+misspent G9CR Bs
+missus G9D9 BV
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+mistrustfully G9cq B+
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+misunderstanding G9gH Br
+misuse G9hy BU
+mite G9jG Cv
+mitigate G9l1 CK
+mitigating G9n/ CH
+mitigation G9qG B/
+mitre G9sF B6
+mitt G9t/ CE
+mitten G9wD B3
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+mix G9x6 DH
+mixed G92k Bg
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+mobile G+E4 BY
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+mocha G+Og Cq
+mock G+RK BZ
+mock G+Sj Bh
+mockery G+UE BO
+mocking bird G+VS CC
+mod G+XU /
+mod G+YT Bm
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+model G+dV Cl
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+moderate G+lm BB
+moderate G+mn Bt
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+moggie G/EY Bb
+mogul G/Fz BQ
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+mohair G/KL DB
+mohammed G/NM Bi
+moist G/Ou +
+moisten G/Ps CA
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+molten G/qo Bm
+mom G/sO BD
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+mommy G/yw 4
+monarch G/zo BD
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+monetary G/5A B7
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+monoacidic HAOl Bf
+monoatomic HAQE BY
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+monocle HAX4 Bq
+monocracy HAdY Bz
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+monocular HAZi CD
+monodrama HAfL Bz
+monody HAg+ By
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+monotheist HAnC BT
+monotheistic HAoV Bx
+monotonic HAqG CC
+monotony HAsI CV
+monotypic HAud B/
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+monsignor HA0n B1
+monsoon HA2c B1
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+monstrosity HA8A 9
+monstrous HA6A CA
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+monumental HBFf BL
+moo HBGq Bs
+mooch about HBIW Cc
+mood HBKy CV
+moodily HBNH Bx
+moon HBO4 Bq
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+moon blind HBTA BQ
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+moonrise HBdA CD
+moonstone HBfD CJ
+moonstruck HBhM Bb
+moor HBkU B/
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+moralitically HCrA B7
+morass HCuh B6
+morbid HCyp BP
+morbidity HCz4 Bl
+morbific HC1d Bi
+mordant HC2/ Bz
+mordantly HC4y Ck
+mordent HC7W Bn
+more HC89 BY
+more or less HC+V BV
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+more than HDDi BQ
+more than a little HDEy B8
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+mores HDLN CO
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+morning room HB5s CS
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+morning star HB+2 Bu
+mornings HCAk Bo
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+moron HChp By
+moronic HCk3 /
+moronically HCjb Bc
+morose HCl2 Bn
+morosely HCCM Bh
+moroseness HCnd B/
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+morpheme HCGn CB
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+morpheus HCVa CO
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+morphogenesis HCLJ Cb
+morphological HCPT CQ
+morphologist HCRj B2
+morphology HCNk Bv
+morrow HCcn BV
+morsal HCd8 B1
+morsin HDPI BI
+mortage HDXu Bs
+mortager HDZa B7
+mortal HDNb Bt
+mortar HDV+ Bw
+mortician HDbV CN
+mortification HDff B6
+mortify HDdi B9
+mortlock HDhZ Bj
+mortuary HDi8 Bl
+mortuary house HDkh Bc
+mosaic HDl9 CH
+mosaicproof HDoE Bw
+mosy HF4R BH
+mother HDp0 BY
+mother church HDtC Be
+mother country HDug Bi
+mother hood HEHG B5
+mother land HDxi B1
+mother less HDzX Cg
+mother like HD13 Bz
+mother love HD3q Bl
+mother nature HD5P Bo
+mother of perl HD63 Bx
+mother ship HD+H BY
+mother state HD8o Bf
+mother superior HD/f CA
+mother tincture HEDA Br
+mother tongue HEEr Bo
+mother wit HEGT z
+motherinlaw HDwC Bg
+motherliness HEKw Cm
+motherly HEI/ Bx
+mothertobe HEBf Bh
+motiff HENW Bi
+motion HEO4 BZ
+motion of no confidence HES9 CL
+motion picture HEVI Bt
+motion to HEW1 B2
+motionless HEYr BT
+motionlessly HEZ+ Bs
+motivate HEe7 B7
+motivated HEg2 Bz
+motivation HEip By
+motive HEbq Be
+motive power HEdI Bz
+motiveless HEkb By
+motivity HEmN Bj
+motley HEnw Bi
+motor HErZ Bk
+motor boat HExP B2
+motor car HEzF BT
+motor cycle HE0Y Bm
+motor defect HEt8 B9
+motorbike HEv5 BW
+motorcontent HEs9 /
+motorer HEpS CH
+motorist HE4Q B0
+motorize HE1+ CS
+mottle HE6E Ba
+motto HE7e Bf
+mould HE89 BI
+moulding HE+F BU
+mouldy HE/Z BW
+moult HFAv B7
+mound HFCq BX
+mount HFEB BY
+mount HFFZ BR
+mount gaurd HFGq CJ
+mount the throne HFIz CV
+mountain HFNC B/
+mountain chain HFPB CA
+mountain range HFRB Bz
+mountain sickness HFS0 B/
+mountain side HFUz Bv
+mountain slide HFWi Bx
+mountain top HFYT B7
+mountaineer HFaO B0
+mountaineering HFcC CQ
+mountainous HFeS Bw
+mountebank HFgC Bt
+mountie HFhv CA
+mounting HFLI B6
+mourn HFjv CK
+mourner HFl5 Bz
+mournful HFns CM
+mourning HFp4 B5
+mouse HFwV Bu
+mouser HF2I CJ
+mousetrap HFyD Ce
+mousiness HF5Y /
+moustache HF6X Cc
+mousy HF8z BG
+mouth HF95 BX
+mouth cavity HF/Q v
+mouth organ HF// Bz
+mouth piece HGIP Bd
+mouth wash HGBy Bz
+mouth watering HGDl CZ
+mouthed HGLG B6
+mouthful HGJs Ba
+move HGNA BS
+move about HGP8 Bj
+move along HGRf Bq
+move away HGTJ Bu
+move for HGU3 CA
+move in HGW3 By
+move off HGYp B+
+move on HGan CA
+move out HGcn CD
+move over HGeq Bq
+move up HGgU 2
+moveable HGk2 Ba
+moveable feast HGmQ Bp
+moveheavenandearth HGOS BS
+movehouse HGPk Y
+movement HGn5 Bu
+movie HG09 BV
+movie star HG2S CD
+movies HG4V Bh
+moving HGpn Bz
+moving picture HGs/ Bo
+moving school HGun B6
+moving staircase HGwh CI
+moving van HGyp CU
+movong force HGra Bl
+mow HG52 BV
+mow down HG7L Cy
+mower HG99 Br
+mowing HG/o Bo
+mp HHBQ B6
+mph HHEp CA
+mr HHDK Bf
+mrs HHGp Bh
+mt HHJc Bl
+much HHLB BH
+much moreless HHVn Br
+much raker HHe9 B0
+muck HHaO Be
+muck heap HHbs B3
+muck of HHdj Ba
+mucky HHgx BH
+mucuous membrane HHjl Cb
+mucus HHh4 Bt
+mud HHmA BR
+mud along HH9+ B/
+mud flat HHnR Be
+mud flinge HHvs B2
+mud guard HHov Bk
+mud headed HH6S CH
+mud headedness HH8Z Bl
+mud mortar HHqT BX
+mud park HHrq Bi
+mud slinger HHtM B5
+mud slingering HHvF n
+mud through HH/9 CO
+mud turtle HHzP BR
+mud wasp HH0g BZ
+mudar HICL Bq
+muddiness HH3F Bx
+muddle HH42 Bc
+muddy HH15 BM
+muezzin HID1 B2
+muff HIFr Bv
+muffin HIHa Bi
+muffle HII8 B8
+muffler HIK4 Bp
+mufthi HIMh BW
+mug HIN3 BH
+mug up HISR Bs
+muger HIT9 Ba
+mugful HIO+ BY
+mugginess HIXr B1
+muggy HIWX BU
+muging HIVX BA
+mugs game HIQW B7
+mulatto HIZg Bu
+mulberry HIbO BY
+mulch HIcm B/
+mule HIgw Ba
+mulet HIel CL
+mulish HIiK BW
+mulishness HIjg Be
+mull HIk+ z
+mull over HIlx Bz
+muller HIpF Bp
+mullet HInk Bh
+mullion HIqu Bl
+mullioned HIsT Bh
+multi HIt0 BG
+multi coloured HIu6 Bf
+multi focal HIyB CP
+multi form HI0Q Bv
+multi formity HI1/ CW
+multi lateral HI4V Bq
+multi member HI5/ Bl
+multi national HI7k BZ
+multi plex HI89 B1
+multi presence HI+y Bx
+multi purpose HJAj CQ
+multi purpose policy HJCz Cc
+multi racial HJFP Ba
+multi storied HJGp Bi
+multi syllabic HJIL Bh
+multi valence HJJs CD
+multi valent HJLv Bc
+multi variate HJNL By
+multifarious HIwZ Bo
+multiple HJO9 Bd
+multiplicable HJTd CX
+multiplication HJXP BW
+multiplicative HJV0 Bb
+multiplicity HJYl B1
+multiplier HJaa Bx
+multiply HJSD Ba
+multitude HJcL Bp
+mum HJd0 BT
+mumble HJiV Cl
+mumbojumbo HJk6 CR
+mummery HJfH Br
+mummification HJr2 CC
+mummify HJpl CR
+mumming HJgy Bj
+mummy HJnL Ca
+mumps HJt4 Bh
+munch HJvZ Bl
+muncif HKHR Bc
+mundane HJw+ Bh
+mundanely HJyf BS
+municipal HJzx CB
+municipality HJ37 CL
+municipalize HJ6G CT
+munificense HJ+F Bz
+munificensely HJ/4 By
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+muniment HKBq Bm
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+munucipal corporation HJ1y CJ
+mural HKIt BT
+mural painting HKLb Bu
+muralant HKKA Bb
+murder HKNJ Bg
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+murderous HKTY BX
+murderously HKUv BY
+murk HKWH BW
+murky HKXd BA
+murmer HKYd Ba
+muscle HKZ3 Bj
+musclebound HKba Bp
+muscleman HKdD B0
+muscular HKe3 BK
+museum HKgB B1
+museum piece HKh2 Bq
+mush HKjg Be
+mushroom HKmq Bw
+mushy HKk+ Bs
+music HKoa B3
+music hall HKvl B/
+music stand HKxk B/
+musical HKzj Bf
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+musical variety HK4X CB
+musically HK6Y Bw
+musician HK8I Bn
+musicianship HK9v 0
+musilagenous HHXS Bf
+musins HHYx Bd
+musk HK+j BT
+musk deer HK/2 CJ
+musk rat HLB/ Bb
+musket HLFj CA
+musketeer HLHj Ca
+musketry HLJ9 Bm
+musky HLDa CJ
+muslin HLNr Bt
+muss HLPY B9
+mussel HLLj CI
+mustard HLRV BN
+muster HLSi Bc
+muster HLT+ 2
+muster HLU0 Bd
+musty HLWR w
+mutation HLXB t
+mute HLXu x
+mute HLYf r
+mutilate HLZK BK
+mutineer HLaU t
+mutineer HLbB v
+mutinous HLbw BU
+mutiny HLdE BX
+mutiny HLeb 2
+mutter HLf/ BP
+mutter HLfR u
+mutton HLhO BN
+mutual HLib Be
+muzzle HLj5 f
+muzzle HLkY BO
+my HLlm e
+myopia HLmE CH
+myriad HLoL Be
+myriad HLpp B6
+myrtle HLrj z
+mysterious HLsW Cg
+mystery HLu2 BG
+mystic HLv8 BU
+mystic HLxQ u
+mysticism HLx+ u
+mystify HLys BN
+myth HLz5 t
+mythology HL0m 7
+nab HL1h B7
+nadir HL4o CO
+naff HL3c BM
+nag HL62 CD
+nag HL85 BU
+nail HL+N By
+nail HL// B0
+nailbiting HMBz CE
+nailbrush HMD3 CE
+nailfile HMF7 Cp
+naive HMIk DB
+naivety HMLl Bi
+naked HMNH CW
+nakedly HMPd Bi
+nakedness HMQ/ Bh
+nambypamby HMSg Bb
+name HMT7 CO
+name HMWJ EG
+namedropping HMaP Dz
+nameless HMeC BT
+namely HMfV Bm
+namesake HMg7 Bf
+nanny HMia Bx
+nannygoat HMkL Ba
+nap HMll DR
+nap HMo2 Br
+napalm HMqh C3
+nape HMtY CQ
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+napkin HMxl BR
+nappy HMy2 CD
+narcissism HM05 Ba
+narcissistic HM2T Bk
+narcissus HM33 Bj
+narcotic HM5a Bq
+narcotic HM7E CZ
+nard HM9d Bl
+nark HM/C Dc
+narked HNCe Bn
+narrate HNEF Bf
+narration HNFk BZ
+narrative HNG9 CG
+narrative HNJD C5
+narrator HNL8 Br
+narrow HNNn Bc
+narrow HNPD B8
+narrowly HNQ/ BU
+narrowminded HNT9 CS
+narrowmindedness HNWP CN
+narrowness HNST Bq
+narwhal HNYc Ci
+nasa HNa+ CW
+nasal HNdU Bm
+nasal HNe6 Cd
+nascent HNhX CB
+nasturtium HNjY Bf
+nasty HNk3 CN
+natal HNnE B2
+nation HNo6 Ba
+national HNqU Bg
+national HNr0 B0
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+nationalist HNvp By
+nationality HNxb Ba
+nationalization HN1x CQ
+nationalize HNy1 C8
+nationwide HN4B Ca
+native HN6b BM
+native HN7n BN
+native american HN80 Cd
+nativity HN/R CD
+nato HOBU Cp
+natural HOD9 DX
+natural HOHU BN
+naturalism HOIh BY
+naturalist HOJ5 Bc
+naturalize HOLV CI
+naturally HONd BT
+nature HOOw Cc
+naught HORM BQ
+naughty HOSc BB
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+nauseate HOUg BQ
+nauseous HOVw BW
+nautical HOXG BU
+naval HOYa Bk
+nave HOZ+ Ca
+navel HOcY Bm
+navigable HOd+ B0
+navigate HOfy Bx
+navigation HOhj BY
+navigator HOi7 Bv
+navvy HOkq B1
+navy HOmf BU
+navy blue HOnz Bc
+nay HOpP 8
+nay HOqL BG
+neap HOrR Bu
+near HOs/ D8
+near HOw7 B7
+near HOy2 BH
+near HOz9 BU
+nearby HO1R BY
+nearby HO2p BF
+nearly HO3u BY
+neat HO5G EO
+neatly HO9U B1
+neatness HO/J By
+nebula HPA7 Bu
+nebular HPCp B0
+nebulous HPEd BY
+necessarily HPF1 B0
+necessary HPHp Eu
+necessitate HPMX B0
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+neck HPQm C1
+neck HPTb BL
+necklace HPUm BH
+necktie HPVt BV
+necromancy HPXC BW
+nectar HPYY BV
+necterine HPZt Bk
+neddy HPbR 4
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+need HPfe B6
+needle HPi2 BT
+needle HPkJ Bf
+needless HPhY Be
+needlewoman HPlo Bi
+needs HPdd CB
+needy HPnK Bc
+nefarious HPom BW
+negate HPp8 Cm
+negation HPsi BL
+negative HPtt B/
+negative HPvs C7
+negatively HPyn B4
+negativity HP0f 4
+neglect HP1X CN
+neglect HP3k BZ
+neglected HP49 BS
+neglectful HP6P B3
+negligence HP8G Bb
+negligent HP9h BT
+negligently HP+0 Bj
+negligible HQAX BW
+negotiable HQBt Bo
+negotiate HQDV C0
+negotiation HQGJ BN
+negotiator HQHW Bj
+negro HQI5 BD
+neigh HQJ8 Br
+neigh HQLn Be
+neighbour HQNF BG
+neighbourhood HQOL BT
+neighbouring HQPe BY
+neighbourly HQQ2 BT
+neither HQSJ CI
+neither HQUR BU
+nemesis HQVl Bw
+neo HQXV BG
+neocracy HQYb Bl
+neon HQaA Bp
+neophyte HQbp BG
+neoteric HQcv BK
+nephew HQd5 BL
+nepotism HQfE Bn
+neptune HQgr BE
+nerve HQhv De
+nerve HQlN Bo
+nerveracking HQm1 Bv
+nervous HQok CV
+nervously HQq5 Bc
+nervousness HQsV BO
+nervy HQtj Bi
+nest HQvF BN
+nest HQwS Bd
+nestle HQxv B0
+nestling HQzj Bu
+net HQ1R BK
+net HQ2b BD
+net HQ3e BX
+nether HQ41 BR
+netting HQ6G Bc
+nettle HQ7i 5
+nettle HQ8b BH
+network HQ9i Cj
+networking HRAF E4
+neuclear HYEl Bq
+neural HRE9 B1
+neuralgia HRGy BZ
+neurologist HRJu Bf
+neurology HRIL Bj
+neurotic HRLN Bt
+neurotic HRM6 BS
+neuter HROM Bc
+neuter HRPo BX
+neutral HRQ/ BE
+neutral HRSD Bu
+neutrality HRTx BX
+neutralize HRVI Bp
+never HRWx CA
+never fear DcCt BP
+nevermore HRYx BU
+nevertheless HRaF B1
+new HRb6 BT
+new moon HRfg BQ
+newborn HRgw BL
+newcomer HRh7 BV
+newfangled HRjQ Bl
+newly HRdN BG
+newly HRk1 BH
+newness HReT BN
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+newsagent HRm8 Br
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+newsletter HRqP B8
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+newsreader HRth Bx
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+nib HR36 BW
+nibble HR5Q CF
+nice HR7V 7
+nicely HR8Q BP
+nicety HR9f Bg
+niche HR+/ BC
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+nick HSBQ BU
+nickel HSCk BX
+nickname HSD7 Bx
+nickname HSFs BQ
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+nicotine HSIV BN
+niece HSJi BP
+niggardly HSMD Bg
+nigger HSKx BS
+niggle HSNj B3
+nigh HSPa BH
+nigh HSQh d
+night HSQ+ Cd
+nightblindness HSTb BR
+nightcap HSUs CG
+nightclub HSWy Bg
+nightdress nightgown HSZu BV
+nightfall HSYS Bc
+nightingale HSdB Bm
+nightjar HSbD B+
+nightmare HSen Bm
+nil HSgN BQ
+nimble HShd Bb
+nimbus HSi4 BW
+nine HSkO BQ
+nineteen HSle BO
+nineteenth HSms B0
+ninetieth HSog Bd
+ninetieth HSp9 Bp
+ninety HSrm BK
+ninth HSsw BL
+ninth HSt7 BY
+nip HSvT BL
+nip HSwe Ej
+nipper HS1B BI
+nipple HS2J B1
+nippy HS3+ BU
+nirvana HS5S Bm
+nit HS64 C0
+nitrate HS9s Bn
+nitric HS/T Bw
+nitrogen HTBD BR
+nitroglycerine HTCU B+
+nitrous oxide HTES CN
+no HTGf j
+no HTHC C/
+no fear DbwV DS
+no laughing matter Gua/ CN
+no one HTUF B1
+nob HTV6 Be
+noball HTOV BY
+nobility HTLR DE
+noble HTXY Ci
+noble HTZ6 Bg
+nobleman HTba BJ
+nobody HTcj Bs
+nocturnal HTeP BS
+nocturne HTfh Bj
+nod HThE BO
+nod HTiS DS
+node HTlk BN
+nodule HTmx BQ
+nogo area HTPt EY
+noise HToB Cl
+noiseless HTqm Bm
+noisome HTsM Be
+noisy HTtq Bj
+nom de plume HTwd o
+nomad HTvN BQ
+nomenclature HTxF CR
+nominal HTzW Bs
+nominate HT1C CB
+nomination HT3D CB
+nominative HT5E Bv
+nominative HT6z Bi
+nominee HT8V Bm
+non compos mentis HUaQ CA
+non prescription HU8V B+
+nonagenarian HT97 B+
+nonaggression HT/5 Bv
+nonalchoholic HUBo Bm
+nonaligned HUDO Bi
+nonalignment HUEw Bw
+nonappearance HUGg CZ
+nonattendance HUI5 CG
+nonceword HUK/ DH
+nonchalance HUOG CC
+nonchalantly HUQI CQ
+noncombatant HUSY CC
+noncommissioned HUUa B5
+noncommittal HUWT B3
+noncompliance HUYK CG
+nonconductor HUcQ BP
+nonconformist HUdf Bx
+noncontributory HUfQ CE
+noncooperation HUhU Bq
+nondescript HUi+ Cy
+none the less HUlw D5
+nonevent HUpp DQ
+nonfiction HUs5 Do
+nonintervention HUwh Cr
+nonobservance HUzM B6
+nonpareil HU1G DZ
+nonpayment HU4f B3
+nonplus HU6W B/
+nonprofitmaking HU+T Bf
+nonproliferation HU/y E2
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+nonresident HVGd Bo
+nonresident HVJg CQ
+nonresidential HVIF Bb
+nonsense HVLw BZ
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+nonslip HVQr BX
+nonsmoker HVSC DM
+nonstandard HVVO Bi
+nonstick HVWw Bu
+nonstop HVYe BU
+nonstop HVZy BL
+nonunion HVa9 BU
+nonviolence HVcR BQ
+nonviolent HVdh B9
+nonwhite HVfe Br
+noodle HVhJ BW
+nook HVif BH
+noon HVjm BM
+noose HVky BW
+noose HVmI Bu
+nor HVn2 BR
+nordic HVpH B3
+norm HVq+ Ei
+normal HVvg BM
+normality HVws Bx
+normalize HVyd B2
+normally HV0T Bg
+norman HV1z B2
+normative HV3p CA
+north HV5p BM
+north HV61 BH
+northbound HWLz B4
+northeast HV78 Bm
+northeastern HV9i B4
+northerly HV/a By
+northern HWBM Bf
+northernmost HWNr Bs
+northward HWCr Bp
+northward HWEU Bb
+northwest HWHl B9
+northwesterly HWFv B2
+northwestwards HWJi CR
+nose HWPX Do
+nosebag HWUg Bd
+nosedive HWXP B6
+nosegay HWZJ Bt
+nosepin HWS/ Bh
+nosering HWV9 BS
+nostalgia HWa2 B2
+nostril HWcs Bb
+nostrum HWeH Bs
+not HWfz Ce
+not caregive a fig Dj5a B8
+not harmhurt a fly D8kP Cv
+not have the faintestfoggiest idea D+r8 Ck
+not much of HHQK Bu
+not to put too fine a point to it DoAj CO
+notability HWiR CC
+notary HWkT Bc
+notation HWlv CM
+notch HWn7 Bf
+notch HWpa BV
+note HWqv Gd
+note HWxM Bk
+notebook HW12 BU
+noted HWyw BV
+notepad HW3K Bg
+noteworthy HW0F Bx
+nothing HW4q Bj
+nothing much of HHR4 CI
+nothingness HW6N Bw
+notice HW+o C2
+notice HW79 Cr
+noticeable HXBe Bh
+noticeably HXC/ Bi
+notifiable HXEh Bn
+notification HXGI B5
+notify HXIB By
+notion HXJz B9
+notional HXLw Bg
+notoriety HXNQ Bc
+notorious HXOs B2
+notoriously HXQi B1
+nottakekindly GM31 Bu
+notwithstanding HXSX u
+nought HXTF BU
+noun HXUZ Ba
+noun phrase HXVz BQ
+nourish HXXD Dm
+nourishing HXap Bc
+nourishment HXcF CK
+nouveau riche HXeP Bn
+nouvelle cuisine HXf2 Cr
+nov HXih i
+nova HXjD B/
+novel HXlC Bv
+novel HXmx BW
+novelette HXoH B+
+novelist HXqF Bg
+novelistic HXrl Cf
+novelty HXuE Cr
+now HXwv 2
+now HXxl BQ
+now HXy1 Bz
+now and then HX0o BY
+now or never HX2A Be
+nowadays HX3e B8
+nowhere HX5a BK
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+noxious HX7u BO
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+nozzle HX88 BM
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+nub HYBl Bo
+nubile HYDN BY
+nucleus HYGP BO
+nude HYHd BA
+nude HYId BB
+nudge HYJe BR
+nudge HYKv +
+nudism HYLt BD
+nudist HYMw B0
+nudity HYOk BV
+nugatory HYP5 BS
+nugget HYRL Cg
+nuisance HYTr Be
+null HYVJ BZ
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+nullify HYYU BS
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+numb HYa4 BZ
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+number HYd8 BU
+number HYfQ BU
+number HYgk BV
+numberless HYh5 Be
+numeral HYjX Bf
+numerate HYk2 BW
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+numerically HYn1 Dl
+numerous HYra Bc
+numinous HYs2 B4
+numismatics HYuu Bn
+numismatist HYwV Bl
+nun HYx6 BV
+nuptial HYzP Bb
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+nurse HY2P Be
+nurse HY3t Bj
+nurse HY5Q CE
+nursery HY7U CA
+nursury rhyme HY9U Br
+nursury school HY+/ CI
+nurture HZBH Bv
+nurture HZC2 Cv
+nut HZFl DG
+nutcase HZIr /
+nutcracker HZJq Bs
+nutmeg HZLW BV
+nuts HZMr 4
+nutshell HZNj Bg
+nutty HZPD CB
+nuzzle HZRE B7
+nylon HZS/ BH
+nymph HZUG BS
+nymphomaniac HZVY B/
+o HZXX Eu
+o HZc0 CM
+o HZcF v
+oaf HZfA BA
+oak HZgA BE
+oar HZhE BI
+oarsman HZiM DZ
+oasis HZll Da
+oath HZo/ Dh
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+oats HZu0 BI
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+obey HZ6r Bq
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+object HaHW B2
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+objective HaNK C+
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+obligatory HaWu B0
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+obliged Hacf Bb
+obligetion HaT7 Cz
+obliging Had6 Bv
+oblique Hafp Fe
+obliterate HalH Dp
+oblivion Haow Cx
+oblivious Harh BZ
+oblong Has6 2
+oblong Hatw B4
+obloquy Havo Bn
+obnoxious HaxP BP
+oboe Haye BY
+obscene Haz2 Bb
+obscenity Ha1R CR
+obscuratism Ha3i C1
+obscure Ha6X Cc
+obscure Ha8z Ba
+obscurity Ha+N EU
+obsequians HbEX Bn
+obsequies HbCh B2
+observable HbF+ B6
+observance HbH4 Cg
+observatary HbNI B7
+observation HbKY Cw
+observe HbPD Gd
+observer HbVg C5
+obsess HbYZ Be
+obsession HbZ3 Bi
+obsessional HbbZ Bm
+obsessive Hbc/ CB
+obsolescence Hbg8 CS
+obsolescent HbfA B8
+obsolete HbjO BW
+obstacle Hbkk CO
+obstacle race Hbmy Bf
+obstetrician Hbp2 Bk
+obstetrics HboR Bl
+obstinacy Hbra BG
+obstinate Hbsg Bm
+obstreperous HbuG Be
+obstrnet Hbvk Bo
+obstruction HbxM BY
+obstructionism Hbyk CF
+obstructive Hb0p CE
+obstrude Hb5y Ch
+obtain Hb2t DF
+obtrvive Hb8T Bf
+obtuse Hb9y BR
+obtuse angle Hb/D Bk
+obverse HcAn BN
+obviate HcB0 B4
+obvious HcDs Bh
+occasion HcFN Ci
+occasion HcHv B8
+occasional HcJr Bk
+occasional table HcMc C8
+occasionally HcLP BN
+occcurrence HcoP Bk
+occident HcPY Bj
+occidental HcQ7 Bp
+occupant HcTt CC
+occupation HcVv EH
+occupational HcZ2 CA
+occupied Hcic Bn
+occupier Hcb2 Bz
+occupy Hcdp Ez
+occur HckD EM
+occutt HcSk BJ
+ocean Hcpz BM
+oceangoing Hcsg Bf
+oceanic Hcq/ Bh
+oceanography Hct/ B1
+ocelot Hcv0 Bw
+och Hcxk Bi
+ochre Hc2V 1
+ochre HczG DP
+oclock Hc3K Bu
+oct Hc44 BQ
+octagon Hc6I BZ
+octagonal Hc7h B1
+octane Hc9W Ce
+octave Hc/0 B6
+octet HdBu Bh
+octo HdDP BX
+october HdEm BN
+octogenerian HdFz C4
+octopus HdIr BX
+ocular HdKC Bm
+oculist HdLo BZ
+odd HdNB 9
+odd fish Drol B6
+oddity HdPR BV
+oddly HdN+ BT
+ode HdQm BP
+odious HdR1 BI
+odour HdS9 Bo
+of HdUl BA
+off HdVl BR
+off HdW2 Bh
+off HdYX 9
+offence HdZU BW
+offend Hdaq Bi
+offender HdcM BT
+offensive Hddf Bf
+offer Hde+ Be
+offer Hdgc Bv
+offering HdiL BY
+offhand Hdjj Bw
+office HdlT BV
+officer Hdmo Bj
+official HdoL Bd
+official Hdpo BO
+officially Hdq2 Bg
+officiate HdsW CF
+offing Hdub Bm
+offset HdwB B4
+offshoot Hdx5 BO
+offspring HdzH Bh
+oft Hd0o Bi
+ogle Hd2K j
+ogle Hd2t Bi
+oh Hd4P z
+oil Hd5C BC
+oil Hd6E BJ
+oilcloth Hd7N Br
+oilman Hd+J /
+oilmill Hd84 BR
+oily Hd/I /
+ointment HeAH BL
+old HeBS CY
+olden HeFd Bd
+oldfashioned HeDq Bz
+oligarchy HeG6 0
+olive HeHu BY
+oliveoil HeJG 5
+omen HeJ/ Bj
+ominous HeLi BV
+omission HeM3 BF
+omit HeN8 BL
+omnibus HePH CH
+omnipotent HeRO BZ
+omnipresent HeSn BT
+on HeT6 BY
+on HeVS 5
+on approval nMo Ca
+on boarda ship or an aircraft BHhq CP
+on fileon the files DlSN B9
+on stand by KyXe Fl
+once HeYk Bp
+onceagain HeaN Bg
+onceandforall Hebt Be
+one HedL 0
+oneness Hed/ BR
+onerous HefQ BG
+ones own flesh and blood DzQw Ce
+ones pound of flesh DzTO C/
+oneself HegW BV
+onfire HeWL BH
+onion Hehr BQ
+onlooker Hei7 CR
+only HelM BQ
+only Hemc BT
+only skin and bone KWWQ BS
+onset Henv Bt
+onslaught Hepc Bi
+onthewing HeXS BS
+onto Heq+ C/
+onus Het9 BT
+onward HevQ BW
+onward Hewm BM
+onyx Hexy Bs
+ooze He07 Bz
+ooze Heze Bd
+opal He2u BY
+opaque He4G Bb
+open He5h CL
+open He7s Fd
+open the floodgates D3XD DM
+opener HfCk B2
+opening HfEa ET
+openly HfIt Bf
+openness HfKM B1
+opera HfMB BX
+operahouse HfNY B5
+operate HfPR C8
+operatic HfSN BY
+operation HfTl D9
+operative HfXi Bt
+operative HfZP Be
+ophthalmic Hfat Bb
+opiate HfcI Bn
+opine Hfdv p
+opinion HfeY BJ
+opiumeater Hffh t
+opponent HfgO Bg
+opportune Hfhu Bk
+opportunist HfjS BY
+opportunist Hfkq Bl
+opportunity HfmP Bk
+oppose Hfnz Bj
+opposite HfpW Bo
+opposite Hfq+ BN
+opposite HfsL Bc
+opposition Hftn B6
+oppress Hfvh BX
+oppression Hfw4 BM
+oppressive HfyE CA
+oppressor Hf0E BX
+optic Hf1b B8
+optical Hf3X B4
+optics Hf5P Bj
+optimism Hf6y BS
+optimist Hf8E BQ
+option Hf9U Ci
+optional Hf/2 Bp
+opulent HgBf Bo
+or HgDH BF
+oracle HgFp Be
+oral HgHH Bn
+orally HgIu Bh
+orange HgKP BQ
+orange HgLf BF
+orator HgMk +
+oratory HgNi Bd
+orbit HgO/ BK
+orchard HgQJ Ba
+orchestra HgRj Br
+ordain HgTO C6
+ordeal HgWI Bs
+order HgX0 CI
+order HgZ8 Ck
+orderly Hgcg Ba
+orderly Hgd6 B1
+orderly Hgfv BW
+ordinance HghF Bh
+ordinarily Hgj2 Bj
+ordinary Hgim BQ
+ordinary HglZ Bj
+ordinary Hgm8 BM
+ordination HgoI Bx
+ordnance Hgp5 Bw
+ore Hgrp BX
+orelse HgEM Bd
+organ HgtA DU
+organic HgwU Cr
+organism Hgy/ B0
+organist Hg0z BB
+organization Hg10 B0
+organize Hg3o Bh
+orgy Hg5J Cl
+orient Hg7u BY
+oriental Hg9G Bb
+origin Hg+h /
+original Hg/g Bk
+originality HhBE Bc
+originally HhCg Bc
+originate HhD8 CA
+originator HhF8 BW
+ornament HhHS Ba
+ornament HhIs B3
+ornamental HhKj Bw
+ornamentation HhMT Bh
+ornate HhN0 BL
+ornithologist HhO/ B5
+orphan HhQ4 Br
+orphanage HhSj Bq
+orthodox HhUN BW
+orthodoxy HhVj 3
+ostensible HhWa CR
+ostensibly HhYr B4
+ostentatious Hhaj Bi
+ostracism HhcF BI
+ostracize HhdN B2
+ostrich HhfD Bg
+other Hhgj Bd
+otter HhiA Bh
+ouch Hhjh BB
+ought Hhki BK
+ounce Hhls Ce
+our HhoK Be
+ours Hhpo BW
+ourselves Hhq+ Bj
+oust Hhsh Bs
+ouster HhuN o
+out Hh1Z Ba
+out Hhu1 FA
+out Hhz1 Bk
+out house HjOh DF
+outage Hh2z CD
+outandout Hh42 Cw
+outback Hh7m CT
+outbid Hh95 CQ
+outboard HiAJ Bm
+outboard HiBv DB
+outbound HiEw Bo
+outbreak HiGY CA
+outbuilding HiIY Bm
+outburst HiJ+ Bj
+outcast HiLh Bv
+outcast HiNQ Bx
+outclass HiPB Bi
+outcome HiQj C3
+outcrop HiTa Be
+outcry HiU4 B5
+outdated HiWx Bx
+outdistance HiYi Br
+outdo HiaN Cb
+outdoor Hico BY
+outdoors HieA BX
+outdoors HifX Bv
+outer HihG EZ
+outer space Hin4 Bp
+outermost Hilf CZ
+outface Hiws Bv
+outfall Hiph B7
+outfield Hirc Cs
+outfielder HiuI Ck
+outfight Hiyb B8
+outfit Hi0X EB
+outfitters Hi4Y CN
+outflank Hi6l ET
+outflow Hi+4 Bn
+outfox HjAf Bj
+outgoing HjCC Ef
+outgoing HjGh BW
+outgrow HjH3 DG
+outgrowth HjK9 Bh
+outgun HjMe CD
+outing HjRm CU
+outlandish HjT6 BR
+outlaw HjVL BY
+outlaw HjWj Bb
+outlay HjX+ Ba
+outlet HjZY DK
+outline Hjci BX
+outline Hjd5 CI
+outlive HjgB Be
+outlook Hjhf GD
+outlying Hjni BZ
+outmanoeuvre Hjo7 Bp
+outmoded Hjqk Br
+outnumber HjsP B9
+outofdate HjuM CD
+outpace HjwP Bo
+outpatient Hjx3 Br
+outperform Hjzi CK
+outplay Hj1s CM
+outpoint Hj34 CR
+outpost Hj6J BY
+outpouring Hj7h Cl
+outpourings Hj+G CR
+output HkAX Co
+output HkC/ CI
+outrage HkFH Br
+outrage HkGy Bw
+outrageous HkIi Bm
+outrank HkKI Bb
+outre HkLj Bu
+outreach HkNR 5
+outrider HkOK Bm
+outrigger HkPw BI
+outright HkQ4 D8
+outrun HkU0 Dn
+outsell HkYb B0
+outset HkaP Bt
+outside Hkb8 Da
+outside HkfW BG
+outsider Hkgc BN
+outsize Hkhp Bl
+outsmart HkjO B4
+outspoken HklG Bl
+outspread Hkmr CE
+outstanding Hkov EI
+outstay Hks3 Bf
+outstretched HkuW B0
+outstrip HkwK Bs
+outtake Hkx2 5
+outtray Hkyv /
+outvote Hkzu Bu
+outward Hk1c BZ
+outwardly Hk21 Bk
+outwards Hk4Z BV
+outweigh Hk5u CK
+outwit Hk74 Bi
+outworn Hk9a B2
+ouzo Hk/Q BF
+oval HlAV BM
+ovarian HlDc Bh
+ovary HlBh B7
+ovation HlE9 Bc
+oven HlGZ BE
+ovenready HlHd B2
+ovenware HlJT Be
+over HlKx Hk
+over HlSV LI
+over Hldd Bm
+over HlfD DB
+overact HliE Bx
+overall Hlj1 Bq
+overall Hllf Bv
+overarching HlnO CF
+overarm HlpT CR
+overawe Hlrk Bv
+overbalance HltT Cj
+overbearing Hlv2 Br
+overblown Hlxh DU
+overboard Hl01 B5
+overbook Hl2u Be
+overburden Hl4M B2
+overcharge Hl6C B7
+overcharge Hl79 Dm
+overcoat Hl/j Cs
+overcome HmCP Cr
+overcompensate HmE6 B2
+overcook HmGw Bc
+overcrowded HmIM BX
+overcrowding HmJj B0
+overdo HmLX Dn
+overdose HmO+ Bc
+overdose HmQa CB
+overdraft HmSb Cf
+overdraw HmU6 BZ
+overdrawn HmWT Cv
+overdressed HmZC B1
+overdrive Hma3 EU
+overdue HmfL Ct
+overeat Hmh4 Bf
+overemphasis HmjX Bu
+overestimate HmlF CN
+overestimate HmnS B6
+overexpose HmpM CK
+overexposure HmrW B5
+overfishing HmtP CV
+overflow Hmvk B8
+overflow Hmxg B7
+overfly Hmzb B9
+overground Hm1Y Bq
+overgrown Hm3C Bi
+overgrowth Hm4k Bk
+overhang Hm6I Bu
+overhaul Hm72 Bv
+overhaul Hm9l Bn
+overhead Hm/M B0
+overhead HnBA BL
+overhead projector HnCL CI
+overheads HnET CF
+overhear HnGY Bq
+overheat HnMX Bb
+overjoy HnNy B8
+overjoyed HnIC Bt
+overkill HnJv Co
+overland HnPu Bw
+overlap HnRe DG
+overlay HnUk Bq
+overlay HnWO BX
+overleaf HnXl B8
+overload HnZh Be
+overload Hna/ Bp
+overlook Hnco Fr
+overlord HniT BP
+overmanned Hnji DQ
+overmuch Hnmy BX
+overnight HnoJ CY
+overnight Hnqh Bk
+overpass HnsF Bf
+overpay Hntk Bh
+overpayment HnvF Bq
+overpower Hnwv CB
+overpowering Hnyw Co
+overrate Hn1Y B2
+overreach Hn3O 6
+overreact Hn4I Bx
+overreaction Hn55 BQ
+override Hn7J 7
+overrule Hn8E B4
+overrun Hn/4 Cn
+overrun Hn98 B8
+overseas HoCf BQ
+oversee HoDv CD
+overseer HoFy Ba
+overshadow HoHM Du
+overshoot HoK6 CX
+oversight HoNR DJ
+oversimplification HoS7 CB
+oversimplify HoQa Ch
+oversized HoU8 BU
+oversleep HoWQ B+
+overstate HoYO B7
+overstatement HoaJ CV
+overstock Hoce E2
+overt HohU CG
+overtake Hoja De
+overthrow Hom4 Bh
+overtime HooZ C/
+overtime HorY Bj
+overtone Hos7 Bg
+overture Houb ET
+overturn Hoyu De
+overuse Ho2M CG
+overview Ho4S Br
+overweening Ho59 B5
+overweight Ho72 DP
+overwhelm Ho/F CG
+overwhelming HpBL Bl
+overwork HpCw B6
+overwork HpEq B8
+overwrite HpGm B5
+overwrought HpIf B1
+ovoid HpKU p
+owe HpK9 /
+owing HpL8 6
+owing to HpM2 Bk
+owl HpOa +
+own HpPY CW
+own brand HpRu B2
+own goal HpTk CU
+owner HpV4 BN
+owner occupied HpYo B+
+owneroccupier Hpam B+
+ownership HpXF Bj
+ox Hpck 8
+oxbridge Hpdg DL
+oxfam Hpgr Da
+oxide HpkF Bj
+oxidize Hplo BW
+oxyacetylene Hpm+ Cd
+oxygen Hppb BG
+oxygen mask Hprn Bt
+oxygen tent HptU CQ
+oxygenate Hpqh BG
+oyster Hpvk BR
+oystercatcher Hpw1 Ci
+ozone HpzX BX
+pace Hp0u Ca
+pace Hp3I By
+pacemaker Hp46 EN
+pachyderm Hp9H Cs
+pacific Hp/z Bi
+pacification HqG5 CL
+pacifier HqJE B5
+pacifism HqBV CJ
+pacifist HqDe B2
+pacify HqFU Bl
+pack HqK9 FF
+pack HqUG Ez
+pack animal HqQC CE
+pack ice HqSG CA
+package holiday HqY5 CD
+packet Hqa8 Bn
+packing Hqcj Cc
+packing case Hqe/ CX
+pact HqhW BX
+pad Hqit CA
+pad Hqkt C1
+padded cell Hqni BR
+paddle Hqoz Bf
+paddock HqqS Bn
+paddy Hqr5 b
+padlock HqsU BW
+paediatrics HqvT CQ
+paen Hqtq Bp
+page Hqxj g
+pageant HqyD Bf
+pagoda Hqzi x
+paid Hq0T Bh
+pain Hq10 Fz
+pain Hq7n B8
+painfull Hq9j BZ
+painkiller Hq+8 Eu
+painless HrDq BO
+painstaking HrE4 D+
+paint HrI2 Ci
+paint HrLY KB
+paintbox HrVZ DE
+paintbrush HrYd Dq
+painter HrcH Gd
+painting Hrik Gq
+paintwork HrpO Ev
+pair Hrt9 EG
+pairs HryD FX
+paisley Hr3a Es
+pajama Hr8G C4
+pal Hr++ Cj
+palace HsGL DA
+palaeolithic HsJL E9
+palaeontology HsOI FT
+palatable HsTb HI
+palate Hsaj Hb
+palatial Hsh+ Dw
+palaver Hslu Dl
+pale HspT C1
+pale HssI Fy
+pale Hsx6 Dg
+palette Hs1a Ex
+palimpsest Hs6L Bc
+palindrome Hs7n Cw
+paling Hs+X D+
+palisade HtCV Dg
+palisade HtF1 Eq
+pall HtKf Fb
+pall HtP6 Eu
+pallet1 HtUo E4
+pallet2 HtZg DZ
+palliate Htc5 El
+palliative Hthe Cy
+pallid HtkQ Fd
+pallor Htpt Dd
+pally HsBh Eq
+palm HttK FR
+palm Htyb I+
+palmist Ht7Z De
+palpable Ht+3 GB
+palpitate HuE4 DT
+palpitation HuIL Du
+palsy HuL5 C0
+paltry HuOt G+
+paly inout IMr4 Bg
+pamper HuZF Ec
+pampered HuVr Da
+pamphlet Hudh EV
+pan Huh2 EY
+pan handle HvLQ Cu
+pan handle HvN+ By
+pan pipes Hva8 BJ
+panacea HumO B8
+panache HuoK Bd
+panalella Hurk Bz
+panama Hupn B9
+pancake HutX Bk
+pancreas Huu7 Br
+pancreatic Huwm B0
+panda Huya Bg
+panda car Huz6 B4
+pandemic Hu1y CC
+pandemic Hu30 Bo
+pandemonium Hu5c CA
+pander Hu7c CA
+pane Hu9c BL
+panegyric Hu+n o
+panel Hu/P FR
+panel HvEg B5
+panelling HvIR Bm
+panellist HvGZ B4
+pang HvJ3 BZ
+panic HvPw Bt
+panic HvRd B0
+panicky HvTR BF
+pannier HvUW Bd
+panoply HvVz Bl
+panorama HvXY Bw
+panoramic HvZI B0
+pansy HvcF BX
+pant Hvdc Bl
+pant HvfB Be
+pantaloons Hvgf Bh
+pantechnicon HviA CE
+pantheism HvkE Br
+pantheist Hvlv B6
+pantheon Hvnp Du
+panther HvrX Bj
+panties Hvs6 DI
+pantihose HvwC Bx
+pantile Hvxz Bs
+pantomime Hvzf C6
+pantry Hv2Z Br
+pants Hv4E BZ
+pantsuit Hv5d Bz
+pap Hv7Q Bs
+papa Hv88 BA
+paparazza Hv/k CA
+papaw HwBk B9
+papay Hv98 Bo
+paper HwDh Gc
+paper boy HwLa CD
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+paper clip HwOx B1
+paper knife HwQm Bu
+paper money HwSU Bo
+paper round HwT8 Bi
+paper thin HwYG Bj
+paper tiger HwVe Co
+paperback HwZp BV
+paperweight Hwa+ Bm
+paperwork Hwck CG
+papery HwJ9 Bd
+papier mache Hweq Bn
+papirika Hwhg B8
+papist HwgR BP
+parable Hwjc BK
+paraboil HxS7 BT
+parabola Hwkm Bz
+parachute HwmZ Bm
+parachute Hwn/ B+
+parachutist Hwp9 CD
+parade HwsA BY
+paradise HwtY Bc
+paraffin Hwu0 BT
+paragon HwwH BG
+paragraph HwxN CZ
+parakeet Hwzm BW
+parallel Hw08 BK
+parallelogram Hw2G CB
+paralyse Hw5Q Be
+paralysis Hw4H BJ
+paralytic Hw6u BT
+paramedic Hw8B Bg
+parameter Hw9h B6
+paramilitary Hw/b Bc
+paramount HxA3 Bl
+paranoia HxCc BR
+paranoid HxDt 8
+paranormal HxEp Br
+parapet HxGU BS
+paraphase HxJF Ba
+paraphernalia HxHm Bf
+paraplegia HxKf Bc
+parapsycology HxL7 BC
+paraquat HxM9 6
+parasite HxN3 BM
+parasitic HxPD BO
+parasol HxQR BO
+paratroops HxRf Bc
+parcel HxUO Bb
+parched HxVp BT
+pardon HxW8 Bt
+pardon HxYp BX
+parent HxaA Ba
+parentage Hxba BK
+pariah Hxdw BB
+pariance Hxy+ Bl
+parious Hx9V BW
+parish Hxck BM
+parish clerk Hxex B6
+parisian HxiN Bl
+parision Hxgr Bi
+parity Hxjy Bo
+park Hxla BN
+park and ride Hxmn BO
+parka Hxn1 BW
+parkin HxpL CQ
+parking Hxrb Bn
+parking meter HxtC B2
+parkinsons disease Hxu4 Bq
+parkland Hxwi Bd
+parkway Hxx/ /
+parley Hx0j B9
+parliament Hx2g BL
+parliamentarian Hx3r Ci
+parliamentary Hx6N Br
+parlour Hx74 Bd
+parody Hx+r BT
+parole Hx/+ BX
+paroxysm HyBV BK
+parrot HyCf BP
+parrot HyDu B6
+parsee HyFo BK
+parsimony HyGy Bq
+parsnip HyIc BP
+parson HyJr BV
+part HyLA Ee
+part HyPe Bb
+partake HyQ5 BU
+partial HySN C5
+participant HyVG CH
+participate HyXN C5
+participle HyaG B4
+particle Hyb+ BQ
+particular HydO Bc
+partidge Hyo0 BK
+parting Hyeq Bk
+partisan HygO B8
+partition HyiK B9
+partitive HykH t
+partner Hyk0 Cr
+partowner Hynf BV
+party Hyp+ Bf
+parvence Hyrd Bm
+pass HytD Lo
+passable Hy4r C6
+passably Hy7l Bq
+passage Hy9P Ev
+passbook HzB+ Bk
+passenger HzDi Bl
+passerby HzFH BT
+passing HzGa Cd
+passion HzI3 CM
+passionate HzLD DT
+passive HzOW D6
+passiveness HzSQ Bs
+passport HzT8 Cz
+password HzWv B1
+past HzYk CG
+past Hzaq BS
+past Hzb8 BV
+past HzdR CN
+paste Hzfe Cs
+paste HziK BV
+pastel Hzjf C2
+pastel HzmV Bj
+pastime Hzn4 BX
+pastor HzpP BU
+pastoral Hzqj DL
+pastoral Hztu Dp
+pastry HzxX CR
+pasture Hzzo Cp
+pat Hz2R BY
+pat Hz3p Bb
+pat Hz5E Bb
+pat Hz6f BL
+patch H0Ar CS
+patch Hz7q FB
+patchwork H0C9 C1
+pate H0Fy BE
+patella H0G2 Bv
+patent H0Il Bd
+patent H0KC DB
+patent H0ND Cp
+paternal H0Ps Bp
+paternity H0RV Bd
+path H0Sy C5
+pathetic H0Vr Ck
+pathologist H0YP B4
+pathology H0aH B6
+pathos H0cB Bi
+patience H0dj BV
+patient H0e4 BQ
+patient H0gI BS
+patiently H0ha B8
+patio H0jW B5
+patriarch H0lP Bo
+patrician H0m3 BX
+patrician H0oO BY
+patricide H0pm Bz
+patrimony H0rZ B/
+patriot H0tY B/
+patriotic H0vX Cv
+patrol H01D Bu
+patrol H0yG C9
+patron H02x Cl
+patron H05W BX
+patronage H06t CH
+patronize H080 Bi
+patten H0+W l
+patter H0+7 E0
+patter H1Dv Bz
+pattern H1Fi Fd
+pattern H1K/ Bw
+pattern H1Mv Bn
+paucity H1OW Bg
+paunch H1P2 BL
+pauper H1RB By
+pause H1Sz BR
+pause H1UE Bb
+pave H1Vf Er
+pavement H1aK De
+pavilion H1do Ef
+paw H1iH 9
+paw H1jE Eu
+pawn H1ny Dk
+pawn H1rW C5
+pay H1uP Be
+pay H1vt Dv
+payable H1zc B6
+payload H11W Ct
+paymaster H14D Cd
+payment H16g CI
+payout H18o B/
+pea H1+n BA
+peace H1/n Cb
+peaceable H2CC Cf
+peaceably H2Eh B+
+peaceful H2Gf Bb
+peacefully H2H6 Bl
+peacemaker H2Jf Cg
+peacetime H2L/ Cr
+peach H2Oq CW
+peach H2RA DX
+peacock H2UX BL
+peak H2Vi BF
+peak H2YE Bl
+peaked H2Wn Bd
+peaky H2Zp BD
+peal H2as B5
+peal H2cl BP
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+pear H2hV BJ
+pearl H2ie BH
+pearly H2jl BL
+peasant H2kw Bh
+peat H2mR BI
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+peccary H2pG Bu
+peck H2q0 Bh
+peck H2sV BZ
+pecker H2tu Bc
+peckish H2vK BK
+pectoral H2wU Bo
+peculiar H2x8 Bf
+peculiarly H2zb Bb
+pecuniary H202 Bf
+pedagogue H22V Bj
+pedal H234 BT
+pedal H25L Bf
+pedant H26q BL
+peddle H271 BM
+pedestrian H2+c BZ
+pedestrian H29B Bb
+pedicure H2/1 B4
+pedigree H3Bt 8
+pedlar H3Cp BE
+pee H3Dt BC
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+peep H3GR CC
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+peep H3SB Bs
+peep H3Tt CA
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+peeping tom H3Mc Ck
+peer H3Vt Bi
+peer H3ef Dk
+peer group H3bi C9
+peerage H3XP B2
+peerless H3ZF Cd
+peeve H3iD CX
+peeved H3ka CQ
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+peg H3pR B8
+peg H3rN B+
+pejorative H3tL Br
+pekineses H3u2 Bw
+pelagic H3wm CU
+pelican H3y6 Bq
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+pellagra H30k B+
+pellet H32i B7
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+pelmet H39T C3
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+pelt H4C3 Bc
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+pen H4HS Be
+pen H4Iw C8
+pen H4Rw Ck
+pen knife H5CG BJ
+pen name H4O5 Bn
+penal H4UU Ba
+penal code H4Vu CC
+penalize H4Xw Cj
+penalty H4aT B1
+penance H4cI Bn
+penandink H4Ls BJ
+pence H4dv B/
+penchant H4fu Bj
+pencil H4hR BM
+pencil H4id Bb
+pencil case H4j4 Bv
+pencil sharpner H4ln CB
+pendant H4no Bi
+pending H4pK Bm
+pendulous H4qw BT
+pendulum H4sD BR
+penetrable H4tU r
+penetrate H4t/ Bm
+penetrating H4vl C6
+penetration H4yf BU
+penetrative H4zz Bo
+penfriend H4M1 CE
+penguin H41b Bd
+penicillin H424 Bf
+peninsula H44X Bt
+peninsular H46E CE
+penitence H48I Bx
+penitent H495 Bs
+penitential H4/l 7
+penitentiary H5Ag Bm
+pennant H5DP Br
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+penpusher H4Qg BQ
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+pensionable H5J1 B7
+pensioner H5Lw Bf
+pensive H5NP Bb
+pensively H5Oq BZ
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+pentagonal H5Rk v
+pentameter H5ST B0
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+pentup H5Vq Bf
+penultimate H5XJ B9
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+penury H5as Be
+peony H5cK CN
+people H5eX Hv
+pep H5mG CZ
+pepper H5of Dm
+pepper mill H5sF B6
+peppermint H5t/ Bz
+peptic H5vy CD
+per annum H51q CF
+per capita H53v Bt
+per capita H55c Bt
+per cent H5+G CH
+per cent H6AN CT
+per se H+Ot CC
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+perambulator H5zk CG
+perceive H57J C9
+percent H6Cg Bu
+percentage H6EO DC
+perceptible H6HQ Dv
+perceptibly H6K/ By
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+perceptively H6VI CK
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+perch H6c2 Da
+perchance H6ju Bd
+perched H6gQ De
+percipent H6lL B6
+percolate H6nF CR
+percolator H6pW CM
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+percussionist H6ve CQ
+perdition H6xu BI
+peregrine H60q BO
+peremptorily H63Z B0
+peremptory H614 Bh
+perennial H65N DN
+perennial H68a Bh
+perennially H697 z
+perestroika H6+u Cg
+perfect H7BO Gt
+perfect H7H7 BP
+perfect H7NO B8
+perfection H7PK FA
+perfectionist H7Vq Cn
+perfectly H7JK EE
+perfidious H7Zj Bk
+perfidy H7YR BS
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+performance H7qX K2
+performer H7ml Bx
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+perfrumery H762 Cz
+perfume H71N DG
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+perfunctory H79p Bq
+pergola H7/T BS
+perhaps H8Al Fd
+peri H8GC CO
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+peril H8IQ Da
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+periliously H8NF CB
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+period H8Q4 IT
+periodic H8ZL Bd
+periodic H8ao CK
+periodic table H8cy C1
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+periphery H8hY CT
+periscope H8oI B7
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+perishable H8sY B1
+perishing H8uN Cl
+peritonitis H8wy B1
+periwinkle H8yn B9
+perjure H80k CN
+perjure H82x C6
+perk H85r C+
+perk up H88p By
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+perky H8+b Cn
+perm H9CY CB
+perm H9EZ B0
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+permanence H9H2 Bm
+permanent H9Jc CC
+permanently H9Le Bt
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+permeate H9PH Bn
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+permissible H9UN Bq
+permission H9V3 Bj
+permissive H9Xa Ck
+permit H9Z+ De
+permit H9fW Bi
+permit of H9dc B6
+permutation H9g4 B/
+pernicious H9i3 BT
+pernickety H9kK B6
+peroration H9mE Be
+peroxide H9ni CB
+perpendicular H9pj FO
+perperator H9yf Bn
+perpetrate H9ux Bn
+perpetration H9wY CH
+perpetual H90G Dg
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+perpetuate H95X CL
+perpetuation H97i Bi
+perpetuity H99E Bh
+perpexedly H+B6 CM
+perplex H9+l Bk
+perplexed H+AJ Bx
+perplexing H+EG BT
+perplexity H+FZ CV
+perquisite H+Hu DN
+perry H+K7 CC
+pers H+M9 Bw
+persecute H+Qv DA
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+persecutors H+VW CP
+persentation IfcV E7
+perserve H+Xl B2
+perseverance H+Zb CP
+persevering H+bq Bu
+persian H+dY C8
+persian H+hu Bj
+persian carpet H+jR Bu
+persian cat H+k/ Bd
+persians H+gU Ba
+persimmon H+mc Bx
+persist H+oN C5
+persistence H+rG Dc
+persistent H+ui D3
+person H+yZ EM
+persona H+2l BN
+persona non grata H+3y CS
+personable H+6E BY
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+personal H+9V D2
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+perspicacious H/T8 Bq
+perspire H/Vm Bk
+persuade H/XK C1
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+persuasive H/co Bi
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+peruse H/pC Bk
+pervade H/uh Bx
+pervalent IheC CB
+pervasive H/qm BZ
+perverse H/r/ Ci
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+pervert H/1f DI
+perverted H/4n Bf
+peseta H/6G Bz
+pesky H/75 B5
+peso H/9y DB
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+pessimistic IAHf B8
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+pesticide IAOI Bs
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+pet IAWo BF
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+petal IAZA BL
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+petitioner IAl0 Bb
+petrel IAnP Ba
+petrify IAop C3
+petrochemical IArg CC
+petrol IAti Bh
+petrol bomb IAvD B8
+petrol station IAw/ Bz
+petroleum IAyy CC
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+petrology IA2V Bj
+petticoat IA34 BZ
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+petty IA80 D9
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+petulantly IBFh Bc
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+pew IBKL CL
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+pewter IBNm Cb
+pgce IBQB C4
+ph IBS5 Bn
+phalanx IBUg Cd
+phantasm IBW9 BX
+phantasmagoria IBYU w
+phantom IBZE Cz
+pharaoh IBb3 B2
+pharisee IBdt ER
+pharmaceutical IBkW B9
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+pharyngitis IBxA Bd
+pharynx IBwa m
+phase IB2G D1
+phase IByd Dp
+phaseout IB57 DJ
+phd IB9E Bo
+pheasant IB+s BG
+phelgmatic ICuZ BZ
+phenol IB/y Bg
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+pheromone ICGZ Cd
+phew ICI2 Bp
+phial ICKf BQ
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+philander ICLv B3
+philanderer ICNm Bc
+philanthropic ICQ3 CJ
+philanthropist ICTA CJ
+philanthropy ICPC B1
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+philately ICVJ BT
+philharmonic ICap B7
+philion ICck BB
+philistine ICdl Bt
+philo ICfS 9
+philological ICh2 Bz
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+philosopher IClS B2
+philosophical ICnI B7
+philosphize ICpD C7
+phlegm ICr+ Cb
+phobia ICvy Bo
+phoenix ICxa Bz
+phone IC0j Ba
+phone ICzN BW
+phone book IC19 Ck
+phoneme IC4h CL
+phonetic IC8P 4
+phoneticaly IC9H 8
+phonetics IC6s Bj
+phoney IC+D BT
+phonological IC/W 8
+phonology IDAS CB
+phooey IDCT h
+phosphate IDC0 CZ
+phosphorescent IDFN By
+phosphorus IDG/ CA
+photo IDI/ Bf
+photo fit IDL9 CJ
+photocopy IDKe Bf
+photogenic IDOG BM
+photograph IDPS Bm
+photograph IDQ4 Bh
+photographer IDSZ BC
+photostat IDTb By
+photosynthesis IDVN C9
+phrase IDYK DD
+phraseology IDbN Bs
+phut IDc5 Bv
+phylum IDeo BX
+physical IDf/ C/
+physicality IDi+ CJ
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+physicist IDrg B0
+physics IDtU Bx
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+physiology IDww CQ
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+pick ID60 Fr
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+pickle IEO7 BZ
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+picnic IETj C+
+pictorial IEWh DN
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+picturesque IEph DB
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+piebald IEza BR
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+pigsty IFo1 Bn
+pigtail IFqc B9
+pike IFsZ Fn
+pikestaff IFyA Bb
+pilaf IFzb BE
+pilaster IF0f Bw
+pilchard IF2P B+
+pile IF+K B/
+pile IF4N F9
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+pillar box IGS9 DO
+pillion IGWL Bj
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+pilot IGea Ci
+pilot IGg8 B3
+pilot IGiz C5
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+pimple IGpG Bz
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+pin IG0S BP
+pin IG2+ CK
+pin IGs3 D8
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+pin up IG1h Bd
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+pinball IG7f B/
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+pinch IHHN Cn
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+pine IHMV Ca
+pine IHOv Be
+pine apple IHQN Bh
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+pinion IHV5 CF
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+pink IHbB DZ
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+pinkish IHf2 Bm
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+pint sized IH1G Bj
+pioneer IH2p Dk
+pioneer IH6N Bx
+pioneering IH7+ Cg
+pious IH+e DK
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+pip IIEE Ci
+pipe IIGm Dg
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+piping IIYi Ba
+piping hot IIZ8 Bp
+pipit IIbl BA
+pippin IIcl 7
+pipsqueak IIdg By
+piquancy IIin CI
+piquant IIfS DV
+pique IIkv Bf
+piqued IImO B/
+piracy IIoN DE
+piranha IIrR Bu
+pirate IIs/ FB
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+piscean II2k CG
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+piss II6M Bf
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+pistol IJDl Bh
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+pit IJUP BI
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+pit a pat IJWo Bw
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+pitch IJgA Jk
+pitch IJvK Bk
+pitch black IJwu Bn
+pitch dark IJyV CK
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+pixie IKW0 Bw
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+pl IKfs BM
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+placing IKy+ Bl
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+planetary ILW8 Bs
+plank ILYo DU
+planking ILb8 BS
+plant ILdO Cq
+plant ILf4 CH
+plantation ILlB BZ
+planter ILh/ BU
+plaque ILma Cc
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+plasticity IL1E Bx
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+playback IM7w Bt
+played out IM9d BU
+player INF/ DH
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+playing card INRL BK
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+plaything INVm BZ
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+plenteous INxh B7
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+plexus IN/J f
+pliable IN/o BI
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+plosive IOZl Co
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+plover IOt7 B0
+ploy IOvv BT
+pluck IO2x BY
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+plucky IO4J BG
+plug IO5P EZ
+plug IO9o C8
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+plumb IPK4 BO
+plumb line IPPJ B2
+plumber IPMG Bv
+plumbing IPN1 BU
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+plumed IPTs Bz
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+plummet IPXC Bq
+plummy IPYs DJ
+plump IPb1 Br
+plump IPdg Bj
+plunder IPfD BO
+plunder IPgR Bb
+plunge IPhs DI
+plunge IPk0 B/
+plunger IPmz V
+plunk IOQQ DU
+pluperferct IPnI Bn
+plural IPov BH
+pluralism IPp2 C/
+plurality IPs1 B2
+plus IPur BO
+plush IPv5 Bu
+pluto IPxn B0
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+pmt IP+j Cm
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+poach IQJw Bt
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+poet IQg/ 2
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+poorly IUW/ z
+poorly IUXy Bx
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+postulate IYsg CE
+posture IYuk C8
+posture IYxg Bf
+posturing IYy/ Bp
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+prattle IbHl Bd
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+preliminary IdwQ B4
+preliminary IdyI Ck
+prelude Id0s DT
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+prerequisite Ie0l B9
+prerogative Ie2i B5
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+presently IfjG CB
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+preservative IfoS Bk
+preservative Ifp2 B/
+preserve Ifr1 Bm
+preserve Iftb CC
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+preside IfxT Bs
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+protein Ir7y Bc
+proterm Ir9O Bs
+protest Ir+6 Bu
+protest IsAo Bt
+protestant IsEO B+
+protestant IsGM CA
+protestation IsIM B8
+protester IsCV B5
+proto IsKI Be
+protocol IsLm Df
+proton IsPF Bo
+protoplasm IsQt Df
+prototype IsUM Bc
+protozoan IsVo Bk
+protracted IsXM Bl
+protractor IsYx B6
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+protuberance Isfd BT
+proud Isgw DB
+proud Isjx BW
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+prove IslH CK
+proven Iso0 Bw
+provenance Isqk Be
+provender IssC Be
+proverb Istg BW
+provide Isu2 Bx
+provided IsyI B+
+providence Is0G B1
+provident Is17 Bn
+providential Is3i CO
+provider Iswn Bh
+province Is5w Bz
+provincial Is+l Bz
+provincial Is7j DC
+provincialism ItAY Bx
+provision ItCJ HA
+provisional ItJJ B0
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+provocation ItM0 Bb
+provocative ItOP B6
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+proxy ItY0 Bx
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+pruning Itk0 BW
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+prussic acid Itpl B4
+pry Itrd DA
+ps Itud CT
+psalm Itww B0
+psalmist Ityk BD
+psalter Itzn B1
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+psephologist It32 B1
+psephology It1c Ca
+pseud It++ BS
+pseud It8N Cx
+pseudo IuAQ BX
+pseudonym IuBn Bd
+pseudonymous IuDE B8
+psoriasis IuFA BV
+psst IuGV BK
+psych IuHf 3
+psyche IuIW Bl
+psychedelia IuJ7 Z
+psychedelic IuKU B1
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+psychic IuRW B3
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+psychoanalyst IuWn B1
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+psychologically Iubx Cd
+psychologist IueO Bw
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+psychopathic Iuhl Bw
+psychosis IujV Bn
+psychosomatic Iuk8 Bu
+psychotherapist Iuoe CC
+psychotherapy Iumq B0
+psychotic Iuqg BX
+psychotic Iur3 +
+pt Ius1 B/
+pt Iuu0 BS
+pt IuwG BV
+pt Iuxb Bw
+pt IuzL 1
+pta Iu0A C0
+pto Iu20 Cr
+pub Iu5f BI
+puberty Iu6n BX
+pubescent Iu7+ BP
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+public Iu+m B+
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+public spirit IvKW CR
+public utility IvMn By
+public works IvOZ CG
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+pudenda Iv1G t
+pudgy Iv1z Bv
+puerile Iv3i CD
+puff Iv5l Fg
+puff IwFO E/
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+puffed IwKN Bc
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+pukka Iwax BQ
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+pull off IwtD Dc
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+pull up Iw+R Bl
+pull up IxHt Bf
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+pulley IxTV Bk
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+pullout IxDT Ea
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+pullsth over Iwz5 CI
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+pulpit Ixh5 Cr
+pulpy Ixgb Be
+pulsate Ixkk Ex
+pulsation IxpV Bo
+pulse Ixq9 FG
+pulverise IxwD C7
+puma Ixy+ CK
+pumice Ix1I Bm
+pummel Ix2u Bk
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+pump Ix53 DX
+pump priming Ix9O Cm
+pumpkin IyB9 Br
+pun IyDo Bu
+punch IyFW BZ
+punch IyGv C/
+punch IyQ6 BX
+punch IyWb B8
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+punitive Iylq Bo
+punk IynS BV
+punsters Iyon BS
+punt Iyp5 EG
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+pupa Iywr BY
+pupil IyyD C1
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+puppy Iy2Q CU
+purchase Iy4k CH
+purdah Iy6r BY
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+puree Iy9W BP
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+purr IzY1 Be
+purse IzaT BA
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+pursuant Izcy Bu
+pursue Izeg C/
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+purvey Izkq B7
+purview Izml Bl
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+pustule Izy9 BX
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+putting the fear of god into Dbzn Cm
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+pyre I0OO Bx
+pyrex I0P/ CI
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+qualitatively I1Vt CD
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+qualm I1Zz Bm
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+quartz I2ZH BO
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+quinine I4G8 BU
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+quintuple I4Og w
+quintuplet I4PQ BK
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+quip I4Rt Bp
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+quisling I4VF n
+quit I4Vs BZ
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+quote I49m Bc
+quotient I5Al Bg
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+racket I573 Fs
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+radical I6jn d
+radically I6kE B0
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+radon I7JG Bk
+raffia I7Kq CJ
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+ragweek I7j/ Ch
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+random access I+Bn DX
+randomly I9/t B6
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+range I+F/ Ii
+range I+Oh HF
+rangefinder I+Vm CE
+ranger I+Xq BN
+rangy I+Y3 CA
+rank I+a3 D/
+rank I+e2 FC
+rank I+j4 G/
+ranking I+q3 Cf
+rankle I+tW B0
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+rat I/5+ CG
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+rather than JAZH Bw
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+razorsharp JCEs Bj
+razz JCGP Bp
+re JCH4 C6
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+reactive JCnK CU
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+reading JDEH Ex
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+recall JE2G Bb
+recall JE3h Ew
+recant JE8R Bd
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+rub the wrong way Jnlg Bi
+rubber JnnC Br
+rubber plant Jnot Bn
+rubber stamp JnqU B2
+rubbish JnsK Dv
+rubble Jnv5 CH
+rubella JnyA Bw
+ruby Jn1U Bk
+ruby Jnzw Bk
+ruck Jn24 B2
+ruck Jn4u Bv
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+rude JoCw DK
+rudely JoKy Bw
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+rue JoMi BV
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+ruefully JoQj Bh
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+ruffian JoTj BS
+ruffle JoU1 FF
+ruffle someones feathers DcYp CU
+rug JoZ6 Ba
+rugged JobU Fo
+ruin Jog8 Dw
+ruin Joks Cg
+ruinous JonM Bc
+rule Jooo GR
+rule Jou5 E+
+ruler Joz3 BR
+ruling Jo1I Bl
+ruling Jo2t B7
+rum Jo4o Bx
+rumble Jo6Z C5
+rumble Jo9S Ci
+rummage Jo/0 BN
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+rummy JpDJ BS
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+rumour JpIP CN
+rump JpKc DC
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+rumple JpQN Bd
+rumpus JpNe Be
+run JpRq Ma
+run JpeE Na
+runaway Jpre Dw
+rung Jpw3 B0
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+runner Jpyr Bn
+running Jp42 CS
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+runt Jp1l Bw
+runway Jp3V Bh
+rupee Jp7I BR
+rupture Jp+N BD
+rupture Jp8Z B0
+rural Jp/Q BH
+ruse JqAX B/
+rush JqCW F/
+rush JqIV Cz
+rusk JqLI CN
+russet JqNV CR
+rust JqPm BL
+rust JqQx BZ
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+sabre JqoY h
+sabrerating Jqo5 Cf
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+saccharine Jqsq Bc
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+safe Jree Eg
+safe keeping Jroy By
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+safeguard Jrkm CN
+safeguard Jrmz B/
+safely Jrqk DU
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+saga JrxA Bb
+sage Jrve Bi
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+sailboard Jr4a Bb
+sailboat Jr51 BX
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+sailing Jr22 Bk
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+salaried JsYL By
+salary JsWp Bi
+sale JsZ9 By
+saleable Jsd+ CB
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+salesperson Jsj8 Bz
+saleswoman Jslv CH
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+salsify Js8H Bw
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+salver JtZ7 BD
+salvo Jta+ Be
+salvolatile Jtcc BJ
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+samba JtgG CB
+same JtiH Bh
+same Jtli +
+sameness Jtmg Bh
+samosa JtoB BO
+samover JtpP BR
+sampan Jtqg BX
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+sample JttJ CQ
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+samurai JtyB EL
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+sanctum JuJA DZ
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+sandblast JueZ Bc
+sandblast Juf1 CS
+sandbox JuiH B/
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+sander JuO2 B2
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+sandpaper Jusg BM
+sandpiper Juts BT
+sandpit Juu/ Bq
+sandstone Juwp CB
+sandstorm Juyq CL
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+sane Ju9a Cm
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+saturday JwtJ Bl
+saturn Jwuu BS
+saturnine JwwA Bg
+satyr Jwxg BQ
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+savour JxZm BZ
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+scam JynG BY
+scamp Jyoe Bb
+scamper Jyp5 Bv
+scampi Jyro Bm
+scan JytO Bx
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+school master J0xU BY
+school mate J0ys Bl
+school teacher J00R B9
+schoolage J0hn Bt
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+schooling J0gO BZ
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+sciatic J04/ B2
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+sclerosis J1Lu r
+sclerotic J1MZ Bn
+scoff J1OA Bb
+scold J1Pb Bb
+scolding J1Q2 CA
+scone J1S2 BX
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+scud J4nE CR
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+scuffle J4rE Bn
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+semtex KBBK BG
+senate KBCQ CU
+send KBEk BB
+send for sth or sb KBJS Bg
+send in sb or sth KBKy B5
+send off for sth KBMr Bn
+send out sth KBTU DO
+send sb down KBFl Dt
+send sb off KBOS Bu
+send sb to KBWi Ca
+send sth on KBQA DU
+sender KBdP Bj
+sendoff KBY8 Bh
+sendup KBad Cy
+senescent KBey Bj
+senile KBgV B6
+senile dementia KBjh CE
+senility KBiP BS
+senior KBll C0
+senior citizen KBoZ CP
+sensation KBqo F7
+sensational KBwj ET
+sensationalise KB3B CJ
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+sense KB5K H8
+sense KCBG DL
+senseless KCER Cp
+senselessly KCG6 Bj
+sensibilities KCJ4 Bw
+sensibility KCId Bb
+sensible KCLo Cu
+sensibly KCOW Bo
+sensitive KCP+ Ep
+sensitively KCUn 2
+sensitivities KCW5 Bh
+sensitivity KCVd Bc
+sensitize KCYa CH
+sensor KCah BO
+sensory KCbv CC
+sensualist KCdx Bh
+sensuality KCfS CK
+sensuous KChc BY
+sentence KCi0 CQ
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+sententiously KCmj Bm
+sentiment KCoJ Cp
+sentimental KCqy B4
+sentimentalist KCsq Bo
+sentimentalize KCuS CN
+sentinel KCwf BJ
+sentry KCxo 9
+separable KCyl B5
+separate KC0e Cv
+separately KC3N BV
+separation KC4i C7
+sepia KC7d 8
+september KC8Z BZ
+septic KC9y BK
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+sepulchre KDDl Bn
+sequel KDFM Ci
+sequence KDHu BU
+sequentially KDJC B8
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+serene KDWT BJ
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+serialize KDjJ CF
+serially KDlO BG
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+serif KDn9 7
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+seriously KDqJ B6
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+serum KD3J CT
+servant KD5c Cb
+serve KD73 Kc
+service KEGT Kl
+service KEQ4 Dc
+service area KEVy BM
+service charge KEW+ Bm
+serviceable KEUU Be
+serviceman KEYk Bb
+serviette KEZ/ BX
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+servility KEcx B1
+servitude KEem Bc
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+sesame KEhi BO
+session KEiw Bf
+set KE3e GW
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+set KEo6 Ok
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+setting KFDk FG
+settle KFIq JT
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+settlement KFWW F2
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+seven KFdw BG
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+several KFrM BZ
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+shackle KGMk DR
+shade KGP1 EK
+shade KGVg Fv
+shades KGT/ Bh
+shadow KGbP EU
+shadow KGfj C3
+shadow KGia Bz
+shadowy KGkN Cy
+shady KGm/ DX
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+shaft KGvP Bt
+shag KGw8 Bh
+shagged KGyd Bl
+shaggy KG0C Bk
+shah KG1m Bl
+shake KG3L E+
+shake KG8J Cm
+shake down KHAM Bg
+shaker KG+v Bd
+shaky KHBs C0
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+shall KHGS 1
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+sham KHOC BP
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+shaman KH1g Dg
+shamble KHTH Bq
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+shank KHj9 BX
+shanty KHmy Bc
+shape KHoO DU
+shape KHri BV
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+shark KHzl B7
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+sharp shooter KH+e B/
+sharply KH5A Bn
+sharpness KH6n Bp
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+shattering KIG3 DP
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+shaver KIR2 Bs
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+shawl KIhk BR
+she KIi1 CL
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+shears KIYc Bt
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+shellac KJqC By
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+shelving KJ0z w
+shenanigans KJ1j C+
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+sheriff KJ+X BW
+sherry KJ/t B1
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+shibboleth KKF8 DW
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+shield KKQK CQ
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+shift KKYL E2
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+shilly shally KKiM Bv
+shim KKj7 BX
+shimmer KKlS Bf
+shin KKmx Bb
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+shindig KKss Bi
+shindy KKuO Bb
+shine KKvp Bc
+shine KKxF BA
+shingle KKzX Cx
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+shingly KK2I Bj
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+shit KLmi BD
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+shock KLxw En
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+shoe KMI5 BI
+shoot KMKB Hk
+shoot KMaj Ee
+shooter KMfB Ba
+shooting KMRl Cx
+shooting gallery KMUW Be
+shooting match KMV0 3
+shooting star KMWr Bu
+shootout KMYZ CK
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+shore KM2M B+
+shoreline KM4K BW
+short KM5g Bk
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+short cut KNA7 C1
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+shortly KNru CK
+shortrange KNJb Cv
+shorts KNt4 Bk
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+shorttime KNZm CB
+shot KNvc Ew
+shotgun KN18 Bb
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+should KN3X Bk
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+shout KN9P Bb
+shove KN+q Bl
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+show KOFf Em
+show KOKF F7
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+shower KOZR C5
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+showjumping KOes CY
+showman KOhE Cq
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+shred KOls B7
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+shrill KOy+ BO
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+shrivel KO8z Bg
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+shroud KPCf BQ
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+shrug KPG+ CJ
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+shudder KPKe Bg
+shuffle KPL+ EP
+shun KPQN BT
+shunt KPRg Cr
+shush KPUL Bu
+shut KPV5 BQ
+shutdown KPXJ B1
+shutoff KPY+ BI
+shutout KPaG CI
+shutter KPew Cu
+shuttle KPhe Cd
+shuttlecock KPj7 CD
+shutup KPcO Ci
+shy KPl+ DO
+shyster KPpM BV
+siamese KPqh Be
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+sick KP0C GI
+sick KP6K CJ
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+sickbed KQFS B0
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+sickening KQJx D2
+sickeningly KQNn B+
+sickle KQPl Bt
+sickle cell KQRS Cv
+sickly KQUB Dw
+sickness KQXx Dk
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+sickroom KQd3 Bj
+side KQfa Jv
+side KRBx CR
+side effect KQut Bw
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+sideboard KREC Bl
+sidecar KQrN B9
+sided KQpJ CE
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+sideissue KQwd Bd
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+sideline KRLm Es
+sideroad KQ0r By
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+sidesplitting KQ37 CC
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+siding KRZS v
+sidle KRaB Bf
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+sienna KRcz Bl
+sierra KReY Ba
+siesta KRfy Bk
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+sigh KRmW C4
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+sightseeing KRyi Bu
+sign KR0Q F9
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+signal KSIh CI
+signal KSPu Bn
+signal box KSMX DX
+signaler KSKp Bu
+signalman KSRV DP
+signatory KSUk Dh
+signature KSYF Be
+signetring KSZj CH
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+significantly KSjK CK
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+signify KSmv CS
+signpost KSpB Dt
+silage KSsu BQ
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+silken KS/L BY
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+silky KTB2 BV
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+silt KTO0 DQ
+silver KTSE Cn
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+silvery KTXk Bf
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+simmer KT0u CH
+simmer KT21 Ca
+simper KT5P Cg
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+sing KT/c BH
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+sirocco KUqh BS
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+sisterly KUxg BP
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+sit on KU5Q Bs
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+sit through KU68 Bp
+sit up KU8l Bh
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+sitar KVTP B3
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+sitting tenant KVPf Bp
+situated KVYh Bm
+situation KVaH BL
+six figure KVcg Bg
+sixfold KVgE /
+sixpence KVhD BE
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+skeptic KV1T V
+sketch KV1o Bs
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+skin head KWii Cd
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+skinful KWhL BX
+skinny KWXi BP
+skint KWk/ Bq
+skip KWmp FL
+skipper KWr0 Bw
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+skirmish KWvi B+
+skirt KWxg BG
+skirt KWym B/
+skit KW0l CH
+skittish KW2s B7
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+skua KW9x Bm
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+skunk KXGg CT
+sky KXIz BS
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+skyhigh KXL/ B0
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+slalom KXn/ B9
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+slash KX9C BN
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+slate KX/v CO
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+slaughterhouse KYE6 CO
+slav KYHI Dc
+slave KYKk Ba
+slaver KYL+ BP
+slavish KYNN BO
+slavonic KYOb DS
+slay KYRt Bf
+sleadge KYV2 B/
+sleaze KYTM Bb
+sleazy KYUn BP
+sledge KYuE +
+sleek KYX1 +
+sleep KYYz 7
+sleep KYZu BZ
+sleepily KYoq BY
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+slice KY1f Ba
+slick KY25 Bi
+slide KY4b BQ
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+slingshot KY9u l
+slink KY+T B2
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+slip stream KZT9 Cd
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+slit KZbY BI
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+sloppy KZwu Bz
+slosh KZyh CU
+slot KZ01 Bt
+slot machine KZ2i CZ
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+sloth KZ53 CP
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+slough KZ+v Bj
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+slovenly KaDb Bm
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+sluggish KaUY Bf
+sluice KaV3 Bx
+slum KaXo CH
+slumber KaZv BX
+slump KabG Bb
+slump Kach CV
+slung Kae2 Bq
+slupr Kak/ CQ
+slur Kagg DB
+slur Kajh Be
+slurry KanP B1
+slush KapE BY
+slut Kaqc B6
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+smack Katx C/
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+small KayI CF
+small beer Ka0N CR
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+small time Ka4o CP
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+smash KbYv D4
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+smashed Kbcn CM
+smasher Kbez C9
+smashing Kbhw BQ
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+smear KbnO GL
+smear KbtZ D+
+smell Kb5f BC
+smell KbxX CG
+smell out Kbzd Bi
+smellingsalts Kb0/ Eg
+smelly Kb6h Bt
+smelt Kb8O Bv
+smelter Kb99 Bh
+smidgen Kb/e Bx
+smile KcBP Bv
+smile KcC+ BX
+smile on KcEV BQ
+smirk KcFl Bd
+smite KcHC Bx
+smith KcIz Bs
+smithereens KcKf B8
+smithy KcMb Bk
+smitten KcN/ CP
+smock KcQO DB
+smog KcTP Ck
+smoke KcVz DY
+smoke KcZL Cj
+smoke out Kce6 Bi
+smoked glass Kcmt CB
+smokefree KcdQ Bq
+smokeless Kcbu Bi
+smoker Kci/ Ck
+smokes Kcgc Cj
+smokescreen Kcou DG
+smoking Kclj BK
+smoky Kcr0 EJ
+smooch Kcx5 BL
+smooth KczE E2
+smooth out Kc/I BP
+smooth talking Kc8p Cf
+smooth the pathway KdAX Bu
+smoothie Kc36 Bf
+smoothly Kc5Z BY
+smoothness Kc6x B4
+smote KdCF 3
+smother KdC8 DK
+smoulder Kcv9 B8
+smudge KdGG BP
+smudge KdHV DI
+smug KdKd B2
+smuggle KdMT B2
+smuggler KdOJ By
+smuggling KdP7 Ba
+smut KdRV BD
+smut KdSY Bm
+smutty KdT+ BK
+snack KdVI CE
+snaffle KdXM Bx
+snag KdY9 CS
+snag KdbP B9
+snail KddM BC
+snails pace KdeO Bg
+snake Kdfu BD
+snake Kdgx BP
+snakebite Kdjd B6
+snakes and ladders KdlX CE
+snakeskin Kdnb BZ
+snaky KdiA Bd
+snap Kdo0 Eu
+snap Kdti Bb
+snap Kdu9 Bx
+snap Kdwu Bo
+snap KdyW CY
+snappy Kd0u B7
+snappy Kd2p BI
+snare Kd5a BL
+snare drum Kd6l Bb
+snatch Kd8A BP
+snatcher Kd9P Bn
+snazzy Kd+2 Bf
+sneak KeAV Bq
+sneer KeB/ Br
+sneeze KeDq Bu
+snicker KeFY Bz
+snide KeHL Bl
+sniff KeIw CN
+sniffle KeK9 Br
+snifter KeMo +
+snigger KeNm Bm
+snip KePM BT
+snipe KeQf e
+snippet KeQ9 Bt
+snivel KeSq Ba
+snob KeUE BN
+snog KeVR B2
+snook KeXH BZ
+snooker KeYg Bs
+snooker KeaM By
+snoop Keb+ DP
+snooty KefN BK
+snooze KegX BZ
+snore Kehw Br
+snort Kejb Bk
+snot Kek/ BA
+snout Kel/ Cj
+snow Keoi BT
+snow Kep1 Bm
+snow bound KeyW Bp
+snowball Kerb CG
+snowball Keth Ci
+snowblower KewD CT
+snowcapped Kez/ Bv
+snowdrift Ke1u BS
+snowdrop Ke3A Be
+snowfall Ke4e Bf
+snowfield Ke59 Bm
+snowflake Ke7j Bb
+snowline Ke8+ BN
+snowman Ke+L Bc
+snowplough Ke/n BX
+snowshoe KfA+ Bb
+snowstorm KfCZ CW
+snub KfEv Cd
+snub KfHM Bi
+snub KfIu Cr
+snuff KfLZ Bh
+snuff KfM6 BW
+snuffbox KfOQ B6
+snuffle KfQK B8
+snug KfSG C5
+snug KfU/ BQ
+snuggle KfYJ Du
+snugly KfWP B6
+so Kflp HT
+so Kfs8 GA
+so and so Kfy8 Bn
+soak Kfb3 Ee
+soak KfgV CZ
+soaked Kfiu Bf
+soaking KfkN Bc
+soap Kf0j Ba
+soap Kf19 Bp
+soap box Kf7b Bh
+soap stone Kf88 DD
+soapy Kf3m D1
+soar Kf// CD
+sob KgCC B0
+sob KgD2 BI
+sober KgE+ Cp
+sobering KgHn Bv
+soberly KgJW Bq
+sobriety KgLA BL
+soc KgML Bc
+socalled KgNn Bd
+sociable KgPE Bm
+social KgQq BJ
+social climber KgRz C3
+social conscience KgUq Ct
+social democracy KgXX CE
+social democrat KgZb Bm
+social drinker KgbB DH
+social science KgeI CT
+social security Kggb DT
+social work Kgju B7
+socialism Kglp BZ
+socialist KgnC BT
+socialistic KgoV Bh
+socialite Kgp2 CP
+socialization KgwE y
+socialize KgsF Bs
+socialize Kgtx CT
+society Kgw2 Df
+sociological Kg18 Cj
+sociologically Kg4f FO
+sociology Kg0V Bn
+sock Kg9t Cn
+sock KhAU Bk
+socket KhB4 ER
+sod KhGJ Di
+sod KhJr BA
+soda KhPg BI
+soda fountain KhQo BN
+sodden KhR1 Bp
+sodding KhKr CV
+sodium KhTe BN
+sodium bicarbonate KhUr Dn
+sodium chloride KhYS Bm
+sodomite Khas z
+sodomy KhZ4 0
+sods law KhNA Cg
+sofa Khbf BR
+soft Khcw Ef
+soft ball KhuJ X
+soft boiled Khij Be
+soft drug KhkB X
+soft fruit KhkY Y
+soft furnishing Khkw d
+soft hearted KhlN Bq
+soft palate Khm3 Bf
+soft pedal KhoW Cr
+soft shoulder KhrB b
+soft spoken Khs3 BS
+soften Khug Bq
+softly KhhP BU
+softsoap Khrc Bb
+software KhwK w
+softwood Khw6 W
+softy KhxQ 3
+soggy KhyH BR
+soho KhzY S
+soil Kh1O CB
+soil Khzq Bk
+soiree Kh3P Bh
+sojourn Kh4w w
+solace Kh5g Bn
+solace Kh7H Ck
+solar Kh9r BO
+solar cell Kh+5 Bj
+solar plexus KiAc v
+solar system KiBL Bo
+solar year KiCz Br
+solarium KiEe B4
+sold KiGW BE
+solder KiHa Bq
+solder KiJE BV
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+soldier of fortune KiOV BO
+soldierly KiM6 Bb
+sole KiPj C7
+sole KiSe Bs
+solecism KiUK DD
+solemn KiXN Ed
+solemnise KidH BO
+solemnity Kibq Bd
+solicit KieV Bl
+solicitor Kif6 CM
+solicitous KiiG B+
+solicitude KikE BZ
+solid Kild BP
+solidarity Kims Bx
+solidify Kiod EN
+soliloquy Kisq Bk
+solipsism KiuO CC
+solitaire KiwQ D6
+solitary Ki0K CZ
+solitude Ki2j BY
+solo Ki37 B+
+solstice Ki55 Bu
+soluble Ki7n C2
+solution Ki+d Eu
+solve KjDL Dl
+solvent KjGw Eh
+sombre KjLR Cj
+sombrero KjN0 W
+some KjOK 6
+somebody KjPE Bn
+someday KjQr CL
+somehow KjS2 DJ
+someone KjV/ Bl
+someplace KjXk Bk
+somersault KjZI BV
+something Kjad BP
+sometime Kjbs BV
+sometimes KjdB BJ
+someway KjeK Bk
+somewhat Kjfu +
+somewhere Kjgs BM
+somnambulism Kjh4 CB
+somnolent Kjj5 C3
+son Kjmw CP
+son et luineire KjsO Bu
+sonar Kjo/ Bk
+sonata Kjqj Br
+song Kjt8 CL
+song book Kjyz B/
+songbird KjxT Bg
+songster KjwH BM
+songstress Kj0y BR
+songwriter Kj2D Bm
+sonic Kj3p Be
+sonic boom Kj5H Bd
+sonnet Kj6k Bl
+sonny Kj8J Bk
+sonority Kj+6 t
+sonorous Kj9t BN
+soon Kj/n BG
+sooner KkAt BX
+soot KkCE BI
+soothe KkEh Cu
+soothsayer KkHP Bi
+sooty KkDM BV
+sop KkIx BK
+sophisticate KkLS 7
+sophistry KkMN Ba
+sophomore KkNn BJ
+soporific KkOw Bp
+sopping KkJ7 BX
+soppy KkQZ BN
+soprano KkRm DQ
+sorbet KkU2 BI
+sorcerer KkV+ CI
+sordid KkYG BG
+sore KkZM Bv
+sorely Kka7 BY
+sorghum KkcT BO
+sorority Kkdh Be
+sorrel Kke/ CL
+sorrow KkhK Bn
+sorrow Kkix Bd
+sorry KkkO EG
+sort KkoU BJ
+sort Kkpd Ca
+sortie Kkr3 Df
+sos KkvW B6
+soso KkxQ Bt
+soso Kky9 Bt
+sot Kk0q BP
+sotto voice Kk15 B4
+sotto voice Kk3x B4
+sou Kk5p B5
+souffle Kk7i CJ
+sough Kk9r BK
+soul Kk+1 Ct
+soul food KlHc C3
+soul mate KlKT Bq
+soul music KlL9 CM
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+soulful KlBi Bp
+soulless KlDL CD
+soulsearching KlOJ CB
+sound KlQK Bm
+sound KlWb Bi
+sound KlX9 Bq
+sound KlZn GL
+sound effect KlTI B1
+sound wave KlU9 Be
+sounding Klip B5
+sounding board Klfy C3
+soundings Klki Dt
+soundless KlRw BY
+soundly KloP Be
+soundproof Klpt B0
+soundtrack Klrh DN
+soup Kluu BM
+soupcon Kl1s B5
+soupkitchen Klyc DQ
+soupup Klv6 Ci
+sour Kl5k CZ
+sour cream Kl3l B/
+source Kl79 Cf
+sourdough Kl+c BZ
+sourness Kl/1 BT
+sourpuss KmBI B6
+souse KmDC DY
+south KmIV BO
+south eastern KmOE CA
+south pole KmLO B3
+south western KmNF /
+southeast KmGa B7
+southerner KmQE Ca
+southward KmJj Br
+souvenir KmSe BX
+sovereign KmT1 q
+sovereign KmUf BJ
+soviet KmVo BH
+sow KmWv Bi
+sower KmYR Bj
+soya bean KmZ0 BQ
+sozzled KmbE Be
+spa Kmci BU
+space Kmd2 Co
+space bar Kmge B9
+space craft Kmpx Bz
+space heater Kmib By
+space man Kmrk B5
+space probe Ikvp CM
+space probe KmkN 9
+space ship Kmtd B0
+space suit KmvR B/
+spaced out Kmmo DJ
+spacing KmlK Be
+spacious KmzE Br
+spade Km0v BC
+spade work Km3N CO
+spadeful Km1x Bc
+spaghetti Km5b CC
+span Km7d CF
+spangle Km9i Ba
+spaniel Km+8 B7
+spanish KnA3 Bp
+spank KnCg Bf
+spanking KnD/ BJ
+spanner KnFI BO
+spar KnGW Cg
+spare KnLn EZ
+sparing KnQA BJ
+spark KnUf Cw
+spark plug KnRJ DW
+sparkle KnZz DG
+sparkler Knc5 B5
+sparkling KnXP Ck
+sparky Kney B3
+sparring partner KnI2 Cx
+sparrow Kngp CF
+sparrowhawk Kniu De
+sparse KnmM CX
+spartan Knoj DC
+spasm Knrl B5
+spastic Knte CD
+spat Knvh JI
+spate Kn4p DO
+spatial KmxQ B0
+spatter Kn73 Bt
+spatterdash Kn9k Bl
+spatula Kn/J CV
+spawn KoBe BV
+spawn KoCz BT
+speak KoEG Bd
+speakeasy KoFj Bj
+speaker phone KoHG Bw
+spear KoI2 Co
+spearhead KoLe Cn
+spearmint KoOF Bv
+special KoSD FO
+special branch KoP0 CP
+specialism KoXR BP
+specialist KoYg Bl
+speciality KoaF Bj
+specialize Kobo CX
+specialized Kod/ 6
+specially Koe5 Ba
+species KogT BZ
+specific Kohs By
+specification Koje Bz
+specifics KolR x
+specify KomC CB
+speciman KooD BY
+specious Kopb Bm
+speck KorB CK
+specs KotL BP
+spectacle KozS B2
+spectacled Koua Ct
+spectacular KoxH CL
+spectator Ko1I Bn
+specter Ko4H d
+spectral Ko4k CU
+spectre Ko2v BY
+spectroscope KpjZ B4
+spectrum Ko64 Bt
+speculate Ko8l Br
+speculative Ko+Q Br
+speech Ko/7 CD
+speechify KpB+ DF
+speed KpFD C3
+speed KpH6 Bo
+speedboat KpMB B/
+speedometer KpOA CF
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+speedway KpSW B0
+speedwell KpUK CA
+speedy KpJi Cf
+speleology KpWK CA
+spell KpaK Ck
+spell Kpcu Cy
+spell binding KpYK CA
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+spend KplR DK
+spender Kpob BO
+spent Kppp BY
+sperm KprB BL
+spermatozoon KpsM BZ
+spew Kptl DB
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+sphere Kpxz Bz
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+spice Kp4o CL
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+spick Kp9t Bc
+spider Kp/J BZ
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+spigot KqCJ CN
+spike KqEW CA
+spill KqGW Bd
+spill KqHz BQ
+spin KqJD B1
+spin KqK4 BW
+spin KqMO B8
+spina bifida KqRT a
+spinach KqRt BX
+spinal KqTE B4
+spindle KqU8 BV
+spine KqWR Bj
+spine KqX0 +
+spineless KqYy Bj
+spinet Kqbh BO
+spinnaker Kqcv X
+spinner KqOK CC
+spinney KqdG Be
+spinning KqQM BH
+spintster Kqek B6
+spiny KqaV BM
+spiral Kqge BM
+spiral Kqhq DZ
+spire KqlD BU
+spirit KqmX Et
+spirit KqrE Cw
+spirit Kqt0 By
+spiritless Kqvm Bf
+spiritual KqxF Bj
+spiritualism Kq0T Cc
+spirituality Kqyo Br
+spit Kq2v CU
+spit Kq5D B8
+spite Kq6/ BV
+spiteful Kq+k BL
+spiteused with to Kq8U CQ
+spitfire Kq/v Bj
+spittle KrBS d
+spittoon KrBv Br
+spiv KrDa BH
+splash KrEh DI
+splash KrHp Ct
+spleen KrKW C/
+splendid KrNV B8
+splendidly KrPR Bx
+splendour KrRC BY
+splentic KrSa Cr
+splice KrVF BU
+splint KrWZ BP
+splinter KrXo BM
+splinter KrY0 BH
+split KrZ7 Ba
+split KrbV 8
+splits KrcR BF
+splotch KrdW Bw
+splurge KrfG Bf
+splutter Krgl DM
+spoil Krjx D1
+spoil Krnm Cv
+spoilage KrqV BR
+spoiler Krrm 4
+spoilsport Krse DA
+spoke Krve CO
+spoke Krxs BS
+spokes person Kr0M CK
+spokesman Kry+ BO
+sponge Kr2W Be
+sponge Kr30 BO
+sponser Kr5C BI
+sponser Kr6K B4
+sponsorship Kr8C Bv
+spontaneity Kr9x Bg
+spontaneous Kr/R BY
+spontaneously KsAp CB
+spoof KsCq BJ
+spoof KsDz BJ
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+spooky KsF9 Bc
+spool KsHZ BR
+spool KsIq Bd
+spoon KsKH BO
+spoon KsLV Bn
+spoonerism KsOY Er
+spoonful KsM8 Bc
+sporadic KsTD Bs
+spore KsUv C0
+sporran KsXj BP
+sport KsYy BO
+sport KsaA BW
+sporting KsiD BW
+sportively KsjZ Bu
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+sports man Ksn1 Bw
+sports manlike Kspl CQ
+sports wear Kssu C+
+sportscar KsbW CU
+sportscast KslH Cu
+sportsday Ksdq Bs
+sportsmanship Ksr1 5
+sporty Ksvs CN
+spot Ks0b BU
+spot Ksx5 Ci
+spotless Ks5K DB
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+spotted Ks1v Bo
+spotter Ks3X Bz
+spotty Ks98 Bo
+spouse KtCr B+
+spout KtEp BM
+spout KtF1 B5
+sprawl KtHu CM
+spray KtJ6 BW
+spray KtM9 BV
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+spread KtOS BR
+spread sheet KtS9 Br
+spreadeagle KtRO Bv
+spreader KtPj Br
+spree KtUo Bi
+sprig KtWK /
+sprigged KtXJ BR
+sprightly KtYa Bp
+spring KtaD BM
+spring Ktfm BP
+spring KuF7 CD
+spring board KtmE Bm
+spring bok Ktnq B/
+spring clean Ktg1 By
+spring green Ktin B8
+spring loaded Ktcp BX
+spring onion Ktkj Bh
+spring tide KteA Bm
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+springtime KtrX Bw
+springy KtbP Ba
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+sprinkler Ktud Bp
+sprinkling KtwG CI
+sprint Kt0M Bc
+sprint KtyO B+
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+sprite Kt3L BK
+spritzer Kt4V CG
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+sprout Kt8v Bx
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+spruce Kt/w B0
+spruce KuBk EX
+spry KuH+ Br
+spud KuJp 8
+spume KuKl Bn
+spunk KuMM Bd
+spunous KuTN Bh
+spunt KuNp h
+spur KuOK FD
+spurn KuUu Bv
+spurt KuWd D2
+spurt KuaT Cm
+sputter Kuc5 Dp
+sputum Kugi BW
+spy Kuh4 Bn
+spy Kujf Cz
+squally KumS Ba
+squalor Kuns Bn
+square Ku2C BR
+square KupT F6
+square KuvN G1
+squarely Ku3T Bf
+squarish Ku4y BV
+squash Ku+1 DP
+squash Ku6H Eu
+squat KvCE BN
+squat KvDR BS
+squat KvEj Do
+squatter KvIL Bp
+squaw KvJ0 CJ
+squawk KvL9 BG
+squawk KvND BS
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+squeak KvPu DW
+squeaky KvTE Bc
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+squeal KvWC Bs
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+squeeze Kvak CQ
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+squib Kvf0 Bf
+squid KvhT BX
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+squiggle Kvlx Bp
+squiggly Kvna Bf
+squint Kvo5 BL
+squint KvqE CI
+squire KvsM Dz
+squirearchy Kvv/ CB
+squirm KvyA Bn
+squirrel Kvzn Bc
+squirt Kv1D BV
+squirt Kv2Y Bh
+squirt Kv35 Ck
+sr Kv6d l
+sr Kv7C 7
+ss Kv79 BL
+st Kv9I 1
+stab Kv/S DI
+stab Kv99 BV
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+stack KwS6 CU
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+stag KwZv BI
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+stagecoach KwcK Bc
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+staging KwgZ BR
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+stagnent Kwhq BS
+stagy Kwkt Bg
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+stain Kwos Bl
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+stake Kw4p CO
+stake Kwy6 BZ
+stake holder Kw63 By
+stake out Kw3f BK
+stalactite Kw8p CV
+stalagmite Kw++ CS
+stale KxBQ CG
+stalemate KxEp Ew
+staleness KxDW BT
+stalk KxJZ BL
+stalk KxKk FT
+stalker KxP3 Bk
+stalking house KxRb +
+stall KxSZ Hn
+stall KxaA FM
+stall hodler KxfM B2
+stallion KxhC B/
+stalwart KxjB Bv
+stamen Kxkw B1
+stamina Kxml Bx
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+stammerer Kxqa By
+stamp Kx2E Dk
+stamp KxsM Fo
+stamp collecting Kx5o By
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+stampede KyAA DZ
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+stance KyEo GP
+stanchion KyK3 BS
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+stand Kyjp FW
+stand alone KyVd CB
+stand in KydD B6
+stand off Kye9 Cm
+stand up Kyhj CG
+standard Ky0p FF
+standard Kyws D9
+standard bearer Kyo/ B2
+standard lamp Kyq1 CO
+standard of living KytD B6
+standard time Kyu9 Bv
+standardization Ky5u Bk
+standerdize Ky7S B+
+standing KzHF GB
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+stanza KzT+ BB
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+star Kzgm JU
+star Kzp6 Br
+starboard KzeS CU
+starch Kzrl Bg
+stare KztF By
+starfish Kzbm Bd
+stark Kzu3 C/
+starker Kzx2 B1
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+statuette K1nw By
+stature K1pi E9
+status K1uf C4
+status symbol K1xX Bz
+statute K1zK D7
+statute book K13F B0
+staunch K145 Bs
+staunchly K16l B5
+stave K18e B2
+stave in K1+U By
+stave off K2AG Cl
+stay K2Cr BY
+stay behind K2KM CM
+stay in K2MY Bs
+stay ones hand K2G4 DU
+stay out K2OE Dp
+stay the course K2ED C1
+stay up K2Rt Bm
+stayer K2TT DB
+steadfast K2WU BS
+steady K2Xm Du
+steak K2bU BY
+steak house K2cs B/
+steal K2er DK
+steal K2h1 Bw
+stealth K2jl BI
+stealth K2kt DZ
+steam K2oG /
+steam boat K22V Bz
+steam engine K2uV B7
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+steam roller K252 Bb
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+steel band K3Hv Cc
+steel wool K3KL CB
+steelworks K3MM B2
+steely K3EP Dg
+steep K3OC El
+steepen K3Sn B/
+steeple K3Um BW
+steeplechase K3V8 Bp
+steeplechaser K3Xl Be
+steeplejack K3ZD CJ
+steer K3bM EM
+steerage K3kA Cz
+steering K3fY CF
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+stellar K3mz By
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+stenography K30q Ba
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+step K33j Bs
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+step daughter K4Hf Bw
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+step sister K4Nz BY
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+steroid K4pQ Bx
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+stethoscope K4sm CV
+stevedore K4u7 Cm
+stew K4xh EI
+steward K43S Dv
+stewardship K47B B6
+stewed K41p Bp
+stick K487 H/
+stick K5E6 Fv
+stick insect K5Kp Bz
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+stickleback K5Mc By
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+sticky K5V8 Bo
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+stifle K5i7 FF
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+stiletto K5vF DI
+still K51U Co
+still K5yN DH
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+stillborn K56L Ec
+stilt K5+n Eu
+stilted K6DV BS
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+stockcar K7OH EC
+stockholder K7UK Bn
+stocking K7Vx Bw
+stockman K7Xh CO
+stockpile K7Zv CQ
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+stole K7tt BT
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+stolid K7yM BX
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+stoneware K8SR Bs
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+stop K8sX Dk
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+storage K9Du Fa
+storage heater K9JI B3
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+storekeeper K9SR Bn
+storeroom K9T4 Bq
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+stork K9W2 BV
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+stout K9go BA
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+straggle K9ni B0
+straggly K9pW BK
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+straightforward K9vN Bf
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+strange K9/z Bl
+stranger K+BY Bu
+strangle K+DG CM
+strangulated K+FS C3
+strap K+IJ Cy
+strapless K+K7 B2
+strata K+Mx Bo
+stratagem K+OZ CC
+strategic K+Qb B6
+strategist K+Ui By
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+stratify K+WU Cp
+stratosphere K+Y9 CK
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+straw K+e3 DS
+strawberry K+jl CK
+strawcoloured K+iJ Bc
+stray K+lv B+
+streak K+nt B9
+streak K+pq CK
+streaky K+r0 Bt
+stream K+th C6
+stream K+wb B+
+streamer K+yZ CY
+streel K+0x Bg
+street K+2R BV
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+street car K++J Bf
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+street value K+8D CG
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+street wise K/BH Cg
+strength K/Dn Hj
+strengthen K/LK B1
+strenuous K/M/ B2
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+stress K/Tu Cw
+stress K/We Bf
+stressed K/X9 B2
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+strewth K/vI B9
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+strict K/1d El
+strictly K/6C Ck
+stricture K/8m EF
+stride LAAr C/
+stride LADq ER
+strident LAH7 DK
+strife LALF Bf
+strike LAMk Bn
+strike LAOL Jl
+strike LAXw Bj
+strike breaker LAaq CQ
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+striker LAc6 DN
+striking LAgH CU
+string LAib GV
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+stringer LAwb By
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+strip LAyN EH
+stripe LA56 Cg
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+strobe light LBDl C6
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+stroke LBJB Ky
+stroll LBTz Bd
+stroll LBVQ BH
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+strong LBXz RB
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+strong box LBql Bk
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+strong man LBvC B0
+strong minded LBw2 CI
+strong room LBy+ Bh
+strongly LB0f Bq
+strontium LB2J 6
+stroppy LB3D Ca
+struck LB5d BP
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+structure LB82 CG
+strudel LCAk Bu
+struggle LCCS GB
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+strum LCLa Bb
+strumpet LCM1 BQ
+strut LCOF CA
+strychnine LCQF Bj
+stub LCRo FM
+stubble LCW0 Cn
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+stubby LCbS Bl
+stucco LCc3 BM
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+stuck LCgs Bc
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+stud LCjb DQ
+student LCmr Bn
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+stuff LCwr BD
+stuffy LCxu Bp
+stultify LCzX B1
+stumble LC1M Dd
+stump LC4p CW
+stump LC6/ Ek
+stumpy LC/j BG
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+stunt LDFa BU
+stunt LDGu Br
+stupefy LDIZ Cv
+stupendous LDLI Cj
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+stutter LDWz BJ
+sty LDX8 CP
+stygian LDaL BP
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+stylist LDch Bh
+stylus LDeC CW
+stymie LDgY B/
+styrofoam LDiX BV
+styx LDjs BS
+sub LDk+ 4
+sub continent LDt3 Bp
+sub culture LDwx 2
+sub lieutenant LEC4 Bs
+sub machine gun LEs/ Bu
+subacid LDl2 q
+subaltern LDmg B6
+subaqua LDoa BW
+subatomic LDpw Bb
+subcommittee LDrL BV
+subconcious LDsg BX
+subcontract LDvg BR
+subcutaneous LDxn Bh
+subdivide LDzI Bt
+subdue LD01 Bj
+subhuman LD2Y B7
+subindicate LD4T CH
+subject LD6a CR
+subjudice LD8r Bm
+subjugate LD+R Ba
+subjunctive LD/r Bx
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+subliminal LErV Bq
+submarine LEut CW
+submerge LExD Bh
+submission LEyk Bt
+submissive LE0R BT
+submit LE1k Bh
+subnormal LE3F Bm
+suborn LE4r Ba
+subpoena LE6F +
+subscribe LE7D Bh
+subscription LE8k Bs
+subsection LE+Q Bk
+subsection LEEk Bl
+subsequent LE/0 B2
+subsequent LEGJ Bw
+subservient LEH5 Ce
+subservient LFBq Bl
+subside LEKX Ca
+subside LFDP CX
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+subsidiary LEMx Bt
+subsidiary LFHb Bt
+subsidize LEOe B5
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+subsidy LEQX B1
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+subsist LFK3 BZ
+subsoil LEUD Bc
+subsoil LFMQ CH
+subsonic LEVf BS
+subsonic LFOX B7
+substance LEWx Bi
+substance LFQS Cn
+substandered LEYT B7
+substandered LFS5 Bp
+substantial LEaO Bq
+substantial LFUi B+
+substantiate LEb4 By
+substantiate LFWg Bz
+substantive LEdq CB
+substantive LFYT CB
+substitute LEfr Bh
+substitute LFaU B6
+substratum LEhM Bc
+substratum LFcO Bi
+substructure LEio BY
+substructure LFdw Bm
+subsume LEkA CF
+subsume LFfW CC
+subtend LEmF Bh
+subterfuge LEnm CG
+subterfuge LFhY CK
+subterranean LEps Bp
+subterranean LFji Ba
+subtille LFk8 Bo
+subtitle LFmk Bq
+subtle LFoO BK
+subtlety LFpY w
+subtly LFqI Bx
+subtotal LFr5 BP
+subtract LFtI By
+subtraction LFu6 BU
+subtropical LFwO Dj
+suburb LFzx Cw
+suburban LF2h Bp
+suburbanite LF4K Cj
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+subvention LF8c B4
+subway LF+U B0
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+successor LGIB BQ
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+succulent LGMs BH
+succumb LGNz Cq
+such LGQd Bh
+suchlike LGR+ B6
+suck LGT4 BV
+sucker LGVN Bf
+suckle LGWs Br
+sucrose LGYX Bd
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+suet LGhj Be
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+suffice LGlS Bq
+sufficient LGm8 Br
+suffix LGon BO
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+suffrage LGtj CM
+suffuse LGvv BS
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+suggest LGyR Bg
+suggestion LGzx BR
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+suicide LG2k B5
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+suitable LG9n B6
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+suite LHA7 Bx
+suitor LHCs Ba
+sulk LHEG Bc
+sullen LHFi B2
+sully LHHY Bt
+sulphate LHJF B0
+sulphide LHK5 Bh
+sultan LHMa Ba
+sum LHN0 5
+summer LHXp Bg
+summer house LHQG B7
+summer pudding LHSB Bk
+summer school LHTl B9
+summer time LHVi CH
+summit LHZJ C/
+summon LHcI Cq
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+sumo LHgv B4
+sump LHOt BZ
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+sumptuous LHin B6
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+sunless LHwW BK
+sunlight LIj5 Bh
+sunlit LIla DE
+sunny LHxg BU
+sunrise LIoe BS
+sunset LIrF BO
+sunspot LIt7 B+
+suntan LIxP BR
+sup LIzd BP
+super LI0s CO
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+superficial LJFH Bd
+superfluity LJGk Br
+superfluous LJIP B/
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+superglue LJMB CM
+superhuman LJQF Bw
+superimpose LJR1 CK
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+superstitious LJ9j CQ
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+supertanker LKF5 Cc
+supervene LKIV B1
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+supervisor LKNv B3
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+supinely LKRE BY
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+supple LKWT Bi
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+supremo LK2q Bv
+suprenitendance LJWC CA
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+sure LK5y Bk
+surely LK7W Bq
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+surpass LLVg Bx
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+surplice LLYv Bq
+surplus LLaZ B+
+surplus LLcX Bs
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+surprise LLfW B2
+surprising LLhM Bb
+surreal LLin BR
+surrealism LLj4 Cr
+surrealist LLmj Bh
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+survey LL7+ Bw
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+survivor LMH+ Bz
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+sushi LMO/ BV
+suspect LMQU B/
+suspect LMST B3
+suspend LMUK DM
+suspended LMX3 q
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+suspender LMY9 Bc
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+suspense LMaZ BY
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+suture LMma f
+svelte LMm5 9
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+swag LMq3 S
+swagger LMrJ CO
+swain LMtX BV
+swallow LMus F2
+swam LM0i Bm
+swami LM2I Bd
+swamp LM3l /
+swan LM4k Bw
+swansong LM6U BN
+swap LM7h Bb
+sward LM88 /
+swarm LM97 Dz
+swarthy LNBu BM
+swashbuckling LNC6 CI
+swastika LNFC BY
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+swatch LNHi Br
+swathe LNJN BA
+swathe LNKN Bh
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+sweep LNgn BX
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+sweeping LNnc Bk
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+swimming pool LOSG B0
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+swimmingly LOWK B+
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+swimwear LOZv Bm
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+swindler LOdJ BH
+swine LOeQ BC
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+swing LOjT B/
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+swinging LOlS w
+swipe LOrh B9
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+swish LO0M Bh
+swish LO1t BR
+swish LO2+ BM
+swiss LO4K Bj
+swiss LO5t Bs
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+swiss roll LO7Z B8
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+switchback LPDF Bv
+switchboard LPF3 Bt
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+sworn LPZ5 T
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+swot LPc5 z
+sybaritic LPds BS
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+sycophant LPgM BL
+syllable LPhX BW
+syllabus LPit BY
+syllogism LPkF CB
+syllogistic LPmG Ba
+sylphlike LPng B6
+sylvan LPpa BU
+symbiosis LPqu Bx
+symbiotic LPsf B8
+symbol LPub DA
+symbolic LPxb Cb
+symbolically LPz2 CC
+symbolise LP5I Cg
+symbolism LP14 B0
+symbolist LP3s Bc
+symmetrical LP/r Bs
+symmetrically LQBX B6
+symmetry LP7o ED
+sympathetic LQDR Fj
+sympathize LQNB D8
+sympathizer LQQ9 BU
+sympathy LQI0 EN
+symphonic LQUC CK
+symphony LQSR Bx
+symposium LQWM GB
+symptom LQcN D3
+symptomatic LQgE Bj
+synagogue LQhn Cc
+synapse LQkD CB
+sync LQmE Bl
+synchromesh LQnp Da
+synchronization LQs0 B4
+synchronize LQrD Bx
+synchronous LQus B/
+syncopated LQwr BB
+syncopation LQxs B4
+syndicalism LQzk B4
+syndicalist LQ1c Bf
+syndicate LQ27 CS
+syndicate LQ5N Cg
+syndication LQ7t CE
+syndrome LQ/u CU
+syndrome LQ9x B9
+synergy LRCC Bm
+synod LRDo CY
+synonym LRGA BR
+synonymous LRHR Bm
+synopsis LRI3 B1
+synoptic LRKs CI
+syntactic LRO4 B/
+syntax LRM0 CE
+synthesis LRQ3 B+
+synthesize LRS1 Ch
+synthesizer LRVW Z
+synthetic LRVv CK
+synthetic LRX5 B8
+syphilis LRZ1 B9
+syringe LRby B4
+syringe LRdq B/
+syrup LRfp Bt
+syrupy LRhW C7
+system LRkR Er
+systematic LRo8 D+
+systematically LRs6 C3
+systematization LRyL CL
+systematize LRvx Ca
+systemic LR0W BY
+systemically LR1u Cx
+t LR4f CW
+tab LR8i Dl
+tabasco LSAH Bk
+tabby LSBr Bp
+tabernacle LSDU DR
+table LSGl Fb
+table LSMA CD
+table dhote LSXo Cu
+table manners LSPo CY
+tableau LSWZ BP
+tablecloth LSOD Bl
+tablemat LSSA DF
+tablespoon LSaW BL
+tablet LSbh Ck
+tabletennis LSVF BU
+tableware LSeF CU
+tabloid LSgZ BN
+taboo LShm B0
+tabor LSja BV
+tabular LSkv Be
+tabulate LSmN Bm
+tabulator LSnz B5
+tacit LSps BS
+taciturn LSq+ Bo
+tack LSsm FC
+tack LSxo Cs
+tackle LS0U D8
+tackle LS4Q Gl
+taco LS+1 Cc
+tact LTBR BX
+tactful LTCo Bn
+tactic LTEP Bl
+tactile LTF0 Br
+tadpole LTHf Bm
+taffeta LTJF BO
+tag LTKT D1
+tag LTOI BN
+tag day LTPV BG
+tail LTQb Ck
+tailback LTUX Cs
+tailend LTS/ BY
+tailgate LTXD C5
+tailor LTZ8 Cw
+tailoring LTcs BU
+tailpiece LTeA B6
+tailplane LTf6 Br
+tailspin LThl D+
+taint LTlj BI
+taint LTmr B3
+take LToi GA
+take as one finds them Dnnv CH
+take the field DiqW CQ
+take the floor D3wq Cc
+take to flight D06k CL
+takings LTui CH
+talcum powder LTwp B1
+tale LTye CO
+talent LT0s BE
+talented LT1w BV
+talentscout LT3F C2
+talisman LT57 BQ
+talk LT+w CT
+talk LT7L Dl
+talkative LUBD Bn
+tall LUCq +
+tallow LUDo BO
+tallow LUE2 BY
+tally LUGO BU
+talmud LUHi BM
+talon LUIu BQ
+tamarind LUJ+ BE
+tambourine LULC BU
+tame LUMW DX
+tame LUPt BW
+tame LURD BL
+tamper LUSO B7
+tamper with LUUJ CE
+tan LUWN Ci
+tan LUYv Cl
+tandem LUbU DP
+tandoori LUej BP
+tang LUfy Bc
+tangent LUhO Bx
+tangerine LUi/ BW
+tangible LUkV Co
+tangible LUm9 Bs
+tangle LUop CW
+tangle LUq/ B2
+tangle LUs1 BQ
+tango LUuF Ca
+tank LUwf DH
+tankard LUzm BX
+tannery LU09 Bk
+tannin LU2h CR
+tantalize LU4y Bh
+tantrum LU6T BX
+tap LU+v ER
+tap LU7q DF
+tap LVDA Bu
+tap LVEu BJ
+tapdance LVF3 C6
+tape LVIx E5
+tape LVNq Cc
+tape deck LVQG CZ
+tapemeasure LVSf Bw
+taper LVVv Bq
+taper LVXZ BM
+taperecorder LVUP Bg
+tapestry LVYl Cj
+tapioca LVbI BH
+tapir LVcP DI
+tar LVfX u
+tar LVgF Bb
+tarantula LVhg Bb
+tardy LVi7 BM
+target LVkH CM
+tariff LVmT Bv
+tarmac LVoC Bh
+tarnish LVpj BX
+tarnish LVq6 Bv
+tarnish LVsp Be
+tarot LVuH CR
+tarpaulin LVwY BV
+tarragon LVxt Ck
+tarry LV0R 4
+tart LV1J BF
+tart LV2O CH
+tartan LV4V B7
+tartar LV6Q Cy
+task LV+W B7
+task LV9C BU
+taskforce LWAR Bd
+taskmaster LWBu Cb
+tassel LWEJ BT
+taste LWFc DI
+taste LWIk BD
+tasteful LWJn DT
+tasteless LWM6 BX
+taster LWOR Bb
+tasty LWPs BQ
+tatter LWQ8 BF
+tattered LWSB Bl
+tattle LWTm BI
+tattoo LWUu BU
+tattoo LWWC BY
+taunt LWXa Bd
+taunt LWY3 Ba
+taurus LWaR 2
+taut LWbH CZ
+tavern LWdg BQ
+tawdry LWew BL
+tawny LWf7 BU
+tax LWhP 7
+tax LWiK BG
+taxable LWmI BK
+taxation LWnS Bh
+taxi LWoz BP
+taxi LWqC CA
+taxidermy LWsC B0
+taxing LWjQ Bc
+taxman LWt2 BZ
+taxonomy LWvP Bk
+taxpayer LWks Bc
+taxpayer LWwz BB
+tea LWx0 CZ
+tea bag LW0N CK
+tea cake LW30 CM
+tea party LW2X Bd
+teach LW6A Cd
+teacher LW8d Bh
+teaching LW9+ BN
+teak LW/L BQ
+teal LXAb BE
+team LXBf Bz
+team spirit LXDS BX
+teamster LXEp CB
+tear LXGq Bn
+tear LXIR Cu
+tearful LXK/ BV
+teargas LXMU Ba
+tearoom LXNu BV
+tease LXPD CB
+tease LXRE BZ
+teasel LXSd Bi
+teaset LXT/ 7
+teaspoon LXU6 BX
+teatime LXWR Bg
+technical LXXx EP
+technicality LXcA B3
+technician LXd3 Bt
+technics LXfk CM
+technique LXhw Be
+technocrat LXo7 CI
+technological LXk1 Cg
+technologist LXnV Bm
+technology LXjO Bn
+tedious LXrD /
+tedium LXsC Br
+tee LXtt CY
+teem LXwF BT
+teem LXxY BQ
+teens LXyo By
+teepee LaH4 DP
+teeter LX0a Bk
+teethe LX1+ Bl
+teetotaler LX3j BQ
+teflon LX4z CO
+telecommunications LX7B B7
+telegram LX88 Bi
+telegraph LX+e Bi
+telegraph LYAA B8
+telepathy LYB8 BT
+telephone LYDP Bg
+telephone LYEv CC
+telephone directory LYGx Cz
+telephone exchange LYJk Cq
+telephone tapping LYMO DZ
+telephoto lens LYPn Cf
+teleprinter LYSG Bx
+teleprompter LYT3 D4
+telescope LYXv Bq
+telescopic LYZZ Bn
+teletext LYbA CR
+telethon LYdR Dz
+television LYhE BZ
+telex LYid B6
+tell LYkX El
+teller LYo8 Cg
+telling LYrc CC
+telltale LYte BM
+telltale LYuq Bu
+temper LYwY BW
+temper LYxu ES
+temperament LY2A Br
+temperamental LY3r Bi
+temperance LY5N BV
+temperate LY6i Cd
+temperature LY8/ BT
+tempest LY+S BH
+tempestuous LY/Z BO
+template LZAn BV
+temple LZB8 CZ
+temporal LZEV CV
+temporarily LZGq Bn
+temporariness LZIR B0
+temporary LZKF BS
+temporize LZLX CG
+tempt LZNd Be
+temptation LZO7 Bh
+tempting LZQc Bg
+ten LZR8 8
+tenable LZS4 BP
+tenacious LZUH BU
+tenancy LZVb By
+tenant LZXN Bg
+tenant LZYt Bn
+tench LZaU B6
+tend LZcO Ba
+tend LZdo B2
+tendency LZfe Bb
+tendentious LZg5 Bj
+tender LZic Bi
+tender LZj+ B8
+tenderhearted LZou B8
+tenderly LZl6 BW
+tenderness LZnQ Be
+tendon LZqq 4
+tendril LZri BG
+tenement LZso BK
+tenet LZty Bi
+tenfold LZvU B9
+tennis LZxR Bw
+tenor LZzB CU
+tenpin LZ1V B8
+tense LZ3R CU
+tense LZ5l CM
+tension LZ7x Dk
+tent LZ/V BS
+tent LaAn Bb
+tentative LaCC Bk
+tenth LaDm Bd
+tenuous LaFD BZ
+tenure LaGc Bc
+tepid LaN1 BN
+tequila LaLH Cu
+term LaPC EN
+term LaTP BU
+terminal LaUj BX
+terminal LaV6 D5
+terminate LaZz Ch
+termination LacU Bg
+terminator Lad0 Bb
+terminology LafP Br
+terminus Lag6 Bj
+termite Laid BS
+tern Lajv BF
+terra firma Lanh Be
+terrace Lak0 BD
+terracota Lal3 Bq
+terrain Lao/ BV
+terrapin LaqU Bn
+terrefied La2Q BU
+terrestrial Lar7 Bj
+terrible Late BJ
+terribly Laun Bv
+terrier LawW B5
+terrific LayP BZ
+terrify Lazo Co
+territorial La3k Bn
+territory La5L Be
+terror La6p Ci
+terrorise La9L Bq
+terrorism La+1 Bg
+terrorist LbAV CJ
+terse LbCe BB
+tertiary LbDf Bf
+terylene LbE+ CO
+test LbHM Bf
+test LbIr Br
+test case LbKW B5
+test pilot LbMP Ci
+test tube LbOx Bg
+test tube baby LbQR Bl
+testament LbR2 BQ
+tester LbTG BW
+testicle LbUc y
+testify LbVO BV
+testimonial LbYC Bt
+testimony LbWj Bf
+testy LbZv Br
+tetanus Lbba Br
+tetchy LbdF BI
+teteatete LbeN Bw
+tether Lbf9 BX
+tether LbhU Bg
+teutonic Lbi0 BU
+text LbkI C1
+textbook Lbm9 Bi
+textile Lbqe BS
+textual Lbof B/
+textural Lbrw Bw
+texture Lbtg BW
+textured Lbu2 Bd
+than LbwT BV
+than Lbxo Bb
+thank LbzD BY
+thankful Lb0b Br
+thankless Lb2G Br
+thanksgiving Lb3x Bm
+that Lb5X B0
+that Lb75 BK
+that Lb7L u
+that Lb9/ Bd
+that Lb9D 8
+thatch Lb/c BY
+thatch LcA0 Bc
+thaw LcCQ BH
+thaw LcDX D2
+the LcHN B1
+the LcJC Bc
+the absurd Dsb Bf
+the almighty Y4L BS
+the apple of ones eyes lRy B1
+the bird has flown D7x0 Cz
+the decencies CXJs Cy
+the deity CdqZ BU
+the east end DAFT C/
+the ebb and flow D5U6 Ce
+the fallen DYUV CO
+the favourite DbTk Bq
+the few Dhd8 Bl
+the finer points of Dn7t CF
+the first flight D0cG Cn
+the first person DrHj CI
+the first world war DrSe Cm
+the flesh DzGP BV
+the hard right EvxK Da
+the high life FB2Z CD
+the holy city FJsS DW
+the iron age F8lA Bg
+the iron curtain F8mg Bm
+the open HfBJ Bb
+the pink IHea Bc
+the pit of theones stomach IJNQ DZ
+the poor IUV+ BB
+the same Jtjo B6
+the third degree LeZ5 Eb
+the third world LemN B4
+the triple jump L1xa Bx
+the uninitiated MFyJ CL
+the vitals Ma5H Cu
+theatre LcKe BX
+theatregoer LcNO CG
+theatrical LcL1 BZ
+theatrically LcPU Bt
+thee LcRB Bd
+theft LcSe BE
+their LcTi BO
+theism LcUw Bx
+them LcWh Bo
+thematic LcYJ Bi
+theme LcZr BS
+theme song Lca9 BT
+themselves LccQ Ce
+then Lceu CK
+thence Lcg4 By
+thenceforward Lciq DR
+theocracy Lcov Bu
+theodolite Lcl7 C0
+theologian Lcqd Cf
+theological Lcs8 Cf
+theological seminar Lcvb Bm
+theology LcxB Bx
+theorem Lcyy Bb
+theoretical Lc0N CQ
+theoretically Lc2d B6
+theoretician Lc5s Bo
+theory Lc4X BV
+theosophy Lc7U Br
+therapeutic Lc8/ Bw
+therapeutics Lc+v B+
+therapy LdAt Br
+there LdCY DT
+there LdFr CS
+there are no flies on D8iT B8
+thereabout LdH9 Cl
+thereafter LdKi B6
+thereby LdMc Bo
+therefore LdOE Bx
+therein LdP1 BW
+thereof LdRL Bw
+thereupon LdS7 CP
+therm LdVK B0
+thermal LdW+ B7
+thermodynamics LdY5 Br
+thermometer Ldak Ck
+thermostat LddI Ce
+thesaurus Ldfm Bk
+these LdhK BP
+thesis LdiZ Bx
+thespian LdkK BR
+they Ldlb BK
+thick Ldml Ct
+thick LdpS Bz
+thick LdrF BR
+thicken LdsW B+
+thicken LduU Br
+thicket Ld3A BW
+thickheaded Ld1a Bm
+thickness Ldv/ Bx
+thickset Ld4W BN
+thickskinned Ldxw Dq
+thief Ld5j BD
+thieve Ld6m B9
+thieve Ld8j BZ
+thigh Ld98 /
+thimble Ld+7 Bn
+thin LeAi Ey
+thin LeFU BN
+thin LeGh B0
+thine LeIV BN
+thing LeJi D+
+think LeNg Dk
+thinkable LeRE CP
+thinker LeTT BW
+thinking LeUp B7
+third LeWk BQ
+third party LeeU Bf
+third party insurance Lefz C9
+third person Leiw CU
+thirdclass LeX0 CF
+thirdrate LelE BJ
+thirst LeoF Ce
+thirst Leqj Bd
+thirsty LesA Be
+thirteenth Lete Bl
+thirtieth LevD BZ
+thirtieth Lewc Bl
+this LeyB 5
+thistle Ley6 Bt
+thistledown Le0n h
+thong Le1I Br
+thorax Le2z BD
+thorn Le32 BD
+thorny Le45 Ck
+thorough Le7d Cp
+thoroughbred LfBp Bm
+thoroughfare LfDP Bg
+thoroughly Le+G Bn
+thoroughness Le/t B8
+thorp LfEv BJ
+those LfF4 +
+thou LfG2 BM
+though LfIC Bb
+though LfJd Bg
+thought LfK9 Cl
+thoughtful LfNi C5
+thoughtless LfQb B5
+thoughtprovoking LfSU CO
+thousand LfUi BU
+thrash LfV2 DV
+thrash LfZL B0
+thrashing Lfa/ BT
+thread LfcS Fp
+thread Lfh7 BY
+threadbare LfjT C5
+threat LfmM Dk
+threaten Lfpw Dg
+three LftQ BE
+threedecker LfuU B5
+threedimensional LfwN B8
+threefold LfyJ By
+threshold Lfz7 Dx
+thrice Lf3s BH
+thrift Lf4z BS
+thrifty Lf6F BE
+thrill Lf7J BZ
+thrill Lf8i CR
+thrilling Lf+z Bt
+thrive LgAg Bc
+throat LgB8 BO
+throated LgDK BW
+throaty LgEg BB
+throb LgFh Ba
+throb LgG7 BS
+throes LgIN CZ
+throne LgKm Bs
+throng LgMS BZ
+throng LgNr Bs
+throttle LgPX CC
+throttle LgRZ B5
+throttledown LgTS Bt
+through LgU/ Gi
+through Lgbh G7
+throughout Lgic Bs
+throughout LgkI Bn
+throw Lglv DF
+throw Lgo0 Ev
+throw mud at HHxi Bt
+thrust Lgtj Bg
+thrust LgvD BG
+thud LgwJ BF
+thud LgxO CI
+thug LgzW 9
+thumb Lg0T Bk
+thumb Lg13 Ct
+thumb a lift Lg4k CD
+thump Lg6n Cd
+thump Lg9E EV
+thunder LhBZ Br
+thunder LhDE C8
+thunderbolt LhGA Bm
+thunderstorm LhHm BS
+thus LhI4 Fm
+thwart LhOe CF
+thy LhQj Bs
+thyme LhSP CH
+thyroid LhUW Br
+tiara LhWB Bn
+tick LhXo Ey
+tick Lhca Bx
+tick LheL Bt
+tick over Lhf4 CB
+tickertape Lhh5 Ek
+ticket Lhmd CR
+ticket Lhou Bg
+tickingtick LhqO B2
+tickle LhsE B8
+tickler LhuA Bw
+ticklish Lhvw DH
+tidal Lhy3 Bw
+tidbit Lh0n B3
+tiddlywinks Lh2e Fb
+tide Lh+X BW
+tide Lh75 Ce
+tide over Lh/t CU
+tidemark LiCB CU
+tidetable LiEV BZ
+tideway LiFu Bp
+tidings LiHX BP
+tidy LiIm Bn
+tidy LiKN Bp
+tidy LiL2 Bu
+tidy up LiNk BS
+tie LiO2 Mq
+tie Libg CY
+tie Lid4 BP
+tie and dye LipD B+
+tie dye LirB B1
+tiebeam Ligz BR
+tiebreaker LiiE B0
+tied to ones motherswifes apron strings nlv Cr
+tiedhouse Lin2 BN
+tiein LifH Bs
+tiepin Lij4 BT
+tier Lis2 Ci
+tieup LilL Cr
+tiff LivY CE
+tiff Lixc 7
+tiger LiyX CA
+tigerish Li0X B3
+tigermoth Li2O BN
+tight Li3b Bp
+tight Li5E BF
+tight Li6J FN
+tighten Li/W BN
+tightfisted LjAj q
+tightlipped LjBN Bl
+tightrope LjCy C5
+tights LjFr CH
+tilde LjHy CJ
+tile LjJ7 B1
+tile LjLw BX
+till LjNH BR
+till LjOY BN
+tillage LjPl Bb
+tiller LjRA BK
+tilt LjSK Cm
+tilt LjUw C5
+tilt at LjXp B+
+tilth LjZn Bc
+timber LjbD C+
+timber LjeB Bp
+timbered Ljfq CJ
+timberline Ljhz BZ
+timbre LjjM CC
+time LjlO Ih
+time bomb LjxS CI
+time card Ljza CT
+timeconsuming Lj1t Bl
+timehonoured Lj3S CE
+timekeeper Lj5W Ck
+timelag Lj76 Ce
+timeless LkG5 BU
+timelimit Lj+Y Bq
+timely Ljtv Dj
+timely LkIN Bj
+timepiece LkAC BJ
+timer LkLC Bd
+times LkJw BS
+timescale LkBL CJ
+timetable LkDU Bi
+timezone LkE2 CD
+timid LkMf BA
+timidity LkNf Bh
+timorous LkPA BF
+timpani LkQF BX
+tin LkRc C5
+tin LkUV Dn
+tincture LkgI Ba
+tinder Lkhi CD
+tinderbox Lkjl DT
+tine Lkm4 D6
+ting Lkqy BL
+ting Lkr9 BZ
+tingaling LktW Bd
+tinge Lkuz BK
+tinge Lkv9 BP
+tingle LkxM Cz
+tingle Lkz/ BQ
+tinhat LkX8 BX
+tinker Lk1P BO
+tinker Lk2d Bw
+tinkle Lk4N DF
+tinopener LkZT CH
+tinplate Lkba Bj
+tinsel Lk7S BJ
+tinsel Lk8b Bg
+tinsmith Lkc9 BP
+tint Lk97 Cb
+tint LlAW C8
+tintack LkeM B8
+tiny LlDS BV
+tioletpaper LnFK Bl
+tip LlEn Cl
+tip LlHM Dn
+tipoff LlPx Bx
+tipper lorry LlKz Bl
+tippet LlRi BW
+tipple LlS4 Bc
+tipster LlUU Cc
+tipsy LlWw Bb
+tiptoe LlYL B7
+tiptoe LlaG CB
+tipup LlMY DZ
+tirade LlcH C+
+tire LlfF Bb
+tire Llgg BS
+tired Llhy Br
+tireless Llkm CR
+tiresome Llm3 Dd
+tiretyre LlqU BI
+tiring Lljd BJ
+tissue Llrc Ci
+tissuepaper Llt+ B5
+tit Llv3 CP
+titan LlyG BL
+titanic LlzR Bc
+tithe Ll0t B1
+tithe Ll2i Bo
+tithe barn Ll4K BW
+titillate Ll5g B0
+title Ll7U HL
+title LmCf Bo
+titled LmEH BD
+titledeed LmFK Bl
+titleholder LmGv Cl
+titlepage LmJU Bn
+titlerole LmK7 CB
+titter LmM8 B5
+tittletattle LmO1 BY
+tittletattle LmQN Bj
+titular LmRw C1
+to LmUl NO
+to become a figure of fun Dklf Ct
+to crop someones feathers Dcdz Bc
+to cut it fine DoPx Ck
+to fight against DkA2 Cj
+to follow EAdV By
+to get down to a fine art Dn9y Cx
+to go overthrough with a fine toothed comb DoJO DD
+to perfection H7UK Bg
+toad Lmhz C+
+toast Lmkx FP
+toast LmqA Bw
+toast Lmrw Dq
+tobacco Lmva BL
+tod Lmwl BE
+today Lmxp +
+today Lmyn y
+toe Lm1C Bz
+toe LmzZ Bp
+toehold Lm21 CG
+toga Lm47 7
+together Lm52 EQ
+toggle Lm+G Bb
+toil Lm/h BW
+toil LnA3 Ba
+toilet LnCR BH
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+token LnGv Cx
+tolerable LnJg CH
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+tolerant LnNF Bt
+tolerate LnOy Bb
+toleration LnQN BM
+toll LnRZ Df
+toll LnU4 C7
+tollgate LnXz Cg
+tomato LnaT BG
+tomb LnbZ Bf
+tombola Lnc4 BM
+tomboy LneE CB
+tombstone LngF D4
+tomcat Lnj9 BJ
+tome LnlG CZ
+tomorrow Lnnf Bb
+tomorrow Lno6 BN
+tone LnqH Hm
+tone Lnxt BA
+tonedeaf Lnyt Bu
+tonedown Ln0b B5
+tonein Ln2U B8
+tongs Ln4Q BS
+tongue Ln5i Dw
+tongue Ln9S Bq
+tonguelashing Ln+8 Br
+tonguetied LoAn Bm
+tonic LoCN D+
+tonic LoGL Bh
+tonight LoHs Bb
+tonight LoJH BU
+tonnage LoKb DK
+too LoNl CH
+too good to miss G8rG Bo
+too much for HHUA Bn
+tool LoPs EK
+toot LoT2 BK
+toot LoVA BR
+tooth LoWR Cw
+tooth LoZB BU
+toothache LoaV Bb
+toothbrush Lobw B2
+toothless Lodm Bx
+toothpick LofX Bo
+toothsome Log/ Bc
+top Loib DA
+top Lolb HC
+top Losd Gj
+topaz Lo7E Bj
+topclass Lo0V BV
+topdressing Lo1q CE
+topi Lo8n BR
+topiary Lo94 Cu
+topic LpAm BR
+topical LpB3 ES
+topmost Lo3u Bs
+topography LpGJ CA
+topple LpIJ DP
+topsecret Lo5a Bq
+topsoil LpLY Bi
+topsyturvy LpM6 BV
+topup LozA BV
+torch LpOP Cw
+torch LpQ/ Bg
+torment LpSf Ck
+torment LpVD Bc
+tornado LpWf BY
+torpedo LpX3 Bs
+torpid LpZj /
+torpor Lpai BU
+torque Lpb2 Cj
+torrent LpeZ Bf
+torrid Lpf4 CJ
+torso LpiB CG
+tort LpkH Bh
+tortilla Lplo Ce
+tortoise LpoG Bj
+tortuous Lppp CU
+torture Lpr9 Be
+torture Lptb Bq
+toss LpvF BB
+toss LpwG EE
+tot Lp0K BO
+total Lp1Y Bi
+total Lp26 BE
+total Lp3+ BY
+totalitarian Lp+A BN
+totality Lp5W DH
+totally Lp8d Bj
+totter Lp/N Ba
+touch LqAn Gx
+touch LqHY HJ
+touch at LqQM BN
+touch down LqRZ B4
+touch for LqTR Bo
+touch off LqU5 BN
+touch on LqWG Bl
+touch up LqXr BT
+touched LqOh Br
+touching LqY+ Bf
+touchstone Lqad m
+touchy LqbD Cs
+tough Lqdv FW
+toughen LqjF Ba
+tour Lqkf Cz
+tour LqnS B3
+tourdeforce Lqqq BD
+tourist LqpJ Bh
+tournament Lqrt B/
+tourniquet Lqts B4
+tousle Lqvk Bi
+tout LqxG BA
+tout LqyG BG
+tow Lq0d Bv
+tow LqzM BR
+toward Lq4i BV
+toward Lq53 E2
+towbar Lq2M CW
+towel Lq+t BL
+tower Lq/4 BL
+tower LrBD Bq
+towerabove LrCt C6
+towering LrFn Bg
+town LrHH CU
+town centre LrJb B0
+town clerk LrLP Bo
+town council LrM3 Bw
+town councillor LrOn Bs
+town crier LrQT Bb
+town hall LrRu Bj
+townplanning LrVq Bj
+township LrXN Bl
+townsman LrTR BD
+townspeople LrUU BW
+toxaemia LrYy BO
+toxic LraA Bd
+toxicity Lrbd By
+toxicology LrdP B2
+toxin LrfF Bc
+toy Lrgh CZ
+toy Lri6 CJ
+toy LrlD DW
+trace Lr20 Bi
+trace LroZ CU
+trace Lrqt Gk
+tracer LrxR Bv
+tracery Lr4W Bm
+trachea Lr58 BW
+tracheotomy Lr7S CB
+tracing LrzA CV
+tracingpaper Lr1V Bf
+track Lr9T KX
+track LsHq EC
+track and field LsPa C0
+track events LsSO CV
+track record LsUj DH
+tracker LsLs BW
+tracker dog LsNC CY
+tract LsXq GQ
+tractability Lse+ z
+tractable Lsd6 BE
+traction Lsfx B2
+tractor Lshn BL
+tractor trailor Lsiy Cr
+trade Lsld BP
+trade Lstd Df
+trade in Lsw8 CX
+trade mark Lsms CA
+trade name LtAM CO
+trade on LszT Bx
+trade price Lsos Bc
+trade union LsrQ Ba
+trade wind Lssq z
+trader Ls1E BG
+tradesman LsqI BI
+trading Ls2K BJ
+tradition Ls3T Bd
+traditional Ls4w B+
+traditionalism Ls6u Bt
+traditionalist Ls8b Bx
+traditionally Ls+M CA
+traduce LtCa 0
+traffic LtDO GG
+traffic circle LtLh Bt
+trafficator LtNO DK
+trafficker LtJU CN
+tragedian LtT7 B7
+tragedienne LtV2 CQ
+tragedy LtQY Dj
+tragic LtYG BF
+tragically LtZL B0
+tragicomedy Lta/ CO
+trail LtdN De
+trail Ltgr F4
+trail away Ltmj Cx
+trailblazer LtpU B3
+trailer LtrL Dp
+train Lt8N Hc
+train Ltu0 Fn
+trainbearer Lt0b D4
+trainee LuDp Bv
+trainer LuFY Bt
+training LuHF BZ
+trainingcollege LuIe CT
+trainman Lt4T CN
+trainset Lt6g Bt
+traipse LuKx Bx
+trait LuMi Bk
+traitor LuOG Bb
+trajectory LuPh 2
+tram LuQX +
+tramlines LuRV Bl
+trammel LuS6 B8
+trammel LuU2 Bb
+tramp LuWR DM
+tramp LuZd D3
+tramp steamer LudU Bg
+trample Lue0 Co
+trampoline Luhc Ct
+tramway LukJ Bh
+trance Lulq Cw
+tranche Luoa B1
+tranquil LuqP Bf
+tranquility Luru B0
+tranquilizer LuvV BZ
+tranquillize Luti Bz
+trans Luwu BW
+transact LuyE Bl
+transaction Luzp DB
+transatlantic Lu2q Bq
+transcend Lu4U Be
+transcendent Lu5y Bi
+transcendental Lu7U Bk
+transcendentalism Lu84 B3
+transcendentalist Lu+v Bt
+transcontinental LvAc CA
+transcribe LvCc GV
+transcripttranscription LvIx Dg
+transducer LvMR Ev
+transept LvRA B4
+transfer LvS4 F6
+transfer LvbY Br
+transferable LvYy Bm
+transference LvaY BA
+transfiguration LvfL B1
+transfigure LvdD CI
+transfix LvhA EL
+transform LvlL Bt
+transformation Lvm4 CM
+transformer LvpE DX
+transfusion Lvsb Bd
+transgenic Lvt4 B+
+transgress Lvv2 CP
+transience Lvzd Bv
+transient LvyF BY
+transistor Lv1M CG
+transit Lv3S BO
+transit camp Lv4g DQ
+transition Lv7w Bq
+transitional Lv9a Bj
+transitional relief Lv+9 CE
+transitive LwBB BO
+transitory LwCP BL
+translate LwDa BY
+translation LwEy Bw
+translator LwGi BG
+transliterate LwHo B3
+transliteration LwJf Bs
+translucence LwMf Bn
+translucent LwLL BU
+transmigration LwOG B5
+transmission LwP/ Bl
+transmit LwRk DH
+transmitter LwUr Cu
+transmute LwXZ BQ
+transnational LwYp B3
+transom Lwag BP
+transparency LweZ Ga
+transparent Lwbv Cq
+transpire Lwkz DC
+transplant Lwn1 Do
+transport Lwrd BV
+transport Lwsy D3
+transportable Lwwp Bk
+transportation LwyN DY
+transported Lw1l B+
+transporter Lw3j BT
+transpose Lw42 D4
+transubstantiation Lw8u B1
+transverse Lw+j BN
+transvestite Lw/w CC
+trap LxBy B1
+trap LxDn C4
+trapdoor LxGf BH
+trapeze LxHm CN
+trapezium LxJz Bg
+trapezoid LxLT Bx
+trappings LxNE Bh
+trash LxOl DD
+trashy LxRo BE
+trauma LxSs CT
+traumatic LxU/ Bi
+traumatize LxWh Bv
+travail LxYQ BI
+travel LxZY CF
+travel Lxbd BS
+travel Lxcv BL
+travel agent Lxo1 Ch
+travelled Lxd6 BZ
+traveller LxfT Bd
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+travelling salesman LxlC B1
+travelogue Lxm3 B+
+traverse LxrW B2
+traverse LxtM DE
+travesty LxwQ Cg
+trawl Lxyw By
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+trawlnet Lx0i B5
+tray Lx3v CD
+treacherous Lx5y DV
+treachery Lx9H BQ
+treacle Lx+X BQ
+tread Lx/n Ew
+tread LyF+ D9
+tread on LyEX Bn
+treadle LyJ7 Bi
+treadmill LyLd C5
+treason LyOW Bf
+treasonable LyP1 Bo
+treasure LyRd DS
+treasure LyUv DI
+treasure hunt LybI Bx
+treasure trove Lyc5 EE
+treasurehouse LyZc Bs
+treasurer LyX3 Bl
+treasury Lyg9 Cx
+treat Lyju H+
+treat Lyrs CS
+treatable Lyt+ Bu
+treatise Lyvs By
+treatment Lyxe D8
+treaty Ly1a Ce
+treble Ly34 BL
+treble Ly5D Bk
+treble Ly6n CD
+treble Ly8q Bu
+tree Ly+Y z
+tree house LzCj BZ
+tree line LzD8 Cz
+treed Ly/L Bs
+treeless LzA3 Bs
+treetop LzGv BP
+trefoil LzH+ BK
+trek LzJI B6
+trek LzLC CH
+trellis LzNJ Bc
+tremble LzOl Cy
+tremble LzRX BM
+trembly LzSj BE
+tremendous LzTn BV
+tremendously LzU8 BR
+tremolo LzWN Bc
+tremor LzXp Cl
+tremulous LzaO Bb
+trench Lzbp BA
+trench coat Lzcp BK
+trenchant Lzdz CM
+trend Lzf/ Bh
+trendsetter Lzhg B+
+trepidation Lzje Bi
+trespass LzlA Bl
+trespass Lzne CB
+trespass against Lzml 5
+trespasser Lzpf BX
+tress Lzq2 4
+trestle Lzru BM
+tri Lzs6 Ba
+triad LzuU Dm
+triage Lzx6 C3
+trial Lz0x FS
+trialrun Lz6D B1
+triangle Lz74 Gi
+triangular L0Ca Cg
+triangulation L0E6 Bh
+triathion L0Gb DH
+tribal L0Ji BN
+tribalism L0Kv Bl
+tribe L0MU FA
+tribesman L0RU BX
+tribulation L0Sr BM
+tribunal L0T3 Bi
+tributary L0VZ BL
+tribute L0Wk E0
+trick L0bY FY
+trick L0gw Cn
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+trickle L0rZ Ba
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+tricksy L0vq BT
+tricky L0mP BQ
+tricolor L0w9 BP
+tricycle L0yM Bj
+trident L0zv BX
+tried L48e BB
+triennial L01G Bo
+trier L49f B9
+trifle L02u En
+trifle with L07V By
+trigger L09H EL
+trigger L1BS Cr
+trill L1D9 Bj
+trill L1Fg Ba
+trillion L1G6 Bd
+trilogy L1IX DV
+trim L1Ls BE
+trim L1Mw BY
+trim L1OI Bc
+trimaran L1Tp C+
+trimester L1Wn Ba
+trimmer L1Q6 BO
+trimming L1SI Bh
+trimwith L1Pk BW
+trinity L1YB Bn
+trinket L1Zo BZ
+trio L1bB BU
+trip L1cV Ev
+trip L1ib CX
+trip up L1hE BX
+tripartite L1pB B4
+tripe L1q5 Dq
+triple L1uj BX
+triple L1v6 Bg
+triplet L1zL Ce
+triplicate L11p BW
+tripod L12/ BH
+tripper L1ky Cd
+triptych L14G BY
+tripwire L1nP By
+trite L15e Be
+triumph L168 Cz
+triumph L19v Ba
+triumphal L1/J By
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+triumvirate L2Cw CI
+trivet L2E4 Bk
+trivial L2Gc BE
+triviality L2Hg Bj
+trivialize L2JD Bo
+troglodyte L2Kr Ba
+troika L2MF Bv
+trojan L2N0 CM
+trojan horse L2QA Do
+troll L2To Bn
+troll L2VP h
+trolley L2Vw BM
+trolley bus L2W8 Bb
+trombone L2YX BW
+troop L2Zt C+
+troop L2cr Bl
+trooper L2eQ BV
+trophy L2fl CG
+tropic L2hr Bm
+tropic L2jR En
+tropic of cancer L2n4 Bz
+tropic of capricorn L2pr Cf
+tropical L2sK Bx
+trot L2t7 C6
+trot L2yZ 8
+trot out L2w1 Bk
+trotskyism L21W Dz
+trotter L2zV CB
+troubadour L25J CJ
+trouble L2/4 ET
+trouble L27S Em
+trouble spot L3Fg B1
+troublemaker L3HV Bf
+troubleshooter L3I0 B9
+troublesome L3EL BV
+trough L3Kx G7
+trounce L3Rs Bk
+troupe L3TQ B/
+trouper L3VP B7
+trouser suit L3YV Bx
+trousers L3XK BL
+trousseau L3aG B7
+trout L3cB Bp
+trowel L3dq BZ
+truancy L3h6 B+
+truant L3fD C3
+truce L3j4 Bt
+truck L3ll BJ
+truck L3mu Bl
+trucker L3oT Bm
+trucking L3p5 BV
+truculence L3sy BX
+truculent L3rO Bk
+trudge L3uJ Bj
+trudge L3vs Bq
+true L31C Bd
+true L3xW Ds
+true blue L32f +
+truffle L33d Dt
+trug L37K BL
+truism L38V y
+truly L39H BK
+trump L3+R BX
+trump L3/o BL
+trump card L4Az Bw
+trumpet L4Cj CG
+trumpet L4Ep C2
+trumpeter L4Hf B5
+truncate L4JY CM
+truncheon L4Lk Bf
+truncheon L4ND Bb
+trundle L4Oe Bc
+trunk L4P6 Gy
+trunk call L4Ws Bk
+trunk road L4YQ Bu
+truss L4Z+ DI
+truss L4dG Bg
+trust L4em DY
+trust L4nE DO
+trust fund L4jn BT
+trust territory L4k6 CK
+trustee L4qS Bh
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+trusting L4h+ Bp
+trustworthy L4tf Bj
+trusty L4vC Ba
+trusty L4wc DD
+truth L4zf B4
+truthful L41X Bn
+try L4/c Bt
+try L42+ EK
+try on L47I BW
+trying L5BJ BM
+tryst L5CV By
+tsar L5EH Bz
+tsarina L5F6 CB
+tsetse L5H7 Cm
+tshirt LR61 Bt
+tub L5Kh CL
+tuba L5Ms BU
+tube L5OA CE
+tuber L5Uj 4
+tubercular L5YR Bj
+tuberculosis L5Ww Bh
+tuberous L5Vb BV
+tubing L5QE 9
+tubular L5RB Di
+tuck L5Z0 Ew
+tuck L5gb B6
+tuck into L5ek B3
+tuesday L5iV B3
+tuft L5kM B3
+tuft L5mD Bh
+tufted L5nk Bt
+tug L5pR Bn
+tug L5q4 BQ
+tug of war L5ti BU
+tugboat L5sI Ba
+tuition L5u2 BW
+tulip L5wM CK
+tulle L5yW Bf
+tumble L55l DB
+tumble L5z1 EP
+tumble down L54E Bh
+tumbledrier L58m B+
+tumbler L5+k D3
+tumbleweed L6Cb Ea
+tumbril L6G1 C6
+tumour L6Jv BF
+tumult L6K0 Bo
+tun L6Mc BV
+tun L6Nx Be
+tuna L6PP CD
+tundra L6RS CX
+tune L6Tp BF
+tune L6WG FS
+tune in L6bY BE
+tuneful L6Uu BY
+tungsten L6eF C4
+tunic L6g9 ED
+tuningfork L6cc Bp
+tunnel L6lA BM
+tunnel L6mM Bl
+tunnel vision L6nx Ct
+turban L6qe BB
+turbid L6rf BG
+turbine L6sl CM
+turbulent L6ux CU
+tureen L6xF BE
+turf L61R BQ
+turf L6yJ DI
+turgid L62h Bf
+turkey L64A BK
+turkish L65K 8
+turkish bath L66G BR
+turkish delight L67X CR
+turmeric L69o BI
+turmoil L6+w BT
+turn L7AD Dq
+turn L7Dt BA
+turn against L7Et Bn
+turn away L7GU B3
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+turnstile L7KB C3
+turpentine L7M4 DO
+turret L7QG Cj
+turtle L7Sp BP
+tusk L7T4 CP
+tussle L7WH BM
+tussock L7XT BZ
+tutelage L7Ys DY
+tutor L7cE B2
+tutor L7d6 BZ
+tutorial L7fT Bv
+tuttifrutti L7hC CB
+tutu L7jD Ck
+tuwhittuwhoo L7ln B+
+twaddle L7nl BO
+twang L7oz 9
+twang L7pw Bu
+tweak L7re BL
+tweak L7sp Bd
+tweed L7uG B4
+tweet L7v+ CJ
+tweezers L7yH BU
+twelfth L704 Bj
+twelfth L7zb Bd
+twelve L72b BG
+twentieth L73h Bg
+twentieth L75B y
+twenty L75z BE
+twerp L763 BP
+twice L78G CY
+twig L7+e BG
+twig L7/k BW
+twilight L8A6 E+
+twill L8F4 BD
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+twin L8JK Bf
+twin engined L8Kp Bq
+twine L8Nc Bi
+twine L8O+ BL
+twinge L8QJ Cb
+twinkle L8Sk Cw
+twinkle L8VU CU
+twinkling L8Xo BX
+twinset L8MT BJ
+twirl L8Y/ Cs
+twirl L8br CJ
+twist L8d0 GL
+twist L8j/ BS
+twitch L8lR BU
+twitch L8ml BH
+twitter L8ns Bi
+twitter L8pO BS
+two L8qg 5
+twodimensional L8rZ CD
+twoedged L8tc D1
+twofaced L8xR Be
+twofold L8yv BH
+twofold L8z2 BO
+twosome L81E BR
+tycoon L82V CA
+type L84V Ba
+type L85v CL
+typecast L8+F Ew
+typewriter L9C1 BY
+typhoid L9EN BX
+typhoid L9Fk BX
+typhoon L9G7 Bf
+typical L9Ia Bf
+typify L9J5 B0
+typist L876 CL
+typographical L9NJ Bg
+typography L9Lt Bc
+tyrannical L9Op BS
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+tyrant L9Rd BV
+tyre L9Sy BL
+tyro L9T9 Bk
+ugly L9Vh BH
+ulcer L9Wo BP
+ulcerate L9X3 BX
+ulster L9ZO B1
+ulterior L9bD Ck
+ultimate L9dn Ba
+ultimately L9hQ Bn
+ultimatum L9fB CP
+ultra L9i3 Be
+umbilical cord L9kV CG
+umbrage L9mb Bi
+umbrella L9n9 C7
+umpire L9q4 B9
+umpteen L9s1 Bc
+unabashed L9uR B/
+unabated L9wQ Ch
+unable L9yx Bg
+unabridged L90R CB
+unacceptable L92S CO
+unaccompanied L94g Bm
+unaccountable L96G Bz
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+unacknowledged L99Y B6
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+unadulterated L+Ci B3
+unadventurous L+EZ Bf
+unaffected L+F4 C4
+unafraid L+Iw BF
+unaided L+J1 B0
+unalloyed L+Lp Bd
+unalterable L+NG B2
+unambiguous L+O8 CB
+unambitious L+Q9 Bv
+unanimity L+UC CQ
+unanimous L+Ss BW
+unannounced L+dV Bb
+unanswerable L+ew BX
+unapproachable L+gH Bs
+unarmed L+WS BT
+unashamed L+hz B4
+unashamedly L+jr Bs
+unasked L+lX Bc
+unasked for L+mz By
+unassailable L+ol CD
+unassuming L+qo BX
+unattached L+r/ Bh
+unattended L+tg CL
+unavailing L+vr BN
+unavoidable L+Xl CL
+unaware L+Zw B0
+unawares L+bk Bx
+unbalance L+w4 B7
+unbalanced L+yz Bc
+unbar L+0P B1
+unbearable L+2E Bd
+unbearded L+3h Ba
+unbeatable L+47 Bo
+unbecoming L+6j Bg
+unbelievable L+8D Bw
+unbend L+/j Bi
+unbend L+9z Bw
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+unbiased L/DY B8
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+unborn L/HC CP
+unbounded L/JR BH
+unbowed L/KY Bb
+unbreakable L/Lz Bn
+unbridle L/Na CQ
+unbridled L/Pq Bt
+unbroken L/RX Bc
+unbuckle L/Sz BA
+unburden L/Tz Bt
+unbusinesslike L/Vg B2
+unbutton L/XW Ba
+uncalled for L/Yw BY
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+uncharted L/n3 B2
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+unclaimed L/7D CR
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+unclean L//R Bj
+unclear MAA0 BV
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+uncomfortable MADx Br
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+unconcerned MAJL CH
+unconditional MALS Bz
+unconnected MANF B0
+unconscionable MAO5 Bw
+unconscious MAQp Cb
+unconstitutional MATE CF
+uncontrollable MAVJ Bm
+uncontrolled MAWv CF
+uncontroversial MAY0 B2
+unconventional MAaq B2
+unconvinced MAcg Bq
+unconvincing MAeK CB
+uncooked MAgL Bl
+uncool MAhw BE
+uncooperative MAi0 B8
+uncoordinated MAkw Bv
+uncork MAmf Bb
+uncountable MApI Bb
+uncounted MAn6 BO
+uncouple MAqj B0
+uncouth MAsX BC
+uncover MAtZ Cu
+uncritical MAwH Bo
+uncrowded MAxv Bt
+uncrowned MAzc Bq
+unction MA1G Bh
+unctuous MA2n Bg
+uncurl MA4H Bh
+uncut MA5o BI
+undamaged MA6w Bq
+undated MA8a Bo
+undaunted MA+C Bt
+undecided MA/v Bb
+undeclared MBBK Bd
+undefeated MBCn Bw
+undefended MBEX Bs
+undefined MBGD Bk
+undemanding MBHn Bt
+undemocratic MBJU Bu
+undemonstrative MBLC By
+undeniable MBM0 B+
+under MRqM CR
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+underarm MBV+ Bk
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+underbid MBeQ Bn
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+undercurrent MBOy EC
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+undergo MB0+ Bs
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+undersecretary MCXL Bl
+understand MCYw Bq
+understanding MCaa Bo
+undertake MCcC CO
+undertaker MCeQ Ca
+undertaking MCgq Bl
+undertone MCiP Ew
+undertow MCm/ Bu
+undervalue MCot Bh
+underwater MCqO Bc
+underwear MCrq By
+underweight MCtc BZ
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+underwrite MCxd CF
+undeserved MCzi BV
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+undesirable MC51 B1
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+unequivocal MDq+ Bn
+unerring MDsl BW
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+unfettered MER5 B7
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+unfit MD+0 BQ
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+unflagging MET0 Br
+unflaggingly MEVf B3
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+unflattering MEa0 Bn
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+unfold MEBq EX
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+unimportant MFku Br
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+unknowingly MGz7 CH
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+unless MHFZ CV
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+unlike MRsd BS
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+unlisted MHOx Bo
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+unlock MHSx BD
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+unlucky MHYd C6
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+unmannerly MHnB Bw
+unmask MHox DU
+unmatched MHsF CY
+unmemorable MHud Be
+unmentionable MHv7 Bk
+unmet MHxf Bj
+unmindful MHzC Bv
+unmissable MH0x Bq
+unmistakable MH2b Bg
+unmistakably MH37 Bx
+unmitigated MH5s Bk
+unmolested MH7Q Bo
+unmoved MH+L B+
+unnamed MH84 BT
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+unpack MIYp BH
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+unpalatable MIbW C6
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+unpatriotic MIhe B2
+unpick MIjU CM
+unplaced MIlg Bz
+unplayable MInT Bp
+unpleasant MIo8 CD
+unplug MIq/ BY
+unpopular MIsX BX
+unprecedented MItu Cm
+unpredictable MIwU BW
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+unprepared MIzK Bg
+unprepossessing MI0q Bj
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+unprovoked MJON B1
+unpublished MJQC Bm
+unpunished MJRo Bb
+unqualified MJTD Cp
+unquenchable MJVs BS
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+unreserved MKCb DY
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+unsaleable MKag Bk
+unsalted MKcE BY
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+unsaturated MKfZ Bm
+unsavoury MKg/ Dy
+unsay MKtG Bq
+unscathed MKkx Bh
+unscientific MKmS Bx
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+unseen MK5g CA
+unselfconscious MK7g Bk
+unselfconsciously MK9E B3
+unselfish MK+7 Bs
+unselfishly MLAn B/
+unsentimental MLCm Bo
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+unshakeable MLIL Bj
+unshaven MLJu BQ
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+unsociable MLOu Bp
+unsolicited MLQX Bs
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+unspecified MLiT Bn
+unspectacular MLj6 Bz
+unstable MLlt Bt
+unstated MLna Bf
+unsteadily MLqY Bn
+unsteadiness MLr/ Bt
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+unstinting MLvb Br
+unstintingly MLxG Bc
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+unsubstantiated ML41 CD
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+unsuccessfully ML8m Bq
+unsuitability ML/s CD
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+unsuitably MMBv BB
+unsuited MMCw B4
+unsullied MMEo BQ
+unsung MMF4 B/
+unsupported MMH3 BZ
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+unsustainable MMU3 Bz
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+unsystematically MMdA Bz
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+untalented MMgW Bk
+untamed MMh6 CX
+untangle MMkR BQ
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+untenable MMnU CA
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+unthinkable MMqw CK
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+untie MM1Y BL
+until MM2j BN
+until MM3w BL
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+untiring MM8M Bj
+untitled MM9v BN
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+untouchable MNB6 CY
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+untrained MNHW Bb
+untrammelled MNIx Bg
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+untruthfully MNVr Bg
+untutored MNXL Bc
+untypical MNYn BV
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+unusual MNct Bu
+unusually MNeb Bb
+unutterable MNf2 BV
+unutterably MNhL Bh
+unvarnished MNis CS
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+unveil MNnJ B4
+unvoiced MNpB BE
+unwaged MNqF BW
+unwanted MNrb BR
+unwarranted MNss BX
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+unwashed MNw6 BV
+unwavering MNyP BV
+unwaveringly MNzk Bp
+unwelcome MN1N CR
+unwelcoming MN3e Bx
+unwell MN5P Bh
+unwholesome MN6w DD
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+unworkable MOPc BS
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+unworthy MOUG B0
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+unwritten MOXD CK
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+up MOeK Bd
+up MOfn 9
+up MOgk Bj
+upbeat MOiH BW
+upbraid MOjd Bt
+upbringing MOlK Bl
+upcoming MOmv Bt
+update MOoc B3
+update MOqT BS
+upend MOrl BX
+upfront MOs8 Ct
+upgrade MOvp Bl
+upgrade MOxO Bg
+upheaval MOyu Bu
+uphill MO0c CO
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+upholster MO5M BV
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+upland MO/O Bv
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+uplift MPCa CQ
+uplift MPEq Bw
+upon MPGa Cd
+upper MPI3 Di
+upper MPMZ CJ
+uppermost MPOi CF
+uppermost MPQn CN
+upright MPS0 CW
+uprising MPVK Bm
+uproar MPWw CB
+uproot MPYx C+
+upset MPbv EL
+upshot MPf6 CE
+upsidedown MPh+ Cr
+upstairs MPkp BL
+upstairs MPl0 BS
+upstairs MPnG Bu
+upstanding MPo0 Cb
+upstart MPrP B4
+upstate MPtH Cw
+upstate MPv3 B8
+upstream MPxz BX
+upstream MPzK BV
+upsurge MP0f Bg
+upswing MP1/ CR
+uptake MP4Q B5
+uptight MP6J BU
+uptodate MP7d Bi
+uptotheminute MP8/ B7
+uptown MP+6 BV
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+upturn MQBc Bc
+upturned MQC4 BI
+upward MQEA Bt
+upward mobility MQHh CL
+upwardly mobile MQJs Bu
+upwards of MQFt B0
+upwind MQLa Bb
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+uranius MQOX BU
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+urbane MQVT Bf
+urbanely MQWy Bo
+urbanisation MQTt Bm
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+urdu MQa2 y
+urea MQbo 3
+urethra MQcf Bs
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+urge MQfY Bg
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+urgent MQij Bh
+urinal MQkE BZ
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+urine MQoc BG
+urn MQpi En
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+usual MRBQ CV
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+usury MRLh CE
+utensil MRNl BT
+uterine MRO4 By
+uterus MRQq BV
+utilitarian MRR/ Cz
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+utilize MRZE CZ
+utmost MRdG CQ
+utmost MRfW Bu
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+uvula MRtv Bk
+v MRvT BE
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+vacuum MSKr Cp
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+vainly MSfT BZ
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+valiant MStL Bi
+valid MSut CI
+validate MSw1 Br
+validity MSyg BW
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+valour MS1S BS
+valuable MS2k BM
+valuable MS3w Bc
+valuation MS5M Bo
+value MS60 F5
+value MTAt CS
+value added tax MTC/ C3
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+vampire MTLE D4
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+vanguard MTaA DR
+vanilla MTdR Cm
+vanish MTf3 CB
+vanishing point MTh4 DG
+vanity MTk+ CN
+vanquish MTnL BL
+vantage point MToW /
+vapid MTpV BX
+vaporize MTrO BK
+vapour MTqs i
+variable MTsY Bm
+variable MTt+ Bs
+variance MTvq BY
+variant MTxC BQ
+variant MTyS BZ
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+varied MT40 Be
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+variously MUE9 CS
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+varnish MUIy BV
+varsity MUKH BX
+vary MULe EE
+vascular MUPi Bp
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+vaseline MUTY BK
+vassal MUUi Cn
+vast MUXJ BR
+vastly MUYa B4
+vastness MUaS BV
+vat MUbn BZ
+vatican MUdA BM
+vault MUeM Ca
+vault MUgm B0
+vault MUkT BL
+vaulted MUia B5
+vaunt MUle CA
+vc MUne B4
+vcr MUpW CV
+vd MUrr BU
+vdu MUs/ Bo
+veal MUun BJ
+vector MUvw EK
+veer MUz6 BU
+vegan MU1O BY
+vegetable MU2m C3
+vegetarian MU5d Bb
+vegetarian MU64 BI
+vegetarianism MU8A CC
+vegetate MU/v CG
+vegetation MU+C Bt
+vehemence MVB1 B4
+vehement MVDt BS
+vehicle MVE/ BC
+vehicular MVGB Bt
+veil MVHu CU
+veil MVKC Bf
+veiled MVLh C/
+vein MVOg Ev
+veined MVTP BZ
+velar MVUo Dm
+velvet MVYO BC
+venal MVZQ Bm
+vendervendor MVfn Dk
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+venison MVxI Bq
+venom MVyy BT
+venomous MV0F Bc
+venomously MV1h Bc
+venous MV29 BY
+vent MV4V EQ
+vent MV8l CQ
+ventilate MV+1 DE
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+ventilator MWDX BM
+ventricle MWEj CF
+ventriloquist MWGo C3
+venture MWJf B9
+venture MWLc CM
+venturesome MWNo BQ
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+verbally MWXQ Bk
+verbatim MWcs Bf
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+verdant MWf2 BY
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+verdigris MWi2 Bv
+verge MWkl DC
+verge MWnn Be
+verger MWpF Cp
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+verify MWu7 Bm
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+veritable MWyC Bc
+verity MWze BD
+vermicelli MW0h BQ
+vermilion MW1x Bb
+vermilion MW3M CF
+vermin MW5R Bn
+vernacular MW64 Bk
+vernacular MW8c Bm
+vernal MW+C B3
+verruca MW/5 V
+versatile MXAO Bj
+versatility MXBx Cg
+verse MXER BH
+versed MXFY BL
+version MXGj Dc
+versus MXJ/ Bv
+vertebra MXLu Bt
+vertex MXNb Cl
+vertical MXQA BL
+vertically MXRL BZ
+vertigo MXSk CE
+verve MXUo BS
+very MXV6 CZ
+very MXYT /
+vesicle MXZS CM
+vespers MXbe Cj
+vessel MXeB BJ
+vest MXfK BO
+vest MXgY CB
+vested interest MXiZ B4
+vestibule MXkR C5
+vestige MXnK Bi
+vestment MXos BS
+vestry MXp+ Ck
+vet MXsi BF
+vet MXtn CA
+vetch MXvn Bp
+veteran MXxQ BU
+veterinarian MXyk B0
+veterinary MX0Y B5
+veto MX2R Bb
+veto MX3s CX
+vex MX6D Cn
+vexation MX8q BZ
+vexatious MX+D Bq
+vhf MX/t B8
+via MYBp BP
+viable MYC4 C3
+viaduct MYFv BM
+vial MYG7 Be
+vibrant MYIZ FU
+vibraphone MYPB CJ
+vibrate MYRK Bp
+vibration MYNt BU
+vibrato MYSz BU
+vicar MYUH B0
+vicarious MYV7 Bf
+vice MYXa Bg
+vice MYY6 BP
+vice MYaJ Be
+vice versa MYdg BS
+viceroy MYbn B5
+vicinity MYey Bq
+vicious MYgc DM
+vicious circle MYjo Bn
+vicissitude MYlP Bm
+victim MYm1 DL
+victimise MYq2 Br
+victimize MYqA 2
+victor MYsh BX
+victorious MYt4 Bx
+victory MYvp BI
+video MYwx Bl
+video MYyW BZ
+video cassette recorder MYzv CJ
+video game MY14 Cj
+videotape MY4b Bf
+vie MY56 Bs
+view MY7m Gf
+view MZCF Eq
+viewdata MZGv W
+viewpoint MZHF Bk
+vigil MZIp BL
+vigilance MZJ0 Be
+vigilant MZLS BO
+vignette MZMg CV
+vigorous MZQO Ba
+vigorously MZRo Bm
+vigour MZO1 BZ
+vile MZTO CD
+vilify MZVR w
+villa MZWB Bb
+village MZXc /
+villager MZYb Bl
+villain MZaA Bh
+villainous MZbh BW
+vim MZc3 4
+vindicate MZdv B4
+vindication MZfn Bl
+vindictive MZhM Bb
+vine MZin Bf
+vinegar MZkG BD
+vineyard MZlJ Bu
+vintage MZm3 CD
+vintner MZo6 B0
+viola MZqu BJ
+violate MZr3 Bf
+violation MZtW Bj
+violence MZu5 Bc
+violent MZwV Bs
+violet MZyB Ba
+violet MZzb Bo
+violin MZ1D BO
+violinist MZ2R Cf
+viper MZ4w BI
+virgin MZ54 BV
+virginity MZ7N Bs
+virile MZ85 B3
+virility MZ+w BY
+virtual MaAI C8
+virtually MaDE Cp
+virtue MaFt Bt
+virtuoso MaHa BV
+virtuous MaIv BC
+virulent MaJx Bz
+virus MaLk B2
+visage MaPe BH
+visavis MaNa CE
+viscount MaQl Bf
+visibility MaSE Bk
+visible MaTo BT
+vision MaU7 BG
+visionary MaWB By
+visionary MaXz B7
+visit MaZu Bh
+visit MabP Bi
+visitation Maej FC
+visitingcard Macx By
+visitor Majl Bq
+visor MalP B+
+vista ManN CC
+visual MapP Dc
+visual display unit Max0 C4
+visualisation MauY B0
+visualise Masr Bt
+visually MawM Bo
+vital Ma0s Cj
+vital statistics Ma71 Cv
+vitality Ma+k Bf
+vitally Ma3P B4
+vitamin MbAD Bb
+vitiate MbBe Bg
+viticulture MbC+ Bn
+vitreous MbEl Bi
+vitrify MbGH Bf
+vitriol MbHm CT
+vitriolic MbJ5 Bw
+vituperation MbLp CA
+vituperative MbNp Bp
+viva voce MbR5 Bu
+vivacious MbPS BW
+vivacity MbQo BR
+vivid MbYs D7
+vivisection MbTn Cj
+vixen MbWK Ci
+viz Mbcn Bw
+vocab Mbga 4
+vocabulary MbeX CD
+vocal Mbh1 Ba
+vocal MbhS j
+vocal cords Mbl8 B7
+vocal music HKuP BW
+vocalist MbjP /
+vocalization MbpT B/
+vocalize Mbn3 Bc
+vocally MbkO Bu
+vocation MbrS BS
+vocational Mbsk Bt
+vocative MbuR BZ
+vociferate Mbvq Bb
+vociferous MbxF Bd
+vociferously Mbyi CP
+vodka Mb0x BF
+vogue Mb12 Cb
+voice Mb4R FR
+voice Mb9i Bt
+voicebox McC5 Bk
+voiced Mb/P CA
+voiceless McBP Bq
+voiceover McEd Ck
+void McHB BL
+void McIM Cv
+void McK7 B3
+voile McMy BL
+vol McN9 BH
+volatile oils McPE D2
+volatility McS6 Bf
+volauvent McUZ Cl
+volcanic McW+ CS
+volcano McZQ Bz
+vole McbD 8
+volition Mcb/ Bo
+volley Mcdn Ea
+volley MciB CZ
+volleyball Mcka BQ
+volt Mclq Bx
+voltage Mcnb Bz
+volteface McpO Bz
+voluble McrB C3
+volume Mct4 El
+voluminous Mcyd CS
+voluminously Mc0v By
+voluntarily Mc2h Bv
+volunteer Mc4Q CN
+volunteer Mc6d EG
+voluptuous Mc+j Cx
+vomit MdBU +
+vomit MdCS BW
+voodoo MdDo Bi
+voracious MdFK BD
+voracious MdGN Bf
+voraciously MdHs Bc
+voracity MdJI BV
+vortex MdKd Bc
+votary MdL5 BM
+vote MdNF Bh
+vote MdOm BF
+vote of confidence MdSJ Bu
+vote of thanks MdT3 CI
+voter MdPr BQ
+voting MdQ7 BO
+votive MdV/ Bk
+vouch for MdXj Cs
+voucher MdaP CW
+vouchsafe Mdcl CH
+vow Mdes BE
+vow Mdfw BL
+vowel Mdg7 Bq
+voyage Mdil Ch
+voyager MdlG BR
+vsign MRwX Ce
+vulcanised MdmX BN
+vulgar Mdnk CB
+vulgarfraction MdsI +
+vulgarity Mdpl BW
+vulgarly Mdq7 BN
+vulnerability MdvG B9
+vulnerable MdtG CA
+vulphine MdxD Ba
+vulture Mdyd Bm
+vying Md0D B3
+wad Md16 1
+wad Md2v BD
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+wade Md5N BV
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+wading bird Md6i BO
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+wafer Md9f BB
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+waft MeDn BJ
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+waft MeGY BU
+wag MeHs BO
+wag MeI6 BA
+wage MeJ6 BE
+wage MeK+ Bd
+wager MeMb Bu
+wager MeOJ Bp
+waggon MePy Bl
+waggoner MeRX CP
+wagon MeTm Br
+wagoner MeVR Bm
+waif MeW3 Bi
+waif MeYZ Bu
+wail MeaH BG
+wail MebN Bp
+wainscot Mec2 w
+waist Medm Be
+waistband MefE BP
+waistline MegT BY
+wait Mehr Bc
+wait MejH BU
+waiter Mekb BF
+waitress Melg Bh
+waive MenB BJ
+waiver MeoK BV
+wake MerB BO
+wake of Mepf Bi
+wale MesP BG
+wale MetV Bg
+walk Meu1 6
+walk Mevv BO
+walker Mew9 BO
+walking MeyL /
+wall Me0C Bh
+wall MezK 4
+wall mounted Me2c Bh
+wallaby Me44 z
+wallet Me5r 9
+walling Me1j 5
+wallop Me6o Be
+wallow Me+Z BA
+wallow Me8G BE
+wallow Me9K BP
+wallpainting Me39 7
+walnut Me/Z BI
+walrus MfAh CB
+waltz MfCi Bo
+wan MfEK BO
+wand MfFY 9
+wander MfGV BJ
+wane MfHe 9
+wane MfIb BD
+want MfJe BO
+want MfKs BC
+wanting MfLu BY
+wanting MfNG q
+wanton MfNw BY
+wanton MfPI Bi
+war MfQq Bd
+warble MfTm BJ
+warble MfWZ Bb
+warbler MfUv Bq
+ward MfX0 Ba
+ward MfZO Bs
+ward Mfa6 BJ
+warden MfcD BY
+wardrobe Mfdb Bg
+ware Mfe7 Bk
+warehouse Mfgf Bl
+warehouse MfiE Bs
+warily Mfjw BP
+warlike Mfk/ BZ
+warm MfmY BM
+warm Mfnk BE
+warmer Mfoo BQ
+warmly Mfp4 BU
+warmonger Mfsl Ba
+warmth MfrM BZ
+warn Mft/ B2
+warning Mfv1 BT
+warp MfxI Bb
+warp Mfyj BE
+warrant Mf1W B3
+warrant Mfzn Bv
+warranty Mf3N BT
+warren Mf4g Bt
+warrior Mf6N BA
+warship Mf7N w
+wart Mf79 BQ
+wartorn MfSH Bf
+wary Mf9N BP
+was Mf+c +
+wash Mf/a 5
+wash MgAT 7
+washer MgBO Be
+washing MgCs BH
+wasp MgDz BM
+wastage MgE/ 7
+waste MgF6 BG
+waste MgHA Bd
+waste MgId BJ
+wastebasket MgJm Bq
+wastebasket MgLQ 3
+wasteful MgMH Bi
+watch MgNp Bl
+watch MgPO Bm
+watchdog MgQ0 CB
+watchful MgWr Bb
+watchfulness MgYG Bg
+watchmaker MgS1 CC
+watchmaker MgZm B7
+watchman Mgbh Bg
+watchtower MgU3 B0
+watchtower MgdB B1
+watchword Mge2 Bb
+water MggR BP
+water Mghg CX
+watercolour Mgj3 Bi
+waterfall MglZ BW
+waterfowl Mgmv BT
+watermelon MgoC BM
+waterproof MgpO BR
+waterproof Mgqf Bt
+watertight MgsM BZ
+wave Mgtl BP
+wave Mgu0 BI
+waver Mgv8 Bu
+wavy Mgxq Cj
+wax Mg0N 7
+wax Mg1+ +
+wax Mg1I 2
+waxy Mg28 8
+way Mg34 5
+waylay Mg4x BX
+wayward Mg6I Bw
+we Mg74 BR
+weak Mg9J GZ
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+weal MhI3 Cb
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+wealthy MhNN BJ
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+weapon MhQd CM
+weaponry MhSp B5
+wear MhUi ES
+wear Mhaj Ec
+wear and tear MhY0 Bv
+wear on Mhm4 B0
+wear sb down Mhin B6
+wear sth away Mhgu B5
+wear sth down Mhe/ Bv
+wear sth off Mhkh CX
+wear sth out Mhos B7
+wearable Mhqn Bh
+wearer MhsI Bh
+weariness Mhtp BM
+wearisome Mhzb BY
+weary Mhu1 DS
+weary MhyH BU
+weasel Mh0z BH
+weather Mh16 BR
+weather Mh3L DI
+weather forecast Mh8c Cb
+weather station Mh+3 CO
+weather vane MiBF CW
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+weathercock MiDb Cm
+weatherman MiGB CC
+weatherproof MiID CT
+weave MiKW GH
+weaver MiQd BQ
+web MiRt FJ
+webbed MiW2 BG
+wed MiX8 BH
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+wedding ring Midi Bk
+wedge MifG Bf
+wedge Migl Bf
+wedlock MiiE BP
+wednesday MijT BH
+wee Mika B8
+weed MimW BH
+weed Mind BV
+weed killer MiqX 8
+weedy Mioy Bl
+week MirT BB
+weekday MisU CB
+weekend MiuV Bw
+weeklong MiwF B0
+weekly Mi0t BZ
+weekly Mix5 BW
+weekly MizP Be
+weep Mi2G BH
+weep Mi3N BO
+weeping Mi4b BT
+weevil Mi5u 5
+weft Mi6n Bg
+weigh Mi8H ED
+weighbridge MjDz Cr
+weighedanchor ePn FJ
+weighing machine MjAK Bx
+weighing scale MjB7 B4
+weight MjGe BA
+weight MjHe BX
+weightlifting MjJz Bc
+weighty MjI1 +
+weir MjLP D9
+weird MjPM B6
+welcome MjRG Cf
+welcome MjTl Bd
+welcome MjVC Fv
+weld Mjax CD
+weld Mjc0 BK
+welfare Mjd+ Bb
+welfare state MjfZ CP
+well Mjho Cd
+well MjkF BM
+well MjlR BD
+well MjmU BO
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+well advised MjpF Bc
+well appointed Mjqh Bj
+well balanced MjsE B0
+well behaved Mjt4 BI
+well being MjvA Bm
+well born Mjwm /
+well bred Mjxl Bl
+well built MjzK CZ
+well connected Mj1j Bi
+well cut Mj3F Bw
+well defined Mj41 BW
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+well dressed Mj7u CU
+well earned Mj+C BY
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+well groomed MkCs BV
+well informed MkEB Bp
+well intentioned MkFq BZ
+well kept MkHD Bs
+well known MkIv Bf
+well meant MkKO o
+well oiled MkK2 Bg
+well preserved MkMW Bn
+well read MkN9 Bl
+well run MkPi CI
+well spoken MkRq BW
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+welt Mkdp BO
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+welter MkiJ BJ
+were MkjS Cj
+west Mkl1 BQ
+west MknF BA
+westerly MkoF Bl
+western Mkpq BL
+westward Mkq1 Bc
+westward MksR Bk
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+wet Mkut DL
+wet Mkx4 BM
+wet suit MkzE Cd
+wetlands Mk1h Bc
+whack Mk29 Bp
+whack Mk4m Cx
+whacked Mk7X B7
+whale Mk9S BB
+whalebone MlA3 Bk
+whaler Mk+T Ck
+wham MlCb Bz
+wharf MlEO BD
+what MlFR g
+what MlFx 9
+whatever MlGu BV
+whatsoever MlID BF
+wheat MlJI BC
+wheedle MlKK 3
+wheel MlLB BO
+wheel MlMP By
+wheelbarrow MlPn CB
+wheelchair MlOB Bm
+wheelchair MlRo Bu
+wheeze MlTW B0
+whelk MlVK Bb
+whelp MlWl BO
+when MlXz 8
+when MlYv Be
+when MlaN BK
+whence MlbX BH
+whenever Mlce CQ
+where Mleu /
+where Mlft Bz
+whereabouts Mlhg Bb
+whereas Mli7 CC
+whereby Mlk9 B6
+wherein Mlm3 BN
+whereupon MloE Bb
+wherever Mlpf Bd
+wherewithal Mlq8 Bi
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+whether MluA Cj
+whetstone Mlwj BQ
+whey Mlxz BA
+which Ml0G CO
+which Ml2U Bj
+which Mlyz BT
+whichever Ml33 BR
+whiff Ml5I Be
+while Ml+6 CH
+while Ml6m Cz
+while Ml9Z Bh
+whim MmBB BQ
+whimper MmCR Bd
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+whimsy MmDu BU
+whine MmGU C0
+whine MmJI BN
+whip MmKV DT
+whip MmNo Et
+whiplash MmYI C1
+whipper snapper Mma9 Cp
+whippet Mmdm Bc
+whipping MmSV BW
+whipping boy MmTr Cz
+whipround MmWe Bq
+whir MmfC B9
+whirl Mmg/ Ds
+whirl Mmkr Bc
+whirligig MmmH BN
+whirlpool MmnU Ew
+whirlwind MmsE BR
+whisk MmtV CF
+whisk Mmva Cy
+whisker MmyM Bd
+whisky Mmzp 7
+whisper Mm0k BP
+whisper Mm1z Dq
+whispering campaign Mm5d Ca
+whistle Mm73 BG
+whistle Mm89 Bo
+whistlestop Mm+l 4
+whit Mm/d BA
+white MnAd Dg
+whiten MnD9 BS
+whitewash MnFP BZ
+whitewash MnGo Bi
+whither MnIK Bk
+whitsun MnJu Cg
+whittle MnMO BM
+whiz MnNa BO
+whiz MnOo BV
+whizzkid MnP9 Cy
+who MnSv BG
+whoever MnT1 BU
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+whole MnWh BI
+wholehearted MnXp Bo
+wholesale MnZR Bc
+wholesaler Mnat Bf
+wholesome MncM BU
+whom Mndg BK
+whomsoever Mneq Bn
+whoop MngR BT
+whoop Mnhk Bl
+whooping cough MnjJ Bl
+whore Mnku BQ
+whorl Mnl+ BF
+whose MnnD Ba
+whose Mnod BC
+why Mnpf BE
+wick Mnqj Bg
+wicked MnsD /
+wicker MntC BM
+wickerwork MnuO B/
+wicket MnwN BM
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+wide Mn0Z EZ
+widely Mn4y DS
+widespread Mn8E B9
+widow Mn+B BO
+widow Mn/P BX
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+width MoBu BV
+wield MoDD BP
+wife MoES BG
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+wild MoIf BB
+wild MoJg BM
+wildcat MoKs B4
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+wildness MoMk BW
+wile MoTY BK
+wilful MoUi Bg
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+will MoXC EZ
+will Mobb BV
+willing Mocw BV
+willingly MoeF B4
+willingness Mof9 B2
+willow Mohz DL
+wilothewisp Mok+ D1
+wilt Mooz C7
+wily Moru Bh
+wimple MotP Bn
+win Mou2 B2
+wince MoyA CP
+winch Mo0P BK
+wind Mo1Z BI
+wind Mo2h BQ
+wind Mo3x BR
+winder Mo6E y
+windfall Mo62 Be
+windlass Mo8U Do
+windmill Mo/8 Ba
+window MpBW 9
+window dressing MpFm B3
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+windscreen MpMH B0
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+windward MpD9 Bp
+windy Mo5C BC
+wine MpN7 Bb
+wineglass MpPW Bv
+winery MpRF Bt
+wing MpSy BH
+wing MpT5 Bl
+wing commander MpW7 CK
+wing nut MpZF Cr
+wing span Mpbw Bb
+winged MpVe Bd
+wink MpdL BX
+winner Mows BU
+winnow Mpei BJ
+winsome Mpfr BL
+winter Mpg2 BJ
+winter Mph/ Bg
+wintry Mpjf Bf
+wipe Mpk+ BD
+wipe MpmB BI
+wire MpnJ BP
+wire MpoY Bo
+wireless MpqA Bg
+wireless Mprg B2
+wiry MptW CB
+wisdom MpvX BI
+wise Mpwf BP
+wise Mpxu BL
+wish Mp1Z Ch
+wish Mpy5 Cg
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+wishywashy Mp5G Bg
+wisp Mp6m Bd
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+wistfully Mp9a Bs
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+with MqHB K3
+with a flea in ones ear DyZT CW
+with flying colours D9DP B3
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+withers MqZL Bx
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+within Mqds C6
+without Mqgm BU
+without Mqh6 Bg
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+wonder Mq7M DR
+wonderful Mq+d Be
+wont Mq/7 Bb
+wont MrBW BL
+wont MrCh BW
+woo MrD3 CK
+wood MrGB +
+wood block MrMO Bj
+wood pulp MrKl Bp
+woodcut MrNx BF
+woodcutter MrO2 BR
+wooded MrG/ BN
+wooden MrIM BH
+woodland MrJT BS
+woodpecker MrQH BU
+woodshed MrRb B5
+woodwind MrTU Bb
+woodwork MrWd Ct
+woodworm MrZK BV
+woody MrUv Bu
+woof Mraf B7
+wool Mrca 5
+woollen MrdT BB
+woolly MreU BJ
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+word Mrij CS
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+word processor Mrmw DH
+wording Mrk1 B7
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+work Mru1 BS
+workable MrwH Ba
+workaholic Mrxh CN
+workbench Mr1F Bu
+workbook Mr2z Bx
+worker Mrzu BX
+workforce Mr4k C+
+workingclass Mr7i Br
+workload Mr9N Ba
+workman Mr+n BD
+workmanship Mr/q Bg
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+workout MsDC BT
+workplace MsEV Bg
+worksheet MsF1 B/
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+worktop MsMW CQ
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+worldbeater MsRX a
+worldfamous MsRx Bk
+worldly MsQF BS
+worldweary MsWf Bm
+worldwide MsYF Ct
+worldwide Msay CS
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+wormwood Msja B2
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+worn MslQ CE
+worry MsnU BJ
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+worrying MsrN BX
+worse Mssk Bu
+worse MsuS BZ
+worse Msvr BG
+worsen Msx3 Bq
+worship Mswx BG
+worship Mszh Bt
+worst Ms1O Bc
+worst Ms2q BL
+worsted Ms31 Bq
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+worth Ms62 Bb
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+wrath MtTE Bc
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+wreathe MtYm BU
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+wrestler Mtv0 Bp
+wrestling Mtxd BN
+wretch Mtyq B0
+wretched Mt0e CQ
+wriggle Mt2u Bo
+wriggle Mt4W B/
+wring Mt6V BX
+wringer Mt7s BV
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+wrinkle Mt+w De
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+wrist MuFU BN
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+writing MuUq CW
+wrong MuXA BN
+wrong MuYN BQ
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+wrong MucQ Bg
+wrongdoer Mudw Bs
+wrongful Mufc BP
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+wrought MuiU B5
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+wry Mulz C8
+xenon Muqc B8
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+xerox MusY BW
+xerox Mutu BV
+xerox MuvD Bw
+xhosa Muwz Bp
+xmas Muyc CX
+xray Mu0z B0
+xray Mu2n B/
+xylophone Mu4m Bx
+yacht Mu6X BP
+yacht Mu7m DE
+yachtsman Mu+q Bl
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+yarn MvSc 4
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+yashmak MvUu Bo
+yataghan MvWW BP
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+yaw MvY7 BV
+yawl MvaQ BX
+yawn Mvbn BS
+yawn Mvc5 Bv
+ye Mvnb BS
+yea Mvot BG
+year Mvpz BE
+yearling Mvq3 BH
+yearn Mvr+ BS
+yearning MvtQ 9
+yeast MvuN BF
+yell MvvS BS
+yellow Mv0a BT
+yellow Mvwk BI
+yellow Mvxs Bj
+yellow card Mv8R BO
+yellow fever Mv1t Ch
+yellow line Mv9f BY
+yellow press Mv4O CN
+yellowhammer Mv6b B2
+yellowish MvzP BL
+yelp Mv+3 BP
+yelp MwAG BP
+yen MwBV Bv
+yen MwDE BB
+yen MwEF BJ
+yeoman MwFO B9
+yes MwHL BG
+yesman MwIR Bl
+yesterday MwJ2 BE
+yesterday MwK6 Ba
+yesteryear MwMU BZ
+yet MwNt BH
+yet MwO0 BK
+yeti MwP+ BE
+yew MwRC CB
+yield MwTD BW
+yield MwUZ BW
+yield MwVv Bd
+yielding MwXM Bf
+yob MwYr Br
+yodel MwaW B6
+yodel MwcQ BR
+yoga Mwdh BM
+yoghurt MwgG 9
+yogi Mwet BZ
+yoke MwhD BX
+yoke Mwia CS
+yoke Mwks BM
+yokel Mwl4 Bf
+yolk MwnX Be
+yon Mwo1 BU
+yon MwqJ Bf
+yonder Mwro BZ
+yonder MwtB BK
+yore MwuL Bl
+you Mwvw z
+young Mwwj BV
+young Mwx4 BH
+younger Mwy/ BG
+youngish Mw1d BW
+youngster Mw0F BY
+your Mw2z 6
+yours Mw3t BF
+yourself Mw4y BU
+youth Mw6G 7
+youthful Mw7B BR
+yowl Mw8S Bb
+yowl Mw9t Bb
+yuan Mw/I Bs
+yule MxA0 Bl
+yummy MxCZ Bw
+zany MxEJ BU
+zap MxFd Ej
+zeal MxKA BL
+zealot MxMd Bk
+zealotry MxOB Bi
+zealous MxLL BS
+zebra MxPj Ca
+zebra crossing MxR9 Ec
+zeitgeist MxWZ B8
+zen MxYV By
+zenith MxaH Bk
+zephyr Mxbr Bh
+zeppelin MxdM Ce
+zero Mxfq Ba
+zero MxhE Dw
+zero hour Mxk0 C8
+zest Mxnw Cy
+zestful Mxqi Bo
+zigzag MxsK B/
+zigzag MxuJ Bk
+zigzag Mxvt Bu
+zillion Mxxb By
+zinc MxzN BK
+zing Mx0X CS
+zionism Mx2p De
+zionist Mx6H Bq
+zionist Mx7x B6
+zip Mx9r ES
+zip MyB9 DE
+zip code MyFB B2
+zither MyG3 Bn
+zodiac MyIe Bt
+zombie MyKL Dy
+zonal MyPl B7
+zone MyN9 Bo
+zone MyRg CM
+zonked MyTs Bl
+zoo MyVR BP
+zoological MyZZ CG
+zoologist MyX+ Bb
+zoology MyWg Be
+zoom Mybf Bn
+zoom MydG CC
+zucchini MyfI Cs
+zulu Myh0 B6
+۵ IFVl Bf
diff --git a/bots/dictionaries/ b/bots/dictionaries/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31556b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bots/dictionaries/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bots/dictionaries/freedict-eng-mal.index b/bots/dictionaries/freedict-eng-mal.index
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..156beb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bots/dictionaries/freedict-eng-mal.index
@@ -0,0 +1,11577 @@
+00databasealphabet HTvH c
+00databasedictfmt11011 B c
+00databaseinfo BQ Gt
+00databaseshort o o
+00databaseurl d L
+00databaseutf8 A B
+a EnD BF
+aback EoI CE
+abandon EqM DP
+abate Etb B7
+abbess EvW BC
+abbey IO Cn
+abbot K1 m
+abbreviate Lb CJ
+abbreviation Nk CP
+abdicate Pz Cu
+abdomen Sh o
+abdominal TJ 2
+abduct T/ BF
+abhor VE Cz
+abide X3 Bv
+ability Zm Bz
+abject bZ B2
+abjure dP DK
+ablaze gZ Cb
+able i0 CU
+abnormal lI Ck
+aboard ns BW
+abode pC Bo
+abolish qq CZ
+aboriginal tD B8
+abound u/ Cn
+about xm CG
+above zs Bd
+abreast 1J CZ
+abridge 3i B9
+abroad 5f BF
+abrupt 6k CM
+abscess 8w BH
+abscond 93 Cu
+absence BFi CO
+absent BAl DW
+absentee BD7 Bn
+absolute BHw C3
+absolution BOB Bx
+absolve BKn Da
+absorb BPy C+
+abstain BSw C+
+abstainer BVu Ci
+abstract BYQ Ci
+abstraction Bay Bw
+abstruse Bci CX
+absurd Be5 Ci
+abundance Bhb CB
+abuse Bjc DU
+abyss Bmw Bx
+acacia Boh CC
+accede Bqj Ci
+accelerate BtF DB
+accelerator BwG Cg
+accent Bym Dt
+accentuate B2T Cq
+accept B49 CL
+access B7I Dz
+accession B+7 z
+accessory B/u EH
+accident CD1 Bv
+acclaim CFk DT
+acclimatize CI3 CD
+accommodate CK6 Db
+accommodation COV Ce
+accompany CQz Cb
+accomplice CTO DR
+accomplish CWf CA
+accord CYf B5
+accost CaY Dt
+account CeF Bv
+accountancy Cf0 B3
+accountant Chr CC
+accrue Cjt CI
+accumulate Cl1 C2
+accurate Cor CY
+accuse CrD DX
+accustom Cua Cx
+ace CxL DI
+ache C0T B0
+achieve C2H Cp
+acid C4w Bc
+acknowledge C6M D1
+acme C+B CY
+acoustic DAZ DZ
+acoustics DDy En
+acquaint DIZ DP
+acquiesce DLo DP
+acquire DO3 Cm
+acquit DRd E4
+acre DWV Bv
+acrid DYE Bv
+across DZz CE
+act Db3 DK
+action DfB C5
+active Dh6 CW
+actor DkQ B4
+actual DmI C0
+acute Do8 Cq
+adapt Drm DR
+add Du3 CT
+addendum DzK Cg
+addict D1q Er
+addition DxK CA
+addle D6V C/
+address D9U D/
+adept EBT B4
+adequate EDL CG
+adhere EFR Do
+adhesive EI5 BH
+adieu EKA Ck
+adjacent EMk Cb
+adjective EO/ Bk
+adjoin EQj CC
+adjourn ESl E0
+adjunct EXZ Bi
+adjust EY7 Ey
+adjutant Edt CE
+administer Efx DB
+administration Eiy Cc
+administrator ElO B1
+admiral EwY D2
+admiralty E0O EY
+admire E4m Cy
+admit E7Y Dz
+admonish E/L DH
+admonition FCS B0
+ado FEG Bv
+adolescence FGx B8
+adolescent FF1 8
+adopt FIt CW
+adore FLD CR
+adorn FNU C6
+adrenal FQO 6
+adrift FRI Cg
+adult FTo DF
+adulterate FWt DI
+adulterer Fbx B3
+adulteress Fdo BU
+adultery FZ1 B8
+advance Fe8 C2
+advantage Fhy B3
+advent Fjp B7
+adventure Flk CG
+adventurer Fnq Cm
+adverb FqQ DU
+adversary Ftk B7
+adverse Fvf C8
+adversity Fyb B2
+advertise F0R Cd
+advertisement F2u Bu
+advice F4c CH
+advise F6j Cc
+advocate F8/ B4
+aerial F+3 FG
+aerodrome GD9 Bc
+aeroplane GFZ B2
+afar GHP Bl
+affable GI0 Cj
+affair GLX B1
+affect GNM Cf
+affection GPr Bg
+affidavit GRL EV
+affiliate GVg DY
+affinity GY4 DO
+affirm GcG EJ
+afflict GgP Dg
+affluence Gjv B+
+afford Glt DY
+afforest GpF Dn
+affray Gss Ct
+affront GvZ DI
+afield Gyh CF
+aflame G0m Cl
+afloat G3L Di
+afraid G6t CT
+afresh G9A Be
+aft G+e Ct
+after HBL DK
+aftermath HEV 8
+afternoon HFR Co
+again HH5 Ck
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+agency HN6 Cy
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+agent HUX CE
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+aggregate HZk Ci
+aggressor HcG C0
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+agile Hhf DR
+agitate Hkw Ds
+agitation Hoc Be
+agitator Hp6 C0
+aglow Hsu DC
+agnostic Hvw Fh
+ago H1R Bq
+agog H27 Cg
+agony H5b CQ
+agree H7r DB
+agreement H+s CV
+agriculture IBB CB
+aground IDC BO
+ahead IEQ DQ
+aid IHg Cy
+ail IKS Cn
+ailment IM5 Bw
+aim IOp Cj
+aimless IRM CS
+air ITe CS
+airy IVw Bu
+aisle IXe DC
+ajar Iag CJ
+akimbo Icp CJ
+akin Iey Ch
+alacrity IhT CP
+alarm Iji Dv
+alas InR DW
+albeit Iqn Ci
+album ItJ Cz
+alcohol Iv8 C9
+alcoholic Iy5 CO
+alderman I1H B+
+ale I3F Ck
+alert I5p CJ
+algebra I7y o
+alias I8a Ct
+alibi I/H Cn
+alien JBu DQ
+alienate JE+ D9
+alight JI7 Co
+alike JLj B0
+alimentary canal JNX Cz
+alive JQK Cn
+alkali JSx CB
+all JUy Ck
+allay JXW Du
+allegation JfP B6
+allege JbE EL
+allegiance JhJ CO
+allegory JjX C2
+alleviate JmN C6
+alley JpH CS
+alliance JrZ B4
+alligator JtR C9
+allot JwO Dl
+allow Jzz Co
+allowance J2b Cy
+alloy J5N Da
+allude J8n DW
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+allusion J/9 Bv
+ally KEv DI
+almanac KH3 Bl
+almighty KJc BV
+almond KNF Bm
+almost KOr CH
+alms KQy BQ
+aloft KSC B+
+alone KUA DH
+along KXH Co
+alongside KZv Cj
+aloof KcS B5
+aloud KeL CL
+alpha KgW Cq
+alphabet KjA CB
+already KlB Ct
+also Knu Bw
+altar Kpe CP
+alter Krt EB
+alternate Kvu DG
+alternative Ky0 Ci
+although K1W CP
+altimeter K3l Dh
+altitude K7G DN
+altogether K+T DH
+aluminium LBa EC
+always LFc By
+amalgam LHO DY
+amalgamate LKm Dp
+amass LOP C9
+amateur LRM F0
+amaze LXA DC
+ambassador LaC Cv
+amber Lcx Cu
+ambiguous Lff D1
+ambition LjU CY
+amble Lls Dy
+ambulance Lpe FR
+ambush Luv Be
+amen LwN BV
+amenable Lxi EA
+amend L1i EO
+amendment L7v C0
+amends L5w B/
+amenity L+j Di
+amiable MCF C7
+amicable MFA Cz
+amiss MHz CM
+amity MJ/ CA
+ammeter ML/ DU
+ammonia MPT CF
+ammunition MRY Cc
+amnesty MT0 Dq
+amoeba MXe C7
+amorous MaZ Cp
+amount MdC CP
+ampere MfR CB
+amphibian MhS Eq
+amphitheatre Ml8 BK
+ample MnG BX
+amplify Mod D/
+amputate Msc ET
+amputation Mwv CA
+amuck Myv CI
+amulet M03 CK
+amuse M3B ED
+amusement M7E CE
+anachronism M9I EU
+anaesthetic NBc C9
+anagram NEZ EF
+analogy NIe B7
+analysis NKZ Ce
+anarchism NQQ DL
+anarchy NM3 DZ
+anatomist NYP C+
+anatomy NTb E0
+ancestor NbN CQ
+ancestry Ndd Br
+anchor NfI Bd
+anchorage Ngl CM
+ancient Nix Bx
+anecdote Nki Bv
+anew NmR Cb
+angel Nos D1
+anger Nsh BX
+angle Nt4 Er
+anglican Nyj CX
+angloamerican N06 Dj
+anguish N4d Bg
+animal N59 Bc
+animate N7Z EN
+animation N/m Bq
+animosity OBQ B5
+ankle ODJ Ba
+annals OEj D0
+annex OIX GF
+annexation OOc Cs
+annihilate ORI D5
+annihilation OVB DN
+anniversary OYO EG
+annotate OcU Du
+announce OgC Ce
+announcement OmV Cz
+announcer Oig D1
+annoy OpI DU
+annoyance Osc CT
+annual Ouv F6
+annually O0p Cx
+annuity O3a FD
+annul O8d DD
+anoint O/g CU
+anonymously PB0 BY
+another PDM CS
+answer PFe Dt
+ant PJL BP
+antagonism PM9 Ca
+antagonist PKa Cj
+antarctic PPX C1
+antelope PSM CB
+antenna PUN DC
+anthem PXP Cc
+anthology PZr Bz
+anthropology Pbe Dz
+anticipate PfR DB
+anticipation PiS Cv
+anticlimax PlB Cq
+antidote Pnr DD
+antipathy Pqu C3
+antipodes Ptl D2
+antiquated Pxb C0
+antique P0P Cw
+antiseptic P2/ Ep
+antonym P7o CX
+anvil P9/ CD
+anxiety QAC B/
+anxious QCB Ct
+any QEu FX
+apace QKF B1
+apart QL6 C4
+apartment QOy BP
+apathetic QS7 CU
+apathy QQB C6
+ape QVP DU
+aperture QYj Ce
+apiece QbB DB
+apologetic QhE EN
+apology QeC DC
+apoplectic QrS B/
+apoplexy QlR GB
+apostle QtR CG
+apostolic QvX F5
+apostrophe Q1Q GT
+apothecary Q7j EV
+appal Q/4 Dl
+apparatus RDd D8
+apparel RHZ CC
+apparent RJb Dk
+apparently RM/ CJ
+apparition RPI Fe
+appeal RUm FJ
+appear RZv CL
+appearance Rb6 C3
+appease Rex Du
+appendicitis Rjr 5
+appendix Rif BM
+appetite Rkk DB
+appetizing Rnl Cd
+applaud RqC EP
+apple RuR B5
+appliance RwK Cs
+applicable Ry2 CL
+applicant R1B Ea
+application R5b CJ
+applied R+U Bj
+apply R7k Cw
+appoint R/3 Dv
+appointment SDm Eo
+apportion SIO CO
+appreciable SKc Ca
+appreciate SM2 ES
+appreciation SRI Dd
+apprehend SUl Eh
+apprehension SZG Ef
+apprehensive Sdl C7
+apprentice Sgg Dd
+approach Sj9 DP
+approbation SnM Cz
+appropriate Sp/ EC
+appropriation SuB E+
+approval Sy/ CV
+approve S1U Dk
+approximate S44 Ci
+approximation S7a DS
+april S+s E1
+apron TDh EP
+apt THw C5
+aptitude TKp CN
+aquarium TM2 C9
+arable TPz Bo
+arbitrate TRb EK
+arbitration TVl Ct
+arbitrator TYS CG
+arbour TaY DR
+arc Tdp Da
+arcade ThD FL
+arch TmO C6
+archaeological Tup DL
+archaeology TpI Fh
+archaic Tx0 Cz
+archer T0n DU
+archipelago T37 Cl
+architect T6g GN
+architectural UDM Cp
+architecture UAt Cf
+arctic UF1 DY
+arduous UJN C2
+area UMD BI
+arena UNL FL
+argue USW Dc
+argument UVy C6
+arid UYs B2
+aright Uai CZ
+arise Uc7 Cz
+aristocracy Ufu CL
+aristocratic Uh5 D8
+arithmetic Ul1 DY
+ark UpN El
+arm Uty CE
+armament Uv2 Cc
+armistice UyS D8
+armour U2O F5
+army U8H EM
+aroma VAT CD
+around VCW B8
+arouse VES Es
+arrack VI+ BN
+arrange VKL Cb
+arrangement VMm D0
+array VQa Cx
+arrears VTL CE
+arrest VVP De
+arrive VYt Cx
+arrogant Vbe CQ
+arrow Vdu BL
+arsenal Ve5 CM
+arsenic VhF BJ
+art ViO Ey
+artery VtO Ej
+artesian well Vxx 9
+artful VnA Cz
+article Vyu Cw
+articulate V1e EH
+articulation V5l EW
+artifice V97 Cp
+artificer WAk DA
+artificial WDk Cb
+artillery WF/ C2
+artisan WI1 D6
+artist WMv Du
+artless Vpz Db
+as WQd D6
+asbestos WUX Eh
+ascend WY4 CC
+ascertain Wa6 Ei
+ascribe Wfc Eq
+ash WkG CS
+ashamed WmY Ca
+ashore Woy Bt
+aside Wqf FU
+ask Wvz DP
+asleep WzC B8
+aspect W0+ C/
+asphalt W39 En
+aspire W8k DB
+aspirin W/l E1
+ass XEa Dz
+assail XIN Dk
+assassin XOM DQ
+assassinate XLx Cb
+assassination XRc CL
+assault XTn DP
+assay XW2 Cb
+assemble XZR Df
+assembly Xcw F1
+assent Xil CS
+assert Xk3 DD
+assertion Xn6 Dd
+assess XrX Gd
+assessment Xx0 DN
+asset X1B Dn
+assiduity X89 CE
+assiduous X4o EV
+assign X/B Dx
+assignment YCy En
+assimilate YHZ FI
+assimilation YMh Ci
+assist YPD C/
+assistance YSC Bn
+associate YTp EF
+association YXu Cg
+assorted YaO EC
+assume YeQ Cb
+assumption Ygr Cc
+assurance Yod De
+assure YjH Dc
+assuredly Ymj B6
+asterisk Yr7 Ew
+astern Ywr CP
+asthma Yy6 Bw
+astir Y0q Ch
+astonish Y3L Dp
+astonishment Y60 CW
+astound Y9K Ce
+astray Y/o Bt
+astride ZBV B6
+astronomer ZFv CQ
+astronomical ZH/ DI
+astronomy ZDP Cg
+astute ZLH DD
+asunder ZOK Cf
+asylum ZQp D7
+ate ZUk e
+atheism ZVC D2
+atheist ZY4 D1
+athlete ZiX Do
+athletic Zct C4
+athletics Zfl Cy
+atlas Zl/ EQ
+atmosphere ZqP Dh
+atom Ztw HL
+atomic Z07 Ff
+atone Z6a D3
+atrocious Z+R Cn
+atrocity aA4 Co
+attach aDg Df
+attachment aG/ E4
+attack aL3 Dd
+attain aPU DH
+attainable aSb CP
+attainment aUq D1
+attempt aYf DJ
+attend abo DN
+attendance ae1 C8
+attendant ahx D/
+attention alw Es
+attentive aqc CC
+attic ase CS
+attire auw BP
+attitude av/ CG
+attorney ayF FF
+attract a3K D7
+attraction a7F Cx
+attractive a92 DK
+attribute bBA Cx
+auction bDx Bi
+audacious bFT DK
+audacity bId Cy
+audible bLP DQ
+audience bOf C4
+audit bRX F5
+aught bXQ C/
+augment baP Ei
+augur bex EU
+augury bjF Bt
+august bky G1
+aunt brn Cw
+auspicious buX Bx
+austere bwI C+
+authentic bzG Ds
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+authorize b+f Ce
+autobiography cA9 Cw
+autocracy cGi Ev
+autocrat cDt C1
+autograph cLR Et
+automatic cP+ GG
+automobile cWE EB
+autumn caF Iq
+auxiliary civ CT
+avail clC Dr
+availability cqv DH
+available cot CC
+avalanche ct2 Dj
+avarice cxZ Ca
+avaricious czz CM
+avenge c1/ Dd
+avenue c5c F0
+aver c/Q C/
+average dCP C0
+averse dFD EO
+avert dJR Dt
+aviary dM+ Co
+aviation dPm D1
+avoid dTb EP
+avoidable dXq DF
+avoidance dav Co
+avoirdupois ddX C3
+avow dgO E0
+await dlC Dv
+awake dox FD
+award dt0 FP
+aware dzD EF
+away d3I Ci
+awe d5q Cp
+awhile d8T Ct
+awkward d/A EJ
+awkwardness eDJ Bg
+awning eEp Cw
+awoke eHZ p
+awry eIC Cx
+axe eKz Cz
+axiom eNm Du
+axis eRU Eh
+azure eV1 DI
+babble eZ/ H3
+babe eh2 v
+babel eil Bc
+baboon ekB CT
+baby emU v
+bachelor enD Ca
+bacillus epd j
+back eqA Ca
+background esa DQ
+backwards evq w
+backwater ewa 1
+backwoods exP FU
+bacteria e2j Cg
+bad e5D v
+badge e5y 0
+baffle e6m Ba
+bag e8A BH
+baggage e9H 3
+bail e9+ Bb
+bait e/Z B3
+baize fBQ B3
+bake fDH Bh
+baker fEo DX
+bakery fH/ DI
+balance fLH x
+balcony fL4 B/
+bald fN3 o
+balk fOf EX
+ball fS2 BE
+ballad fT6 5
+ballast fUz Cr
+ballet fXe FJ
+ballistics fcn BD
+balloon fdq i
+ballot feM C6
+balm fhG CW
+bamboo fjc Y
+ban fj0 By
+banana flm BE
+band fmq Bs
+bandage foW B2
+bandit fqM CC
+bane fsO x
+bang fs/ C1
+bangle fv0 V
+banish fwJ w
+banishment fw5 Bj
+bank fyc BJ
+banker fzl BV
+bankrupt f06 II
+bankruptcy f9C 0
+banner f92 FS
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+banter gEq BN
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+baptize gGo BH
+bar gHv Cc
+barb gLQ DS
+barbarian gOi CF
+barbaric gQn BG
+barbarism gTD h
+barbarity gTk h
+barbarous gRt BW
+barber gUF q
+bare gUv i
+barely gVR q
+bargain gV7 EQ
+barge gaL BQ
+bark gbb CL
+barley gdm y
+barn geY Bg
+barometer gf4 B0
+baron ghs d
+barrack giJ CV
+barrage gke u
+barrel glM BK
+barren gmW BE
+barricade gna B0
+barrier gpO Cc
+barring gKL BF
+barrister grq w
+barrow gsa k
+barter gs+ Co
+base gvm Bu
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+basic g12 BF
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+basis g3r p
+bask g4U x
+basket g5F 1
+bat g56 CN
+batch g8H BU
+bated g9b 1
+bath g+Q Z
+bathe g+p p
+battery g/S l
+bay g/3 BT
+bayonet hBK Bd
+bazaar hCn CL
+be hEy X
+beach hFJ v
+beacon hF4 Bs
+bead hHk Ba
+beak hI+ 7
+beaker hJ5 DM
+beam hNF t
+bean hNy c
+bear hOO CC
+bearable hQQ BS
+beard hWu 7
+bearer hRi Bm
+bearing hTI Dm
+beast hXp By
+beat hZb Cc
+beating hb3 i
+beautiful hcZ BZ
+beaver hdy q
+because hec Bp
+beck hg7 c
+beckon hgF 2
+become hhX BN
+bed hik e
+bee hjC h
+beef hjj u
+beer hkR f
+beet hkw BU
+beetle hmE e
+befall hmi t
+before hnP Bn
+beforehand ho2 B1
+befriend hqr B1
+beg hsg n
+beget htH Bh
+beggar huo k
+beggarly hvM s
+beggary hv4 BO
+begin hxG BM
+beginning hyS n
+begone hy5 Bu
+begrudge h0n CJ
+behalf h2w BW
+behave h4G q
+behaviour h4w w
+behead h5g 6
+behind h6a DR
+behold h9r Bf
+being h/K CC
+belated iBM o
+belch iB0 2
+belie iCq BY
+belief iEC BK
+believe iFM 0
+bell iGA W
+belligerent iGW D/
+bellows iKV W
+belly iKr x
+belong iLc BC
+belongings iMe 0
+beloved iNS 0
+below iOG a
+belt iOg Bc
+bench iP8 BD
+bend iQ/ BF
+beneath iSE 8
+benediction iTA Bh
+benefactor iUh l
+beneficial iVG Bd
+benefit iWj BC
+benevolence iYt BP
+benevolent iXl BI
+benighted iZ8 8
+benign ia4 BE
+benison ib8 o
+bent ick BC
+benumb idm Br
+bequeath ifR CM
+bereaved ihd y
+bereavement iiP j
+bereft iiy 6
+berry ijs 2
+berth iki Co
+beseech inK Bj
+beset iot Bv
+beside iqc +
+besides ira Bi
+besiege is8 BE
+best iuA CB
+bestial iwB x
+bestir iwy /
+bestow ixx BQ
+bestride izB Be
+bet i0f 2
+betake i1V w
+betray i2F Bl
+betrayal i3q x
+betroth i4b BK
+better i5l Bm
+between i7L BF
+beverage i8Q 6
+beware i9K Bi
+bewilder i+s Bo
+bewilderment jAU BN
+bewitch jBh Bl
+beyond jDG 4
+bias jD+ /
+bible jE9 j
+biblical jFg BR
+bibliography jGx z
+biceps jHk Bi
+bicycle jJG BX
+bid jKd Bs
+bide jMJ B9
+bier jOG r
+big jOx v
+bigamist jTm CT
+bigamy jPg EG
+bigot jV5 y
+bill jWr Bl
+billiards jYQ 5
+billion jZJ 2
+billow jZ/ k
+bin jaj 4
+bind jbb CD
+binder jde BP
+binoculars jet Co
+biography jhV w
+biologist ji2 BC
+biology jiF x
+bird jj4 w
+birth jko 0
+biscuit jlc r
+bishop jmH k
+bit jmr Eu
+bite jrZ l
+bitter jr+ Bu
+black jts Be
+bladder jvK B9
+blade jxH B4
+blame jy/ +
+blanch jz9 2
+bland j0z m
+blandishment j1Z Bq
+blank j3D BG
+blanket j5y Bp
+blankly j4J Bp
+blare j7b CP
+blaspheme j9q BS
+blasphemy j+8 q
+blast j/m BJ
+blatant kAv 0
+blaze kBj B0
+bleach kDX Cb
+bleak kFy Bl
+bleed kHX 1
+bless kIM 1
+blight kJB CA
+blind kLB Bv
+blindfold kMw BF
+blindness kN1 BN
+blink kPC CD
+bliss kRF z
+blissful kR4 y
+blister kSq Bf
+blithe kUJ w
+blithely kU5 Bk
+blitheness kWd BC
+blockade kaZ C9
+blockage kXf C6
+blood kdW d
+bloody kdz BG
+bloom ke5 a
+blossom kfT B5
+blot khM Bf
+blow kir BJ
+blower kj0 CB
+blue kl1 8
+blue print kmx CZ
+bluff kpK BX
+blunder kqh Bq
+blunt ksL BB
+bluntly ktM l
+bluntness ktx Bl
+blur kvW Bx
+blurt kxH BX
+blush kye BU
+bluster kzy 7
+boar k0t CI
+board k21 C6
+boarder k5v Cc
+boast k8L Bl
+boastful k9w BB
+boat k+x 2
+bob k/n +
+bobbin lAl Bc
+bode lCB 7
+bodily lDs Bc
+body lC8 w
+bog lFI t
+bogus lF1 m
+boil lGb Cf
+boisterous lI6 Ba
+bold lKU BC
+boldly lLW t
+boldness lMD BS
+bolster lNV c
+bolt lNx BZ
+bomb lPK c
+bombard lR1 GB
+bomber lPm CP
+bond lX2 CY
+bondage laO BW
+bone lbk p
+bonfire ldI Dz
+bonnet lg7 D+
+bonus lk5 Cg
+bony lcN 7
+booby lnZ j
+booklet ln8 i
+boom loe CA
+boon lqe /
+boot lrd 8
+booth lsZ Eu
+border lxH t
+bore lx0 Ca
+born l0O BL
+borrow l1Z u
+bosom l2H g
+boss l2n 5
+botanist l4T BB
+botany l3g z
+both l5U f
+bother l5z Bc
+bottle l7P h
+bottom l7w Bq
+bough l9a BD
+bought l+d b
+boulder l+4 u
+bounce l/m By
+bound mBY B7
+boundary mDT BG
+boundless mEZ Bo
+bounteous mGB BW
+bountiful mHX w
+bouquet mIH u
+bourgeois mI1 Cc
+bout mLR BF
+bow mMW CY
+bowel mOu BV
+bowl mQD Cj
+bowler mSm h
+box mTH B9
+boxer mVE Cx
+boy mX1 q
+boycott mYf 3
+brace mZW DN
+bracelet mcj r
+bracket mdO 3
+brag meF BB
+braid mfG CC
+brain mhI BM
+brainless miU 8
+brainy mjQ 8
+brake mkM Bg
+bramble mls x
+bran mmd c
+branch mm5 B/
+brand mo4 Cl
+brandish mrd g
+brandy mr9 n
+brass msk g
+bravado mtE BU
+brave muY BP
+bravely mvn u
+bravo mwV BS
+brawl mxn 9
+brawn myk m
+brawny mzK BN
+bray m0X Dd
+brazen m30 B7
+breach m5v BT
+bread m7C 3
+breadth m75 8
+break m81 Cq
+breakage m/f BJ
+breakdown nAo D7
+breaker nEj Cr
+breakfast nHO 3
+breast nIF BJ
+breath nJO BE
+breathe nKS u
+breeches nLA BA
+breed nMA Cg
+breeze nOg BW
+brethren nP2 1
+brevity nQr l
+brew nRQ BN
+brewer nSd z
+brewery nTQ B1
+bribe eY9 BC
+bribery nVc Ca
+brick nX2 BA
+bridal naU B4
+bride nVF X
+bridegroom nY2 j
+bridesmaid nZZ 7
+bridge ncM BR
+bridle ndd BZ
+brief ne2 C9
+briefly nhz BL
+brigade ni+ C5
+brigand nl3 Bj
+bright nna CF
+brightly npf y
+brightness nqR Bo
+brilliant nr5 By
+brim ntr z
+brimstone nue k
+brine nvC s
+bring nvu CQ
+brink nx+ r
+brisk nyp Bu
+bristle n0X CP
+brittle n2m BK
+broach n3w CR
+broad n6B BG
+broadcast n8k BG
+broaden n7H Bd
+brochure n9q BS
+broker n+8 BB
+bronze n/9 k
+brood oAh Dr
+brook oEM d
+broom oEp BE
+broth oFt g
+brother oGN BC
+brotherhood oJe v
+brotherinlaw oHP CP
+brow oKN f
+browse oKs C5
+bruise oNl BB
+brunt oOm z
+brush oPZ CK
+brutal oTK BH
+brutality oUR +
+brute oRj Bn
+bubble oVP e
+bucket oVt BB
+buckle oWu n
+bud oXV v
+budge oYE 9
+budget oZB EX
+buff odY Bj
+buffalo oe7 i
+buffer ofd DD
+buffet oig CF
+bug okl CR
+build om2 4
+bulb onu 5
+bulge oon BQ
+bulk op3 5
+bull oqw W
+bulldozer orG z
+bullet or5 q
+bulletin osj Eu
+bullock oxR 1
+bully oyG Dq
+bump o1w Cs
+bumper o4c EB
+bunch o8d g
+bundle o89 BS
+bungalow o+P p
+bungle o+4 B4
+buoy pAw D5
+buoyancy pGe BM
+buoyant pEp B1
+burden pHq b
+bureau pIF BQ
+bureaucracy pKM Ck
+bureaucrat pJV 3
+burglar pMw CI
+burglary pO4 p
+burial pXC t
+burly pPh p
+burn pQK B/
+burnish pSJ r
+burrow pS0 p
+burst pTd B2
+bury pVT Bv
+bus pXv V
+bush pYE x
+bushel pY1 3
+business pZs Bm
+bust pbS Bz
+bustle pdF Bl
+but peq B7
+butcher pgl By
+butler piX BQ
+butter pjn e
+butterfly pkF BQ
+button plV k
+buy pl5 BZ
+buzz pnS 2
+by poI 9
+byelection ppF BR
+byproduct pqW x
+bystander prH 5
+bywork psA BU
+caaba pt/ BS
+cab pvR Ce
+cabbage pxv DI
+cabin p03 DB
+cabinet p34 B3
+cable p5v Eg
+cablegram p+P B4
+cackle qAH CL
+cactus qCS D7
+cadet qGN CE
+cage qIR C0
+cajole qLF DV
+cake qOa Df
+calabash qR5 CH
+calamitous qVy B0
+calamity qUA By
+calculate qXm B8
+calculation qZi Ce
+calendar qcA BJ
+calf qdJ BX
+calico qeg Bi
+call qgC Cq
+calling qis CL
+callous qk3 B0
+calm qmr C9
+calmly qpo DI
+calorie qsw Do
+came qwY c
+camel qw0 CP
+camera qzD EX
+camouflage q3a GM
+camp q9m C2
+campaign rAc Cz
+camphor rDP Bm
+campus rE1 DO
+can rID FV
+canal rQV Ca
+canary rSv EY
+cancel rXH Ce
+cancellation rZl Bl
+cancer rbK C4
+candid reC C0
+candidate rid DD
+candidly rg2 Bn
+candle rlg t
+candy rmN C7
+cane rpI BE
+canine rqM Db
+canker rtn Cx
+cannery rNY C9
+cannibal rwY CV
+cannon ryt BL
+canoe rz4 Bw
+canon r1o BV
+canopy r29 FB
+cant r7+ Cb
+canteen r+Z Eu
+canter sDH Bl
+canticle sEs CH
+canto sGz Bg
+canvas sIT Cw
+canvass sLD DU
+canyon sOX Dk
+cap sR7 Bq
+capability sVW Bq
+capable sTl Bx
+capacity sXA Cc
+cape sZc DU
+caper scw B2
+capital sem DV
+capitalism skd C0
+capitalist sh7 Ci
+capitulate snR Bi
+capitulation soz CY
+capricious srL Di
+capsize sut CU
+capsule sxB C8
+captain sz9 CB
+captive s1+ BC
+captivity s3A Bn
+capture s4n CM
+car s6z B1
+caramel s8o Ej
+carat tBL DQ
+caravan tEb Db
+carbolic acid tH2 Bt
+carbon tJj C9
+carbuncle tMg Dr
+card tQL C7
+cardinal tTG Dk
+care tWq Ca
+career tef CQ
+careful tZE Cz
+caress tgv Bu
+caretaker tb3 Co
+cargo tid BQ
+caricature tjt Bg
+carnage tlN BZ
+carnal tmm Bp
+carnival toP DB
+carnivorous trQ B3
+carol ttH B7
+carpenter tvC Be
+carpentry twg Bt
+carpet tyN CE
+carriage t0R DC
+carrier uBO BU
+carrion t3T C/
+carrot t6S EY
+carry t+q Ck
+cart uCi B3
+cartage uEZ BU
+cartel uJQ Cy
+carter uFt Dj
+cartilage uMC Di
+carton uPk DB
+cartoon uSl DF
+cartridge uVq DT
+carve uY9 CY
+carving ubV B4
+cascade udN CN
+case ufa C9
+casement uiX Bs
+cash ukD Bi
+cashier ull Bt
+cashmere unS Eo
+casing ur6 C9
+cask uu3 c
+casket uvT CB
+cast uxU z
+caste uyH BU
+castigate uzb Cl
+castle u2A Bh
+castor u3h GB
+castrate u9i Bn
+casual u/J CR
+casualty vBa B2
+cat vDQ BK
+cataclysm vEa Cg
+catacomb vG6 Bv
+catalogue vIp Bt
+catapult vKW 6
+cataract vLQ C9
+catarrh vON CU
+catastrophe vQh Cr
+catch vTM B+
+catechism vVK CU
+categorical vYv By
+category vXe BR
+cater vah Dh
+caterer veC D6
+cathedral vh8 B/
+cathode vj7 BN
+catholic vlI Cg
+catholicism vno BQ
+cattle vo4 CU
+cauliflower vrM Bu
+cause vs6 Bx
+causeway vur Bg
+caustic vwL Cl
+caution vyw Ca
+cavalry v1K B3
+cave v3B k
+cavern v3l BL
+cavil v4w B+
+cavity v6u Bi
+caw v8Q BD
+cease v9T DT
+cedar wAm 2
+cede wBc DL
+ceiling wEn BN
+celebrate wF0 Ca
+celebrated wIO Bm
+celebrity wJ0 Bl
+celerity wLZ 3
+celestial wMQ Cb
+celibacy wOr C0
+cell wRf Bc
+cellar wU0 BU
+cellular wS7 B5
+celluloid wWI CN
+cellulose wYV DT
+cement wbo Cr
+cemetery weT Bp
+censorious wf8 Bt
+censure whp Bl
+census wjO CF
+cent wlT BO
+centenary wmh B5
+centigrade woa Bw
+centimetre wqK Ba
+central wrk Cx
+cereal wuV BC
+ceremonial ww0 Bg
+ceremonious wyU Bb
+ceremony wvX Bd
+certain wzv B6
+certainly w1p C1
+certainty w4e Bt
+certificate w6L CQ
+certify w8b CR
+cessation w+s DL
+cession xB3 CD
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+chafe xGi CX
+chaff xI5 CM
+chagrin xLF B0
+chain xM5 BR
+chair xOK Bj
+chairman xPt Bn
+chalk xRU BZ
+challenge xSt BN
+chamber xT6 Bo
+chameleon xVi Dw
+chamois xZS Br
+champ xa9 CN
+champion xdK Ef
+chance xhp Bu
+chancellor xjX C+
+chandler xmV FX
+change xrs CK
+changeable xt2 CA
+channel xv2 Dr
+chant xzh DO
+chaos x2v B6
+chap x4p Dq
+chapel x8T D6
+chaplain yAN Ca
+chaplet yCn f
+chapter yDG Em
+char yHs EH
+character yLz DT
+charcoal yPG CJ
+charge yRP E+
+chariot yWN BE
+charity yXR Ey
+charm ycD EA
+charming ygD Ck
+chart yin CA
+charter ykn DR
+chary yn4 Cq
+chase yqi Do
+chasm yuK Dd
+chassis yxn CV
+chaste yz8 ED
+chasten y76 DU
+chastise y/O CK
+chastisement zBY Cs
+chastity y3/ D7
+chat zEE Dc
+chattel zKY DR
+chatter zNp EB
+chatty zHg C4
+cheap zRq C8
+cheapen zYr C/
+cheaply zUm Bx
+cheapness zWX CU
+cheat zbq Dq
+check zfU DY
+checkmate zis DT
+cheeky zl/ BZ
+cheer znY CA
+cheerful zpY Df
+cheerless zs3 EP
+cheese zxG BW
+chemical z0y Ci
+chemist zyc x
+chemistry zzN Bl
+cherish z3U He
+cherry z+y Ce
+chess 0BQ v
+chest 0B/ CD
+chew 0EC Do
+chicken 0Hq Dw
+chicory 0La EL
+chide 0Pl BP
+chief 0Q0 CB
+child 0S1 Br
+chill 0Ug EF
+chilly 0Yl CM
+chime 0ax CR
+chimney 0dC Co
+chin 0fq z
+china 0gd E0
+chink 0lR DK
+chip 0ob F8
+chirp 0uX BJ
+chirrup 0vg E4
+chisel 00Y Co
+chivalry 03A HO
+chloroform 0+O DH
+chocolate 1BV E9
+choice 1GS CN
+choir 1If Bi
+choke 1KB DR
+cholera 1NS B+
+choose 1PQ D4
+chop 1TI C8
+choppy 1WE Bl
+chord 1Xp EL
+chorus 1b0 Eu
+christen 1gi C1
+christian 1jX Es
+christianity 1oD Dx
+christmas 1r0 D6
+chromatic 1vu Dk
+chronic 1zS DC
+chronicle 12U DG
+chuck 15a Bw
+chuckle 17K CR
+chum 19b Dx
+church 2BM C7
+churlish 2EH DI
+churn 2HP EB
+cider 2LQ DK
+cigar 2Oa Be
+cigarrette ptU r
+cinder 2P4 B5
+cinecamera 2S1 Dq
+cinema 2Rx BE
+cipher 2Wf Cn
+circle 2ZG C0
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+circularize 2kx C5
+circulate 2nq C5
+circulation 2qj Dl
+circumference 2uI Ck
+circumnavigate 2ws C9
+circumscribe 2zp Ce
+circumspect 22H DN
+circumspection 25U Bj
+circumstance 263 DV
+circumstantial 2+M Cp
+circumvent 3A1 DE
+circus 3D5 FE
+cirrus 3I9 Cx
+cistern 3Lu DS
+citadel 3PA Eb
+cite 3Tb DI
+citizen 3Wj /
+citizenship 3Xi EF
+citron 3bn FK
+citrus 3gx Cb
+city 3jM Ba
+civic 3km Dp
+civil 3oP F4
+civilian 3w8 Ek
+civility 3uH C1
+civilization 31g HF
+clad 38l BS
+claim 393 DR
+clamber 4BI CM
+clamorous 4GL Fu
+clamour 4DU C3
+clamp 4L5 IE
+clan 4T9 GS
+clang 4aP EL
+clank 4ea Dm
+clap 4iA Db
+claret 4lb 0
+clarify 4mP CP
+clarity 4oe Ei
+clash 4tA DE
+clasp 4wE Bs
+class 4xw Ep
+classic 42Z Ei
+classics 467 EL
+classification 5C/ C8
+classify 4/G D5
+clatter 5F7 Ea
+clause 5KV G0
+claw 5RJ Fz
+clay 5W8 Cz
+clean 5Zv EW
+cleanliness 5ib DD
+cleanly 5eF EW
+clear 5le CM
+clearance 5nq EF
+clearing 5rv Do
+cleave 5vX C4
+clemency 504 CR
+clement 5yP Cp
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+clerical 586 CK
+clerk 5/E DV
+clever 6CZ Dx
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+client 6G5 Ch
+cliff 6Ja D3
+climate 6NR CA
+climax 6PR Cg
+climb 6Rx C8
+climber 6Ut EE
+clime 6Yx Bx
+cling 6ai Dj
+clinic 6eF Ba
+clip 6ff E7
+clippers 6ka D1
+clipping 6oP C7
+clock 6rK BD
+clockwise 6sN DS
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+clog 6xk Cx
+close 60V FS
+closely 65n CH
+closeness 67u CB
+closet 6/u Bn
+closeup 69v B/
+closure 7BV Em
+clot 7F7 B/
+cloth 7H6 3
+clothe 7Ix Ci
+clothes 7LT D9
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+cloudless 7TC Co
+cloudy 7Vq Du
+clout 7ZY CE
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+clover 7co B7
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+cloy 7hh DH
+club 7ko DT
+cluck 7n7 Bx
+clue 7ps Bn
+clump 7rT CX
+clumsily 7vX Ch
+clumsiness 7x4 B0
+clumsy 7tq Bt
+cluster 7zs CG
+clutch 71y Dj
+coach 78l EA
+coach 8CO EA
+coachman 8Al Bp
+coal 8GO Bu
+coarse 8H8 Cc
+coast 8KY CS
+coat 8Mq Ct
+coating 8PX BV
+coax 8Qs EZ
+cobble 8VF CZ
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+cobra 8Y8 Cf
+cobweb 8bb BB
+cock 8cc Dp
+cockroach 8gF h
+cocoa 8gm Di
+cocoon 8kI Bn
+cod 8lv B8
+code 8nr ED
+codify 8ru C3
+coeducation 75V DQ
+coerce 8ul FX
+coffee 8z8 Dn
+coffer 83j DR
+coffin 860 BK
+cog 87+ CT
+coil 8+R C/
+coin 9BQ Bt
+coincide 9C9 Do
+coke 9Gl 4
+cold 9Hd DO
+coldly 9Kr CO
+coldness 9M5 Cd
+colic 9PW Bp
+collaborate 9Q/ Cp
+collaboration 9To Da
+collapse 9XC DD
+collar 9aF DJ
+colleague 9dO DP
+collect 9gd DY
+collected 9j1 Dn
+collection 9nc Ce
+collective 9p6 DD
+college 9s9 Dk
+collide 9wh C/
+collier 918 CI
+colliery 94E 1
+collision 9zg Cc
+colloquial 945 EP
+collusion 99I Dy
+colon +A6 DS
+colonel +EM Cm
+colonial +LG FQ
+colony +Gy EU
+colossal +QW Cf
+colour +S1 Cz
+colt +Vo CG
+column +Xu Cd
+comb +aL EF
+combat +eQ CI
+combatant +gY CF
+combination +lt Cg
+combine +id DQ
+combustible +oN DT
+come +rg CT
+comedian +xs BW
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+comely +zC BQ
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+comic /Dr C8
+comical /Gn CE
+comity /Ir Cb
+command /LG DH
+commander /ON C0
+commandment /RB C2
+commemorate /T3 D0
+commemoration /Xr Di
+commence /bN Ch
+commencement /du CV
+commend /gD Eo
+commendable /kr Da
+commendation /oF Cn
+comment /qs C9
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+determination BlcU C7
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+detrain Bl1K DA
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+devastate Bl5z E2
+devastation Bl+p CI
+develop BmAx D/
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+dilute BoxS C0
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+gross CwzT CO
+grossly Cw1h B/
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+hearse C3eO /
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+inside DNRi By
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+insist DNjR Dp
+insistence DNpm Cj
+insistent DNm6 Cs
+insolence DNuz B/
+insolent DNsJ Cq
+insomnia DNwy CN
+inspect DNy/ B6
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+inspiration DN/4 CG
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+instigate DOSe C+
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+instinct DOZ2 Ck
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+insufficient DO0m CT
+insular DO25 C0
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+interrogate DRAv EH
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+interrupt DRIu DD
+intersect DRLx DL
+interval DRO8 Bu
+intervene DRQq Cl
+intestine DRTP C/
+intimacy DRcn DC
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+intimately DRal CC
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+intrigue DRyu CS
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+intruder DR+E E+
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+irrigate DT1u B/
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+item DUaq CZ
+its DUSc +
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+jar DV/V Eh
+jargon DWD2 K9
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+keg DYik q
+kennel DYjO B4
+kerb DYlG BV
+kernel DYmb B/
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+kettle DYpD Db
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+kilometre DZBM CM
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+large Db0k Ba
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+last DcFU D+
+last DcLq D+
+lasting DcJS CY
+latch DcPo GV
+late DcV9 CJ
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+latest DcaI 0
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+like Dgqo Dd
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+linear DhVX Bc
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+liner DhWz B7
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+linguist Dhta Cr
+liniment DhwF Bu
+lining Dhxz Cr
+link Dh0e B/
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+liquor DiUF 7
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+literary DipY CW
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+lustre Dmmy CL
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+magneto Dndd Cb
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+magnify Dnh/ D+
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+mammoth Doo6 BL
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+manage Doz0 Dy
+management Do3m CF
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+manger Do9l B/
+mangle Do/k GM
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+massacre DrZ9 Bb
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+mat DyUH Bb
+match DyVi Gb
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+material DyeL CS
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+matter Dy9Y B+
+matteroffact Dy/W Ca
+mattock DzBw CK
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+maul DzJ/ Bl
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+mean Dzwu JY
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+midst DrmR Bd
+midwife Drnu B9
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+mildew Dr9Z CM
+mildly Dr56 Bt
+mildness Dr7n By
+mile Dr/l DI
+militia DsCt B3
+milk DsEk C/
+milkmaid DsHj CE
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+millennium DsS5 B2
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+millinery DsZM CN
+million DsbZ B/
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+mince Dsj3 B8
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+miner Ds24 Ct
+mineral Ds5l BZ
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+miniature Ds/A C+
+minimum DtB+ Cd
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+minister DtHJ Dc
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+minor DtNM BU
+mint DtOg GH
+minus DtUn Cr
+minute DtXS GC
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+minutes DtdU EX
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+mislay DuVR Dx
+mislead DuZC DH
+misplace DucJ Dr
+misprint Duf0 DL
+misrule Dui/ BO
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+missile Duo1 Cc
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+mobilization DvKs Bc
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+mockery DvP4 Br
+mockingly DvO5 /
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+mortal DxLL Bt
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+mostly Dxe2 CZ
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+naturally D7E2 B/
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+nausea D7NA CN
+nauseate D7PN CN
+nautical D7Ra Da
+naval D7U0 Cc
+nave D7XQ DI
+navigable D7aY /
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+nebula D7r0 +
+nebulous D7sy Bp
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+negligible D8Wt Bj
+negotiate D8YQ CU
+negotiation D8ak Ef
+negress D8fD +
+negro D8gB Dq
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+nestling D9Gw ER
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+news D914 BO
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+nineteen D+wS y
+ninety D+xE 7
+ninth D+x/ y
+nip D+yx Bq
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+nobody D/QR B8
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+nominal D/hq Cc
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+nomination D/qb Bp
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+note EA9G CX
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+oath EDIz B2
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+ocular EFj/ By
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+outwards EL/k BE
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+overcome EMlV B/
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+prize ExVk Bv
+prizefight ExXT Bk
+pro ExY3 Ba
+probability ExaR Dm
+probable Exd3 B1
+probably Exfs Bs
+probation ExhY B6
+problem ExjS Ca
+problematic problematical Exls ED
+procedure Expv BM
+proceed Exq7 B7
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+procurable Ex/h DK
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+profile Ey0v Ca
+profit Ey3J Bm
+profitable Ey4v Cj
+profound Ey7S CG
+profundity Ey9Y BT
+profuse Ey+r Cn
+profusely EzBS B/
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+progeny E6mK Bl
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+projectile EzT/ Dx
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+projector EzaB Dt
+prolific Ezdu C2
+prologue Ezgk Cd
+prolong EzjB C/
+prolonged EzmA z
+prominence Ezmz B3
+prominent Ezoq Cl
+promise EzrP CC
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+propriety E1Qh CB
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+providing E2wJ q
+province E2wz CS
+provincial E2zF DU
+provision E22Z CN
+provisional E24m +
+provisionally E25k Cq
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+prudently E3cq /
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+rayon FLVz Cj
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+retrieve FCYj EI
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+ridicule FEha Bs
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+rifle FEnz CF
+rift FEp4 Dr
+rig FEtj FW
+rigging FEy5 EX
+right FE3Q DB
+rightabout FE6R 8
+righteous FE7N B/
+righteously FE9M CN
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+rim FFQx BM
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+rise FFt9 DB
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+rite FF22 CA
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+robbery FGP1 BH
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+roe FGla BK
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+roll FGsm CD
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+romp FG3B DD
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+rook FG93 GH
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+roost FHJQ C6
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+rotundity FHtG q
+rouble FHtw 0
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+roughly FHzY CP
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+roundabout FH36 BW
+roundly FH5Q CP
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+rowdy FIHh B7
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+royally FIR8 B6
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+rub FIYS C6
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+rudeness FI3V Bv
+rudiment FI5E CB
+rudimentary FI7F B+
+ruffian FI9D DD
+ruffle FJAG DD
+rug FJDJ Ca
+rugged FJFj B/
+ruin FJHi CT
+ruinous FJJ1 Cq
+rule FJMf Cb
+ruler FJO6 Cl
+ruling FJRf Cd
+rum FJT8 CD
+rumble FJV/ Be
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+rumour FJaE CF
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+running FJm/ DR
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+sack FaVf FN
+sacrament Faas Cz
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+sacredly FagK p
+sacrifice Fagz Cm
+sacrilege FajZ DJ
+sacrilegious Fami DQ
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+saddle Fauv Dm
+sadly FayV B7
+sadness Fa0Q Bi
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+safekeeping Fa9C t
+safely Fa9v z
+safety Fa+i Cz
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+said FbOU B4
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+sailor FbT3 Bo
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+saintliness FbZi BK
+saintly Fbas Dr
+saith FbeX m
+sake Fbe9 Cb
+salad FbhY CI
+salary Fbjg Bv
+sale Fddf EO
+salesman Fdht 7
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+saleswomen FdmG 3
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+sally FdtB Bp
+salmon Fduq Bo
+saloon FdwS CI
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+salty Fd0l Db
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+salvo FeD6 D3
+same FeHx Ck
+sampan FeKV BR
+sample FeLm EK
+sanctify FePw DP
+sanction FeS/ Fh
+sanctity FeYg C4
+sanctuary FebY Co
+sand FeeA CO
+sandal FegO BZ
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+sandy Fetz Cs
+sane Fewf Cj
+sanely FezC B5
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+sanitary Fe9J Bq
+sanitation Fe+z BJ
+sanity Fe/8 DB
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+sarcasm FfHb Cj
+sarcastic FfJ+ Dq
+sardine FfNo Bc
+sash FfPE EJ
+sat FfTN BY
+sat FfUl BY
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+satchel FfXj Ba
+satellite FfY9 CL
+satiate FfbI Dc
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+satire Ffj3 CZ
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+satisfaction Ffsn DG
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+satisfy FfyS Dn
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+saucy FgIh Ds
+sausage FgMN Dn
+savage FgP0 EP
+save FgUD Ht
+saving Fgbw DF
+saviour Fge1 DA
+savour Fgh1 Ca
+saw FgkP Ca
+sawdust Fgmp y
+sawmill Fgnb +
+say FgoZ CT
+saying Fgqs B1
+scab Fgsh L6
+scabbard Fg4b BA
+scabby Fg5b CQ
+scaffold Fg7r Dz
+scald Fg/e Ci
+scale FhCA Cd
+scalene FhEd 0
+scalp FhFR G1
+scalpel FhMG Fp
+scamp FhRv C+
+scan FhUt DY
+scandal FhYF CI
+scandalize FhaN DH
+scandalous FhdU Cp
+scant Fhf9 B+
+scantily Fhh7 CH
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+scarecrow Fh+a E5
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+scathing FiK1 Ck
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+scattered FiRK Bt
+scenario FiS3 Eo
+scene FiXf DC
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+scent FicR Fy
+sceptic FiiD Cn
+sceptical Fikq Cb
+scepticism FinF DA
+sceptre FiqF CL
+schedule FisQ D/
+scheme FiwP G0
+scholar Fi3D Ca
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+scornfully FkQp CA
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+scotfree FkVJ DN
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+scour FkaU JF
+scourge FkjZ FF
+scout Fkoe GP
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+scrape Fbvf CF
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+screen FcOq EN
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+script Fcvx CY
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+scrutiny FdWe Cz
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+scuffle Fk0e EO
+scull Fk4s HJ
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+scurvy FlMh Ds
+scuttle FlQN KU
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+sear Fl8C EW
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+seaside FmH1 Dy
+season FmLn Ii
+seasonable FmUJ ER
+seasonticket FmYa CF
+seat Fmaf Gg
+seaweed Fmg/ Br
+seaworthy Fmiq DO
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+section FnoG EO
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+sector Fny3 CG
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+security Fn/5 FM
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+seedling FohG FN
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+seldom FpEy B/
+select FpGx Ff
+selection FpMQ Dv
+self FpP/ FY
+self FpVX Ca
+selfish FpXx En
+selfishly FpcY /
+selfishness FpdX 1
+selfservice FpeM Gk
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+semiconscious Fp33 CT
+seminary Fp6K FQ
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+senator FqA/ B2
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+sensibility FqfB Ck
+sensible Fqhl Di
+sensitive FqlH CJ
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+sensualist Fqqs BR
+sensuous Fqr9 E+
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+sentence Fqxa Gv
+sentiment Fq4J Cq
+sentimental Fq6z Ck
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+septic FrYW DN
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+sequence FrmK CM
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+serenity Fru/ Bp
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+servility Fscm BW
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+set Fsf/ K8
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+setting Fsrn Ca
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+settlement Fsyu Dh
+settler Fs2P C2
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+shame FuOU GY
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+shameless FuXY Cx
+shape FuaJ Ek
+shapeless Fuet Dd
+shapely FuiK Cv
+share Fuk5 Dc
+shark FuoV Ce
+sharp Fuqz Fs
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+sharply Fuy9 DJ
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+shield FwJa DO
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+shoddy FxjW ES
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+shogun Fxq4 Bk
+shone Fxsc j
+shook Fxs/ Ct
+shoot Fxvs Hd
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+shorts Fyht Ca
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+shred FzQu CU
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+shudder F0ES DH
+shuffle F0HZ Ei
+shun F0L7 C+
+shunt F0O5 Dm
+shut F0Sf HL
+shutter F0Zq Ck
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+shyness F0qv Bh
+sibsidiary F0sQ Bd
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+sicken F0v+ Dh
+sickle F0zf C/
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+sideline F1C2 Bc
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+sideways F1Fw +
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+sinless F3vn CJ
+sinner F3xw B+
+sinuous F3zu CR
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+sixteen F4qf Cr
+sixth F4tK Bj
+sixty F4ut 3
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+skull F5yT BU
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+skyline F587 DE
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+slant F6sO D2
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+slept F8DZ g
+slew F8D5 BZ
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+smokestack F/VV s
+smoky F/WB Em
+smooth F/an CI
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+sniff GAgk Ch
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+sticky GQG9 +
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+tart GiTS Dt
+tartly GiW/ k
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+temple GkSs CS
+temporal GkU+ BM
+temporary GkWK CI
+temporize GkYS D/
+tempt GkcR Bn
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+ten Gkfq BB
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+thaw GmrR Cv
+the GmuA Cz
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+they GnW5 CR
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+thimble Gnkm DZ
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+thirtieth Gn74 CG
+thirty Gn9+ CA
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+thoroughly GoOJ BX
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+tide Gpv1 Ce
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+tingle Gqhx CR
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+tint Gqo6 CA
+tiny Gqq6 B1
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+titbit GrG7 B0
+title GrIv DH
+titledeed GrL2 Br
+titlepage GrNh CL
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+toothless GsXu BT
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+topheavy Gsde BM
+topic Gseq By
+topmost Gsgc +
+topple Gsha B8
+topsyturvy GsjW BR
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+torment GsmB /
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+tortoise GsyS x
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+toss Gs2I CA
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+tree Gw/M +
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+tremble GxC3 CX
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+vacate G81J C/
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+vaccinate G87u Cz
+vaccination HEDp /
+vaccine G8+h E1
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+variation G+HO DU
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+victim HA9w B0
+victimize HESW Bd
+victor HA/k BI
+victorious HBAs CT
+victory HBC/ CZ
+victual HBFY CK
+view HBHi CI
+viewer HBJq Dy
+vigil HBNc CH
+vigilance HBPj CH
+vigilant HBRq CY
+vigorous HBUC CC
+vigour HBWE CE
+vile HBYI DI
+villa HBbQ CB
+village HBdR i
+villain HBdz DU
+villainous HBhH Bu
+villainy HBi1 CF
+vindicate HBk6 Cj
+vindication HETz Bd
+vindictive HBnd Bs
+vine HBpJ /
+vinegar HBtA BF
+vineyard HBqI C4
+violate HBuF Bj
+violation HBvo CF
+violence HBxt BO
+violent HBy7 CX
+violently HEVQ BT
+violet HB1S Cd
+violin HB3v CW
+violinist HB6F CF
+viper HCW+ Cw
+virgin HCZu e
+virginity HEWj w
+virile HCaM Cj
+virility HCcv By
+virtual HCeh Ba
+virtually HEXT BZ
+virtue HCf7 Bq
+virtuous HChl CH
+virulent HCjs C5
+visibility HB8K C0
+visible HB++ Dy
+vision HCCw Bb
+visionary HCEL Du
+visit HCH5 Ck
+visitor HCKd Bs
+vista HCMJ DS
+visual HCPb Co
+visualize HEYs Bw
+vital HCSD Cq
+vitality HCUt CR
+vitally HCml Cp
+vitamin HCpO BI
+vivacious HCqW CF
+vivacity HEac 1
+vivid HCsb B5
+vividly HCuU B0
+viz HEbR CE
+vocabulary HCwI CL
+vocal HCyT DQ
+vocation HC1j CF
+vogue HC3o CL
+voice HC5z BU
+volatile HC7H Dk
+volcanic HDCI CS
+volcano HC+r Dd
+volt HDEa F3
+voltage HDKR Dl
+volubility HDRU CM
+voluble HDN2 De
+volubly HEdV r
+volume HDTg DK
+voluntarily HEeA Bf
+voluntary HDWq Dk
+volunteer HDaO Cf
+vomit HDct Ca
+voracious HDfH Cz
+voracity HEff 1
+vote HDh6 DW
+voter HDlQ C0
+vouch HDoE Du
+voucher HDry D5
+vouchsafe HDvr CG
+vow HDxx BY
+vowel HDzJ GE
+voyage HD5N Cf
+vulgar HD7s CZ
+vulgarity HEgU t
+vulnerable HD+F E4
+wabble HEkR CU
+wad HEml Hu
+wadding HEuT CR
+wade HEwk B1
+waft HEyZ EV
+wag HE2u DA
+wage HE5u Ck
+wager HE8S BI
+waggon HE9a B6
+wagon HE/U B5
+waif HFBN CV
+wail HFDi B8
+waist HFFe B5
+waistcoat HFHX BL
+wait HFIi CX
+waiter HFK5 BG
+waive HFL/ Ck
+wake HFOj ER
+waken HFS0 Cm
+walk HFVa Cb
+walkover HFX1 CA
+wall HFZ1 Bq
+wallet HFbf Bn
+wallop HFdG B9
+wallow HFfD Ca
+walrus HFhd BX
+wan HFi0 EA
+wan HFm0 EA
+wand HFq0 DC
+wander HFt2 CG
+wanderer HFv8 Cy
+wanderings HFyu 3
+wane HFzl CY
+wanly HF19 Ce
+want HF4b DH
+wanton HF7i B0
+wantonly HF9W CQ
+war HF/m C4
+warble HGCe Cp
+ward HGFH Bn
+warden HGGu DA
+warder HGJu C3
+wardress HGMl Cc
+wardrobe HGPB Ch
+ware HGRi Ec
+warehouse HGV+ C/
+warfare HGY9 BW
+warily HGaT Dv
+warlike HGeC o
+warm HGeq CA
+warmblooded HGgq Cd
+warmhearted HGjH B5
+warmly HGlA CK
+warmth HGnK CK
+warn HGpU D6
+warning HGtO CY
+warp HGvm Dg
+warpath HGzG Co
+warren HG1u CA
+warrior HG3u CM
+warship HG56 CV
+warworn HG8P Bw
+wary HG9/ CG
+wash HHAF C5
+washhand HHC+ B9
+washing HHE7 CD
+washleather HHG+ Cz
+washout HHJx Cv
+washy HHMg DB
+wasp HHPh BX
+wastage HHQ4 CP
+waste HHTH Ct
+wasteful HHV0 DY
+watch HHZM By
+watchful HHa+ CB
+watchman HHc/ Bn
+watchword HHem CI
+water HHgu B5
+watercloset HHin BQ
+watercolour HHj3 CK
+watercourse HHmB k
+waterfall HHml Bo
+waterfront HHoN Bf
+wateringplace HHps CJ
+waterproof HHr1 BC
+watertight HHs3 B3
+watery HHuu CG
+watt HHw0 CG
+wave HHy6 CF
+waver HH0/ Ca
+wavy HH3Z Ep
+wax HH8C 4
+waxwork HH86 0
+way HH9u B1
+wayfarer HH/j B+
+waylay HIBh Cc
+wayside HID9 Bu
+wayward HIFr Dj
+weak HIKc Cv
+weaken HINL CL
+weakling HIPW DT
+weakminded HISp BE
+weakness HITt Bj
+weal HIVQ B5
+weald HIXJ B4
+wealth HIZB Bs
+wealthy HIat CA
+wean HIct DB
+weapon HIfu CZ
+wear HIiH FM
+wearily HInT BX
+weariness HIoq Bh
+wearisome HIqL C4
+weary HItD B6
+weasel HIu9 BO
+weather HIwL CX
+weathercock HIyi t
+weave HIzP DA
+weaver HI2P Ct
+web HI48 F1
+webbed HI+x Bq
+webbing HJAb El
+wed HJFA C2
+wedding HJH2 Bf
+wedge HJJV +
+wednesday HJKT BH
+weed HJLa Ca
+weedy HJN0 B0
+week HJPo C0
+weekday HJSc Bo
+weekend HJUE v
+weekly HJUz D2
+weep HJYp DT
+weft HJb8 Ew
+weigh HJgs DC
+weight HJju Cr
+weighty HJmZ Ct
+weir HJpG FP
+weird HJuV B+
+welcome HJwT Ds
+weld HJz/ D5
+welder HJ34 5
+welfare HJ4x Cj
+well HJ7U Fs
+wellborn HKBA Bh
+wellknown HKCh CM
+welltodo HKEt DI
+welter HKH1 Cb
+wend HKKQ CQ
+went HKMg Z
+west HKM5 CG
+westerly HKO/ EV
+western HKTU Dc
+westernize HKWw FP
+westward HKb/ C9
+wet HKe8 By
+wetting HKgu BO
+whack HKh8 CR
+whale HKkN Jy
+wharf HKt/ C0
+what HKwz Ck
+whatever HKzX Bn
+wheat HK0+ By
+wheaten HK2w Ds
+wheel HK6c CR
+wheelbarrow HK8t Bt
+wheelwright HK+a C6
+when HLBU DX
+whence HLEr D/
+whenever HLIq CK
+where HLK0 CX
+wherefore HLNL Bq
+whereupon HLO1 CO
+wherever HLRD 7
+whether HLR+ B0
+whey HLTy B2
+which HLVo CP
+whichever HLX3 Bx
+whiff HLZo Cu
+while HLcW CQ
+whim HLem C2
+whimper HLhc Cx
+whimsical HLkN CR
+whine HLme CR
+whip HLov Ep
+whipping HLtY CL
+whirl HLvj CU
+whirlpool HLx3 B8
+whirlwind HLzz 5
+whisk HL0s EI
+whisker HL40 Ck
+whisky HL7Y BI
+whisper HL8g Cw
+whistle HL/Q Bz
+white HMBD B2
+whitewash HMC5 Ct
+whither HMFm CF
+whittle HMHr CX
+whiz whizz HMKC CH
+who HMMJ Dx
+whoever HMP6 Bu
+whole HMRo Bs
+wholeheart HMTU BE
+wholesome HMUY Bc
+wholly HMV0 BB
+why HMW1 B3
+wick HMYs BC
+wicked HMZu CG
+wickedly HMb0 s
+wickedness HMcg Bf
+wickerwork HMd/ BK
+wicket HMfJ DP
+wicketkeep HMiY B8
+wide HMkU CL
+widely HMmf BE
+widen HMnj C8
+widespread HMqf BX
+widow HMr2 C4
+widower HMuu C6
+width HMxo Bq
+wield HMzS Ch
+wife HM1z z
+wig HM2m Bz
+wild HM4Z DM
+wilderness HM7l D7
+wildfire HM/g p
+wildly HNAJ CC
+wildness HNCL CK
+wile HNEV CR
+wilful HNGm Dj
+wilfully HNKJ CE
+will HNMN JI
+willing HNVV CQ
+willingly HNXl CS
+willingness HNZ3 CD
+wilt HNb6 DV
+wily HNfP Bl
+win HNg0 DX
+winch HNkL Ev
+wind HNo6 D1
+windfall HNsv CL
+windinstrument HNu6 BD
+windlass HNv9 Bk
+windmill HNxh 8
+window HEic B1
+windpipe HNyd t
+windscreen HNzK Cr
+windy HN11 Bw
+wine HN3l Cp
+wing HN6O EV
+wink HN+j DT
+winner HOB2 Be
+winning HODU B0
+winnings HOFI BP
+winnow HOGX Bx
+winsome HOII BU
+winter HOJc EJ
+wintry HONl Ck
+wipe HOQJ Cj
+wire HOSs DX
+wireless HOWD CC
+wisdom HOYF Bk
+wise HOZp BI
+wisely HOax Bt
+wish HOce CK
+wisp HOeo CK
+wistful HOgy B9
+wistfully HOiv w
+wit HOjf Ds
+witch HOnL CN
+witchcraft HOpY B4
+witchdoctor HOrQ Bf
+witchery HOsv Dg
+with HOwP B5
+withdraw HOyI DL
+withdrawal HO1T Dc
+wither HO4v B2
+withhold HO6l C0
+within HO9Z Bw
+without HO/J Cf
+withstand HPBo CR
+witness HPD5 Cu
+wittily HPGn BI
+wittingly HPHv Ec
+witty HPML CN
+wizard HPOY Bz
+wobble HPQL CY
+wobbly HPSj Bh
+woe HPUE By
+woeful HPV2 B2
+woke HPXs BL
+wolf HPY3 Dp
+woman HPcg Bg
+womanhood HPeA B2
+womb HPf2 Bx
+won HPhn CC
+wonder HPjp Bt
+wonderful HPlW B/
+wont HPnV 2
+woo HPoL EV
+wood HPsg BN
+wooden HPtt CR
+woodland HPv+ Es
+woodwork HP0q m
+woody HP1Q B5
+woof HP3J B7
+wool HP5E CW
+woollen HP7a Ce
+woolly HP94 By
+word HP/q CK
+wording HQB0 Br
+work HQDf CN
+workable HQFs CB
+workbag HQHt BB
+worker HQIu C1
+workman HQLj BR
+workmanship HQM0 Ck
+workshop HQPY CY
+world HQRw Bx
+worldly HQTh B0
+worm HQVV Bb
+worn HQWw DU
+worry HQaE CB
+worse HQcF Cc
+worsen HQeh DD
+worship HQhk B3
+worst HQjb Cx
+worth HQmM BL
+worthily HQnX By
+worthless HQpJ CI
+worthwhile HQrR C0
+worthy HQuF Bn
+would HQvs Dc
+wound HQzI Ey
+wove woven HQ36 Bp
+wrangle HQ5j Cq
+wrap HQ8N CD
+wrapper HQ+Q Cx
+wrapping HRBB Bl
+wrath HRCm B1
+wrathful HREb B7
+wreath HRGW Bq
+wreck HRIA B1
+wreckage HRJ1 DZ
+wrecked HRNO BQ
+wrench HROe E8
+wrest HRTa Dr
+wrestle HRXF D2
+wrestler HRa7 DC
+wretch HRd9 Bk
+wretched HRfh Co
+wriggle HRiJ CE
+wring HRkN DO
+wrinkle HRnb CT
+wrist HRpu Bp
+wristlet HRrX H5
+write HRzQ Cb
+writer HR1r Cu
+writhe HR4Z CV
+writing HR6u B0
+wrong HR8i Cq
+wrongdoing HR/M BU
+wrongful HSAg Bh
+wrongfully HSCB r
+wrongly HSCs BL
+wrote HSD3 CQ
+wrought HSGH Do
+wrung HSJv Bv
+xenon HSLe Bw
+xray HSNO Cx
+yacht HSP/ C/
+yard HSS+ B8
+yarn HSU6 Cq
+yawn HSXk Cq
+year HSaO Cr
+yearly HSc5 CI
+yearn HSfB By
+yearning HSgz BP
+yearningly HSiC CD
+yeast HSkF Cq
+yell HSmv CB
+yellow HSow Cc
+yelp HSrM Ce
+yes HStq CS
+yesterday HSv8 Bq
+yet HSxm B7
+yield HSzh C2
+yoke HS2X D3
+yolk HS6O Dd
+yonder HS9r Ci
+you HTAN C3
+young HTDE Cu
+youngster HTFy D+
+your HTJw CL
+yours HTL7 Cd
+yourself yourselves HTS7 Cx
+youth HTOY Bd
+youthful HTP1 DG
+zeal HTVs Cu
+zealous HTYa CD
+zebra HTad BW
+zenith HTbz Cy
+zero HTel Bl
+zest HTgK CR
+zigzag HTib B1
+zone HTkQ Bn
+zoo HTl3 E6
+zoological HTtP B4
+zoology HTqx Ce
diff --git a/bots/ b/bots/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6214de6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bots/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# A Jabber buddy bot which provide eng-hin dictionary lookup service
+# Copyright (c) 2009
+# Santhosh Thottingal <>
+# Sarath Lakshman <>
+# Ragsagar <>
+# Swathanthra Malayalam Computing(
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+import xmpp
+from xmpp.protocol import *
+import os
+import commands
+from dictdlib import DictDB
+options = {
+ 'JID': '',
+ 'Password': 'eng.hin.', #This is fake password.
+class ConnectionError: pass
+class AuthorizationError: pass
+class NotImplemented: pass
+class Bot:
+ """ The main bot class. """
+ def __init__(self, JID, Password):
+ """ Create a new bot. Connect to the server and log in. """
+ # connect...
+ jid = xmpp.JID(JID)
+ self.connection = xmpp.Client(jid.getDomain(), debug=[])
+ result = self.connection.connect()
+ if result is None:
+ raise ConnectionError
+ # authorize
+ result = self.connection.auth(jid.getNode(), Password)
+ if result is None:
+ raise AuthorizationError
+ self.connection.RegisterHandler('presence',self.presenceHandler)
+ self.connection.RegisterHandler('message',self.messageHandler)
+ # ...become available
+ self.connection.sendInitPresence()
+ # presence
+ #self.connection.sendInitPresence(requestRoster=0)
+ def loop(self):
+ """ Do nothing except handling new xmpp stanzas. """
+ try:
+ while self.connection.Process(1):
+ pass
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ pass
+ def messageHandler(self, conn,message_node):
+ word = message_node.getBody()
+ if word :
+ output = self.getdef(word)
+ conn.send( xmpp.Message( message_node.getFrom() ,output))
+ raise NodeProcessed # This stanza is fully processed
+ def getdef(self, word):
+ en_ml_db = None
+ try:
+ #search the dictionary in same directory of program
+ en_ml_db = DictDB("freedict-eng-mal")
+ except:
+ #retry in standard directory of dictd
+ en_ml_db = DictDB("dictionaries/freedict-eng-hin")
+ if en_ml_db == None:
+ return "[FATAL ERROR] Dictionary not found."
+ try:
+ return en_ml_db.getdef(word)[0]
+ except:
+ return "No definitions found"
+ def presenceHandler(self, conn, presence):
+ '''Auto authorizing chat invites'''
+ if presence:
+ if presence.getType() == 'subscribe':
+ jabber_id = presence.getFrom().getStripped()
+ self.connection.getRoster().Authorize(jabber_id)
+bot = Bot(**options)
diff --git a/bots/ b/bots/
index cc11209..844fe29 100755
--- a/bots/
+++ b/bots/
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# A Jabbe buddy bot which provide eng-mal dictionary lookup service
+# A Jabber buddy bot which provide eng-mal dictionary lookup service
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Santhosh Thottingal <>
+# Copyright (c) 2009
+# Santhosh Thottingal <>
+# Sarath Lakshman <>
+# Ragsagar <>
+# Swathanthra Malayalam Computing(
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -19,54 +21,15 @@
import xmpp
from xmpp.protocol import *
-from xmpp.roster import *
import os
+import commands
+from dictdlib import DictDB
options = {
'JID': '',
- 'Password': 'രഹസ്യം(പറയൂല!) !',
+ 'Password': 'eng.mal.', #This is fake password.
-def presenceHandler(conn,presence_node):
- """ Handler for playing a sound when particular contact became online """
- targetJID=''
- print presence_node.getFrom()
- if presence_node.getFrom().bareMatch(targetJID):
- # play a sound
- pass
-def iqHandler(conn,iq_node):
- """ Handler for processing some "get" query from custom namespace"""
- reply=iq_node.buildReply('result')
- # ... put some content into reply node
- conn.send(reply)
- raise NodeProcessed # This stanza is fully processed
-def messageHandler(conn,message):
- user = message.getFrom()
- text = message.getBody()
- if(text):
- if " " in text:
- command, args = text.split(" ", 1)
- else:
- command, text = text, ""
- command = command.upper()
- #ഇതു വര്‍ക്കു ചെയ്യുന്നില്ല! :(
- if command == "SUBSCRIBE":
- rost=Roster().PlugIn(conn)
- rost=Roster.getRoster()
- ros.Authorize(user)
- reply = "Authorized."
- conn.send(reply)
- raise NodeProcessed # This stanza is fully processed
- else:
- command = "dict --database dict-en-ml '" + message.getBody() +"'"
- stdin, stdout = os.popen2(command)
- # ... put some content into reply node
- conn.send( xmpp.Message( user,
- stdout.close()
- raise NodeProcessed # This stanza is fully processed
class ConnectionError: pass
class AuthorizationError: pass
class NotImplemented: pass
@@ -79,9 +42,9 @@ class Bot:
# connect...
jid = xmpp.JID(JID)
- self.connection = xmpp.Client(jid.getDomain(), debug=['always', 'browser', 'testcommand'])
+ self.connection = xmpp.Client(jid.getDomain(), debug=[])
result = self.connection.connect()
if result is None:
raise ConnectionError
@@ -91,13 +54,12 @@ class Bot:
if result is None:
raise AuthorizationError
- self.connection.RegisterHandler('presence',presenceHandler)
- self.connection.RegisterHandler('iq',iqHandler)
- self.connection.RegisterHandler('message',messageHandler)
+ self.connection.RegisterHandler('presence',self.presenceHandler)
+ self.connection.RegisterHandler('message',self.messageHandler)
# ...become available
# presence
- self.connection.sendInitPresence(requestRoster=0)
+ #self.connection.sendInitPresence(requestRoster=0)
def loop(self):
""" Do nothing except handling new xmpp stanzas. """
@@ -106,7 +68,37 @@ class Bot:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ def messageHandler(self, conn,message_node):
+ word = message_node.getBody()
+ if word :
+ output = self.getdef(word)
+ conn.send( xmpp.Message( message_node.getFrom() ,output))
+ raise NodeProcessed # This stanza is fully processed
+ def getdef(self, word):
+ en_ml_db = None
+ try:
+ #search the dictionary in same directory of program
+ en_ml_db = DictDB("freedict-eng-mal")
+ except:
+ #retry in standard directory of dictd
+ en_ml_db = DictDB("/usr/share/dictd/freedict-eng-mal")
+ if en_ml_db == None:
+ return "[FATAL ERROR] Dictionary not found."
+ try:
+ return en_ml_db.getdef(word)[0]
+ except:
+ return "No definitions found"
+ def presenceHandler(self, conn, presence):
+ '''Auto authorizing chat invites'''
+ if presence:
+ if presence.getType() == 'subscribe':
+ jabber_id = presence.getFrom().getStripped()
+ self.connection.getRoster().Authorize(jabber_id)
bot = Bot(**options)
diff --git a/bots/ b/bots/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..772a5ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bots/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import socket
+import sys
+import datetime
+import time
+#get stuff from command line
+network = sys.argv[1]
+port = 6667
+nick = sys.argv[2]
+channel = sys.argv[3]
+#setup socket and connect to network
+sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+#send nick, user info to network
+sock.send('NICK ' + nick + '\r\n')
+sock.send('USER ' + nick + ' ' + nick + ' '+ nick + ' :' + 'localhost\r\n')
+#join channel
+sock.send('JOIN ' + channel + '\r\n')
+currentdate = str(
+filename = currentdate + '-' + channel + '.log'
+#Loop to keep listening
+while True:
+ data = sock.recv(5120)
+ #check current date and if changed open new file
+ if currentdate != str(
+ #close existing log
+ logfile.close()
+ #update filename
+ currentdate = str(;
+ filename = currentdate + '-' + channel + '.log'
+ #open new log
+ logfile = open(filename ,'a')
+ #check for PING from server and reply with PONG if found
+ if data.find('PING')!=-1 :
+ sock.send('PONG ' + data.split()[1] + '\r\n')
+ if data.find('PRIVMSG ' + channel) != -1:
+ logfile = open(filename,'a')
+ speaker = data.split('!')[0].replace(':','')
+ message = ''.join(data.split(':')[2:])
+ logfile.write('<' + str(time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime())) + '> ' + speaker + ' : ' + message)
+ logfile.close() \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/collation/iso14651_t1_common b/collation/iso14651_t1_common
index 7926a56..c1e23b4 100644
--- a/collation/iso14651_t1_common
+++ b/collation/iso14651_t1_common
@@ -62,7 +62,12 @@ script <ARMENIAN>
script <GEORGIAN>
script <GUJARATI>
+script <TELUGU>
+script <GURUMUKHI>
+script <KANNADA>
+script <SINHALA>
script <MALAYALAM>
+script <TAMIL>
# Déclaration des symboles internes / Declaration of internal symbols
@@ -653,10 +658,262 @@ collating-symbol <gvd-chandrabindu>
collating-symbol <gvd-visarg>
collating-symbol <g-halant>
+# tvd - denotes Telugu vowel modifier
+# tm - denotes Telugu matras
+# tvw - denotes Telugu vowels
+# defining symbols
+collating-symbol <tummu>
+collating-symbol <tvw-a>
+collating-symbol <tvw-aa>
+collating-symbol <tvw-i>
+collating-symbol <tvw-ii>
+collating-symbol <tvw-u>
+collating-symbol <tvw-uu>
+collating-symbol <tvw-vocalicr>
+collating-symbol <tvw-vocalicrr>
+collating-symbol <tvw-vocalicl>
+collating-symbol <tvw-vocalicll>
+collating-symbol <tvw-candrae>
+collating-symbol <tvw-shorte>
+collating-symbol <tvw-e>
+collating-symbol <tvw-ai>
+collating-symbol <tvw-shorto>
+collating-symbol <tvw-o>
+collating-symbol <tvw-au>
+collating-symbol <t-ka>
+collating-symbol <t-kha>
+collating-symbol <t-ga>
+collating-symbol <t-gga>
+collating-symbol <t-gha>
+collating-symbol <t-nga>
+collating-symbol <t-ca>
+collating-symbol <t-tsa>
+collating-symbol <t-cha>
+collating-symbol <t-ja>
+collating-symbol <t-dza>
+collating-symbol <t-jja>
+collating-symbol <t-jha>
+collating-symbol <t-nya>
+collating-symbol <t-tta>
+collating-symbol <t-ttha>
+collating-symbol <t-dda>
+collating-symbol <t-ddda>
+collating-symbol <t-ddha>
+collating-symbol <t-nna>
+collating-symbol <t-ta>
+collating-symbol <t-tha>
+collating-symbol <t-da>
+collating-symbol <t-dha>
+collating-symbol <t-na>
+collating-symbol <t-pa>
+collating-symbol <t-pha>
+collating-symbol <t-ba>
+collating-symbol <t-bba>
+collating-symbol <t-bha>
+collating-symbol <t-ma>
+collating-symbol <t-ya>
+collating-symbol <t-ra>
+collating-symbol <t-rra>
+collating-symbol <t-la>
+collating-symbol <t-lla>
+collating-symbol <t-va>
+collating-symbol <t-sha>
+collating-symbol <t-ssa>
+collating-symbol <t-sa>
+collating-symbol <t-ha>
+collating-symbol <t-avagrah>
+collating-symbol <tm-aa>
+collating-symbol <tm-i>
+collating-symbol <tm-ii>
+collating-symbol <tm-u>
+collating-symbol <tm-uu>
+collating-symbol <tm-vocalicr>
+collating-symbol <tm-vocalicrr>
+collating-symbol <tm-vocalicl>
+collating-symbol <tm-vocalicll>
+collating-symbol <tm-shorte>
+collating-symbol <tm-e>
+collating-symbol <tm-ai>
+collating-symbol <tm-shorto>
+collating-symbol <tm-o>
+collating-symbol <tm-au>
+collating-symbol <tvd-chandrabindu>
+collating-symbol <tvd-anuswara>
+collating-symbol <tvd-visarg>
+collating-symbol <t-halant>
+collating-symbol <t-lenghtmark>
+collating-symbol <t-ailenghtmark>
+# pm - denotes panjabi matras
+# pvw - panjabi denotes vowels
+# pavd - denotes panjabi vowel modifier
+# PNKT - Punjabi Nukta
+# defning symbols
+collating-symbol <PNKT>
+collating-symbol <adi-shakti>
+collating-symbol <onkar>
+collating-symbol <ura>
+collating-symbol <pavw-u>
+collating-symbol <pavw-uu>
+collating-symbol <pavw-o>
+collating-symbol <pavw-a>
+collating-symbol <pavw-aa>
+collating-symbol <pavw-ai>
+collating-symbol <pavw-au>
+collating-symbol <iri>
+collating-symbol <pavw-i>
+collating-symbol <pavw-ii>
+collating-symbol <pavw-e>
+collating-symbol <pa-sa>
+collating-symbol <pa-ha>
+collating-symbol <pa-udatta>
+collating-symbol <pa-ka>
+collating-symbol <pa-kha>
+collating-symbol <pa-ga>
+collating-symbol <pa-gha>
+collating-symbol <pa-nga>
+collating-symbol <pa-ca>
+collating-symbol <pa-cha>
+collating-symbol <pa-ja>
+collating-symbol <pa-jha>
+collating-symbol <pa-nya>
+collating-symbol <pa-tta>
+collating-symbol <pa-ttha>
+collating-symbol <pa-dda>
+collating-symbol <pa-ddha>
+collating-symbol <pa-nna>
+collating-symbol <pa-ta>
+collating-symbol <pa-tha>
+collating-symbol <pa-da>
+collating-symbol <pa-dha>
+collating-symbol <pa-na>
+collating-symbol <pa-pa>
+collating-symbol <pa-pha>
+collating-symbol <pa-ba>
+collating-symbol <pa-bha>
+collating-symbol <pa-ma>
+collating-symbol <pa-ya>
+collating-symbol <sign-yakash>
+collating-symbol <pa-ra>
+collating-symbol <pa-la>
+collating-symbol <pa-va>
+collating-symbol <pa-rra>
+collating-symbol <pam-aa>
+collating-symbol <pam-i>
+collating-symbol <pam-ii>
+collating-symbol <pam-u>
+collating-symbol <pam-uu>
+collating-symbol <pam-e>
+collating-symbol <pam-ai>
+collating-symbol <pam-o>
+collating-symbol <pam-au>
+collating-symbol <pavd-adakbindi>
+collating-symbol <pavd-bindi>
+collating-symbol <pavd-visarg>
+collating-symbol <tippi>
+collating-symbol <adak>
+collating-symbol <pa-halant>
+# kvd- denotes vowel modifier
+# km- denotes matras
+# kvw- denotes vowels
+# <KNKT> denotes Nukta characters
+collating-element <kn-sign_ii> from "<U0CBF><U0CD5>"
+collating-element <kn-sign_e> from "<U0CC6><U0CD5>"
+collating-element <kn-sign_o> from "<U0CC6><U0CC2><U0CD5>"
+collating-element <kn-sign1_o> from "<U0CCA><U0CD5>"
+collating-element <kn-sign_shorto> from "<U0CC6><U0CC2>"
+collating-element <kn-sign_ai> from "<U0CC6><U0CD6>"
+# defning symbols
+collating-symbol <sign-jihvamuliya>
+collating-symbol <sign-upadhmaniya>
+collating-symbol <KNKT>
+collating-symbol <kvw-a>
+collating-symbol <kvw-aa>
+collating-symbol <kvw-i>
+collating-symbol <kvw-ii>
+collating-symbol <kvw-u>
+collating-symbol <kvw-uu>
+collating-symbol <kvw-vocalicr>
+collating-symbol <kvw-vocalicrr>
+collating-symbol <kvw-vocalicl>
+collating-symbol <kvw-vocalicll>
+collating-symbol <kvw-shorte>
+collating-symbol <kvw-e>
+collating-symbol <kvw-ai>
+collating-symbol <kvw-shorto>
+collating-symbol <kvw-o>
+collating-symbol <kvw-au>
+collating-symbol <k-ka>
+collating-symbol <k-kha>
+collating-symbol <k-ga>
+collating-symbol <k-gha>
+collating-symbol <k-nga>
+collating-symbol <k-ca>
+collating-symbol <k-cha>
+collating-symbol <k-ja>
+collating-symbol <k-jha>
+collating-symbol <k-nya>
+collating-symbol <k-tta>
+collating-symbol <k-ttha>
+collating-symbol <k-dda>
+collating-symbol <k-ddha>
+collating-symbol <k-nna>
+collating-symbol <k-ta>
+collating-symbol <k-tha>
+collating-symbol <k-da>
+collating-symbol <k-dha>
+collating-symbol <k-na>
+collating-symbol <k-pa>
+collating-symbol <k-pha>
+collating-symbol <k-ba>
+collating-symbol <k-bha>
+collating-symbol <k-ma>
+collating-symbol <k-ya>
+collating-symbol <k-ra>
+collating-symbol <k-rra>
+collating-symbol <k-la>
+collating-symbol <k-va>
+collating-symbol <k-sha>
+collating-symbol <k-ssa>
+collating-symbol <k-sa>
+collating-symbol <k-ha>
+collating-symbol <k-lla>
+collating-symbol <k-fa>
+collating-symbol <k-avagrah>
+collating-symbol <km-aa>
+collating-symbol <km-i>
+collating-symbol <km-ii>
+collating-symbol <km-u>
+collating-symbol <km-uu>
+collating-symbol <km-vocalicr>
+collating-symbol <km-vocalicrr>
+collating-symbol <km-vocalicl>
+collating-symbol <km-vocalicll>
+collating-symbol <km-shorte>
+collating-symbol <km-e>
+collating-symbol <km-ai>
+collating-symbol <km-shorto>
+collating-symbol <km-o>
+collating-symbol <km-au>
+collating-symbol <kvd-anuswara>
+collating-symbol <kvd-visarg>
+collating-symbol <k-halant>
+collating-symbol <k-lenght_mark>
+collating-symbol <k-ai_lenght_mark>
-# Author: Santhosh Thottingal<>,
-# Swathanthra Malayalam computing<>
# mlvs- denotes Malayalam vowel sign
# mlvw- denotes Malayalam vowel
# ml-visarga - dentos Malayalam Visarga
@@ -778,17 +1035,70 @@ collating-symbol <mlvs-o>
collating-symbol <mlvs-au>
collating-symbol <ml-visarga>
collating-symbol <ml-virama>
+collating-symbol <ml-atomic-chillu-n>
+# <TAMIL>
+collating-element <ta_split_o> from "<U0BC6><U0BBE>"
+collating-element <ta_split_oo> from "<U0BC7><U0BBE>"
+collating-element <ta_split_au> from "<U0BC6><U0BD7>"
+collating-element <tagl_KSHA> from "<U0B95><U0BCD><U0BB7>"
+collating-element <tagl_SHRI> from "<U0BB8><U0BCD><U0BB0><U0BC0>"
+# defning symbols
+collating-symbol <ta-pulli> #virama
+collating-symbol <tavw-a>
+collating-symbol <tavw-aa>
+collating-symbol <tavw-i>
+collating-symbol <tavw-ii>
+collating-symbol <tavw-u>
+collating-symbol <tavw-uu>
+collating-symbol <tavw-e>
+collating-symbol <tavw-ee>
+collating-symbol <tavw-ai>
+collating-symbol <tavw-o>
+collating-symbol <tavw-oo>
+collating-symbol <tavw-au>
+collating-symbol <ta-aytham> #visarga
+collating-symbol <ta-ka>
+collating-symbol <ta-nga>
+collating-symbol <ta-cha>
+collating-symbol <ta-nya>
+collating-symbol <ta-ta>
+collating-symbol <ta-nnna>
+collating-symbol <ta-tha>
+collating-symbol <ta-na>
+collating-symbol <ta-pa>
+collating-symbol <ta-ma>
+collating-symbol <ta-ya>
+collating-symbol <ta-ra>
+collating-symbol <ta-la>
+collating-symbol <ta-va>
+collating-symbol <ta-zha>
+collating-symbol <ta-lla>
+collating-symbol <ta-rra>
+collating-symbol <ta-nna>
+collating-symbol <ta-ja>
+collating-symbol <ta-sha>
+collating-symbol <ta-ssa>
+collating-symbol <ta-sa>
+collating-symbol <ta-ha>
+collating-symbol <tavs-aa>
+collating-symbol <tavs-i>
+collating-symbol <tavs-ii>
+collating-symbol <tavs-u>
+collating-symbol <tavs-uu>
+collating-symbol <tavs-e>
+collating-symbol <tavs-ee>
+collating-symbol <tavs-ai>
+collating-symbol <tavs-o>
+collating-symbol <tavs-oo>
+collating-symbol <tavs-au>
# Ordre des symboles internes / Order of internal symbols
# SYMB. N°
# forme de base (bas de casse, arabe intrinsèque,
# hébreu intrinsèque, etc.
# basic form (lower case, intrinsic Arabic
@@ -807,21 +1117,14 @@ endif
<AME> # medial/m<e'>dian
# 6
-<ICA> # 7
-<ECA> # 8
-<AMI> # 9
-<MIN> # 10
-<IMI> # 11
-<EMI> # 12
<IMI> # 7
<EMI> # 8
<CAP> # 9
<ICA> # 10
<ECA> # 11
-<AMI> # 12 alternate lower case
+#alternate lower case/
+# 12
#minuscules spéciales après majuscules
@@ -1344,12 +1647,12 @@ endif
@@ -1375,10 +1678,247 @@ endif
+# collation weights in order
# collation weights in order
+# collation weights in order
+# collation weights in order
@@ -1416,6 +1956,7 @@ endif
@@ -1453,6 +1994,58 @@ endif
+# collation weights in order
+<ta-pulli> #virama
+<ta-aytham> #visarga
order_start <SPECIAL>;forward;backward;forward;forward,position
# Tout caractère non précisément défini sera considéré comme caractère spécial
@@ -2287,11 +2880,11 @@ endif
<U0160> <s>;<CAR>;<CAP>;IGNORE # 742 <S<>
<U015E> <s>;<CDI>;<CAP>;IGNORE # 743 <S,>
<U0218> <s>;<CDI>;<CAP>;IGNORE # 744 Ș
-<U1E60> <r>;<PCT>;<CAP>;IGNORE # 745 Ṡ
-<U1E62> <r>;<BPT>;<CAP>;IGNORE # 746 Ṣ
-<U1E64> <r>;<ACA>;<CAP>;<PCT> # 747 Ṥ
-<U1E66> <r>;<CAR>;<CAP>;<PCT> # 748 Ṧ
-<U1E68> <r>;<BPT>;<CAP>;<PCT> # 749 Ṩ
+<U1E60> <s>;<PCT>;<CAP>;IGNORE # 745 Ṡ
+<U1E62> <s>;<BPT>;<CAP>;IGNORE # 746 Ṣ
+<U1E64> <s>;<ACA>;<CAP>;<PCT> # 747 Ṥ
+<U1E66> <s>;<CAR>;<CAP>;<PCT> # 748 Ṧ
+<U1E68> <s>;<BPT>;<CAP>;<PCT> # 749 Ṩ
<U0054> <t>;<BAS>;<CAP>;IGNORE # 750 T
<U0164> <t>;<CAR>;<CAP>;IGNORE # 751 <T<>
<U0166> <t>;<OBL>;<CAP>;IGNORE # 752 <T//>
@@ -3219,7 +3812,6 @@ order_start <GEORGIAN>;forward;forward;forward;forward,position
order_start <DEVANAGARI>;forward;forward;forward;forward,position
<U0970> <dv-abbrevation>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
<U0966> <0>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
@@ -3386,12 +3978,12 @@ order_start <GUJARATI>;forward;forward;forward;forward,position
<U0AAF> <g-ya>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
<U0AB0> <g-ra>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
<U0AB2> <g-la>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
-<U0AB3> <g-lla>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
<U0AB5> <g-va>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
<U0AB6> <g-sha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
<U0AB7> <g-ssa>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
<U0AB8> <g-sa>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
-<U0AB9> <g-ha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0AB9> <g-ha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0AB3> <g-lla>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
<gu-ksha> <g-ksha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
<gu-dnya> <g-dnya>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
<gu-shra> <g-shra>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
@@ -3418,6 +4010,359 @@ order_start <GUJARATI>;forward;forward;forward;forward,position
<U0ACD> <g-halant>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+order_start <TELUGU>;forward;forward;forward;forward,position
+<U0C66> <0>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0C78> <0>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0C67> <1>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0C79> <1>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0C7C> <1>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0C68> <2>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0C7A> <2>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0C7D> <2>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0C69> <3>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0C7B> <3>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0C7E> <3>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0C6A> <4>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0C6B> <5>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0C6C> <6>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0C6D> <7>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0C6E> <8>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0C6F> <9>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0C7F> <tummu> ;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C05> <tvw-a> ;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C06> <tvw-aa> ;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C07> <tvw-i> ;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C08> <tvw-ii> ;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C09> <tvw-u> ;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C0A> <tvw-uu>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C0B> <tvw-vocalicr>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C60> <tvw-vocalicrr>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C0C> <tvw-vocalicl>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C61> <tvw-vocalicll>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C0E> <tvw-shorte>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C0F> <tvw-e>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C10> <tvw-ai>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C12> <tvw-shorto>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C13> <tvw-o>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C14> <tvw-au>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C15> <t-ka>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C16> <t-kha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C17> <t-ga>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C18> <t-gha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C19> <t-nga>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C1A> <t-ca>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C58> <t-tsa>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C1B> <t-cha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C1C> <t-ja>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C59> <t-dza>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C1D> <t-jha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C1E> <t-nya>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C1F> <t-tta>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C20> <t-ttha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C21> <t-dda>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C22> <t-ddha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C23> <t-nna>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C24> <t-ta>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C25> <t-tha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C26> <t-da>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C27> <t-dha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C28> <t-na>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C2A> <t-pa>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C2B> <t-pha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C2C> <t-ba>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C2D> <t-bha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C2E> <t-ma>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C2F> <t-ya>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C30> <t-ra>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C31> <t-rra>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C32> <t-la>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C33> <t-lla>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C35> <t-va>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C36> <t-sha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C37> <t-ssa>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C38> <t-sa>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C39> <t-ha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C3D> <t-avagrah>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C3E> <tm-aa>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C3F> <tm-i>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C40> <tm-ii>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C41> <tm-u>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C42> <tm-uu>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C43> <tm-vocalicr>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C44> <tm-vocalicrr>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C62> <tm-vocalicl>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C63> <tm-vocalicll>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C46> <tm-shorte>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C47> <tm-e>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C48> <tm-ai>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C4A> <tm-shorto>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C4B> <tm-o>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C4C> <tm-au>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C01> <tvd-chandrabindu>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C02> <tvd-anuswara>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C03> <tvd-visarg>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C4D> <t-halant>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C55> <t-lenghtmark>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C56> <t-ailenghtmark>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+order_start <GURUMUKHI>;forward;forward;forward;forward,position
+<U0A66> <0>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0A67> <1>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0A68> <2>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0A69> <3>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0A6A> <4>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0A6B> <5>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0A6C> <6>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0A6D> <7>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0A6E> <8>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0A6F> <9>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U262c> <adi-shakti>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A74> <onkar>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A73> <ura>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A09> <pavw-u> ;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A0A> <pavw-uu>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A13> <pavw-o>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A05> <pavw-a> ;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A06> <pavw-aa> ;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A10> <pavw-ai>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A14> <pavw-au>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A72> <iri>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A07> <pavw-i> ;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A08> <pavw-ii> ;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A0F> <pavw-e>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A38> <pa-sa>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A36> <pa-sa>;"<BAS><PNKT>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0A39> <pa-ha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A51> <pa-udatta>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A15> <pa-ka>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A16> <pa-kha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A59> <pa-kha>;"<BAS><PNKT>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0A17> <pa-ga>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A5A> <pa-ga>;"<BAS><PNKT>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0A18> <pa-gha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A19> <pa-nga>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A1A> <pa-ca>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A1B> <pa-cha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A1C> <pa-ja>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A5B> <pa-ja>;"<BAS><PNKT>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0A1D> <pa-jha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A1E> <pa-nya>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A1F> <pa-tta>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A20> <pa-ttha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A21> <pa-dda>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A22> <pa-ddha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A23> <pa-nna>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A24> <pa-ta>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A25> <pa-tha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A26> <pa-da>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A27> <pa-dha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A28> <pa-na>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A2A> <pa-pa>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A2B> <pa-pha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A5E> <pa-pha>;"<BAS><PNKT>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0A2C> <pa-ba>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A2D> <pa-bha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A2E> <pa-ma>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A2F> <pa-ya>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A75> <sign-yakash>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A30> <pa-ra>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A32> <pa-la>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A33> <pa-la>;"<BAS><PNKT>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0A35> <pa-va>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A5C> <pa-rra>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A3E> <pam-aa>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A3F> <pam-i>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A40> <pam-ii>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A41> <pam-u>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A42> <pam-uu>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A47> <pam-e>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A48> <pam-ai>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A4B> <pam-o>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A4C> <pam-au>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A01> <pavd-adakbindi>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A02> <pavd-bindi>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A03> <pavd-visarg>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A70> <tippi>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A4D> <pa-halant>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0A71> IGNORE;<adak>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+order_start <KANNADA>;forward;forward;forward;forward,position
+<U0CE6> <0>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0CE7> <1>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0CE8> <2>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0CE9> <3>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0CEA> <4>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0CEB> <5>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0CEC> <6>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0CED> <7>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0CEE> <8>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0CEF> <9>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0CF1> <sign-jihvamuliya>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CF2> <sign-upadhmaniya>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C85> <kvw-a>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C86> <kvw-aa>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C87> <kvw-i>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C88> <kvw-ii>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C89> <kvw-u>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C8A> <kvw-uu>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C8B> <kvw-vocalicr>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CE0> <kvw-vocalicrr>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C8C> <kvw-vocalicl>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CE1> <kvw-vocalicll>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C8E> <kvw-shorte>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C8F> <kvw-e>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C90> <kvw-ai>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C92> <kvw-shorto>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C93> <kvw-o>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C94> <kvw-au>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C95> <k-ka>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C96> <k-kha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C97> <k-ga>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C98> <k-gha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C99> <k-nga>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C9A> <k-ca>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C9B> <k-cha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C9C> <k-ja>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C9D> <k-jha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C9E> <k-nya>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C9F> <k-tta>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CA0> <k-ttha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CA1> <k-dda>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CA2> <k-ddha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CA3> <k-nna>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CA4> <k-ta>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CA5> <k-tha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CA6> <k-da>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CA7> <k-dha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CA8> <k-na>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CAA> <k-pa>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CAB> <k-pha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CAC> <k-ba>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CAD> <k-bha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CAE> <k-ma>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CAF> <k-ya>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CB0> <k-ra>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CB1> <k-rra>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CB2> <k-la>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CB5> <k-va>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CB6> <k-sha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CB7> <k-ssa>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CB8> <k-sa>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CB9> <k-ha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CB3> <k-lla>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CDE> <k-fa>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CBD> <k-avagrah>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CBE> <km-aa>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CBF> <km-i>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CC0> <km-ii>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<kn-sign_ii> <km-ii>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CC1> <km-u>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CC2> <km-uu>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CC3> <km-vocalicr>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CC4> <km-vocalicrr>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CE2> <km-vocalicl>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CE3> <km-vocalicll>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CC6> <km-shorte>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CC7> <km-e>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<kn-sign_e> <km-e>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CC8> <km-ai>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<kn-sign_ai> <km-ai>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CCA> <km-shorto>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<kn-sign_shorto> <km-shorto>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CCB> <km-o>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<kn-sign_o> <km-o>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<kn-sign1_o> <km-o>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CCC> <km-au>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C82> <kvd-anuswara>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0C83> <kvd-visarg>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CCD> <k-halant>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CD5> <k-lenght_mark>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0CD6> <k-ai_lenght_mark>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+order_start <SINHALA>;forward;forward;forward;forward,position
+# SCCII Part 1 : Collation Sequence (SLS1134)
+<U0D85> <U0D85>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0D86> <U0D86>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0D87> <U0D87>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0D88> <U0D88>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0D89> <U0D89>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0D90> <U0D90>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0D91> <U0D91>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0D92> <U0D92>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0D93> <U0D93>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0D94> <U0D94>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0D95> <U0D95>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0D96> <U0D96>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0D82> <U0D82>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0D83> <U0D83>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
order_start <MALAYALAM>;forward;forward;forward;forward,position
<U0D66> <0>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
@@ -3542,6 +4487,71 @@ order_start <MALAYALAM>;forward;forward;forward;forward,position
<ml-split-o> <mlvs-shorto>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
<ml-split-oo> <mlvs-o>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
<ml-split-au> <mlvs-au>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0D7B> <ml-chillu-n>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+order_start <TAMIL>;forward;forward;forward;forward,position
+<U0BE6> <0>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0BE7> <1>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0BE8> <2>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0BE9> <3>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0BEA> <4>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0BEB> <5>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0BEC> <6>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0BED> <7>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0BEE> <8>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0BEF> <9>;"<BAS><NUM>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE
+<U0B85> <tavw-a>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0B86> <tavw-aa>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0B87> <tavw-i>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0B88> <tavw-ii>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0B89> <tavw-u>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0B8A> <tavw-uu>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0B8E> <tavw-e>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0B8F> <tavw-ee>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0B90> <tavw-ai>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0B92> <tavw-o>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0B93> <tavw-oo>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0B94> <tavw-au>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0B83> <ta-aytham>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0B95> <ta-ka>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0B99> <ta-nga>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0B9A> <ta-cha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0B9E> <ta-nya>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0B9F> <ta-ta>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0BA3> <ta-nnna>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0BA4> <ta-tha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0BA8> <ta-na>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0BAA> <ta-pa>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0BAE> <ta-ma>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0BAF> <ta-ya>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0BB0> <ta-ra>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0BB2> <ta-la>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0BB5> <ta-va>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0BB4> <ta-zha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0BB3> <ta-ka>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0BB1> <ta-rra>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0BA9> <ta-nna>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0B9C> <ta-ja>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0BB6> <ta-sha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0BB7> <ta-ssa>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0BB8> <ta-sa>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0BB9> <ta-ha>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<tagl_KSHA> "<U0B95><U0BCD><U0BB7>";<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0BCD> <ta-pulli>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0BBE> <tavs-aa>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0BBF> <tavs-i>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0BC0> <tavs-ii>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0BC1> <tavs-u>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0BC2> <tavs-uu>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0BC6> <tavs-e>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0BC7> <tavs-ee>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0BC8> <tavs-ai>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0BCA> <tavs-o>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0BCB> <tavs-oo>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<U0BCC> <tavs-au>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<tagl_SHRI> "<U0BB6><U0BCD><U0BB0><U0BC0>";<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<ta_split_o> <tavs-o>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<ta_split_oo> <tavs-oo>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
+<ta_split_au> <tavs-au>;<BAS>;<MIN>;IGNORE
diff --git a/doc/chillu-presentation/chillu.html b/doc/chillu-presentation/chillu.html
index 1ed7db3..1ed7db3 100755..100644
--- a/doc/chillu-presentation/chillu.html
+++ b/doc/chillu-presentation/chillu.html
diff --git a/fortune-ml/ b/fortune-ml/
index 9bd8e00..14d116b 100755
--- a/fortune-ml/
+++ b/fortune-ml/
@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
echo "Compiling...."
strfile fortune-ml fortune-ml.dat
echo "Installing..."
-cp fortune-ml.dat /usr/share/games/fortunes/
-cp fortune-ml /usr/share/games/fortunes/
+cp fortune-ml.dat /usr/share/games/fortune/
+cp fortune-ml /usr/share/games/fortune/
echo "Done...!"
diff --git a/fortune-ml/plasmoid/contents/code/ b/fortune-ml/plasmoid/contents/code/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a72867a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fortune-ml/plasmoid/contents/code/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'dialog.ui'
+# Created: Wed Apr 1 15:42:08 2009
+# by: PyQt4 UI code generator 4.4.4
+# WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!
+from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
+class Ui_Dialog(object):
+ def setupUi(self, Dialog):
+ Dialog.setObjectName("Dialog")
+ Dialog.resize(400, 300)
+ self.buttonBox = QtGui.QDialogButtonBox(Dialog)
+ self.buttonBox.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(30, 240, 341, 32))
+ self.buttonBox.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal)
+ self.buttonBox.setStandardButtons(QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel|QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Ok)
+ self.buttonBox.setObjectName("buttonBox")
+ self.verticalLayoutWidget = QtGui.QWidget(Dialog)
+ self.verticalLayoutWidget.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(9, 19, 371, 221))
+ self.verticalLayoutWidget.setObjectName("verticalLayoutWidget")
+ self.verticalLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self.verticalLayoutWidget)
+ self.verticalLayout.setObjectName("verticalLayout")
+ self.gridLayout = QtGui.QGridLayout()
+ self.gridLayout.setObjectName("gridLayout")
+ self.chkOffensive = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.verticalLayoutWidget)
+ self.chkOffensive.setObjectName("chkOffensive")
+ self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.chkOffensive, 0, 0, 1, 1)
+ self.verticalLayout.addLayout(self.gridLayout)
+ self.retranslateUi(Dialog)
+ QtCore.QObject.connect(self.buttonBox, QtCore.SIGNAL("accepted()"), Dialog.accept)
+ QtCore.QObject.connect(self.buttonBox, QtCore.SIGNAL("rejected()"), Dialog.reject)
+ QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(Dialog)
+ def retranslateUi(self, Dialog):
+ Dialog.setWindowTitle(QtGui.QApplication.translate("Dialog", "Dialog", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8))
+ self.chkOffensive.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("Dialog", "Offensive on ?", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8))
diff --git a/fortune-ml/plasmoid/contents/code/ b/fortune-ml/plasmoid/contents/code/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..096a9d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fortune-ml/plasmoid/contents/code/
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Author : Ashik Salahudeen <>
+# Licensed under :
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# "THE CAPPUCHINO LICENSE" (Revision 42):
+# <> wrote this file. You can do whatever you want with this
+# stuff as long as you retain this notice and as long as you agree to give this
+# stuff to whoever wants it. If we meet some day, and you think
+# this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a cappuchino in return -- Aashik
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# fortune configs -o for offensive
+# cookie files : from fortune -f
+# maxlength
+#TODO : Create a configuration dialogue to handle various config options.
+from PyQt4.QtCore import *
+from PyQt4.QtGui import *
+from PyKDE4.plasma import Plasma
+from PyKDE4 import plasmascript
+from PyKDE4.kdecore import KProcess
+class FortuneCookie(plasmascript.Applet):
+ # The all important label : This is the only control in our plasmoid
+ label = Plasma.Label
+ mytimer = QTimer
+ process = KProcess
+ fortunecommand="fortune"
+ fortunecookies="fortune-ml"
+ offensive="-o"
+ #Every half an hour
+ mytimeout = 1800000
+ #process =
+ def __init__(self,parent,args=None):
+ plasmascript.Applet.__init__(self,parent)
+ def init(self):
+ #There is no configuration dialogue for this applet
+ self.setHasConfigurationInterface(False)
+ #This applet will always retain its Initial aspect ratio
+ self.setAspectRatioMode(Plasma.KeepAspectRatio)
+ #Get the current theme and use the default background ("widgets/background") and background hints
+ self.theme = Plasma.Svg(self)
+ self.theme.setImagePath("widgets/background")
+ self.setBackgroundHints(Plasma.Applet.DefaultBackground)
+ #The applet layout is horizontal
+ self.layout = QGraphicsLinearLayout(Qt.Vertical, self.applet)
+ #Create a new label
+ self.label = Plasma.Label(self.applet)
+ # Add the label to the layout so it will be displayed
+ self.layout.addItem(self.label)
+ self.setLayout(self.layout)
+ # setup the process
+ self.process=KProcess(self)
+ self.process.setShellCommand(self.fortunecommand + " " + self.fortunecookies)
+ self.process.setOutputChannelMode(KProcess.MergedChannels)
+ # When the command outputs something , get it
+ QObject.connect( self.process, SIGNAL("readyReadStandardOutput()"), self.gotsomeoutput );
+ #setup timer
+ self.mytimer=QTimer(self)
+ # We don't want this to timeout all by itself..
+ self.mytimer.setSingleShot(True)
+ # When the timer times out, execute this
+ QObject.connect(self.mytimer,SIGNAL("timeout()"), self.TimeOut)
+ # start the timer
+ self.process.start()
+ self.mytimer.start(self.mytimeout)
+ # Set the default applet size
+ self.resize(180,130)
+ def gotsomeoutput(self):
+ outputstring = str(self.process.readAllStandardOutput())
+ self.label.setText(unicode(outputstring,"utf-8"))
+ self.mytimer.start(self.mytimeout)
+ def TimeOut(self):
+ # execute the fortune command and get its output
+ if self.process.state() == QProcess.NotRunning:
+ self.process.start()
+ else:
+ return
+ # On mouse click , change the quote
+ def mousePressEvent(self, event):
+ print "Test"
+ self.mytimer.start(0)
+def GetFortuneCookies():
+ #TODO: Get a list of fortunecookies, if any
+ return ""
+ # Start this applet
+def CreateApplet(parent):
+ return FortuneCookie(parent) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fortune-ml/plasmoid/ b/fortune-ml/plasmoid/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a521195
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fortune-ml/plasmoid/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+rm ../
+zip -r ../ .
+plasmapkg -r fortunecookie
+plasmapkg -i ../
+#--- Uncomment the following lines to see the plasmoid in a test cotainer.
+#echo "invoking Plasmoid Viewer..."
+#plasmoidviewer fortunecookie
diff --git a/fortune-ml/plasmoid/metadata.desktop b/fortune-ml/plasmoid/metadata.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79d9085
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fortune-ml/plasmoid/metadata.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=Fortune Cookie
+X-KDE-PluginInfo-Author=Ashik Salahudeen
+X-KDE-PluginInfo-EnabledByDefault=true \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hyphenation/ChangeLog b/hyphenation/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55a0b33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hyphenation/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+2009-05-12: Version 0.2
+ * Vowel sign + [anuswaram|visargam|chandrabindu] fix for Bengali as reported by Runa B.
+ * Vowel sign + [visargam] fix for Malayalam
+2008-12-14: Version 0.1
+ * Initial version
+ * Hyphenation Patterns for 9 Languages
diff --git a/hyphenation/README b/hyphenation/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..036fc3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hyphenation/README
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Hyphenation Patterns for Indian Languages
+Santhosh Thottingal <>
+This is a set of hyphenation rules as per the tex hyphenation pattern. Can be used with openoffice hyphenation.
diff --git a/hyphenation/hyph_bn_IN.dic b/hyphenation/hyph_bn_IN.dic
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42dca20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hyphenation/hyph_bn_IN.dic
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+% Hyphenation for Bengali
+% Copyright (C) 2008 Santhosh Thottingal <>
+% This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+% License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+% version 3 or later version of the License.
+% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% Lesser General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+% License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
diff --git a/hyphenation/hyph_ml_IN.dic b/hyphenation/hyph_ml_IN.dic
index 44b50b9..36a70f2 100644
--- a/hyphenation/hyph_ml_IN.dic
+++ b/hyphenation/hyph_ml_IN.dic
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ UTF-8
diff --git a/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/.gitignore b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64ff685
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
diff --git a/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/AUTHORS b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/AUTHORS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91c9b57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/AUTHORS
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Santhosh Thottingal <>
diff --git a/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/COPYING b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d511905
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/COPYING
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
+Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/ChangeLog b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/ChangeLog
diff --git a/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a372e96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# vim:set noet ts=4:
+# ibus-sulekha - The Sulekha engine for IBus
+# Copyright(c) 2009 Santhosh Thottingal <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ engine \
+ icons \
+ m4 \
+ $(NULL)
+ \
+ \
+ $(NULL)
+noinst_DIST = \
+ $(NULL)
+ po/stamp-it \
+ $(NULL)
+rpm: dist @PACKAGE_NAME@.spec
+ rpmbuild -bb \
+ --define "_sourcedir `pwd`" \
+ --define "_builddir `pwd`" \
+ --define "_specdir `pwd`" \
+ --define "_rpmdir `pwd`" \
+ --define "_srcrpmdir `pwd`" \
+srpm: dist @PACKAGE_NAME@.spec
+ rpmbuild -bs \
+ --define "_sourcedir `pwd`" \
+ --define "_builddir `pwd`" \
+ --define "_srcrpmdir `pwd`" \
+ --define "_rpmdir `pwd`" \
+ --define "_specdir `pwd`" \
+ $(RM) -r "`uname -i`"
+clean-local: clean-rpm
diff --git a/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/NEWS b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/NEWS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/NEWS
diff --git a/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/README b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd24daf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/README
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ibus-sulekha- Predictive text entry system
diff --git a/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..94f8fd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+set -e
+set -x
+libtoolize --automake --copy
+aclocal -I m4
+# autoheader
+automake --add-missing --copy
+./configure --enable-maintainer-mode $*
diff --git a/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46a5381
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# vim:set et ts=4:
+# ibus-pinyin - The PinYin engine for IBus
+# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Huang Peng <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+# if not 1, append datestamp to the version number.
+m4_define([package_name], [ibus-sulekha])
+m4_define([ibus_released], [0])
+m4_define([ibus_major_version], [1])
+m4_define([ibus_minor_version], [1])
+m4_define([ibus_micro_version], [0])
+ m4_esyscmd([if test x]ibus_released[ != x1; then date +.%Y%m%d | tr -d '\n\r'; fi]))
+ ibus_major_version.ibus_minor_version.ibus_micro_version[]ibus_maybe_datestamp)
+AC_INIT([package_name], [ibus_version], [], [package_name])
+# AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([config.h])
+# define PACKAGE_VERSION_* variables
+#check python
+# define GETTEXT_* variables
+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(GETTEXT_PACKAGE,"$GETTEXT_PACKAGE", [Define to the read-only architecture-independent data directory.])
+# OUTPUT files
diff --git a/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5da4982
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# vim:set noet ts=4:
+# ibus-sulekha - The Sulekha engine for IBus
+# Copyright(c) 2009 Santhosh Thottingal <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+engine_sulekha_PYTHON = \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ sulekha.db \
+ $(NULL)
+engine_sulekha_DATA = \
+ $(NULL)
+engine_sulekhadir = $(datadir)/ibus-sulekha/engine
+libexec_SCRIPTS = ibus-engine-sulekha
+engine_DATA = sulekha.xml
+enginedir = $(datadir)/ibus/component
+ \
+ \
+ $(NULL)
+ sulekha.xml \
+ *.pyc \
+ $(NULL)
+ ( \
+ libexecdir=${libexecdir}; \
+ pkgdatadir=${pkgdatadir}; \
+ s=`cat $<`; \
+ eval "echo \"$${s}\""; \
+ ) > $@
+ $(ENV) \
+ IBUS_SULEKHA_LOCATION=$(abs_top_srcdir) \
+ DBUS_DEBUG=true \
+ LANG=en_US \
+ PYTHONPATH=$(abs_top_srcdir):$(pyexecdir) \
+ $(PYTHON) $(srcdir)/
diff --git a/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbc1694
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# vim:set et sts=4 sw=4:
+# ibus-sulekha - The Sulekha engine for IBus
+# Copyright(c) 2009 Santhosh Thottingal <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+import sqlite3
+import re
+import os
+import sys
+tz = re.compile('-[0-2]\d:00$')
+class Autocomplete():
+ def __init__(self, language="en_US"):
+ database=os.path.dirname(__file__) +'/sulekha.db'
+ self.__connection = sqlite3.connect(database)
+ # Create a cursor object to do the interacting.
+ self.__cursor = self.__connection.cursor()
+ self.__language=language
+ def get_autocompletion_suggestions(self, string):
+ wordlist=[]
+ records =self.__cursor.execute("select word from words_"+ self.__language + \
+ " where language = '"+ self.__language +"' \
+ and word like '"+ string + "%' \
+ order by frequency desc limit 5 " )
+ for record in records:
+ word = tz.sub('', record[0])
+ wordlist.append(word)
+ return wordlist
+ def set_langauge(self, language) :
+ self.language=language
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ autocomplete= Autocomplete()
+ candidate_list= autocomplete.get_autocompletion_suggestions(sys.argv[1])
+ for candidate in candidate_list:
+ print candidate
diff --git a/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06a557e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# vim:set et sts=4 sw=4:
+# ibus-tmpl - The Input Bus template project
+# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Huang Peng <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+import ibus
+import os
+import sulekha
+from gettext import dgettext
+_ = lambda a : dgettext("ibus-sulekha", a)
+N_ = lambda a : a
+class EngineFactory(ibus.EngineFactoryBase):
+ FACTORY_PATH = "/org/smc/IBus/engines/Sulekha/Factory"
+ ENGINE_PATH = "/org/smc/IBus/engines/Sulekha/Engine"
+ NAME = _("Sulekha")
+ LANG = "ml_IN"
+ ICON = os.getenv("IBUS_SULEKHA_LOCATION") + "/icons/ibus-sulekha.svg"
+ AUTHORS = "Santhosh Thottingal <>"
+ CREDITS = "GPLv2+"
+ def __init__(self, bus):
+ self.__bus = bus
+ #pinyin.PinYinEngine.CONFIG_RELOADED(bus)
+ super(EngineFactory, self).__init__(bus)
+ self.__id = 0
+ self.__config = self.__bus.get_config()
+ self.__config.connect("reloaded", self.__config_reloaded_cb)
+ self.__config.connect("value-changed", self.__config_value_changed_cb)
+ def create_engine(self, engine_name):
+ if engine_name == "sulekha":
+ self.__id += 1
+ return sulekha.SulekhaEngine(self.__bus, "%s/%d" % (self.ENGINE_PATH, self.__id))
+ return super(EngineFactory, self).create_engine(engine_name)
+ def __config_reloaded_cb(self, config):
+ #pinyin.PinYinEngine.CONFIG_RELOADED(self.__bus)
+ print "Configuration reloaded"
+ def __config_value_changed_cb(self, config, section, name, value):
+ #pinyin.PinYinEngine.CONFIG_VALUE_CHANGED(self.__bus, section, name, value)
+ print "Configuration changed"
diff --git a/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/ibus-engine-sulekha b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/ibus-engine-sulekha
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8637e17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/ibus-engine-sulekha
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# vim:set noet ts=4:
+# ibus-tmpl - The Input Bus template project
+# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Huang Peng <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+export PYTHONPATH=${exec_prefix}/lib/python2.5/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH
+export IBUS_SULEKHA_LOCATION=/usr/share/ibus-sulekha
+export LIBEXECDIR=$libexecdir
+exec python /usr/share/ibus-sulekha/engine/ $@
diff --git a/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad5253b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# vim:set noet ts=4:
+# ibus-tmpl - The Input Bus template project
+# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Huang Peng <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+export PYTHONPATH=@pyexecdir@:$PYTHONPATH
+export IBUS_SULEKHA_LOCATION=@prefix@/share/ibus-sulekha
+export LIBEXECDIR=$libexecdir
+exec python @prefix@/share/ibus-sulekha/engine/ $@
diff --git a/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f049ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Sulekha
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Santhosh Thottingal <>
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
+# Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import os
+class Keymap:
+ def __init__(self, map="inscript_ml_IN"):
+ self. keymap_dict = self.load_key_map(map)
+ def get_candidates(self,key):
+ if self. keymap_dict == None :
+ return None
+ if self. keymap_dict.has_key(key) :
+ value = self.keymap_dict[key]
+ candidate_list=value.split(":")
+ for candidate in candidate_list:
+ candidate = candidate.replace("\"","");
+ candidate_list[candidate_list.index(candidate)] = candidate
+ return candidate_list
+ else :
+ return None
+ def load_key_map(self, map):
+ keymap_dict=dict()
+ try:
+ keymap_file = open("/usr/share/ibus-sulekha/engine/keymaps/"+map, 'r')
+ except:
+ print "Could not find keymaps/"+map + " file."
+ return None
+ while True:
+ line = keymap_file .readline()
+ if line == "":
+ break
+ line=line.strip()
+ try:
+ key = line.split("=")[0].strip()
+ value = line.split("=")[1].strip()
+ key = key.replace("\"","")
+ value = value.replace("\"","")
+ keymap_dict[key]=value
+ except:
+ continue
+ return keymap_dict
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ keymap= Keymap("swanalekha_ml_IN")
+ candidate_list= keymap.get_candidates("k")
+ for candidate in candidate_list:
+ print candidate
diff --git a/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/keymaps/inscript_ml_IN b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/keymaps/inscript_ml_IN
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbbd0d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/keymaps/inscript_ml_IN
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ "0" = "൦"
+ "1" = "൧"
+ "@" = "@"
+ "2" = "൨"
+ "3" = "൩"
+ "$" = "$"
+ "4" = "൪"
+ "%" = "%"
+ "5" = "൫"
+ "^" = "^"
+ "6" = "൬"
+ "7" = "൭"
+ "*" = "*"
+ "8" = "൮"
+ "(" = "("
+ "9" = "൯"
+ "" = ""
+ "0" = "൦"
+ "_" "ഃ"
+ "-" = "-"
+ "+" = "ഋ"
+ "=" "ൃ"
+ "Q" = "ഔ"
+ "q" "ൌ"
+ "W" = "ഐ"
+ "w" "ൈ"
+ "E" = "ആ"
+ "e" "ാ"
+ "R" = "ഈ"
+ "r" "ീ"
+ "T" = "ഊ"
+ "t" "ൂ"
+ "Y" = "ഭ"
+ "y" = "ബ"
+ "U" = "ങ"
+ "u" = "ഹ"
+ "I" = "ഘ"
+ "i" = "ഗ"
+ "O" = "ധ"
+ "o" = "ദ"
+ "P" = "ഝ"
+ "p" = "ജ"
+ "{" = "ഢ"
+ "[" = "ഡ"
+ "}" = "ഞ"
+ "]" = "‍"
+ "A" = "ഓ"
+ "a" "ോ"
+ "S" = "ഏ"
+ "s" "േ"
+ "D" = "അ"
+ "d" "്"
+ "F" = "ഇ"
+ "f" "ി"
+ "G" = "ഉ"
+ "g" "ു"
+ "H" = "ഫ"
+ "h" = "പ"
+ "J" = "റ"
+ "j" = "ര"
+ "K" = "ഖ"
+ "k" = "ക"
+ "L" = "ഥ"
+ "l" = "ത"
+ "=" = "ഛ"
+ ";" = "ച"
+ "\"" = "ഠ"
+ "'" = "ട"
+ "|" = "|"
+ "\" = "‌"
+ "~" = "ഒ"
+ "`" "ൊ"
+ "Z" = "എ"
+ "z" "െ"
+ "X" = "X"
+ "x" "ം"
+ "C" = "ണ"
+ "c" = "മ"
+ "V" = "V"
+ "v" = "ന"
+ "B" = "ഴ"
+ "b" = "വ"
+ "N" = "ള"
+ "n" = "ല"
+ "M" = "ശ"
+ "m" = "സ"
+ "<" = "ഷ"
+ "," = ","
+ ">" = ">"
+ "." = "."
+ "/" = "യ"
+ "#" "്ര"
+ "&" = "ക്ഷ"
diff --git a/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/keymaps/swanalekha_ml_IN b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/keymaps/swanalekha_ml_IN
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adf43de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/keymaps/swanalekha_ml_IN
@@ -0,0 +1,1578 @@
+# ml-swanalekha.mim -- m17n version of Swanalekha Malayalam input method
+# Copyright 2008, Santhosh Thottingal <>, Swathanthra Malayalam Computing
+# This file is part of the m17n contrib; a sub-part of the m17n
+# library.
+# The m17n library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
+# the License, or at your option any later version.
+# The m17n library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with the m17n library; if not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ "^" = "്"
+ "~" = "‌"
+ "_" = "‌"
+ "@A" = "ാ"
+ "a" = "അ":"ആ":"എ"
+ "A" = "ആ":"എ"
+ "@aa" = "ാ"
+ "aa" = "ആ"
+ "@ae" = "േ"
+ "ae" = "ഏ"
+ "@aH" = "ഃ"
+ "@ah" = ""ഃ"
+ "aH" = "അഃ"
+ "@ai" = "ൈ"
+ "ai" = "ഐ"
+ "@am" = "ം"
+ "@aM" = "ം"
+ "aM" = "അം"
+ "@au" = "ൗ"
+ "au" = "ഔ"
+ "B" = "ഭ്":"ബ്":"ബി"
+ "b" = "ബ്":"ബ്ബ്":"ബി"
+ "Ba" = "ഭ":"ബ":"ബാ"
+ "ba" = "ബ"
+ "BA" = "ഭാ":"ബി.എ."
+ "bA" = "ബാ"
+ "Baa" = "ഭാ":"ബാ"
+ "baa" = "ബാ"
+ "bae" = "ബേ"
+ "baH" = "ബഃ"
+ "BaH" = "ഭഃ"
+ "bai" = "ബൈ":"ബായ്"
+ "Bai" = "ഭൈ"
+ "BaM" = "ഭം"
+ "baM" = "ബം"
+ "bau" = "ബൗ":"ബൌ":"ഭൗ"
+ "Bau" = "ഭൗ":"ഭൌ"
+ "be" = "ബെ"
+ "Be" = "ഭെ"
+ "bE" = "ബേ"
+ "BE" = "ഭേ"
+ "bee" = "ബീ"
+ "Bee" = "ഭീ"
+ "bei" = "ബൈ"
+ "Bei" = "ഭൈ"
+"bh^" = "ഭ്"
+ "bh" = "ഭ്"
+ "bha" = "ഭ"
+ "bhA" = "ഭാ"
+ "bhaa" = "ഭാ"
+ "bhae" = "ഭേ"
+ "bhaH" = "ഭഃ"
+ "bhai" = "ഭൈ":"ഭായ്"
+ "bhaM" = "ഭം"
+ "bhau" = "ഭൗ":"ഭൌ"
+ "bhE" = "ഭേ"
+ "bhe" = "ഭെ"
+ "bhee" = "ഭീ"
+ "bhei" = "ഭൈ"
+ "bhi" = "ഭി"
+ "bhI" = "ഭീ"
+ "bhii" = "ഭീ"
+ "bho" = "ഭൊ"
+ "bhO" = "ഭോ"
+ "bhoo" = "ഭൂ"
+ "bhou" = "ഭൌ"
+ "bhR" = "ഭൃ"
+ "bhU" = "ഭൂ"
+ "bhu" = "ഭു"
+ "bhuu" = "ഭൂ"
+ "Bi" = "ഭി":"ബൈ"
+ "bi" = "ബി":"ബൈ"
+ "BI" = "ഭീ"
+ "bI" = "ബീ"
+ "Bii" = "ഭീ"
+ "bii" = "ബീ"
+ "Bo" = "ഭൊ":"ബോ"
+ "bo" = "ബൊ"
+ "bO" = "ബോ"
+ "BO" = "ഭോ"
+ "boo" = "ബൂ":"ബോ"
+ "Boo" = "ഭൂ"
+ "bou" = "ബൌ"
+ "Bou" = "ഭൌ"
+ "bR" = "ബൃ"
+ "BR" = "ഭൃ"
+ "Bu" = "ഭു":"ബു"
+ "BU" = "ഭൂ"
+ "bU" = "ബൂ"
+ "bu" = "ബു"
+ "buu" = "ബൂ"
+ "Buu" = "ഭൂ"
+ "c" = "ക്":"കു്":"ക്‍":"സി"
+ "C" = "സി"
+ "ca" = "ക":"കാ":"കേ"
+ "cA" = "കാ"
+ "caa" = "കാ"
+ "cae" = "കേ"
+ "cai" = "കൈ"
+ "cau" = "കൗ"
+ "ce" = "കെ":"സ്"
+ "cE" = "കേ"
+ "cee" = "കീ"
+ "cei" = "കൈ"
+ "ch^" = "ച്"
+ "Ch^" = "ഛ്"
+ "ch" = "ച്":"ചു്":"ച്ച്":"ച്ചു്":"ക്ക്":"ക്കു്"
+ "Ch" = "ഛ്"
+ "Cha" = "ഛ":"ച":"ച്ച":"ഛഃ"
+ "cha" = "ച":"ച്ച":"ച്ഛ":"ചഃ"
+ "ChA" = "ഛാ"
+ "chA" = "ചാ"
+ "chaa" = "ചാ"
+ "Chaa" = "ഛാ"
+ "chae" = "ചേ"
+ "Chae" = "ഛേ"
+ "chaH" = "ചഃ"
+ "ChaH" = "ഛഃ"
+ "chai" = "ചൈ":"ചായ്"
+ "Chai" = "ഛൈ"
+ "chaM" = "ചം"
+ "ChaM" = "ഛം"
+ "Chau" = "ഛൗ":"ഛൌ"
+ "chau" = "ചൗ"
+ "che" = "ചെ":"ച്ചെ"
+ "chE" = "ചേ"
+ "ChE" = "ഛേ"
+ "Che" = "ഛെ"
+ "chee" = "ചീ":"ച്ചീ"
+ "Chee" = "ഛീ"
+ "Chei" = "ഛൈ"
+ "chei" = "ചൈ"
+ "chh^" = "ഛ്"
+ "chh" = "ഛ്"
+ "chha" = "ഛ":"ച്ച"
+ "chhA" = "ഛാ"
+ "chhaa" = "ഛാ"
+ "chhae" = "ഛേ"
+ "chhaH" = "ഛഃ"
+ "chhai" = "ഛൈ"
+ "chhaM" = "ഛം"
+ "chhau" = "ഛൗ":"ഛൌ"
+ "chhE" = "ഛേ"
+ "chhe" = "ഛെ"
+ "chhee" = "ഛീ"
+ "chhei" = "ഛൈ"
+ "chhi" = "ഛി"
+ "chhI" = "ഛീ"
+ "chhii" = "ഛീ"
+ "chho" = "ഛൊ"
+ "chhO" = "ഛോ"
+ "chhoo" = "ഛൂ"
+ "chhou" = "ഛൌ"
+ "chhR" = "ഛൃ"
+ "chhu" = "ഛു"
+ "chhU" = "ഛൂ"
+ "chhuu" = "ഛൂ"
+ "Chi" = "ഛി":"ചി"
+ "chi" = "ചി":"ച്ചി":"ചൈ"
+ "chI" = "ചീ"
+ "ChI" = "ഛീ"
+ "chii" = "ചീ"
+ "Chii" = "ഛീ"
+ "cho" = "ചൊ":"ചോ"
+ "Cho" = "ഛൊ"
+ "ChO" = "ഛോ"
+ "chO" = "ചോ"
+ "choo" = "ചൂ":"ച്ചൂ":"ചോ"
+ "Choo" = "ഛൂ"
+ "chou" = "ചൌ"
+ "Chou" = "ഛൌ"
+ "ChR" = "ഛൃ"
+ "chR" = "ചൃ"
+ "Chu" = "ഛു":"ചു"
+ "chu" = "ചു":"ച്യു"
+ "chU" = "ചൂ"
+ "ChU" = "ഛൂ"
+ "chuu" = "ചൂ":"ച്ചൂ"
+ "Chuu" = "ഛൂ"
+ "ci" = "കി":"സി":"സൈ"
+ "cI" = "കീ"
+ "ck" = "ക്ക്"
+ "cO" = "കോ"
+ "co" = "കൊ"
+ "coo" = "കൂ"
+ "cou" = "കൌ"
+ "cR" = "കൃ"
+ "cu" = "കു"
+ "cU" = "കൂ"
+ "cuu" = "കൂ"
+ "d^" = "ദ്"
+ "D^" = "ഡ്"
+ "D" = "ഡ്":"ഡു്":"ദ്":"ഡി"
+ "d" = "ദ്":"ദു്":"ട്":"ടു്":"ഡി":"ദ്ദ്"
+ "da" = "ദ":"ട":"ഡ":"ദഃ"
+ "Da" = "ഡ":"ദ":"ഠ"
+ "dA" = "ദാ":"ടാ"
+ "DA" = "ഡാ":"ദാ"
+ "daa" = "ദാ":"ടാ"
+ "Daa" = "ഡാ":"ദാ"
+ "dae" = "ദേ"
+ "Dae" = "ഡേ"
+ "DaH" = "ഡഃ"
+ "daH" = "ദഃ"
+ "dai" = "ദൈ":"ഡായ്"
+ "Dai" = "ഡൈ"
+ "DaM" = "ഡം"
+ "daM" = "ദം"
+ "Dau" = "ഡൗ":"ഡൌ"
+ "dau" = "ദൗ":"ദൌ"
+ "de" = "ദെ":"ടെ":"തെ"
+ "dE" = "ദേ":"തേ"
+ "De" = "ഡെ":"ടെ"
+ "DE" = "ഡേ"
+ "dee" = "ദീ":"ടീ"
+ "Dee" = "ഡീ"
+ "dei" = "ദൈ":"ഡേയ്"
+ "Dei" = "ഡൈ"
+ "dh^" = "ധ്"
+ "Dh^" = "ഢ്"
+ "dh" = "ധ്":"ധു്"
+ "Dh" = "ഢ്"
+ "Dha" = "ഢ"
+ "dha" = "ധ"
+ "DhA" = "ഢാ"
+ "dhA" = "ധാ"
+ "Dhaa" = "ഢാ"
+ "dhaa" = "ധാ"
+ "dhae" = "ധേ"
+ "Dhae" = "ഢേ"
+ "dhaH" = "ധഃ"
+ "DhaH" = "ഢഃ"
+ "Dhai" = "ഢൈ"
+ "dhai" = "ധൈ"
+ "dhaM" = "ധം"
+ "DhaM" = "ഢം"
+ "dhau" = "ധൗ":"ധൌ"
+ "Dhau" = "ഢൗ":"ഢൌ"
+ "Dhe" = "ഢെ"
+ "dhE" = "ധേ"
+ "dhe" = "ധെ"
+ "DhE" = "ഢേ"
+ "dhee" = "ധീ"
+ "Dhee" = "ഢീ"
+ "Dhei" = "ഢൈ"
+ "dhei" = "ധൈ"
+ "dhI" = "ധീ"
+ "Dhi" = "ഢി"
+ "DhI" = "ഢീ"
+ "dhi" = "ധി"
+ "Dhii" = "ഢീ"
+ "dhii" = "ധീ"
+ "Dho" = "ഢൊ"
+ "DhO" = "ഢോ"
+ "dhO" = "ധോ"
+ "dho" = "ധൊ"
+ "Dhoo" = "ഢൂ"
+ "dhoo" = "ധൂ"
+ "Dhou" = "ഢൌ"
+ "dhou" = "ധൌ"
+ "dhR" = "ധൃ"
+ "DhR" = "ഢൃ"
+ "dhu" = "ധു"
+ "DhU" = "ഢൂ"
+ "Dhu" = "ഢു"
+ "dhU" = "ധൂ"
+ "dhuu" = "ധൂ"
+ "Dhuu" = "ഢൂ"
+ "di" = "ദി":"ടി":"ധി":"ഥി":"ഡൈ"
+ "dI" = "ദീ":"ടീ"
+ "DI" = "ഡീ"
+ "Di" = "ഡി"
+ "dii" = "ദീ":"ടീ"
+ "Dii" = "ഡീ"
+ "Do" = "ഡൊ":"ദൊ"
+ "do" = "ദൊ"
+ "dO" = "ദോ"
+ "DO" = "ഡോ"
+ "doo" = "ദൂ"
+ "Doo" = "ഡൂ"
+ "Dou" = "ഡൌ"
+ "dou" = "ദൌ"
+ "dR" = "ദൃ"
+ "DR" = "ഡൃ"
+ "du" = "ദു":"ടു":"ദുഃ":"തു"
+ "Du" = "ഡു":"ദു":"ദുഃ"
+ "dU" = "ദൂ"
+ "DU" = "ഡൂ"
+ "Duu" = "ഡൂ"
+ "duu" = "ദൂ"
+ "@e" = ""െ"
+ "@E" = ""േ"
+ "E" = "ഏ":"ഇ"
+ "e" = "എ":"ഇ"
+ "@ee" = ""ീ"
+ "ee" = "ഈ"
+ "@ei" = ""ൈ"
+ "ei" = "ഐ"
+ "F^" = "ഫ്"
+ "f^" = "ഫ്"
+ "F" = "ഫ്":"എഫ്"
+ "f" = "ഫ്":"എഫ്"
+ "Fa" = "ഫ"
+ "fa" = "ഫ"
+ "fA" = "ഫാ"
+ "FA" = "ഫാ"
+ "faa" = "ഫാ"
+ "Faa" = "ഫാ"
+ "faH" = "ഫഃ"
+ "FaH" = "ഫഃ"
+ "fai" = "ഫൈ"
+ "Fai" = "ഫൈ"
+ "FaM" = "ഫം"
+ "faM" = "ഫം"
+ "fau" = "ഫൗ":"ഫൌ"
+ "Fau" = "ഫൗ":"ഫൌ"
+ "fe" = "ഫെ"
+ "Fe" = "ഫെ"
+ "fE" = "ഫേ"
+ "FE" = "ഫേ"
+ "Fee" = "ഫീ"
+ "fee" = "ഫീ"
+ "fei" = "ഫൈ"
+ "Fei" = "ഫൈ"
+ "Fi" = "ഫി"
+ "fI" = "ഫീ"
+ "FI" = "ഫീ"
+ "fi" = "ഫി"
+ "Fii" = "ഫീ"
+ "fii" = "ഫീ"
+ "fo" = "ഫൊ"
+ "FO" = "ഫോ"
+ "Fo" = "ഫൊ"
+ "fO" = "ഫോ"
+ "Foo" = "ഫൂ"
+ "foo" = "ഫൂ"
+ "Fou" = "ഫൌ"
+ "fou" = "ഫൌ"
+ "FR" = "ഫൃ"
+ "fR" = "ഫൃ"
+ "FU" = "ഫൂ"
+ "Fu" = "ഫു"
+ "fu" = "ഫു"
+ "fU" = "ഫൂ"
+ "Fuu" = "ഫൂ"
+ "fuu" = "ഫൂ"
+ "g^" = "ഗ്"
+ "G^" = "ഘ്"
+ "G" = "ഘ്":"ഘു്":"ജി":"ഗ്ഗി"
+ "g" = "ഗ്":"ഗു്":"ജി"
+ "ga" = "ഗ":"ജ":"ക":"ഖ"
+ "Ga" = "ഘ":"ഗ":"ഗ്ഗ":"ജ"
+ "GA" = "ഘാ":"ഗ്ഗാ"
+ "gA" = "ഗാ"
+ "Gaa" = "ഘാ":"ഗ്ഗാ"
+ "gaa" = "ഗാ"
+ "Gae" = "ഘേ":"ഗ്ഗേ"
+ "gae" = "ഗേ"
+ "GaH" = "ഘഃ"
+ "gaH" = "ഗഃ"
+ "Gai" = "ഘൈ":"ഗയ്":"ഗെയ്":"ഗ്ഗൈ"
+ "gai" = "ഗൈ"
+ "gaM" = "ഗം"
+ "GaM" = "ഘം"
+ "Gau" = "ഘൗ":"ഗൗ":"ഘൌ"
+ "gau" = "ഗൗ":"ഗൌ"
+ "Ge" = "ഘെ":"ഗെ":"ഗ്ഗെ":"ജെ"
+ "GE" = "ഘേ":"ഗ്ഗേ"
+ "ge" = "ഗെ"
+ "gE" = "ഗേ"
+ "Gee" = "ഘീ":"ഗ്ഗീ"
+ "gee" = "ഗീ"
+ "Gei" = "ഘൈ":"ഗ്ഗൈ"
+ "gei" = "ഗൈ"
+ "gh^" = "ഘ്"
+ "gh" = "ഘ്":"ഘു്"
+ "gha" = "ഘ":"ഖ"
+ "ghA" = "ഘാ"
+ "ghaa" = "ഘാ"
+ "ghae" = "ഘേ"
+ "ghaH" = "ഘഃ"
+ "ghai" = "ഘൈ"
+ "ghaM" = "ഘം"
+ "ghau" = "ഘൗ"
+ "ghE" = "ഘേ"
+ "ghe" = "ഘെ"
+ "ghee" = "ഘീ"
+ "ghei" = "ഘൈ"
+ "ghi" = "ഘി"
+ "ghI" = "ഘീ"
+ "ghii" = "ഘീ"
+ "ghO" = "ഘോ"
+ "gho" = "ഘൊ"
+ "ghoo" = "ഘൂ"
+ "ghou" = "ഘൌ"
+ "ghR" = "ഘൃ"
+ "ghu" = "ഘു"
+ "ghU" = "ഘൂ"
+ "ghuu" = "ഘൂ"
+ "gi" = "ഗി":"കി":"ജി"
+ "GI" = "ഘീ":"ഗ്ഗീ":"ഗ്ഗി"
+ "Gi" = "ഘി":"ഗ്ഗി"
+ "gI" = "ഗീ"
+ "Gii" = "ഘീ":"ഗ്ഗീ"
+ "gii" = "ഗീ"
+ "Go" = "ഘൊ":"ഗോ":"ഗൊ":"ഗ്ഗൊ"
+ "go" = "ഗൊ":"ഗോ"
+ "GO" = "ഘോ"
+ "gO" = "ഗോ"
+ "goo" = "ഗൂ":"ഗോ"
+ "Goo" = "ഘൂ":"ഗ്ഗൂ":"ഘോ":"ഗ്ഗോ"
+ "gou" = "ഗൌ"
+ "Gou" = "ഘൌ"
+ "GR" = "ഘൃ":"ഗ്ഗൃ"
+ "gR" = "ഗൃ"
+ "Gu" = "ഘു":"ഗു":"ഗ്ഗു"
+ "GU" = "ഘൂ":"ഗ്ഗൂ"
+ "gU" = "ഗൂ"
+ "gu" = "ഗു"
+ "Guu" = "ഘൂ":"ഗ്ഗൂ"
+ "guu" = "ഗൂ"
+ "h^" = "ഹ്"
+ "h" = "ഹ്":"എച്":"എച്ച്"
+ "H" = "എച്ച്"
+ "ha" = "ഹ":"ഹാ":"ഹഃ"
+ "hA" = "ഹാ"
+ "haa" = "ഹാ"
+ "haH" = "ഹഃ"
+ "hai" = "ഹൈ":"ഹായ്"
+ "haM" = "ഹം"
+ "hau" = "ഹൗ"
+ "he" = "ഹെ":"ഹി"
+ "hE" = "ഹേ"
+ "hee" = "ഹീ"
+ "hei" = "ഹൈ":"ഹേയ്"
+ "hi" = "ഹി":"ഹായ്"
+ "hI" = "ഹീ"
+ "hii" = "ഹീ"
+ "ho" = "ഹൊ":"ഹോ"
+ "hO" = "ഹോ"
+ "hoo" = "ഹൂ"
+ "hou" = "ഹൌ"
+ "hR" = "ഹൃ"
+ "hU" = "ഹൂ"
+ "hu" = "ഹു"
+ "huu" = "ഹൂ"
+ "@i" = ""ി"
+ "@I" = ""ീ"
+ "i" = "ഇ":"ഈ":"ഐ"
+ "I" = "ഈ":"ഐ"
+ "@ii" = ""ീ"
+ "ii" = "ഈ"
+ "j^" = "ജ്"
+ "J^" = "ഝ്"
+ "J" = "ഝ്":"ജെ"
+ "j" = "ജ്":"ജു്":"ജെ"
+ "Ja" = "ഝ":"ജ":"ജെ"
+ "ja" = "ജ":"ജെ"
+ "jA" = "ജാ"
+ "JA" = "ഝാ"
+ "Jaa" = "ഝാ"
+ "jaa" = "ജാ"
+ "jae" = "ജേ"
+ "Jae" = "ഝേ"
+ "jaH" = "ജഃ"
+ "JaH" = "ഝഃ"
+ "Jai" = "ഝൈ":"ജയ്"
+ "jai" = "ജൈ":"ജയ്"
+ "JaM" = "ഝം"
+ "jaM" = "ജം"
+ "jau" = "ജൗ":"ജൌ"
+ "Jau" = "ഝൗ":"ഝൌ"
+ "je" = "ജെ":"ജീ"
+ "JE" = "ഝേ"
+ "jE" = "ജേ"
+ "Je" = "ഝെ"
+ "Jee" = "ഝീ":"ജീ"
+ "jee" = "ജീ"
+ "Jei" = "ഝൈ"
+ "jei" = "ജൈ"
+ "jh^" = "ഝ്":"ഝ്"
+ "jh" = "ഝ്"
+ "jha" = "ഝ"
+ "jhA" = "ഝാ"
+ "jhaa" = "ഝാ"
+ "jhae" = "ഝേ"
+ "jhaH" = "ഝഃ"
+ "jhai" = "ഝൈ"
+ "jhaM" = "ഝം"
+ "jhau" = "ഝൗ":"ഝൌ"
+ "jhe" = "ഝെ"
+ "jhE" = "ഝേ"
+ "jhee" = "ഝീ"
+ "jhei" = "ഝൈ"
+ "jhi" = "ഝി"
+ "jhI" = "ഝീ"
+ "jhii" = "ഝീ"
+ "jhO" = "ഝോ"
+ "jho" = "ഝൊ"
+ "jhoo" = "ഝൂ":"ഝോ"
+ "jhou" = "ഝൌ"
+ "jhR" = "ഝൃ"
+ "jhu" = "ഝു"
+ "jhU" = "ഝൂ"
+ "jhuu" = "ഝൂ"
+ "Ji" = "ഝി":"ജി":"ജൈ"
+ "ji" = "ജി":"ജൈ"
+ "jI" = "ജീ"
+ "JI" = "ഝീ"
+ "jii" = "ജീ"
+ "Jii" = "ഝീ"
+ "Jo" = "ഝൊ":"ജോ":"ജൊ"
+ "jO" = "ജോ"
+ "JO" = "ഝോ"
+ "jo" = "ജൊ"
+ "Joo" = "ഝൂ":"ജൂ":"ഝോ"
+ "joo" = "ജൂ"
+ "jou" = "ജൌ"
+ "Jou" = "ഝൌ"
+ "JR" = "ഝൃ":"ജെ.ആര്‍"
+ "jR" = "ജൃ"
+ "JU" = "ഝൂ":"ജെ.യു."
+ "Ju" = "ഝു":"ജു"
+ "ju" = "ജു"
+ "jU" = "ജൂ"
+ "Juu" = "ഝൂ":"ജൂ"
+ "juu" = "ജൂ"
+ "K^" = "ഖ്":"ഖു്"
+ "k^" = "ക്"
+ "k~" = "ക്‍"
+ "k_" = "ക്‍"
+ "K" = "ഖ്":"ഖു്":"കെ"
+ "k" = "ക്":"കു്":"ക്‍":"ക്ക്":"ക്കു്":"കെ"
+ "ka" = "ക":"ഗ":"ഖ":"ഘ":"കഃ"
+ "Ka" = "ഖ":"ക":"ക്ക"
+ "KA" = "ഖാ"
+ "kA" = "കാ"
+ "kaa" = "കാ":"ഗാ"
+ "Kaa" = "ഖാ"
+ "kae" = "കേ"
+ "Kae" = "ഖേ"
+ "KaH" = "ഖഃ"
+ "kaH" = "കഃ"
+ "kai" = "കൈ":"കയ്"
+ "Kai" = "ഖൈ"
+ "kaM" = "കം"
+ "KaM" = "ഖം"
+ "kau" = "കൗ":"കൌ"
+ "Kau" = "ഖൗ"
+ "Ke" = "ഖെ":"കെ"
+ "kE" = "കേ"
+ "ke" = "കെ"
+ "KE" = "ഖേ"
+ "Kee" = "ഖീ":"കീ"
+ "kee" = "കീ"
+ "kei" = "കൈ":"കെയ്"
+ "Kei" = "ഖൈ"
+ "kh^" = "ഖ്"
+ "kh" = "ഖ്":"ഖു്":"ഘ്":"ഘു്"
+ "kha" = "ഖ":"ക്ക":"ഘ"
+ "khA" = "ഖാ"
+ "khaa" = "ഖാ"
+ "khae" = "ഖേ"
+ "khaH" = "ഖഃ"
+ "khai" = "ഖൈ"
+ "khaM" = "ഖം"
+ "khau" = "ഖൗ":"ഖൌ"
+ "khe" = "ഖെ"
+ "khE" = "ഖേ"
+ "khee" = "ഖീ"
+ "khei" = "ഖൈ"
+ "khi" = "ഖി":"ക്കി"
+ "khI" = "ഖീ"
+ "khii" = "ഖീ"
+ "khO" = "ഖോ"
+ "kho" = "ഖൊ"
+ "khoo" = "ഖൂ"
+ "khou" = "ഖൌ"
+ "khR" = "ഖൃ"
+ "khu" = "ഖു":"ഘു"
+ "khU" = "ഖൂ"
+ "khuu" = "ഖൂ"
+ "KI" = "ഖ"
+ "ki" = "കി":"ഗി":"ഘി":"ഖി":"കൈ"
+ "Ki" = "ഖി":"കി"
+ "kI" = "കീ"
+ "Kii" = "ഖീ"
+ "kii" = "കീ"
+ "Ko" = "ഖൊ":"കൊ":"കോ"
+ "ko" = "കൊ"
+ "KO" = "ഖോ"
+ "kO" = "കോ"
+ "Koo" = "ഖൂ":"കൂ":"കോ"
+ "koo" = "കൂ":"കോ"
+ "Kou" = "ഖൌ"
+ "kou" = "കൌ"
+ "KR" = "ഖൃ"
+ "kR" = "കൃ"
+ "Ku" = "ഖു":"കു"
+ "ku" = "കു":"കൂ"
+ "KU" = "ഖൂ"
+ "kU" = "കൂ"
+ "Kuu" = "ഖൂ":"കൂ"
+ "kuu" = "കൂ"
+ "l^^^" = "ൡ"
+ "L^^^" = "ൡ"
+ "L^^" = "ഌ"
+ "l^^" = "ഌ"
+ "l^" = "ല്"
+ "L^" = "ള്"
+ "L~" = "ള്‍"
+ "l~" = "ല്‍"
+ "l_" = "ല്‍"
+ "L_" = "ള്‍"
+ "l" = "ല്":"ല്‍":"ള്‍":"ലു്":"എല്‍"
+ "L" = "ള്":"ള്‍":"ളു്":"എല്‍":"ള്ള്"
+ "La" = "ള":"ല"
+ "la" = "ല":"ള"
+ "LA" = "ളാ"
+ "lA" = "ലാ"
+ "Laa" = "ളാ":"ലാ"
+ "laa" = "ലാ":"ളാ"
+ "Lae" = "ളേ":"ലേ"
+ "lae" = "ലേ"
+ "LaH" = "ളഃ"
+ "laH" = "ലഃ"
+ "lai" = "ലൈ"
+ "Lai" = "ളൈ"
+ "laM" = "ലം"
+ "LaM" = "ളം"
+ "Lau" = "ളൗ":"ലൗ":"ളൌ"
+ "lau" = "ലൗ"
+ "Le" = "ളെ":"ലെ"
+ "le" = "ലെ":"ളെ"
+ "LE" = "ളേ":"ലേ"
+ "lE" = "ലേ"
+ "Lee" = "ളീ":"ലീ"
+ "lee" = "ലീ":"ളീ"
+ "lei" = "ലൈ"
+ "Lei" = "ളൈ"
+ "li" = "ലി":"ളി":"ലൈ":"ളൈ"
+ "Li" = "ളി":"ലി"
+ "lI" = "ലീ"
+ "LI" = "ളീ"
+ "lii" = "ലീ"
+ "Lii" = "ളീ"
+ "Lo" = "ളൊ":"ലോ":"ലൊ"
+ "lo" = "ലൊ":"ലോ"
+ "LO" = "ളോ"
+ "lO" = "ലോ"
+ "loo" = "ലൂ":"ലോ"
+ "Loo" = "ളൂ":"ലൂ"
+ "Lou" = "ളൌ"
+ "lou" = "ലൌ"
+ "LR" = "ളൃ"
+ "lR" = "ലൃ"
+ "Lu" = "ളു":"ലു"
+ "lu" = "ലു":"ളു"
+ "LU" = "ളൂ"
+ "lU" = "ലൂ"
+ "Luu" = "ളൂ":"ളൂ"
+ "luu" = "ലൂ"
+ "M^" = "മ്"
+ "m^" = "മ്"
+ "m~" = ""ം"
+ "M~" = ""ം"
+ "m_" = ""ം"
+ "M_" = ""ം"
+ "M" = "മ്":"ം":"എം"
+ "m" = "മ്":"ം":"എം"
+ "Ma" = "മ":"മ്മ"
+ "ma" = "മ":"മ്മ":"മഃ"
+ "MA" = "മാ"
+ "mA" = "മാ"
+ "maa" = "മാ"
+ "Maa" = "മാ"
+ "mae" = "മേ"
+ "Mae" = "മേ"
+ "maH" = "മഃ"
+ "MaH" = "മഃ"
+ "Mai" = "മൈ":"മയ്"
+ "mai" = "മൈ":"മയ്"
+ "MaM" = "മം"
+ "maM" = "മം"
+ "mau" = "മൗ":"മൌ"
+ "Mau" = "മൗ":"മൌ"
+ "ME" = "മേ"
+ "mE" = "മേ"
+ "me" = "മെ"
+ "Me" = "മെ"
+ "mee" = "മീ"
+ "Mee" = "മീ"
+ "Mei" = "മെയ്":"മൈ"
+ "mei" = "മെയ്":"മൈ"
+ "mi" = "മി"
+ "Mi" = "മി"
+ "mI" = "മീ"
+ "MI" = "മീ"
+ "Mii" = "മീ"
+ "mii" = "മീ"
+ "mo" = "മൊ":"മോ"
+ "Mo" = "മൊ":"മോ"
+ "mO" = "മോ"
+ "MO" = "മോ"
+ "moo" = "മൂ":"മോ"
+ "Moo" = "മൂ":"മോ"
+ "mou" = "മൌ"
+ "Mou" = "മൌ"
+ "mR" = "മൃ"
+ "MR" = "മൃ"
+ "MU" = "മൂ"
+ "Mu" = "മു"
+ "mU" = "മൂ"
+ "mu" = "മു"
+ "Muu" = "മൂ"
+ "muu" = "മൂ"
+ "n^" = "ന്"
+ "N^" = "ണ്"
+ "N~" = "ണ്‍"
+ "n~" = "ന്‍"
+ "n_" = "ന്‍"
+ "N_" = "ണ്‍"
+ "n" = "ന്":"ന്‍":"നു്":"ണ്‍":"ണ്":"ന്ന്":"എന്‍"
+ "N" = "ണ്":"ണ്‍":"ണു്":"ന്‍":"ണ്ണ്":"ണ്ണു്":"എന്‍"
+ "Na" = "ണ":"ന":"നാ":"ണ്ണ"
+ "na" = "ന":"ണ":"നഃ"
+ "NA" = "ണാ"
+ "nA" = "നാ"
+ "naa" = "നാ":"ണാ"
+ "Naa" = "ണാ":"നാ"
+ "Nae" = "ണേ"
+ "nae" = "നേ"
+ "naH" = "നഃ"
+ "NaH" = "ണഃ"
+ "nai" = "നൈ":"നായ്"
+ "Nai" = "ണൈ"
+ "naM" = "നം"
+ "NaM" = "ണം"
+ "nau" = "നൗ":"നൌ"
+ "Nau" = "ണൗ":"ണൌ"
+ "nc" = "ങ്ക്"
+ "nch^" = "ഞ്ച്"
+ "nch" = "ഞ്ച്":"ഞ്ചു്"
+ "ncha" = "ഞ്ച":"ഞ്ചാ"
+ "nchA" = "ഞ്ചാ"
+ "nchaa" = "ഞ്ചാ"
+ "nchaH" = "ഞ്ചഃ"
+ "nchai" = "ഞ്ചൈ"
+ "nchaM" = "ഞ്ചം"
+ "nchau" = "ഞ്ചൌ":"ഞ്ചൌ"
+ "nche" = "ഞ്ചെ":"ഞ്ചി"
+ "nchE" = "ഞ്ചേ"
+ "nchee" = "ഞ്ചീ"
+ "nchei" = "ഞ്ചൈ"
+ "nchi" = "ഞ്ചി"
+ "nchI" = "ഞ്ചീ"
+ "nchii" = "ഞ്ചീ"
+ "ncho" = "ഞ്ചൊ"
+ "nchO" = "ഞ്ചോ"
+ "nchoo" = "ഞ്ചൂ"
+ "nchou" = "ഞ്ചൌ"
+ "nchR" = "ഞ്ചൃ"
+ "nchu" = "ഞ്ചു"
+ "nchU" = "ഞ്ചൂ"
+ "nchuu" = "ഞ്ചൂ"
+ "ne" = "നെ":"ണെ":"ന്‍":"ണ്‍"
+ "Ne" = "ണെ"
+ "NE" = "ണേ"
+ "nE" = "നേ"
+ "Nee" = "ണീ":"നീ":"ണേ":"നീ"
+ "nee" = "നീ":"നേ"
+ "Nei" = "ണൈ"
+ "nei" = "നെയ്":"നൈ"
+ "ng^" = "ങ്"
+ "ng" = "ങ്ങ്":"ങ്ങു്":"ങ്":"ങു്"
+ "Nga" = "ങ":"ങ്ങ"
+ "NgA" = "ങാ"
+ "nga" = "ങ്ങ":"ങ"
+ "ngA" = "ങ്ങാ":"ങാ"
+ "Ngaa" = "ങാ"
+ "ngaa" = "ങ്ങാ":"ങാ"
+ "ngae" = "ങ്ങേ":"ങേ"
+ "NgaH" = "ങഃ"
+ "Ngai" = "ങൈ"
+ "ngai" = "ങ്ങൈ":"ങൈ"
+ "ngaM" = "ങ്ങം":"ങം"
+ "Ngau" = "ങൗ"
+ "ngau" = "ങ്ങൗ":"ങൗ"
+ "Nge" = "ങെ"
+ "NgE" = "ങേ"
+ "nge" = "ങ്ങെ":"ങെ":"ങ്ങൈ"
+ "ngE" = "ങ്ങേ":"ങേ"
+ "Ngee" = "ങീ"
+ "ngee" = "ങ്ങീ":"ങീ"
+ "ngei" = "ങൈ"
+ "Ngei" = "ങൈ"
+ "Ngi" = "ങി"
+ "ngI" = "ങ്ങീ":"ങീ"
+ "ngi" = "ങ്ങി":"ങി"
+ "Ngii" = "ങീ"
+ "ngii" = "ങ്ങീ":"ങീ"
+ "Ngo" = "ങൊ"
+ "NgO" = "ങോ"
+ "ngO" = "ങ്ങോ":"ങോ"
+ "ngo" = "ങ്ങൊ":"ങൊ"
+ "Ngoo" = "ങൂ"
+ "ngoo" = "ങ്ങൂ":"ങൂ"
+ "ngou" = "ങൌ":"ങൌ"
+ "Ngou" = "ങൌ"
+ "NgR" = "ങൃ"
+ "ngR" = "ങ്ങൃ":"ങൃ"
+ "ngU" = "ങൂ":"ങ്ങൂ"
+ "Ngu" = "ങു"
+ "ngu" = "ങ്ങു":"ങു"
+ "Nguu" = "ങൂ"
+ "nguu" = "ങ്ങൂ":"ങൂ"
+ "ni" = "നി":"ണി":"നൈ"
+ "nI" = "നീ":"ണീ"
+ "Ni" = "ണി":"ണ്ണി"
+ "NI" = "ണീ"
+ "nii" = "നീ":"ണീ"
+ "Nii" = "ണീ"
+ "nj^" = "ഞ്"
+ "nj" = "ഞ്":"ഞ്ഞ്":"ഞ്ഞു്"
+ "nja" = "ഞ":"ഞ്ച":"ഞ്ഞ"
+ "njA" = "ഞാ"
+ "njaa" = "ഞാ":"ഞ്ചാ"
+ "njae" = "ഞേ":"ഞ്ഞേ"
+ "njaH" = "ഞഃ"
+ "njai" = "ഞൈ":"ഞ്ഞൈ"
+ "njaM" = "ഞം"
+ "njau" = "ഞൗ":"ഞൌ":"ഞ്ഞൗ"
+ "nje" = "ഞെ":"ഞ്ഞെ":"ഞ്ചെ"
+ "njE" = "ഞേ":"ഞ്ഞേ"
+ "njee" = "ഞീ":"ഞ്ചീ"
+ "njei" = "ഞ്ചൈ":"ഞൈ":"ഞ്ഞൈ"
+ "nji" = "ഞി":"ഞ്ഞി":"ഞ്ചി"
+ "njI" = "ഞീ"
+ "njii" = "ഞീ"
+ "njo" = "ഞൊ":"ഞ്ഞോ":"ഞ്ചൊ"
+ "njO" = "ഞോ":"ഞ്ഞോ":"ഞ്ചോ"
+ "njoo" = "ഞൂ":"ഞ്ഞൂ"
+ "njou" = "ഞൌ"
+ "njR" = "ഞൃ"
+ "nju" = "ഞു":"ഞ്ഞു":"ഞ്ചു"
+ "njU" = "ഞൂ"
+ "njuu" = "ഞൂ":"ഞ്ഞൂ":"ഞ്ചൂ"
+ "nk^" = "ങ്ക്"
+ "nk" = "ങ്ക്":"ങ്കു്"
+ "nka" = "ങ്ക"
+ "nkA" = "ങ്കാ"
+ "nkaa" = "ങ്കാ"
+ "nkaH" = "ങ്കഃ"
+ "nkai" = "ങ്കൈ":"ങ്കായ്"
+ "nkaM" = "ങ്കം"
+ "nkau" = "ങ്കൗ":"ങ്കൌ"
+ "nkE" = "ങ്കേ"
+ "nke" = "ങ്കെ"
+ "nkee" = "ങ്കീ"
+ "nkei" = "ങ്കൈ"
+ "nki" = "ങ്കി"
+ "nkI" = "ങ്കീ"
+ "nkii" = "ങ്കീ"
+ "nko" = "ങ്കൊ":"ങ്കോ"
+ "nkO" = "ങ്കോ"
+ "nkoo" = "ങ്കൂ"
+ "nkou" = "ങ്കൌ"
+ "nkR" = "ങ്കൃ"
+ "nku" = "ങ്കു"
+ "nkU" = "ങ്കൂ"
+ "nkuu" = "ങ്കൂ"
+ "no" = "നൊ":"ണൊ":"നോ"
+ "No" = "ണൊ":"നോ"
+ "NO" = "ണോ":"നോ"
+ "nO" = "നോ"
+ "Noo" = "ണൂ":"നൂ"
+ "noo" = "നൂ":"ണൂ"
+ "nou" = "നൌ"
+ "Nou" = "ണൌ"
+ "nR" = "നൃ"
+ "NR" = "ണൃ"
+ "nt^" = "ന്റ്"
+ "nt" = "ന്റ്":"ന്റു്"
+ "nta" = "ന്റ":"ണ്ട"
+ "ntA" = "ന്റാ"
+ "ntaa" = "ന്റാ"
+ "ntae" = "ന്റേ"
+ "ntaH" = "ന്റഃ"
+ "ntai" = "ന്റൈ"
+ "ntaM" = "ന്റം"
+ "ntau" = "ന്റൗ"
+ "ntE" = "ന്റേ"
+ "nte" = "ന്റെ"
+ "ntee" = "ന്റീ"
+ "ntei" = "ന്റൈ"
+ "nth^" = "ന്ത്"
+ "nth" = "ന്ത്":"ന്തു്"
+ "ntha" = "ന്ത":"ന്ദ"
+ "nthA" = "ന്താ"
+ "nthaa" = "ന്താ"
+ "nthaH" = "ന്തഃ"
+ "nthai" = "ന്തൈ"
+ "nthaM" = "ന്തം"
+ "nthau" = "ന്തൗ":"ന്തൌ"
+ "nthE" = "ന്തേ":"ന്ദേ"
+ "nthe" = "ന്തെ"
+ "nthee" = "ന്തീ":"ന്ദീ"
+ "nthei" = "ന്തൈ"
+ "nthi" = "ന്തി":"ന്ദി"
+ "nthI" = "ന്തീ"
+ "nthii" = "ന്തീ"
+ "ntho" = "ന്തൊ"
+ "nthO" = "ന്തോ"
+ "nthoo" = "ന്തൂ"
+ "nthou" = "ന്തൌ"
+ "nthR" = "ന്തൃ"
+ "nthu" = "ന്തു"
+ "nthU" = "ന്തൂ"
+ "nthuu" = "ന്തൂ"
+ "nti" = "ന്റി":"ണ്ടി"
+ "ntI" = "ന്റീ"
+ "ntii" = "ന്റീ"
+ "nto" = "ന്റൊ"
+ "ntO" = "ന്റോ"
+ "ntoo" = "ന്റൂ"
+ "ntou" = "ന്റൌ"
+ "ntR" = "ന്റൃ"
+ "ntU" = "ന്റൂ"
+ "ntu" = "ന്റു"
+ "ntuu" = "ന്റൂ"
+ "nu" = "നു":"ണു":"ണ്"
+ "nU" = "നൂ":"ണൂ"
+ "Nu" = "ണു"
+ "NU" = "ണൂ"
+ "nuu" = "നൂ":"ണൂ"
+ "Nuu" = "ണൂ":"നൂ"
+ "@o" = ""ൊ"
+ "@O" = ""ോ"
+ "o" = "ഒ"
+ "O" = "ഓ"
+ "@oo" = ""ൂ"
+ "oo" = "ഊ":"ഓ"
+ "@ou" = ""ൌ"
+ "ou" = "ഔ"
+ "p^" = "പ്"
+ "P^" = "പ്"
+ "p" = "പ്":"പു്":"പ്പ്":"പ്പു്":"പി"
+ "P" = "പ്":"പ്പ്":"പ്പു്":"പി"
+ "Pa" = "പ":"പ":"പ"
+ "pa" = "പ"
+ "PA" = "പാ"
+ "pA" = "പാ"
+ "paa" = "പാ"
+ "Paa" = "പാ"
+ "Pae" = "പേ"
+ "pae" = "പേ"
+ "paH" = "പഃ"
+ "PaH" = "പഃ"
+ "pai" = "പൈ":"പയ്":"പായ്"
+ "Pai" = "പൈ":"പയ്":"പായ്"
+ "paM" = "പം"
+ "PaM" = "പം"
+ "Pau" = "പൗ":"പൌ"
+ "pau" = "പൗ":"പൌ"
+ "Pe" = "പെ":"പി"
+ "pe" = "പെ":"പി"
+ "PE" = "പേ"
+ "pE" = "പേ"
+ "Pee" = "പീ":"പീ":"പീ":"പേ"
+ "pee" = "പീ":"പേ"
+ "pei" = "പെയ്":"പൈ"
+ "Pei" = "പെയ്":"പൈ"
+ "ph^" = "ഫ്"
+ "ph" = "ഫ്":"പി.എച്."
+ "pha" = "ഫ"
+ "phA" = "ഫാ"
+ "phaa" = "ഫാ"
+ "phaH" = "ഫഃ"
+ "phai" = "ഫൈ"
+ "phaM" = "ഫം"
+ "phau" = "ഫൗ":"ഫൌ"
+ "phe" = "ഫെ"
+ "phE" = "ഫേ"
+ "phee" = "ഫീ"
+ "phei" = "ഫൈ"
+ "phi" = "ഫി"
+ "phI" = "ഫീ"
+ "phii" = "ഫീ"
+ "pho" = "ഫൊ":"ഫോ"
+ "phO" = "ഫോ"
+ "phoo" = "ഫൂ"
+ "phou" = "ഫൌ"
+ "phR" = "ഫൃ"
+ "phu" = "ഫു"
+ "phU" = "ഫൂ"
+ "phuu" = "ഫൂ"
+ "Pi" = "പി":"പൈ":"പി":"പൈ":"പ്പി":"പി":"പൈ"
+ "pi" = "പി":"പൈ":"പ്പി"
+ "pI" = "പീ"
+ "PI" = "പീ"
+ "Pii" = "പീ"
+ "pii" = "പീ"
+ "pO" = "പോ"
+ "Po" = "പൊ"
+ "PO" = "പോ"
+ "po" = "പൊ"
+ "Poo" = "പൂ":"പൂ":"പോ":"പൂ"
+ "poo" = "പൂ":"പോ"
+ "pou" = "പൌ"
+ "Pou" = "പൌ"
+ "pR" = "പൃ"
+ "PR" = "പൃ"
+ "Pu" = "പു":"പു":"പു"
+ "pu" = "പു"
+ "PU" = "പൂ"
+ "pU" = "പൂ"
+ "Puu" = "പൂ"
+ "puu" = "പൂ"
+ "Q" = "ക്യൂ"
+ "q" = "ക്യു"
+ "@R" = ""ൃ"
+ "R^^" = "ൠ"
+ "r^^" = "ൠ"
+ "r^" = "ഋ"
+ "R^" = "റ്"
+ "r~" = "ര്‍"
+ "R~" = "ര്‍"
+ "R_" = "ര്‍"
+ "r_" = "ര്‍"
+ "r" = "ര്":"ര്‍":"രു്":"ആര്‍"
+ "R" = "റ്":"ര്‍":"റു്":"ആര്‍"
+ "Ra" = "റ":"ര":"രാ"
+ "ra" = "ര":"റ"
+ "rA" = "രാ"
+ "RA" = "റാ"
+ "raa" = "രാ":"റാ"
+ "Raa" = "റാ"
+ "Rae" = "റേ"
+ "rae" = "രേ"
+ "RaH" = "റഃ"
+ "raH" = "രഃ"
+ "rai" = "രൈ":"രായ്"
+ "Rai" = "റൈ":"റായ്"
+ "RaM" = "റം"
+ "raM" = "രം"
+ "Rau" = "റൗ"
+ "rau" = "രൗ"
+ "re" = "രെ"
+ "Re" = "റെ"
+ "rE" = "രേ"
+ "RE" = "റേ"
+ "Ree" = "റീ":"രീ":"റേ"
+ "ree" = "രീ"
+ "rei" = "രൈ":"രെയ്"
+ "Rei" = "റൈ":"റെയ്"
+ "ri" = "രി":"റി":"രൈ":"റൈ"
+ "Ri" = "റി":"രി"
+ "rI" = "രീ"
+ "RI" = "റീ"
+ "rii" = "രീ"
+ "Rii" = "റീ"
+ "ro" = "രൊ":"രോ"
+ "rO" = "രോ"
+ "Ro" = "റൊ"
+ "RO" = "റോ"
+ "Roo" = "റൂ":"രൂ"
+ "roo" = "രൂ"
+ "Rou" = "റൌ"
+ "rou" = "രൌ"
+ "RR" = "ഋ"
+ "rr" = "ഋ"
+ "rR" = "രൃ"
+ "Ru" = "റു":"രു"
+ "ru" = "രു":"റു"
+ "RU" = "റൂ"
+ "rU" = "രൂ"
+ "Ruu" = "റൂ":"രൂ"
+ "ruu" = "രൂ"
+ "S^" = "ശ്"
+ "s^" = "സ്"
+ "s" = "സ്":"ശ്":"സ്സ്":"സു്":"സ്സു്":"എസ്"
+ "S" = "ശ്":"ശു്":"സ്":"ശ്ശ്":"ശ്ശു്":"എസ്"
+ "sa" = "സ":"ശ"
+ "Sa" = "ശ":"സ"
+ "SA" = "ശാ":"സാ"
+ "sA" = "സാ"
+ "saa" = "സാ":"ശാ"
+ "Saa" = "ശാ":"സാ"
+ "Sae" = "ശേ"
+ "sae" = "സേ"
+ "SaH" = "ശഃ":"ഷാ"
+ "saH" = "സഃ"
+ "Sai" = "ശൈ":"സൈ":"സായ്"
+ "sai" = "സൈ":"സായ്"
+ "saM" = "സം"
+ "SaM" = "ശം"
+ "sau" = "സൗ":"സൌ"
+ "Sau" = "ശൗ":"സൗ"
+ "Se" = "ശെ":"സെ":"സി"
+ "se" = "സെ":"സി"
+ "SE" = "ശേ":"എസ്.ഇ."
+ "sE" = "സേ"
+ "see" = "സീ":"ശീ"
+ "See" = "ശീ":"സീ"
+ "Sei" = "ശൈ":"സീ"
+ "sei" = "സൈ"
+ "Sh^" = "ഴ്"
+ "sh^" = "ഷ്"
+ "Sh" = "ഴ്":"ഷ്":"ഴു്"
+ "sh" = "ഷ്":"ഷു്"
+ "Sha" = "ഴ":"ഷ":"ഷാ"
+ "sha" = "ഷ"
+ "shA" = "ഷാ"
+ "ShA" = "ഴാ"
+ "Shaa" = "ഴാ"
+ "shaa" = "ഷാ"
+ "shae" = "ഷേ"
+ "Shae" = "ഴേ"
+ "ShaH" = "ഴഃ"
+ "shaH" = "ഷഃ"
+ "shai" = "ഷൈ"
+ "Shai" = "ഴൈ"
+ "shaM" = "ഷം"
+ "ShaM" = "ഴം"
+ "Shau" = "ഴൗ":"ഷൗ":"ഴൌ"
+ "shau" = "ഷൗ":"ഷൌ"
+ "She" = "ഴെ":"ഷി"
+ "she" = "ഷെ":"ഷി"
+ "shE" = "ഷേ"
+ "ShE" = "ഴേ"
+ "shee" = "ഷീ":"ഷേ"
+ "Shee" = "ഴീ"
+ "Shei" = "ഴൈ"
+ "shei" = "ഷൈ"
+ "ShI" = "ഴീ"
+ "shi" = "ഷി"
+ "Shi" = "ഴി"
+ "shI" = "ഷീ"
+ "Shii" = "ഴീ"
+ "shii" = "ഷീ"
+ "sho" = "ഷൊ":"ഷോ"
+ "shO" = "ഷോ"
+ "Sho" = "ഴൊ"
+ "ShO" = "ഴോ"
+ "Shoo" = "ഴൂ":"ഷൂ"
+ "shoo" = "ഷൂ"
+ "Shou" = "ഴൌ"
+ "shou" = "ഷൌ"
+ "ShR" = "ഴൃ"
+ "shR" = "ഷൃ"
+ "Shu" = "ഴു":"ഷു"
+ "shu" = "ഷു"
+ "ShU" = "ഴൂ"
+ "shU" = "ഷൂ"
+ "Shuu" = "ഴൂ"
+ "shuu" = "ഷൂ"
+ "Si" = "ശി":"സി"
+ "si" = "സി":"ശി"
+ "SI" = "ശീ":"എസ്.ഐ."
+ "sI" = "സീ"
+ "Sii" = "ശീ"
+ "sii" = "സീ"
+ "So" = "ശൊ":"സൊ":"സോ"
+ "so" = "സൊ":"ശൊ":"സോ"
+ "SO" = "ശോ"
+ "sO" = "സോ"
+ "Soo" = "ശൂ":"സൂ"
+ "soo" = "സൂ":"ശൂ"
+ "Sou" = "ശൌ":"സൌ"
+ "sou" = "സൌ"
+ "SR" = "ശൃ":"എസ്.ആര്‍."
+ "sR" = "സൃ"
+ "su" = "സു":"ശു"
+ "Su" = "ശു":"സു"
+ "SU" = "ശൂ"
+ "sU" = "സൂ"
+ "suu" = "സൂ":"ശൂ"
+ "Suu" = "ശൂ"
+ "t^" = "ട്"
+ "T^" = "ഠ്"
+ "t" = "ട്":"ടു്":"ട്ട്":"റ്റ്":"ത്":"ടി"
+ "T" = "ഠ്":"ട്ടു്":"ടി":"റ്റി"
+ "Ta" = "ഠ":"ട":"ത"
+ "ta" = "ട":"റ്റ":"ത":"ഠ"
+ "tA" = "ടാ":"താ":"റ്റാ":"ഠാ":"ട്ടാ"
+ "TA" = "ഠാ"
+ "taa" = "ടാ":"റ്റാ":"താ":"ഠാ":"ട്ടാ"
+ "Taa" = "ഠാ"
+ "Tae" = "ഠേ"
+ "tae" = "ടേ"
+ "taH" = "ടഃ":"തഃ"
+ "TaH" = "ഠഃ"
+ "tai" = "ടൈ":"ടായ്"
+ "Tai" = "ഠൈ"
+ "taM" = "ടം":"തം"
+ "TaM" = "ഠം"
+ "Tau" = "ഠൗ":"ഠൌ"
+ "tau" = "ടൗ":"ടൌ"
+ "Te" = "ഠെ":"ടെ":"തെ"
+ "te" = "ടെ":"തെ":"റ്റെ":"ഠെ"
+ "tE" = "ടേ":"തേ"
+ "TE" = "ഠേ":"ടേ"
+ "tea" = "ടീ":"റ്റീ":"തീ"
+ "tee" = "ടീ":"തീ":"റ്റീ"
+ "Tee" = "ഠീ"
+ "tei" = "ടൈ":"ടെയ്"
+ "Tei" = "ഠൈ"
+ "th^" = "ത്"
+ "TH^" = "ഥ്"
+ "Th^" = "ഥ്"
+ "tH^" = "ഥ്"
+ "th" = "ത്":"തു്":"ത്ത്":"ത്തു്"
+ "tH" = "ഥ്":"ഥു്"
+ "Th" = "ഥ്":"ഥു്"
+ "TH" = "ഥ്":"ഥു്"
+ "tha" = "ത":"ധ":"ഥ":"ത്ത":"ദ്ധ"
+ "THa" = "ഥ":"ത"
+ "Tha" = "ഥ":"ത"
+ "tHa" = "ഠ":"ത"
+ "thA" = "താ":"ഥാ":"ധാ":"ത്താ"
+ "ThA" = "ഥാ"
+ "tHA" = "ഠാ"
+ "THA" = "ഥാ"
+ "thaa" = "താ":"ഥാ":"ധാ":"ത്താ"
+ "Thaa" = "ഥാ":"താ"
+ "THaa" = "ഥാ":"താ"
+ "tHaa" = "ഠാ":"താ"
+ "tHae" = "ഠേ"
+ "Thae" = "ഥേ"
+ "THae" = "ഥേ"
+ "thae" = "തേ"
+ "tHaH" = "ഠഃ"
+ "thaH" = "തഃ"
+ "ThaH" = "ഥഃ"
+ "THaH" = "ഥഃ"
+ "THai" = "ഥൈ":"തൈ"
+ "tHai" = "ഠൈ":"തൈ"
+ "Thai" = "ഥൈ":"തൈ"
+ "thai" = "തൈ"
+ "thaM" = "തം":"ത്തം"
+ "ThaM" = "ഥം"
+ "tHaM" = "ഠം"
+ "THaM" = "ഥം"
+ "Thau" = "ഥൗ":"ഥൌ"
+ "tHau" = "ഠൗ":"ഠൌ"
+ "THau" = "ഥൗ":"ഥൌ"
+ "thau" = "തൗ":"തൌ"
+ "THe" = "ഥെ":"ദി":"തെ"
+ "tHe" = "ഠെ":"ദി":"തെ"
+ "The" = "ഥെ":"ദി":"തെ"
+ "tHE" = "ഠേ"
+ "ThE" = "ഥേ"
+ "the" = "തെ"
+ "THE" = "ഥേ"
+ "thE" = "തേ"
+ "thee" = "തീ":"ഥീ":"തേ"
+ "Thee" = "ഥീ":"തീ"
+ "tHee" = "ഠീ":"തീ"
+ "THee" = "ഥീ":"തീ"
+ "Thei" = "ഥൈ":"തെയ്"
+ "thei" = "തൈ":"തെയ്"
+ "tHei" = "ഠൈ":"തെയ്"
+ "THei" = "ഥൈ":"തെയ്"
+ "THi" = "ഥി":"തി":"ത്ഥി"
+ "Thi" = "ഥി":"തി":"ത്ഥി"
+ "tHi" = "ഠി":"തി":"ത്ഠി"
+ "thi" = "തി":"ത്തി":"ഥി":"ധി":"ത്ഥി":"ദ്ധി":"തൈ"
+ "THI" = "ഥീ"
+ "ThI" = "ഥീ"
+ "tHI" = "ഠീ"
+ "thI" = "തീ"
+ "thii" = "തീ":"ത്തീ":"ഥീ":"ധീ"
+ "THii" = "ഥീ"
+ "Thii" = "ഥീ"
+ "tHii" = "ഠീ"
+ "tho" = "തൊ":"തോ":"ത്തൊ"
+ "thO" = "തോ":"ത്തോ"
+ "tHo" = "ഠൊ"
+ "Tho" = "ഥൊ"
+ "ThO" = "ഥോ"
+ "THO" = "ഥോ"
+ "THo" = "ഥൊ"
+ "tHO" = "ഠോ"
+ "thoo" = "തൂ":"ഥൂ":"തോ"
+ "tHoo" = "ഥൂ":"തൂ"
+ "THoo" = "ഥൂ":"തൂ"
+ "Thoo" = "ഥൂ":"തൂ"
+ "Thou" = "ഥൌ"
+ "THou" = "ഥൌ"
+ "thou" = "തൌ"
+ "tHou" = "ഠൌ"
+ "THR" = "ഥൃ":"തൃ"
+ "ThR" = "ഥൃ":"തൃ"
+ "tHR" = "ഥൃ":"തൃ"
+ "thR" = "തൃ"
+ "THU" = "ഥൂ":"തൂ"
+ "tHu" = "ഥു":"തു"
+ "ThU" = "ഥൂ":"തൂ"
+ "tHU" = "ഥൂ":"തൂ"
+ "Thu" = "ഥു":"തു"
+ "THu" = "ഥു":"തു"
+ "thu" = "തു":"ത്തു"
+ "thU" = "തൂ"
+ "thuu" = "തൂ":"ഥൂ"
+ "tHuu" = "ഥൂ":"തൂ"
+ "Thuu" = "ഥൂ":"തൂ"
+ "THuu" = "ഥൂ":"തൂ"
+ "Ti" = "ഠി":"ടി":"തി":"തൈ"
+ "ti" = "ടി":"തി":"ട്ടി":"റ്റി":"ഠി":"ടൈ":"തൈ"
+ "tI" = "ടീ":"റ്റീ"
+ "TI" = "ഠീ"
+ "tii" = "ടീ"
+ "Tii" = "ഠീ"
+ "To" = "ഠൊ":"ടു":"തൊ"
+ "to" = "ടൊ":"ടു":"റ്റു"
+ "TO" = "ഠോ":"തോ"
+ "tO" = "ടോ"
+ "Too" = "ഠൂ":"ടൂ":"തൂ"
+ "too" = "ടൂ":"റ്റൂ":"തൂ"
+ "Tou" = "ഠൌ"
+ "tou" = "ടൌ"
+ "TR" = "ഠൃ"
+ "tR" = "ടൃ"
+ "TT^" = "റ്റ്"
+ "TT" = "റ്റ്":"റ്റു്":"ടി.ടി."
+ "TTa" = "റ്റ":"ട്ട"
+ "TTA" = "റ്റാ"
+ "TTaa" = "റ്റാ"
+ "TTah" = "റ്റഃ"
+ "TTai" = "റ്റൈ"
+ "TTaM" = "റ്റം"
+ "TTau" = "റ്റൗ":"റ്റൌ"
+ "TTe" = "റ്റെ"
+ "TTE" = "റ്റേ"
+ "TTee" = "റ്റീ"
+ "TTei" = "റ്റൈ"
+ "TTI" = "റ്റീ":"ടി.ടി.ഐ."
+ "TTi" = "റ്റി"
+ "TTii" = "റ്റീ"
+ "TTO" = "റ്റോ"
+ "TTo" = "റ്റൊ"
+ "TToo" = "റ്റൂ"
+ "TTou" = "റ്റൌ"
+ "TTR" = "റ്റൃ":"ടി.ടി.ആര്‍."
+ "TTu" = "റ്റു"
+ "TTU" = "റ്റൂ"
+ "TTuu" = "റ്റൂ"
+ "Tu" = "ഠു":"ടു":"തു"
+ "tu" = "ടു":"തു":"റ്റു":"ട്ടു"
+ "tU" = "ടൂ":"റ്റൂ"
+ "TU" = "ഠൂ"
+ "tuu" = "ടൂ":"തൂ":"റ്റൂ"
+ "Tuu" = "ഠൂ"
+ "@u" = ""ു"
+ "@U" = ""ൂ"
+ "u" = "ഉ":"ഊ":"യു"
+ "U" = "ഊ"
+ "@uu" = ""ൂ"
+ "uu" = "ഊ"
+ "v^" = "വ്"
+ "v" = "വ്":"വു്":"വ്വ്":"വ്വു്":"വി"
+ "V" = "വി"
+ "va" = "വ":"വാ"
+ "Va" = "വ":"വ്വ":"വാ"
+ "vA" = "വാ"
+ "Vaa" = "വാ"
+ "vaa" = "വാ"
+ "vae" = "വേ"
+ "vaH" = "വഃ"
+ "vai" = "വൈ":"വയ്"
+ "vaM" = "വം"
+ "vau" = "വൗ":"വൌ"
+ "ve" = "വെ"
+ "vE" = "വേ"
+ "vee" = "വീ":"വേ"
+ "vei" = "വൈയ്":"വൈ"
+ "Vi" = "വി"
+ "vI" = "വീ"
+ "vi" = "വി"
+ "vii" = "വീ"
+ "vo" = "വൊ":"വോ"
+ "vO" = "വോ"
+ "voo" = "വൂ"
+ "vou" = "വൌ"
+ "vR" = "വൃ"
+ "vu" = "വു"
+ "vU" = "വൂ"
+ "vuu" = "വൂ"
+ "W^" = "വ്"
+ "w^" = "വ്"
+ "w" = "വ്":"വു്":"വ്വ്":"ഡബ്ല്യൂ"
+ "W" = "വ്":"വ്വ്":"ഡബ്ല്യൂ"
+ "wa" = "വ"
+ "Wa" = "വ"
+ "wA" = "വാ"
+ "WA" = "വാ"
+ "Waa" = "വാ"
+ "waa" = "വാ"
+ "Wae" = "വേ"
+ "wae" = "വേ"
+ "WaH" = "വഃ"
+ "waH" = "വഃ"
+ "Wai" = "വൈ"
+ "wai" = "വൈ"
+ "WaM" = "വം"
+ "waM" = "വം"
+ "wau" = "വൗ"
+ "Wau" = "വൗ"
+ "We" = "വെ"
+ "WE" = "വേ"
+ "wE" = "വേ"
+ "we" = "വെ"
+ "Wee" = "വീ"
+ "wee" = "വീ"
+ "Wei" = "വൈ"
+ "wei" = "വൈ"
+ "wi" = "വി"
+ "wI" = "വീ"
+ "Wi" = "വി"
+ "WI" = "വീ"
+ "Wii" = "വീ"
+ "wii" = "വീ"
+ "wo" = "വൊ"
+ "Wo" = "വൊ"
+ "wO" = "വോ"
+ "WO" = "വോ"
+ "woo" = "വൂ"
+ "Woo" = "വൂ"
+ "wou" = "വൌ"
+ "Wou" = "വൌ"
+ "wR" = "വൃ"
+ "WR" = "വൃ"
+ "wu" = "വു"
+ "Wu" = "വു"
+ "WU" = "വൂ"
+ "wU" = "വൂ"
+ "wuu" = "വൂ"
+ "Wuu" = "വൂ"
+ "x^" = "ക്ഷ്"
+ "x" = "ക്ഷ്":"ക്സ്":"എക്സ്"
+ "X" = "എക്സ്"
+ "xa" = "ക്ഷ":"ക്സ":"ക്സെ"
+ "xA" = "ക്ഷാ"
+ "xaa" = "ക്ഷാ"
+ "xaH" = "ക്ഷഃ"
+ "xai" = "ക്ഷൈ"
+ "xaM" = "ക്ഷം"
+ "xau" = "ക്ഷൗ":"ക്ഷൌ"
+ "xe" = "ക്ഷെ":"ക്ഷേ":"ക്സെ":"ക്സി":"ക്ഷി"
+ "xE" = "ക്ഷേ"
+ "xee" = "ക്ഷീ"
+ "xei" = "ക്ഷൈ"
+ "xi" = "ക്ഷി":"ക്സി"
+ "xI" = "ക്ഷീ"
+ "xii" = "ക്ഷീ"
+ "xo" = "ക്ഷൊ"
+ "xO" = "ക്ഷോ"
+ "xoo" = "ക്ഷൂ"
+ "xou" = "ക്ഷൌ"
+ "xR" = "ക്ഷൃ"
+ "xu" = "ക്ഷു":"ക്സു"
+ "xU" = "ക്ഷൂ"
+ "xuu" = "ക്ഷൂ"
+ "y^" = "യ്"
+ "y" = "യ്":"യു്":"യ്യ്":"യ്യു്":"വൈ"
+ "Y" = "വൈ"
+ "Ya" = "യ"
+ "ya" = "യ"
+ "YA" = "യാ"
+ "yA" = "യാ"
+ "Yaa" = "യാ"
+ "yaa" = "യാ"
+ "yae" = "യേ"
+ "yaH" = "യഃ":"യഃ"
+ "Yai" = "യൈ"
+ "yai" = "യൈ"
+ "yaM" = "യം":"യം"
+ "yau" = "യൗ":"യൌ"
+ "Yau" = "യൗ":"യൌ"
+ "ye" = "യെ":"യേ"
+ "Ye" = "യെ":"യേ"
+ "YE" = "യേ":"യേ"
+ "yE" = "യേ"
+ "Yee" = "യീ"
+ "yee" = "യീ"
+ "Yei" = "യൈ"
+ "yei" = "യൈ"
+ "YI" = "യീ"
+ "Yi" = "യി"
+ "yi" = "യി"
+ "yI" = "യീ"
+ "Yii" = "യീ"
+ "yii" = "യീ"
+ "Yo" = "യൊ":"യോ"
+ "yo" = "യൊ"
+ "yO" = "യോ"
+ "YO" = "യോ"
+ "Yoo" = "യൂ"
+ "yoo" = "യൂ"
+ "you" = "യൌ":"യൂ":"യൂ":"യൌ"
+ "YR" = "യൃ"
+ "yR" = "യൃ"
+ "YU" = "യൂ"
+ "yU" = "യൂ"
+ "Yu" = "യു"
+ "yu" = "യു"
+ "Yuu" = "യൂ"
+ "yuu" = "യൂ"
+ "z^" = "ശ്"
+ "z" = "ശ്":"സ്":"ശു്":"ഇസഡ്"
+ "Z" = "ശ്":"സ്":"ഇസഡ്"
+ "za" = "ശ":"സ"
+ "zA" = "ശാ"
+ "zaa" = "ശാ":"സാ"
+ "zaH" = "ശഃ"
+ "zai" = "ശൈ"
+ "zaM" = "ശം"
+ "zau" = "ശൗ"
+ "zE" = "ശേ"
+ "ze" = "ശെ"
+ "zee" = "ശീ":"സീ"
+ "zei" = "ശൈ"
+ "zh^" = "ഴ്"
+ "zh" = "ഴ്":"ഴു്"
+ "zha" = "ഴ"
+ "zhA" = "ഴാ"
+ "zhaa" = "ഴാ"
+ "zhae" = "ഴേ"
+ "zhaH" = "ഴഃ"
+ "zhai" = "ഴൈ"
+ "zhaM" = "ഴം"
+ "zhau" = "ഴൗ":"ഴൌ"
+ "zhe" = "ഴെ"
+ "zhE" = "ഴേ"
+ "zhee" = "ഴീ"
+ "zhei" = "ഴൈ"
+ "zhI" = "ഴീ"
+ "zhi" = "ഴി"
+ "zhii" = "ഴീ"
+ "zhO" = "ഴോ"
+ "zho" = "ഴൊ"
+ "zhoo" = "ഴൂ"
+ "zhou" = "ഴൌ"
+ "zhR" = "ഴൃ"
+ "zhU" = "ഴൂ"
+ "zhu" = "ഴു"
+ "zhuu" = "ഴൂ"
+ "zi" = "ശി":"സി"
+ "zI" = "ശീ"
+ "zii" = "ശീ"
+ "zO" = "ശോ"
+ "zo" = "ശൊ"
+ "zoo" = "ശൂ":"സൂ"
+ "zou" = "ശൌ"
+ "zR" = "ശൃ"
+ "zu" = "ശു":"സു"
+ "zU" = "ശൂ"
+ "zuu" = "ശൂ"
diff --git a/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c64dcc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# vim:set et sts=4 sw=4:
+# ibus-sulekha - The Sulekha engine for IBus
+# Copyright(c) 2009 Santhosh Thottingal <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+import os
+import sys
+import getopt
+import ibus
+import gobject
+import factory
+class IMApp:
+ def __init__(self, exec_by_ibus):
+ self.__component = ibus.Component("org.freedesktop.IBus.Sulekha",
+ "Sulekha Component",
+ "0.1.0",
+ "GPL",
+ "Peng Huang <>")
+ self.__component.add_engine("sulekha",
+ "Sulekha",
+ "Sulekha Input method",
+ "ml_IN",
+ "GPL",
+ "Peng Huang <>",
+ "",
+ "en")
+ self.__mainloop = gobject.MainLoop()
+ self.__bus = ibus.Bus()
+ self.__bus.connect("destroy", self.__bus_destroy_cb)
+ self.__factory = factory.EngineFactory(self.__bus)
+ if exec_by_ibus:
+ self.__bus.request_name("org.freedesktop.IBus.Sulekha", 0)
+ else:
+ self.__bus.register_component(self.__component)
+ def run(self):
+ def __bus_destroy_cb(self, bus):
+ self.__mainloop.quit()
+def launch_engine(exec_by_ibus):
+ IMApp(exec_by_ibus).run()
+def print_help(out, v = 0):
+ print >> out, "-i, --ibus execute by ibus."
+ print >> out, "-h, --help show this message."
+ print >> out, "-d, --daemonize daemonize ibus"
+ sys.exit(v)
+def main():
+ daemonize = False
+ exec_by_ibus = False
+ shortopt = "hdi"
+ longopt = ["help", "daemonize", "ibus"]
+ try:
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], shortopt, longopt)
+ except getopt.GetoptError, err:
+ print_help(sys.stderr, 1)
+ for o, a in opts:
+ if o in("-h", "--help"):
+ print_help(sys.stdout)
+ elif o in ("-d", "--daemonize"):
+ daemonize = True
+ elif o in ("-i", "--ibus"):
+ exec_by_ibus = True
+ else:
+ print >> sys.stderr, "Unknown argument: %s" % o
+ print_help(sys.stderr, 1)
+ if daemonize:
+ if os.fork():
+ sys.exit()
+ launch_engine(exec_by_ibus)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eca5de5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+# vim:set et sts=4 sw=4:
+# ibus-sulekha - The Sulekha engine for IBus
+# Copyright(c) 2009 Santhosh Thottingal <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+import gobject
+import pango
+import ibus
+import keymap
+import autocomplete
+from ibus import keysyms
+from ibus import modifier
+class SulekhaEngine(ibus.EngineBase):
+ def __init__(self, bus, object_path):
+ super(SulekhaEngine, self).__init__(bus, object_path)
+ self.__keymap = keymap.Keymap("swanalekha_ml_IN")
+ self.__input_method="en_US"
+ self.__autocomplete=autocomplete.Autocomplete()
+ self.__is_invalidate = False
+ self.__preedit_string = u""
+ self.__current_word = u""
+ self.__lookup_table = ibus.LookupTable()
+ self.__prop_list = ibus.PropList()
+ self.__prop_list.append(ibus.Property(u"test", icon = u"ibus-locale"))
+ def process_key_event(self, keyval, state):
+ # ignore key release events
+ is_press = ((state & modifier.RELEASE_MASK) == 0)
+ if not is_press:
+ return False
+ if self.__preedit_string:
+ if keyval == keysyms.Return:
+ if self.__lookup_table.get_number_of_candidates() > 0:
+ self.__commit_string(self.__lookup_table.get_current_candidate().text)
+ else:
+ self.__commit_string(self.__preedit_string)
+ return True
+ elif keyval == keysyms.Escape:
+ self.__preedit_string = u""
+ self.__update()
+ return True
+ elif keyval == keysyms.BackSpace:
+ self.__preedit_string = self.__preedit_string[:-1]
+ self.__current_word = self.__current_word[:-1]
+ self.__invalidate()
+ return True
+ elif keyval ==
+ self.__commit_string(self.__preedit_string)
+ previous_word=self.__current_word
+ self.__current_word = u""
+ self.__update_prediction(previous_word)
+ return False
+ elif keyval >= keysyms._1 and keyval <= keysyms._9:
+ index = keyval - keysyms._1
+ candidates = self.__lookup_table.get_candidates_in_current_page()
+ if index >= len(candidates):
+ return False
+ candidate = candidates[index].text
+ self.__commit_string(candidate)
+ return True
+ elif keyval == keysyms.Page_Up or keyval == keysyms.KP_Page_Up:
+ self.page_up()
+ return True
+ elif keyval == keysyms.Page_Down or keyval == keysyms.KP_Page_Down:
+ self.page_down()
+ return True
+ elif keyval == keysyms.Up:
+ self.cursor_up()
+ return True
+ elif keyval == keysyms.Down:
+ self.cursor_down()
+ return True
+ elif keyval == keysyms.Left or keyval == keysyms.Right:
+ return True
+ if keyval in xrange(keysyms.a, keysyms.z + 1) or \
+ keyval in xrange(keysyms.A, keysyms.Z + 1):
+ if state & (modifier.CONTROL_MASK | modifier.ALT_MASK) == 0:
+ current_string = self.__preedit_string
+ if self.__input_method == "en_US":
+ self.__preedit_string += unichr(keyval)
+ else:
+ if self.__keymap.get_candidates(current_string+unichr(keyval))== None:
+ current_list = self.__keymap.get_candidates(current_string)
+ self.__commit_string(current_list[0])
+ self.__preedit_string = unichr(keyval)
+ self.__update()
+ else:
+ self.__preedit_string += unichr(keyval)
+ self.__invalidate()
+ return True
+ else:
+ if keyval < 128 and self.__preedit_string:
+ self.__commit_string(self.__preedit_string)
+ return False
+ def __invalidate(self):
+ if self.__is_invalidate:
+ return
+ self.__is_invalidate = True
+ gobject.idle_add(self.__update, priority = gobject.PRIORITY_LOW)
+ def page_up(self):
+ if self.__lookup_table.page_up():
+ self.page_up_lookup_table()
+ return True
+ return False
+ def page_down(self):
+ if self.__lookup_table.page_down():
+ self.page_down_lookup_table()
+ return True
+ return False
+ def cursor_up(self):
+ if len(self.__lookup_table.get_candidates_in_current_page()) == 0:
+ return False
+ if self.__lookup_table.cursor_up():
+ self.update_lookup_table(self.__lookup_table, True, True)
+ curr_text=self.__lookup_table.get_current_candidate().text
+ self.update_preedit(curr_text, None, len(curr_text), True)
+ return True
+ def cursor_down(self):
+ if len(self.__lookup_table.get_candidates_in_current_page()) == 0:
+ return False
+ if self.__lookup_table.cursor_down():
+ self.update_lookup_table(self.__lookup_table, True, True)
+ curr_text=self.__lookup_table.get_current_candidate().text
+ self.update_preedit(curr_text, None, len(curr_text), True)
+ return True
+ def __commit_string(self, text):
+ self.commit_text(ibus.Text(text))
+ self.__current_word = self.__current_word + text
+ self.__preedit_string = u""
+ self.__update()
+ def __update(self):
+ preedit_len = len(self.__preedit_string)
+ attrs = ibus.AttrList()
+ self.__lookup_table.clean()
+ if self.__input_method == "en_US":
+ if preedit_len > 0 :
+ autocompletion_list = self.__get_autocompletion()
+ for text in autocompletion_list:
+ self.__lookup_table.append_candidate(ibus.Text(text))
+ else:
+ if preedit_len > 0:
+ attrs.append(ibus.AttributeForeground(0xff0000, 0, preedit_len))
+ candidate_list = self.__keymap.get_candidates(self.__preedit_string)
+ for text in candidate_list:
+ self.__lookup_table.append_candidate(ibus.Text(text))
+ self.update_auxiliary_text(ibus.Text(self.__preedit_string, attrs), preedit_len > 0)
+ attrs.append(ibus.AttributeUnderline(pango.UNDERLINE_SINGLE, 0, preedit_len))
+ self.update_preedit_text(ibus.Text(self.__preedit_string, attrs), preedit_len, preedit_len > 0)
+ self.__update_lookup_table()
+ self.__is_invalidate = False
+ def __update_prediction(self, previous_word):
+ #self.__lookup_table.clean()
+ #if previous_word:
+ # self.__lookup_table.append_candidate(ibus.Text(previous_word+"Prediction1"))
+ # self.__lookup_table.append_candidate(ibus.Text(previous_word+"Prediction2"))
+ #self.update_preedit_text(ibus.Text(self.__preedit_string, None), 0, False)
+ #self.__update_lookup_table()
+ #self.__is_invalidate = False
+ def __get_autocompletion(self):
+ if self.__input_method == "en_US":
+ if(len(self.__preedit_string)<3):
+ return [self.__current_word]
+ autocompletion_candidates=self.__autocomplete.get_autocompletion_suggestions(self.__preedit_string)
+ else:
+ if(len(self.__current_word)<3):
+ return [self.__current_word]
+ autocompletion_candidates=self.__autocomplete.get_autocompletion_suggestions(self.__current_word)
+ return autocompletion_candidates
+ def __update_lookup_table(self):
+ visible = self.__lookup_table.get_number_of_candidates() > 0
+ self.update_lookup_table(self.__lookup_table, visible)
+ def update_preedit(self, preedit_string, preedit_attrs, cursor_pos, visible):
+ if preedit_attrs == None:
+ preedit_attrs = ibus.AttrList()
+ attr = ibus.AttributeUnderline(ibus.ATTR_UNDERLINE_SINGLE, 0, len(preedit_string))
+ preedit_attrs.append(attr)
+ super(SulekhaEngine, self).update_preedit_text(ibus.Text(preedit_string, preedit_attrs), cursor_pos, visible)
+ def focus_in(self):
+ self.register_properties(self.__prop_list)
+ def focus_out(self):
+ pass
+ def reset(self):
+ pass
+ def property_activate(self, prop_name):
+ print "PropertyActivate(%s)" % prop_name
diff --git a/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/sulekha.xml b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/sulekha.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cd5ff2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/sulekha.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!-- filename: sulekha.xml -->
+ <name>org.freedesktop.IBus.Sulekha</name>
+ <description>Sulekha Component</description>
+ <exec>/usr/libexec/ibus-engine-sulekha --ibus</exec>
+ <version></version>
+ <author>Santhosh Thottingal &lt;;</author>
+ <license>GPL</license>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <textdomain>ibus-sulekha</textdomain>
+ <!-- for static engines -->
+ <engines>
+ <engine>
+ <name>sulekha</name>
+ <language>ml_IN</language>
+ <license>GPL</license>
+ <author>Santhosh Thottingal &lt;;</author>
+ <icon>/usr/share/ibus-sulekha/icons/ibus-sulekha.svg</icon>
+ <layout>us</layout>
+ <longname>Sulekha</longname>
+ <description>Sulekha Input Method</description>
+ <rank>99</rank>
+ </engine>
+ </engines>
diff --git a/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0165946
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>
+<!-- filename: sulekha.xml -->
+ <name>org.freedesktop.IBus.Sulekha</name>
+ <description>Sulekha Component</description>
+ <exec>${libexecdir}/ibus-engine-sulekha --ibus</exec>
+ <version></version>
+ <author>Santhosh Thottingal &lt;;</author>
+ <license>GPL</license>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <textdomain>ibus-sulekha</textdomain>
+ <!-- for static engines -->
+ <engines>
+ <engine>
+ <name>sulekha</name>
+ <language>ml_IN</language>
+ <license>GPL</license>
+ <author>Santhosh Thottingal &lt;;</author>
+ <icon>${pkgdatadir}/icons/ibus-sulekha.svg</icon>
+ <layout>us</layout>
+ <longname>Sulekha</longname>
+ <description>Sulekha Input Method</description>
+ <rank>99</rank>
+ </engine>
+ </engines>
diff --git a/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6ed112
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>
+<!-- filename: sulekha.xml -->
+ <name>org.freedesktop.IBus.Sulekha</name>
+ <description>Sulekha Component</description>
+ <exec>${libexecdir}/ibus-engine-sulekha --ibus</exec>
+ <version>@VERSION@</version>
+ <author>Santhosh Thottingal &lt;;</author>
+ <license>GPL</license>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <textdomain>ibus-sulekha</textdomain>
+ <!-- for static engines -->
+ <engines>
+ <engine>
+ <name>sulekha</name>
+ <language>ml_IN</language>
+ <license>GPL</license>
+ <author>Santhosh Thottingal &lt;;</author>
+ <icon>${pkgdatadir}/icons/ibus-sulekha.svg</icon>
+ <layout>us</layout>
+ <longname>Sulekha</longname>
+ <description>Sulekha Input Method</description>
+ <rank>99</rank>
+ </engine>
+ </engines>
diff --git a/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6adba41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/engine/
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+# vim:set et sts=4 sw=4:
+# ibus-sulekha - The Sulekha engine for IBus
+# Copyright(c) 2009 Santhosh Thottingal <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+import sqlite3
+import re
+import codecs
+import getopt
+import sys
+tz = re.compile('-[0-2]\d:00$')
+class Trainer():
+ def __init__(self, language="en_US"):
+ self.__connection = sqlite3.connect('sulekha.db')
+ # Create a cursor object to do the interacting.
+ self.__cursor = self.__connection.cursor()
+ self.__language=language
+ def get_frequency(self, string):
+ freq=0
+ records = self.__cursor.execute("select frequency \
+ from words_" + self.__language + \
+ " where \
+ language = ? and word = ?" , (self.__language, string))
+ #print records.fetchall()
+ for record in records :
+ freq = int(record[0])
+ return freq
+ def __insert_word(self, word):
+ self.__cursor.execute("INSERT INTO words_"+self.__language + \
+ " (id, word, frequency, language) \
+ VALUES(NULL, ? , 1, ?)" , (word, self.__language))
+ print ">* "+ word + " ("+ self.__language + " : 0)"
+ self.__connection .commit()
+ def __update_word(self, word, frequency):
+ self.__cursor.execute("UPDATE words_"+self.__language + \
+ " set frequency= ?, \
+ language = ? where word = ? " , (frequency, self.__language, word))
+ print "> "+ word + " ("+ self.__language + " : ",frequency , ")"
+ self.__connection .commit()
+ def learn_from_file(self, file_name):
+ corpus_file = codecs. open(file_name,encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')
+ while 1:
+ text=corpus_file.readline()
+ if text=="":
+ break
+ text = unicode(text)
+ words=text.split()
+ for word in words:
+ word=word.strip()
+ self.add_word(word)
+ def create_tables(self, recreate):
+ try:
+ self.__cursor.execute("select count(word) from words_"+self.__language )
+ except:
+ recreate=True
+ if recreate:
+ print "Creating tables"
+ self.__cursor.execute("drop TABLE words_"+self.__language)
+ self.__cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE words_"+self.__language + \
+ word VARCHAR(100), \
+ frequency NUMERIC(8), \
+ language VARCHAR(10) )")
+ self.__connection .commit()
+ def add_word(self, word):
+ freq=self.get_frequency(word)
+ if(freq==0):
+ self.__insert_word(word)
+ else:
+ freq= freq+1
+ self.__update_word(word, freq)
+ def set_langauge(self, language) :
+ self.language=language
+ def close(self):
+ self.__connection .close()
+ self.__curser .close()
+def print_help(out, v = 0):
+ print >> out, "-l, --lang language."
+ print >> out, "-i, --input-file input text file."
+ print >> out, "-h, --help show this message."
+ print >> out, "-r, --recreate recreate the database"
+ sys.exit(v)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ shortopt = "hl:i:r"
+ longopt = ["help", "lang", "input-file", "recreate"]
+ language="en_US"
+ input_file="/usr/share/dict/words"
+ recreate=False
+ opts=None
+ try:
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], shortopt, longopt)
+ except getopt.GetoptError, err:
+ print_help(sys.stderr, 1)
+ if len(opts)==0:
+ print_help(sys.stderr, 1)
+ for o, a in opts:
+ if o in("-h", "--help"):
+ print_help(sys.stdout)
+ elif o in ("-l", "--lang"):
+ language = a
+ elif o in ("-i", "--input-file"):
+ input_file = a
+ elif o in ("-r", "--recreate"):
+ recreate=True
+ else:
+ print >> sys.stderr, "Unknown argument: %s" % o
+ print_help(sys.stderr, 1)
+ trainer = Trainer(language)
+ trainer.create_tables(recreate)
+ trainer.learn_from_file (input_file)
diff --git a/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/icons/ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/icons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7b60f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/icons/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# vim:set noet ts=4:
+# ibus-sulekha - The Sulekha engine for IBus
+# Copyright(c) 2009 Santhosh Thottingal <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+icons_DATA = \
+ ibus-sulekha.svg
+ $(NULL)
+iconsdir = $(pkgdatadir)/icons
+ $(icons_DATA) \
+ $(NULL)
diff --git a/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/icons/ibus-sulekha.svg b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/icons/ibus-sulekha.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..928985b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/icons/ibus-sulekha.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!-- Created with Inkscape ( -->
+ xmlns:svg=""
+ xmlns=""
+ xmlns:xlink=""
+ version="1.0"
+ width="48"
+ height="48"
+ id="svg2383">
+ <defs
+ id="defs2385">
+ <linearGradient
+ id="linearGradient3237">
+ <stop
+ id="stop3239"
+ style="stop-color:#256fef;stop-opacity:1"
+ offset="0" />
+ <stop
+ id="stop3241"
+ style="stop-color:#256fef;stop-opacity:0"
+ offset="1" />
+ </linearGradient>
+ <linearGradient
+ id="linearGradient3177">
+ <stop
+ id="stop3179"
+ style="stop-color:#0000fb;stop-opacity:1"
+ offset="0" />
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+ id="stop3251"
+ style="stop-color:#0000fb;stop-opacity:0.49803922"
+ offset="0.83333331" />
+ <stop
+ id="stop3181"
+ style="stop-color:#0000fb;stop-opacity:0"
+ offset="1" />
+ </linearGradient>
+ <linearGradient
+ x1="5.5772877"
+ y1="22.953403"
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+ id="linearGradient3187"
+ xlink:href="#linearGradient3177"
+ gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"
+ spreadMethod="pad" />
+ <linearGradient
+ x1="5.0772877"
+ y1="22.953403"
+ x2="43.284321"
+ y2="22.953403"
+ id="linearGradient3243"
+ xlink:href="#linearGradient3237"
+ gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" />
+ </defs>
+ <g
+ id="layer1"
+ style="opacity:1">
+ <flowRoot
+ id="flowRoot2393"
+ xml:space="preserve"
+ style="font-size:40px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"><flowRegion
+ id="flowRegion2395"><rect
+ width="42.857143"
+ height="44.285713"
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+ id="rect2397" /></flowRegion><flowPara
+ id="flowPara2399">മമ</flowPara></flowRoot> <text
+ x="-0.42857155"
+ y="42.142857"
+ id="text2401"
+ xml:space="preserve"
+ style="font-size:100px;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-stretch:normal;text-align:start;line-height:100%;writing-mode:lr-tb;text-anchor:start;opacity:1;fill:#2682ff;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#2331ef;stroke-width:0.5;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans;-inkscape-font-specification:Bitstream Vera Sans"><tspan
+ x="-0.42857155"
+ y="42.142857"
+ id="tspan2403"
+ style="fill:#2682ff;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#2331ef;stroke-width:0.5;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1">മ</tspan></text>
+ </g>
diff --git a/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/icons/sulekha.png b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/icons/sulekha.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..facc945
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input-methods/ibus-sulekha/icons/sulekha.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/payyans-doc-converter/ b/payyans-doc-converter/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3241fe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/payyans-doc-converter/
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+# OpenOffice utils.
+# Based on code from:
+# PyODConverter (Python OpenDocument Converter) v1.0.0 - 2008-05-05
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Mirko Nasato <>
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Rajeesh K Nambiar <>
+# Licensed under the GNU LGPL v2.1 - or any later version.
+import sys
+import os
+import time
+import atexit
+# Find OpenOffice.
+ ('/usr/lib64/ooo-2.0/program', '/usr/lib64/ooo-2.0/program'),
+ ('/opt/openoffice.org3/program', '/opt/'),
+ )
+for p in _oopaths:
+ if os.path.exists(p[0]):
+ OPENOFFICE_BIN = os.path.join(OPENOFFICE_PATH, 'soffice')
+ # Add to path so we can find uno.
+ if sys.path.count(OPENOFFICE_LIBPATH) == 0:
+ sys.path.insert(0, OPENOFFICE_LIBPATH)
+ # This is required for loadComponentFromURL
+ os.putenv('URE_BOOTSTRAP','' + OPENOFFICE_PATH + '/fundamentalrc')
+ break
+import uno
+from import PropertyValue
+from import NoConnectException
+class OORunner:
+ """
+ Start, stop, and connect to OpenOffice.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, port=OPENOFFICE_PORT):
+ """ Create OORunner that connects on the specified port. """
+ self.port = port
+ def connect(self, no_startup=False):
+ """
+ Connect to OpenOffice.
+ If a connection cannot be established try to start OpenOffice.
+ """
+ localContext = uno.getComponentContext()
+ resolver = localContext.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext("", localContext)
+ context = None
+ did_start = False
+ n = 0
+ while n < 6:
+ try:
+ context = resolver.resolve("uno:socket,host=localhost,port=%d;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext" % self.port)
+ break
+ except NoConnectException:
+ pass
+ # If first connect failed then try starting OpenOffice.
+ if n == 0:
+ # Exit loop if startup not desired.
+ if no_startup:
+ break
+ self.startup()
+ did_start = True
+ # Pause and try again to connect
+ time.sleep(1)
+ n += 1
+ if not context:
+ raise Exception, "Failed to connect to OpenOffice on port %d" % self.port
+ desktop = context.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext("", context)
+ if not desktop:
+ raise Exception, "Failed to create OpenOffice desktop on port %d" % self.port
+ if did_start:
+ _started_desktops[self.port] = desktop
+ return desktop
+ def startup(self):
+ """
+ Start a headless instance of OpenOffice.
+ """
+ '-accept=socket,host=localhost,port=%d;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager' % self.port,
+ '-norestore',
+ '-nofirststartwizard',
+ '-nologo',
+ '-headless',
+ ]
+ env = {'PATH' : '/bin:/usr/bin:%s' % OPENOFFICE_PATH,
+ }
+ try:
+ pid = os.spawnve(os.P_NOWAIT, args[0], args, env)
+ except Exception, e:
+ raise Exception, "Failed to start OpenOffice on port %d: %s" % (self.port, e.message)
+ if pid <= 0:
+ raise Exception, "Failed to start OpenOffice on port %d" % self.port
+ def shutdown(self):
+ """
+ Shutdown OpenOffice.
+ """
+ try:
+ if _started_desktops.get(self.port):
+ _started_desktops[self.port].terminate()
+ del _started_desktops[self.port]
+ except Exception, e:
+ pass
+# Keep track of started desktops and shut them down on exit.
+_started_desktops = {}
+def _shutdown_desktops():
+ """ Shutdown all OpenOffice desktops that were started by the program. """
+ for port, desktop in _started_desktops.items():
+ try:
+ if desktop:
+ desktop.terminate()
+ except Exception, e:
+ pass
+def oo_shutdown_if_running(port=OPENOFFICE_PORT):
+ """ Shutdown OpenOffice if it's running on the specified port. """
+ oorunner = OORunner(port)
+ try:
+ desktop = oorunner.connect(no_startup=True)
+ desktop.terminate()
+ except Exception, e:
+ pass
+def oo_properties(**args):
+ """
+ Convert args to OpenOffice property values.
+ """
+ props = []
+ for key in args:
+ prop = PropertyValue()
+ prop.Name = key
+ prop.Value = args[key]
+ props.append(prop)
+ return tuple(props)
diff --git a/payyans-doc-converter/ b/payyans-doc-converter/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24498a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/payyans-doc-converter/
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Rajeesh K Nambiar <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+# MA 02110-1301, USA.
+import sys
+import os
+from optparse import OptionParser
+# import the oorunner helper module we've written
+import oorunner
+# Payyans
+from payyans import Payyans
+class OOWrapper:
+ def __init__(self):
+ # Find OpenOffice.
+ _oopaths=(
+ ('/usr/lib64/ooo-2.0/program', '/usr/lib64/ooo-2.0/program'),
+ ('/opt/openoffice.org3/program', '/opt/'),
+ )
+ for p in _oopaths:
+ if os.path.exists(p[0]):
+ OPENOFFICE_BIN = os.path.join(OPENOFFICE_PATH, 'soffice')
+ # Add to path so we can find uno.
+ if sys.path.count(OPENOFFICE_LIBPATH) == 0:
+ sys.path.insert(0, OPENOFFICE_LIBPATH)
+ # This is required for loadComponentFromURL to work properly
+ os.putenv('URE_BOOTSTRAP','' + OPENOFFICE_PATH + '/fundamentalrc')
+ break
+ # start the openoffice instance
+ oor = oorunner.OORunner()
+ # get the central desktop object
+ self.desktop = oor.connect()
+ self.infile = None
+ self.outfile = None
+ def createTextFilter(self):
+ # Needed for FilterName - to export to TXT
+ import uno
+ from import PropertyValue
+ TXT = PropertyValue()
+ TXT.Name = "FilterName"
+ TXT.Value = "Text"
+ return TXT
+ def convertDocToText(self, docFile):
+ ''' Convert the Document file to Text format '''
+ self.infile = os.path.abspath(docFile)
+ if not os.path.exists(self.infile):
+ raise SystemExit ("Input file doesn't exist")
+ self.document = self.desktop.loadComponentFromURL("file://"+self.infile, "_blank", 0, ())
+ filter = self.createTextFilter()
+ (fname, ext) = os.path.splitext(self.infile)
+ self.textfile = fname + ".txt"
+ self.document.storeAsURL("file://" + self.textfile, (filter,))
+ self.closeOffice()
+ def closeOffice(self):
+ # Close the document
+ self.document.dispose()
+ # Close the OpenOffice desktop
+ self.desktop.terminate()
+ def covertDocWithPayyans(self, inFile, mapFile, outFile, direction):
+ ''' Call Payyans to do the actual conversion '''
+ # @direction : a2u/u2a for ASCII-to-Unicode and vice versa
+ self.convertDocToText(inFile)
+ p=Payyans(self.textfile, os.path.abspath(outFile), os.path.abspath(mapFile))
+ if not p:
+ raise SystemExit("Couldn't create Payyan instance")
+ if direction == "a2u":
+ p.ascii2unicode()
+ else:
+ p.unicode2ascii()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ usage = "usage: %prog [options] arg"
+ parser = OptionParser(usage)
+ parser.add_option("-i", "--input-file", dest="input_filename", help="the input file in ascii format")
+ parser.add_option("-o", "--output-file", dest="output_filename", help="the output file name")
+ parser.add_option("-d", "--direction", dest="direction", help="'a2u': Ascii to Unicode, 'u2a': Unicode to Ascii")
+ parser.add_option("-m", "--mapping-file", dest="mapping_filename", help="the ascii to unicode mapping file name")
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ infile = outfile = mapfile = ""
+ if (options.input_filename):
+ infile = os.path.abspath(options.input_filename)
+ if (options.output_filename):
+ outfile = os.path.abspath(options.output_filename)
+ if (options.mapping_filename):
+ mapfile = os.path.abspath(options.mapping_filename)
+ direction = options.direction
+ if not os.path.exists(infile):
+ raise SystemExit("Error : Input file doesn't exist")
+ if not os.path.exists(mapfile):
+ raise SystemExit("Error : Mapping file doesn't exist")
+ if not direction in ['a2u', 'u2a']:
+ raise SystemExit("Error :Direction should be either 'a2u' or 'u2a'")
+ app = OOWrapper()
+ app.covertDocWithPayyans(infile, mapfile, outfile, direction)
diff --git a/payyans/maps/ b/payyans/maps/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed24cc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/payyans/maps/
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+@ = ഥ
+A = ക്ക
+B = ങ്ങ
+C = ങ്ക
+E = ഞ്ഞ
+F = ഞ്ച
+G = ട്ട
+H = ണ്ണ
+I = ണ്ട
+J = ത്ത
+K = ന്ന
+L = ന്ത
+M = പ്പ
+N = മ്മ
+O = മ്പ
+P = ഗ്ഗ
+T = സ്സ
+U = ള്ള
+V = ര്‍
+W = ല്‍
+X = ന്‍
+Y = ണ്‍
+Z = ള്‍
+` = ഋ
+a = ന്റ
+b = ്വ
+c = ്യ
+d = ്ര
+f = ക്ഷ
+g = ദ്ദ
+i = ദ്ധ
+j = ത്ഥ
+m = ണ്ഡ
+o = ഗ്ന
+p = ണ്മ
+q = ത്ഭ
+r = ത്സ
+s = ന്ഥ
+t = ന്ധ
+u = ഗ്മ
+v = ത്മ
+w = ന്ദ
+x = റ്റ
+y = ത്ന
+z = ന്മ
+{ = ള
+| = മ്ല
+~ = ഖ
+¡ = ്
+¢ = ം
+£ = ഃ
+€ = ശ്ശ
+¥ = ഔ
+Š = സ്ല
+§ = ഇ
+© = ഉ
+ª = ഊ
+« = ഋ
+® =എ
+¯ = ഏ
+° = ഐ
+± = ഗ്ല
+² = ഒ
+³ = ഓ
+µ = ക
+¶ = ഖ
+· = ഗ
+¹ = ങ
+º = ച
+» = ഛ
+Œ = വ്വ
+¿ = ട
+À = ഠ
+Á = ഡ
+Â = ഢ
+Ã = ണ
+Ä = ത
+Å = ഥ
+Æ = ദ
+Ç = ധ
+È = ന
+É = പ
+Ë = ഫ
+Ì = ബ
+Í = ഭ
+Î = മ
+Ï = യ
+Ð = ക്ല
+Õ = വ
+Ö = ശ
+× = ഷ
+Ø = സ
+Ù = ഹ
+Ú = റ്റ
+Û = ശ്ശ
+Ü = ല
+Ý = ഴ
+Þ = ാ
+ß = ി
+à = ീ
+á = ു
+â = ൂ
+ã = ൃ
+æ = െ
+ç = േ
+è = ൈ
+ì = ൗ
+í = ്
+ò = ി
+ó = ു
+ô = ൂ
+ø = ര
+ù = റ
diff --git a/payyans/maps/ b/payyans/maps/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4e1765
--- /dev/null
+++ b/payyans/maps/
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
diff --git a/payyans/payyans/ b/payyans/payyans/
index afcac65..bebb989 100755
--- a/payyans/payyans/
+++ b/payyans/payyans/
@@ -19,23 +19,13 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-# If you find any bugs or have any suggestions email:
-# URL:
-പയ്യന്‍ ആളു തരികിടയാകുന്നു. ആസ്കി വേറൊരു തരികിടയും.
-തരികിടയെ തരികിടകൊണ്ടു നേരിടുന്നതാണു് ബുദ്ധി.
-അമേരിക്കാ-ഇറാഖ് യുദ്ധം താഴെപ്പറയും വിധമാകുന്നു.
-'''ആവശ്യത്തിനുള്ള കോപ്പുകള്‍ കൂട്ടുക '''
-import sys #കുന്തം
-import codecs #കൊടച്ചക്രം
-import os #ശീലക്കുട
-from optparse import OptionParser #മുറുക്കാന്‍ചെല്ലം
+import sys
+import codecs
+import os
+from optparse import OptionParser
-'''പയ്യന്റെ ക്ലാസ് ഉന്നതകുലമാകുന്നു. ച്ചാല്‍ ആഢ്യന്‍ തന്നെ. ഏ ക്ലാസ് പയ്യന്‍...!'''
class Payyan:
def __init__(self):
@@ -52,18 +42,19 @@ class Payyan:
self.direction = "u2a"
self.rulesDict = self.LoadRules()
while index < len(unicode_text):
- '''കൂട്ടക്ഷരങ്ങള്‍ക്കൊരു കുറുക്കുവഴി'''
+ '''This takes care of conjuncts '''
for charNo in [3,2,1]:
letter = unicode_text[index:index+charNo]
if letter in self.rulesDict:
ascii_letter = self.rulesDict[letter]
letter = letter.encode('utf-8')
- '''കിട്ടിയ അക്ഷരങ്ങളുടെ അപ്പുറത്തും ഇപ്പുറത്തും സ്വരചിഹ്നങ്ങള്‍ ഫിറ്റ് ചെയ്യാനുള്ള ബദ്ധപ്പാട്'''
- if letter == 'ൈ': # പിറകില്‍ രണ്ടു സാധനം പിടിപ്പിക്കുക
+ '''Fixing the prebase mathra'''
+ '''TODO: Make it generic , so that usable for all indian languages'''
+ if letter == 'ൈ':
ascii_text = ascii_text[:-1] + ascii_letter*2 + ascii_text[-1:]
- elif (letter == 'ോ') | (letter == 'ൊ') | (letter == 'ൌ'): #മുമ്പിലൊന്നും പിറകിലൊന്നും
+ elif (letter == 'ോ') | (letter == 'ൊ') | (letter == 'ൌ'): #prebase+postbase mathra case
ascii_text = ascii_text[:-1] + ascii_letter[0] + ascii_text[-1:] + ascii_letter[1]
- elif (letter == 'െ') | (letter == 'േ') |(letter == '്ര'): #പിറകിലൊന്നുമാത്രം
+ elif (letter == 'െ') | (letter == 'േ') |(letter == '്ര'): #only prebase
ascii_text = ascii_text[:-1] + ascii_letter + ascii_text[-1:]
ascii_text = ascii_text + ascii_letter
@@ -74,15 +65,12 @@ class Payyan:
ascii_text = ascii_text + letter
- '''നോക്കിയിട്ടു കിട്ടുന്നില്ല ബായി'''
+ '''Did not get'''
ascii_letter = letter
- #ascii_text = ascii_text + ascii_letter
- #index = index+1
return ascii_text
def Uni2Ascii(self):
- '''പണിതുടങ്ങട്ടെ'''
if self.input_filename :
uni_file =, encoding = 'utf-8', errors = 'ignore')
else :
@@ -95,21 +83,19 @@ class Payyan:
if text == "":
ascii_text = ""
- # ഹീന ജാതിയിലേയ്ക്ക് തരം താഴ്ത്ത്വാ !
ascii_text = self.word2ASCII(text)
if self.output_filename :
print ascii_text.encode('utf-8')
- ''' പയ്യന്‍ നല്ലോരു യൂണിക്കോട് ഫയലില്‍ കേറി നെരങ്ങി ആസ്ക്കിയാക്കി. ദൈവമേ, ഈ പയ്യനു നല്ലബുദ്ധി തോന്നിക്കണേ... '''
return 0
def word2Unicode(self, ascii_text):
index = 0
post_index = 0
prebase_letter = ""
- postbase_letter = "" # "‌‌്യ", "്വ"
+ postbase_letter = ""
unicode_text = ""
next_ucode_letter = ""
@@ -119,10 +105,9 @@ class Payyan:
letter = ascii_text[index:index+charNo]
if letter in self.rulesDict:
unicode_letter = self.rulesDict[letter]
- if(self.isPrebase(unicode_letter)): #സ്വരചിഹ്നമാണോ?
+ if(self.isPrebase(unicode_letter)):
prebase_letter = unicode_letter
- else: #സ്വരചിഹ്നമല്ല
- #എങ്കില്‍ വ്യഞ്ജനത്തിനു ശേഷം പോസ്റ്റ്-ബേസ് ഉണ്ടോ എന്നു നോക്കൂ
+ else:
post_index = index+charNo
if post_index < len(ascii_text):
letter = ascii_text[post_index]
@@ -146,7 +131,7 @@ class Payyan:
index = index + 1
unicode_letter = letter
- return unicode_text # മതം മാറ്റി തിരിച്ചു കൊടുക്ക്വാ !
+ return unicode_text
def Ascii2Uni(self):
if self.pdf :
@@ -156,7 +141,6 @@ class Payyan:
if status:
print "The input file is a PDF file. To convert this the pdftotext utility is required. "
print "This feature is available only for GNU/Linux Operating system."
- '''ഊഹും. കൊന്നാലും ഇനി മുന്നോട്ടില്ല. മുന്നില്‍ മറ്റവനാകുന്നു. ഏതു്? '''
return 1 # Error - no pdftotext !
self.input_filename = os.path.splitext(self.input_filename)[0] + ".txt"
@@ -169,21 +153,17 @@ class Payyan:
if self.output_filename :
output_file =, encoding = 'utf-8', errors = 'ignore', mode='w+')
- '''സത്യമുള്ളടത്തോളം... അതുകൊണ്ടു തന്നെ ടെര്‍മിനേഷന്‍ ഉറപ്പു്'''
while 1:
text =ascii_file.readline()
if text == "":
unicode_text = ""
- ''' അങ്ങട്ട് മതം മാറ്റ്വാ... ആസ്കിതനും നാസ്തികനും ഒന്നന്നെ! '''
unicode_text = self.word2Unicode(text)
if self.output_filename :
print unicode_text.encode('utf-8')
- ''' പയ്യന്റെ അവതാരോദ്ദേശ്യം പൂര്‍ണ്ണമായിരിക്കുന്നു. ഇനി മടക്കം. റിട്ടേണ്‍...! '''
return 0
def getVowelSign(self, vowel_letter, vowel_sign_letter):
@@ -200,26 +180,15 @@ class Payyan:
return (vowel_letter+ vowel_sign_letter)
def isPrebase(self, letter):
- '''
- ഇതെന്തിനാന്നു ചോദിച്ചാ, ഈ അക്ഷരങ്ങളുടെ ഇടതു വശത്തെഴുതുന്ന സ്വര ചിഹ്നങ്ങളുണ്ടല്ലോ?
- അവ ആസ്കി തരികിടയില്‍ എഴുതുന്നതു് ഇടതു വശത്തു തന്നെയാ. യൂണിക്കോഡില്‍ അക്ഷരത്തിനു ശേഷവും
- അപ്പൊ ആ വക സംഭവങ്ങളെ തിരിച്ചറിയാനാണു് ഈ സംഭവം.
- "തരികിട തരികിടോ ധീംതരികിട" (തരികിട തരികിടയാല്‍) എന്നു പയ്യന്റെ ഗുരു പയ്യഗുരു പയ്യെ മൊഴിഞ്ഞിട്ടുണ്ടു്.
- '''
unicode_letter = letter.encode('utf-8')
if( ( unicode_letter == "േ" ) | ( unicode_letter == "ൈ" ) | ( unicode_letter == "ൊ" ) | ( unicode_letter == "ോ" ) | ( unicode_letter == "ൌ" )
| ( unicode_letter == "്ര" ) | ( unicode_letter == "െ" )
- return True #"ഇതു സത്യം... അ...സത്യം.... അസത്യം...!"
+ return True
return False
def isPostbase(self, letter):
- '''
- "ക്യ" എന്നതിലെ "്യ", "ക്വ" എന്നതിലെ "്വ" എന്നിവ പോസ്റ്റ്-ബേസ് ആണ്.
- "ത്യേ" എന്നത് ആസ്കിയില്‍ "ഏ+ത+്യ" എന്നാണ് എഴുതുന്നത്. അപ്പോള്‍ വ്യഞ്ജനം കഴിഞ്ഞ് പോസ്റ്റ്-ബേസ്
- ഉണ്ടെങ്കില്‍ വ്യഞ്ജനം+പോസ്റ്റ്-ബേസ് കഴിഞ്ഞേ പ്രീ-ബേസ് ചേര്‍ക്കാവൂ! ഹൊ, പയ്യന്‍ പാണിനീശിഷ്യനാണ്!!
- '''
unicode_letter = letter.encode('utf-8')
if ( (unicode_letter == "്യ") | (unicode_letter == "്വ") ):
return True
@@ -227,9 +196,6 @@ class Payyan:
return False
def LoadRules(self):
- '''
- ഈ സംഭവമാണു് മാപ്പിങ്ങ് ഫയല്‍ എടുത്തു് വായിച്ചു പഠിക്കുന്നതു്.
- '''
return self.rulesDict
rules_dict = dict()
@@ -237,39 +203,25 @@ class Payyan:
line_number = 0
rules_file = codecs. open(self.mapping_filename,encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')
while 1:
- ''' ലൈന്‍ നമ്പര്‍ , മാപ്പിങ്ങ് ഫയലില്‍ തെറ്റുണ്ടെങ്കില്‍ പറയാന്‍ ആവശ്യാണു് '''
+ ''' Keep the line number. Required for error reporting'''
line_number = line_number +1
text = unicode( rules_file.readline())
if text == "":
- '''കമന്റടിച്ചേ മത്യാവൂന്നു വെച്ചാ ആവാം. ഒട്ടും മുഷിയില്ല്യ'''
+ '''Ignore the comments'''
if text[0] == '#':
- ''' കമന്റടി പതിവുപോലെ മൈന്റ് ചെയ്യണ്ട ഒന്നും കണ്ടില്യാ കേട്ടില്യാന്നു വെച്ചു നടന്നോളൂ(മനസ്സില്‍ ചിരിച്ചോളൂ) '''
line = text.strip()
if(line == ""):
- '''ലൈനൊന്നും ല്യാ, മോശം.. ങും പോട്ടെ. വേറെ ലൈന്‍ പിടിക്കാം'''
if(len(line.split("=")) != 2):
- '''എന്തോ പ്രശ്നണ്ടു്. ന്നാ അതങ്ങടു തുറന്നു പറഞ്ഞേക്കാം'''
print "Error: Syntax Error in the Ascii to Unicode Map in line number ", line_number
print "Line: "+ text
- '''പരിപാടി നിര്‍ത്താം '''
return 2 # Error - Syntax error in Mapping file
- '''ഇടതന്‍'''
lhs = line.split("=") [ 0 ]
- '''വലതന്‍'''
rhs = line.split("=") [ 1 ]
- '''ഇതിനിടക്കിനി മൂന്നാമനു സ്കോപ്പിണ്ടോ? '''
- '''മറക്കാതെ ഇരിക്കട്ടെ. ആവശ്യം വരും '''
if self.direction == 'a2u':
return rules_dict
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- '''ഒരു പയ്യന്‍ അവതരിക്കുന്നു. '''
- rule= Payyan()
diff --git a/payyans/payyans/payyans b/payyans/payyans/payyans
index 7f3c421..2600cf4 100755
--- a/payyans/payyans/payyans
+++ b/payyans/payyans/payyans
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ def error_exit():
-'''പയ്യന്റെ ക്ലാസ് ഉന്നതകുലമാകുന്നു. ച്ചാല്‍ ആഢ്യന്‍ തന്നെ. ഏ ക്ലാസ് പയ്യന്‍...!'''
class Payyan:
def __init__(self):
@@ -45,21 +44,16 @@ class Payyan:
parser.add_option("-m", "--mapping-file", dest="mapping_filename", help="the ascii to unicode mapping file name")
parser.add_option("-v", "--version", action="store_true", dest="version", help="print the version of this program")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
- '''നീ ആരാകുന്നു?'''
if options.version :
- '''ഞാന്‍ പയ്യനാകുന്നു. പയ്യെ ജനനം. പൈത്തണ്‍കുലം. ഇങ്ങടു് കടിച്ചാല്‍ അങ്ങടും കടിക്കും- അതു് ജന്മ സ്വഭാവം'''
print "Payyans Malayalam Ascii <--> Unicode Converter Version" , VERSION,
if (options.mapping_filename is None):
- ''' മാപ്പിങ്ങ് ഇല്ലാതെ നമുക്കെന്താഘാഷം'''
print "\tEnter mapping file"
if not os.path.exists(options.mapping_filename):
- '''ഇല്ലാത്ത മാപ്പ് ഉണ്ടാക്കാന്‍ പയ്യനാരാ, കൊളംബസോ? വേല കയ്യിലിലിരിക്കട്ടെ...'''
print "\tMap file " + options.mapping_filename + " not found"
if options.direction not in ['a2u','u2a']:
- '''വഴി പറയൂ സഖാവേ'''
print "\tInvalid direction"
p=Payyans(options.input_filename ,options.output_filename, options.mapping_filename)
@@ -69,6 +63,5 @@ class Payyan:
if __name__ == "__main__":
- '''ഒരു പയ്യന്‍ അവതരിക്കുന്നു. '''
- rule= Payyan()
+ payyan = Payyan()
diff --git a/proverb/.directory b/proverb/.directory
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75e14d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proverb/.directory
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/proverb/INSTALL b/proverb/INSTALL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..465acf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proverb/INSTALL
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+$ qmake-qt4
+$ make
+$ su
+$ ./install
+$ proverb
diff --git a/proverb/README b/proverb/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proverb/README
diff --git a/proverb/about.png b/proverb/about.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb21b03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proverb/about.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/proverb/bin/proverb_ml.qm b/proverb/bin/proverb_ml.qm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f79db7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proverb/bin/proverb_ml.qm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/proverb/build/about.h b/proverb/build/about.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f883d4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proverb/build/about.h
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+** Form interface generated from reading ui file 'ui/about.ui'
+** Created by User Interface Compiler
+** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!
diff --git a/proverb/build/mainwindow.cpp b/proverb/build/mainwindow.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c12dc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proverb/build/mainwindow.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+** Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'ui/mainwindow.ui'
+** Created by User Interface Compiler
+** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!
+#include "mainwindow.h"
diff --git a/proverb/build/mainwindow.h b/proverb/build/mainwindow.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb15573
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proverb/build/mainwindow.h
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+** Form interface generated from reading ui file 'ui/mainwindow.ui'
+** Created by User Interface Compiler
+** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!
diff --git a/proverb/icon.png b/proverb/icon.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8e3ac5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proverb/icon.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/proverb/icons.qrc b/proverb/icons.qrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a5bdb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proverb/icons.qrc
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ <qresource prefix="/icons" >
+ <file>about.png</file>
+ <file>icon.png</file>
+ </qresource>
diff --git a/proverb/install b/proverb/install
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d09740b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proverb/install
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+echo Installing...
+cp bin/proverb /usr/bin
+cp proverb_ml.qm /usr/bin
+desktop-file-install പഴഞ്ചൊല്ല്.desktop
+echo done \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/proverb/ b/proverb/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0778e10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proverb/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+QT = gui \
+ core
+CONFIG += qt \
+ release \
+ warn_on \
+ console
+DESTDIR = bin
+OBJECTS_DIR = build
+MOC_DIR = build
+UI_DIR = build
+FORMS = ui/mainwindow.ui \
+ ui/about.ui
+HEADERS = src/mainwindow.h \
+ src/tabdialog.h
+SOURCES = src/mainwindow.cpp \
+ src/main.cpp \
+ src/tabdialog.cpp
+RESOURCES += icons.qrc
+TRANSLATIONS += proverb_ml.ts
+#QMAKE_LFLAGS += -static \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/proverb/ b/proverb/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a13d7f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proverb/
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+<!DOCTYPE QtCreatorProject>
+ <data>
+ <variable>RunConfiguration0-CommandLineArguments</variable>
+ <valuelist type="QVariantList" />
+ </data>
+ <data>
+ <variable>RunConfiguration0-ProFile</variable>
+ <value type="QString" >/home/rahul/Programming/chollu/</value>
+ </data>
+ <data>
+ <variable></variable>
+ <value type="QString" >proverb</value>
+ </data>
+ <data>
+ <variable>RunConfiguration0-UserSetName</variable>
+ <value type="bool" >false</value>
+ </data>
+ <data>
+ <variable>RunConfiguration0-type</variable>
+ <value type="QString" >Qt4ProjectManager.Qt4RunConfiguration</value>
+ </data>
+ <data>
+ <variable>activeRunConfiguration</variable>
+ <value type="int" >0</value>
+ </data>
+ <data>
+ <variable>activebuildconfiguration</variable>
+ <value type="QString" >Debug</value>
+ </data>
+ <data>
+ <variable>buildConfiguration-Debug</variable>
+ <valuemap type="QVariantMap" >
+ <value key="ProjectExplorer.BuildConfiguration.DisplayName" type="QString" >Debug</value>
+ <value key="QtVersionId" type="int" >0</value>
+ <value key="addQDumper" type="" ></value>
+ <value key="buildDirectory" type="QString" >/home/rahul/Programming/chollu</value>
+ </valuemap>
+ </data>
+ <data>
+ <variable>buildconfiguration-Debug-buildstep0</variable>
+ <valuemap type="QVariantMap" >
+ <value key="ProjectExplorer.BuildConfiguration.DisplayName" type="QString" >Debug</value>
+ </valuemap>
+ </data>
+ <data>
+ <variable>buildconfiguration-Debug-buildstep1</variable>
+ <valuemap type="QVariantMap" >
+ <value key="ProjectExplorer.BuildConfiguration.DisplayName" type="QString" >Debug</value>
+ <valuelist key="abstractProcess.Environment" type="QVariantList" >
+ <value type="QString" >CVS_RSH=ssh</value>
+ <value type="QString" >DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-RAM9mXCDvk,guid=4527dab5ad93bbffb83f768f49af1962</value>
+ <value type="QString" >DESKTOP_SESSION=kde</value>
+ <value type="QString" >DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID=</value>
+ <value type="QString" >DISABLE_IMSETTINGS=1</value>
+ <value type="QString" >DISPLAY=:0.0</value>
+ <value type="QString" >DM_CONTROL=/var/run/xdmctl</value>
+ <value type="QString" >DRY_RUN=1</value>
+ <value type="QString" >GNOME_KEYRING_PID=2248</value>
+ <value type="QString" >GNOME_KEYRING_SOCKET=/tmp/keyring-ImWb2g/socket</value>
+ <value type="QString" >GPG_AGENT_INFO=/tmp/gpg-TLKsJh/S.gpg-agent:2483:1</value>
+ <value type="QString" >GS_LIB=</value>
+ <value type="QString" >GTK2_RC_FILES=/etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:/home/rahul/.gtkrc-2.0::/home/rahul/.kde/share/config/gtkrc-2.0</value>
+ <value type="QString" >GTK_IM_MODULE=scim-bridge</value>
+ <value type="QString" >GTK_RC_FILES=/etc/gtk/gtkrc:/home/rahul/.gtkrc::/home/rahul/.kde/share/config/gtkrc</value>
+ <value type="QString" >G_BROKEN_FILENAMES=1</value>
+ <value type="QString" >HISTSIZE=1000</value>
+ <value type="QString" >HOME=/home/rahul</value>
+ <value type="QString" ></value>
+ <value type="QString" >INPUTRC=/etc/inputrc</value>
+ <value type="QString" >KDEDIRS=/usr</value>
+ <value type="QString" >KDE_FULL_SESSION=true</value>
+ <value type="QString" >KDE_IS_PRELINKED=1</value>
+ <value type="QString" >KDE_MULTIHEAD=false</value>
+ <value type="QString" >KDE_SESSION_UID=500</value>
+ <value type="QString" >KDE_SESSION_VERSION=4</value>
+ <value type="QString" >LANG=ml_IN.UTF-8</value>
+ <value type="QString" >LANGUAGE=</value>
+ <value type="QString" >LESSOPEN=|/usr/bin/ %s</value>
+ <value type="QString" >LOGNAME=rahul</value>
+ <value type="QString" >MAIL=/var/spool/mail/rahul</value>
+ <value type="QString" >MALLOC_CHECK_=2</value>
+ <value type="QString" >NXDIR=/usr/NX</value>
+ <value type="QString" >PATH=/usr/lib/qt4/bin:/usr/lib/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/lib/ccache:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/NX/bin:/opt/real/RealPlayer:/home/rahul/bin</value>
+ <value type="QString" >PWD=/home/rahul</value>
+ <value type="QString" >QTDIR=/usr</value>
+ <value type="QString" >QTINC=/usr/lib/qt-3.3/include</value>
+ <value type="QString" >QTLIB=/usr/lib/qt-3.3/lib</value>
+ <value type="QString" >QT_IM_MODULE=scim-bridge</value>
+ <value type="QString" >QT_PLUGIN_PATH=/home/rahul/.kde/lib/kde4/plugins/:/usr/lib/kde4/plugins/:/home/rahul/.kde/lib/kde4/plugins/:/usr/lib/kde4/plugins/</value>
+ <value type="QString" >SESSION_MANAGER=local/unix:@/tmp/.ICE-unix/2561,unix/unix:/tmp/.ICE-unix/2561</value>
+ <value type="QString" >SHELL=/bin/bash</value>
+ <value type="QString" >SHLVL=2</value>
+ <value type="QString" >SSH_AGENT_PID=2422</value>
+ <value type="QString" >SSH_ASKPASS=/usr/bin/ksshaskpass</value>
+ <value type="QString" >SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-hrGejR2250/agent.2250</value>
+ <value type="QString" >TERM=dumb</value>
+ <value type="QString" >USER=rahul</value>
+ <value type="QString" >WINDOWPATH=1</value>
+ <value type="QString" >XCURSOR_THEME=default</value>
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+ <value type="QString" >XDG_MENU_PREFIX=kde4-</value>
+ <value type="QString" >XDG_SESSION_COOKIE=c7c0a3de41d115126a62467e492a5f0f-1236212065.498694-1435713794</value>
+ <value type="QString" >XDM_MANAGED=method=classic</value>
+ <value type="QString" >XMODIFIERS=@im=SCIM</value>
+ <value type="QString" >_=/usr/bin/kdeinit4</value>
+ </valuelist>
+ <valuelist key="abstractProcess.arguments" type="QVariantList" >
+ <value type="QString" >/home/rahul/Programming/chollu/</value>
+ <value type="QString" >-spec</value>
+ <value type="QString" >/usr/lib/qt4/mkspecs/linux-g++</value>
+ <value type="QString" >-r</value>
+ <value type="QString" >CONFIG+=debug</value>
+ </valuelist>
+ <value key="abstractProcess.command" type="QString" >/usr/bin/qmake-qt4</value>
+ <value key="abstractProcess.enabled" type="bool" >true</value>
+ <value key="abstractProcess.workingDirectory" type="QString" >/home/rahul/Programming/chollu</value>
+ <value key="buildConfiguration" type="int" >2</value>
+ </valuemap>
+ </data>
+ <data>
+ <variable>buildconfiguration-Debug-buildstep2</variable>
+ <valuemap type="QVariantMap" >
+ <value key="ProjectExplorer.BuildConfiguration.DisplayName" type="QString" >Debug</value>
+ <valuelist key="abstractProcess.Environment" type="QVariantList" >
+ <value type="QString" >CVS_RSH=ssh</value>
+ <value type="QString" >DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-RAM9mXCDvk,guid=4527dab5ad93bbffb83f768f49af1962</value>
+ <value type="QString" >DESKTOP_SESSION=kde</value>
+ <value type="QString" >DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID=</value>
+ <value type="QString" >DISABLE_IMSETTINGS=1</value>
+ <value type="QString" >DISPLAY=:0.0</value>
+ <value type="QString" >DM_CONTROL=/var/run/xdmctl</value>
+ <value type="QString" >DRY_RUN=1</value>
+ <value type="QString" >GNOME_KEYRING_PID=2248</value>
+ <value type="QString" >GNOME_KEYRING_SOCKET=/tmp/keyring-ImWb2g/socket</value>
+ <value type="QString" >GPG_AGENT_INFO=/tmp/gpg-TLKsJh/S.gpg-agent:2483:1</value>
+ <value type="QString" >GS_LIB=</value>
+ <value type="QString" >GTK2_RC_FILES=/etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:/home/rahul/.gtkrc-2.0::/home/rahul/.kde/share/config/gtkrc-2.0</value>
+ <value type="QString" >GTK_IM_MODULE=scim-bridge</value>
+ <value type="QString" >GTK_RC_FILES=/etc/gtk/gtkrc:/home/rahul/.gtkrc::/home/rahul/.kde/share/config/gtkrc</value>
+ <value type="QString" >G_BROKEN_FILENAMES=1</value>
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+ <value type="QString" >HOME=/home/rahul</value>
+ <value type="QString" ></value>
+ <value type="QString" >INPUTRC=/etc/inputrc</value>
+ <value type="QString" >KDEDIRS=/usr</value>
+ <value type="QString" >KDE_FULL_SESSION=true</value>
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+ <value type="QString" >KDE_MULTIHEAD=false</value>
+ <value type="QString" >KDE_SESSION_UID=500</value>
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+ <value type="QString" >LANG=ml_IN.UTF-8</value>
+ <value type="QString" >LANGUAGE=</value>
+ <value type="QString" >LESSOPEN=|/usr/bin/ %s</value>
+ <value type="QString" >LOGNAME=rahul</value>
+ <value type="QString" >MAIL=/var/spool/mail/rahul</value>
+ <value type="QString" >MALLOC_CHECK_=2</value>
+ <value type="QString" >NXDIR=/usr/NX</value>
+ <value type="QString" >PATH=/usr/lib/qt4/bin:/usr/lib/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/lib/ccache:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/NX/bin:/opt/real/RealPlayer:/home/rahul/bin</value>
+ <value type="QString" >PWD=/home/rahul</value>
+ <value type="QString" >QTDIR=/usr</value>
+ <value type="QString" >QTINC=/usr/lib/qt-3.3/include</value>
+ <value type="QString" >QTLIB=/usr/lib/qt-3.3/lib</value>
+ <value type="QString" >QT_IM_MODULE=scim-bridge</value>
+ <value type="QString" >QT_PLUGIN_PATH=/home/rahul/.kde/lib/kde4/plugins/:/usr/lib/kde4/plugins/:/home/rahul/.kde/lib/kde4/plugins/:/usr/lib/kde4/plugins/</value>
+ <value type="QString" >SESSION_MANAGER=local/unix:@/tmp/.ICE-unix/2561,unix/unix:/tmp/.ICE-unix/2561</value>
+ <value type="QString" >SHELL=/bin/bash</value>
+ <value type="QString" >SHLVL=2</value>
+ <value type="QString" >SSH_AGENT_PID=2422</value>
+ <value type="QString" >SSH_ASKPASS=/usr/bin/ksshaskpass</value>
+ <value type="QString" >SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-hrGejR2250/agent.2250</value>
+ <value type="QString" >TERM=dumb</value>
+ <value type="QString" >USER=rahul</value>
+ <value type="QString" >WINDOWPATH=1</value>
+ <value type="QString" >XCURSOR_THEME=default</value>
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+ <value type="QString" >XDG_MENU_PREFIX=kde4-</value>
+ <value type="QString" >XDG_SESSION_COOKIE=c7c0a3de41d115126a62467e492a5f0f-1236212065.498694-1435713794</value>
+ <value type="QString" >XDM_MANAGED=method=classic</value>
+ <value type="QString" >XMODIFIERS=@im=SCIM</value>
+ <value type="QString" >_=/usr/bin/kdeinit4</value>
+ </valuelist>
+ <valuelist key="abstractProcess.arguments" type="QVariantList" >
+ <value type="QString" >-w</value>
+ </valuelist>
+ <value key="abstractProcess.command" type="QString" >/usr/bin/make</value>
+ <value key="abstractProcess.enabled" type="bool" >true</value>
+ <value key="abstractProcess.workingDirectory" type="QString" >/home/rahul/Programming/chollu</value>
+ </valuemap>
+ </data>
+ <data>
+ <variable>buildconfiguration-Debug-cleanstep0</variable>
+ <valuemap type="QVariantMap" >
+ <value key="ProjectExplorer.BuildConfiguration.DisplayName" type="QString" >Debug</value>
+ </valuemap>
+ </data>
+ <data>
+ <variable>buildconfiguration-Debug-cleanstep1</variable>
+ <valuemap type="QVariantMap" >
+ <value key="ProjectExplorer.BuildConfiguration.DisplayName" type="QString" >Debug</value>
+ <valuelist key="abstractProcess.Environment" type="QVariantList" >
+ <value type="QString" >CVS_RSH=ssh</value>
+ <value type="QString" >DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-RAM9mXCDvk,guid=4527dab5ad93bbffb83f768f49af1962</value>
+ <value type="QString" >DESKTOP_SESSION=kde</value>
+ <value type="QString" >DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID=</value>
+ <value type="QString" >DISABLE_IMSETTINGS=1</value>
+ <value type="QString" >DISPLAY=:0.0</value>
+ <value type="QString" >DM_CONTROL=/var/run/xdmctl</value>
+ <value type="QString" >DRY_RUN=1</value>
+ <value type="QString" >GNOME_KEYRING_PID=2248</value>
+ <value type="QString" >GNOME_KEYRING_SOCKET=/tmp/keyring-ImWb2g/socket</value>
+ <value type="QString" >GPG_AGENT_INFO=/tmp/gpg-TLKsJh/S.gpg-agent:2483:1</value>
+ <value type="QString" >GS_LIB=</value>
+ <value type="QString" >GTK2_RC_FILES=/etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:/home/rahul/.gtkrc-2.0::/home/rahul/.kde/share/config/gtkrc-2.0</value>
+ <value type="QString" >GTK_IM_MODULE=scim-bridge</value>
+ <value type="QString" >GTK_RC_FILES=/etc/gtk/gtkrc:/home/rahul/.gtkrc::/home/rahul/.kde/share/config/gtkrc</value>
+ <value type="QString" >G_BROKEN_FILENAMES=1</value>
+ <value type="QString" >HISTSIZE=1000</value>
+ <value type="QString" >HOME=/home/rahul</value>
+ <value type="QString" ></value>
+ <value type="QString" >INPUTRC=/etc/inputrc</value>
+ <value type="QString" >KDEDIRS=/usr</value>
+ <value type="QString" >KDE_FULL_SESSION=true</value>
+ <value type="QString" >KDE_IS_PRELINKED=1</value>
+ <value type="QString" >KDE_MULTIHEAD=false</value>
+ <value type="QString" >KDE_SESSION_UID=500</value>
+ <value type="QString" >KDE_SESSION_VERSION=4</value>
+ <value type="QString" >LANG=ml_IN.UTF-8</value>
+ <value type="QString" >LANGUAGE=</value>
+ <value type="QString" >LESSOPEN=|/usr/bin/ %s</value>
+ <value type="QString" >LOGNAME=rahul</value>
+ <value type="QString" >MAIL=/var/spool/mail/rahul</value>
+ <value type="QString" >MALLOC_CHECK_=2</value>
+ <value type="QString" >NXDIR=/usr/NX</value>
+ <value type="QString" >PATH=/usr/lib/qt4/bin:/usr/lib/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/lib/ccache:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/NX/bin:/opt/real/RealPlayer:/home/rahul/bin</value>
+ <value type="QString" >PWD=/home/rahul</value>
+ <value type="QString" >QTDIR=/usr</value>
+ <value type="QString" >QTINC=/usr/lib/qt-3.3/include</value>
+ <value type="QString" >QTLIB=/usr/lib/qt-3.3/lib</value>
+ <value type="QString" >QT_IM_MODULE=scim-bridge</value>
+ <value type="QString" >QT_PLUGIN_PATH=/home/rahul/.kde/lib/kde4/plugins/:/usr/lib/kde4/plugins/:/home/rahul/.kde/lib/kde4/plugins/:/usr/lib/kde4/plugins/</value>
+ <value type="QString" >SESSION_MANAGER=local/unix:@/tmp/.ICE-unix/2561,unix/unix:/tmp/.ICE-unix/2561</value>
+ <value type="QString" >SHELL=/bin/bash</value>
+ <value type="QString" >SHLVL=2</value>
+ <value type="QString" >SSH_AGENT_PID=2422</value>
+ <value type="QString" >SSH_ASKPASS=/usr/bin/ksshaskpass</value>
+ <value type="QString" >SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-hrGejR2250/agent.2250</value>
+ <value type="QString" >TERM=dumb</value>
+ <value type="QString" >USER=rahul</value>
+ <value type="QString" >WINDOWPATH=1</value>
+ <value type="QString" >XCURSOR_THEME=default</value>
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+ <value type="QString" >XDG_MENU_PREFIX=kde4-</value>
+ <value type="QString" >XDG_SESSION_COOKIE=c7c0a3de41d115126a62467e492a5f0f-1236212065.498694-1435713794</value>
+ <value type="QString" >XDM_MANAGED=method=classic</value>
+ <value type="QString" >XMODIFIERS=@im=SCIM</value>
+ <value type="QString" >_=/usr/bin/kdeinit4</value>
+ </valuelist>
+ <valuelist key="abstractProcess.arguments" type="QVariantList" >
+ <value type="QString" >clean</value>
+ <value type="QString" >-w</value>
+ </valuelist>
+ <value key="abstractProcess.command" type="QString" >/usr/bin/make</value>
+ <value key="abstractProcess.enabled" type="bool" >true</value>
+ <value key="abstractProcess.workingDirectory" type="QString" >/home/rahul/Programming/chollu</value>
+ </valuemap>
+ </data>
+ <data>
+ <variable>buildconfigurations</variable>
+ <valuelist type="QVariantList" >
+ <value type="QString" >Debug</value>
+ </valuelist>
+ </data>
+ <data>
+ <variable>buildstep0</variable>
+ <valuemap type="QVariantMap" >
+ <value key="ProjectExplorer.BuildConfiguration.DisplayName" type="QString" ></value>
+ </valuemap>
+ </data>
+ <data>
+ <variable>buildstep1</variable>
+ <valuemap type="QVariantMap" >
+ <value key="ProjectExplorer.BuildConfiguration.DisplayName" type="QString" ></value>
+ <value key="mkspec" type="QString" ></value>
+ </valuemap>
+ </data>
+ <data>
+ <variable>buildstep2</variable>
+ <valuemap type="QVariantMap" >
+ <value key="ProjectExplorer.BuildConfiguration.DisplayName" type="QString" ></value>
+ </valuemap>
+ </data>
+ <data>
+ <variable>buildsteps</variable>
+ <valuelist type="QVariantList" >
+ <value type="QString" >trolltech.qt4projectmanager.gdbmaros</value>
+ <value type="QString" >trolltech.qt4projectmanager.qmake</value>
+ <value type="QString" >trolltech.qt4projectmanager.make</value>
+ </valuelist>
+ </data>
+ <data>
+ <variable>cleanstep0</variable>
+ <valuemap type="QVariantMap" >
+ <value key="ProjectExplorer.BuildConfiguration.DisplayName" type="QString" ></value>
+ <value key="clean" type="bool" >true</value>
+ </valuemap>
+ </data>
+ <data>
+ <variable>cleanstep1</variable>
+ <valuemap type="QVariantMap" >
+ <value key="ProjectExplorer.BuildConfiguration.DisplayName" type="QString" ></value>
+ <value key="clean" type="bool" >true</value>
+ </valuemap>
+ </data>
+ <data>
+ <variable>cleansteps</variable>
+ <valuelist type="QVariantList" >
+ <value type="QString" >trolltech.qt4projectmanager.gdbmaros</value>
+ <value type="QString" >trolltech.qt4projectmanager.make</value>
+ </valuelist>
+ </data>
+ <data>
+ <variable>defaultFileEncoding</variable>
+ <value type="QByteArray" >UTF-8</value>
+ </data>
+ <data>
+ <variable>project</variable>
+ <valuemap type="QVariantMap" />
+ </data>
diff --git a/proverb/proverb_ml.qm b/proverb/proverb_ml.qm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f79db7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proverb/proverb_ml.qm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/proverb/proverb_ml.ts b/proverb/proverb_ml.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..543be79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proverb/proverb_ml.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE TS><TS version="1.1" language="ml">
+ <name>MainWindow</name>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="ui/mainwindow.ui" line="13"/>
+ <source>Proverb</source>
+ <translation>പഴഞ്ചൊല്ലില്‍ പതിരില്ല</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="ui/mainwindow.ui" line="64"/>
+ <source>Get</source>
+ <translation>കണ്ടുപിടിക്കുക</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="ui/mainwindow.ui" line="96"/>
+ <source>About</source>
+ <translation>വിവരണം</translation>
+ </message>
+ <name>aboutDialog</name>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="ui/about.ui" line="79"/>
+ <source>Proverb</source>
+ <translation>പഴഞ്ചൊല്ലില്‍ പതിരില്ല</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="ui/about.ui" line="26"/>
+ <source>background-color: rgb(176, 176, 176);</source>
+ <translation>background-color: rgb(176, 176, 176);</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="ui/about.ui" line="33"/>
+ <source>About</source>
+ <translation>വിവരണം</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="ui/about.ui" line="89"/>
+ <source>GUI for fortune-ml</source>
+ <translation>മലയാളം പഴഞ്ചൊല്ലുകള്‍ കാണിക്കാനുള്ള ഒരു ഉപാധി</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="ui/about.ui" line="140"/>
+ <source>Rahul</source>
+ <translation>രാഹുല്‍</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="ui/about.ui" line="164"/>
+ <source>Credits</source>
+ <translation>ബഹുമതികള്‍</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="ui/about.ui" line="170"/>
+ <source>&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN&quot; &quot;;&gt;
+&lt;html&gt;&lt;head&gt;&lt;meta name=&quot;qrichtext&quot; content=&quot;1&quot; /&gt;&lt;style type=&quot;text/css&quot;&gt;
+p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+&lt;/style&gt;&lt;/head&gt;&lt;body style=&quot; font-family:&apos;Sans Serif&apos;; font-size:14pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;&quot;&gt;
+&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; font-size:20pt; font-weight:600;&quot;&gt;Fortune Malayalam&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; color:#0a2651;&quot;&gt;Santhosh Thottingal &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot;-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-weight:600;&quot;&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; font-size:20pt; font-weight:600;&quot;&gt;Gui Frontend&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; color:#1b2d7a;&quot;&gt;Rahul&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN&quot; &quot;;&gt;&lt;html&gt;&lt;head&gt;&lt;meta name=&quot;qrichtext&quot; content=&quot;1&quot; /&gt;&lt;style type=&quot;text/css&quot;&gt;p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }&lt;/style&gt;&lt;/head&gt;&lt;body style=&quot; font-family:&apos;Sans Serif&apos;; font-size:14pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;&quot;&gt;&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; font-size:20pt; font-weight:600;&quot;&gt;ഫോര്‍ച്യൂണ്‍ മലയാളം&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; color:#0a2651;&quot;&gt;സന്തോഷ് തോട്ടിങ്ങല്‍ &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot;-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-weight:600;&quot;&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; font-size:20pt; font-weight:600;&quot;&gt;Gui &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; color:#1b2d7a;&quot;&gt;രാഹുല്‍&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="ui/about.ui" line="186"/>
+ <source>Options</source>
+ <translation>ഐഛികങ്ങള്‍</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="ui/about.ui" line="220"/>
+ <source>Hilight Search terms</source>
+ <translation>അന്വേഷിച്ച വാക്ക് എടുത്ത് കാണിക്കുക</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="ui/about.ui" line="230"/>
+ <source>Confirm quit action</source>
+ <translation>പുറത്ത് കടക്കല്‍ ഉറപ്പ് വരുത്തുക</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="ui/about.ui" line="306"/>
+ <source>Apply</source>
+ <translation>അംഗീകരിക്കുക</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="ui/about.ui" line="327"/>
+ <source>Help</source>
+ <translation>സഹായം</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="ui/about.ui" line="339"/>
+ <source>&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN&quot; &quot;;&gt;
+&lt;html&gt;&lt;head&gt;&lt;meta name=&quot;qrichtext&quot; content=&quot;1&quot; /&gt;&lt;style type=&quot;text/css&quot;&gt;
+p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+&lt;/style&gt;&lt;/head&gt;&lt;body style=&quot; font-family:&apos;Sans Serif&apos;; font-size:14pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;&quot;&gt;
+&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; color:#0f1455;&quot;&gt;Enter the word in the bottom &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; color:#0f1455;&quot;&gt;entry field and click &apos;Get&apos; to get&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; color:#0f1455;&quot;&gt;proverbs containing that word&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot;-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; color:#0f1455;&quot;&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot;-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; color:#0f1455;&quot;&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; color:#0f1455;&quot;&gt;To get a random proverb leave the &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; color:#0f1455;&quot;&gt;text entry field blank and click &apos;Get&apos;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</source>
+ <translation type="obsolete">&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN&quot; &quot;;&gt;&lt;html&gt;&lt;head&gt;&lt;meta name=&quot;qrichtext&quot; content=&quot;1&quot; /&gt;&lt;style type=&quot;text/css&quot;&gt;p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }&lt;/style&gt;&lt;/head&gt;&lt;body style=&quot; font-family:&apos;Sans Serif&apos;; font-size:14pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;&quot;&gt;&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; color:#0f1455;&quot;&gt;ഒരു വാക്ക് ഉള്‍ക്കൊള്ളുന്ന പഴഞ്ചൊല്ല് കണ്ടുപിടിക്കാന്‍&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot;-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-weight:600;&quot;&gt;&lt;/p&gt; താഴെയുള്ള കള്ളിയില്‍ അന്വേഷിക്കേണ്ട വാക്ക് ടൈപ്പ് ചെയ്ത് കണ്ടുപിടിക്കുക അമര്‍ത്തുക &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot;-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; color:#0f1455;&quot;&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot;-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; color:#0f1455;&quot;&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; color:#0f1455;&quot;&gt;ഏതെങ്കിലും ഒരു പഴഞ്ചൊല്ല് മതിയെങ്കില്‍ &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot;-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-weight:600;&quot;&gt;&lt;/p&gt;താഴെയുള്ള കള്ളിയില്‍ ഒന്നും ടൈപ്പ് ചെയ്യാതെ കണ്ടുപിടിക്കുക അമര്‍ത്തുക &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="ui/about.ui" line="348"/>
+ <source>&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN&quot; &quot;;&gt;
+&lt;html&gt;&lt;head&gt;&lt;meta name=&quot;qrichtext&quot; content=&quot;1&quot; /&gt;&lt;style type=&quot;text/css&quot;&gt;
+p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+&lt;/style&gt;&lt;/head&gt;&lt;body style=&quot; font-family:&apos;Sans Serif&apos;; font-size:14pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;&quot;&gt;
+&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; color:#0f1455;&quot;&gt;Enter the word in the bottom &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; color:#0f1455;&quot;&gt;entry field and click &apos;Get&apos; to get&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; color:#0f1455;&quot;&gt;proverbs containing that word&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot;-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; color:#0f1455;&quot;&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; color:#0f1455;&quot;&gt;To get a random proverb leave the &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; color:#0f1455;&quot;&gt;text entry field blank and click &apos;Get&apos;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished">&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN&quot; &quot;;&gt;&lt;html&gt;&lt;head&gt;&lt;meta name=&quot;qrichtext&quot; content=&quot;1&quot; /&gt;&lt;style type=&quot;text/css&quot;&gt;p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }&lt;/style&gt;&lt;/head&gt;&lt;body style=&quot; font-family:&apos;Sans Serif&apos;; font-size:14pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;&quot;&gt;&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; color:#0f1455;&quot;&gt;ഒരു വാക്ക് ഉള്‍ക്കൊള്ളുന്ന പഴഞ്ചൊല്ല് കണ്ടുപിടിക്കാന്‍&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; color:#0f1455;&quot;&gt;താഴെയുള്ള കള്ളിയില്‍ അന്വേഷിക്കേണ്ട വാക്ക് ടൈപ്പ് ചെയ്ത് കണ്ടുപിടിക്കുക അമര്‍ത്തുക&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot;-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; color:#0f1455;&quot;&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; color:#0f1455;&quot;&gt;ഏതെങ്കിലും ഒരു പഴഞ്ചൊല്ല് മതിയെങ്കില്‍ &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; color:#0f1455;&quot;&gt;താഴെയുള്ള കള്ളിയില്‍ ഒന്നും ടൈപ്പ് ചെയ്യാതെ കണ്ടുപിടിക്കുക അമര്‍ത്തുക&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</translation>
+ </message>
diff --git a/proverb/src/main.cpp b/proverb/src/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33a960e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proverb/src/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#include <QApplication>
+#include <QTranslator>
+#include "mainwindow.h"
+#include "tabdialog.h"
+int main(int argc, char ** argv)
+ QApplication app( argc, argv );
+ QTranslator translator;
+ translator.load("/usr/bin/proverb_ml");
+ app.installTranslator(&translator);
+ MainWindow win;
+ app.connect( &app, SIGNAL( lastWindowClosed() ), &app, SLOT( quit() ) );
+ return app.exec();
diff --git a/proverb/src/main.cpp~ b/proverb/src/main.cpp~
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd32b85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proverb/src/main.cpp~
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#include <QApplication>
+#include <QTranslator>
+#include "mainwindow.h"
+#include "tabdialog.h"
+int main(int argc, char ** argv)
+ QApplication app( argc, argv );
+ QTranslator translator;
+ translator.load("proverb_ml");
+ app.installTranslator(&translator);
+ MainWindow win;
+ app.connect( &app, SIGNAL( lastWindowClosed() ), &app, SLOT( quit() ) );
+ return app.exec();
diff --git a/proverb/src/mainwindow.cpp b/proverb/src/mainwindow.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e98f65c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proverb/src/mainwindow.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+#include "mainwindow.h"
+#include <QProcess>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <QTemporaryFile>
+#include <QTranslator>
+#include <QtDebug>
+#include <QString>
+#include <QMessageBox>
+QString tempFileName;
+MainWindow::MainWindow( QWidget * parent, Qt::WFlags f) : QMainWindow(parent, f)
+ setupUi(this);
+ connect(getButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(getProverb()));
+ //connect(getButton, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(getProverb()));
+ connect(aboutButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(about()));
+ QTemporaryFile tempFile;
+ if (
+ {
+ tempFileName = tempFile.fileName();
+ qDebug()<<"Temp file name" <<tempFileName;
+ }
+ else
+ qDebug()<<"Cannot open/create temporary file";
+void MainWindow::getProverb(void)
+ const char* systemCommand;
+ std::string command;
+ command = lineEdit->text().toUtf8().data();
+ if (command == "")
+ command = "fortune fortune-ml"+command+" >"+tempFileName.toUtf8().data(); // തിരയാന്‍ ഒരു വാക്കും തന്നില്ലെങ്കില്‍ ഏതെങ്കിലും പഴഞ്ചൊല്ല് കാണിക്കാനുള്ള വിദ്യ
+ else
+ command = "fortune fortune-ml -m "+command+" >"+tempFileName.toUtf8().data();
+ //std::cout<<command<<"\n";
+ systemCommand = command.c_str();
+ system(systemCommand);
+ loadFile(tempFileName);
+void MainWindow::loadFile(const QString &fileName)
+ QFile file(fileName);
+ if (! | QFile::Text))
+ {
+ qDebug()<<"Cannot open temporary file";
+ return;
+ }
+ QTextStream in(&file);
+ QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::WaitCursor);
+ textEdit->setPlainText(in.readAll());
+ QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
+ QTextDocument *document = textEdit->document();
+ QTextCursor highlightCursor(document);
+ QTextCursor cursor(document);
+ QTextCursor startOfLine(document);
+ QTextCursor deletePercentage(document);
+ cursor.beginEditBlock();
+ QTextCharFormat plainFormat(highlightCursor.charFormat());
+ QTextCharFormat colorFormat = plainFormat;
+ colorFormat.setFontItalic(true);
+ colorFormat.setForeground(Qt::darkBlue);
+ while (!deletePercentage.isNull() && !deletePercentage.atEnd()) // % ചിഹ്നം നീക്കാന്‍
+ {
+ deletePercentage = document->find("%", deletePercentage, QTextDocument::FindWholeWords);
+ if (!deletePercentage.isNull())
+ {
+ deletePercentage.movePosition(QTextCursor::WordRight, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor);
+ deletePercentage.removeSelectedText();
+ }
+ }
+ while (!startOfLine.isNull() && !startOfLine.atEnd()) // എല്ലാ വരിയുടെയും തുടക്കത്തില്‍ '* ' ചേര്‍ക്കാന്‍
+ {
+ startOfLine.movePosition(QTextCursor::StartOfLine);
+ startOfLine.insertText("* ");
+ startOfLine.movePosition(QTextCursor::Down);
+ }
+ while (!highlightCursor.isNull() && !highlightCursor.atEnd()) // ആവശ്യപ്പെട്ട വാക്ക് നീലനിരത്തില്‍ ചരിച്ചെഴുതാന്‍
+ {
+ highlightCursor = document->find(lineEdit->text(), highlightCursor);
+ if (!highlightCursor.isNull())
+ {
+ highlightCursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::WordRight, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor);
+ highlightCursor.mergeCharFormat(colorFormat);
+ }
+ }
+ cursor.endEditBlock();
+void MainWindow::about(void)
+ /* QMessageBox::about(this, tr("About Kuttans"),
+ tr("<h2 align=\"center\"><b>Proverb</h2><p><h4 align=\"center\">GUI for fortune-ml<p><h4 align=\"center\">"));*/
+About tabdialog(".");
diff --git a/proverb/src/mainwindow.h b/proverb/src/mainwindow.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4fa977
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proverb/src/mainwindow.h
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#include <QMainWindow>
+#include "ui_mainwindow.h"
+#include "tabdialog.h"
+class MainWindow : public QMainWindow, public Ui::MainWindow
+ MainWindow( QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 );
+private slots:
+ void getProverb(void);
+ void about(void);
+ void loadFile(const QString &fileName);
diff --git a/proverb/src/tabdialog.cpp b/proverb/src/tabdialog.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8254b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proverb/src/tabdialog.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#include <QtGui>
+#include "tabdialog.h"
+About::About(const QString &fileName, QWidget *parent): QDialog(parent)
+ setupUi(this);
diff --git a/proverb/src/tabdialog.h b/proverb/src/tabdialog.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e1fb60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proverb/src/tabdialog.h
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#ifndef TABDIALOG_H
+#define TABDIALOG_H
+#include <QDialog>
+#include "ui_about.h"
+class About : public QDialog, private Ui::aboutDialog
+ About(const QString &fileName, QWidget *parent = 0);
diff --git a/proverb/ui/about.ui b/proverb/ui/about.ui
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c5cec3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proverb/ui/about.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<ui version="4.0">
+ <class>aboutDialog</class>
+ <widget class="QDialog" name="aboutDialog">
+ <property name="windowModality">
+ <enum>Qt::NonModal</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="geometry">
+ <rect>
+ <x>0</x>
+ <y>0</y>
+ <width>350</width>
+ <height>281</height>
+ </rect>
+ </property>
+ <property name="windowTitle">
+ <string>Proverb</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="styleSheet">
+ <string>background-color: rgb(176, 176, 176);</string>
+ </property>
+ <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout">
+ <item row="0" column="0">
+ <widget class="QTabWidget" name="tabWidget">
+ <property name="styleSheet">
+ <string>background-color: rgb(176, 176, 176);</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="currentIndex">
+ <number>0</number>
+ </property>
+ <widget class="QWidget" name="tab">
+ <attribute name="title">
+ <string>About</string>
+ </attribute>
+ <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_2">
+ <item row="0" column="2">
+ <spacer name="verticalSpacer_4">
+ <property name="orientation">
+ <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
+ <size>
+ <width>20</width>
+ <height>13</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ </spacer>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="0">
+ <spacer name="horizontalSpacer">
+ <property name="orientation">
+ <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
+ <size>
+ <width>25</width>
+ <height>20</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ </spacer>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="1" colspan="3">
+ <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_2">
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="label_6">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string/>
+ </property>
+ <property name="pixmap">
+ <pixmap resource="../icons.qrc">:/icons/icon.png</pixmap>
+ </property>
+ <property name="alignment">
+ <set>Qt::AlignCenter</set>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="label">
+ <property name="font">
+ <font>
+ <pointsize>26</pointsize>
+ <weight>75</weight>
+ <italic>false</italic>
+ <bold>true</bold>
+ <underline>false</underline>
+ <strikeout>false</strikeout>
+ <stylestrategy>PreferDefault</stylestrategy>
+ <kerning>true</kerning>
+ </font>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Proverb</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="alignment">
+ <set>Qt::AlignCenter</set>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="label_2">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>GUI for fortune-ml</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="alignment">
+ <set>Qt::AlignCenter</set>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="4">
+ <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_2">
+ <property name="orientation">
+ <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
+ <size>
+ <width>28</width>
+ <height>20</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ </spacer>
+ </item>
+ <item row="2" column="2">
+ <spacer name="verticalSpacer_3">
+ <property name="orientation">
+ <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
+ <size>
+ <width>20</width>
+ <height>100</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ </spacer>
+ </item>
+ <item row="3" column="0" colspan="2">
+ <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_5">
+ <property name="orientation">
+ <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
+ <size>
+ <width>60</width>
+ <height>20</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ </spacer>
+ </item>
+ <item row="3" column="2">
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="label_3">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Rahul</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="alignment">
+ <set>Qt::AlignCenter</set>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="3" column="3" colspan="2">
+ <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_6">
+ <property name="orientation">
+ <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
+ <size>
+ <width>63</width>
+ <height>20</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ </spacer>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </widget>
+ <widget class="QWidget" name="tab_2">
+ <attribute name="title">
+ <string>Credits</string>
+ </attribute>
+ <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_4">
+ <item row="0" column="0">
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="label_4">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN&quot; &quot;;&gt;
+&lt;html&gt;&lt;head&gt;&lt;meta name=&quot;qrichtext&quot; content=&quot;1&quot; /&gt;&lt;style type=&quot;text/css&quot;&gt;
+p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+&lt;/style&gt;&lt;/head&gt;&lt;body style=&quot; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:14pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;&quot;&gt;
+&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; font-size:20pt; font-weight:600;&quot;&gt;Fortune Malayalam&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; color:#0a2651;&quot;&gt;Santhosh Thottingal &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot;-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-weight:600;&quot;&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; font-size:20pt; font-weight:600;&quot;&gt;Gui Frontend&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; color:#1b2d7a;&quot;&gt;Rahul&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </widget>
+ <widget class="QWidget" name="tab_3">
+ <attribute name="title">
+ <string>Options</string>
+ </attribute>
+ <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_3">
+ <item row="0" column="1" colspan="3">
+ <spacer name="verticalSpacer_2">
+ <property name="orientation">
+ <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
+ <size>
+ <width>20</width>
+ <height>66</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ </spacer>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="0">
+ <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_3">
+ <property name="orientation">
+ <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
+ <size>
+ <width>7</width>
+ <height>20</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ </spacer>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="1" colspan="3">
+ <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QCheckBox" name="checkBox">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Hilight Search terms</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="checked">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QCheckBox" name="checkBox_2">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Confirm quit action</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="4">
+ <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_4">
+ <property name="orientation">
+ <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
+ <size>
+ <width>8</width>
+ <height>17</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ </spacer>
+ </item>
+ <item row="2" column="2">
+ <spacer name="verticalSpacer">
+ <property name="orientation">
+ <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
+ <size>
+ <width>20</width>
+ <height>65</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ </spacer>
+ </item>
+ <item row="3" column="0" colspan="2">
+ <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_7">
+ <property name="orientation">
+ <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
+ <size>
+ <width>57</width>
+ <height>20</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ </spacer>
+ </item>
+ <item row="3" column="2">
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="applyButton">
+ <property name="styleSheet">
+ <string notr="true">
+ background-color: qlineargradient(spread:reflect, x1:1, y1:0.085, x2:1, y2:0.511, stop:0.158192 rgba(177, 177, 177, 255), stop:1 rgba(255, 255, 255, 255));
+ border-width: 2px;
+ border-color: rgb(148, 148, 148);
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-radius: 5;
+ padding: 3px;
+ min-width: 9ex;
+ min-height: 2.5ex;
+ border-width: 2px;
+ border-color: rgb(45, 45, 45);
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-radius: 5;
+ padding-left: 5px;
+ padding-top: 5px;
+ background-color: qlineargradient(spread:reflect, x1:1, y1:0.085, x2:1, y2:0.511, stop:0.158192 rgba(177, 177, 177, 255), stop:1 rgba(255, 255, 255, 255));
+ border-color: rgb(22, 17, 159);
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Apply</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="3" column="3" colspan="2">
+ <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_8">
+ <property name="orientation">
+ <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
+ <size>
+ <width>56</width>
+ <height>20</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ </spacer>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </widget>
+ <widget class="QWidget" name="tab_4">
+ <attribute name="title">
+ <string>Help</string>
+ </attribute>
+ <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_5">
+ <item row="0" column="0">
+ <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_3">
+ <item>
+ <spacer name="verticalSpacer_6">
+ <property name="orientation">
+ <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
+ <size>
+ <width>20</width>
+ <height>34</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ </spacer>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="label_5">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN&quot; &quot;;&gt;
+&lt;html&gt;&lt;head&gt;&lt;meta name=&quot;qrichtext&quot; content=&quot;1&quot; /&gt;&lt;style type=&quot;text/css&quot;&gt;
+p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+&lt;/style&gt;&lt;/head&gt;&lt;body style=&quot; font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:14pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;&quot;&gt;
+&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; color:#0f1455;&quot;&gt;Enter the word in the bottom &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; color:#0f1455;&quot;&gt;entry field and click 'Get' to get&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; color:#0f1455;&quot;&gt;proverbs containing that word&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot;-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; color:#0f1455;&quot;&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; color:#0f1455;&quot;&gt;To get a random proverb leave the &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; color:#0f1455;&quot;&gt;text entry field blank and click 'Get'&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="alignment">
+ <set>Qt::AlignCenter</set>
+ </property>
+ <property name="wordWrap">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="0">
+ <spacer name="verticalSpacer_5">
+ <property name="orientation">
+ <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
+ <size>
+ <width>20</width>
+ <height>34</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ </spacer>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </widget>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </widget>
+ <resources>
+ <include location="../icons.qrc"/>
+ </resources>
+ <connections/>
diff --git a/proverb/ui/mainwindow.ui b/proverb/ui/mainwindow.ui
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..160d6ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proverb/ui/mainwindow.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<ui version="4.0">
+ <class>MainWindow</class>
+ <widget class="QMainWindow" name="MainWindow">
+ <property name="geometry">
+ <rect>
+ <x>0</x>
+ <y>0</y>
+ <width>598</width>
+ <height>388</height>
+ </rect>
+ </property>
+ <property name="windowTitle">
+ <string>Proverb</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="windowIcon">
+ <iconset resource="../icons.qrc">
+ <normaloff>:/icons/icon.png</normaloff>:/icons/icon.png</iconset>
+ </property>
+ <property name="styleSheet">
+ <string notr="true">.QWidget
+ background-color: rgb(152, 152, 152);
+ background-color: qlineargradient(spread:pad, x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:0.557, stop:0 rgba(143, 143, 143, 255), stop:1 rgba(55, 53, 53, 255));
+ </property>
+ <widget class="QWidget" name="centralwidget">
+ <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout">
+ <item row="0" column="0" colspan="3">
+ <widget class="QTextEdit" name="textEdit"/>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="0">
+ <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEdit"/>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="1">
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="getButton">
+ <property name="styleSheet">
+ <string notr="true">
+ background-color: qlineargradient(spread:reflect, x1:1, y1:0.085, x2:1, y2:0.511, stop:0.158192 rgba(177, 177, 177, 255), stop:1 rgba(255, 255, 255, 255));
+ border-width: 2px;
+ border-color: rgb(148, 148, 148);
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-radius: 5;
+ padding: 3px;
+ min-width: 9ex;
+ min-height: 2.5ex;
+ border-width: 2px;
+ border-color: rgb(45, 45, 45);
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-radius: 5;
+ padding-left: 5px;
+ padding-top: 5px;
+ background-color: qlineargradient(spread:reflect, x1:1, y1:0.085, x2:1, y2:0.511, stop:0.158192 rgba(177, 177, 177, 255), stop:1 rgba(255, 255, 255, 255));
+ border-color: rgb(22, 17, 159);
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Get</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="2">
+ <widget class="QToolButton" name="aboutButton">
+ <property name="styleSheet">
+ <string notr="true">QToolButton
+ background-color: qlineargradient(spread:reflect, x1:1, y1:0.085, x2:1, y2:0.511, stop:0.158192 rgba(177, 177, 177, 255), stop:1 rgba(255, 255, 255, 255));
+ border-width: 2px;
+ border-color: rgb(148, 148, 148);
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-radius: 5;
+ padding: 3px;
+ border-width: 2px;
+ border-color: rgb(45, 45, 45);
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-radius: 5;
+ padding-left: 5px;
+ padding-top: 5px;
+ background-color: qlineargradient(spread:reflect, x1:1, y1:0.085, x2:1, y2:0.511, stop:0.158192 rgba(177, 177, 177, 255), stop:1 rgba(255, 255, 255, 255));
+ border-color: rgb(22, 17, 159);
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>About</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="icon">
+ <iconset resource="../icons.qrc">
+ <normaloff>:/icons/about.png</normaloff>:/icons/about.png</iconset>
+ </property>
+ <property name="iconSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>20</width>
+ <height>20</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="toolButtonStyle">
+ <enum>Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly</enum>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </widget>
+ <widget class="QStatusBar" name="statusbar"/>
+ </widget>
+ <tabstops>
+ <tabstop>lineEdit</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>textEdit</tabstop>
+ </tabstops>
+ <resources>
+ <include location="../icons.qrc"/>
+ </resources>
+ <connections/>
diff --git a/proverb/uninstall b/proverb/uninstall
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b06742f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proverb/uninstall
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+echo Uninstalling...
+rm -f /usr/bin/proverb
+rm -f /usr/bin/proverb_ml.qm
+rm -f /usr/share/applications/പഴഞ്ചൊല്ല്.desktop
+echo done \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/proverb/പഴഞ്ചൊല്ല്.desktop b/proverb/പഴഞ്ചൊല്ല്.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba566dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proverb/പഴഞ്ചൊല്ല്.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+GenericName[ml]=പഴഞ്ചൊല്ലുകള്‍ തിരയാനുള്ള ഉപാധി
+GenericName=പഴഞ്ചൊല്ലുകള്‍ തിരയാനുള്ള ഉപാധി
diff --git a/pykuttans/LICENSE b/pykuttans/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94a9ed0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pykuttans/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,674 @@
+ Version 3, 29 June 2007
+ Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
+software and other kinds of works.
+ The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
+to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
+the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
+share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
+software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
+GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
+any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
+want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
+free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
+these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have
+certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
+you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
+freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive
+or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they
+know their rights.
+ Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
+(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
+giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
+ For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
+that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and
+authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
+changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
+authors of previous versions.
+ Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
+modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
+can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
+protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic
+pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
+use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we
+have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
+products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
+stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
+of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
+ Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
+States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
+software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
+avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
+make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that
+patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. Definitions.
+ "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
+ "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
+works, such as semiconductor masks.
+ "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
+License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and
+"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
+ To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
+in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
+exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
+earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
+ A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
+on the Program.
+ To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
+permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
+infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
+computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,
+distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
+public, and in some countries other activities as well.
+ To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
+parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through
+a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
+ An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
+to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
+feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
+tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
+extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
+work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If
+the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
+menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
+ 1. Source Code.
+ The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
+for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source
+form of a work.
+ A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
+standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
+interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
+is widely used among developers working in that language.
+ The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
+than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
+packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
+Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
+Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
+implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
+"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
+(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
+(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
+produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
+ The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
+the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
+work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
+control those activities. However, it does not include the work's
+System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
+programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
+which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
+includes interface definition files associated with source files for
+the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
+linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
+such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
+subprograms and other parts of the work.
+ The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
+can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
+ The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
+same work.
+ 2. Basic Permissions.
+ All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
+copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
+conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
+permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a
+covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
+content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your
+rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
+ You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
+convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
+in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
+of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
+with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
+the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
+not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works
+for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
+and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
+your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
+ Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
+the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
+makes it unnecessary.
+ 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
+ No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
+measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
+11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
+similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
+ When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
+circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
+is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
+the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
+modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
+users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
+technological measures.
+ 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
+ You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
+receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
+appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
+keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
+non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
+keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
+recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
+ You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
+and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
+ 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
+ You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
+produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
+terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
+ it, and giving a relevant date.
+ b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
+ released under this License and any conditions added under section
+ 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
+ "keep intact all notices".
+ c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
+ License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This
+ License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
+ additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
+ regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no
+ permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
+ invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
+ d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
+ Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
+ interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
+ work need not make them do so.
+ A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
+works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
+and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
+in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
+"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
+used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
+beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work
+in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
+parts of the aggregate.
+ 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
+ You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
+of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
+machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
+in one of these ways:
+ a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+ (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
+ Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
+ customarily used for software interchange.
+ b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+ (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
+ written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
+ long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
+ model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
+ copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
+ product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
+ medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
+ more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
+ conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
+ Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
+ c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
+ written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This
+ alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
+ only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
+ with subsection 6b.
+ d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
+ place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
+ Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
+ further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the
+ Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to
+ copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
+ may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
+ that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
+ clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
+ Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the
+ Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
+ available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
+ e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
+ you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
+ Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
+ charge under subsection 6d.
+ A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
+from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
+included in conveying the object code work.
+ A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
+tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
+or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
+into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
+doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular
+product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
+typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
+of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
+actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product
+is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
+commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
+the only significant mode of use of the product.
+ "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
+procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
+and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
+a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must
+suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
+code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
+modification has been made.
+ If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
+specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
+part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
+User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
+fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
+Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
+by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply
+if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
+modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
+been installed in ROM).
+ The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
+requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
+for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
+the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a
+network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
+adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
+protocols for communication across the network.
+ Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
+in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
+documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
+source code form), and must require no special password or key for
+unpacking, reading or copying.
+ 7. Additional Terms.
+ "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
+License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
+Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
+be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
+that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions
+apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
+under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
+this License without regard to the additional permissions.
+ When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
+remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
+it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
+removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
+additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
+for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
+ Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
+add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
+that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
+ a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
+ terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
+ b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
+ author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
+ Notices displayed by works containing it; or
+ c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
+ requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
+ reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
+ d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
+ authors of the material; or
+ e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
+ trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
+ f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
+ material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
+ it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
+ any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
+ those licensors and authors.
+ All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
+restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you
+received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
+governed by this License along with a term that is a further
+restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains
+a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
+License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
+of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
+not survive such relicensing or conveying.
+ If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
+must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
+additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
+where to find the applicable terms.
+ Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
+form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
+the above requirements apply either way.
+ 8. Termination.
+ You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
+provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
+modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
+this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
+paragraph of section 11).
+ However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
+license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
+provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
+finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
+holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
+prior to 60 days after the cessation.
+ Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
+reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
+violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
+received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
+copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
+your receipt of the notice.
+ Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
+licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
+this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
+reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
+material under section 10.
+ 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
+ You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
+run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work
+occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
+to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,
+nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
+modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do
+not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
+covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
+ 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
+ Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
+receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
+propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible
+for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
+ An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
+organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
+organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered
+work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
+transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
+licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
+give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
+Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
+the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
+ You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
+rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may
+not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
+rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
+(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
+any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
+sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
+ 11. Patents.
+ A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
+License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The
+work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
+ A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
+owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
+hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
+by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
+but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
+consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For
+purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
+patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
+this License.
+ Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
+patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
+make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
+propagate the contents of its contributor version.
+ In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
+agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
+(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
+sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a
+party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
+patent against the party.
+ If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
+and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
+to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
+publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
+then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
+available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
+patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
+consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
+license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have
+actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
+covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
+in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
+country that you have reason to believe are valid.
+ If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
+arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
+covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
+receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
+or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
+you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
+work and works based on it.
+ A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
+the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
+conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
+specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered
+work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
+in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
+to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
+the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
+parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
+patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
+conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
+for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
+contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
+or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
+ Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
+any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
+otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
+ 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
+ If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a
+covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
+not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
+to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
+the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
+License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
+ 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
+ Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
+permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
+under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
+combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
+License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
+but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
+section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
+combination as such.
+ 14. Revised Versions of this License.
+ The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
+the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+ Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
+Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
+Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
+option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
+version or of any later version published by the Free Software
+Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the
+GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
+by the Free Software Foundation.
+ If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
+versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
+public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
+to choose that version for the Program.
+ Later license versions may give you additional or different
+permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
+author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
+later version.
+ 15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
+ 16. Limitation of Liability.
+ 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
+ If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
+above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
+reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
+an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
+Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
+copy of the Program in return for a fee.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+ If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
+notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ <program> Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands
+might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
+ You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
+if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
+For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
+ The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
+into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you
+may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
+the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
+Public License instead of this License. But first, please read
diff --git a/pykuttans/Makefile b/pykuttans/Makefile
index 0fcee63..c299cba 100644
--- a/pykuttans/Makefile
+++ b/pykuttans/Makefile
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# Copyright (c) 2009 Rajeesh <>
# Use this Makefile to update source files (ui and qrc)
-all: src/ src/ src/
- python src/
+all: src/ src/ src/ src/kuttans
+ python src/kuttans
src/ ui/kuttans.ui
pyuic4 $< > $@
diff --git a/pykuttans/kuttans.desktop b/pykuttans/kuttans.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d2cf79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pykuttans/kuttans.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name[ml]=കുട്ടന്‍സ് പരിവര്‍ത്തകന്‍
+Comment=Converts Malayalam ASCII text/pdf files to Unicode
+Comment[ml]=ആസ്കി ടെക്സ്റ്റ്/പി.ഡി.എഫ് ഫയലുകള്‍ യൂനികോഡിലേക്ക് മാറ്റുക
diff --git a/pykuttans/kuttans.spec b/pykuttans/kuttans.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..124190a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pykuttans/kuttans.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+Name: kuttans
+Version: 0.1
+Release: 1%{?dist}
+Summary: Kuttans is a PyQt4 frontend to Payyans ASCII to Unicode converter
+Group: Applications/Text
+License: GPLv3+
+BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
+BuildRequires: python-devel
+BuildRequires: PyQt4-devel
+#BuildRequires: gettext
+BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
+Requires: PyQt4
+Requires: payyans
+Kuttans is a PyQt4 frontend to Payyans ASCII to Unicode converter
+The name is a pun of Qt+Payyans
+%setup -q
+pyuic4 ui/kuttans.ui > src/
+pyrcc4 qrc/kuttans.qrc > src/
+#for lc in po/%{name}-*.po; do
+# msgfmt -o po/`basename ${lc} .po`.mo ${lc}
+rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
+mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_bindir}
+mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}
+install -m 755 src/kuttans ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_bindir}/%{name}
+install -m 644 src/*.py{,c} ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/
+desktop-file-install --dir=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/applications/ %{name}.desktop
+#Install the translation files
+#for lc in po/*.mo; do
+# _lang=`echo ${lc} | cut -d - -f2 | cut -d . -f1`
+# mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/locale/${_lang}/LC_MESSAGES/
+# install -m 0644 ${lc} ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/locale/${_lang}/LC_MESSAGES/%{name}.mo
+#%find_lang %{name}
+rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
+* Mon Apr 13 2009 Rajeesh K Nambiar <> - 0.1-1
+- Initial build for Fedora.
diff --git a/pykuttans/src/kuttans b/pykuttans/src/kuttans
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6794cb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pykuttans/src/kuttans
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Rajeesh K Nambiar
+# This program is a free software, you can redistribute it
+# under the license of GNU General Public License, verstion 3
+# or a later version (at your option) as published by the
+# Free Software Foundation
+import sys
+sys.path.append(sys.prefix + '/share/kuttans/')
+from kuttans import KuttansApp
+from PyQt4 import QtGui
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
+ myapp = KuttansApp()
+ sys.exit(app.exec_())
diff --git a/pykuttans/src/ b/pykuttans/src/
index cb7cf8e..796515f 100644
--- a/pykuttans/src/
+++ b/pykuttans/src/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2009 Rajeesh K Nambiar <>,
-# Rahul <>
+# Rahul <>
# This program is free software you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ QObj = QtCore.QObject # Short name ;-)
_app_name = "Kuttans"
_app_version = "0.1"
-class StartKuttans(QtGui.QMainWindow):
+class KuttansApp(QtGui.QMainWindow):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
self.direction = None
@@ -366,9 +366,3 @@ class StartKuttans(QtGui.QMainWindow):
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
- myapp = StartKuttans()
- sys.exit(app.exec_())
diff --git a/silpa/ b/silpa/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7db5c41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+import settings
diff --git a/silpa/common/ b/silpa/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29925b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from silpamodule import SilpaModule
+from silparesponse import SilpaResponse
+from modulemanager import ModuleManager
diff --git a/silpa/common/ b/silpa/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6185dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import sys
+from utils import *
+class ModuleManager:
+ def import_module(self,name):
+ parts = name.split(".")
+ try:
+ obj= sys.modules[name]
+ except KeyError:
+ obj = __import__(".".join(parts[:-1]))
+ if(len(parts)>1):
+ for part in parts[1:]:
+ try:
+ obj = getattr(obj,part)
+ except:
+ obj = None
+ return obj
+ def getModuleInstance(self,action):
+ action=action.replace(" ","_")
+ module_name = self.find_module(action)
+ if(module_name):
+ try:
+ return self.import_module(module_name).getInstance()
+ except:
+ print dir(self.import_module(module_name))
+ else:
+ return None
+ def find_module(self,action):
+ try:
+ return getModulesList()[action]
+ except:
+ return None
+ def getModulesInfoAsHTML(self):
+ module_dict=getModulesList ()
+ response = "<h2>Available Modules</h2></hr>"
+ response = response+"<table class=\"table1\"><tr><th>Module</th><th>Description</th></tr>"
+ for action in module_dict:
+ module_instance=self.getModuleInstance(action)
+ if(module_instance!=None):
+ response = response+"<tr><td><a href='"+ action +"'>"+module_instance.get_module_name()+"</a></td>"
+ response = response+"<td>"+module_instance.get_info()+"</td></tr>"
+ else:
+ response = response+"<tr><td>"+action.replace("_"," ")+"</td>"
+ response = response+"<td>Error while retrieving module details</td></tr>"
+ return response+"</table>"
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ mm=ModuleManager()
+ print mm.getModuleInstance("lemmatize")
+ print mm.import_module("modules.lemmatizer").getInstance()
diff --git a/silpa/common/ b/silpa/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c5a538
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+class SilpaModule:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.response = None
+ def get_errormessage(self):
+ return None
+ def get_successmessage(self):
+ return None
+ def get_module_name(self):
+ return "Untitled Silpa Module"
+ def get_info(self):
+ return "Module description"
+ def process(self,object):
+ return "Not Implemented"
diff --git a/silpa/common/ b/silpa/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13cc5ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from utils import *
+class SilpaResponse:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.response =getTemplate()
+ def toUnicode(self):
+ self.response=self.response.replace("$$SILPA_COPYRIGHT$$",getCopyrightInfo());
+ return self.response.encode('utf-8')
+ def toString(self):
+ self.response=self.response.replace("$$SILPA_COPYRIGHT$$",getCopyrightInfo());
+ return self.response
+ def getResponse(self):
+ self.response=self.response.replace("$$SILPA_COPYRIGHT$$",getCopyrightInfo());
+ return self.response
+ def setBreadcrumb(self,navPath):
+ if(navPath):
+ html= "<div id=\"breadcrumb\"><a href=\"\">Home</a> /"
+ html=html+navPath+"</div>"
+ self.response=self.response.replace("$$SILPA_BREADCRUMB$$",html)
+ def setContent(self,value):
+ if(value):
+ self.response=self.response.replace("$$SILPA_CONTENT$$",value)
+ else:
+ self.response=self.response.replace("$$SILPA_CONTENT$$","")
+ def setErrorMessage(self,value):
+ if(value):
+ self.response=self.response.replace("$$SILPA_ERROR$$",value)
+ else:
+ self.response=self.response.replace("$$SILPA_ERROR$$","")
+ def setSuccessMessage(self,value):
+ if(value):
+ self.response=self.response.replace("$$SILPA_SUCCESS$$",value)
+ else:
+ self.response=self.response.replace("$$SILPA_SUCCESS$$","")
diff --git a/silpa/css/ie6_or_less.css b/silpa/css/ie6_or_less.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ca433f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/css/ie6_or_less.css
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright: Daemon Pty Limited 2006,
+Community: Mollio $
+License: Released Under the "Common Public License 1.0",
+License: Released Under the "Creative Commons License",
+License: Released Under the "GNU Creative Commons License",
+#header {width:100%}
+#nav-secondary a {width:143px}
+#resultslist-wrap li dl {display:inline}
+I've added position:relative to these items below to fix the IE Peakaboo bug.
+more about it here:
+ol.code, .featurebox, #content ul, #sidebar ul {position:relative}
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/silpa/css/images/2nd_nav_bg.gif b/silpa/css/images/2nd_nav_bg.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6f89b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/css/images/2nd_nav_bg.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/silpa/css/images/body_bg.gif b/silpa/css/images/body_bg.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3620096
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/css/images/body_bg.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/silpa/css/images/content_wrap_bg.gif b/silpa/css/images/content_wrap_bg.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d70a567
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/css/images/content_wrap_bg.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/silpa/css/images/content_wrap_e_bg.gif b/silpa/css/images/content_wrap_e_bg.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15e1fe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/css/images/content_wrap_e_bg.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/silpa/css/images/featurebox2_bg.gif b/silpa/css/images/featurebox2_bg.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adc9e71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/css/images/featurebox2_bg.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/silpa/css/images/featurebox_bg.gif b/silpa/css/images/featurebox_bg.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3224f29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/css/images/featurebox_bg.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/silpa/css/images/header_bg.gif b/silpa/css/images/header_bg.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..042dc54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/css/images/header_bg.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/silpa/css/images/sprites.gif b/silpa/css/images/sprites.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae69d83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/css/images/sprites.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/silpa/css/images/td_bg.gif b/silpa/css/images/td_bg.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8063e69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/css/images/td_bg.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/silpa/css/main.css b/silpa/css/main.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..851efae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/css/main.css
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+Copyright: Daemon Pty Limited 2006,
+Community: Mollio $
+License: Released Under the "Common Public License 1.0",
+License: Released Under the "Creative Commons License",
+License: Released Under the "GNU Creative Commons License",
+* {margin:0;padding:0}
+body {padding: 0 0 20px;background: #fff url("images/body_bg.gif") repeat-x 0 100%;color:#333;font:83%/1.5 arial,tahoma,verdana,sans-serif}
+/* LINKS */
+a,a:link,a:link,a:link,a:hover {background:transparent;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer}
+a:link {color:#c00}
+a:visited {color:#999}
+a:hover,a:active {color:#069}
+/* FORMS */
+form {margin: 0 0 1.5em}
+input {font-family: arial,tahoma,verdana,sans-serif;margin: 2px 0}
+textarea {font-family: arial,tahoma,verdana,sans-serif;margin: 2px 0;width: 100%;height:300px}
+fieldset {border: none}
+label {display:block;padding: 5px 0}
+label br {clear:left}
+ /* FORMS - general classes */
+ input.f-submit {padding: 1px 3px;background:#666;color:#fff;font-weight:bold;font-size:96%}
+ /* FORMS - f-wrap-1 - simple form, headings on left, form elements on right */
+ form.f-wrap-1 {width:100%;padding: .5em 0;background: #f6f6f6 url("images/featurebox_bg.gif") no-repeat 100% 100%;border-top: 1px solid #d7d7d7;position:relative}
+ form.f-wrap-1 fieldset {width:auto;margin: 0 1em}
+ form.f-wrap-1 h3 {margin:0 0 .6em;font: bold 155% arial;color:#c00}
+ form.f-wrap-1 label {clear:left;float:left;width:100%;border-top: 1px solid #fff}
+ /* hide from IE mac \*/
+ form.f-wrap-1 label {float:none}
+ /* end hiding from IE5 mac */
+ form.f-wrap-1 label input, form.f-wrap-1 label textarea, form.f-wrap-1 label select {width:15em;float:left;margin-left:10px}
+ form.f-wrap-1 label b {float:left;width:8em;line-height: 1.7;display:block;position:relative}
+ form.f-wrap-1 label b .req {color:#c00;font-size:150%;font-weight:normal;position:absolute;top:-.1em;line-height:1;left:-.4em;width:.3em;height:.3em}
+ form.f-wrap-1 div.req {color:#666;font-size:96%;font-weight:normal;position:absolute;top:.4em;right:.4em;left:auto;width:13em;text-align:right}
+ form.f-wrap-1 div.req b {color:#c00;font-size:140%}
+ form.f-wrap-1 label select {width: 15.5em}
+ form.f-wrap-1 label textarea.f-comments {width: 20em}
+ form.f-wrap-1 div.f-submit-wrap {padding: 5px 0 5px 8em}
+ form.f-wrap-1 input.f-submit {margin: 0 0 0 10px}
+ form.f-wrap-1 fieldset.f-checkbox-wrap, form.f-wrap-1 fieldset.f-radio-wrap {clear:left;float:left;width:32em;border:none;margin:0;padding-bottom:.7em}
+ form.f-wrap-1 fieldset.f-checkbox-wrap b, form.f-wrap-1 fieldset.f-radio-wrap b {float:left;width:8em;line-height: 1.7;display:block;position:relative;padding-top:.3em}
+ form.f-wrap-1 fieldset.f-checkbox-wrap fieldset, form.f-wrap-1 fieldset.f-radio-wrap fieldset {float:left;width:13em;margin: 3px 0 0 10px}
+ form.f-wrap-1 fieldset.f-checkbox-wrap label, form.f-wrap-1 fieldset.f-radio-wrap label {float:left;width:13em;border:none;margin:0;padding:2px 0;margin-right:-3px}
+ form.f-wrap-1 label input.f-checkbox, form.f-wrap-1 label input.f-radio {width:auto;float:none;margin:0;padding:0}
+ form.f-wrap-1 label span.errormsg {position:absolute;top:0;right:-10em;left:auto;display:block;width:16em;background: transparent url(images/errormsg_bg.gif) no-repeat 0 0}
+ form.f-wrap-1 label span.errormsg b {padding: 10px 0;margin: 0 10px 0 30px;color:#B30800;font-weight:bold;display:block;width:auto;float:none;line-height:1.3}
+p, ul, ol {margin: 0 0 1.5em}
+h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {letter-spacing: -1px;font-family: arial,verdana,sans-serif;margin: 1.2em 0 .3em;color:#000;border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;padding-bottom: .1em}
+h1 {font-size: 196%;margin-top:.6em}
+h2 {font-size: 136%}
+h3 {font-size: 126%}
+h4 {font-size: 116%}
+h5 {font-size: 106%}
+h6 {font-size: 96%}
+.highlight {color:#E17000}
+.subdued {color:#999}
+.error {color:#c00;font-weight:bold}
+.success {color:#390;font-weight:bold}
+.caption {color:#999;font-size:11px} {font: bold 82% arial;color:#bbb;display:block;letter-spacing: 1px}
+small {font-size:11px}
+/* LISTS */
+ul {margin: .3em 0 1.5em 0;list-style-type:none}
+ ul.related {margin-top: -1em}
+ol {margin: .5em .5em 1.5em}
+ol li {margin-left: 1.4em;padding-left: 0;background: none; list-style-type: decimal}
+li {line-height: 1.4em;padding-left: 25px;background: transparent url("images/sprites.gif") no-repeat 0 0}
+li.doc {background-position: 3px -500px}
+ul.nomarker li {background:none;padding-left:0}
+dl {margin: 0 0 1em 0}
+dt {font-weight:bold;margin-top: 1.3em}
+dl dl {margin: 0 0 1.5em 30px}
+/* GENERAL */
+img {border:none}
+hr {margin: 1em 0;background:#f2f2f2;height:1px;color:#f2f2f2;border:none;clear:both}
+.clear {clear:both;position:relative;font-size:0px;height:0px;line-height:0px}
+#header {background: #666 url("images/sprites.gif") repeat-x 0 100%;margin: 0 0 25px;padding: 0 0 8px}
+ #header #site-name {font: 265% arial;letter-spacing: -.05em;margin:0 0 0 40px;padding:3px 0;color:#ccc;border:none}
+ /* NAV - top horizontal nav */
+ #nav, #nav ul {padding: 0;margin: 0;list-style: none}
+ #nav {font-weight:bold;height:2.09em;font: bold 96% arial;margin: 0 105px 0 40px}
+ #nav li {position:relative;background: #999;float: left;width: 10em;display:block;margin: 0;border-bottom: 3px solid #666;border-right: 3px solid #252525;padding:0}
+ #nav a, #nav a:link, #nav a:visited, #nav a:hover, #nav a:active {text-decoration:none;cursor:pointer;color:#fff;display: block;padding: 4px 10px 2px}
+ #nav a:hover {color:#000}
+ #nav li ul {border-left: 1px solid #c00;background: #f6f6f6 url("images/featurebox_bg.gif") no-repeat 100% 100%;width:15.8em;font-size:90%;margin-top:3px;position: absolute;font-weight:normal;left: -999em}
+ #nav li:hover ul, #nav li.sfhover ul {left: 0;z-index:99999}
+ #nav li li {background:none;float:none;border:none;border: 1px solid #999;border-top:1px solid #fff;border-right:none;border-left:none;padding-left:0}
+ #nav li li.last {border-bottom:none}
+ #nav li li a, #nav li li a:link, #nav li li a:visited, #nav li li a:hover {color:#000;padding: 3px 10px 2px;width:14em}
+ #nav li li a:hover {color:#fff;background:#c00}
+ #nav {background: #c00;border-bottom: 3px solid #c00}
+ #nav ul {border:none;background: #c00 url("images/featurebox2_bg.gif") no-repeat 100% 100%}
+ #nav a:link, #nav a:visited, #nav a:hover, #nav a:active {}
+ #nav a:hover {color:#000}
+ #nav li {border:none;border-top: 1px solid #c15c5c;border-bottom: 1px solid #870000}
+ #nav li.last {border-bottom: none}
+ #nav li a:link, #nav li a:visited, #nav li a:hover, #nav li a:active {color:#fff}
+ #nav li a:hover {background: #666 url("images/sprites.gif") repeat-x 0 99%;color:#fff}
+ #nav a:link, #nav a:visited, #nav a:hover, #nav a:active {color:#fff;font-weight:bold;background: #666 url("images/sprites.gif") repeat-x 0 99%}
+ /* hide from IE mac \*/
+ #nav li {width:auto}
+ /* end hiding from IE5 mac */
+ /* SEARCH */
+ #search {color:#fff;font-weight:bold;position:absolute;top:10px;right:110px;left:auto;width:18em}
+ #search form {margin:0}
+ #search input {width:8em;margin: 0 0 -1px;height:1.2em}
+ #search label {padding:5px 0 0;display:inline}
+ #search input.f-submit {width:auto;font-size:81%;margin:0 0 -.15em;height:1.95em}
+ /* POWERED BY - mollio logo in this case */
+ #poweredby {width:96px;height:63px;position:absolute;top:-102px;right:0}
+/* LAYOUT - main body of page */
+#wrap {min-width:770px;max-width:1200px;margin: 0 auto;position:relative}
+#content-wrap {position:relative;width:100%}
+ #utility {position:absolute;top:0;left:25px;width:165px;border-top: 5px solid #999;padding-bottom: 40px}
+ #sidebar {position:absolute;top:0;right:25px;width:20%;border-top: 5px solid #999;padding-top: 1px;padding-bottom: 40px}
+#content {margin: 0 50px}
+ #content #breadcrumb {margin-top:-5px;font-size:93%;font-weight:bold}
+ #content #breadcrumb a:link, #content #breadcrumb a:visited {text-decoration:none}
+ #content #breadcrumb a:hover, #content #breadcrumb a:active {text-decoration:underline}
+ .featurebox {color:#333;padding: 15px 20px 20px;border-top: 1px solid #d7d7d7;margin: 0 0 1.5em;background: #f6f6f6 url("images/featurebox_bg.gif") no-repeat 100% 100%}
+ .featurebox p, .featurebox h1, .featurebox h2, .featurebox h3, .featurebox h4, .featurebox h5, .featurebox h6 {margin: 0 0 .3em;border-bottom: 1px solid #c00;color:#c00}
+ .featurebox p {border:none;margin: 0 0 1em;color:#444}
+ .featurebox a {font-weight:bold}
+ .thumbnail {margin: 0 0 0 10px;position:relative;z-index:9999;border: 1px solid #eee;float:right;width:100px;padding:5px;background:#fff}
+ .thumbnail img {border: 1px solid #000}
+ .pagination {background: #f2f2f2;color:#666;padding: 4px 2px 4px 7px;border: 1px solid #ddd;margin: 0 0 1.5em}
+ .pagination p {position:relative;text-align:right}
+ .pagination p a:link, .pagination p a:visited, .pagination p a:hover, .pagination p a:active {text-decoration:none;background:#fff;padding:2px 5px;border: 1px solid #ccc}
+ .pagination p a:hover {background:#c00;color:#fff}
+ .pagination p span {text-decoration:none;background:#fff;padding:2px 5px;border: 1px solid #ccc;color:#ccc}
+ .pagination * {margin:0}
+ .pagination h4 {margin-top:-1.45em;padding:0;border:none}
+ #resultslist-wrap {margin: 0 0 1.5em;font-size:92%}
+ #resultslist-wrap dt, #resultslist-wrap dl {margin: 0}
+ #resultslist-wrap dt {font: bold 85% arial;padding: 3px 0}
+ #resultslist-wrap li {padding: 0 0 1em;margin:0 0 0 1.2em;font: bold 145% arial}
+ #resultslist-wrap li dd {font: normal 73% arial}
+ #resultslist-wrap li dl {margin:0}
+ #resultslist-wrap dd {line-height:1.3}
+ #resultslist-wrap dd.filetype, #resultslist-wrap {color:#999;display:inline;padding-right:.5em}
+ /* TABLES */
+ .table1 {border: 2px solid #900;border-collapse:collapse;width:100%}
+ .table1 td {background: #fff url("images/sprites.gif") repeat-x 0 -1600px;padding:3px;border: 1px solid #fff}
+ .table1 th {text-align:left;border: 1px solid #fff}
+ .table1 thead th {color:#fff;font-size:145%;background: #900 url("images/sprites.gif") repeat-x 0 -1300px;padding: 10px 6px}
+ .table1 tbody th {color:#fff;font-size:115%;background: #88b8db url("images/sprites.gif") repeat-x 0 -1400px;padding: 6px}
+ .table1 tbody th.sub {font-size:100%;color:#000;background: #efefef url("images/sprites.gif") repeat-x 0 -1500px;padding: 6px}
+ /* TABLES - calendar */
+ .calendar {width:200px;font-size:92%}
+ .calendar td {text-align:center;border: 1px solid #ddd}
+ .calendar th {text-align:center}
+ .calendar thead th {padding: 3px 2px}
+ .calendar tbody th {padding: 2px}
+ .calendar tbody th.sub {padding: 2px}
+ /* 'MORE' LINK - provides an accessible alternative to just using 'more' as a link at the end of paragraphs */
+ a.morelink:link, a.morelink:visited, a.morelink:hover, a.morelink:active {background: transparent url("images/sprites.gif") no-repeat 5px -500px;padding-left:21px}
+ a.morelink:hover {background: transparent url("images/sprites.gif") 5px -400px}
+ .morelink span {position:absolute;left:-9999px;width:900px}
+ /* CODE - formatting for code inserted into body - more here: */
+ ol.code {font-family: monospace;position:relative}
+ ol.code li {color: #666;margin-bottom: 1px}
+ ol.code code {color: #000;display: block}
+ ol.code .cmt {color: #4077d2}
+ li.tab0 code {padding-left: 4em}
+ li.tab1 code {padding-left: 8em}
+ li.tab2 code {padding-left: 12em}
+ li.tab3 code {padding-left: 16em}
+ li.tab4 code {padding-left: 20em}
+ li.tab5 code {padding-left: 24em}
+ ol.code li {background: #f3f3f3 url("images/td_bg.gif") no-repeat 100% 100%}
+ p.note {margin: 1em;border: 1px solid #ddd;background: #f0f0f0;padding: 1em}
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+ #type-c #content-wrap {background: transparent url("images/content_wrap_bg.gif") repeat-y 30px 0}
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+ #type-d #content {margin: 0 25% 0 50px}
+ #type-e #content-wrap {background: transparent url("images/content_wrap_e_bg.gif") repeat-y 100% 0}
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+ #type-e #content {margin: 0 243px 0 50px}
+ #type-f #content-wrap {background: transparent url("images/content_wrap_e_bg.gif") repeat-y 100% 0}
+ #type-f #content {margin: 0 235px 0 25%}
+ #type-f #utility {left:auto;right:25px}
+ #type-f #sidebar {right:auto;left:25px}
+/* SECONDARY NAVIGATION - vertical navigation */
+ #nav-secondary, #nav-secondary ul {position:static}
+ #nav-secondary, #nav-secondary li {list-style: none;margin:0;padding:0;background:#fff}
+ #nav-secondary {padding-top:0;border-top: 1px solid #ccc;margin-top: 1px}
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+ #nav-secondary a:link, #nav-secondary a:visited, #nav-secondary a:hover, #nav-secondary a:active {color:#c00}
+ #nav-secondary li {border-top: 1px solid #fff;border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc}
+ #nav-secondary ul {margin: 0 0 1em 23px;padding:0}
+ #nav-secondary li a, #nav-secondary li a:link, #nav-secondary li a:visited {line-height:1.5;background: #fff url("images/sprites.gif") no-repeat 0 -798px;padding:0 0 0 12px;font-weight:normal;width:auto;color:#000;width:130px;display:block}
+ #nav-secondary li a:hover, #nav-secondary li a:active {color: #c00}
+ #nav-secondary li {border: none;margin:0}
+ #nav-secondary a:link,
+ #nav-secondary a:visited,
+ #nav-secondary a:hover,
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+ #nav-secondary ul ul {margin: 0 0 1em 13px;padding:0}
+ #nav-secondary li a, #nav-secondary li a:link, #nav-secondary li a:visited {width:117px}
+ #nav-secondary li a:link,
+ #nav-secondary li a:visited,
+ #nav-secondary li a:hover,
+ #nav-secondary li a:active {font-weight:normal}
+ #nav-secondary a:link,
+ #nav-secondary a:visited,
+ #nav-secondary a:hover,
+ #nav-secondary a:active {font-weight:bold}
+ #nav-secondary ul ul ul {margin: 0 0 1em 13px;padding:0}
+ #nav-secondary li a, #nav-secondary li a:link, #nav-secondary li a:visited {width:104px}
+ #nav-secondary li a:link,
+ #nav-secondary li a:visited,
+ #nav-secondary li a:hover,
+ #nav-secondary li a:active {font-weight:normal}
+ #nav-secondary a:link,
+ #nav-secondary a:visited,
+ #nav-secondary a:hover,
+ #nav-secondary a:active {font-weight:bold}
+#footer {clear:both;border-top: 1px solid #E3E8EE;padding: 10px 0 30px;font-size:86%;color:#999}
+ #footer p {margin:0}
+ #footer a:link {color:#999}
diff --git a/silpa/css/print.css b/silpa/css/print.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c15f500
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/css/print.css
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+Copyright: Daemon Pty Limited 2006,
+Community: Mollio $
+License: Released Under the "Common Public License 1.0",
+License: Released Under the "Creative Commons License",
+License: Released Under the "GNU Creative Commons License",
+body {font: 10pt arial,tahoma,verdana,sans-serif}
+h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {margin: 1em 0 .2em;font-family: arial,tahoma,verdana,sans-serif}
+* {float:none;position:static;width:auto;background:#fff}
+p {margin: 0 0 1em}
+img {border:none;display:block;margin: .5em 0}
+dt {font-weight:bold}
+#nav, #search, #nav-secondary, #breadcrumb, #poweredby {display:none}
+/* =LINKS */
+a {border:none}
+a,a:link,a:link,a:link,a:hover {background:transparent;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer}
+a:link {color:#5291c4}
+a:visited {color:#666}
+a:hover {color:#ff9900;border:none}
+a:active {color:#0066cc}
+.teaserBox {clear:both;margin: 0 0 1em}
+.sponsors img {margin: .5em 0}
+#footer {margin: 1em 0}
+#header {border-bottom: 3px solid #c00}
+/* TABLES */
+table {font-size: 9pt;margin: 0 0 1em;border-collapse:collapse}
+ table th {border-bottom: 3px solid #000;vertical-align:top;padding: 1.5em 3px 3px;line-height:1.1;font: bold 145% arial;letter-spacing:0;text-align:left}
+ .table1 th.time {border-bottom: none;font: bold 89% verdana;color:#ff9c00;vertical-align:top;padding: 3px}
+ .table1 td {border: 1px solid #ddd;font-size: 9pt;padding: 3px;vertical-align:top}
+ .table1 td a {display:block;width:auto;font-weight:bold}
+ .table1 td a:link, .table1 td a:visited, .table1 td a:hover, .table1 td a:active {border:none;text-decoration:none}
+ .table1 th.sub {background: #aaa}
+ .table1 th.sub2 {background: #bbb;color:#000}
+ .table1 td ul li {background: #fff}
diff --git a/silpa/html/css/_notes/dwsync.xml b/silpa/html/css/_notes/dwsync.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35569f7
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
+<file name="ie6_or_less.css" local="127869610670000000" remote="127869607420000000" testing="0" />
+<file name="main.css" local="127869610530000000" remote="127869607420000000" testing="0" />
+<file name="print.css" local="127869610600000000" remote="127869607420000000" testing="0" />
+</dwsync> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/silpa/html/css/ie6_or_less.css b/silpa/html/css/ie6_or_less.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ca433f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/html/css/ie6_or_less.css
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright: Daemon Pty Limited 2006,
+Community: Mollio $
+License: Released Under the "Common Public License 1.0",
+License: Released Under the "Creative Commons License",
+License: Released Under the "GNU Creative Commons License",
+#header {width:100%}
+#nav-secondary a {width:143px}
+#resultslist-wrap li dl {display:inline}
+I've added position:relative to these items below to fix the IE Peakaboo bug.
+more about it here:
+ol.code, .featurebox, #content ul, #sidebar ul {position:relative}
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/silpa/html/css/images/2nd_nav_bg.gif b/silpa/html/css/images/2nd_nav_bg.gif
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Binary files differ
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Binary files differ
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15e1fe4
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adc9e71
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/silpa/html/css/images/featurebox_bg.gif b/silpa/html/css/images/featurebox_bg.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3224f29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/html/css/images/featurebox_bg.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/silpa/html/css/images/header_bg.gif b/silpa/html/css/images/header_bg.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..042dc54
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/silpa/html/css/images/sprites.gif b/silpa/html/css/images/sprites.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae69d83
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/silpa/html/css/images/td_bg.gif b/silpa/html/css/images/td_bg.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8063e69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/html/css/images/td_bg.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/silpa/html/css/main.css b/silpa/html/css/main.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70658e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/html/css/main.css
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+Copyright: Daemon Pty Limited 2006,
+Community: Mollio $
+License: Released Under the "Common Public License 1.0",
+License: Released Under the "Creative Commons License",
+License: Released Under the "GNU Creative Commons License",
+* {margin:0;padding:0}
+body {padding: 0 0 20px;background: #fff url("images/body_bg.gif") repeat-x 0 100%;color:#333;font:83%/1.5 arial,tahoma,verdana,sans-serif}
+/* LINKS */
+a,a:link,a:link,a:link,a:hover {background:transparent;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer}
+a:link {color:#c00}
+a:visited {color:#999}
+a:hover,a:active {color:#069}
+/* FORMS */
+form {margin: 0 0 1.5em}
+input {font-family: arial,tahoma,verdana,sans-serif;margin: 2px 0}
+fieldset {border: none}
+label {display:block;padding: 5px 0}
+label br {clear:left}
+ /* FORMS - general classes */
+ input.f-submit {padding: 1px 3px;background:#666;color:#fff;font-weight:bold;font-size:96%}
+ /* FORMS - f-wrap-1 - simple form, headings on left, form elements on right */
+ form.f-wrap-1 {width:100%;padding: .5em 0;background: #f6f6f6 url("images/featurebox_bg.gif") no-repeat 100% 100%;border-top: 1px solid #d7d7d7;position:relative}
+ form.f-wrap-1 fieldset {width:auto;margin: 0 1em}
+ form.f-wrap-1 h3 {margin:0 0 .6em;font: bold 155% arial;color:#c00}
+ form.f-wrap-1 label {clear:left;float:left;width:100%;border-top: 1px solid #fff}
+ /* hide from IE mac \*/
+ form.f-wrap-1 label {float:none}
+ /* end hiding from IE5 mac */
+ form.f-wrap-1 label input, form.f-wrap-1 label textarea, form.f-wrap-1 label select {width:15em;float:left;margin-left:10px}
+ form.f-wrap-1 label b {float:left;width:8em;line-height: 1.7;display:block;position:relative}
+ form.f-wrap-1 label b .req {color:#c00;font-size:150%;font-weight:normal;position:absolute;top:-.1em;line-height:1;left:-.4em;width:.3em;height:.3em}
+ form.f-wrap-1 div.req {color:#666;font-size:96%;font-weight:normal;position:absolute;top:.4em;right:.4em;left:auto;width:13em;text-align:right}
+ form.f-wrap-1 div.req b {color:#c00;font-size:140%}
+ form.f-wrap-1 label select {width: 15.5em}
+ form.f-wrap-1 label textarea.f-comments {width: 20em}
+ form.f-wrap-1 div.f-submit-wrap {padding: 5px 0 5px 8em}
+ form.f-wrap-1 input.f-submit {margin: 0 0 0 10px}
+ form.f-wrap-1 fieldset.f-checkbox-wrap, form.f-wrap-1 fieldset.f-radio-wrap {clear:left;float:left;width:32em;border:none;margin:0;padding-bottom:.7em}
+ form.f-wrap-1 fieldset.f-checkbox-wrap b, form.f-wrap-1 fieldset.f-radio-wrap b {float:left;width:8em;line-height: 1.7;display:block;position:relative;padding-top:.3em}
+ form.f-wrap-1 fieldset.f-checkbox-wrap fieldset, form.f-wrap-1 fieldset.f-radio-wrap fieldset {float:left;width:13em;margin: 3px 0 0 10px}
+ form.f-wrap-1 fieldset.f-checkbox-wrap label, form.f-wrap-1 fieldset.f-radio-wrap label {float:left;width:13em;border:none;margin:0;padding:2px 0;margin-right:-3px}
+ form.f-wrap-1 label input.f-checkbox, form.f-wrap-1 label input.f-radio {width:auto;float:none;margin:0;padding:0}
+ form.f-wrap-1 label span.errormsg {position:absolute;top:0;right:-10em;left:auto;display:block;width:16em;background: transparent url(images/errormsg_bg.gif) no-repeat 0 0}
+ form.f-wrap-1 label span.errormsg b {padding: 10px 0;margin: 0 10px 0 30px;color:#B30800;font-weight:bold;display:block;width:auto;float:none;line-height:1.3}
+p, ul, ol {margin: 0 0 1.5em}
+h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {letter-spacing: -1px;font-family: arial,verdana,sans-serif;margin: 1.2em 0 .3em;color:#000;border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;padding-bottom: .1em}
+h1 {font-size: 196%;margin-top:.6em}
+h2 {font-size: 136%}
+h3 {font-size: 126%}
+h4 {font-size: 116%}
+h5 {font-size: 106%}
+h6 {font-size: 96%}
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+.success {color:#390;font-weight:bold}
+.caption {color:#999;font-size:11px} {font: bold 82% arial;color:#bbb;display:block;letter-spacing: 1px}
+small {font-size:11px}
+/* LISTS */
+ul {margin: .3em 0 1.5em 0;list-style-type:none}
+ ul.related {margin-top: -1em}
+ol {margin: .5em .5em 1.5em}
+ol li {margin-left: 1.4em;padding-left: 0;background: none; list-style-type: decimal}
+li {line-height: 1.4em;padding-left: 25px;background: transparent url("images/sprites.gif") no-repeat 0 0}
+li.doc {background-position: 3px -500px}
+ul.nomarker li {background:none;padding-left:0}
+dl {margin: 0 0 1em 0}
+dt {font-weight:bold;margin-top: 1.3em}
+dl dl {margin: 0 0 1.5em 30px}
+/* GENERAL */
+img {border:none}
+hr {margin: 1em 0;background:#f2f2f2;height:1px;color:#f2f2f2;border:none;clear:both}
+.clear {clear:both;position:relative;font-size:0px;height:0px;line-height:0px}
+#header {background: #666 url("images/sprites.gif") repeat-x 0 100%;margin: 0 0 25px;padding: 0 0 8px}
+ #header #site-name {font: 265% arial;letter-spacing: -.05em;margin:0 0 0 40px;padding:3px 0;color:#ccc;border:none}
+ /* NAV - top horizontal nav */
+ #nav, #nav ul {padding: 0;margin: 0;list-style: none}
+ #nav {font-weight:bold;height:2.09em;font: bold 96% arial;margin: 0 105px 0 40px}
+ #nav li {position:relative;background: #999;float: left;width: 10em;display:block;margin: 0;border-bottom: 3px solid #666;border-right: 3px solid #252525;padding:0}
+ #nav a, #nav a:link, #nav a:visited, #nav a:hover, #nav a:active {text-decoration:none;cursor:pointer;color:#fff;display: block;padding: 4px 10px 2px}
+ #nav a:hover {color:#000}
+ #nav li ul {border-left: 1px solid #c00;background: #f6f6f6 url("images/featurebox_bg.gif") no-repeat 100% 100%;width:15.8em;font-size:90%;margin-top:3px;position: absolute;font-weight:normal;left: -999em}
+ #nav li:hover ul, #nav li.sfhover ul {left: 0;z-index:99999}
+ #nav li li {background:none;float:none;border:none;border: 1px solid #999;border-top:1px solid #fff;border-right:none;border-left:none;padding-left:0}
+ #nav li li.last {border-bottom:none}
+ #nav li li a, #nav li li a:link, #nav li li a:visited, #nav li li a:hover {color:#000;padding: 3px 10px 2px;width:14em}
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+ #nav {background: #c00;border-bottom: 3px solid #c00}
+ #nav ul {border:none;background: #c00 url("images/featurebox2_bg.gif") no-repeat 100% 100%}
+ #nav a:link, #nav a:visited, #nav a:hover, #nav a:active {}
+ #nav a:hover {color:#000}
+ #nav li {border:none;border-top: 1px solid #c15c5c;border-bottom: 1px solid #870000}
+ #nav li.last {border-bottom: none}
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+ #nav a:link, #nav a:visited, #nav a:hover, #nav a:active {color:#fff;font-weight:bold;background: #666 url("images/sprites.gif") repeat-x 0 99%}
+ /* hide from IE mac \*/
+ #nav li {width:auto}
+ /* end hiding from IE5 mac */
+ /* SEARCH */
+ #search {color:#fff;font-weight:bold;position:absolute;top:10px;right:110px;left:auto;width:18em}
+ #search form {margin:0}
+ #search input {width:8em;margin: 0 0 -1px;height:1.2em}
+ #search label {padding:5px 0 0;display:inline}
+ #search input.f-submit {width:auto;font-size:81%;margin:0 0 -.15em;height:1.95em}
+ /* POWERED BY - mollio logo in this case */
+ #poweredby {width:96px;height:63px;position:absolute;top:-102px;right:0}
+/* LAYOUT - main body of page */
+#wrap {min-width:770px;max-width:1200px;margin: 0 auto;position:relative}
+#content-wrap {position:relative;width:100%}
+ #utility {position:absolute;top:0;left:25px;width:165px;border-top: 5px solid #999;padding-bottom: 40px}
+ #sidebar {position:absolute;top:0;right:25px;width:20%;border-top: 5px solid #999;padding-top: 1px;padding-bottom: 40px}
+#content {margin: 0 50px}
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+ .featurebox {color:#333;padding: 15px 20px 20px;border-top: 1px solid #d7d7d7;margin: 0 0 1.5em;background: #f6f6f6 url("images/featurebox_bg.gif") no-repeat 100% 100%}
+ .featurebox p, .featurebox h1, .featurebox h2, .featurebox h3, .featurebox h4, .featurebox h5, .featurebox h6 {margin: 0 0 .3em;border-bottom: 1px solid #c00;color:#c00}
+ .featurebox p {border:none;margin: 0 0 1em;color:#444}
+ .featurebox a {font-weight:bold}
+ .thumbnail {margin: 0 0 0 10px;position:relative;z-index:9999;border: 1px solid #eee;float:right;width:100px;padding:5px;background:#fff}
+ .thumbnail img {border: 1px solid #000}
+ .pagination {background: #f2f2f2;color:#666;padding: 4px 2px 4px 7px;border: 1px solid #ddd;margin: 0 0 1.5em}
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+ .pagination p a:link, .pagination p a:visited, .pagination p a:hover, .pagination p a:active {text-decoration:none;background:#fff;padding:2px 5px;border: 1px solid #ccc}
+ .pagination p a:hover {background:#c00;color:#fff}
+ .pagination p span {text-decoration:none;background:#fff;padding:2px 5px;border: 1px solid #ccc;color:#ccc}
+ .pagination * {margin:0}
+ .pagination h4 {margin-top:-1.45em;padding:0;border:none}
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+ #resultslist-wrap dt {font: bold 85% arial;padding: 3px 0}
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+ #resultslist-wrap li dd {font: normal 73% arial}
+ #resultslist-wrap li dl {margin:0}
+ #resultslist-wrap dd {line-height:1.3}
+ #resultslist-wrap dd.filetype, #resultslist-wrap {color:#999;display:inline;padding-right:.5em}
+ /* TABLES */
+ .table1 {border: 2px solid #900;border-collapse:collapse;width:100%}
+ .table1 td {background: #fff url("images/sprites.gif") repeat-x 0 -1600px;padding:3px;border: 1px solid #fff}
+ .table1 th {text-align:left;border: 1px solid #fff}
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+ .table1 tbody th.sub {font-size:100%;color:#000;background: #efefef url("images/sprites.gif") repeat-x 0 -1500px;padding: 6px}
+ /* TABLES - calendar */
+ .calendar {width:200px;font-size:92%}
+ .calendar td {text-align:center;border: 1px solid #ddd}
+ .calendar th {text-align:center}
+ .calendar thead th {padding: 3px 2px}
+ .calendar tbody th {padding: 2px}
+ .calendar tbody th.sub {padding: 2px}
+ /* 'MORE' LINK - provides an accessible alternative to just using 'more' as a link at the end of paragraphs */
+ a.morelink:link, a.morelink:visited, a.morelink:hover, a.morelink:active {background: transparent url("images/sprites.gif") no-repeat 5px -500px;padding-left:21px}
+ a.morelink:hover {background: transparent url("images/sprites.gif") 5px -400px}
+ .morelink span {position:absolute;left:-9999px;width:900px}
+ /* CODE - formatting for code inserted into body - more here: */
+ ol.code {font-family: monospace;position:relative}
+ ol.code li {color: #666;margin-bottom: 1px}
+ ol.code code {color: #000;display: block}
+ ol.code .cmt {color: #4077d2}
+ li.tab0 code {padding-left: 4em}
+ li.tab1 code {padding-left: 8em}
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diff --git a/silpa/html/css/print.css b/silpa/html/css/print.css
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/html/css/print.css
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+Copyright: Daemon Pty Limited 2006,
+Community: Mollio $
+License: Released Under the "Common Public License 1.0",
+License: Released Under the "Creative Commons License",
+License: Released Under the "GNU Creative Commons License",
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diff --git a/silpa/html/images/thumb_100wide.gif b/silpa/html/images/thumb_100wide.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e5eb0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/html/images/thumb_100wide.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/silpa/ b/silpa/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a44a15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from common import *
+from utils import *
+import traceback
+import cgitb
+import cgi
+def index(form):
+ if(form.has_key('action')):
+ action=form['action'].value
+ else:
+ action=None
+ response=SilpaResponse()
+ if(action):
+ module_manager=ModuleManager()
+ action=action.replace(" ","_")
+ module_instance = module_manager.getModuleInstance(action)
+ if(module_instance):
+ response.setBreadcrumb(module_instance.get_module_name())
+ response.setContent(module_instance.process(form))
+ response.setErrorMessage(module_instance.get_errormessage())
+ response.setSuccessMessage(module_instance.get_successmessage())
+ else:
+ response.setBreadcrumb("Coming Soon")
+ response.setErrorMessage("Module not available")
+ response.setContent(None)
+ response.setSuccessMessage(None)
+ else: #index
+ module_manager=ModuleManager()
+ response.setBreadcrumb("Welcome")
+ response.setErrorMessage(None)
+ response.setContent(module_manager.getModulesInfoAsHTML())
+ response.setSuccessMessage(None)
+ return response.toString();
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"
+ print index(cgi.FieldStorage()).encode('utf-8')
diff --git a/silpa/js/common.js b/silpa/js/common.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40ab87e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/js/common.js
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+son of suckerfish menu script from:
+ */
+ sfHover = function() {
+ var sfEls = document.getElementById("nav").getElementsByTagName("LI");
+ for (var i=0; i<sfEls.length; i++) {
+ sfEls[i].onmouseover=function() {
+ this.className+=" sfhover";
+; //this line added to force flyout to be above relatively positioned stuff in IE
+ }
+ sfEls[i].onmouseout=function() {
+ this.className=this.className.replace(new RegExp(" sfhover\\b"), "");
+ }
+ }
+if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent("onload", sfHover);
diff --git a/silpa/modules/ b/silpa/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78f7b19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from stemmer import *
+from payyans import *
+from transliterator import *
+from syllabalizer import *
+from guesslanguages import *
+from hyphenator import *
+from fortune import *
+from inexactsearch import *
+from dictionary import *
+from anagram import *
+from normalizer import *
diff --git a/silpa/modules/anagram/ b/silpa/modules/anagram/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34480c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/anagram/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import anagram
diff --git a/silpa/modules/anagram/ b/silpa/modules/anagram/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0147c43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/anagram/
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+#Anagram Maker
+import random
+import array
+import sys
+from common import *
+class Anagram(SilpaModule):
+ def getRandomWord (self):
+ words = [ i.rstrip () for i in file ('./modules/anagram/ml_IN.dic') ]
+ len_words = len (words)
+ randnum=random.randrange(0,len_words)
+ return [randnum,words[randnum].decode("utf-8")]
+ def syllabalize_ml(self,text):
+ signs = [
+ u'\u0d02', u'\u0d03', u'\u0d3e', u'\u0d3f', u'\u0d40', u'\u0d41',
+ u'\u0d42', u'\u0d43', u'\u0d44', u'\u0d46', u'\u0d47', u'\u0d48',
+ u'\u0d4a', u'\u0d4b', u'\u0d4c', u'\u0d4d']
+ limiters = ['.','\"','\'','`','!',';',',','?']
+ chandrakkala = u'\u0d4d'
+ lst_chars = []
+ for char in text:
+ if char in limiters:
+ lst_chars.append(char)
+ elif char in signs:
+ lst_chars[-1] = lst_chars[-1] + char
+ else:
+ try:
+ if lst_chars[-1][-1] == chandrakkala:
+ lst_chars[-1] = lst_chars[-1] + char
+ else:
+ lst_chars.append(char)
+ except IndexError:
+ lst_chars.append(char)
+ return lst_chars
+ def scramble(self, word):
+ newword = ""
+ randused = []
+ i=0
+ while i < len(word):
+ randnum=random.randrange(0, len(word))
+ if randnum not in randused:
+ randused.append(randnum)
+ #oldchar=word[i]
+ newword=newword+word[randnum]
+ i+=1
+ #newword[randnum]=oldchar
+ return newword
+ def check_answer(self,ans_hint):
+ words = [ i.rstrip () for i in file ('./modules/anagram/ml_IN.dic') ]
+ return words[ans_hint].decode("utf-8")
+ def anagram(self):
+ ans_hint,orig_word=self.getRandomWord()
+ scrambled_word=self.scramble(self.syllabalize_ml(orig_word))
+ return [ans_hint, scrambled_word]
+ def process(self, form):
+ response = """
+ <h2>Malayalam Anagram</h2></hr>
+ <p>Find out the original word from the scrambled word given below.
+ </p>
+ <form action="" method="post">
+ %s
+ <br/>
+ <input type="hidden" name="ans_hint" value="%s">
+ <input type="hidden" name="action" value="Anagram">
+ <input type="text" cols='100' name='input_text' id='input_text' value="%s"/>
+ <br/>
+ <input type="submit" id="anagram" value="Submit" style="width:12em;"/>
+ <br/>
+ </form>
+ """
+ if(form.has_key('input_text')):
+ text = form['input_text'].value .decode('utf-8')
+ ans_hint= int(form['ans_hint'].value)
+ answer=self.check_answer(ans_hint)
+ if(answer==text):
+ response = response+"<h2>You are correct!</h2></hr>"
+ response = response+"<b>Answer: "+answer+"</b>"
+ else:
+ response = response+"<h2>Your Answer is Wrong!</h2></hr>"
+ response = response+"<b>Answer: "+answer+"</b>"
+ response=response % (answer ,ans_hint,text)
+ else:
+ text=""
+ anagram_pair=self.anagram()
+ ans_hint=anagram_pair[0]
+ qn_word=anagram_pair[1]
+ response=response % (qn_word ,ans_hint,text)
+ return response
+ def get_module_name(self):
+ return "Malayalam Anagram"
+ def get_info(self):
+ return "Find out the original word from scrambled word!"
+def getInstance():
+ return Anagram()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ anagram = Anagram()
+ pair=anagram.anagram()
+ print pair[0]+"-->"+pair[1]
diff --git a/silpa/modules/dictionary/ b/silpa/modules/dictionary/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4de0f76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/dictionary/
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# English Malayalam Dictionary
+# Copyright 2008 Santhosh Thottingal <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# If you find any bugs or have any suggestions email:
+# URL:
+from common import *
+import os
+import pickle
+class Dictionary(SilpaModule):
+ def lookup_en_ml(self, key):
+ key=key.lower()
+ self.dictFile=os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/data/dict.dat"
+ pickled_dict=open(self.dictFile,'r')
+ self.dictionary=pickle.load(pickled_dict)
+ meaning=""
+ if self.dictionary.has_key(key):
+ meaningList=self.dictionary[key]
+ for meaning_item in meaningList:
+ meaning=meaning+meaning_item.strip() +"<br/>"
+ else :
+ meaning="No Meaning found"
+ return meaning.decode('utf-8')
+ def process(self,form):
+ response = """
+ <h2>English Malayalam Dictionary</h2></hr>
+ <p>Enter the word to lookup in the dictionary
+ </p>
+ <form action="" method="post">
+ <input type="text" value="%s" name="word"/>
+ <input type="hidden" name="action" value="Dictionary">
+ <input type="submit" id="Find_Meaning" value="Find Meaning" style="width:12em;"/>
+ </br>
+ </form>
+ """
+ if(form.has_key('word')):
+ search_key = form['word'].value
+ response=response % search_key
+ response = response+"<h2>Search Results</h2></hr>"
+ if(search_key==None):
+ response = response+ "Enter a word to find meaning."
+ else:
+ response = response+ self.lookup_en_ml(search_key)
+ else:
+ response=response % ""
+ return response
+ def get_module_name(self):
+ return "English Malayalam Dictionary"
+ def get_info(self):
+ return "English Malayalam Dictionary. Dictionary is compiled by Kerala state IT Mission"
+def getInstance():
+ return Dictionary()
diff --git a/silpa/modules/fortune/ b/silpa/modules/fortune/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f56d451
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/fortune/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import fortune
diff --git a/silpa/modules/fortune/database/fortune-ml b/silpa/modules/fortune/database/fortune-ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5fe5fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/fortune/database/fortune-ml
@@ -0,0 +1,670 @@
+ആന വലിച്ചാല്‍ ഇളാകാത്തൊരുതടി ശ്വാവിനെക്കൊണ്ട് ഗമിക്കായി വരുമൊ
+അണ്ണാന്‍ കുഞ്ഞും തന്നാലയത്
+കാക്ക കുളിച്ചാല്‍ കൊക്കാകുമോ
+ചെമ്മീന്‍ തുള്ളിയാല്‍ മുട്ടോളം പിന്നെയും തുള്ളിയാല്‍ ചട്ടീല്
+അരിയെറിഞ്ഞാല്‍ ആയിരം കാക്ക
+കാക്കയ്ക്കും തന്‍കുഞ്ഞ് പൊന്‍കുഞ്ഞ്
+കുറുക്കന്‍ ചത്താലും കണ്ണ് കോഴിക്കൂട്ടില്
+പൂച്ചയ്ക്കെന്ത് പൊന്നുരുക്കുന്നിടത്ത് കാര്യം
+പൂച്ചയ്ക്കാര് മണികെട്ടും
+ആലിന്‍പഴം പഴുത്തപ്പോള്‍ കാക്കയ്ക്ക് വായപ്പുണ്ണ്
+ആന മെലിഞ്ഞാല്‍ തൊഴുത്തില്‍ കെട്ടാമോ
+ആളുകൂടിയാള്‍ പാമ്പ് ചാവില്ല
+പട്ടിയുടെ വാല് കുഴലിലിട്ടാല്‍ പന്തീരാണ്ട് കഴിഞ്ഞാലും നിവരില്ല
+വെട്ടാന്‍ വരുന്ന പോത്തിനോട് വേദമോതാന്‍ നില്‍ക്കരുത്
+ആന വായില്‍ അമ്പഴങ്ങ
+ആന വാ പൊളിക്കുന്നത് കണ്‍ടിട്ട് അണ്ണാന്‍ വാ പൊളിച്ചാല്‍ കാര്യമില്ല
+നിത്യഭ്യാസി ആനയെ എടുക്കും
+പൊന്‍മുട്ടയിടുന്ന താറാവിനെ കൊല്ലരുത്
+വേലി ചാടുന്ന പശുവിനു കോലുകൊണ്ട് മരണം
+പാണ്ടന്‍ നായുടെ പല്ലിനു ശൗര്യം പണേ`ട പോല ഫലിയ്‌ക്കുന്നില്ല.
+വെട്ടാന്‍ വരുന്ന പോത്തിനൊടു വേദമൊതിട്ടു കാര്യമില്ല.
+പട്ടി കുരച്ചാല്‍ പടിപ്പുര തുറക്കുമൊ?
+നാ(നായ)നാ ആയിരുന്നാല്‍ പുലി കാട്ടം (കാഷ്ട്ം)ഇടും
+ഇരിക്കേണ്ടവന്‍ ഇരിക്കേണ്ടിടത്തിരുന്നില്ലെകില്‍ അവിടെ പട്ടി കയറി ഇരിക്കും
+എലിയെ പേടിച്ച് ഇല്ലം ചുട്ടു
+ഇള നാ കടി അറിയുമോ ഇളംപോത്ത് വെട്ടറിയുമോ?
+അരിയും തിന്നു ആശാരിച്ചിയേം കടിച്ചിട്ട്‌ പിന്നേം നായക്ക്‌ മുറുമുറുപ്പ്
+പശു കിഴടായാലും പാലിന്റെ രുചിയറിയുമോ
+ആടറിയുമോ അങ്ങാടിവാണിഭം
+കരിമ്പുകൊണ്ടടിച്ച കഴുത കരിമ്പിന്‍ രുചിയറിയുമോ
+പാണനു് ആന മൂധേവി.
+പൂട്ടുന്ന കാളയെന്തിനു വിതയ്ക്കുന്ന വിത്തറിയുന്നു
+ഗതികെട്ടാല്‍ പുലി പുല്ലും തിന്നും
+അങ്ങാടിപ്പയ്യ് ആലയില്‍ നില്‍ക്കില്ല.
+അടിതെറ്റിയാല്‍ ആനയും വീഴും
+കുടല്‍ കാഞ്ഞാല്‍ കുതിരവയ്ക്കോലും തിന്നും
+പാമ്പിനു പാലു കൊടുത്താലും ഛര്‍ദ്ദിക്കുന്നതു വിഷം
+ഗരുഡന്‍ ആകാശത്തില്‍ പറക്കും, ഈച്ച അങ്കണത്തില്‍ പറക്കും
+ഒരു വെടിക്കു രണ്ടു പക്ഷി
+കുരക്കുന്ന പട്ടി കടിക്കില്ല
+പട്ടിക്കു രോമം കിളിര്‍ത്തിട്ട് അമ്പട്ടനെന്ത് കാര്യം
+നടുക്കടലിലും നായ നക്കിയേ കുടിക്കൂ
+അച്ഛന്‍ ആനപ്പുറത്ത് കയറിയാല്‍ മകന് തഴമ്പുണ്ടാകുമോ
+അണ്ണാന്‍ മൂത്താലും മരം കേറ്റം മറക്കുമോ
+ഓടുന്ന പട്ടിയ്ക്കു ഒരു മുഴം മുന്‍പെ
+അണാനെ മരം കയറ്റം പഠിപ്പിക്കണൊ?
+വെടിക്കെട്ടുകരെന്റെ പട്ടിയെ ഉടുക്ക് കൊട്ടി പേടിപ്പിക്കരുത്
+അമ്മായിയമ്മയ്ക്ക് അടുപ്പിലും തൂറാം; മരുമകള്‍ക്ക് വളപ്പിലും പാടില്ല
+പെണ്ണൊരുമ്പിട്ടാല്‍ ബ്രഹ്മനും തടുക്കയില്ല
+പെണ്ണായി പിറന്നാല്‍ മണ്ണായി തീരും വരെ കണ്ണീരു കുടിക്കണം‍
+മകം പിറന്ന മങ്ക
+പെണ്‍ചിത്തിര പൊന്‍ചിത്തിര
+പെണ്‍കാര്യം വന്‍കാര്യം
+പെണ്ണിനു പെണ്‍ തന്നെ സ്ത്രീധനം
+പെറ്റവള്‍ക്കറിയാം പിള്ളവരുത്തം
+അമ്മയോളം സ്ഥായി മക്കള്‍ക്കുണ്ടെങ്കില്‍ പേരാറ്റിലെ വെള്ളം മേല്പോട്ട്
+അമ്മയില്ലെങ്കില്‍ ഐശ്വര്യമില്ല
+നാരീശാപം ഇളക്കിക്കൂട
+അമ്മയുടെ ശാപം അമ്മ ചത്താലും തീരുകില്ല
+പെണ്‍പിറന്ന വീടു പോലെ
+ഇല്ലത്തു പെണ്‍പെറ്റപോലെ
+മുടിയാന്‍കാലത്തു്‌ മുന്നലപുരത്തൂന്നൊരു പെണ്ണു കെട്ടി,അവളും മുടിഞ്ഞു,ഞാനും മുടിഞ്ഞു
+മണ്ണും പെണ്ണും നന്നാക്കുന്ന പോലെ
+പെണ്ണിനേയും മണ്ണിനേയും ദണ്ഡിക്കുന്തോറും ഗുണമേറും
+നായും നാരിയും ഇഞ്ചയും ചതയ്ക്കുന്നിടത്തോളം നന്നാവും
+പെണ്ണാകുന്നതില്‍ ഭേദം മണ്ണാകുന്നതു
+പെണ്‍ചിരിച്ചാല്‍ പോയി,പുകയില വിടര്‍ത്തിയാല്‍ പോയി
+പാമ്പിനു തല്ലുകൊള്ളാന്‍ വാലു പെണ്ണിനു തല്ലു കൊള്ളാന്‍ നാവു്‌
+അമ്മായി ഉടച്ചത്‌ മണ്‍ച്ചട്ടി ,മരുമകള്‍ ഉടച്ചത്‌ പൊന്‍ച്ചട്ടി
+അറിവതു പെരുകിയാലും മുന്നറിവു പെണ്ണിനില്ല
+പെണ്‍ബുദ്ധി പിന്‍ബുദ്ധി
+സ്ത്രീകളുടെ മുടിക്കു നീളം കൂടും,പക്ഷേ ബുദ്ധിക്കു കുറയും
+പെണ്‍ചൊല്ലു കേള്‍ക്കുന്നവനു പെരുവഴി
+അച്ചിക്ക്‌ ഇഞ്ചി പക്ഷം ,നായര്‍ക്ക്‌ കൊഞ്ച്‌ പക്ഷം
+പെണ്‍പട പടയല്ല്ല,മണ്‍ചിറ ചിറയല്ല
+നാരി നടിച്ചിടം നാരകം വെച്ചിടം കൂവളം കെട്ടെടം നായ് പെറ്റടം
+നാരി പിറന്നേടത്തും നാരകം നട്ടേടത്തും കൂവളം കെട്ടേടത്തും സൂക്ഷിച്ചു പോണം
+അന്നു പെറ്റു അന്നു ചത്താലും ആണിനെപ്പെറണം
+അമ്മയും മകളും പെണ്ണു തന്നെ
+നാലാമത്തെ പെണ്ണു നടക്കല്ലു പൊളിക്കും
+അമ്മ മതില്‍ ചാടിയാല്‍ മകള്‍ ഗോപുരം ചാടും
+അമ്മയ്ക്കു പ്രസവവേദന മകള്‍ക്കു വീണവായന
+വേലക്കള്ളിക്കു പിള്ളസാക്ഷി
+പുത്തനച്ചി പുരപ്പുറം തൂക്കും
+അരിമണിയൊന്ന് കൊറിക്കനില്ല കരിവളയിട്ട്‌ കില്ലുക്കാന്‍ മോഹം
+അടുക്കളപ്പെണ്ണിനു അഴകു വേണമോ?
+അടുക്കള പിണക്കം അടക്കി വയ്ക്കണം
+പെണ്ണൊക്കെ കൊള്ളാം പക്ഷെ പെങ്ങളായിപ്പോയി
+കറിയൊക്കെ കൊള്ളാം പക്ഷെ വിളമ്പിയത് കോളാമ്പിയില്‍ ആയിപ്പോയി
+ഓണത്തപ്പാ കുടവയറാ എന്നു തീരും തിരുവോണം?
+ഓണത്തേക്കാള്‍ വലിയ വാവില്ല
+അത്തം പത്തോണം
+ഓണം വന്നാലും ഉണ്ണി പിറന്നാലും കോരനു കുമ്പിളില്‍ തന്നെ കഞ്ഞി
+കാണം വിറ്റും ഓണമുണ്ണണം
+ഉള്ളതുകൊണ്ടു ഓണം പോലെ
+ഓണം കേറാമൂല
+തിരുവോണം തിരുതകൃതി
+ഉത്രാടമുച്ച കഴിഞ്ഞാല്‍ അച്ചിമാര്‍ക്കൊക്കെയും വെപ്രാളം
+തിരുവോണത്തിനില്ലാത്തതു തിരുവാതിരയ്ക്കു്‌
+ഉണ്ടെങ്കിലോണം പോലെ അല്ലെങ്കിലേകാദശി
+അത്തപ്പത്തോണം വന്നടുത്തെടോ നായരേ,ചോതി പുഴുങ്ങാനും നെല്ലു തായോ
+ഓണമുണ്ട വയറേ ചൂള പാടുകയുള്ളൂ
+ഓണം വരാനൊരു മൂലം വേണം
+ഉറുമ്പു ഓണം കരുതും പോലെ
+അത്തം വെളുത്താല്‍ ഓണം കറുക്കും
+ഓണം കഴിഞ്ഞാല്‍ ഓലപ്പുര ഓട്ടപ്പുര
+ഓണം പോലെയാണോ തിരുവാതിര?
+അവിട്ടക്കട്ട ചവിട്ടി പൊട്ടിക്കണം
+ഓണം മുഴക്കോലുപോലെ
+ഓണത്തിനടയ്ക്കാണോ പുട്ടു കച്ചോടം?
+അത്തം പത്തിനു പൊന്നോണം
+ഓണത്തിനല്ലയൊ ഓണപ്പുടവ
+മുളയിലേ നുള്ളണമെന്നല്ലേ
+വിളയുന്ന വിത്തു മുളയിലറിയാം
+കുംഭത്തില്‍ മഴ പെയ്താല്‍ കുപ്പയിലും മാണിക്യം
+മീനത്തില്‍ മഴ പെയ്താല്‍ മീനിനും ഇരയില്ല
+മകരത്തില്‍ മഴ പെയ്താല്‍ മലയാളം മുടിഞ്ഞു പോകും
+തുലാപത്ത് കഴിഞ്ഞാല്‍ പിലാപൊത്തിലും കിടക്കാം
+ഇടവംതൊട്ട് തുലാത്തോളം കുട കൂടാതിറങ്ങൊല്ല
+മേടം തെറ്റിയാല്‍ മോടന്‍ തെറ്റി
+വിത്തുഗുണം പത്തുഗുണം
+മുളയിലറിയാം വിള
+കാര്‍ത്തിക കഴിഞ്ഞാല്‍ മഴയില്ല
+തിരുവാതിര ഞാറ്റുവേലയ്ക്കു വെള്ളം കേറിയാല്‍ ഓണം കഴിഞ്ഞേ ഇറങ്ങൂ
+കര്‍ക്കിടകച്ചേന കട്ടിട്ടെങ്കിലും തിന്നണം
+കര്‍ക്കിടക ഞാറ്റില്‍ പട്ടിണി കിടന്നതു പുത്തിരി കഴിഞ്ഞാല്‍ മറക്കരുതു്‌
+കണ്ടം വിറ്റു കാളയെ വാങ്ങുമോ
+വേരു വെട്ടിക്കളഞ്ഞു കൊമ്പു്‌ നനയ്ക്കുന്ന പൊലെ
+ധനം നില്പതു നെല്ലില്‍, ഭയം നില്പതു തല്ലില്‍
+ഉരിയരിക്കാരനു എന്നും ഉരിയരി തന്നെ
+വളമേറിയാല്‍ കൂമ്പടയ്ക്കും
+വിത്തുള്ളടത്തു പേരു
+പതിരില്ലാത്ത കതിരില്ല
+വയലു വറ്റി കക്ക വാരാനിരുന്നാലോ
+വിത്താഴം ചെന്നാല്‍ പത്തായം നിറയും
+ഇല്ലംനിറ വല്ലം നിറ പെട്ടി നിറ പത്തായം നിറ
+കാലത്തേ വിതച്ചാല്‍ നേരത്തേ കൊയ്യാം
+വേരിനു വളം വയ്ക്കാതെ തലയ്ക്കു വളം വച്ചിട്ടെന്തു കാര്യം
+കാറ്റുള്ളപ്പോള്‍ തൂറ്റണം
+നട്ടാലേ നേട്ടമുള്ളൂ
+കാലം നോക്കി കൃഷി
+മണ്ണറിഞ്ഞു വിത്തു്‌
+വരമ്പു ചാരി നട്ടാല്‍ ചുവരു ചാരിയുണ്ണാം
+വിളഞ്ഞ കണ്ടത്തില്‍ വെള്ളം തിരിക്കണ്ട
+മുന്‍വിള പൊന്‍വിള
+വിളഞ്ഞാല്‍ പിന്നെ വച്ചേക്കരുതു്‌
+വര്‍ഷം പോലെ കൃഷി
+മണ്ണു വിറ്റു പൊന്നു വാങ്ങരുതു്‌
+ആഴത്തില്‍ ഉഴുതു അകലെ നടണം
+നല്ല വിത്തോടു കള്ളവിത്തു വിതച്ചാല്‍ നല്ല വിത്തും കള്ളവിത്താകും
+മത്ത കുത്തിയാല്‍ കുമ്പളം മുളക്കില്ല
+നവര വിതച്ചാല്‍ തുവര കായ്ക്കുമോ
+പൊക്കാളി വിതച്ചാല്‍ ആരിയന്‍ കൊയ്യുമോ?
+ആരിയന്‍ വിതച്ചാ നവര കൊയ്യാമോ
+പൊന്നാരം വിളഞ്ഞാല്‍ കതിരാവില്ല
+വിതച്ചതു കൊയ്യും
+വിത്തിനൊത്ത വിള
+വിത്തൊന്നിട്ടാല്‍ മറ്റൊന്നു വിളയില്ല
+മുള്ളു നട്ടവന്‍ സൂക്ഷിക്കണം
+തിന വിതച്ചാല്‍ തിന കൊയ്യും, വിന വിതച്ചാല്‍ വിന കൊയ്യും
+കൂര വിതച്ചാല്‍ പൊക്കാളിയാവില്ല
+കണ്ണീരില്‍ വിളഞ്ഞ വിദ്യയും വെണ്ണീരില്‍ വിളഞ്ഞ നെല്ലും
+എളിയവരും ഏത്തവാഴയും ചവിട്ടും തോറും തഴയ്ക്കും
+നല്ല തെങ്ങിനു നാല്പതു‍ മടല്‍
+പൂട്ടുന്ന കാളയെന്തിനു വിതയ്ക്കുന്ന വിത്തറിയുന്നു
+അടയ്ക്കയായാല്‍ മടിയില്‍ വയ്ക്കാം അടയ്ക്കാ മരമായാല്‍
+അകത്ത് കത്തിയും പുറത്ത് പത്തിയും
+അകലെ കൊള്ളാത്തവന്‍ അടുത്തും കൊള്ളില്ല
+അകലെ പോകുന്നവനെ അരികത്തു വിളിച്ചാല്‍ അരയ്ക്കാത്തുട്ട് ചേതം
+അഗ്രഹാരത്തില്‍ പിറന്നാലും നായ് വേദമോതില്ല
+അഞ്ചിലേ വളയാത്തത് അമ്പതില്‍ വളയുമോ?
+അടച്ചവായിലീച്ച കയറുകയില്ല
+അടികൊണ്ടാലും അമ്പലത്തില്‍ കിടക്കണം
+അടിച്ചതിന്മേല്‍ അടിച്ചാല്‍ അമ്മിയും പൊളിയും
+അടിമേലടിച്ചാല്‍ അമ്മിയും പൊടിയും
+അടിതെറ്റിയാല്‍ ആനയും വീഴും
+അമ്മയ്ക്കു പ്രാണവേദന മകള്‍ക്കു വീണവായന
+അമ്മയെ തല്ലിയാലും രണ്ടുണ്ട് പക്ഷം
+അങ്ങാടിയില്‍ തോറ്റതിനു അമ്മയൊട്
+അങ്ങാടിപ്പയ്യു്‌ ആലയില്‍ നില്കില്ല
+അരമന രഹസ്യം അങ്ങാടി പാട്ട്
+അളക്കുന്ന നാഴിക്കു്‌ അരിവില അറിയാമോ
+അരചനില്ലാ നാട് നരകം
+അരിയെത്ര ? പയറഞ്ഞാഴി
+അല്പജ്ഞനേക്കാള്‍ നല്ലത് അജ്ഞന്‍
+അട്ടയെപ്പിടിച്ചു മെത്തയില്‍ കിടത്തിയ പോലെ
+ആരാന്റമ്മക്ക് ഭ്രാന്തായാല്‍ കാണാന്‍ നല്ല ചേല്
+ആറ്റില്‍ കളഞ്ഞാലും അളന്ന് കളയണം
+ഉപ്പോളം പോരുമോ ഉപ്പിലിട്ടത്?
+ഉടുതുണി തന്നെ പാമ്പായാലോ?
+ഉണ്ട ചോറിനു നന്ദി കാട്ടണം
+ഉണ്ട ചോറില്‍ കല്ലിടരുതു
+ഉണ്ണിയെ കണ്ടാല്‍ അറിയാം ഊരിലെ പഞ്ഞം
+ഉണ്ണിപിറന്നാലും ഓണം വന്നാലും കേളനു കഞ്ഞി കുമ്പിളില്‍ തന്നെ
+ഉള്ളതു പറഞ്ഞാല്‍ കള്ളനു തുള്ളല്‍
+ഉള്ളിക്കു പാലൊഴിച്ചാല്‍ ഉള്‍നാറ്റം പോകുമോ
+ഉറക്കത്തിനു പായ് വേണ്ട
+എന്നെച്ചൊറി ഞാന്‍ നിന്നെച്ചൊറിയാം
+എടുത്തു നടന്നവരെ മറക്കരുതു
+എലിക്കു തിണ്ടാട്ടം പൂച്ചയ്ക്കു കൊണ്ടാട്ടം
+എളുപ്പം പറയാം എളുപ്പം ചെയ്യാന്‍ മേലാ
+ഏച്ച് കെട്ടിയാല്‍ മുഴച്ചിരിക്കും
+ഏറെ കിഴക്കോട്ടു പോയാല്‍ കല്ലും മുള്ളും ചവിട്ടും
+ഐകമത്യം മഹാബലം
+ഒന്നെ ഒള്ളുവെങ്കിലും ഉലക്കയ്ക്കടിച്ച് വളര്‍ത്തണം
+ഒന്നുകില്‍ ആശാന്റെ നെഞ്ചത്ത് അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ കളരിക്ക് പുറത്ത്
+ഒരുമയുണ്ടെങ്കില്‍ ഉലക്കമേലും കിടക്കാം
+ഓന്തിനു വേലി സാക്ഷി വേലിക്കു്‌ ഓന്തു സാക്ഷി
+കള്ളന്‍ കപ്പലില്‍ തന്നെ
+കാണം വിറ്റും ഓണം കൊള്ളണം
+കേറിയിരുന്നുണ്ട പന്തലില്‍ ഇറങ്ങിയിരുന്നുണ്ണരുതു
+കുറുന്തോട്ടിക്കു വാതം
+കുടിക്കുന്ന വെള്ളത്തില്‍ കോലിട്ടളക്കരുതു
+കണ്ടിക്കണക്കിനു വാക്കിനേക്കാള്‍ കഴഞ്ചിനു കര്‍മ്മം നന്നു
+കരയുന്ന കുഞ്ഞിനേ പാലുള്ളൂ
+കലത്തിനറിയാമോ കര്‍പ്പൂരത്തിന്റെ ഗന്ധം
+കറിയുടെ സ്വാദു്‌ തവിയറിയില്ല
+കൊല്ലം കണ്ടവനില്ലം വേണ്ടാ
+കൊച്ചി കണ്ടവനച്ചി വേണ്ടാ
+കാണം വിറ്റും ഓണം ഉണ്ണണം
+കുളിപ്പിച്ചാലും പന്നി ചേറ്റില്‍
+കാറ്റുള്ളപ്പോള്‍ തൂറ്റണം
+കുന്തം പോയാല്‍ കുടത്തിലും തപ്പണം
+കക്ഷത്തിലുള്ളത് പോകാനും പാടില്ല ഉത്തരത്തിലേത് ഏടുക്കുകയും വേണം
+കാട്ടിലെ തടി തേവരുടെ ആന, വലിയെടാ വലി
+കാഞ്ഞിരക്കുരു പാലിലിട്ടാലും കയ്പു തീരില്ല
+കുന്നാണെങ്കിലും കുഴിച്ചാല്‍ കുഴിയും
+കുശവനും പൂണൂലുണ്ട്
+ഗതികെട്ടാല്‍ ചാമയെങ്കിലും ചെമ്മൂര്യ
+ചൊല്ലും പല്ലും പതുക്കെ മതി
+ചങ്ങലയ്ക്കു ഭ്രാന്തു പിടിച്ചാലോ?
+ചോറു തന്ന കൈയ്ക്കു കടിക്കരുത്
+ചങ്ങാതി നന്നെങ്കില്‍ കണ്ണാടി വേണ്ട
+ചന്ദനം ചാരിയാല്‍ ചന്ദനം മണക്കും, ചാണകം ചാരിയാല്‍ ചാണകം മണക്കും
+ചക്കിക്കൊത്ത ചങ്കരന്‍
+ചട്ടുവമറിയുമോ കറിയുടെ രസം
+ചങ്ങാതി നന്നായാല്‍ കണ്ണാടി വേണ്ടാ
+ചുട്ട ചട്ടി അറിയുമോ അപ്പത്തിന്റെ സ്വാദു്
+ചൊട്ടയിലെ ശീലം ചുടല വരെ
+ചാണകക്കുഴിയും പെരുങ്കടലും തുല്യമോ?
+ചാണകവറളിയെ ചന്ദ്രബിംബമാക്കരുത്
+ജാത്യാലുള്ളതു തൂത്താല്‍ പോകുമോ
+ഞാങ്ങണയെങ്കിലും നാലു കൂട്ടിക്കെട്ടിയാല്‍ ബലം തന്നെ
+പട പേടിച്ച് പന്തളത്ത് പോയപ്പോള്‍ അവിടെ പന്തം കൊളുത്തി പട
+പഴുത്ത പ്ലാവില വീഴുമ്പോള്‍ പച്ച പ്ലാവില ചിരിക്കേണ്ട
+പാലം കുലുങ്ങിയാലും കേളന്‍ കുലുങ്ങില്ല
+പുകഞ്ഞ കൊള്ളി പുറത്ത്
+പുര കത്തുമ്പോള്‍ വാഴവെട്ടുക
+പൂട്ടുമുറിച്ചവനു്‌ ഈട്ടിയറുത്തവന്‍ സാക്ഷി
+പൊന്നു കായ്ക്കും മരമായലും പുരയ്ക്ക് ചാഞ്ഞാല്‍ മുറിക്കണം
+പറച്ചില്‍ നിര്‍ത്തി പയറ്റി നോക്കണം
+പഴഞ്ചൊല്ലില്‍ പതിരില്ല
+പയ്യെ തിന്നാല്‍ പനയും തിന്നാം
+പല തോടു ആറായിപ്പെരുകും
+പയ്യെത്തിന്നാല്‍ പനയും തിന്നാം
+പാലം കടക്കുവോളം നാരായണ, പാലം കടന്നാലോ കൂരായണ
+പശിക്കുമ്പോള്‍ അച്ചി പശുക്കയറും തിന്നും
+പിത്തള മിനുക്കിയാല്‍ പൊന്നാവില്ല
+പാദം പാദം വച്ചാല്‍ കാതം കാതം പോകാം
+മണ്‍വെട്ടി തണുപ്പറിയുമോ
+മൂത്തോരുടെ വാക്കും മുതുനെല്ലിക്കയും ആദ്യം കയ്ക്കും പിന്നെ മധുരിക്കും
+മിന്നുന്നതെല്ലാം പൊന്നല്ല
+മുല്ലപൂമ്പൊടിയേറ്റു കിടക്കും കല്ലിനുമുണ്ടാമൊരു സൌരഭ്യം
+മോങ്ങാനിരുന്ന പട്ടിയുടെ തലയില്‍ തേങ്ങ വീണു
+മുറിവൈദ്യം ആപത്ത്
+മെല്ലെനെ ഒഴുകും വെള്ളം കല്ലിനെ കുഴിയെ ചെല്ലും
+മെല്ലെത്തിന്നാല്‍ മുള്ളും തിന്നാം
+മൂത്തവര്‍ ചൊല്ലും വാക്കും മുതുനെല്ലിയ്‌ക്കയും മുമ്പേ കയ്‌ക്കും പിന്നെ മധൂരിയ്‌ക്കും
+മക്കളെ കണ്ടും മാമ്പൂ കണ്ടും കൊതിക്കരുത്‌
+തേനൊഴിച്ചു വളര്‍ത്തിയാലും കാഞ്ഞിരം കയ്ക്കും
+തന്നോളം വളര്‍ന്നാല്‍ തനിക്കൊപ്പം
+താന്‍ പാതി ദൈവം പാതി
+തീയില്‍ കുരുത്തത് വെയിലത്തു വാടുമൊ?
+താഴ്ന്ന നിലത്തേ നീരോടൂ
+തെളിച്ച വഴിയെ നടന്നിലെങ്കില്‍ നടന്ന വഴിയെ തെളിക്കുക
+തീയില്ലാതെ പുകയില്ല
+തീവെട്ടിക്കാരനു കണ്ണു കണ്ടുകൂടാ
+തേടിയ വള്ളി കാലില്‍ ചുറ്റി
+നാടു മറന്നാലും മൂടു മറക്കാമോ?
+നാക്കു നീണ്ടവനു കുറിയ കൈ
+നിറകുടം തുളുമ്പില്ല
+നീയെന്റെ പുറം ചൊറിയ് ഞാന്‍ നിന്റെ പുറം ചൊറിയാം
+ക്ഷീരം കൊണ്ടു നനച്ചാലും വേപ്പിന്റെ കയ്പു വിടുമോ
+സമ്പത്ത് കാലത്ത് തൈപത്ത് വച്ചാല്‍ ആപത്ത് കാലത്ത് കാ പത്തു തിന്നാം
+വേലി തന്നെ വിളവു തിന്നുക
+വന്ന വഴി മറക്കരുത്
+വാക്കു കൊണ്ടു കോട്ട കെട്ടുക
+വാക്കു കൊണ്ടു വയറു നിറയുകയില്ല
+വല്ലഭനു പുല്ലും ആയുധം
+വാദി പ്രതി ആയി
+വേണമെങ്കില്‍ ചക്ക വേരിലും കായ്ക്കും
+വിശപ്പിനു രുചിയില്ല
+വയറവള്ളിയായാലും കൂടിപ്പിണഞ്ഞുകിടന്നാല്‍ നന്ന്‌
+വെട്ടില്‍ വീഴ്ത്തിയാല്‍ വന്‍മരവും വീഴും
+വെടികെട്ടുകാരന്റെ മകനെയാണോ ഉടുക്ക്‌ കൊട്ടി പേടിപ്പിക്കുന്നത്‌
+ശത്രുവിന്റെ ശത്രു മിത്രം
+അണ്ണാങ്കുഞ്ഞും തന്നാലായതു്
+അയലത്തെല്ലാം തേങ്ങയുടയ്ക്കുന്നു, ഞാനൊരു ചിരട്ടയെങ്കിലും‌ ഉടയ്ക്കണ്ടേ?
+ആനയെ വയ്ക്കേണ്ടിടത്തു പൂവെങ്കിലും വയ്ക്കണം
+എല്ലാരും‌ തേങ്ങ ഉടയ്ക്കുമ്പോള്‍ ഞാനൊരു ചിരട്ടയെങ്കിലും ഉടയ്ക്കണ്ടേ?
+പണം വയ്ക്കേണ്ട ദിക്കില്‍ പൂവെകിലും വച്ച് കാര്യം നടത്തണം
+പൊന്നു വയ്ക്കുന്നിടത്തു ഞാനൊരു പൂവെങ്കിലും വയ്ക്കണ്ടേ?
+അഞ്ചഞ്ചു ഫലം ഒന്നഞ്ചുഫലം
+അമ്പലം ചെറുതാണെങ്കിലും പ്രതിഷ്ഠ വലുത്
+ആളു ചെറുതു കോളു വലുതു
+കുരുത്തക്കേടു് കുന്നിക്കുരുവോളം മതി
+കാന്താരിമുളകെന്തിനാ അധികം
+നഞ്ചെന്തിനു നാനാഴി
+ശേഷിയില്ലെങ്കിലും ശേമുഷി വേണം
+ആശാനു കൊടുക്കാത്തതു വൈദ്യര്‍ക്കു കൊടുക്കാം
+പൊന്നു കായ്ക്കുന്ന മരമായാലും പുരയ്ക്കു ചാഞ്ഞാല്‍ മുറിയ്ക്കണം
+അപ്പത്തില്‍ കല്ലും മുറ്റത്തില്‍ ഇടപാടും
+അരയില്‍ പുണ്ണും അടുത്തു കടവും
+ഉള്ളില്‍ കടവും ഉള്ളങ്കയ്യില്‍ ചിരങ്ങും
+കടമില്ലാത്ത കഞ്ഞി ഉത്തമം
+കടമൊഴിഞ്ഞാല്‍ ഭയമൊഴിഞ്ഞു
+കടം അപകടം സ്നേഹത്തിനു വികടം
+കടത്തിനു തുല്യം രോഗമില്ല
+കടമൊരു ധനമല്ല
+കടം വാങ്ങി ഉണ്ടാല്‍ മാനം വാടി വീഴാം
+കടം വാങ്ങി കൂര വച്ചാല്‍ കൂര വിറ്റു കടം തീര്‍ക്കാം
+Better wise than wealthy<br>
+എല്ലായിടത്തും ജ്ഞാനി; രാജാവു് രാജ്യത്തില്‍ മാത്രം രാജാവു്
+എല്ലാറ്റിലും നല്ലതു വിദ്യയാം
+വിദ്യാധനം സര്‍വ്വധനാല്‍ പ്രധാനം
+Money is a beautiful enemey<br>
+പകയ്ക്കെന്തു വഴി പത്തു പണം കൊടുത്താല്‍ മതി
+ഇഷ്ടം മുറിക്കാന്‍‍ അര്‍ത്ഥം മഴു
+ദ്രവ്യാഗ്രഹം സര്‍വ്വ ദോഷകാരണം
+ധനം പെരുത്താല്‍ ഭയം പെരുക്കും
+അമ്മ വേലി ചാടിയാല്‍ മകളു മതിലു ചാടും
+പാലം കടക്കുവോളം നാരായണ പാലം കടന്നാലൊ കൂരായണ
+കള്ളനെ കാവലേല്പിച്ചാല്‍
diff --git a/silpa/modules/fortune/database/fortune-ml.dat b/silpa/modules/fortune/database/fortune-ml.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1f2137
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/fortune/database/fortune-ml.dat
Binary files differ
diff --git a/silpa/modules/fortune/ b/silpa/modules/fortune/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc83b51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/fortune/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# Fortune
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright © 2009 Santhosh Thottingal <>
+# Released under the GPLV3+ license
+import os,random
+from common import *
+class Fortune(SilpaModule):
+ def fortunes(self,infile,pattern=None):
+ """ Yield fortunes as lists of lines """
+ result = []
+ for line in infile:
+ line=line.decode("utf-8")
+ if line == "%\n":
+ continue
+ else:
+ if(pattern==None):
+ result.append(line)
+ else:
+ if(line.find(pattern)>0):
+ result.append(line)
+ if result:
+ return result
+ def fortune_ml(self, pattern):
+ filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'database/fortune-ml')
+ """ Pick a random fortune from a file """
+ fortunes_list=self.fortunes(file(filename),pattern)
+ chosen=""
+ if fortunes_list:
+ chosen= random.choice(fortunes_list)
+ return "".join(chosen)
+ def process(self, form):
+ response = """
+ <h2>Fortune Malayalam</h2></hr>
+ <p>Enter the text for getting a random quote with the given string in the below text area.
+ </p>
+ <form action="" method="post">
+ <input type="text" cols='100' name='input_text' id='id1' value="%s"/>
+ <input type="submit" id="Fortune" value="Fortune" name="action" style="width:12em;"/>
+ </br>
+ </form>
+ """
+ if(form.has_key('input_text')):
+ text = form['input_text'].value .decode('utf-8')
+ response=response % text
+ else:
+ text= None
+ response=response % ""
+ result = self.fortune_ml(text)
+ response = response+"<h2>Random Quote</h2></hr>"
+ response = response+"<b>"+result+"</b>"
+ return response
+ def get_module_name(self):
+ return "Fortune Malayalam"
+ def get_info(self):
+ return "Get/Search a random Malayalam quote "
+def getInstance():
+ return Fortune()
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..158b5f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/
@@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
+''' Guess the language of text.
+ Based on guesslanguage.cpp by Jacob R Rideout for KDE
+ which itself is based on Language::Guess by Maciej Ceglowski
+ Copyright (c) 2008, Kent S Johnson
+ C++ version is Copyright (c) 2006 Jacob R Rideout <>
+ Perl version is (c) 2004-6 Maciej Ceglowski
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ Note: Language::Guess is GPL-licensed. KDE developers received permission
+ from the author to distribute their port under LGPL:
+import codecs, os, re, sys, unicodedata
+ from collections import defaultdict
+ class defaultdict(dict):
+ def __init__(self, default_factory=None, *a, **kw):
+ if (default_factory is not None and
+ not hasattr(default_factory, '__call__')):
+ raise TypeError('first argument must be callable')
+ dict.__init__(self, *a, **kw)
+ self.default_factory = default_factory
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ try:
+ return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
+ except KeyError:
+ return self.__missing__(key)
+ def __missing__(self, key):
+ if self.default_factory is None:
+ raise KeyError(key)
+ self[key] = value = self.default_factory()
+ return value
+ def __reduce__(self):
+ if self.default_factory is None:
+ args = tuple()
+ else:
+ args = self.default_factory,
+ return type(self), args, None, None, self.items()
+ def copy(self):
+ return self.__copy__()
+ def __copy__(self):
+ return type(self)(self.default_factory, self)
+ def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
+ import copy
+ return type(self)(self.default_factory,
+ copy.deepcopy(self.items()))
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'defaultdict(%s, %s)' % (self.default_factory,
+ dict.__repr__(self))
+from blocks import unicodeBlock
+from common import SilpaModule
+BASIC_LATIN = "en ceb ha so tlh id haw la sw eu nr nso zu xh ss st tn ts".split()
+EXTENDED_LATIN = "cs af pl hr ro sk sl tr hu az et sq ca es fr de nl it da is nb sv fi lv pt ve lt tl cy".split()
+CYRILLIC = "ru uk kk uz mn sr mk bg ky".split()
+ARABIC = "ar fa ps ur".split()
+DEVANAGARI = "hi ne".split()
+# NOTE mn appears twice, once for mongolian script and once for CYRILLIC
+ ('Armenian', 'hy'),
+ ('Hebrew', 'he'),
+ ('Bengali', 'bn'),
+ ('Gurmukhi', 'pa'),
+ ('Greek', 'el'),
+ ('Gujarati', 'gu'),
+ ('Oriya', 'or'),
+ ('Tamil', 'ta'),
+ ('Telugu', 'te'),
+ ('Kannada', 'kn'),
+ ('Malayalam', 'ml'),
+ ('Sinhala', 'si'),
+ ('Thai', 'th'),
+ ('Lao', 'lo'),
+ ('Tibetan', 'bo'),
+ ('Burmese', 'my'),
+ ('Georgian', 'ka'),
+ ('Mongolian', 'mn-Mong'),
+ ('Khmer', 'km'),
+PT = "pt_BR pt_PT".split()
+models = {}
+ "ab" : "Abkhazian",
+ "af" : "Afrikaans",
+ "ar" : "Arabic",
+ "az" : "Azeri",
+ "be" : "Byelorussian",
+ "bg" : "Bulgarian",
+ "bn" : "Bengali",
+ "bo" : "Tibetan",
+ "br" : "Breton",
+ "ca" : "Catalan",
+ "ceb" : "Cebuano",
+ "cs" : "Czech",
+ "cy" : "Welsh",
+ "da" : "Danish",
+ "de" : "German",
+ "el" : "Greek",
+ "en" : "English",
+ "eo" : "Esperanto",
+ "es" : "Spanish",
+ "et" : "Estonian",
+ "eu" : "Basque",
+ "fa" : "Farsi",
+ "fi" : "Finnish",
+ "fo" : "Faroese",
+ "fr" : "French",
+ "fy" : "Frisian",
+ "gd" : "Scots Gaelic",
+ "gl" : "Galician",
+ "gu" : "Gujarati",
+ "ha" : "Hausa",
+ "haw" : "Hawaiian",
+ "he" : "Hebrew",
+ "hi" : "Hindi",
+ "hr" : "Croatian",
+ "hu" : "Hungarian",
+ "hy" : "Armenian",
+ "id" : "Indonesian",
+ "is" : "Icelandic",
+ "it" : "Italian",
+ "ja" : "Japanese",
+ "ka" : "Georgian",
+ "kk" : "Kazakh",
+ "km" : "Cambodian",
+ "ko" : "Korean",
+ "ku" : "Kurdish",
+ "ky" : "Kyrgyz",
+ "la" : "Latin",
+ "lt" : "Lithuanian",
+ "lv" : "Latvian",
+ "mg" : "Malagasy",
+ "mk" : "Macedonian",
+ "ml" : "Malayalam",
+ "mn" : "Mongolian",
+ "mr" : "Marathi",
+ "ms" : "Malay",
+ "nd" : "Ndebele",
+ "ne" : "Nepali",
+ "nl" : "Dutch",
+ "nn" : "Nynorsk",
+ "no" : "Norwegian",
+ "nso" : "Sepedi",
+ "pa" : "Punjabi",
+ "pl" : "Polish",
+ "ps" : "Pashto",
+ "pt" : "Portuguese",
+ "ro" : "Romanian",
+ "ru" : "Russian",
+ "sa" : "Sanskrit",
+ "sh" : "Serbo-Croatian",
+ "sk" : "Slovak",
+ "sl" : "Slovene",
+ "so" : "Somali",
+ "sq" : "Albanian",
+ "sr" : "Serbian",
+ "sv" : "Swedish",
+ "sw" : "Swahili",
+ "ta" : "Tamil",
+ "te" : "Telugu",
+ "th" : "Thai",
+ "tl" : "Tagalog",
+ "tlh" : "Klingon",
+ "tn" : "Setswana",
+ "tr" : "Turkish",
+ "ts" : "Tsonga",
+ "tw" : "Twi",
+ "uk" : "Ukrainian",
+ "uk" : "Ukranian",
+ "ur" : "Urdu",
+ "uz" : "Uzbek",
+ "ve" : "Venda",
+ "vi" : "Vietnamese",
+ "xh" : "Xhosa",
+ "zh" : "Chinese",
+ "zh-tw" : "Traditional Chinese (Taiwan)",
+ "zu" : "Zulu",
+ "ab" : 12026,
+ "af" : 40,
+ "ar" : 26020,
+ "az" : 26030,
+ "be" : 11890,
+ "bg" : 26050,
+ "bn" : 26040,
+ "bo" : 26601,
+ "br" : 1361,
+ "ca" : 3,
+ "ceb" : 26060,
+ "cs" : 26080,
+ "cy" : 26560,
+ "da" : 26090,
+ "de" : 26160,
+ "el" : 26165,
+ "en" : 26110,
+ "eo" : 11933,
+ "es" : 26460,
+ "et" : 26120,
+ "eu" : 1232,
+ "fa" : 26130,
+ "fi" : 26140,
+ "fo" : 11817,
+ "fr" : 26150,
+ "fy" : 1353,
+ "gd" : 65555,
+ "gl" : 1252,
+ "gu" : 26599,
+ "ha" : 26170,
+ "haw" : 26180,
+ "he" : 26592,
+ "hi" : 26190,
+ "hr" : 26070,
+ "hu" : 26200,
+ "hy" : 26597,
+ "id" : 26220,
+ "is" : 26210,
+ "it" : 26230,
+ "ja" : 26235,
+ "ka" : 26600,
+ "kk" : 26240,
+ "km" : 1222,
+ "ko" : 26255,
+ "ku" : 11815,
+ "ky" : 26260,
+ "la" : 26280,
+ "lt" : 26300,
+ "lv" : 26290,
+ "mg" : 1362,
+ "mk" : 26310,
+ "ml" : 26598,
+ "mn" : 26320,
+ "mr" : 1201,
+ "ms" : 1147,
+ "ne" : 26330,
+ "nl" : 26100,
+ "nn" : 172,
+ "no" : 26340,
+ "pa" : 65550,
+ "pl" : 26380,
+ "ps" : 26350,
+ "pt" : 26390,
+ "ro" : 26400,
+ "ru" : 26410,
+ "sa" : 1500,
+ "sh" : 1399,
+ "sk" : 26430,
+ "sl" : 26440,
+ "so" : 26450,
+ "sq" : 26010,
+ "sr" : 26420,
+ "sv" : 26480,
+ "sw" : 26470,
+ "ta" : 26595,
+ "te" : 26596,
+ "th" : 26594,
+ "tl" : 26490,
+ "tlh" : 26250,
+ "tn" : 65578,
+ "tr" : 26500,
+ "tw" : 1499,
+ "uk" : 26510,
+ "uk" : 26520,
+ "ur" : 26530,
+ "uz" : 26540,
+ "vi" : 26550,
+ "zh" : 26065,
+ "zh-tw" : 22,
+def _load_models():
+ modelsDir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'trigrams')
+ modelsList = os.listdir(modelsDir)
+ lineRe = re.compile(r"(.{3})\s+(.*)")
+ for modelFile in modelsList:
+ modelPath = os.path.join(modelsDir, modelFile)
+ if os.path.isdir(modelPath):
+ continue
+ f =, 'r', 'utf-8')
+ model = {} # QHash<QString,int> model
+ for line in f:
+ m =
+ if m:
+ model[] = int(
+ models[modelFile.lower()] = model
+def guessLanguage(text):
+ ''' Returns the language code, i.e. 'en' '''
+ if not text:
+ return UNKNOWN
+ if isinstance(text, str):
+ text = unicode(text, 'utf-8')
+ text = normalize(text)
+ return _identify(text, find_runs(text))
+def guessLanguageInfo(text):
+ """
+ Returns (tag, id, name) i.e. ('en', 26110, 'english')
+ """
+ tag = guessLanguage(text)
+ if tag == UNKNOWN:
+ id = _getId(tag)
+ name = _getName(tag)
+ return tag,id,name
+# An alias for guessLanguage
+guessLanguageTag = guessLanguage
+def guessLanguageId(text):
+ """
+ Returns the language id. i.e. 26110
+ """
+ lang = guessLanguage(text)
+ return _getId(lang)
+def guessLanguageName(text):
+ """
+ Returns the language name. i.e. 'english'
+ """
+ lang = guessLanguage(text)
+ return _getName(lang)
+def _getId(iana):
+ return IANA_MAP.get(iana, UNKNOWN)
+def _getName(iana):
+ return NAME_MAP.get(iana, UNKNOWN)
+def find_runs(text):
+ ''' Count the number of characters in each character block '''
+ run_types = defaultdict(int)
+ totalCount = 0
+ for c in text:
+ if c.isalpha():
+ block = unicodeBlock(c)
+ run_types[block] += 1
+ totalCount += 1
+# pprint.pprint(run_types)
+ # return run types that used for 40% or more of the string
+ # always return basic latin if found more than 15%
+ # and extended additional latin if over 10% (for Vietnamese)
+ relevant_runs = []
+ for key, value in run_types.items():
+ pct = (value*100) / totalCount
+ if pct >=40:
+ relevant_runs.append(key)
+ elif key == "Basic Latin" and ( pct >=15 ):
+ relevant_runs.append(key)
+ elif key == "Latin Extended Additional" and ( pct >=10 ):
+ relevant_runs.append(key)
+ return relevant_runs
+def _identify(sample, scripts):
+ if len(sample) < 3:
+ return UNKNOWN
+ if "Hangul Syllables" in scripts or "Hangul Jamo" in scripts \
+ or "Hangul Compatibility Jamo" in scripts or "Hangul" in scripts:
+ return "ko"
+ if "Greek and Coptic" in scripts:
+ return "el"
+ if "Katakana" in scripts or "Hiragana" in scripts or "Katakana Phonetic Extensions" in scripts:
+ return "ja"
+ if "CJK Unified Ideographs" in scripts or "Bopomofo" in scripts \
+ or "Bopomofo Extended" in scripts or "KangXi Radicals" in scripts:
+# This is in both Ceglowski and Rideout
+# I can't imagine why...
+# or "Arabic Presentation Forms-A" in scripts
+ return "zh"
+ if "Cyrillic" in scripts:
+ return check( sample, CYRILLIC )
+ if "Arabic" in scripts or "Arabic Presentation Forms-A" in scripts or "Arabic Presentation Forms-B" in scripts:
+ return check( sample, ARABIC )
+ if "Devanagari" in scripts:
+ return check( sample, DEVANAGARI )
+ # Try languages with unique scripts
+ for blockName, langName in SINGLETONS:
+ if blockName in scripts:
+ return langName
+ if "Latin Extended Additional" in scripts:
+ return "vi"
+ if "Extended Latin" in scripts:
+ latinLang = check( sample, EXTENDED_LATIN )
+ if latinLang == "pt":
+ return check(sample, PT)
+ else:
+ return latinLang
+ if "Basic Latin" in scripts:
+ return check( sample, ALL_LATIN )
+ return UNKNOWN
+def check(sample, langs):
+ if len(sample) < MIN_LENGTH:
+ return UNKNOWN
+ scores = []
+ model = createOrderedModel(sample) # QMap<int,QString>
+ for key in langs:
+ lkey = key.lower()
+ if lkey in models:
+ scores.append( (distance(model, models[lkey]), key) )
+ if not scores:
+ return UNKNOWN
+ # we want the lowest score, less distance = greater chance of match
+# pprint(sorted(scores))
+ return min(scores)[1]
+def createOrderedModel(content):
+ ''' Create a list of trigrams in content sorted by frequency '''
+ trigrams = defaultdict(int) # QHash<QString,int>
+ content = content.lower()
+ for i in xrange(0, len(content)-2):
+ trigrams[content[i:i+3]]+=1
+ return sorted(trigrams.keys(), key=lambda k: (-trigrams[k], k))
+spRe = re.compile(r"\s\s", re.UNICODE)
+def distance(model, knownModel):
+ dist = 0
+ for i, value in enumerate(model[:MAXGRAMS]):
+ if not
+ if value in knownModel:
+ dist += abs(i - knownModel[value])
+ else:
+ dist += MAXGRAMS
+ return dist
+def _makeNonAlphaRe():
+ nonAlpha = [u'[^']
+ for i in range(sys.maxunicode):
+ c = unichr(i)
+ if c.isalpha(): nonAlpha.append(c)
+ nonAlpha.append(u']')
+ nonAlpha = u"".join(nonAlpha)
+ return re.compile(nonAlpha)
+nonAlphaRe = _makeNonAlphaRe()
+spaceRe = re.compile('\s+', re.UNICODE)
+def normalize(u):
+ ''' Convert to normalized unicode.
+ Remove non-alpha chars and compress runs of spaces.
+ '''
+ u = unicodedata.normalize('NFC', u)
+ u = nonAlphaRe.sub(' ', u)
+ u = spaceRe.sub(' ', u)
+ return u
+class LangGuess(SilpaModule):
+ def process(self, form):
+ response = """
+ <h2>Guess the language</h2></hr>
+ <p>Enter the text for guessing the language in the below text area.
+ You can give the text in any language and even with mixed language
+ </p>
+ <form action="" method="post">
+ <textarea cols='100' rows='25' name='input_text' id='id1'>%s</textarea>
+ <input type="submit" id="Guess Language" value="Guess Language" name="action" style="width:12em;"/>
+ <input type="reset" value="Clear" style="width:12em;"/>
+ </br>
+ </form>
+ """
+ if(form.has_key('input_text')):
+ text = action=form['input_text'].value .decode('utf-8')
+ response=response % text
+ result = guessLanguageName(text)
+ response = response+"<h2>Guess Language Results</h2></hr>"
+ response = response+result
+ else:
+ response=response % ""
+ return response
+ def get_module_name(self):
+ return "Guess Language"
+ def get_info(self):
+ return "Guess the language of given text. This module can detect more than 50 languages. Based on Language::Guess by Maciej Ceglowski("
+def getInstance():
+ return LangGuess()
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/af b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/af
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10606ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/af
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+ie 0
+ di 1
+die 2
+en 3
+ing 4
+an 5
+ en 6
+van 7
+ va 8
+ng 9
+te 10
+n d 11
+ver 12
+er 13
+e v 14
+ ge 15
+ be 16
+de 17
+ ve 18
+nde 19
+ in 20
+ te 21
+le 22
+der 23
+ers 24
+et 25
+oor 26
+ 'n 27
+'n 28
+at 29
+eer 30
+ste 31
+ord 32
+aar 33
+sie 34
+ wa 35
+es 36
+e s 37
+aan 38
+ on 39
+is 40
+in 41
+e o 42
+rde 43
+e b 44
+asi 45
+rin 46
+ond 47
+e w 48
+el 49
+ is 50
+and 51
+e e 52
+eid 53
+e d 54
+om 55
+ke 56
+ om 57
+eri 58
+ wo 59
+e g 60
+r d 61
+ale 62
+wat 63
+ vo 64
+id 65
+it 66
+rd 67
+ aa 68
+lik 69
+ we 70
+t d 71
+ op 72
+e t 73
+ngs 74
+se 75
+end 76
+uit 77
+ st 78
+ le 79
+ens 80
+ter 81
+ re 82
+e a 83
+ies 84
+wor 85
+g v 86
+sta 87
+n s 88
+ na 89
+ pr 90
+n o 91
+ me 92
+al 93
+of 94
+ vi 95
+erd 96
+lee 97
+e k 98
+ de 99
+ite 100
+erk 101
+ik 102
+e r 103
+e p 104
+n v 105
+e i 106
+e n 107
+een 108
+eli 109
+wer 110
+ of 111
+ da 112
+tel 113
+nie 114
+ike 115
+s e 116
+taa 117
+ge 118
+vir 119
+hei 120
+ir 121
+reg 122
+ede 123
+s v 124
+ur 125
+pro 126
+ele 127
+ion 128
+wet 129
+e l 130
+ mo 131
+e m 132
+daa 133
+sio 134
+s d 135
+ he 136
+ to 137
+ent 138
+ard 139
+nge 140
+ oo 141
+eur 142
+lle 143
+ien 144
+n b 145
+eke 146
+lin 147
+raa 148
+ ni 149
+ont 150
+bes 151
+rdi 152
+voo 153
+ns 154
+n a 155
+del 156
+dig 157
+nas 158
+ sa 159
+ gr 160
+nis 161
+kom 162
+ ui 163
+men 164
+op 165
+ins 166
+ona 167
+ere 168
+s o 169
+ so 170
+n g 171
+ig 172
+moe 173
+ ko 174
+rs 175
+ges 176
+nal 177
+vol 178
+e h 179
+geb 180
+rui 181
+ang 182
+ige 183
+oet 184
+ar 185
+wys 186
+lig 187
+as 188
+n w 189
+ as 190
+met 191
+gs 192
+deu 193
+t v 194
+aal 195
+erw 196
+dit 197
+ken 198
+sse 199
+kel 200
+ hu 201
+ewe 202
+din 203
+n t 204
+ se 205
+est 206
+ika 207
+n p 208
+ntw 209
+t i 210
+eni 211
+ ka 212
+n e 213
+doe 214
+ali 215
+eme 216
+gro 217
+nte 218
+ ho 219
+nsi 220
+gen 221
+ier 222
+gew 223
+n h 224
+or 225
+ ma 226
+ind 227
+ne 228
+ek 229
+aat 230
+n ' 231
+ sk 232
+ide 233
+ ta 234
+dat 235
+ska 236
+ger 237
+soo 238
+n k 239
+s i 240
+ af 241
+tee 242
+nd 243
+eel 244
+hul 245
+nee 246
+woo 247
+rik 248
+d v 249
+n m 250
+re 251
+art 252
+ebr 253
+lan 254
+kke 255
+ron 256
+aam 257
+tre 258
+str 259
+kan 260
+ree 261
+lei 262
+t o 263
+gra 264
+het 265
+evo 266
+tan 267
+den 268
+ist 269
+ do 270
+bru 271
+toe 272
+olg 273
+rsk 274
+uik 275
+rwy 276
+min 277
+lge 278
+g e 279
+g o 280
+nst 281
+r v 282
+gte 283
+waa 284
+we 285
+ans 286
+esi 287
+ese 288
+voe 289
+epa 290
+gel 291
+ hi 292
+vin 293
+nse 294
+s w 295
+s t 296
+tei 297
+eit 298
+pre 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ar b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a7bf5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ar
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ ال 0
+الع 1
+لعر 2
+عرا 3
+راق 4
+ في 5
+في 6
+ين 7
+ية 8
+ن ا 9
+الم 10
+ات 11
+من 12
+ي ا 13
+ من 14
+الأ 15
+ة ا 16
+اق 17
+ وا 18
+اء 19
+الإ 20
+ أن 21
+وال 22
+ما 23
+ عل 24
+لى 25
+ت ا 26
+ون 27
+هم 28
+اقي 29
+ام 30
+ل ا 31
+أن 32
+م ا 33
+الت 34
+لا 35
+الا 36
+ان 37
+ها 38
+ال 39
+ة و 40
+ا ا 41
+رها 42
+لام 43
+يين 44
+ ول 45
+لأم 46
+نا 47
+على 48
+ن ي 49
+الب 50
+اد 51
+الق 52
+د ا 53
+ذا 54
+ه ا 55
+ با 56
+الد 57
+ب ا 58
+مري 59
+لم 60
+ إن 61
+ لل 62
+سلا 63
+أمر 64
+ريك 65
+مة 66
+ى ا 67
+ا ي 68
+ عن 69
+ هذ 70
+ء ا 71
+ر ا 72
+كان 73
+قتل 74
+إسل 75
+الح 76
+وا 77
+ إل 78
+ا أ 79
+بال 80
+ن م 81
+الس 82
+رة 83
+لإس 84
+ن و 85
+هاب 86
+ي و 87
+ير 88
+ كا 89
+لة 90
+يات 91
+ لا 92
+انت 93
+ن أ 94
+يكي 95
+الر 96
+الو 97
+ة ف 98
+دة 99
+الج 100
+قي 101
+وي 102
+الذ 103
+الش 104
+امي 105
+اني 106
+ذه 107
+عن 108
+لما 109
+هذه 110
+ول 111
+اف 112
+اوي 113
+بري 114
+ة ل 115
+ أم 116
+ لم 117
+ ما 118
+يد 119
+ أي 120
+إره 121
+ع ا 122
+عمل 123
+ولا 124
+إلى 125
+ابي 126
+ن ف 127
+ختط 128
+لك 129
+نه 130
+ني 131
+إن 132
+دين 133
+ف ا 134
+لذي 135
+ي أ 136
+ي ب 137
+ وأ 138
+ا ع 139
+الخ 140
+تل 141
+تي 142
+قد 143
+لدي 144
+ كل 145
+ مع 146
+اب 147
+اخت 148
+ار 149
+الن 150
+علا 151
+م و 152
+مع 153
+س ا 154
+كل 155
+لاء 156
+ن ب 157
+ن ت 158
+ي م 159
+عرب 160
+م ب 161
+ وق 162
+ يق 163
+ا ل 164
+ا م 165
+الف 166
+تطا 167
+داد 168
+لمس 169
+له 170
+هذا 171
+ مح 172
+ؤلا 173
+بي 174
+ة م 175
+ن ل 176
+هؤل 177
+كن 178
+لإر 179
+لتي 180
+ أو 181
+ ان 182
+ عم 183
+ا ف 184
+ة أ 185
+طاف 186
+عب 187
+ل م 188
+ن ع 189
+ور 190
+يا 191
+ يس 192
+ا ت 193
+ة ب 194
+راء 195
+عال 196
+قوا 197
+قية 198
+لعا 199
+م ي 200
+مي 201
+مية 202
+نية 203
+أي 204
+ابا 205
+بغد 206
+بل 207
+رب 208
+عما 209
+غدا 210
+مال 211
+ملي 212
+يس 213
+ بأ 214
+ بع 215
+ بغ 216
+ وم 217
+بات 218
+بية 219
+ذلك 220
+عة 221
+قاو 222
+قيي 223
+كي 224
+م م 225
+ي ع 226
+ عر 227
+ قا 228
+ا و 229
+رى 230
+ق ا 231
+وات 232
+وم 233
+ هؤ 234
+ا ب 235
+دام 236
+دي 237
+رات 238
+شعب 239
+لان 240
+لشع 241
+لقو 242
+ليا 243
+ن ه 244
+ي ت 245
+ي ي 246
+ وه 247
+ يح 248
+جرا 249
+جما 250
+حمد 251
+دم 252
+كم 253
+لاو 254
+لره 255
+ماع 256
+ن ق 257
+نة 258
+هي 259
+ بل 260
+ به 261
+ له 262
+ وي 263
+ا ك 264
+اذا 265
+اع 266
+ت م 267
+تخا 268
+خاب 269
+ر م 270
+لمت 271
+مسل 272
+ى أ 273
+يست 274
+يطا 275
+ لأ 276
+ لي 277
+أمن 278
+است 279
+بعض 280
+ة ت 281
+ري 282
+صدا 283
+ق و 284
+قول 285
+مد 286
+نتخ 287
+نفس 288
+نها 289
+هنا 290
+أعم 291
+أنه 292
+ائن 293
+الآ 294
+الك 295
+حة 296
+د م 297
+ر ع 298
+ربي 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/az b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/az
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a20731
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/az
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+lər 0
+in 1
+ın 2
+lar 3
+da 4
+an 5
+ir 6
+də 7
+ki 8
+ bi 9
+ən 10
+əri 11
+arı 12
+ər 13
+dir 14
+nda 15
+ ki 16
+rin 17
+nın 18
+əsi 19
+ini 20
+ ed 21
+ qa 22
+ tə 23
+ ba 24
+ ol 25
+ası 26
+ilə 27
+rın 28
+ ya 29
+anı 30
+ və 31
+ndə 32
+ni 33
+ara 34
+ını 35
+ınd 36
+ bu 37
+si 38
+ib 39
+aq 40
+dən 41
+iya 42
+nə 43
+rə 44
+n b 45
+sın 46
+və 47
+iri 48
+lə 49
+nin 50
+əli 51
+ de 52
+ mü 53
+bir 54
+n s 55
+ri 56
+ək 57
+ az 58
+ sə 59
+ar 60
+bil 61
+zər 62
+bu 63
+dan 64
+edi 65
+ind 66
+man 67
+un 68
+ərə 69
+ ha 70
+lan 71
+yyə 72
+iyy 73
+ il 74
+ ne 75
+r k 76
+ə b 77
+ is 78
+na 79
+nun 80
+ır 81
+ da 82
+ hə 83
+a b 84
+inə 85
+sin 86
+yan 87
+ərb 88
+ də 89
+ mə 90
+ qə 91
+dır 92
+li 93
+ola 94
+rba 95
+azə 96
+can 97
+lı 98
+nla 99
+ et 100
+ gö 101
+alı 102
+ayc 103
+bay 104
+eft 105
+ist 106
+n i 107
+nef 108
+tlə 109
+yca 110
+yət 111
+əcə 112
+ la 113
+ild 114
+nı 115
+tin 116
+ldi 117
+lik 118
+n h 119
+n m 120
+oyu 121
+raq 122
+ya 123
+əti 124
+ ar 125
+ada 126
+edə 127
+mas 128
+sı 129
+ına 130
+ə d 131
+ələ 132
+ayı 133
+iyi 134
+lma 135
+mək 136
+n d 137
+ti 138
+yin 139
+yun 140
+ət 141
+azı 142
+ft 143
+i t 144
+lli 145
+n a 146
+ra 147
+ cə 148
+ gə 149
+ ko 150
+ nə 151
+ oy 152
+a d 153
+ana 154
+cək 155
+eyi 156
+ilm 157
+irl 158
+lay 159
+liy 160
+lub 161
+n ə 162
+ril 163
+rlə 164
+unu 165
+ver 166
+ün 167
+ə o 168
+əni 169
+ he 170
+ ma 171
+ on 172
+ pa 173
+ala 174
+dey 175
+i m 176
+ima 177
+lmə 178
+mət 179
+par 180
+yə 181
+ətl 182
+ al 183
+ mi 184
+ sa 185
+ əl 186
+adı 187
+akı 188
+and 189
+ard 190
+art 191
+ayi 192
+i a 193
+i q 194
+i y 195
+ili 196
+ill 197
+isə 198
+n o 199
+n q 200
+olu 201
+rla 202
+stə 203
+sə 204
+tan 205
+tel 206
+yar 207
+ədə 208
+ me 209
+ rə 210
+ ve 211
+ ye 212
+a k 213
+at 214
+baş 215
+diy 216
+ent 217
+eti 218
+həs 219
+i i 220
+ik 221
+la 222
+miş 223
+n n 224
+nu 225
+qar 226
+ran 227
+tər 228
+xan 229
+ə a 230
+ə g 231
+ə t 232
+ dü 233
+ama 234
+b k 235
+dil 236
+era 237
+etm 238
+i b 239
+kil 240
+mil 241
+n r 242
+qla 243
+r s 244
+ras 245
+siy 246
+son 247
+tim 248
+yer 249
+ə k 250
+ gü 251
+ so 252
+ sö 253
+ te 254
+ xa 255
+ai 256
+bar 257
+cti 258
+di 259
+eri 260
+gör 261
+gün 262
+gəl 263
+hbə 264
+ihə 265
+iki 266
+isi 267
+lin 268
+mai 269
+maq 270
+n k 271
+n t 272
+n v 273
+onu 274
+qan 275
+qəz 276
+tə 277
+xal 278
+yib 279
+yih 280
+zet 281
+zır 282
+ıb 283
+ə m 284
+əze 285
+ br 286
+ in 287
+ i̇r 288
+ pr 289
+ ta 290
+ to 291
+ üç 292
+a o 293
+ali 294
+ani 295
+anl 296
+aql 297
+azi 298
+bri 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/bg b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/bg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eeb57c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/bg
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+на 0
+ на 1
+то 2
+ пр 3
+ за 4
+та 5
+ по 6
+ите 7
+те 8
+а п 9
+а с 10
+ от 11
+за 12
+ата 13
+ия 14
+ в 15
+е н 16
+ да 17
+а н 18
+ се 19
+ ко 20
+да 21
+от 22
+ани 23
+пре 24
+не 25
+ени 26
+о н 27
+ни 28
+се 29
+ и 30
+но 31
+ане 32
+ето 33
+а в 34
+ва 35
+ван 36
+е п 37
+а о 38
+ото 39
+ран 40
+ат 41
+ред 42
+ не 43
+а д 44
+и п 45
+ до 46
+про 47
+ съ 48
+ли 49
+при 50
+ния 51
+ски 52
+тел 53
+а и 54
+по 55
+ри 56
+ е 57
+ ка 58
+ира 59
+кат 60
+ние 61
+нит 62
+е з 63
+и с 64
+о с 65
+ост 66
+че 67
+ ра 68
+ист 69
+о п 70
+ из 71
+ са 72
+е д 73
+ини 74
+ки 75
+мин 76
+ ми 77
+а б 78
+ава 79
+е в 80
+ие 81
+пол 82
+ств 83
+т н 84
+ въ 85
+ ст 86
+ то 87
+аза 88
+е о 89
+ов 90
+ст 91
+ът 92
+и н 93
+ият 94
+нат 95
+ра 96
+ бъ 97
+ че 98
+алн 99
+е с 100
+ен 101
+ест 102
+и д 103
+лен 104
+нис 105
+о о 106
+ови 107
+ об 108
+ сл 109
+а р 110
+ато 111
+кон 112
+нос 113
+ров 114
+ще 115
+ ре 116
+ с 117
+ сп 118
+ват 119
+еше 120
+и в 121
+иет 122
+о в 123
+ове 124
+ста 125
+а к 126
+а т 127
+дат 128
+ент 129
+ка 130
+лед 131
+нет 132
+ори 133
+стр 134
+стъ 135
+ти 136
+тър 137
+ те 138
+а з 139
+а м 140
+ад 141
+ана 142
+ено 143
+и о 144
+ина 145
+ити 146
+ма 147
+ска 148
+сле 149
+тво 150
+тер 151
+ция 152
+ят 153
+ бе 154
+ де 155
+ па 156
+ате 157
+вен 158
+ви 159
+вит 160
+и з 161
+и и 162
+нар 163
+нов 164
+ова 165
+пов 166
+рез 167
+рит 168
+са 169
+ята 170
+ го 171
+ ще 172
+али 173
+в п 174
+гра 175
+е и 176
+еди 177
+ели 178
+или 179
+каз 180
+кит 181
+лно 182
+мен 183
+оли 184
+раз 185
+ ве 186
+ гр 187
+ им 188
+ ме 189
+ пъ 190
+ави 191
+ако 192
+ача 193
+вин 194
+во 195
+гов 196
+дан 197
+ди 198
+до 199
+ед 200
+ери 201
+еро 202
+жда 203
+ито 204
+ков 205
+кол 206
+лни 207
+мер 208
+нач 209
+о з 210
+ола 211
+он 212
+она 213
+пра 214
+рав 215
+рем 216
+сия 217
+сти 218
+т п 219
+тан 220
+ха 221
+ше 222
+шен 223
+ълг 224
+ ба 225
+ си 226
+аро 227
+бъл 228
+в р 229
+гар 230
+е е 231
+елн 232
+еме 233
+ико 234
+има 235
+ко 236
+кои 237
+ла 238
+лга 239
+о д 240
+ози 241
+оит 242
+под 243
+рес 244
+рие 245
+сто 246
+т к 247
+т м 248
+т с 249
+уст 250
+ би 251
+ дв 252
+ дъ 253
+ ма 254
+ мо 255
+ ни 256
+ ос 257
+ала 258
+анс 259
+ара 260
+ати 261
+аци 262
+беш 263
+вър 264
+е р 265
+едв 266
+ема 267
+жав 268
+и к 269
+иал 270
+ица 271
+иче 272
+кия 273
+лит 274
+о б 275
+ово 276
+оди 277
+ока 278
+пос 279
+род 280
+сед 281
+слу 282
+т и 283
+тов 284
+ува 285
+циа 286
+чес 287
+я з 288
+ во 289
+ ил 290
+ ск 291
+ тр 292
+ це 293
+ами 294
+ари 295
+бат 296
+би 297
+бра 298
+бъд 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ca b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ca
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa2da94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ca
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ de 0
+es 1
+de 2
+la 3
+ la 4
+el 5
+que 6
+ el 7
+ co 8
+ent 9
+s d 10
+ qu 11
+ i 12
+en 13
+er 14
+ a 15
+ls 16
+nt 17
+ pe 18
+e l 19
+a d 20
+ en 21
+per 22
+ci 23
+ar 24
+ue 25
+al 26
+ se 27
+est 28
+at 29
+ es 30
+ts 31
+ s 32
+ pr 33
+aci 34
+ un 35
+res 36
+men 37
+s e 38
+del 39
+s a 40
+s p 41
+ re 42
+les 43
+ l' 44
+na 45
+a l 46
+ ca 47
+ d' 48
+els 49
+a p 50
+ia 51
+ns 52
+con 53
+ le 54
+tat 55
+a c 56
+i d 57
+a a 58
+ra 59
+a e 60
+ no 61
+ant 62
+ al 63
+t d 64
+s i 65
+ di 66
+ta 67
+re 68
+a s 69
+com 70
+s c 71
+ita 72
+ons 73
+sta 74
+ica 75
+ po 76
+r a 77
+ in 78
+pro 79
+tre 80
+ pa 81
+ues 82
+amb 83
+ion 84
+des 85
+un 86
+ ma 87
+da 88
+s s 89
+a i 90
+an 91
+mb 92
+ am 93
+l d 94
+e d 95
+va 96
+pre 97
+ter 98
+e e 99
+e c 100
+a m 101
+cia 102
+una 103
+i e 104
+nci 105
+tra 106
+ te 107
+ona 108
+os 109
+t e 110
+n e 111
+l c 112
+ca 113
+cio 114
+l p 115
+ tr 116
+par 117
+r l 118
+t a 119
+e p 120
+aqu 121
+nta 122
+ so 123
+ame 124
+era 125
+r e 126
+e s 127
+ada 128
+n a 129
+s q 130
+ si 131
+ ha 132
+als 133
+tes 134
+ va 135
+ m 136
+ici 137
+nte 138
+s l 139
+s m 140
+i a 141
+or 142
+ mo 143
+ist 144
+ect 145
+lit 146
+m s 147
+ to 148
+ir 149
+a t 150
+esp 151
+ran 152
+str 153
+om 154
+l s 155
+st 156
+nts 157
+ me 158
+no 159
+r d 160
+d'a 161
+l'a 162
+ats 163
+ria 164
+s t 165
+ ta 166
+sen 167
+rs 168
+eix 169
+tar 170
+s n 171
+n l 172
+tal 173
+e a 174
+t p 175
+art 176
+ mi 177
+ ll 178
+tic 179
+ten 180
+ser 181
+ aq 182
+ina 183
+ntr 184
+a f 185
+sti 186
+ol 187
+a q 188
+for 189
+ura 190
+ers 191
+ari 192
+int 193
+act 194
+l'e 195
+ fi 196
+r s 197
+e t 198
+tor 199
+si 200
+ste 201
+rec 202
+a r 203
+ fe 204
+is 205
+em 206
+n d 207
+car 208
+bre 209
+ fo 210
+ vi 211
+ an 212
+ali 213
+i p 214
+ix 215
+ell 216
+l m 217
+pos 218
+orm 219
+l l 220
+i l 221
+ ac 222
+fer 223
+s r 224
+ess 225
+eu 226
+e m 227
+ens 228
+ara 229
+eri 230
+sa 231
+ssi 232
+us 233
+ort 234
+tot 235
+ll 236
+por 237
+ora 238
+ ci 239
+tan 240
+ass 241
+n c 242
+ost 243
+nes 244
+rac 245
+a u 246
+ver 247
+ont 248
+ha 249
+ ti 250
+itz 251
+gra 252
+t c 253
+ n 254
+a v 255
+ren 256
+cat 257
+nal 258
+ ri 259
+qua 260
+t l 261
+ do 262
+t s 263
+rma 264
+ual 265
+i s 266
+s f 267
+n p 268
+s v 269
+te 270
+t i 271
+ ba 272
+cte 273
+tam 274
+man 275
+l t 276
+ial 277
+ fa 278
+ic 279
+ ve 280
+ble 281
+a n 282
+all 283
+tza 284
+ies 285
+ s' 286
+le 287
+omp 288
+r c 289
+ nc 290
+rti 291
+it 292
+rre 293
+fic 294
+any 295
+on 296
+ sa 297
+r p 298
+tur 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ceb b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ceb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5d87f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ceb
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ng 0
+sa 1
+ sa 2
+ang 3
+ga 4
+nga 5
+ ka 6
+ ng 7
+an 8
+ an 9
+ na 10
+ ma 11
+ ni 12
+a s 13
+a n 14
+on 15
+ pa 16
+ si 17
+a k 18
+a m 19
+ ba 20
+ong 21
+a i 22
+ila 23
+ mg 24
+mga 25
+a p 26
+iya 27
+a a 28
+ay 29
+ka 30
+ala 31
+ing 32
+g m 33
+n s 34
+g n 35
+lan 36
+ gi 37
+na 38
+ni 39
+o s 40
+g p 41
+n n 42
+ da 43
+ag 44
+pag 45
+g s 46
+yan 47
+ayo 48
+o n 49
+si 50
+ mo 51
+a b 52
+g a 53
+ail 54
+g b 55
+han 56
+a d 57
+asu 58
+nag 59
+ya 60
+man 61
+ne 62
+pan 63
+kon 64
+ il 65
+ la 66
+aka 67
+ako 68
+ana 69
+bas 70
+ko 71
+od 72
+yo 73
+ di 74
+ ko 75
+ ug 76
+a u 77
+g k 78
+kan 79
+la 80
+len 81
+sur 82
+ug 83
+ ai 84
+apa 85
+aw 86
+d s 87
+g d 88
+g g 89
+ile 90
+nin 91
+ iy 92
+ su 93
+ene 94
+og 95
+ot 96
+aba 97
+aha 98
+as 99
+imo 100
+ ki 101
+a t 102
+aga 103
+ban 104
+ero 105
+nan 106
+o k 107
+ran 108
+ron 109
+sil 110
+una 111
+usa 112
+ us 113
+a g 114
+ahi 115
+ani 116
+er 117
+ha 118
+i a 119
+rer 120
+yon 121
+ pu 122
+ini 123
+nak 124
+ro 125
+to 126
+ure 127
+ ed 128
+ og 129
+ wa 130
+ili 131
+mo 132
+n a 133
+nd 134
+o a 135
+ ad 136
+ du 137
+ pr 138
+aro 139
+i s 140
+ma 141
+n m 142
+ulo 143
+und 144
+ ta 145
+ara 146
+asa 147
+ato 148
+awa 149
+dmu 150
+e n 151
+edm 152
+ina 153
+mak 154
+mun 155
+niy 156
+san 157
+wa 158
+ tu 159
+ un 160
+a l 161
+bay 162
+iga 163
+ika 164
+ita 165
+kin 166
+lis 167
+may 168
+os 169
+ ar 170
+ad 171
+ali 172
+ama 173
+ers 174
+ipa 175
+isa 176
+mao 177
+nim 178
+t s 179
+tin 180
+ ak 181
+ ap 182
+ hi 183
+abo 184
+agp 185
+ano 186
+ata 187
+g i 188
+gan 189
+gka 190
+gpa 191
+i m 192
+iha 193
+k s 194
+law 195
+or 196
+rs 197
+siy 198
+tag 199
+ al 200
+ at 201
+ ha 202
+ hu 203
+ im 204
+a h 205
+bu 206
+e s 207
+gma 208
+kas 209
+lag 210
+mon 211
+nah 212
+ngo 213
+r s 214
+ra 215
+sab 216
+sam 217
+sul 218
+uba 219
+uha 220
+ lo 221
+ re 222
+ada 223
+aki 224
+aya 225
+bah 226
+ce 227
+d n 228
+lab 229
+pa 230
+pak 231
+s n 232
+s s 233
+tan 234
+taw 235
+te 236
+uma 237
+ura 238
+ in 239
+ lu 240
+a c 241
+abi 242
+at 243
+awo 244
+bat 245
+dal 246
+dla 247
+ele 248
+g t 249
+g u 250
+gay 251
+go 252
+hab 253
+hin 254
+i e 255
+i n 256
+kab 257
+kap 258
+lay 259
+lin 260
+nil 261
+pam 262
+pas 263
+pro 264
+pul 265
+ta 266
+ton 267
+uga 268
+ugm 269
+unt 270
+ co 271
+ gu 272
+ mi 273
+ pi 274
+ ti 275
+a o 276
+abu 277
+adl 278
+ado 279
+agh 280
+agk 281
+ao 282
+art 283
+bal 284
+cit 285
+di 286
+dto 287
+dun 288
+ent 289
+g e 290
+gon 291
+gug 292
+ia 293
+iba 294
+ice 295
+in 296
+inu 297
+it 298
+kaa 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/cs b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..951f17d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/cs
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ pr 0
+ po 1
+ní 2
+pro 3
+ na 4
+na 5
+ př 6
+ch 7
+ je 8
+ ne 9
+že 10
+ že 11
+ se 12
+ do 13
+ ro 14
+ st 15
+ v 16
+ ve 17
+pře 18
+se 19
+ho 20
+sta 21
+ to 22
+ vy 23
+ za 24
+ou 25
+ a 26
+to 27
+ by 28
+la 29
+ce 30
+e v 31
+ist 32
+le 33
+pod 34
+í p 35
+ vl 36
+e n 37
+e s 38
+je 39
+ké 40
+by 41
+em 42
+ých 43
+ od 44
+ova 45
+řed 46
+dy 47
+ení 48
+kon 49
+li 50
+ně 51
+str 52
+ zá 53
+ve 54
+ ka 55
+ sv 56
+e p 57
+it 58
+lád 59
+oho 60
+rov 61
+roz 62
+ter 63
+vlá 64
+ím 65
+ ko 66
+hod 67
+nis 68
+pří 69
+ský 70
+ mi 71
+ ob 72
+ so 73
+a p 74
+ali 75
+bud 76
+edn 77
+ick 78
+kte 79
+ku 80
+o s 81
+al 82
+ci 83
+e t 84
+il 85
+ny 86
+né 87
+odl 88
+ová 89
+rot 90
+sou 91
+ání 92
+ bu 93
+ mo 94
+ o 95
+ast 96
+byl 97
+de 98
+ek 99
+ost 100
+ mí 101
+ ta 102
+es 103
+jed 104
+ky 105
+las 106
+m p 107
+nes 108
+ním 109
+ran 110
+rem 111
+ros 112
+ého 113
+ de 114
+ kt 115
+ ni 116
+ si 117
+ vý 118
+at 119
+jí 120
+ký 121
+mi 122
+pre 123
+tak 124
+tan 125
+y v 126
+řek 127
+ ch 128
+ li 129
+ ná 130
+ pa 131
+ ře 132
+da 133
+dle 134
+dne 135
+i p 136
+i v 137
+ly 138
+min 139
+o n 140
+o v 141
+pol 142
+tra 143
+val 144
+vní 145
+ích 146
+ý p 147
+řej 148
+ ce 149
+ kd 150
+ le 151
+a s 152
+a z 153
+cen 154
+e k 155
+eds 156
+ekl 157
+emi 158
+kl 159
+lat 160
+lo 161
+mié 162
+nov 163
+pra 164
+sku 165
+ské 166
+sti 167
+tav 168
+ti 169
+ty 170
+ván 171
+vé 172
+y n 173
+y s 174
+í s 175
+í v 176
+ě p 177
+ dn 178
+ ně 179
+ sp 180
+ čs 181
+a n 182
+a t 183
+ak 184
+dní 185
+doh 186
+e b 187
+e m 188
+ejn 189
+ena 190
+est 191
+ini 192
+m z 193
+nal 194
+nou 195
+ná 196
+ovi 197
+ové 198
+ový 199
+rsk 200
+stá 201
+tí 202
+tře 203
+tů 204
+ude 205
+za 206
+é p 207
+ém 208
+í d 209
+ ir 210
+ zv 211
+ale 212
+aně 213
+ave 214
+cké 215
+den 216
+e z 217
+ech 218
+en 219
+erý 220
+hla 221
+i s 222
+iér 223
+lov 224
+mu 225
+neb 226
+nic 227
+o b 228
+o m 229
+pad 230
+pot 231
+rav 232
+rop 233
+rý 234
+sed 235
+si 236
+t p 237
+tic 238
+tu 239
+tě 240
+u p 241
+u v 242
+vá 243
+výš 244
+zvý 245
+ční 246
+ří 247
+ům 248
+ bl 249
+ br 250
+ ho 251
+ ja 252
+ re 253
+ s 254
+ z 255
+ zd 256
+a v 257
+ani 258
+ato 259
+bla 260
+bri 261
+ečn 262
+eře 263
+h v 264
+i n 265
+ie 266
+ila 267
+irs 268
+ite 269
+kov 270
+nos 271
+o o 272
+o p 273
+oce 274
+ody 275
+ohl 276
+oli 277
+ovo 278
+pla 279
+poč 280
+prá 281
+ra 282
+rit 283
+rod 284
+ry 285
+sd 286
+sko 287
+ssd 288
+tel 289
+u s 290
+vat 291
+veř 292
+vit 293
+vla 294
+y p 295
+áln 296
+čss 297
+šen 298
+ al 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/cy b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/cy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cecc555
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/cy
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+yn 0
+dd 1
+ yn 2
+ y 3
+ydd 4
+eth 5
+th 6
+ i 7
+aet 8
+d y 9
+ch 10
+od 11
+ol 12
+edd 13
+ ga 14
+ gw 15
+'r 16
+au 17
+ddi 18
+ad 19
+ cy 20
+ gy 21
+ ei 22
+ o 23
+iad 24
+yr 25
+an 26
+bod 27
+wed 28
+ bo 29
+ dd 30
+el 31
+n y 32
+ am 33
+di 34
+edi 35
+on 36
+ we 37
+ ym 38
+ ar 39
+ rh 40
+odd 41
+ ca 42
+ ma 43
+ael 44
+oed 45
+dae 46
+n a 47
+dda 48
+er 49
+h y 50
+all 51
+ei 52
+ ll 53
+am 54
+eu 55
+fod 56
+fyd 57
+l y 58
+n g 59
+wyn 60
+d a 61
+i g 62
+mae 63
+neu 64
+os 65
+ ne 66
+d i 67
+dod 68
+dol 69
+n c 70
+r h 71
+wyd 72
+wyr 73
+ai 74
+ar 75
+in 76
+rth 77
+ fy 78
+ he 79
+ me 80
+ yr 81
+'n 82
+dia 83
+est 84
+h c 85
+hai 86
+i d 87
+id 88
+r y 89
+y b 90
+ dy 91
+ ha 92
+ada 93
+i b 94
+n i 95
+ote 96
+rot 97
+tes 98
+y g 99
+yd 100
+ ad 101
+ mr 102
+ un 103
+cyn 104
+dau 105
+ddy 106
+edo 107
+i c 108
+i w 109
+ith 110
+lae 111
+lla 112
+nd 113
+oda 114
+ryd 115
+tho 116
+ a 117
+ dr 118
+aid 119
+ain 120
+ddo 121
+dyd 122
+fyn 123
+gyn 124
+hol 125
+io 126
+o a 127
+wch 128
+wyb 129
+ybo 130
+ych 131
+ br 132
+ by 133
+ di 134
+ fe 135
+ na 136
+ o' 137
+ pe 138
+art 139
+byd 140
+dro 141
+gal 142
+l e 143
+lai 144
+mr 145
+n n 146
+r a 147
+rhy 148
+wn 149
+ynn 150
+ on 151
+ r 152
+cae 153
+d g 154
+d o 155
+d w 156
+gan 157
+gwy 158
+n d 159
+n f 160
+n o 161
+ned 162
+ni 163
+o'r 164
+r d 165
+ud 166
+wei 167
+wrt 168
+ an 169
+ cw 170
+ da 171
+ ni 172
+ pa 173
+ pr 174
+ wy 175
+d e 176
+dai 177
+dim 178
+eud 179
+gwa 180
+idd 181
+im 182
+iri 183
+lwy 184
+n b 185
+nol 186
+r o 187
+rwy 188
+ ch 189
+ er 190
+ fo 191
+ ge 192
+ hy 193
+ i' 194
+ ro 195
+ sa 196
+ tr 197
+bob 198
+cwy 199
+cyf 200
+dio 201
+dyn 202
+eit 203
+hel 204
+hyn 205
+ich 206
+ll 207
+mdd 208
+n r 209
+ond 210
+pro 211
+r c 212
+r g 213
+red 214
+rha 215
+u a 216
+u c 217
+u y 218
+y c 219
+ymd 220
+ymr 221
+yw 222
+ ac 223
+ be 224
+ bl 225
+ co 226
+ os 227
+adw 228
+ae 229
+af 230
+d p 231
+efn 232
+eic 233
+en 234
+eol 235
+es 236
+fer 237
+gel 238
+h g 239
+hod 240
+ied 241
+ir 242
+laf 243
+n h 244
+na 245
+nyd 246
+odo 247
+ofy 248
+rdd 249
+rie 250
+ros 251
+stw 252
+twy 253
+yda 254
+yng 255
+ at 256
+ de 257
+ go 258
+ id 259
+ oe 260
+ â 261
+'ch 262
+ac 263
+ach 264
+ae' 265
+al 266
+bl 267
+d c 268
+d l 269
+dan 270
+dde 271
+ddw 272
+dir 273
+dla 274
+ed 275
+ela 276
+ell 277
+ene 278
+ewn 279
+gyd 280
+hau 281
+hyw 282
+i a 283
+i f 284
+iol 285
+ion 286
+l a 287
+l i 288
+lia 289
+med 290
+mon 291
+n s 292
+no 293
+obl 294
+ola 295
+ref 296
+rn 297
+thi 298
+un 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/da b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/da
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eae5d33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/da
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+er 0
+en 1
+ de 2
+et 3
+der 4
+de 5
+for 6
+ fo 7
+ i 8
+at 9
+ at 10
+re 11
+det 12
+ ha 13
+nde 14
+ere 15
+ing 16
+den 17
+ me 18
+ og 19
+ger 20
+ter 21
+ er 22
+ si 23
+and 24
+ af 25
+or 26
+ st 27
+ ti 28
+ en 29
+og 30
+ar 31
+il 32
+r s 33
+ige 34
+til 35
+ke 36
+r e 37
+af 38
+kke 39
+ ma 40
+ på 41
+om 42
+på 43
+ed 44
+ge 45
+end 46
+nge 47
+t s 48
+e s 49
+ler 50
+ sk 51
+els 52
+ern 53
+sig 54
+ne 55
+lig 56
+r d 57
+ska 58
+ vi 59
+har 60
+ be 61
+ se 62
+an 63
+ikk 64
+lle 65
+gen 66
+n f 67
+ste 68
+t a 69
+t d 70
+rin 71
+ ik 72
+es 73
+ng 74
+ver 75
+r b 76
+sen 77
+ede 78
+men 79
+r i 80
+ he 81
+ et 82
+ig 83
+lan 84
+med 85
+nd 86
+rne 87
+ da 88
+ in 89
+e t 90
+mme 91
+und 92
+ om 93
+e e 94
+e m 95
+her 96
+le 97
+r f 98
+t f 99
+så 100
+te 101
+ so 102
+ele 103
+t e 104
+ ko 105
+est 106
+ske 107
+ bl 108
+e f 109
+ekt 110
+mar 111
+bru 112
+e a 113
+el 114
+ers 115
+ret 116
+som 117
+tte 118
+ve 119
+ la 120
+ ud 121
+ ve 122
+age 123
+e d 124
+e h 125
+lse 126
+man 127
+rug 128
+sel 129
+ser 130
+ fi 131
+ op 132
+ pr 133
+dt 134
+e i 135
+n m 136
+r m 137
+ an 138
+ re 139
+ sa 140
+ion 141
+ner 142
+res 143
+t i 144
+get 145
+n s 146
+one 147
+orb 148
+t h 149
+vis 150
+år 151
+ fr 152
+bil 153
+e k 154
+ens 155
+ind 156
+omm 157
+t m 158
+ hv 159
+ je 160
+dan 161
+ent 162
+fte 163
+nin 164
+ mi 165
+e o 166
+e p 167
+n o 168
+nte 169
+ ku 170
+ell 171
+nas 172
+ore 173
+r h 174
+r k 175
+sta 176
+sto 177
+dag 178
+eri 179
+kun 180
+lde 181
+mer 182
+r a 183
+r v 184
+rek 185
+rer 186
+t o 187
+tor 188
+tør 189
+ få 190
+ må 191
+ to 192
+boe 193
+che 194
+e v 195
+i d 196
+ive 197
+kab 198
+ns 199
+oel 200
+se 201
+t v 202
+ al 203
+ bo 204
+ un 205
+ans 206
+dre 207
+ire 208
+køb 209
+ors 210
+ove 211
+ren 212
+t b 213
+ør 214
+ ka 215
+ald 216
+bet 217
+gt 218
+isk 219
+kal 220
+kom 221
+lev 222
+n d 223
+n i 224
+pri 225
+r p 226
+rbr 227
+søg 228
+tel 229
+ så 230
+ te 231
+ va 232
+al 233
+dir 234
+eje 235
+fis 236
+gså 237
+isc 238
+jer 239
+ker 240
+ogs 241
+sch 242
+st 243
+t k 244
+uge 245
+ di 246
+ag 247
+d a 248
+g i 249
+ill 250
+l a 251
+lsk 252
+n a 253
+on 254
+sam 255
+str 256
+tet 257
+var 258
+ mo 259
+art 260
+ash 261
+att 262
+e b 263
+han 264
+hav 265
+kla 266
+kon 267
+n t 268
+ned 269
+r o 270
+ra 271
+rre 272
+ves 273
+vil 274
+ el 275
+ kr 276
+ ov 277
+ann 278
+e u 279
+ess 280
+fra 281
+g a 282
+g d 283
+int 284
+ngs 285
+rde 286
+tra 287
+ år 288
+akt 289
+asi 290
+em 291
+gel 292
+gym 293
+hol 294
+kan 295
+mna 296
+n h 297
+nsk 298
+old 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/de b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/de
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..075a874
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/de
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+en 0
+er 1
+ de 2
+der 3
+ie 4
+ di 5
+die 6
+sch 7
+ein 8
+che 9
+ich 10
+den 11
+in 12
+te 13
+ch 14
+ ei 15
+ung 16
+n d 17
+nd 18
+ be 19
+ver 20
+es 21
+ zu 22
+eit 23
+gen 24
+und 25
+ un 26
+ au 27
+ in 28
+cht 29
+it 30
+ten 31
+ da 32
+ent 33
+ ve 34
+and 35
+ ge 36
+ine 37
+ mi 38
+r d 39
+hen 40
+ng 41
+nde 42
+ vo 43
+e d 44
+ber 45
+men 46
+ei 47
+mit 48
+ st 49
+ter 50
+ren 51
+t d 52
+ er 53
+ere 54
+n s 55
+ste 56
+ se 57
+e s 58
+ht 59
+des 60
+ist 61
+ne 62
+auf 63
+e a 64
+isc 65
+on 66
+rte 67
+ re 68
+ we 69
+ges 70
+uch 71
+ fü 72
+ so 73
+bei 74
+e e 75
+nen 76
+r s 77
+ach 78
+für 79
+ier 80
+par 81
+ür 82
+ ha 83
+as 84
+ert 85
+ an 86
+ pa 87
+ sa 88
+ sp 89
+ wi 90
+for 91
+tag 92
+zu 93
+das 94
+rei 95
+he 96
+hre 97
+nte 98
+sen 99
+vor 100
+ sc 101
+ech 102
+etz 103
+hei 104
+lan 105
+n a 106
+pd 107
+st 108
+sta 109
+ese 110
+lic 111
+ ab 112
+ si 113
+gte 114
+ wa 115
+iti 116
+kei 117
+n e 118
+nge 119
+sei 120
+tra 121
+zen 122
+ im 123
+ la 124
+art 125
+im 126
+lle 127
+n w 128
+rde 129
+rec 130
+set 131
+str 132
+tei 133
+tte 134
+ ni 135
+e p 136
+ehe 137
+ers 138
+g d 139
+nic 140
+von 141
+ al 142
+ pr 143
+an 144
+aus 145
+erf 146
+r e 147
+tze 148
+tür 149
+uf 150
+ag 151
+als 152
+ar 153
+chs 154
+end 155
+ge 156
+ige 157
+ion 158
+ls 159
+n m 160
+ngs 161
+nis 162
+nt 163
+ord 164
+s s 165
+sse 166
+ tü 167
+ahl 168
+e b 169
+ede 170
+em 171
+len 172
+n i 173
+orm 174
+pro 175
+rke 176
+run 177
+s d 178
+wah 179
+wer 180
+ürk 181
+ me 182
+age 183
+att 184
+ell 185
+est 186
+hat 187
+n b 188
+oll 189
+raf 190
+s a 191
+tsc 192
+ es 193
+ fo 194
+ gr 195
+ ja 196
+abe 197
+auc 198
+ben 199
+e n 200
+ege 201
+lie 202
+n u 203
+r v 204
+re 205
+rit 206
+sag 207
+ am 208
+agt 209
+ahr 210
+bra 211
+de 212
+erd 213
+her 214
+ite 215
+le 216
+n p 217
+n v 218
+or 219
+rbe 220
+rt 221
+sic 222
+wie 223
+übe 224
+ is 225
+ üb 226
+cha 227
+chi 228
+e f 229
+e m 230
+eri 231
+ied 232
+mme 233
+ner 234
+r a 235
+sti 236
+t a 237
+t s 238
+tis 239
+ ko 240
+arb 241
+ds 242
+gan 243
+n z 244
+r f 245
+r w 246
+ran 247
+se 248
+t i 249
+wei 250
+wir 251
+ br 252
+ np 253
+am 254
+bes 255
+d d 256
+deu 257
+e g 258
+e k 259
+efo 260
+et 261
+eut 262
+fen 263
+hse 264
+lte 265
+n r 266
+npd 267
+r b 268
+rhe 269
+t w 270
+tz 271
+ fr 272
+ ih 273
+ ke 274
+ ma 275
+ame 276
+ang 277
+d s 278
+eil 279
+el 280
+era 281
+erh 282
+h d 283
+i d 284
+kan 285
+n f 286
+n l 287
+nts 288
+och 289
+rag 290
+rd 291
+spd 292
+spr 293
+tio 294
+ ar 295
+ en 296
+ ka 297
+ark 298
+ass 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/en b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/en
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cbac5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/en
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ th 0
+the 1
+he 2
+ed 3
+ to 4
+ in 5
+er 6
+ing 7
+ng 8
+ an 9
+nd 10
+ of 11
+and 12
+to 13
+of 14
+ co 15
+at 16
+on 17
+in 18
+ a 19
+d t 20
+ he 21
+e t 22
+ion 23
+es 24
+ re 25
+re 26
+hat 27
+ sa 28
+ st 29
+ ha 30
+her 31
+tha 32
+tio 33
+or 34
+ '' 35
+en 36
+ wh 37
+e s 38
+ent 39
+n t 40
+s a 41
+as 42
+for 43
+is 44
+t t 45
+ be 46
+ld 47
+e a 48
+rs 49
+ wa 50
+ut 51
+ve 52
+ll 53
+al 54
+ ma 55
+e i 56
+ fo 57
+'s 58
+an 59
+est 60
+ hi 61
+ mo 62
+ se 63
+ pr 64
+s t 65
+ate 66
+st 67
+ter 68
+ere 69
+ted 70
+nt 71
+ver 72
+d a 73
+ wi 74
+se 75
+e c 76
+ect 77
+ns 78
+ on 79
+ly 80
+tol 81
+ey 82
+r t 83
+ ca 84
+ati 85
+ts 86
+all 87
+ no 88
+his 89
+s o 90
+ers 91
+con 92
+e o 93
+ear 94
+f t 95
+e w 96
+was 97
+ons 98
+sta 99
+'' 100
+sti 101
+n a 102
+sto 103
+t h 104
+ we 105
+id 106
+th 107
+ it 108
+ce 109
+ di 110
+ave 111
+d h 112
+cou 113
+pro 114
+ad 115
+oll 116
+ry 117
+d s 118
+e m 119
+ so 120
+ill 121
+cti 122
+te 123
+tor 124
+eve 125
+g t 126
+it 127
+ ch 128
+ de 129
+hav 130
+oul 131
+ty 132
+uld 133
+use 134
+ al 135
+are 136
+ch 137
+me 138
+out 139
+ove 140
+wit 141
+ys 142
+chi 143
+t a 144
+ith 145
+oth 146
+ ab 147
+ te 148
+ wo 149
+s s 150
+res 151
+t w 152
+tin 153
+e b 154
+e h 155
+nce 156
+t s 157
+y t 158
+e p 159
+ele 160
+hin 161
+s i 162
+nte 163
+ li 164
+le 165
+ do 166
+aid 167
+hey 168
+ne 169
+s w 170
+ as 171
+ fr 172
+ tr 173
+end 174
+sai 175
+ el 176
+ ne 177
+ su 178
+'t 179
+ay 180
+hou 181
+ive 182
+lec 183
+n't 184
+ ye 185
+but 186
+d o 187
+o t 188
+y o 189
+ ho 190
+ me 191
+be 192
+cal 193
+e e 194
+had 195
+ple 196
+ at 197
+ bu 198
+ la 199
+d b 200
+s h 201
+say 202
+t i 203
+ ar 204
+e f 205
+ght 206
+hil 207
+igh 208
+int 209
+not 210
+ren 211
+ is 212
+ pa 213
+ sh 214
+ays 215
+com 216
+n s 217
+r a 218
+rin 219
+y a 220
+ un 221
+n c 222
+om 223
+thi 224
+ mi 225
+by 226
+d i 227
+e d 228
+e n 229
+t o 230
+ by 231
+e r 232
+eri 233
+old 234
+ome 235
+whe 236
+yea 237
+ gr 238
+ar 239
+ity 240
+mpl 241
+oun 242
+one 243
+ow 244
+r s 245
+s f 246
+tat 247
+ ba 248
+ vo 249
+bou 250
+sam 251
+tim 252
+vot 253
+abo 254
+ant 255
+ds 256
+ial 257
+ine 258
+man 259
+men 260
+ or 261
+ po 262
+amp 263
+can 264
+der 265
+e l 266
+les 267
+ny 268
+ot 269
+rec 270
+tes 271
+tho 272
+ica 273
+ild 274
+ir 275
+nde 276
+ose 277
+ous 278
+pre 279
+ste 280
+era 281
+per 282
+r o 283
+red 284
+rie 285
+ bo 286
+ le 287
+ali 288
+ars 289
+ore 290
+ric 291
+s m 292
+str 293
+ fa 294
+ess 295
+ie 296
+ist 297
+lat 298
+uri 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/es b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/es
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7dd7cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/es
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ de 0
+de 1
+ la 2
+os 3
+la 4
+el 5
+es 6
+ qu 7
+ co 8
+e l 9
+as 10
+que 11
+ el 12
+ue 13
+en 14
+ent 15
+ en 16
+ se 17
+nte 18
+res 19
+con 20
+est 21
+ es 22
+s d 23
+ lo 24
+ pr 25
+los 26
+ y 27
+do 28
+ón 29
+ión 30
+ un 31
+ció 32
+del 33
+o d 34
+ po 35
+a d 36
+aci 37
+sta 38
+te 39
+ado 40
+pre 41
+to 42
+par 43
+a e 44
+a l 45
+ra 46
+al 47
+e e 48
+se 49
+pro 50
+ar 51
+ia 52
+o e 53
+ re 54
+ida 55
+dad 56
+tra 57
+por 58
+s p 59
+ a 60
+a p 61
+ara 62
+cia 63
+ pa 64
+com 65
+no 66
+ di 67
+ in 68
+ien 69
+n l 70
+ad 71
+ant 72
+e s 73
+men 74
+a c 75
+on 76
+un 77
+las 78
+nci 79
+ tr 80
+cio 81
+ier 82
+nto 83
+tiv 84
+n d 85
+n e 86
+or 87
+s c 88
+enc 89
+ern 90
+io 91
+a s 92
+ici 93
+s e 94
+ ma 95
+dos 96
+e a 97
+e c 98
+emp 99
+ica 100
+ivo 101
+l p 102
+n c 103
+r e 104
+ta 105
+ter 106
+e d 107
+esa 108
+ez 109
+mpr 110
+o a 111
+s a 112
+ ca 113
+ su 114
+ion 115
+ cu 116
+ ju 117
+an 118
+da 119
+ene 120
+ero 121
+na 122
+rec 123
+ro 124
+tar 125
+ al 126
+ an 127
+bie 128
+e p 129
+er 130
+l c 131
+n p 132
+omp 133
+ten 134
+ em 135
+ist 136
+nes 137
+nta 138
+o c 139
+so 140
+tes 141
+era 142
+l d 143
+l m 144
+les 145
+ntr 146
+o s 147
+ore 148
+rá 149
+s q 150
+s y 151
+sto 152
+a a 153
+a r 154
+ari 155
+des 156
+e q 157
+ivi 158
+lic 159
+lo 160
+n a 161
+one 162
+ora 163
+per 164
+pue 165
+r l 166
+re 167
+ren 168
+una 169
+ía 170
+ada 171
+cas 172
+ere 173
+ide 174
+min 175
+n s 176
+ndo 177
+ran 178
+rno 179
+ ac 180
+ ex 181
+ go 182
+ no 183
+a t 184
+aba 185
+ble 186
+ece 187
+ect 188
+l a 189
+l g 190
+lid 191
+nsi 192
+ons 193
+rac 194
+rio 195
+str 196
+uer 197
+ust 198
+ ha 199
+ le 200
+ mi 201
+ mu 202
+ ob 203
+ pe 204
+ pu 205
+ so 206
+a i 207
+ale 208
+ca 209
+cto 210
+e i 211
+e u 212
+eso 213
+fer 214
+fic 215
+gob 216
+jo 217
+ma 218
+mpl 219
+o p 220
+obi 221
+s m 222
+sa 223
+sep 224
+ste 225
+sti 226
+tad 227
+tod 228
+y s 229
+ ci 230
+and 231
+ces 232
+có 233
+dor 234
+e m 235
+eci 236
+eco 237
+esi 238
+int 239
+iza 240
+l e 241
+lar 242
+mie 243
+ner 244
+orc 245
+rci 246
+ria 247
+tic 248
+tor 249
+ as 250
+ si 251
+ce 252
+den 253
+e r 254
+e t 255
+end 256
+eri 257
+esp 258
+ial 259
+ido 260
+ina 261
+inc 262
+mit 263
+o l 264
+ome 265
+pli 266
+ras 267
+s t 268
+sid 269
+sup 270
+tab 271
+uen 272
+ues 273
+ura 274
+vo 275
+vor 276
+ sa 277
+ ti 278
+abl 279
+ali 280
+aso 281
+ast 282
+cor 283
+cti 284
+cue 285
+div 286
+duc 287
+ens 288
+eti 289
+imi 290
+ini 291
+lec 292
+o q 293
+oce 294
+ort 295
+ral 296
+rma 297
+roc 298
+rod 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/et b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/et
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..911f470
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/et
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+st 0
+ ka 1
+on 2
+ja 3
+ va 4
+ on 5
+ ja 6
+ ko 7
+se 8
+ast 9
+le 10
+es 11
+as 12
+is 13
+ud 14
+ sa 15
+da 16
+ga 17
+ ta 18
+aja 19
+sta 20
+ ku 21
+ pe 22
+a k 23
+est 24
+ist 25
+ks 26
+ta 27
+al 28
+ava 29
+id 30
+saa 31
+mis 32
+te 33
+val 34
+ et 35
+nud 36
+ te 37
+inn 38
+ se 39
+ tu 40
+a v 41
+alu 42
+e k 43
+ise 44
+lu 45
+ma 46
+mes 47
+ mi 48
+et 49
+iku 50
+lin 51
+ad 52
+el 53
+ime 54
+ne 55
+nna 56
+ ha 57
+ in 58
+ ke 59
+ võ 60
+a s 61
+a t 62
+ab 63
+e s 64
+esi 65
+ la 66
+ li 67
+e v 68
+eks 69
+ema 70
+las 71
+les 72
+rju 73
+tle 74
+tsi 75
+tus 76
+upa 77
+use 78
+ust 79
+var 80
+ lä 81
+ali 82
+arj 83
+de 84
+ete 85
+i t 86
+iga 87
+ilm 88
+kui 89
+li 90
+tul 91
+ ei 92
+ me 93
+ sõ 94
+aal 95
+ata 96
+dus 97
+ei 98
+nik 99
+pea 100
+s k 101
+s o 102
+sal 103
+sõn 104
+ter 105
+ul 106
+või 107
+ el 108
+ ne 109
+a j 110
+ate 111
+end 112
+i k 113
+ita 114
+kar 115
+kor 116
+l o 117
+lt 118
+maa 119
+oli 120
+sti 121
+vad 122
+ään 123
+ ju 124
+ jä 125
+ kü 126
+ ma 127
+ po 128
+ üt 129
+aas 130
+aks 131
+at 132
+ed 133
+eri 134
+hoi 135
+i s 136
+ka 137
+la 138
+nni 139
+oid 140
+pai 141
+rit 142
+us 143
+ütl 144
+ aa 145
+ lo 146
+ to 147
+ ve 148
+a e 149
+ada 150
+aid 151
+ami 152
+and 153
+dla 154
+e j 155
+ega 156
+gi 157
+gu 158
+i p 159
+idl 160
+ik 161
+ini 162
+jup 163
+kal 164
+kas 165
+kes 166
+koh 167
+s e 168
+s p 169
+sel 170
+sse 171
+ui 172
+ pi 173
+ si 174
+aru 175
+eda 176
+eva 177
+fil 178
+i v 179
+ida 180
+ing 181
+lää 182
+me 183
+na 184
+nda 185
+nim 186
+ole 187
+ots 188
+ris 189
+s l 190
+sia 191
+t p 192
+ en 193
+ mu 194
+ ol 195
+ põ 196
+ su 197
+ vä 198
+ üh 199
+a l 200
+a p 201
+aga 202
+ale 203
+aps 204
+arv 205
+e a 206
+ela 207
+ika 208
+lle 209
+loo 210
+mal 211
+pet 212
+t k 213
+tee 214
+tis 215
+vat 216
+äne 217
+õnn 218
+ es 219
+ fi 220
+ vi 221
+a i 222
+a o 223
+aab 224
+aap 225
+ala 226
+alt 227
+ama 228
+anu 229
+e p 230
+e t 231
+eal 232
+eli 233
+haa 234
+hin 235
+iva 236
+kon 237
+ku 238
+lik 239
+lm 240
+min 241
+n t 242
+odu 243
+oon 244
+psa 245
+ri 246
+si 247
+stu 248
+t e 249
+t s 250
+ti 251
+ule 252
+uur 253
+vas 254
+vee 255
+ ki 256
+ ni 257
+ nä 258
+ ra 259
+aig 260
+aka 261
+all 262
+atu 263
+e e 264
+eis 265
+ers 266
+i e 267
+ii 268
+iis 269
+il 270
+ima 271
+its 272
+kka 273
+kuh 274
+l k 275
+lat 276
+maj 277
+ndu 278
+ni 279
+nii 280
+oma 281
+ool 282
+rso 283
+ru 284
+rva 285
+s t 286
+sek 287
+son 288
+ste 289
+t m 290
+taj 291
+tam 292
+ude 293
+uho 294
+vai 295
+ ag 296
+ os 297
+ pa 298
+ re 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/eu b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/eu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8e34a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/eu
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+en 0
+an 1
+eta 2
+ta 3
+ et 4
+iza 5
+n e 6
+ko 7
+ide 8
+ ba 9
+a e 10
+giz 11
+ es 12
+ gi 13
+arr 14
+bid 15
+ren 16
+rri 17
+are 18
+la 19
+sku 20
+ be 21
+asu 22
+esk 23
+sun 24
+tas 25
+ iz 26
+ean 27
+eko 28
+ela 29
+ik 30
+kub 31
+n a 32
+n i 33
+tza 34
+ubi 35
+za 36
+zan 37
+ er 38
+a b 39
+ask 40
+era 41
+n b 42
+rre 43
+ten 44
+tze 45
+ as 46
+ ko 47
+a a 48
+a g 49
+ald 50
+ani 51
+de 52
+dee 53
+ea 54
+ek 55
+kat 56
+kon 57
+n d 58
+ont 59
+uan 60
+ du 61
+ na 62
+ata 63
+egi 64
+est 65
+k e 66
+nik 67
+ntu 68
+ntz 69
+ska 70
+tua 71
+ de 72
+ di 73
+ ez 74
+ he 75
+a d 76
+a k 77
+ak 78
+aki 79
+ako 80
+art 81
+atu 82
+azi 83
+bat 84
+ber 85
+itz 86
+kun 87
+n h 88
+o b 89
+ria 90
+rte 91
+tat 92
+une 93
+zar 94
+ al 95
+ ar 96
+ ha 97
+aku 98
+atz 99
+bai 100
+dar 101
+dea 102
+del 103
+een 104
+ema 105
+err 106
+iak 107
+iar 108
+in 109
+ina 110
+kia 111
+nar 112
+naz 113
+nea 114
+o e 115
+orr 116
+ra 117
+ste 118
+tek 119
+zak 120
+zek 121
+zio 122
+ da 123
+ em 124
+ hi 125
+ ho 126
+ ma 127
+ oi 128
+agu 129
+ate 130
+aur 131
+bes 132
+din 133
+dir 134
+dut 135
+ert 136
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+ezi 138
+har 139
+her 140
+hit 141
+ia 142
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+ika 144
+io 145
+ire 146
+ite 147
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+k g 149
+kid 150
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+lda 152
+n o 153
+nko 154
+o a 155
+oin 156
+ori 157
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+rea 159
+rie 160
+rik 161
+rra 162
+tan 163
+tea 164
+tu 165
+una 166
+und 167
+unt 168
+urr 169
+ute 170
+z e 171
+zko 172
+ au 173
+ eg 174
+ gu 175
+ ir 176
+ ki 177
+ or 178
+a h 179
+a j 180
+abe 181
+agi 182
+ai 183
+ail 184
+ait 185
+ape 186
+ari 187
+dez 188
+e e 189
+ear 190
+eek 191
+erd 192
+ere 193
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+ezk 195
+gir 196
+git 197
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+i e 199
+ian 200
+iek 201
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+ink 203
+int 204
+ira 205
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+itu 207
+k n 208
+kap 209
+koa 210
+kum 211
+lan 212
+lde 213
+mai 214
+man 215
+men 216
+n g 217
+n u 218
+na 219
+nta 220
+o h 221
+oa 222
+oro 223
+pen 224
+rdi 225
+ri 226
+rta 227
+sta 228
+tel 229
+tet 230
+tik 231
+tue 232
+tzi 233
+ume 234
+un 235
+uzt 236
+zea 237
+zen 238
+zia 239
+zin 240
+ az 241
+ bi 242
+ bu 243
+ el 244
+ ga 245
+ jo 246
+ mu 247
+ ti 248
+ un 249
+ za 250
+ zi 251
+a n 252
+a o 253
+a s 254
+a t 255
+a z 256
+aba 257
+adi 258
+ake 259
+ala 260
+and 261
+ar 262
+aud 263
+bak 264
+bal 265
+beg 266
+beh 267
+bul 268
+dau 269
+den 270
+du 271
+dui 272
+e b 273
+e d 274
+e h 275
+e o 276
+eak 277
+eet 278
+eha 279
+elk 280
+enb 281
+ete 282
+eti 283
+gab 284
+gin 285
+go 286
+gus 287
+gut 288
+guz 289
+hau 290
+ibe 291
+inb 292
+ine 293
+ioa 294
+iru 295
+iur 296
+izi 297
+izk 298
+izo 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/fa b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/fa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3401f72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/fa
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ان 0
+ای 1
+ه ا 2
+ اي 3
+ در 4
+به 5
+ بر 6
+در 7
+ران 8
+ به 9
+ی ا 10
+از 11
+ين 12
+می 13
+ از 14
+ده 15
+ست 16
+است 17
+ اس 18
+ که 19
+که 20
+اير 21
+ند 22
+اين 23
+ ها 24
+يرا 25
+ود 26
+ را 27
+های 28
+ خو 29
+ته 30
+را 31
+رای 32
+رد 33
+ن ب 34
+کرد 35
+ و 36
+ کر 37
+ات 38
+برا 39
+د ک 40
+مان 41
+ی د 42
+ ان 43
+خوا 44
+شور 45
+ با 46
+ن ا 47
+ سا 48
+تمی 49
+ری 50
+اتم 51
+ا ا 52
+واه 53
+ ات 54
+ عر 55
+اق 56
+ر م 57
+راق 58
+عرا 59
+ی ب 60
+ تا 61
+ تو 62
+ار 63
+ر ا 64
+ن م 65
+ه ب 66
+ور 67
+يد 68
+ی ک 69
+ ام 70
+ دا 71
+ کن 72
+اهد 73
+هد 74
+ آن 75
+ می 76
+ ني 77
+ گف 78
+د ا 79
+گفت 80
+ کش 81
+ا ب 82
+نی 83
+ها 84
+کشو 85
+ رو 86
+ت ک 87
+نيو 88
+ه م 89
+وی 90
+ی ت 91
+ شو 92
+ال 93
+دار 94
+مه 95
+ن ک 96
+ه د 97
+يه 98
+ ما 99
+امه 100
+د ب 101
+زار 102
+ورا 103
+گزا 104
+ پي 105
+آن 106
+انت 107
+ت ا 108
+فت 109
+ه ن 110
+ی خ 111
+اما 112
+بات 113
+ما 114
+ملل 115
+نام 116
+ير 117
+ی م 118
+ی ه 119
+ آم 120
+ ای 121
+ من 122
+انس 123
+اني 124
+ت د 125
+رده 126
+ساز 127
+ن د 128
+نه 129
+ورد 130
+ او 131
+ بي 132
+ سو 133
+ شد 134
+اده 135
+اند 136
+با 137
+ت ب 138
+ر ب 139
+ز ا 140
+زما 141
+سته 142
+ن ر 143
+ه س 144
+وان 145
+وز 146
+ی ر 147
+ی س 148
+ هس 149
+ابا 150
+ام 151
+اور 152
+تخا 153
+خاب 154
+خود 155
+د د 156
+دن 157
+رها 158
+روز 159
+رگز 160
+نتخ 161
+ه ش 162
+ه ه 163
+هست 164
+يت 165
+يم 166
+ دو 167
+ دي 168
+ مو 169
+ نو 170
+ هم 171
+ کا 172
+اد 173
+اری 174
+انی 175
+بر 176
+بود 177
+ت ه 178
+ح ه 179
+حال 180
+رش 181
+عه 182
+لی 183
+وم 184
+ژان 185
+ سل 186
+آمر 187
+اح 188
+توس 189
+داد 190
+دام 191
+ر د 192
+ره 193
+ريک 194
+زی 195
+سلا 196
+شود 197
+لاح 198
+مري 199
+نند 200
+ه ع 201
+يما 202
+يکا 203
+پيم 204
+گر 205
+ آژ 206
+ ال 207
+ بو 208
+ مق 209
+ مل 210
+ وی 211
+آژا 212
+ازم 213
+ازی 214
+بار 215
+برن 216
+ر آ 217
+ز س 218
+سعه 219
+شته 220
+مات 221
+ن آ 222
+ن پ 223
+نس 224
+ه گ 225
+وسع 226
+يان 227
+يوم 228
+کا 229
+کام 230
+کند 231
+ خا 232
+ سر 233
+آور 234
+ارد 235
+اقد 236
+ايم 237
+ايی 238
+برگ 239
+ت ع 240
+تن 241
+خت 242
+د و 243
+ر خ 244
+رک 245
+زير 246
+فته 247
+قدا 248
+ل ت 249
+مين 250
+ن گ 251
+ه آ 252
+ه خ 253
+ه ک 254
+ورک 255
+ويو 256
+يور 257
+يوي 258
+يی 259
+ک ت 260
+ی ش 261
+ اق 262
+ حا 263
+ حق 264
+ دس 265
+ شک 266
+ عم 267
+ يک 268
+ا ت 269
+ا د 270
+ارج 271
+بين 272
+ت م 273
+ت و 274
+تاي 275
+دست 276
+ر ح 277
+ر س 278
+رنا 279
+ز ب 280
+شکا 281
+لل 282
+م ک 283
+مز 284
+ندا 285
+نوا 286
+و ا 287
+وره 288
+ون 289
+وند 290
+يمز 291
+ آو 292
+ اع 293
+ فر 294
+ مت 295
+ نه 296
+ هر 297
+ وز 298
+ گز 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/fi b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/fi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d16172f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/fi
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+en 0
+in 1
+an 2
+on 3
+ist 4
+ta 5
+ja 6
+n t 7
+sa 8
+sta 9
+aan 10
+n p 11
+ on 12
+ssa 13
+tta 14
+tä 15
+ ka 16
+ pa 17
+si 18
+ ja 19
+n k 20
+lla 21
+än 22
+een 23
+n v 24
+ksi 25
+ett 26
+nen 27
+taa 28
+ttä 29
+ va 30
+ill 31
+itt 32
+ jo 33
+ ko 34
+n s 35
+ tu 36
+ia 37
+ su 38
+a p 39
+aa 40
+la 41
+lle 42
+n m 43
+le 44
+tte 45
+na 46
+ ta 47
+ ve 48
+at 49
+ vi 50
+utt 51
+ sa 52
+ise 53
+sen 54
+ ku 55
+ nä 56
+ pä 57
+ste 58
+ ol 59
+a t 60
+ais 61
+maa 62
+ti 63
+a o 64
+oit 65
+pää 66
+ pi 67
+a v 68
+ala 69
+ine 70
+isi 71
+tel 72
+tti 73
+ si 74
+a k 75
+all 76
+iin 77
+kin 78
+stä 79
+uom 80
+vii 81
+ ma 82
+ se 83
+enä 84
+ mu 85
+a s 86
+est 87
+iss 88
+llä 89
+lok 90
+lä 91
+n j 92
+n o 93
+toi 94
+ven 95
+ytt 96
+ li 97
+ain 98
+et 99
+ina 100
+n a 101
+n n 102
+oll 103
+plo 104
+ten 105
+ust 106
+äll 107
+ään 108
+ to 109
+den 110
+men 111
+oki 112
+suo 113
+sä 114
+tää 115
+uks 116
+vat 117
+ al 118
+ ke 119
+ te 120
+a e 121
+lii 122
+tai 123
+tei 124
+äis 125
+ää 126
+ pl 127
+ell 128
+i t 129
+ide 130
+ikk 131
+ki 132
+nta 133
+ova 134
+yst 135
+yt 136
+ä p 137
+äyt 138
+ ha 139
+ pe 140
+ tä 141
+a n 142
+aik 143
+i p 144
+i v 145
+nyt 146
+näy 147
+pal 148
+tee 149
+un 150
+ me 151
+a m 152
+ess 153
+kau 154
+pai 155
+stu 156
+ut 157
+voi 158
+ et 159
+a h 160
+eis 161
+hte 162
+i o 163
+iik 164
+ita 165
+jou 166
+mis 167
+nin 168
+nut 169
+sia 170
+ssä 171
+van 172
+ ty 173
+ yh 174
+aks 175
+ime 176
+loi 177
+me 178
+n e 179
+n h 180
+n l 181
+oin 182
+ome 183
+ott 184
+ouk 185
+sit 186
+sti 187
+tet 188
+tie 189
+ukk 190
+ä k 191
+ ra 192
+ ti 193
+aja 194
+asi 195
+ent 196
+iga 197
+iig 198
+ite 199
+jan 200
+kaa 201
+kse 202
+laa 203
+lan 204
+li 205
+näj 206
+ole 207
+tii 208
+usi 209
+äjä 210
+ ov 211
+a a 212
+ant 213
+ava 214
+ei 215
+eri 216
+kan 217
+kku 218
+lai 219
+lis 220
+läi 221
+mat 222
+ois 223
+pel 224
+sil 225
+sty 226
+taj 227
+tav 228
+ttu 229
+työ 230
+yös 231
+ä o 232
+ ai 233
+ pu 234
+a j 235
+a l 236
+aal 237
+arv 238
+ass 239
+ien 240
+imi 241
+imm 242
+itä 243
+ka 244
+kes 245
+kue 246
+lee 247
+lin 248
+llo 249
+one 250
+ri 251
+t o 252
+t p 253
+tu 254
+val 255
+vuo 256
+ ei 257
+ he 258
+ hy 259
+ my 260
+ vo 261
+ali 262
+alo 263
+ano 264
+ast 265
+att 266
+auk 267
+eli 268
+ely 269
+hti 270
+ika 271
+ken 272
+kki 273
+lys 274
+min 275
+myö 276
+oht 277
+oma 278
+tus 279
+umi 280
+yks 281
+ät 282
+ääl 283
+ös 284
+ ar 285
+ eu 286
+ hu 287
+ na 288
+aat 289
+alk 290
+alu 291
+ans 292
+arj 293
+enn 294
+han 295
+kuu 296
+n y 297
+set 298
+sim 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/fr b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/fr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..195f85e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/fr
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+es 0
+ de 1
+de 2
+ le 3
+ent 4
+le 5
+nt 6
+la 7
+s d 8
+ la 9
+ion 10
+on 11
+re 12
+ pa 13
+e l 14
+e d 15
+ l' 16
+e p 17
+ co 18
+ pr 19
+tio 20
+ns 21
+ en 22
+ne 23
+que 24
+r l 25
+les 26
+ur 27
+en 28
+ati 29
+ue 30
+ po 31
+ d' 32
+par 33
+ a 34
+et 35
+it 36
+ qu 37
+men 38
+ons 39
+te 40
+ et 41
+t d 42
+ re 43
+des 44
+ un 45
+ie 46
+s l 47
+ su 48
+pou 49
+ au 50
+ à 51
+con 52
+er 53
+ no 54
+ait 55
+e c 56
+se 57
+té 58
+du 59
+ du 60
+ dé 61
+ce 62
+e e 63
+is 64
+n d 65
+s a 66
+ so 67
+e r 68
+e s 69
+our 70
+res 71
+ssi 72
+eur 73
+ se 74
+eme 75
+est 76
+us 77
+sur 78
+ant 79
+iqu 80
+s p 81
+une 82
+uss 83
+l'a 84
+pro 85
+ter 86
+tre 87
+end 88
+rs 89
+ ce 90
+e a 91
+t p 92
+un 93
+ ma 94
+ ru 95
+ ré 96
+ous 97
+ris 98
+rus 99
+sse 100
+ans 101
+ar 102
+com 103
+e m 104
+ire 105
+nce 106
+nte 107
+t l 108
+ av 109
+ mo 110
+ te 111
+il 112
+me 113
+ont 114
+ten 115
+a p 116
+dan 117
+pas 118
+qui 119
+s e 120
+s s 121
+ in 122
+ist 123
+lle 124
+nou 125
+pré 126
+'un 127
+air 128
+d'a 129
+ir 130
+n e 131
+rop 132
+ts 133
+ da 134
+a s 135
+as 136
+au 137
+den 138
+mai 139
+mis 140
+ori 141
+out 142
+rme 143
+sio 144
+tte 145
+ux 146
+a d 147
+ien 148
+n a 149
+ntr 150
+omm 151
+ort 152
+ouv 153
+s c 154
+son 155
+tes 156
+ver 157
+ère 158
+ il 159
+ m 160
+ sa 161
+ ve 162
+a r 163
+ais 164
+ava 165
+di 166
+n p 167
+sti 168
+ven 169
+ mi 170
+ain 171
+enc 172
+for 173
+ité 174
+lar 175
+oir 176
+rem 177
+ren 178
+rro 179
+rés 180
+sie 181
+t a 182
+tur 183
+ pe 184
+ to 185
+d'u 186
+ell 187
+err 188
+ers 189
+ide 190
+ine 191
+iss 192
+mes 193
+por 194
+ran 195
+sit 196
+st 197
+t r 198
+uti 199
+vai 200
+é l 201
+ési 202
+ di 203
+ n' 204
+ ét 205
+a c 206
+ass 207
+e t 208
+in 209
+nde 210
+pre 211
+rat 212
+s m 213
+ste 214
+tai 215
+tch 216
+ui 217
+uro 218
+ès 219
+ es 220
+ fo 221
+ tr 222
+'ad 223
+app 224
+aux 225
+e à 226
+ett 227
+iti 228
+lit 229
+nal 230
+opé 231
+r d 232
+ra 233
+rai 234
+ror 235
+s r 236
+tat 237
+uté 238
+à l 239
+ af 240
+anc 241
+ara 242
+art 243
+bre 244
+ché 245
+dre 246
+e f 247
+ens 248
+lem 249
+n r 250
+n t 251
+ndr 252
+nne 253
+onn 254
+pos 255
+s t 256
+tiq 257
+ure 258
+ tu 259
+ale 260
+and 261
+ave 262
+cla 263
+cou 264
+e n 265
+emb 266
+ins 267
+jou 268
+mme 269
+rie 270
+rès 271
+sem 272
+str 273
+t i 274
+ues 275
+uni 276
+uve 277
+é d 278
+ée 279
+ ch 280
+ do 281
+ eu 282
+ fa 283
+ lo 284
+ ne 285
+ ra 286
+arl 287
+att 288
+ec 289
+ica 290
+l a 291
+l'o 292
+l'é 293
+mmi 294
+nta 295
+orm 296
+ou 297
+r u 298
+rle 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ha b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ha
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d789877
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ha
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ da 0
+da 1
+in 2
+an 3
+ya 4
+ wa 5
+ ya 6
+na 7
+ar 8
+a d 9
+ ma 10
+wa 11
+a a 12
+a k 13
+a s 14
+ ta 15
+wan 16
+ a 17
+ ba 18
+ ka 19
+ta 20
+a y 21
+n d 22
+ ha 23
+ na 24
+ su 25
+ sa 26
+kin 27
+sa 28
+ata 29
+ ko 30
+a t 31
+su 32
+ ga 33
+ai 34
+ sh 35
+a m 36
+uwa 37
+iya 38
+ma 39
+a w 40
+asa 41
+yan 42
+ka 43
+ani 44
+shi 45
+a b 46
+a h 47
+a c 48
+ama 49
+ba 50
+nan 51
+n a 52
+ mu 53
+ana 54
+ yi 55
+a g 56
+ za 57
+i d 58
+ ku 59
+aka 60
+yi 61
+n k 62
+ann 63
+ke 64
+tar 65
+ ci 66
+iki 67
+n s 68
+ko 69
+ ra 70
+ki 71
+ne 72
+a z 73
+mat 74
+hak 75
+nin 76
+e d 77
+nna 78
+uma 79
+nda 80
+a n 81
+ada 82
+cik 83
+ni 84
+rin 85
+una 86
+ara 87
+kum 88
+akk 89
+ ce 90
+ du 91
+man 92
+n y 93
+nci 94
+sar 95
+aki 96
+awa 97
+ci 98
+kan 99
+kar 100
+ari 101
+n m 102
+and 103
+hi 104
+n t 105
+ga 106
+owa 107
+ash 108
+kam 109
+dan 110
+ewa 111
+nsa 112
+ali 113
+ami 114
+ ab 115
+ do 116
+anc 117
+n r 118
+aya 119
+i n 120
+sun 121
+uka 122
+ al 123
+ ne 124
+a'a 125
+cew 126
+cin 127
+mas 128
+tak 129
+un 130
+aba 131
+kow 132
+a r 133
+ra 134
+ ja 135
+ ƙa 136
+en 137
+r d 138
+sam 139
+tsa 140
+ ru 141
+ce 142
+i a 143
+abi 144
+ida 145
+mut 146
+n g 147
+n j 148
+san 149
+a ƙ 150
+har 151
+on 152
+i m 153
+suk 154
+ ak 155
+ ji 156
+yar 157
+'ya 158
+kwa 159
+min 160
+ 'y 161
+ane 162
+ban 163
+ins 164
+ruw 165
+i k 166
+n h 167
+ ad 168
+ake 169
+n w 170
+sha 171
+utu 172
+ ƴa 173
+bay 174
+tan 175
+ƴan 176
+bin 177
+duk 178
+e m 179
+n n 180
+oka 181
+yin 182
+ɗan 183
+ fa 184
+a i 185
+kki 186
+re 187
+za 188
+ala 189
+asu 190
+han 191
+i y 192
+mar 193
+ran 194
+ƙas 195
+add 196
+ars 197
+gab 198
+ira 199
+mma 200
+u d 201
+ ts 202
+abb 203
+abu 204
+aga 205
+gar 206
+n b 207
+ ɗa 208
+aci 209
+aik 210
+am 211
+dun 212
+e s 213
+i b 214
+i w 215
+kas 216
+kok 217
+wam 218
+ am 219
+amf 220
+bba 221
+din 222
+fan 223
+gwa 224
+i s 225
+wat 226
+ano 227
+are 228
+dai 229
+iri 230
+ma' 231
+ la 232
+all 233
+dam 234
+ika 235
+mi 236
+she 237
+tum 238
+uni 239
+ an 240
+ ai 241
+ ke 242
+ ki 243
+dag 244
+mai 245
+mfa 246
+no 247
+nsu 248
+o d 249
+sak 250
+um 251
+ bi 252
+ gw 253
+ kw 254
+jam 255
+yya 256
+a j 257
+fa 258
+uta 259
+ hu 260
+'a 261
+ans 262
+aɗa 263
+dda 264
+hin 265
+niy 266
+r s 267
+bat 268
+dar 269
+gan 270
+i t 271
+nta 272
+oki 273
+omi 274
+sal 275
+a l 276
+kac 277
+lla 278
+wad 279
+war 280
+amm 281
+dom 282
+r m 283
+ras 284
+sai 285
+ lo 286
+ats 287
+hal 288
+kat 289
+li 290
+lok 291
+n c 292
+nar 293
+tin 294
+afa 295
+bub 296
+i g 297
+isa 298
+mak 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/haw b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/haw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40589cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/haw
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ ka 0
+na 1
+ o 2
+ka 3
+ ma 4
+ a 5
+ la 6
+a i 7
+a m 8
+ i 9
+la 10
+ana 11
+ai 12
+ia 13
+a o 14
+a k 15
+a h 16
+o k 17
+ ke 18
+a a 19
+i k 20
+ ho 21
+ ia 22
+ua 23
+ na 24
+ me 25
+e k 26
+e a 27
+au 28
+ke 29
+ma 30
+mai 31
+aku 32
+ ak 33
+ahi 34
+ ha 35
+ ko 36
+ e 37
+a l 38
+ no 39
+me 40
+ku 41
+aka 42
+kan 43
+no 44
+i a 45
+ho 46
+ou 47
+ ai 48
+i o 49
+a p 50
+o l 51
+o a 52
+ama 53
+a n 54
+ an 55
+i m 56
+han 57
+i i 58
+iho 59
+kou 60
+ne 61
+ ih 62
+o i 63
+iki 64
+ona 65
+hoo 66
+le 67
+e h 68
+ he 69
+ina 70
+ wa 71
+ea 72
+ako 73
+u i 74
+kah 75
+oe 76
+i l 77
+u a 78
+ pa 79
+hoi 80
+e i 81
+era 82
+ko 83
+u m 84
+kua 85
+mak 86
+oi 87
+kai 88
+i n 89
+a e 90
+hin 91
+ane 92
+ ol 93
+i h 94
+mea 95
+wah 96
+lak 97
+e m 98
+o n 99
+u l 100
+ika 101
+ki 102
+a w 103
+mal 104
+hi 105
+e n 106
+u o 107
+hik 108
+ ku 109
+e l 110
+ele 111
+ra 112
+ber 113
+ine 114
+abe 115
+ain 116
+ala 117
+lo 118
+ po 119
+kon 120
+ ab 121
+ole 122
+he 123
+pau 124
+mah 125
+va 126
+ela 127
+kau 128
+nak 129
+ oe 130
+kei 131
+oia 132
+ ie 133
+ram 134
+ oi 135
+oa 136
+eho 137
+hov 138
+ieh 139
+ova 140
+ ua 141
+una 142
+ara 143
+o s 144
+awa 145
+o o 146
+nau 147
+u n 148
+wa 149
+wai 150
+hel 151
+ ae 152
+ al 153
+ae 154
+ta 155
+aik 156
+ hi 157
+ale 158
+ila 159
+lel 160
+ali 161
+eik 162
+olo 163
+onu 164
+ lo 165
+aua 166
+e o 167
+ola 168
+hon 169
+mam 170
+nan 171
+ au 172
+aha 173
+lau 174
+nua 175
+oho 176
+oma 177
+ ao 178
+ii 179
+alu 180
+ima 181
+mau 182
+ike 183
+apa 184
+elo 185
+lii 186
+poe 187
+aia 188
+noa 189
+ in 190
+o m 191
+oka 192
+'u 193
+aho 194
+ei 195
+eka 196
+ha 197
+lu 198
+nei 199
+hol 200
+ino 201
+o e 202
+ema 203
+iwa 204
+olu 205
+ada 206
+naa 207
+pa 208
+u k 209
+ewa 210
+hua 211
+lam 212
+lua 213
+o h 214
+ook 215
+u h 216
+ li 217
+ahu 218
+amu 219
+ui 220
+ il 221
+ mo 222
+ se 223
+eia 224
+law 225
+ hu 226
+ ik 227
+ail 228
+e p 229
+li 230
+lun 231
+uli 232
+io 233
+kik 234
+noh 235
+u e 236
+ sa 237
+aaw 238
+awe 239
+ena 240
+hal 241
+kol 242
+lan 243
+ le 244
+ ne 245
+a'u 246
+ilo 247
+kap 248
+oko 249
+sa 250
+ pe 251
+hop 252
+loa 253
+ope 254
+pe 255
+ ad 256
+ pu 257
+ahe 258
+aol 259
+ia' 260
+lai 261
+loh 262
+na' 263
+oom 264
+aau 265
+eri 266
+kul 267
+we 268
+ake 269
+kek 270
+laa 271
+ri 272
+iku 273
+kak 274
+lim 275
+nah 276
+ner 277
+nui 278
+ono 279
+a u 280
+dam 281
+kum 282
+lok 283
+mua 284
+uma 285
+wal 286
+wi 287
+'i 288
+a'i 289
+aan 290
+alo 291
+eta 292
+mu 293
+ohe 294
+u p 295
+ula 296
+uwa 297
+ nu 298
+amo 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/hi b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/hi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fee3b22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/hi
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ें 0
+ है 1
+में 2
+ मे 3
+ने 4
+की 5
+के 6
+है 7
+ के 8
+ की 9
+ को 10
+ों 11
+को 12
+ा ह 13
+ का 14
+से 15
+ा क 16
+े क 17
+ं क 18
+या 19
+ कि 20
+ से 21
+का 22
+ी क 23
+ ने 24
+ और 25
+और 26
+ना 27
+कि 28
+भी 29
+ी स 30
+ जा 31
+ पर 32
+ार 33
+ कर 34
+ी ह 35
+ हो 36
+ही 37
+िया 38
+ इस 39
+ रह 40
+र क 41
+ुना 42
+ता 43
+ान 44
+े स 45
+ भी 46
+ रा 47
+े ह 48
+ चु 49
+ पा 50
+पर 51
+चुन 52
+नाव 53
+ कह 54
+प्र 55
+ भा 56
+राज 57
+हैं 58
+ा स 59
+ै क 60
+ैं 61
+नी 62
+ल क 63
+ीं 64
+़ी 65
+था 66
+री 67
+ाव 68
+े ब 69
+ प् 70
+क्ष 71
+पा 72
+ले 73
+ दे 74
+ला 75
+हा 76
+ाजप 77
+ था 78
+ नह 79
+इस 80
+कर 81
+जपा 82
+नही 83
+भाज 84
+यों 85
+र स 86
+हीं 87
+ अम 88
+ बा 89
+ मा 90
+ वि 91
+रीक 92
+िए 93
+े प 94
+्या 95
+ ही 96
+ं म 97
+कार 98
+ा ज 99
+े ल 100
+ ता 101
+ दि 102
+ सा 103
+ हम 104
+ा न 105
+ा म 106
+ाक़ 107
+्ता 108
+ एक 109
+ सं 110
+ स् 111
+अमर 112
+क़ी 113
+ताज 114
+मरी 115
+स्थ 116
+ा थ 117
+ार् 118
+ हु 119
+इरा 120
+एक 121
+न क 122
+र म 123
+राक 124
+ी ज 125
+ी न 126
+ इर 127
+ उन 128
+ पह 129
+कहा 130
+ते 131
+े अ 132
+ तो 133
+ सु 134
+ति 135
+ती 136
+तो 137
+मिल 138
+िक 139
+ियो 140
+्रे 141
+ अप 142
+ फ़ 143
+ लि 144
+ लो 145
+ सम 146
+म क 147
+र्ट 148
+हो 149
+ा च 150
+ाई 151
+ाने 152
+िन 153
+्य 154
+ उस 155
+ क़ 156
+ सक 157
+ सै 158
+ं प 159
+ं ह 160
+गी 161
+त क 162
+मान 163
+र न 164
+ष्ट 165
+स क 166
+स्त 167
+ाँ 168
+ी ब 169
+ी म 170
+्री 171
+ दो 172
+ मि 173
+ मु 174
+ ले 175
+ शा 176
+ं स 177
+ज़ा 178
+त्र 179
+थी 180
+लिए 181
+सी 182
+़ा 183
+़ार 184
+ांग 185
+े द 186
+े म 187
+्व 188
+ ना 189
+ बन 190
+ंग् 191
+कां 192
+गा 193
+ग्र 194
+जा 195
+ज्य 196
+दी 197
+न म 198
+पार 199
+भा 200
+रही 201
+रे 202
+रेस 203
+ली 204
+सभा 205
+ा र 206
+ाल 207
+ी अ 208
+ीकी 209
+े त 210
+ेश 211
+ अं 212
+ तक 213
+ या 214
+ई ह 215
+करन 216
+तक 217
+देश 218
+वर् 219
+ाया 220
+ी भ 221
+ेस 222
+्ष 223
+ गय 224
+ जि 225
+ थी 226
+ बड 227
+ यह 228
+ वा 229
+ंतर 230
+अंत 231
+क़ 232
+गया 233
+टी 234
+निक 235
+न्ह 236
+पहल 237
+बड़ 238
+मार 239
+र प 240
+रने 241
+ाज़ 242
+ि इ 243
+ी र 244
+े ज 245
+े व 246
+्ट 247
+्टी 248
+ अब 249
+ लग 250
+ वर 251
+ सी 252
+ं भ 253
+उन् 254
+क क 255
+किय 256
+देख 257
+पूर 258
+फ़् 259
+यह 260
+यान 261
+रिक 262
+रिय 263
+र्ड 264
+लेक 265
+सकत 266
+हों 267
+होग 268
+ा अ 269
+ा द 270
+ा प 271
+ाद 272
+ारा 273
+ित 274
+ी त 275
+ी प 276
+ो क 277
+ो द 278
+ ते 279
+ नि 280
+ सर 281
+ हा 282
+ं द 283
+अपन 284
+जान 285
+त म 286
+थित 287
+पनी 288
+महल 289
+र ह 290
+लोग 291
+व क 292
+हना 293
+हल 294
+हाँ 295
+ाज् 296
+ाना 297
+िक् 298
+िस् 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/hr b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/hr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..299c7a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/hr
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+je 0
+ na 1
+ pr 2
+ po 3
+na 4
+ je 5
+ za 6
+ije 7
+ne 8
+ i 9
+ti 10
+da 11
+ ko 12
+ ne 13
+li 14
+ bi 15
+ da 16
+ u 17
+ma 18
+mo 19
+a n 20
+ih 21
+za 22
+a s 23
+ko 24
+i s 25
+a p 26
+koj 27
+pro 28
+ju 29
+se 30
+ go 31
+ost 32
+to 33
+va 34
+ do 35
+ to 36
+e n 37
+i p 38
+ od 39
+ ra 40
+no 41
+ako 42
+ka 43
+ni 44
+ ka 45
+ se 46
+ mo 47
+ st 48
+i n 49
+ima 50
+ja 51
+pri 52
+vat 53
+sta 54
+ su 55
+ati 56
+e p 57
+ta 58
+tsk 59
+e i 60
+nij 61
+ tr 62
+cij 63
+jen 64
+nos 65
+o s 66
+ iz 67
+om 68
+tro 69
+ili 70
+iti 71
+pos 72
+ al 73
+a i 74
+a o 75
+e s 76
+ija 77
+ini 78
+pre 79
+str 80
+la 81
+og 82
+ovo 83
+ sv 84
+ekt 85
+nje 86
+o p 87
+odi 88
+rva 89
+ ni 90
+ali 91
+min 92
+rij 93
+a t 94
+a z 95
+ats 96
+iva 97
+o t 98
+od 99
+oje 100
+ra 101
+ hr 102
+a m 103
+a u 104
+hrv 105
+im 106
+ke 107
+o i 108
+ovi 109
+red 110
+riv 111
+te 112
+bi 113
+e o 114
+god 115
+i d 116
+lek 117
+umi 118
+zvo 119
+din 120
+e u 121
+ene 122
+jed 123
+ji 124
+lje 125
+nog 126
+su 127
+ a 128
+ el 129
+ mi 130
+ o 131
+a d 132
+alu 133
+ele 134
+i u 135
+izv 136
+ktr 137
+lum 138
+o d 139
+ori 140
+rad 141
+sto 142
+a k 143
+anj 144
+ava 145
+e k 146
+men 147
+nic 148
+o j 149
+oj 150
+ove 151
+ski 152
+tvr 153
+una 154
+vor 155
+ di 156
+ no 157
+ s 158
+ ta 159
+ tv 160
+i i 161
+i o 162
+kak 163
+roš 164
+sko 165
+vod 166
+ sa 167
+ će 168
+a b 169
+adi 170
+amo 171
+eni 172
+gov 173
+iju 174
+ku 175
+o n 176
+ora 177
+rav 178
+ruj 179
+smo 180
+tav 181
+tru 182
+u p 183
+ve 184
+ in 185
+ pl 186
+aci 187
+bit 188
+de 189
+diš 190
+ema 191
+i m 192
+ika 193
+išt 194
+jer 195
+ki 196
+mog 197
+nik 198
+nov 199
+nu 200
+oji 201
+oli 202
+pla 203
+pod 204
+st 205
+sti 206
+tra 207
+tre 208
+vo 209
+ sm 210
+ št 211
+dan 212
+e z 213
+i t 214
+io 215
+ist 216
+kon 217
+lo 218
+stv 219
+u s 220
+uje 221
+ust 222
+će 223
+ći 224
+što 225
+ dr 226
+ im 227
+ li 228
+ada 229
+aft 230
+ani 231
+ao 232
+ars 233
+ata 234
+e t 235
+emo 236
+i k 237
+ine 238
+jem 239
+kov 240
+lik 241
+lji 242
+mje 243
+naf 244
+ner 245
+nih 246
+nja 247
+ogo 248
+oiz 249
+ome 250
+pot 251
+ran 252
+ri 253
+roi 254
+rtk 255
+ska 256
+ter 257
+u i 258
+u o 259
+vi 260
+vrt 261
+ me 262
+ ug 263
+ak 264
+ama 265
+drž 266
+e e 267
+e g 268
+e m 269
+em 270
+eme 271
+enj 272
+ent 273
+er 274
+ere 275
+erg 276
+eur 277
+go 278
+i b 279
+i z 280
+jet 281
+ksi 282
+o u 283
+oda 284
+ona 285
+pra 286
+reb 287
+rem 288
+rop 289
+tri 290
+žav 291
+ ci 292
+ eu 293
+ re 294
+ te 295
+ uv 296
+ ve 297
+aju 298
+an 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/hu b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/hu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95a13ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/hu
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ a 0
+ az 1
+ sz 2
+az 3
+ me 4
+en 5
+ el 6
+ ho 7
+ek 8
+gy 9
+tt 10
+ett 11
+sze 12
+ fe 13
+és 14
+ ki 15
+tet 16
+ be 17
+et 18
+ter 19
+ kö 20
+ és 21
+hog 22
+meg 23
+ogy 24
+szt 25
+te 26
+t a 27
+zet 28
+a m 29
+nek 30
+nt 31
+ség 32
+szá 33
+ak 34
+ va 35
+an 36
+eze 37
+ra 38
+ta 39
+ mi 40
+int 41
+köz 42
+ is 43
+esz 44
+fel 45
+min 46
+nak 47
+ors 48
+zer 49
+ te 50
+a a 51
+a k 52
+is 53
+ cs 54
+ele 55
+er 56
+men 57
+si 58
+tek 59
+ti 60
+ ne 61
+csa 62
+ent 63
+z e 64
+a t 65
+ala 66
+ere 67
+es 68
+lom 69
+lte 70
+mon 71
+ond 72
+rsz 73
+sza 74
+tte 75
+zág 76
+ány 77
+ fo 78
+ ma 79
+ai 80
+ben 81
+el 82
+ene 83
+ik 84
+jel 85
+tás 86
+áll 87
+ ha 88
+ le 89
+ ál 90
+agy 91
+alá 92
+isz 93
+y a 94
+zte 95
+ás 96
+ al 97
+e a 98
+egy 99
+ely 100
+for 101
+lat 102
+lt 103
+n a 104
+oga 105
+on 106
+re 107
+st 108
+ság 109
+t m 110
+án 111
+ét 112
+ült 113
+ je 114
+gi 115
+k a 116
+kül 117
+lam 118
+len 119
+lás 120
+más 121
+s k 122
+vez 123
+áso 124
+özö 125
+ ta 126
+a s 127
+a v 128
+asz 129
+atá 130
+ető 131
+kez 132
+let 133
+mag 134
+nem 135
+szé 136
+z m 137
+át 138
+éte 139
+ölt 140
+ de 141
+ gy 142
+ ké 143
+ mo 144
+ vá 145
+ ér 146
+a b 147
+a f 148
+ami 149
+at 150
+ato 151
+att 152
+bef 153
+dta 154
+gya 155
+hat 156
+i s 157
+las 158
+ndt 159
+rt 160
+szo 161
+t k 162
+tár 163
+tés 164
+van 165
+ásá 166
+ól 167
+ bé 168
+ eg 169
+ or 170
+ pá 171
+ pé 172
+ ve 173
+ban 174
+eke 175
+ekü 176
+elő 177
+erv 178
+ete 179
+fog 180
+i a 181
+kis 182
+lád 183
+nte 184
+nye 185
+nyi 186
+ok 187
+omá 188
+os 189
+rán 190
+rás 191
+sal 192
+t e 193
+vál 194
+yar 195
+ágo 196
+ála 197
+ége 198
+ény 199
+ött 200
+ tá 201
+adó 202
+elh 203
+fej 204
+het 205
+hoz 206
+ill 207
+jár 208
+kés 209
+llo 210
+mi 211
+ny 212
+ont 213
+ren 214
+res 215
+rin 216
+s a 217
+s e 218
+ssz 219
+zt 220
+ ez 221
+ ka 222
+ ke 223
+ ko 224
+ re 225
+a h 226
+a n 227
+den 228
+dó 229
+efo 230
+gad 231
+gat 232
+gye 233
+hel 234
+k e 235
+ket 236
+les 237
+mán 238
+nde 239
+nis 240
+ozz 241
+t b 242
+t i 243
+t é 244
+tat 245
+tos 246
+val 247
+z o 248
+zak 249
+ád 250
+ály 251
+ára 252
+ési 253
+ész 254
+ ak 255
+ am 256
+ es 257
+ há 258
+ ny 259
+ tö 260
+aka 261
+art 262
+ató 263
+azt 264
+bbe 265
+ber 266
+ció 267
+cso 268
+em 269
+eti 270
+eté 271
+gal 272
+i t 273
+ini 274
+ist 275
+ja 276
+ker 277
+ki 278
+kor 279
+koz 280
+l é 281
+ljá 282
+lye 283
+n v 284
+ni 285
+pál 286
+ror 287
+ról 288
+rül 289
+s c 290
+s p 291
+s s 292
+s v 293
+sok 294
+t j 295
+t t 296
+tar 297
+tel 298
+vat 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/id b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/id
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f5e77d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/id
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+an 0
+ me 1
+kan 2
+ang 3
+ng 4
+ pe 5
+men 6
+ di 7
+ ke 8
+ da 9
+ se 10
+eng 11
+ be 12
+nga 13
+nya 14
+ te 15
+ah 16
+ber 17
+aka 18
+ ya 19
+dan 20
+di 21
+yan 22
+n p 23
+per 24
+a m 25
+ita 26
+ pa 27
+da 28
+ata 29
+ada 30
+ya 31
+ta 32
+ in 33
+ala 34
+eri 35
+ia 36
+a d 37
+n k 38
+am 39
+ga 40
+at 41
+era 42
+n d 43
+ter 44
+ ka 45
+a p 46
+ari 47
+emb 48
+n m 49
+ri 50
+ ba 51
+aan 52
+ak 53
+ra 54
+ it 55
+ara 56
+ela 57
+ni 58
+ali 59
+ran 60
+ar 61
+eru 62
+lah 63
+a b 64
+asi 65
+awa 66
+eba 67
+gan 68
+n b 69
+ ha 70
+ini 71
+mer 72
+ la 73
+ mi 74
+and 75
+ena 76
+wan 77
+ sa 78
+aha 79
+lam 80
+n i 81
+nda 82
+ wa 83
+a i 84
+dua 85
+g m 86
+mi 87
+n a 88
+rus 89
+tel 90
+yak 91
+ an 92
+dal 93
+h d 94
+i s 95
+ing 96
+min 97
+ngg 98
+tak 99
+ami 100
+beb 101
+den 102
+gat 103
+ian 104
+ih 105
+pad 106
+rga 107
+san 108
+ua 109
+ de 110
+a t 111
+arg 112
+dar 113
+elu 114
+har 115
+i k 116
+i m 117
+i p 118
+ika 119
+in 120
+iny 121
+itu 122
+mba 123
+n t 124
+ntu 125
+pan 126
+pen 127
+sah 128
+tan 129
+tu 130
+a k 131
+ban 132
+edu 133
+eka 134
+g d 135
+ka 136
+ker 137
+nde 138
+nta 139
+ora 140
+usa 141
+ du 142
+ ma 143
+a s 144
+ai 145
+ant 146
+bas 147
+end 148
+i d 149
+ira 150
+kam 151
+lan 152
+n s 153
+uli 154
+al 155
+apa 156
+ere 157
+ert 158
+lia 159
+mem 160
+rka 161
+si 162
+tal 163
+ung 164
+ ak 165
+a a 166
+a w 167
+ani 168
+ask 169
+ent 170
+gar 171
+haa 172
+i i 173
+isa 174
+ked 175
+mbe 176
+ska 177
+tor 178
+uan 179
+uk 180
+uka 181
+ ad 182
+ to 183
+asa 184
+aya 185
+bag 186
+dia 187
+dun 188
+erj 189
+mas 190
+na 191
+rek 192
+rit 193
+sih 194
+us 195
+ bi 196
+a h 197
+ama 198
+dib 199
+ers 200
+g s 201
+han 202
+ik 203
+kem 204
+ma 205
+n l 206
+nit 207
+r b 208
+rja 209
+sa 210
+ ju 211
+ or 212
+ si 213
+ ti 214
+a y 215
+aga 216
+any 217
+as 218
+cul 219
+eme 220
+emu 221
+eny 222
+epa 223
+erb 224
+erl 225
+gi 226
+h m 227
+i a 228
+kel 229
+li 230
+mel 231
+nia 232
+opa 233
+rta 234
+sia 235
+tah 236
+ula 237
+un 238
+unt 239
+ at 240
+ bu 241
+ pu 242
+ ta 243
+agi 244
+alu 245
+amb 246
+bah 247
+bis 248
+er 249
+i t 250
+ibe 251
+ir 252
+ja 253
+k m 254
+kar 255
+lai 256
+lal 257
+lu 258
+mpa 259
+ngk 260
+nja 261
+or 262
+pa 263
+pas 264
+pem 265
+rak 266
+rik 267
+seb 268
+tam 269
+tem 270
+top 271
+tuk 272
+uni 273
+war 274
+ al 275
+ ga 276
+ ge 277
+ ir 278
+ ja 279
+ mu 280
+ na 281
+ pr 282
+ su 283
+ un 284
+ad 285
+adi 286
+akt 287
+ann 288
+apo 289
+bel 290
+bul 291
+der 292
+ega 293
+eke 294
+ema 295
+emp 296
+ene 297
+enj 298
+esa 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/is b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/is
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e9d810
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/is
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+að 0
+um 1
+ að 2
+ir 3
+ið 4
+ur 5
+ ve 6
+ í 7
+na 8
+ á 9
+ se 10
+ er 11
+ og 12
+ar 13
+og 14
+ver 15
+ mi 16
+inn 17
+nn 18
+ fy 19
+er 20
+fyr 21
+ ek 22
+ en 23
+ ha 24
+ he 25
+ekk 26
+ st 27
+ki 28
+st 29
+ði 30
+ ba 31
+ me 32
+ vi 33
+ig 34
+rir 35
+yri 36
+ um 37
+g f 38
+leg 39
+lei 40
+ns 41
+ð s 42
+ ei 43
+ þa 44
+in 45
+kki 46
+r h 47
+r s 48
+egi 49
+ein 50
+ga 51
+ing 52
+ra 53
+sta 54
+ va 55
+ þe 56
+ann 57
+en 58
+mil 59
+sem 60
+tjó 61
+arð 62
+di 63
+eit 64
+haf 65
+ill 66
+ins 67
+ist 68
+llj 69
+ndi 70
+r a 71
+r e 72
+seg 73
+un 74
+var 75
+ bi 76
+ el 77
+ fo 78
+ ge 79
+ yf 80
+and 81
+aug 82
+bau 83
+big 84
+ega 85
+eld 86
+erð 87
+fir 88
+foo 89
+gin 90
+itt 91
+n s 92
+ngi 93
+num 94
+od 95
+ood 96
+sin 97
+ta 98
+tt 99
+við 100
+yfi 101
+ð e 102
+ð f 103
+ hr 104
+ sé 105
+ þv 106
+a e 107
+a á 108
+em 109
+gi 110
+i f 111
+jar 112
+jór 113
+lja 114
+m e 115
+r á 116
+rei 117
+rst 118
+rða 119
+rði 120
+rðu 121
+stj 122
+und 123
+veg 124
+ví 125
+ð v 126
+það 127
+því 128
+ fj 129
+ ko 130
+ sl 131
+eik 132
+end 133
+ert 134
+ess 135
+fjá 136
+fur 137
+gir 138
+hús 139
+jár 140
+n e 141
+ri 142
+tar 143
+ð þ 144
+ðar 145
+ður 146
+þes 147
+ br 148
+ hú 149
+ kr 150
+ le 151
+ up 152
+a s 153
+egg 154
+i s 155
+irt 156
+ja 157
+kið 158
+len 159
+með 160
+mik 161
+n b 162
+nar 163
+nir 164
+nun 165
+r f 166
+r v 167
+rið 168
+rt 169
+sti 170
+t v 171
+ti 172
+una 173
+upp 174
+ða 175
+óna 176
+ al 177
+ fr 178
+ gr 179
+a v 180
+all 181
+an 182
+da 183
+eið 184
+eð 185
+fa 186
+fra 187
+g e 188
+ger 189
+gið 190
+gt 191
+han 192
+hef 193
+hel 194
+her 195
+hra 196
+i a 197
+i e 198
+i v 199
+i þ 200
+iki 201
+jón 202
+jör 203
+ka 204
+kró 205
+lík 206
+m h 207
+n a 208
+nga 209
+r l 210
+ram 211
+ru 212
+ráð 213
+rón 214
+svo 215
+vin 216
+í b 217
+í h 218
+ð h 219
+ð k 220
+ð m 221
+örð 222
+ af 223
+ fa 224
+ lí 225
+ rá 226
+ sk 227
+ sv 228
+ te 229
+a b 230
+a f 231
+a h 232
+a k 233
+a u 234
+afi 235
+agn 236
+arn 237
+ast 238
+ber 239
+efu 240
+enn 241
+erb 242
+erg 243
+fi 244
+g a 245
+gar 246
+iðs 247
+ker 248
+kke 249
+lan 250
+ljó 251
+llt 252
+ma 253
+mið 254
+n v 255
+n í 256
+nan 257
+nda 258
+ndu 259
+nið 260
+nna 261
+nnu 262
+nu 263
+r o 264
+rbe 265
+rgi 266
+slö 267
+sé 268
+t a 269
+t h 270
+til 271
+tin 272
+ugu 273
+vil 274
+ygg 275
+á s 276
+ð a 277
+ð b 278
+órn 279
+ögn 280
+öku 281
+ at 282
+ fi 283
+ fé 284
+ ka 285
+ ma 286
+ no 287
+ sa 288
+ si 289
+ ti 290
+ ák 291
+a m 292
+a t 293
+a í 294
+a þ 295
+afa 296
+afs 297
+ald 298
+arf 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/it b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/it
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67fbd7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/it
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ di 0
+to 1
+la 2
+ de 3
+di 4
+no 5
+ co 6
+re 7
+ion 8
+e d 9
+ e 10
+le 11
+del 12
+ne 13
+ti 14
+ell 15
+ la 16
+ un 17
+ni 18
+i d 19
+per 20
+ pe 21
+ent 22
+ in 23
+one 24
+he 25
+ta 26
+zio 27
+che 28
+o d 29
+a d 30
+na 31
+ato 32
+e s 33
+ so 34
+i s 35
+lla 36
+a p 37
+li 38
+te 39
+ al 40
+ ch 41
+er 42
+ pa 43
+ si 44
+con 45
+sta 46
+ pr 47
+a c 48
+ se 49
+el 50
+ia 51
+si 52
+e p 53
+ da 54
+e i 55
+i p 56
+ont 57
+ano 58
+i c 59
+all 60
+azi 61
+nte 62
+on 63
+nti 64
+o s 65
+ ri 66
+i a 67
+o a 68
+un 69
+ an 70
+are 71
+ari 72
+e a 73
+i e 74
+ita 75
+men 76
+ri 77
+ ca 78
+ il 79
+ no 80
+ po 81
+a s 82
+ant 83
+il 84
+in 85
+a l 86
+ati 87
+cia 88
+e c 89
+ro 90
+ann 91
+est 92
+gli 93
+tà 94
+ qu 95
+e l 96
+nta 97
+ a 98
+com 99
+o c 100
+ra 101
+ le 102
+ ne 103
+ali 104
+ere 105
+ist 106
+ ma 107
+ è 108
+io 109
+lle 110
+me 111
+era 112
+ica 113
+ost 114
+pro 115
+tar 116
+una 117
+ pi 118
+da 119
+tat 120
+ mi 121
+att 122
+ca 123
+mo 124
+non 125
+par 126
+sti 127
+ fa 128
+ i 129
+ re 130
+ su 131
+ess 132
+ini 133
+nto 134
+o l 135
+ssi 136
+tto 137
+a e 138
+ame 139
+col 140
+ei 141
+ma 142
+o i 143
+za 144
+ st 145
+a a 146
+ale 147
+anc 148
+ani 149
+i m 150
+ian 151
+o p 152
+oni 153
+sio 154
+tan 155
+tti 156
+ lo 157
+i r 158
+oci 159
+oli 160
+ona 161
+ono 162
+tra 163
+ l 164
+a r 165
+eri 166
+ett 167
+lo 168
+nza 169
+que 170
+str 171
+ter 172
+tta 173
+ ba 174
+ li 175
+ te 176
+ass 177
+e f 178
+enz 179
+for 180
+nno 181
+olo 182
+ori 183
+res 184
+tor 185
+ ci 186
+ vo 187
+a i 188
+al 189
+chi 190
+e n 191
+lia 192
+pre 193
+ria 194
+uni 195
+ver 196
+ sp 197
+imo 198
+l a 199
+l c 200
+ran 201
+sen 202
+soc 203
+tic 204
+ fi 205
+ mo 206
+a n 207
+ce 208
+dei 209
+ggi 210
+gio 211
+iti 212
+l s 213
+lit 214
+ll 215
+mon 216
+ola 217
+pac 218
+sim 219
+tit 220
+utt 221
+vol 222
+ ar 223
+ fo 224
+ ha 225
+ sa 226
+acc 227
+e r 228
+ire 229
+man 230
+ntr 231
+rat 232
+sco 233
+tro 234
+tut 235
+va 236
+ do 237
+ gi 238
+ me 239
+ sc 240
+ tu 241
+ ve 242
+ vi 243
+a m 244
+ber 245
+can 246
+cit 247
+i l 248
+ier 249
+ità 250
+lli 251
+min 252
+n p 253
+nat 254
+nda 255
+o e 256
+o f 257
+o u 258
+ore 259
+oro 260
+ort 261
+sto 262
+ten 263
+tiv 264
+van 265
+art 266
+cco 267
+ci 268
+cos 269
+dal 270
+e v 271
+i i 272
+ila 273
+ino 274
+l p 275
+n c 276
+nit 277
+ole 278
+ome 279
+po 280
+rio 281
+sa 282
+ ce 283
+ es 284
+ tr 285
+a b 286
+and 287
+ata 288
+der 289
+ens 290
+ers 291
+gi 292
+ial 293
+ina 294
+itt 295
+izi 296
+lan 297
+lor 298
+mil 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/kk b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/kk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68363a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/kk
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ан 0
+ен 1
+ың 2
+ қа 3
+ ба 4
+ай 5
+нда 6
+ын 7
+ са 8
+ ал 9
+ді 10
+ары 11
+ды 12
+ып 13
+ мұ 14
+ бі 15
+асы 16
+да 17
+най 18
+ жа 19
+мұн 20
+ста 21
+ған 22
+н б 23
+ұна 24
+ бо 25
+ның 26
+ін 27
+лар 28
+сын 29
+ де 30
+аға 31
+тан 32
+ кө 33
+бір 34
+ер 35
+мен 36
+аза 37
+ынд 38
+ыны 39
+ ме 40
+анд 41
+ері 42
+бол 43
+дың 44
+қаз 45
+аты 46
+сы 47
+тын 48
+ғы 49
+ ке 50
+ар 51
+зақ 52
+ық 53
+ала 54
+алы 55
+аны 56
+ара 57
+ағы 58
+ген 59
+тар 60
+тер 61
+тыр 62
+айд 63
+ард 64
+де 65
+ға 66
+ қо 67
+бар 68
+ің 69
+қан 70
+ бе 71
+ қы 72
+ақс 73
+гер 74
+дан 75
+дар 76
+лық 77
+лға 78
+ына 79
+ір 80
+ірі 81
+ғас 82
+ та 83
+а б 84
+гі 85
+еді 86
+еле 87
+йды 88
+н к 89
+н т 90
+ола 91
+рын 92
+іп 93
+қст 94
+қта 95
+ң б 96
+ ай 97
+ ол 98
+ со 99
+айт 100
+дағ 101
+иге 102
+лер 103
+лып 104
+н а 105
+ік 106
+ақт 107
+бағ 108
+кен 109
+н қ 110
+ны 111
+рге 112
+рға 113
+ыр 114
+ ар 115
+алғ 116
+аса 117
+бас 118
+бер 119
+ге 120
+еті 121
+на 122
+нде 123
+не 124
+ниг 125
+рды 126
+ры 127
+сай 128
+ ау 129
+ кү 130
+ ни 131
+ от 132
+ өз 133
+ауд 134
+еп 135
+иял 136
+лты 137
+н ж 138
+н о 139
+осы 140
+оты 141
+рып 142
+рі 143
+тке 144
+ты 145
+ы б 146
+ы ж 147
+ылы 148
+ысы 149
+і с 150
+қар 151
+ бұ 152
+ да 153
+ же 154
+ тұ 155
+ құ 156
+ады 157
+айл 158
+ап 159
+ата 160
+ені 161
+йла 162
+н м 163
+н с 164
+нды 165
+нді 166
+р м 167
+тай 168
+тін 169
+ы т 170
+ыс 171
+інд 172
+ би 173
+а ж 174
+ауы 175
+деп 176
+дің 177
+еке 178
+ери 179
+йын 180
+кел 181
+лды 182
+ма 183
+нан 184
+оны 185
+п ж 186
+п о 187
+р б 188
+рия 189
+рла 190
+уда 191
+шыл 192
+ы а 193
+ықт 194
+і а 195
+і б 196
+із 197
+ілі 198
+ң қ 199
+ ас 200
+ ек 201
+ жо 202
+ мә 203
+ ос 204
+ ре 205
+ се 206
+алд 207
+дал 208
+дег 209
+дей 210
+е б 211
+ет 212
+жас 213
+й б 214
+лау 215
+лда 216
+мет 217
+нын 218
+сар 219
+сі 220
+ті 221
+ыры 222
+ыта 223
+ісі 224
+ң а 225
+өте 226
+ ат 227
+ ел 228
+ жү 229
+ ма 230
+ то 231
+ шы 232
+а а 233
+алт 234
+ама 235
+арл 236
+аст 237
+бұл 238
+дай 239
+дық 240
+ек 241
+ель 242
+есі 243
+зді 244
+көт 245
+лем 246
+ль 247
+н е 248
+п а 249
+р а 250
+рес 251
+са 252
+та 253
+тте 254
+тұр 255
+шы 256
+ы д 257
+ы қ 258
+ыз 259
+қыт 260
+ ко 261
+ не 262
+ ой 263
+ ор 264
+ сұ 265
+ тү 266
+аль 267
+аре 268
+атт 269
+дір 270
+ев 271
+егі 272
+еда 273
+екі 274
+елд 275
+ерг 276
+ерд 277
+ияд 278
+кер 279
+кет 280
+лыс 281
+ліс 282
+мед 283
+мпи 284
+н д 285
+ні 286
+нін 287
+п т 288
+пек 289
+рел 290
+рта 291
+ріл 292
+рін 293
+сен 294
+тал 295
+шіл 296
+ы к 297
+ы м 298
+ыст 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ky b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ky
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f26d3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ky
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ын 0
+ан 1
+ жа 2
+ен 3
+да 4
+ та 5
+ар 6
+ин 7
+ ка 8
+ары 9
+ ал 10
+ ба 11
+ би 12
+лар 13
+ бо 14
+ кы 15
+ала 16
+н к 17
+ са 18
+нда 19
+ган 20
+тар 21
+ де 22
+анд 23
+н б 24
+ ке 25
+ард 26
+мен 27
+н т 28
+ара 29
+нын 30
+ да 31
+ ме 32
+кыр 33
+ че 34
+н а 35
+ры 36
+ ко 37
+ген 38
+дар 39
+кен 40
+кта 41
+уу 42
+ене 43
+ери 44
+ ша 45
+алы 46
+ат 47
+на 48
+ кө 49
+ эм 50
+аты 51
+дан 52
+деп 53
+дын 54
+еп 55
+нен 56
+рын 57
+ бе 58
+кан 59
+луу 60
+ргы 61
+тан 62
+шай 63
+ырг 64
+үн 65
+ ар 66
+ ма 67
+агы 68
+акт 69
+аны 70
+гы 71
+гыз 72
+ды 73
+рда 74
+ай 75
+бир 76
+бол 77
+ер 78
+н с 79
+нды 80
+ун 81
+ча 82
+ынд 83
+а к 84
+ага 85
+айл 86
+ана 87
+ап 88
+га 89
+лге 90
+нча 91
+п к 92
+рды 93
+туу 94
+ыны 95
+ ан 96
+ өз 97
+ама 98
+ата 99
+дин 100
+йт 101
+лга 102
+лоо 103
+оо 104
+ри 105
+тин 106
+ыз 107
+ып 108
+өрү 109
+ па 110
+ эк 111
+а б 112
+алг 113
+асы 114
+ашт 115
+биз 116
+кел 117
+кте 118
+тал 119
+ не 120
+ су 121
+акы 122
+ент 123
+инд 124
+ир 125
+кал 126
+н д 127
+нде 128
+ого 129
+онд 130
+оюн 131
+р б 132
+р м 133
+ран 134
+сал 135
+ста 136
+сы 137
+ура 138
+ыгы 139
+ аш 140
+ ми 141
+ сы 142
+ ту 143
+ал 144
+арт 145
+бор 146
+елг 147
+ени 148
+ет 149
+жат 150
+йло 151
+кар 152
+н м 153
+огу 154
+п а 155
+п ж 156
+р э 157
+сын 158
+ык 159
+юнч 160
+ бу 161
+ ур 162
+а а 163
+ак 164
+алд 165
+алу 166
+бар 167
+бер 168
+бою 169
+ге 170
+дон 171
+еги 172
+ект 173
+ефт 174
+из 175
+кат 176
+лды 177
+н ч 178
+н э 179
+н ө 180
+ндо 181
+неф 182
+он 183
+сат 184
+тор 185
+ты 186
+уда 187
+ул 188
+ула 189
+ууд 190
+ы б 191
+ы ж 192
+ы к 193
+ыл 194
+ына 195
+эке 196
+ясы 197
+ ат 198
+ до 199
+ жы 200
+ со 201
+ чы 202
+аас 203
+айт 204
+аст 205
+баа 206
+баш 207
+гар 208
+гын 209
+дө 210
+е б 211
+ек 212
+жыл 213
+и б 214
+ик 215
+ияс 216
+кыз 217
+лда 218
+лык 219
+мда 220
+н ж 221
+нди 222
+ни 223
+нин 224
+орд 225
+рдо 226
+сто 227
+та 228
+тер 229
+тти 230
+тур 231
+тын 232
+уп 233
+ушу 234
+фти 235
+ыкт 236
+үп 237
+өн 238
+ ай 239
+ бү 240
+ ич 241
+ иш 242
+ мо 243
+ пр 244
+ ре 245
+ өк 246
+ өт 247
+а д 248
+а у 249
+а э 250
+айм 251
+амд 252
+атт 253
+бек 254
+бул 255
+гол 256
+дег 257
+еге 258
+ейт 259
+еле 260
+енд 261
+жак 262
+и к 263
+ини 264
+ири 265
+йма 266
+кто 267
+лик 268
+мак 269
+мес 270
+н у 271
+н ш 272
+нтт 273
+ол 274
+оло 275
+пар 276
+рак 277
+рүү 278
+сыр 279
+ти 280
+тик 281
+тта 282
+төр 283
+у ж 284
+у с 285
+шка 286
+ы м 287
+ызы 288
+ылд 289
+эме 290
+үрү 291
+өлү 292
+өтө 293
+ же 294
+ тү 295
+ эл 296
+ өн 297
+а ж 298
+ады 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/la b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/la
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71ddc13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/la
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+um 0
+us 1
+ut 2
+et 3
+is 4
+ et 5
+ in 6
+ qu 7
+tur 8
+ pr 9
+est 10
+tio 11
+ au 12
+am 13
+em 14
+aut 15
+ di 16
+ent 17
+in 18
+dic 19
+t e 20
+ es 21
+ur 22
+ati 23
+ion 24
+st 25
+ ut 26
+ae 27
+qua 28
+ de 29
+nt 30
+ su 31
+ si 32
+itu 33
+unt 34
+rum 35
+ia 36
+es 37
+ter 38
+ re 39
+nti 40
+rae 41
+s e 42
+qui 43
+io 44
+pro 45
+it 46
+per 47
+ita 48
+one 49
+ici 50
+ius 51
+ co 52
+t d 53
+bus 54
+pra 55
+m e 56
+ no 57
+edi 58
+tia 59
+ue 60
+ibu 61
+ se 62
+ ad 63
+er 64
+ fi 65
+ili 66
+que 67
+t i 68
+de 69
+oru 70
+ te 71
+ali 72
+ pe 73
+aed 74
+cit 75
+m d 76
+t s 77
+tat 78
+tem 79
+tis 80
+t p 81
+sti 82
+te 83
+cum 84
+ere 85
+ium 86
+ ex 87
+rat 88
+ta 89
+con 90
+cti 91
+oni 92
+ra 93
+s i 94
+ cu 95
+ sa 96
+eni 97
+nis 98
+nte 99
+eri 100
+omi 101
+re 102
+s a 103
+min 104
+os 105
+ti 106
+uer 107
+ ma 108
+ ue 109
+m s 110
+nem 111
+t m 112
+ mo 113
+ po 114
+ ui 115
+gen 116
+ict 117
+m i 118
+ris 119
+s s 120
+t a 121
+uae 122
+ do 123
+m a 124
+t c 125
+ ge 126
+as 127
+e i 128
+e p 129
+ne 130
+ ca 131
+ine 132
+quo 133
+s p 134
+ al 135
+e e 136
+ntu 137
+ro 138
+tri 139
+tus 140
+uit 141
+atu 142
+ini 143
+iqu 144
+m p 145
+ost 146
+res 147
+ura 148
+ ac 149
+ fu 150
+a e 151
+ant 152
+nes 153
+nim 154
+sun 155
+tra 156
+e a 157
+s d 158
+ pa 159
+ uo 160
+ecu 161
+ om 162
+ tu 163
+ad 164
+cut 165
+omn 166
+s q 167
+ ei 168
+ex 169
+icu 170
+tor 171
+uid 172
+ ip 173
+ me 174
+e s 175
+era 176
+eru 177
+iam 178
+ide 179
+ips 180
+ iu 181
+a s 182
+do 183
+e d 184
+eiu 185
+ica 186
+im 187
+m c 188
+m u 189
+tiu 190
+ ho 191
+cat 192
+ist 193
+nat 194
+on 195
+pti 196
+reg 197
+rit 198
+s t 199
+sic 200
+spe 201
+ en 202
+ sp 203
+dis 204
+eli 205
+liq 206
+lis 207
+men 208
+mus 209
+num 210
+pos 211
+sio 212
+ an 213
+ gr 214
+abi 215
+acc 216
+ect 217
+ri 218
+uan 219
+ le 220
+ecc 221
+ete 222
+gra 223
+non 224
+se 225
+uen 226
+uis 227
+ fa 228
+ tr 229
+ate 230
+e c 231
+fil 232
+na 233
+ni 234
+pul 235
+s f 236
+ui 237
+at 238
+cce 239
+dam 240
+i e 241
+ina 242
+leg 243
+nos 244
+ori 245
+pec 246
+rop 247
+sta 248
+uia 249
+ene 250
+iue 251
+iui 252
+siu 253
+t t 254
+t u 255
+tib 256
+tit 257
+ da 258
+ ne 259
+a d 260
+and 261
+ege 262
+equ 263
+hom 264
+imu 265
+lor 266
+m m 267
+mni 268
+ndo 269
+ner 270
+o e 271
+r e 272
+sit 273
+tum 274
+utu 275
+a p 276
+bis 277
+bit 278
+cer 279
+cta 280
+dom 281
+fut 282
+i s 283
+ign 284
+int 285
+mod 286
+ndu 287
+nit 288
+rib 289
+rti 290
+tas 291
+und 292
+ ab 293
+err 294
+ers 295
+ite 296
+iti 297
+m t 298
+o p 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/lt b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/lt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1de36d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/lt
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+as 0
+ pa 1
+ ka 2
+ai 3
+us 4
+os 5
+is 6
+ ne 7
+ ir 8
+ir 9
+ti 10
+ pr 11
+aus 12
+ini 13
+s p 14
+pas 15
+ių 16
+ ta 17
+ vi 18
+iau 19
+ ko 20
+ su 21
+kai 22
+o p 23
+usi 24
+ sa 25
+vo 26
+tai 27
+ali 28
+tų 29
+io 30
+jo 31
+s k 32
+sta 33
+iai 34
+ bu 35
+ nu 36
+ius 37
+mo 38
+ po 39
+ien 40
+s s 41
+tas 42
+ me 43
+uvo 44
+kad 45
+ iš 46
+ la 47
+to 48
+ais 49
+ie 50
+kur 51
+uri 52
+ ku 53
+ijo 54
+čia 55
+au 56
+met 57
+je 58
+ va 59
+ad 60
+ ap 61
+and 62
+ gr 63
+ ti 64
+kal 65
+asi 66
+i p 67
+iči 68
+s i 69
+s v 70
+ink 71
+o n 72
+ės 73
+buv 74
+s a 75
+ ga 76
+aip 77
+avi 78
+mas 79
+pri 80
+tik 81
+ re 82
+etu 83
+jos 84
+ da 85
+ent 86
+oli 87
+par 88
+ant 89
+ara 90
+tar 91
+ama 92
+gal 93
+imo 94
+išk 95
+o s 96
+ at 97
+ be 98
+ į 99
+min 100
+tin 101
+ tu 102
+s n 103
+ jo 104
+dar 105
+ip 106
+rei 107
+ te 108
+dži 109
+kas 110
+nin 111
+tei 112
+vie 113
+ li 114
+ se 115
+cij 116
+gar 117
+lai 118
+art 119
+lau 120
+ras 121
+no 122
+o k 123
+tą 124
+ ar 125
+ėjo 126
+vič 127
+iga 128
+pra 129
+vis 130
+ na 131
+men 132
+oki 133
+raš 134
+s t 135
+iet 136
+ika 137
+int 138
+kom 139
+tam 140
+aug 141
+avo 142
+rie 143
+s b 144
+ st 145
+eim 146
+ko 147
+nus 148
+pol 149
+ria 150
+sau 151
+api 152
+me 153
+ne 154
+sik 155
+ ši 156
+i n 157
+ia 158
+ici 159
+oja 160
+sak 161
+sti 162
+ui 163
+ame 164
+lie 165
+o t 166
+pie 167
+čiu 168
+ di 169
+ pe 170
+gri 171
+ios 172
+lia 173
+lin 174
+s d 175
+s g 176
+ta 177
+uot 178
+ ja 179
+ už 180
+aut 181
+i s 182
+ino 183
+mą 184
+oje 185
+rav 186
+dėl 187
+nti 188
+o a 189
+toj 190
+ėl 191
+ to 192
+ vy 193
+ar 194
+ina 195
+lic 196
+o v 197
+sei 198
+su 199
+ mi 200
+ pi 201
+din 202
+iš 203
+lan 204
+si 205
+tus 206
+ ba 207
+asa 208
+ata 209
+kla 210
+omi 211
+tat 212
+ an 213
+ ji 214
+als 215
+ena 216
+jų 217
+nuo 218
+per 219
+rig 220
+s m 221
+val 222
+yta 223
+čio 224
+ ra 225
+i k 226
+lik 227
+net 228
+nė 229
+tis 230
+tuo 231
+yti 232
+ęs 233
+ų s 234
+ada 235
+ari 236
+do 237
+eik 238
+eis 239
+ist 240
+lst 241
+ma 242
+nes 243
+sav 244
+sio 245
+tau 246
+ ki 247
+aik 248
+aud 249
+ies 250
+ori 251
+s r 252
+ska 253
+ ge 254
+ast 255
+eig 256
+et 257
+iam 258
+isa 259
+mis 260
+nam 261
+ome 262
+žia 263
+aba 264
+aul 265
+ikr 266
+ką 267
+nta 268
+ra 269
+tur 270
+ ma 271
+die 272
+ei 273
+i t 274
+nas 275
+rin 276
+sto 277
+tie 278
+tuv 279
+vos 280
+ų p 281
+ dė 282
+are 283
+ats 284
+enė 285
+ili 286
+ima 287
+kar 288
+ms 289
+nia 290
+r p 291
+rod 292
+s l 293
+ o 294
+e p 295
+es 296
+ide 297
+ik 298
+ja 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/lv b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/lv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..472cc8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/lv
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+as 0
+ la 1
+ pa 2
+ ne 3
+es 4
+ un 5
+un 6
+ ka 7
+ va 8
+ar 9
+s p 10
+ ar 11
+ vi 12
+is 13
+ai 14
+ no 15
+ja 16
+ija 17
+iem 18
+em 19
+tu 20
+tie 21
+vie 22
+lat 23
+aks 24
+ien 25
+kst 26
+ies 27
+s a 28
+rak 29
+atv 30
+tvi 31
+ ja 32
+ pi 33
+ka 34
+ ir 35
+ir 36
+ta 37
+ sa 38
+ts 39
+ kā 40
+ās 41
+ ti 42
+ot 43
+s n 44
+ ie 45
+ ta 46
+arī 47
+par 48
+pie 49
+ pr 50
+kā 51
+ at 52
+ ra 53
+am 54
+inā 55
+tā 56
+ iz 57
+jas 58
+lai 59
+ na 60
+aut 61
+ieš 62
+s s 63
+ ap 64
+ ko 65
+ st 66
+iek 67
+iet 68
+jau 69
+us 70
+rī 71
+tik 72
+ība 73
+na 74
+ ga 75
+cij 76
+s i 77
+ uz 78
+jum 79
+s v 80
+ms 81
+var 82
+ ku 83
+ ma 84
+jā 85
+sta 86
+s u 87
+ tā 88
+die 89
+kai 90
+kas 91
+ska 92
+ ci 93
+ da 94
+kur 95
+lie 96
+tas 97
+a p 98
+est 99
+stā 100
+šan 101
+nes 102
+nie 103
+s d 104
+s m 105
+val 106
+ di 107
+ es 108
+ re 109
+no 110
+to 111
+umu 112
+vai 113
+ši 114
+ vē 115
+kum 116
+nu 117
+rie 118
+s t 119
+ām 120
+ad 121
+et 122
+mu 123
+s l 124
+ be 125
+aud 126
+tur 127
+vij 128
+viņ 129
+āju 130
+bas 131
+gad 132
+i n 133
+ika 134
+os 135
+a v 136
+not 137
+oti 138
+sts 139
+aik 140
+u a 141
+ā a 142
+āk 143
+ to 144
+ied 145
+stu 146
+ti 147
+u p 148
+vēl 149
+āci 150
+ šo 151
+gi 152
+ko 153
+pro 154
+s r 155
+tāj 156
+u s 157
+u v 158
+vis 159
+aun 160
+ks 161
+str 162
+zin 163
+a a 164
+adī 165
+da 166
+dar 167
+ena 168
+ici 169
+kra 170
+nas 171
+stī 172
+šu 173
+ mē 174
+a n 175
+eci 176
+i s 177
+ie 178
+iņa 179
+ju 180
+las 181
+r t 182
+ums 183
+šie 184
+bu 185
+cit 186
+i a 187
+ina 188
+ma 189
+pus 190
+ra 191
+ au 192
+ se 193
+ sl 194
+a s 195
+ais 196
+eši 197
+iec 198
+iku 199
+pār 200
+s b 201
+s k 202
+sot 203
+ādā 204
+ in 205
+ li 206
+ tr 207
+ana 208
+eso 209
+ikr 210
+man 211
+ne 212
+u k 213
+ tu 214
+an 215
+av 216
+bet 217
+būt 218
+im 219
+isk 220
+līd 221
+nav 222
+ras 223
+ri 224
+s g 225
+sti 226
+īdz 227
+ ai 228
+arb 229
+cin 230
+das 231
+ent 232
+gal 233
+i p 234
+lik 235
+mā 236
+nek 237
+pat 238
+rēt 239
+si 240
+tra 241
+uši 242
+vei 243
+ br 244
+ pu 245
+ sk 246
+als 247
+ama 248
+edz 249
+eka 250
+ešu 251
+ieg 252
+jis 253
+kam 254
+lst 255
+nāk 256
+oli 257
+pre 258
+pēc 259
+rot 260
+tās 261
+usi 262
+ēl 263
+ēs 264
+ bi 265
+ de 266
+ me 267
+ pā 268
+a i 269
+aid 270
+ajā 271
+ikt 272
+kat 273
+lic 274
+lod 275
+mi 276
+ni 277
+pri 278
+rād 279
+rīg 280
+sim 281
+trā 282
+u l 283
+uto 284
+uz 285
+ēc 286
+ītā 287
+ ce 288
+ jā 289
+ sv 290
+a t 291
+aga 292
+aiz 293
+atu 294
+ba 295
+cie 296
+du 297
+dzi 298
+dzī 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/mk b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dda9879
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/mk
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+на 0
+ на 1
+та 2
+ата 3
+ија 4
+ пр 5
+то 6
+ја 7
+ за 8
+а н 9
+ и 10
+а с 11
+те 12
+ите 13
+ ко 14
+от 15
+ де 16
+ по 17
+а д 18
+во 19
+за 20
+ во 21
+ од 22
+ се 23
+ не 24
+се 25
+ до 26
+а в 27
+ка 28
+ање 29
+а п 30
+о п 31
+ува 32
+циј 33
+а о 34
+ици 35
+ето 36
+о н 37
+ани 38
+ни 39
+ вл 40
+дек 41
+ека 42
+њет 43
+ќе 44
+ е 45
+а з 46
+а и 47
+ат 48
+вла 49
+го 50
+е н 51
+од 52
+пре 53
+ го 54
+ да 55
+ ма 56
+ ре 57
+ ќе 58
+али 59
+и д 60
+и н 61
+иот 62
+нат 63
+ово 64
+ па 65
+ ра 66
+ со 67
+ове 68
+пра 69
+што 70
+ње 71
+а е 72
+да 73
+дат 74
+дон 75
+е в 76
+е д 77
+е з 78
+е с 79
+кон 80
+нит 81
+но 82
+они 83
+ото 84
+пар 85
+при 86
+ста 87
+т н 88
+ шт 89
+а к 90
+аци 91
+ва 92
+вањ 93
+е п 94
+ени 95
+ла 96
+лад 97
+мак 98
+нес 99
+нос 100
+про 101
+рен 102
+јат 103
+ ин 104
+ ме 105
+ то 106
+а г 107
+а м 108
+а р 109
+аке 110
+ако 111
+вор 112
+гов 113
+едо 114
+ена 115
+и и 116
+ира 117
+кед 118
+не 119
+ниц 120
+ниј 121
+ост 122
+ра 123
+рат 124
+ред 125
+ска 126
+тен 127
+ ка 128
+ сп 129
+ ја 130
+а т 131
+аде 132
+арт 133
+е г 134
+е и 135
+кат 136
+лас 137
+нио 138
+о с 139
+ри 140
+ ба 141
+ би 142
+ава 143
+ате 144
+вни 145
+д н 146
+ден 147
+дов 148
+држ 149
+дув 150
+е о 151
+ен 152
+ере 153
+ери 154
+и п 155
+и с 156
+ина 157
+кој 158
+нци 159
+о м 160
+о о 161
+одн 162
+пор 163
+ски 164
+спо 165
+ств 166
+сти 167
+тво 168
+ти 169
+ об 170
+ ов 171
+а б 172
+алн 173
+ара 174
+бар 175
+е к 176
+ед 177
+ент 178
+еѓу 179
+и о 180
+ии 181
+меѓ 182
+о д 183
+оја 184
+пот 185
+раз 186
+раш 187
+спр 188
+сто 189
+т д 190
+ци 191
+ бе 192
+ гр 193
+ др 194
+ из 195
+ ст 196
+аа 197
+бид 198
+вед 199
+гла 200
+еко 201
+енд 202
+есе 203
+етс 204
+зац 205
+и т 206
+иза 207
+инс 208
+ист 209
+ки 210
+ков 211
+кол 212
+ку 213
+лиц 214
+о з 215
+о и 216
+ова 217
+олк 218
+оре 219
+ори 220
+под 221
+рањ 222
+реф 223
+ржа 224
+ров 225
+рти 226
+со 227
+тор 228
+фер 229
+цен 230
+цит 231
+ а 232
+ вр 233
+ гл 234
+ дп 235
+ мо 236
+ ни 237
+ но 238
+ оп 239
+ от 240
+а ќ 241
+або 242
+ада 243
+аса 244
+аша 245
+ба 246
+бот 247
+ваа 248
+ват 249
+вот 250
+ги 251
+гра 252
+де 253
+дин 254
+дум 255
+евр 256
+еду 257
+ено 258
+ера 259
+ес 260
+ење 261
+же 262
+зак 263
+и в 264
+ила 265
+иту 266
+коа 267
+кои 268
+лан 269
+лку 270
+лож 271
+мот 272
+нду 273
+нст 274
+о в 275
+оа 276
+оал 277
+обр 278
+ов 279
+ови 280
+овн 281
+ои 282
+ор 283
+орм 284
+ој 285
+рет 286
+сед 287
+ст 288
+тер 289
+тиј 290
+тоа 291
+фор 292
+ции 293
+ѓу 294
+ ал 295
+ ве 296
+ вм 297
+ ги 298
+ ду 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/mn b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/mn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdb6fd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/mn
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ын 0
+ ба 1
+йн 2
+бай 3
+ийн 4
+уул 5
+ ул 6
+улс 7
+ан 8
+ ха 9
+ний 10
+н х 11
+гаа 12
+сын 13
+ий 14
+лсы 15
+ бо 16
+й б 17
+эн 18
+ах 19
+бол 20
+ол 21
+н б 22
+оло 23
+ хэ 24
+онг 25
+гол 26
+гуу 27
+нго 28
+ыг 29
+жил 30
+ мо 31
+лаг 32
+лла 33
+мон 34
+ тє 35
+ ху 36
+айд 37
+ны 38
+он 39
+сан 40
+хий 41
+ аж 42
+ ор 43
+л у 44
+н т 45
+улг 46
+айг 47
+длы 48
+йг 49
+ за 50
+дэс 51
+н а 52
+ндэ 53
+ула 54
+ээ 55
+ага 56
+ийг 57
+vй 58
+аа 59
+й а 60
+лын 61
+н з 62
+ аю 63
+ зє 64
+аар 65
+ад 66
+ар 67
+гvй 68
+зєв 69
+ажи 70
+ал 71
+аюу 72
+г х 73
+лгv 74
+лж 75
+сни 76
+эсн 77
+юул 78
+йдл 79
+лыг 80
+нхи 81
+ууд 82
+хам 83
+ нэ 84
+ са 85
+гий 86
+лах 87
+лєл 88
+рєн 89
+єгч 90
+ та 91
+илл 92
+лий 93
+лэх 94
+рий 95
+эх 96
+ ер 97
+ эр 98
+влє 99
+ерє 100
+ийл 101
+лон 102
+лєг 103
+євл 104
+єнх 105
+ хо 106
+ари 107
+их 108
+хан 109
+эр 110
+єн 111
+vvл 112
+ж б 113
+тэй 114
+х х 115
+эрх 116
+ vн 117
+ нь 118
+vнд 119
+алт 120
+йлє 121
+нь 122
+тєр 123
+ га 124
+ су 125
+аан 126
+даа 127
+илц 128
+йгу 129
+л а 130
+лаа 131
+н н 132
+руу 133
+эй 134
+ то 135
+н с 136
+рил 137
+єри 138
+ааг 139
+гч 140
+лээ 141
+н о 142
+рэг 143
+суу 144
+эрэ 145
+їїл 146
+ yн 147
+ бу 148
+ дэ 149
+ ол 150
+ ту 151
+ ши 152
+yнд 153
+аши 154
+г т 155
+иг 156
+йл 157
+хар 158
+шин 159
+эг 160
+єр 161
+ их 162
+ хє 163
+ хї 164
+ам 165
+анг 166
+ин 167
+йга 168
+лса 169
+н v 170
+н е 171
+нал 172
+нд 173
+хуу 174
+цаа 175
+эд 176
+ээр 177
+єл 178
+vйл 179
+ада 180
+айн 181
+ала 182
+амт 183
+гах 184
+д х 185
+дал 186
+зар 187
+л б 188
+лан 189
+н д 190
+сэн 191
+улл 192
+х б 193
+хэр 194
+ бv 195
+ да 196
+ зо 197
+vрэ 198
+аад 199
+гээ 200
+лэн 201
+н и 202
+н э 203
+нга 204
+нэ 205
+тал 206
+тын 207
+хур 208
+эл 209
+ на 210
+ ни 211
+ он 212
+vлэ 213
+аг 214
+аж 215
+ай 216
+ата 217
+бар 218
+г б 219
+гад 220
+гїй 221
+й х 222
+лт 223
+н м 224
+на 225
+оро 226
+уль 227
+чин 228
+эж 229
+энэ 230
+ээд 231
+їй 232
+їлэ 233
+ би 234
+ тэ 235
+ эн 236
+аны 237
+дий 238
+дээ 239
+лал 240
+лга 241
+лд 242
+лог 243
+ль 244
+н у 245
+н ї 246
+р б 247
+рал 248
+сон 249
+тай 250
+удл 251
+элт 252
+эрг 253
+єлє 254
+ vй 255
+ в 256
+ гэ 257
+ хv 258
+ара 259
+бvр 260
+д н 261
+д о 262
+л х 263
+лс 264
+лты 265
+н г 266
+нэг 267
+огт 268
+олы 269
+оёр 270
+р т 271
+рээ 272
+тав 273
+тог 274
+уур 275
+хоё 276
+хэл 277
+хээ 278
+элэ 279
+ёр 280
+ ав 281
+ ас 282
+ аш 283
+ ду 284
+ со 285
+ чи 286
+ эв 287
+ єр 288
+аал 289
+алд 290
+амж 291
+анд 292
+асу 293
+вэр 294
+г у 295
+двэ 296
+жvv 297
+лца 298
+лэл 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/nb b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/nb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efb098a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/nb
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+er 0
+en 1
+et 2
+ de 3
+det 4
+ i 5
+for 6
+il 7
+ fo 8
+ me 9
+ing 10
+om 11
+ ha 12
+ og 13
+ter 14
+ er 15
+ ti 16
+ st 17
+og 18
+til 19
+ne 20
+ vi 21
+re 22
+ en 23
+ se 24
+te 25
+or 26
+de 27
+kke 28
+ke 29
+ar 30
+ng 31
+r s 32
+ene 33
+ so 34
+e s 35
+der 36
+an 37
+som 38
+ste 39
+at 40
+ed 41
+r i 42
+ av 43
+ in 44
+men 45
+ at 46
+ ko 47
+ på 48
+har 49
+ si 50
+ere 51
+på 52
+nde 53
+and 54
+els 55
+ett 56
+tte 57
+lig 58
+t s 59
+den 60
+t i 61
+ikk 62
+med 63
+n s 64
+rt 65
+ser 66
+ska 67
+t e 68
+ker 69
+sen 70
+av 71
+ler 72
+r a 73
+ten 74
+e f 75
+r e 76
+r t 77
+ede 78
+ig 79
+ re 80
+han 81
+lle 82
+ner 83
+ bl 84
+ fr 85
+le 86
+ ve 87
+e t 88
+lan 89
+mme 90
+nge 91
+ be 92
+ ik 93
+ om 94
+ å 95
+ell 96
+sel 97
+sta 98
+ver 99
+ et 100
+ sk 101
+nte 102
+one 103
+ore 104
+r d 105
+ske 106
+ an 107
+ la 108
+del 109
+gen 110
+nin 111
+r f 112
+r v 113
+se 114
+ po 115
+ir 116
+jon 117
+mer 118
+nen 119
+omm 120
+sjo 121
+ fl 122
+ sa 123
+ern 124
+kom 125
+r m 126
+r o 127
+ren 128
+vil 129
+ale 130
+es 131
+n a 132
+t f 133
+ le 134
+bli 135
+e e 136
+e i 137
+e v 138
+het 139
+ye 140
+ ir 141
+al 142
+e o 143
+ide 144
+iti 145
+lit 146
+nne 147
+ran 148
+t o 149
+tal 150
+tat 151
+tt 152
+ ka 153
+ans 154
+asj 155
+ge 156
+inn 157
+kon 158
+lse 159
+pet 160
+t d 161
+vi 162
+ ut 163
+ent 164
+eri 165
+oli 166
+r p 167
+ret 168
+ris 169
+sto 170
+str 171
+t a 172
+ ga 173
+all 174
+ape 175
+g s 176
+ill 177
+ira 178
+kap 179
+nn 180
+opp 181
+r h 182
+rin 183
+ br 184
+ op 185
+e m 186
+ert 187
+ger 188
+ion 189
+kal 190
+lsk 191
+nes 192
+ gj 193
+ mi 194
+ pr 195
+ang 196
+e h 197
+e r 198
+elt 199
+enn 200
+i s 201
+ist 202
+jen 203
+kan 204
+lt 205
+nal 206
+res 207
+tor 208
+ass 209
+dre 210
+e b 211
+e p 212
+mel 213
+n t 214
+nse 215
+ort 216
+per 217
+reg 218
+sje 219
+t p 220
+t v 221
+ hv 222
+ nå 223
+ va 224
+ann 225
+ato 226
+e a 227
+est 228
+ise 229
+isk 230
+oil 231
+ord 232
+pol 233
+ra 234
+rak 235
+sse 236
+toi 237
+ gr 238
+ak 239
+eg 240
+ele 241
+g a 242
+ige 243
+igh 244
+m e 245
+n f 246
+n v 247
+ndr 248
+nsk 249
+rer 250
+t m 251
+und 252
+var 253
+år 254
+ he 255
+ no 256
+ ny 257
+end 258
+ete 259
+fly 260
+g i 261
+ghe 262
+ier 263
+ind 264
+int 265
+lin 266
+n d 267
+n p 268
+rne 269
+sak 270
+sie 271
+t b 272
+tid 273
+ al 274
+ pa 275
+ tr 276
+ag 277
+dig 278
+e d 279
+e k 280
+ess 281
+hol 282
+i d 283
+lag 284
+led 285
+n e 286
+n i 287
+n o 288
+pri 289
+r b 290
+st 291
+ fe 292
+ li 293
+ ry 294
+air 295
+ake 296
+d s 297
+eas 298
+egi 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ne b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ne
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..093a1f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ne
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+को 0
+का 1
+मा 2
+हरु 3
+ ने 4
+नेप 5
+पाल 6
+ेपा 7
+ सम 8
+ले 9
+ प् 10
+प्र 11
+कार 12
+ा स 13
+एको 14
+ भए 15
+ छ 16
+ भा 17
+्रम 18
+ गर 19
+रुक 20
+ र 21
+भार 22
+ारत 23
+ का 24
+ वि 25
+भएक 26
+ाली 27
+ली 28
+ा प 29
+ीहर 30
+ार् 31
+ो छ 32
+ना 33
+रु 34
+ालक 35
+्या 36
+ बा 37
+एका 38
+ने 39
+न्त 40
+ा ब 41
+ाको 42
+ार 43
+ा भ 44
+ाहर 45
+्रो 46
+क्ष 47
+न् 48
+ारी 49
+ नि 50
+ा न 51
+ी स 52
+ डु 53
+क्र 54
+जना 55
+यो 56
+ा छ 57
+ेवा 58
+्ता 59
+ रा 60
+त्य 61
+न्द 62
+हुन 63
+ा क 64
+ामा 65
+ी न 66
+्दा 67
+ से 68
+छन् 69
+म्ब 70
+रोत 71
+सेव 72
+स्त 73
+स्र 74
+ेका 75
+्त 76
+ बी 77
+ हु 78
+क्त 79
+त्र 80
+रत 81
+र्न 82
+र्य 83
+ा र 84
+ाका 85
+ुको 86
+ एक 87
+ सं 88
+ सु 89
+बीब 90
+बीस 91
+लको 92
+स्य 93
+ीबी 94
+ीसी 95
+ेको 96
+ो स 97
+्यक 98
+ छन 99
+ जन 100
+ बि 101
+ मु 102
+ स् 103
+गर् 104
+ताह 105
+न्ध 106
+बार 107
+मन् 108
+मस् 109
+रुल 110
+लाई 111
+ा व 112
+ाई 113
+ाल 114
+िका 115
+ त् 116
+ मा 117
+ यस 118
+ रु 119
+ताक 120
+बन् 121
+र ब 122
+रण 123
+रुप 124
+रेक 125
+ष्ट 126
+सम् 127
+सी 128
+ाएक 129
+ुका 130
+ुक् 131
+ अध 132
+ अन 133
+ तथ 134
+ थि 135
+ दे 136
+ पर 137
+ बै 138
+तथा 139
+ता 140
+दा 141
+द्द 142
+नी 143
+बाट 144
+यक् 145
+री 146
+रीह 147
+र्म 148
+लका 149
+समस 150
+ा अ 151
+ा ए 152
+ाट 153
+िय 154
+ो प 155
+ो म 156
+्न 157
+्ने 158
+्षा 159
+ पा 160
+ यो 161
+ हा 162
+अधि 163
+डुव 164
+त भ 165
+त स 166
+था 167
+धिक 168
+पमा 169
+बैठ 170
+मुद 171
+या 172
+युक 173
+र न 174
+रति 175
+वान 176
+सार 177
+ा आ 178
+ा ज 179
+ा ह 180
+ुद् 181
+ुपम 182
+ुले 183
+ुवा 184
+ैठक 185
+ो ब 186
+्तर 187
+्य 188
+्यस 189
+ क् 190
+ मन 191
+ रह 192
+चार 193
+तिय 194
+दै 195
+निर 196
+नु 197
+पर् 198
+रक् 199
+र्द 200
+समा 201
+सुर 202
+ाउन 203
+ान 204
+ानम 205
+ारण 206
+ाले 207
+ि ब 208
+ियो 209
+ुन् 210
+ुरक 211
+्त् 212
+्बन 213
+्रा 214
+्ष 215
+ आर 216
+ जल 217
+ बे 218
+ या 219
+ सा 220
+आएक 221
+एक 222
+कर् 223
+जलस 224
+णका 225
+त र 226
+द्र 227
+धान 228
+धि 229
+नका 230
+नमा 231
+नि 232
+ममा 233
+रम 234
+रहे 235
+राज 236
+लस् 237
+ला 238
+वार 239
+सका 240
+हिल 241
+हेक 242
+ा त 243
+ारे 244
+िन् 245
+िस् 246
+े स 247
+ो न 248
+ो र 249
+ोत 250
+्धि 251
+्मी 252
+्रस 253
+ दु 254
+ पन 255
+ बत 256
+ बन 257
+ भन 258
+ंयु 259
+आरम 260
+खि 261
+ण्ड 262
+तका 263
+ताल 264
+दी 265
+देख 266
+निय 267
+पनि 268
+प्त 269
+बता 270
+मी 271
+म्भ 272
+र स 273
+रम् 274
+लमा 275
+विश 276
+षाक 277
+संय 278
+ा ड 279
+ा म 280
+ानक 281
+ालम 282
+ि भ 283
+ित 284
+ी प 285
+ी र 286
+ु भ 287
+ुने 288
+े ग 289
+ेखि 290
+ेर 291
+ो भ 292
+ो व 293
+ो ह 294
+्भ 295
+्र 296
+ ता 297
+ नम 298
+ ना 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/nl b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/nl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..472ce12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/nl
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+en 0
+de 1
+ de 2
+et 3
+an 4
+ he 5
+er 6
+ va 7
+n d 8
+van 9
+een 10
+het 11
+ ge 12
+oor 13
+ ee 14
+der 15
+ en 16
+ij 17
+aar 18
+gen 19
+te 20
+ver 21
+ in 22
+ me 23
+aan 24
+den 25
+ we 26
+at 27
+in 28
+ da 29
+ te 30
+eer 31
+nde 32
+ter 33
+ste 34
+n v 35
+ vo 36
+ zi 37
+ing 38
+n h 39
+voo 40
+is 41
+ op 42
+tie 43
+ aa 44
+ede 45
+erd 46
+ers 47
+ be 48
+eme 49
+ten 50
+ken 51
+n e 52
+ ni 53
+ ve 54
+ent 55
+ijn 56
+jn 57
+mee 58
+iet 59
+n w 60
+ng 61
+nie 62
+ is 63
+cht 64
+dat 65
+ere 66
+ie 67
+ijk 68
+n b 69
+rde 70
+ar 71
+e b 72
+e a 73
+met 74
+t d 75
+el 76
+ond 77
+t h 78
+ al 79
+e w 80
+op 81
+ren 82
+ di 83
+ on 84
+al 85
+and 86
+bij 87
+zij 88
+ bi 89
+ hi 90
+ wi 91
+or 92
+r d 93
+t v 94
+ wa 95
+e h 96
+lle 97
+rt 98
+ang 99
+hij 100
+men 101
+n a 102
+n z 103
+rs 104
+ om 105
+e o 106
+e v 107
+end 108
+est 109
+n t 110
+par 111
+ pa 112
+ pr 113
+ ze 114
+e g 115
+e p 116
+n p 117
+ord 118
+oud 119
+raa 120
+sch 121
+t e 122
+ege 123
+ich 124
+ien 125
+aat 126
+ek 127
+len 128
+n m 129
+nge 130
+nt 131
+ove 132
+rd 133
+wer 134
+ ma 135
+ mi 136
+daa 137
+e k 138
+lij 139
+mer 140
+n g 141
+n o 142
+om 143
+sen 144
+t b 145
+wij 146
+ ho 147
+e m 148
+ele 149
+gem 150
+heb 151
+pen 152
+ude 153
+ bo 154
+ ja 155
+die 156
+e e 157
+eli 158
+erk 159
+le 160
+pro 161
+rij 162
+ er 163
+ za 164
+e d 165
+ens 166
+ind 167
+ke 168
+n k 169
+nd 170
+nen 171
+nte 172
+r h 173
+s d 174
+s e 175
+t z 176
+ b 177
+ co 178
+ ik 179
+ ko 180
+ ov 181
+eke 182
+hou 183
+ik 184
+iti 185
+lan 186
+ns 187
+t g 188
+t m 189
+ do 190
+ le 191
+ zo 192
+ams 193
+e z 194
+g v 195
+it 196
+je 197
+ls 198
+maa 199
+n i 200
+nke 201
+rke 202
+uit 203
+ ha 204
+ ka 205
+ mo 206
+ re 207
+ st 208
+ to 209
+age 210
+als 211
+ark 212
+art 213
+ben 214
+e r 215
+e s 216
+ert 217
+eze 218
+ht 219
+ijd 220
+lem 221
+r v 222
+rte 223
+t p 224
+zeg 225
+zic 226
+aak 227
+aal 228
+ag 229
+ale 230
+bbe 231
+ch 232
+e t 233
+ebb 234
+erz 235
+ft 236
+ge 237
+led 238
+mst 239
+n n 240
+oek 241
+r i 242
+t o 243
+t w 244
+tel 245
+tte 246
+uur 247
+we 248
+zit 249
+ af 250
+ li 251
+ ui 252
+ak 253
+all 254
+aut 255
+doo 256
+e i 257
+ene 258
+erg 259
+ete 260
+ges 261
+hee 262
+jaa 263
+jke 264
+kee 265
+kel 266
+kom 267
+lee 268
+moe 269
+n s 270
+ort 271
+rec 272
+s o 273
+s v 274
+teg 275
+tij 276
+ven 277
+waa 278
+wel 279
+ an 280
+ au 281
+ bu 282
+ gr 283
+ pl 284
+ ti 285
+'' 286
+ade 287
+dag 288
+e l 289
+ech 290
+eel 291
+eft 292
+ger 293
+gt 294
+ig 295
+itt 296
+j d 297
+ppe 298
+rda 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/nr b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/nr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be67870
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/nr
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+oku 0
+la 1
+nga 2
+a n 3
+ ng 4
+na 5
+ama 6
+a i 7
+ko 8
+ uk 9
+ele 10
+lo 11
+ela 12
+ang 13
+a u 14
+a k 15
+uku 16
+aba 17
+ ku 18
+wa 19
+enz 20
+lel 21
+ho 22
+ni 23
+ngo 24
+ath 25
+pha 26
+eth 27
+kha 28
+ana 29
+isa 30
+nge 31
+ na 32
+o n 33
+tho 34
+e n 35
+the 36
+ha 37
+esi 38
+nye 39
+kwe 40
+tjh 41
+ kw 42
+ise 43
+ um 44
+a a 45
+ ne 46
+le 47
+hla 48
+a e 49
+lan 50
+ben 51
+ndl 52
+ no 53
+imi 54
+und 55
+ung 56
+thi 57
+nzi 58
+ye 59
+isi 60
+uth 61
+o e 62
+ebe 63
+het 64
+kut 65
+and 66
+sa 67
+elo 68
+fun 69
+eko 70
+seb 71
+ban 72
+ulu 73
+aka 74
+eli 75
+wen 76
+e i 77
+ am 78
+eni 79
+ba 80
+we 81
+nel 82
+ we 83
+kuf 84
+lwa 85
+i n 86
+ is 87
+zi 88
+ lo 89
+kwa 90
+lok 91
+elw 92
+gok 93
+ona 94
+lek 95
+hi 96
+li 97
+gan 98
+bon 99
+ ii 100
+ing 101
+ka 102
+o i 103
+akh 104
+ane 105
+thu 106
+ula 107
+kel 108
+mth 109
+ im 110
+ga 111
+ le 112
+nda 113
+fan 114
+nok 115
+i k 116
+end 117
+si 118
+o w 119
+aph 120
+hat 121
+e u 122
+ala 123
+kub 124
+lun 125
+ikh 126
+o l 127
+ezi 128
+a l 129
+o u 130
+sis 131
+nam 132
+emi 133
+ ab 134
+hul 135
+kus 136
+ wo 137
+sek 138
+azi 139
+kho 140
+iin 141
+i u 142
+asi 143
+lol 144
+ini 145
+uph 146
+uhl 147
+khu 148
+no 149
+o y 150
+ako 151
+a b 152
+i e 153
+o k 154
+i l 155
+ be 156
+mal 157
+ ye 158
+i i 159
+nde 160
+iph 161
+mel 162
+eke 163
+tha 164
+kun 165
+ngi 166
+e k 167
+eng 168
+o s 169
+ yo 170
+so 171
+ma 172
+mkh 173
+jha 174
+isw 175
+lwe 176
+ ez 177
+di 178
+a w 179
+e a 180
+kul 181
+uny 182
+ume 183
+za 184
+any 185
+ahl 186
+kuh 187
+een 188
+ si 189
+ili 190
+itj 191
+zok 192
+ihl 193
+ es 194
+ke 195
+hlo 196
+hak 197
+phe 198
+lul 199
+dle 200
+luk 201
+da 202
+eka 203
+amb 204
+ se 205
+zis 206
+mbi 207
+hon 208
+dla 209
+aku 210
+jen 211
+zin 212
+ ba 213
+ham 214
+i a 215
+ bo 216
+o a 217
+ali 218
+use 219
+ile 220
+sik 221
+han 222
+wok 223
+okh 224
+hlu 225
+nya 226
+sit 227
+ani 228
+kuz 229
+o o 230
+ufa 231
+swa 232
+ind 233
+zak 234
+nis 235
+lis 236
+gab 237
+mi 238
+ em 239
+ ko 240
+ano 241
+ el 242
+hwa 243
+ufu 244
+a y 245
+wo 246
+ in 247
+lim 248
+tlo 249
+kat 250
+wak 251
+kan 252
+thw 253
+o z 254
+ith 255
+ndi 256
+yok 257
+yo 258
+mit 259
+mis 260
+abo 261
+eku 262
+hab 263
+iny 264
+nan 265
+eze 266
+khe 267
+alo 268
+lu 269
+man 270
+he 271
+ezo 272
+kup 273
+ubu 274
+ zo 275
+gam 276
+hel 277
+wan 278
+omb 279
+amk 280
+nza 281
+ola 282
+hum 283
+kuk 284
+du 285
+ la 286
+kom 287
+i y 288
+obu 289
+i b 290
+odu 291
+okw 292
+gap 293
+ ka 294
+be 295
+ il 296
+alu 297
+atj 298
+e b 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/nso b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/nso
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf12b54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/nso
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+go 0
+ go 1
+ le 2
+ a 3
+le 4
+ di 5
+a g 6
+ya 7
+lo 8
+ ya 9
+a m 10
+ka 11
+ ka 12
+la 13
+ t 14
+o y 15
+a t 16
+a k 17
+ba 18
+et 19
+wa 20
+ mo 21
+ e 22
+a b 23
+ se 24
+ ba 25
+ ma 26
+ bo 27
+e g 28
+t a 29
+ o 30
+a l 31
+o t 32
+na 33
+o l 34
+a d 35
+elo 36
+di 37
+a s 38
+o g 39
+o k 40
+ele 41
+o a 42
+ng 43
+t e 44
+o b 45
+mo 46
+e t 47
+e m 48
+ego 49
+eo 50
+e l 51
+ngw 52
+se 53
+e b 54
+kgo 55
+ela 56
+ wa 57
+ ga 58
+e k 59
+ago 60
+o m 61
+ kg 62
+ga 63
+dit 64
+olo 65
+t h 66
+e d 67
+o d 68
+ ye 69
+ane 70
+lel 71
+we 72
+ tl 73
+thu 74
+ona 75
+ th 76
+t w 77
+hut 78
+ana 79
+tla 80
+wan 81
+aba 82
+ola 83
+ me 84
+gwa 85
+re 86
+ong 87
+t o 88
+lao 89
+e s 90
+o s 91
+a y 92
+alo 93
+set 94
+a p 95
+i a 96
+eng 97
+a a 98
+o e 99
+tho 100
+ ke 101
+gwe 102
+ ha 103
+hlo 104
+edi 105
+ la 106
+ao 107
+ ts 108
+aka 109
+hla 110
+ala 111
+swa 112
+ we 113
+ bj 114
+o o 115
+gor 116
+aga 117
+hab 118
+gob 119
+let 120
+ke 121
+dik 122
+sa 123
+ i 124
+oba 125
+ hl 126
+the 127
+dir 128
+a n 129
+ith 130
+bja 131
+ye 132
+no 133
+ sa 134
+mol 135
+lwa 136
+ti 137
+man 138
+ole 139
+e e 140
+tse 141
+o w 142
+ore 143
+to 144
+at 145
+eth 146
+e y 147
+kan 148
+tsh 149
+gon 150
+net 151
+ano 152
+kar 153
+ge 154
+ho 155
+lok 156
+ sw 157
+ na 158
+i b 159
+dip 160
+i o 161
+oka 162
+ ge 163
+ om 164
+ko 165
+emo 166
+pel 167
+nt 168
+e a 169
+mel 170
+leg 171
+tlh 172
+me 173
+ete 174
+phe 175
+a e 176
+o n 177
+o i 178
+wal 179
+oko 180
+nya 181
+bol 182
+odi 183
+weg 184
+te 185
+e n 186
+ta 187
+any 188
+yeo 189
+kga 190
+pol 191
+ang 192
+ri 193
+it 194
+uto 195
+ mm 196
+iti 197
+are 198
+o f 199
+ha 200
+gat 201
+oth 202
+ika 203
+o h 204
+ it 205
+she 206
+ath 207
+ale 208
+iri 209
+pha 210
+ahl 211
+ te 212
+ohl 213
+tha 214
+ re 215
+bon 216
+lha 217
+ ph 218
+din 219
+ pe 220
+ro 221
+mi 222
+omi 223
+i t 224
+ fa 225
+aro 226
+ase 227
+i l 228
+ne 229
+lal 230
+ogo 231
+kol 232
+ wo 233
+t i 234
+omo 235
+ be 236
+mog 237
+mok 238
+len 239
+ile 240
+lwe 241
+ma 242
+uta 243
+nse 244
+amo 245
+a o 246
+ fe 247
+okg 248
+ja 249
+pan 250
+nag 251
+ekg 252
+i i 253
+apa 254
+get 255
+lon 256
+ra 257
+aem 258
+ yo 259
+atl 260
+tlo 261
+kel 262
+tel 263
+ kh 264
+ po 265
+e o 266
+a w 267
+ent 268
+i e 269
+bo 270
+gan 271
+het 272
+mal 273
+a f 274
+otl 275
+uti 276
+oga 277
+sen 278
+kwa 279
+mae 280
+eka 281
+mme 282
+kge 283
+jal 284
+a r 285
+ing 286
+lek 287
+sep 288
+lag 289
+ofe 290
+wag 291
+g y 292
+rol 293
+epe 294
+eko 295
+bok 296
+o p 297
+adi 298
+log 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/pl b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f78e30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/pl
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ie 0
+nie 1
+em 2
+ ni 3
+ po 4
+ pr 5
+dzi 6
+ na 7
+że 8
+rze 9
+na 10
+łem 11
+wie 12
+ w 13
+ że 14
+go 15
+ by 16
+prz 17
+owa 18
+ię 19
+ do 20
+ si 21
+owi 22
+ pa 23
+ za 24
+ch 25
+ego 26
+ał 27
+się 28
+ej 29
+wał 30
+ym 31
+ani 32
+ałe 33
+to 34
+ i 35
+ to 36
+ te 37
+e p 38
+ je 39
+ z 40
+czy 41
+był 42
+pan 43
+sta 44
+kie 45
+ ja 46
+do 47
+ ch 48
+ cz 49
+ wi 50
+iał 51
+a p 52
+pow 53
+ mi 54
+li 55
+eni 56
+zie 57
+ ta 58
+ wa 59
+ło 60
+ać 61
+dy 62
+ak 63
+e w 64
+ a 65
+ od 66
+ st 67
+nia 68
+rzy 69
+ied 70
+ kt 71
+odz 72
+cie 73
+cze 74
+ia 75
+iel 76
+któ 77
+o p 78
+tór 79
+ści 80
+ sp 81
+ wy 82
+jak 83
+tak 84
+zy 85
+ mo 86
+ałę 87
+pro 88
+ski 89
+tem 90
+łęs 91
+ tr 92
+e m 93
+jes 94
+my 95
+ ro 96
+edz 97
+eli 98
+iej 99
+ rz 100
+a n 101
+ale 102
+an 103
+e s 104
+est 105
+le 106
+o s 107
+i p 108
+ki 109
+ co 110
+ada 111
+czn 112
+e t 113
+e z 114
+ent 115
+ny 116
+pre 117
+rzą 118
+y s 119
+ ko 120
+ o 121
+ach 122
+am 123
+e n 124
+o t 125
+oli 126
+pod 127
+zia 128
+ go 129
+ ka 130
+by 131
+ieg 132
+ier 133
+noś 134
+roz 135
+spo 136
+ych 137
+ząd 138
+ mn 139
+acz 140
+adz 141
+bie 142
+cho 143
+mni 144
+o n 145
+ost 146
+pra 147
+ze 148
+ła 149
+ so 150
+a m 151
+cza 152
+iem 153
+ić 154
+obi 155
+ył 156
+yło 157
+ mu 158
+ mó 159
+a t 160
+acj 161
+ci 162
+e b 163
+ich 164
+kan 165
+mi 166
+mie 167
+ośc 168
+row 169
+zen 170
+zyd 171
+ al 172
+ re 173
+a w 174
+den 175
+edy 176
+ił 177
+ko 178
+o w 179
+rac 180
+śmy 181
+ ma 182
+ ra 183
+ sz 184
+ ty 185
+e j 186
+isk 187
+ji 188
+ka 189
+m s 190
+no 191
+o z 192
+rez 193
+wa 194
+ów 195
+łow 196
+ść 197
+ ob 198
+ech 199
+ecz 200
+ezy 201
+i w 202
+ja 203
+kon 204
+mów 205
+ne 206
+ni 207
+now 208
+nym 209
+pol 210
+pot 211
+yde 212
+ dl 213
+ sy 214
+a s 215
+aki 216
+ali 217
+dla 218
+icz 219
+ku 220
+ocz 221
+st 222
+str 223
+szy 224
+trz 225
+wia 226
+y p 227
+za 228
+ wt 229
+chc 230
+esz 231
+iec 232
+im 233
+la 234
+o m 235
+sa 236
+wać 237
+y n 238
+zac 239
+zec 240
+ gd 241
+a z 242
+ard 243
+co 244
+dar 245
+e r 246
+ien 247
+m n 248
+m w 249
+mia 250
+moż 251
+raw 252
+rdz 253
+tan 254
+ted 255
+teg 256
+wił 257
+wte 258
+y z 259
+zna 260
+zło 261
+a r 262
+awi 263
+bar 264
+cji 265
+czą 266
+dow 267
+eż 268
+gdy 269
+iek 270
+je 271
+o d 272
+tał 273
+wal 274
+wsz 275
+zed 276
+ówi 277
+ęsa 278
+ ba 279
+ lu 280
+ wo 281
+aln 282
+arn 283
+ba 284
+dzo 285
+e c 286
+hod 287
+igi 288
+lig 289
+m p 290
+myś 291
+o c 292
+oni 293
+rel 294
+sku 295
+ste 296
+y w 297
+yst 298
+z w 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ps b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ps
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42a0a4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ps
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ د 0
+اؤ 1
+ اؤ 2
+نو 3
+ې د 4
+ره 5
+ په 6
+نه 7
+چې 8
+ چې 9
+په 10
+ه د 11
+ته 12
+و ا 13
+ونو 14
+و د 15
+ او 16
+انو 17
+ونه 18
+ه ک 19
+ دا 20
+ه ا 21
+دې 22
+ښې 23
+ کې 24
+ان 25
+لو 26
+هم 27
+و م 28
+کښې 29
+ه م 30
+ى ا 31
+ نو 32
+ ته 33
+ کښ 34
+رون 35
+کې 36
+ده 37
+له 38
+به 39
+رو 40
+ هم 41
+ه و 42
+وى 43
+او 44
+تون 45
+دا 46
+ کو 47
+ کړ 48
+قام 49
+ تر 50
+ران 51
+ه پ 52
+ې و 53
+ې پ 54
+ به 55
+ خو 56
+تو 57
+د د 58
+د ا 59
+ه ت 60
+و پ 61
+يا 62
+ خپ 63
+ دو 64
+ را 65
+ مش 66
+ پر 67
+ارو 68
+رې 69
+م د 70
+مشر 71
+ شو 72
+ ور 73
+ار 74
+دى 75
+ اد 76
+ دى 77
+ مو 78
+د پ 79
+لي 80
+و ک 81
+ مق 82
+ يو 83
+ؤ د 84
+خپل 85
+سره 86
+ه چ 87
+ور 88
+ تا 89
+ دې 90
+ رو 91
+ سر 92
+ مل 93
+ کا 94
+ؤ ا 95
+اره 96
+برو 97
+مه 98
+ه ب 99
+و ت 100
+پښت 101
+ با 102
+ دغ 103
+ قب 104
+ له 105
+ وا 106
+ پا 107
+ پښ 108
+د م 109
+د ه 110
+لې 111
+مات 112
+مو 113
+ه ه 114
+وي 115
+ې ب 116
+ې ک 117
+ ده 118
+ قا 119
+ال 120
+اما 121
+د ن 122
+قبر 123
+ه ن 124
+پار 125
+ اث 126
+ بي 127
+ لا 128
+ لر 129
+اثا 130
+د خ 131
+دار 132
+ريخ 133
+شرا 134
+مقا 135
+نۍ 136
+ه ر 137
+ه ل 138
+ولو 139
+يو 140
+کوم 141
+ دد 142
+ لو 143
+ مح 144
+ مر 145
+ وو 146
+اتو 147
+اري 148
+الو 149
+اند 150
+خان 151
+د ت 152
+سې 153
+لى 154
+نور 155
+و ل 156
+ي چ 157
+ړي 158
+ښتو 159
+ې ل 160
+ جو 161
+ سي 162
+ام 163
+بان 164
+تار 165
+تر 166
+ثار 167
+خو 168
+دو 169
+ر ک 170
+ل د 171
+مون 172
+ندې 173
+و ن 174
+ول 175
+وه 176
+ى و 177
+ي د 178
+ې ا 179
+ې ت 180
+ې ي 181
+ حک 182
+ خب 183
+ نه 184
+ پو 185
+ا د 186
+تې 187
+جوړ 188
+حکم 189
+حکو 190
+خبر 191
+دان 192
+ر د 193
+غه 194
+قاف 195
+محک 196
+وال 197
+ومت 198
+ويل 199
+ى د 200
+ى م 201
+يره 202
+پر 203
+کول 204
+ې ه 205
+ تي 206
+ خا 207
+ وک 208
+ يا 209
+ ځا 210
+ؤ ق 211
+انۍ 212
+بى 213
+غو 214
+ه خ 215
+و ب 216
+ودا 217
+يدو 218
+ړې 219
+کال 220
+ بر 221
+ قد 222
+ مي 223
+ وي 224
+ کر 225
+ؤ م 226
+ات 227
+ايي 228
+تى 229
+تيا 230
+تير 231
+خوا 232
+دغو 233
+دم 234
+ديم 235
+ر و 236
+قدي 237
+م خ 238
+مان 239
+مې 240
+نيو 241
+نږ 242
+ه ي 243
+و س 244
+و چ 245
+وان 246
+ورو 247
+ونږ 248
+پور 249
+ړه 250
+ړو 251
+ۍ د 252
+ې ن 253
+ اه 254
+ زي 255
+ سو 256
+ شي 257
+ هر 258
+ هغ 259
+ ښا 260
+اتل 261
+اق 262
+اني 263
+بري 264
+بې 265
+ت ا 266
+د ب 267
+د س 268
+ر م 269
+رى 270
+عرا 271
+لان 272
+مى 273
+نى 274
+و خ 275
+وئ 276
+ورک 277
+ورې 278
+ون 279
+وکړ 280
+ى چ 281
+يمه 282
+يې 283
+ښتن 284
+که 285
+کړي 286
+ې خ 287
+ے ش 288
+ تح 289
+ تو 290
+ در 291
+ دپ 292
+ صو 293
+ عر 294
+ ول 295
+ يؤ 296
+ پۀ 297
+ څو 298
+ا ا 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/pt b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/pt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3615f54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/pt
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+de 0
+ de 1
+os 2
+as 3
+que 4
+ co 5
+ão 6
+o d 7
+ qu 8
+ue 9
+ a 10
+do 11
+ent 12
+ se 13
+a d 14
+s d 15
+e a 16
+es 17
+ pr 18
+ra 19
+da 20
+ es 21
+ pa 22
+to 23
+ o 24
+em 25
+con 26
+o p 27
+ do 28
+est 29
+nte 30
+ção 31
+ da 32
+ re 33
+ma 34
+par 35
+ te 36
+ara 37
+ida 38
+ e 39
+ade 40
+is 41
+ um 42
+ po 43
+a a 44
+a p 45
+dad 46
+no 47
+te 48
+ no 49
+açã 50
+pro 51
+al 52
+com 53
+e d 54
+s a 55
+ as 56
+a c 57
+er 58
+men 59
+s e 60
+ais 61
+nto 62
+res 63
+a s 64
+ado 65
+ist 66
+s p 67
+tem 68
+e c 69
+e s 70
+ia 71
+o s 72
+o a 73
+o c 74
+e p 75
+sta 76
+ta 77
+tra 78
+ura 79
+ di 80
+ pe 81
+ar 82
+e e 83
+ser 84
+uma 85
+mos 86
+se 87
+ ca 88
+o e 89
+ na 90
+a e 91
+des 92
+ont 93
+por 94
+ in 95
+ ma 96
+ect 97
+o q 98
+ria 99
+s c 100
+ste 101
+ver 102
+cia 103
+dos 104
+ica 105
+str 106
+ ao 107
+ em 108
+das 109
+e t 110
+ito 111
+iza 112
+pre 113
+tos 114
+ nã 115
+ada 116
+não 117
+ess 118
+eve 119
+or 120
+ran 121
+s n 122
+s t 123
+tur 124
+ ac 125
+ fa 126
+a r 127
+ens 128
+eri 129
+na 130
+sso 131
+ si 132
+ é 133
+bra 134
+esp 135
+mo 136
+nos 137
+ro 138
+um 139
+a n 140
+ao 141
+ico 142
+liz 143
+min 144
+o n 145
+ons 146
+pri 147
+ten 148
+tic 149
+ões 150
+ tr 151
+a m 152
+aga 153
+e n 154
+ili 155
+ime 156
+m a 157
+nci 158
+nha 159
+nta 160
+spe 161
+tiv 162
+am 163
+ano 164
+arc 165
+ass 166
+cer 167
+e o 168
+ece 169
+emo 170
+ga 171
+o m 172
+rag 173
+so 174
+são 175
+ au 176
+ os 177
+ sa 178
+ali 179
+ca 180
+ema 181
+emp 182
+ici 183
+ido 184
+inh 185
+iss 186
+l d 187
+la 188
+lic 189
+m c 190
+mai 191
+onc 192
+pec 193
+ram 194
+s q 195
+ ci 196
+ en 197
+ fo 198
+a o 199
+ame 200
+car 201
+co 202
+der 203
+eir 204
+ho 205
+io 206
+om 207
+ora 208
+r a 209
+sen 210
+ter 211
+ br 212
+ ex 213
+a u 214
+cul 215
+dev 216
+e u 217
+ha 218
+mpr 219
+nce 220
+oca 221
+ove 222
+rio 223
+s o 224
+sa 225
+sem 226
+tes 227
+uni 228
+ven 229
+zaç 230
+çõe 231
+ ad 232
+ al 233
+ an 234
+ mi 235
+ mo 236
+ ve 237
+ à 238
+a i 239
+a q 240
+ala 241
+amo 242
+bli 243
+cen 244
+col 245
+cos 246
+cto 247
+e m 248
+e v 249
+ede 250
+gás 251
+ias 252
+ita 253
+iva 254
+ndo 255
+o t 256
+ore 257
+r d 258
+ral 259
+rea 260
+s f 261
+sid 262
+tro 263
+vel 264
+vid 265
+ás 266
+ ap 267
+ ar 268
+ ce 269
+ ou 270
+ pú 271
+ so 272
+ vi 273
+a f 274
+act 275
+arr 276
+bil 277
+cam 278
+e f 279
+e i 280
+el 281
+for 282
+lem 283
+lid 284
+lo 285
+m d 286
+mar 287
+nde 288
+o o 289
+omo 290
+ort 291
+per 292
+púb 293
+r u 294
+rei 295
+rem 296
+ros 297
+rre 298
+ssi 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/pt_BR b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/pt_BR
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79a446c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/pt_BR
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+eq 0
+ent 1
+ en 2
+q e 3
+q i 4
+g e 5
+g i 6
+ng 7
+ id 8
+ida 9
+nte 10
+te 11
+ es 12
+ in 13
+ade 14
+ag 15
+dad 16
+de 17
+ia 18
+ing 19
+ br 20
+ sa 21
+est 22
+inq 23
+lin 24
+mo 25
+nq 26
+o a 27
+seq 28
+ co 29
+ li 30
+ ni 31
+ o 32
+a a 33
+a c 34
+ado 35
+asi 36
+bra 37
+dor 38
+iq 39
+nta 40
+o b 41
+or 42
+q n 43
+ras 44
+sil 45
+str 46
+ta 47
+tre 48
+us 49
+ a 50
+ ag 51
+ an 52
+ ca 53
+ e 54
+ eq 55
+ g 56
+ i 57
+ ir 58
+ nc 59
+ q 60
+ se 61
+ ve 62
+ant 63
+ar 64
+cia 65
+con 66
+e a 67
+eir 68
+el 69
+ig 70
+ili 71
+imo 72
+io 73
+ir 74
+nci 75
+o t 76
+ro 77
+vel 78
+ ap 79
+ bo 80
+ de 81
+ fr 82
+ tr 83
+a b 84
+a e 85
+a g 86
+a v 87
+apo 88
+as 89
+bus 90
+ca 91
+cet 92
+cin 93
+des 94
+e b 95
+e s 96
+eta 97
+fre 98
+i a 99
+ibu 100
+il 101
+iro 102
+la 103
+liq 104
+nib 105
+nti 106
+o c 107
+o q 108
+os 109
+ra 110
+re 111
+req 112
+s a 113
+s s 114
+san 115
+sim 116
+tar 117
+to 118
+ult 119
+ ba 120
+ ci 121
+ el 122
+ em 123
+ fi 124
+ gr 125
+ gu 126
+ ia 127
+ mu 128
+ pe 129
+ po 130
+ re 131
+ ri 132
+ si 133
+ su 134
+ te 135
+ vi 136
+a o 137
+a s 138
+abe 139
+alc 140
+and 141
+ara 142
+arg 143
+ari 144
+ben 145
+boc 146
+car 147
+co 148
+do 149
+e f 150
+e g 151
+e l 152
+e o 153
+em 154
+emo 155
+en 156
+es 157
+esp 158
+exe 159
+fic 160
+g n 161
+g s 162
+gra 163
+gua 164
+ias 165
+ica 166
+idi 167
+ila 168
+ile 169
+inh 170
+l b 171
+l e 172
+lei 173
+loq 174
+mos 175
+mul 176
+nad 177
+nio 178
+nt 179
+nto 180
+o g 181
+o r 182
+oce 183
+ont 184
+oq 185
+pos 186
+q v 187
+r b 188
+r e 189
+r i 190
+r s 191
+rad 192
+ran 193
+rem 194
+rg 195
+ria 196
+rio 197
+s e 198
+s p 199
+sta 200
+sti 201
+tig 202
+til 203
+tra 204
+ua 205
+ue 206
+va 207
+xeq 208
+ ' 209
+ ab 210
+ ad 211
+ ae 212
+ al 213
+ am 214
+ aq 215
+ ar 216
+ b 217
+ bi 218
+ bl 219
+ bu 220
+ cc 221
+ ch 222
+ di 223
+ et 224
+ ex 225
+ fa 226
+ ic 227
+ il 228
+ im 229
+ is 230
+ it 231
+ ll 232
+ m 233
+ me 234
+ na 235
+ ne 236
+ ng 237
+ nu 238
+ ob 239
+ ou 240
+ pi 241
+ qu 242
+ ss 243
+ st 244
+ ti 245
+ ub 246
+ un 247
+ v 248
+ x 249
+' c 250
+a d 251
+a f 252
+a i 253
+a n 254
+a p 255
+a t 256
+abr 257
+aci 258
+ad 259
+ada 260
+adr 261
+aer 262
+afe 263
+alv 264
+amb 265
+amp 266
+an 267
+ana 268
+ang 269
+anh 270
+ani 271
+ano 272
+anq 273
+apa 274
+aq 275
+ati 276
+ato 277
+azi 278
+b n 279
+ban 280
+bar 281
+big 282
+bil 283
+biq 284
+bli 285
+blu 286
+bon 287
+bre 288
+bri 289
+bse 290
+buc 291
+c f 292
+c i 293
+cad 294
+caf 295
+cag 296
+cal 297
+can 298
+cc 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/pt_PT b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/pt_PT
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3c7b33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/pt_PT
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+equ 0
+ent 1
+que 2
+qui 3
+gui 4
+uen 5
+ li 6
+ngu 7
+qu 8
+uid 9
+ co 10
+ ve 11
+de 12
+gue 13
+ida 14
+nte 15
+o a 16
+a a 17
+ade 18
+dad 19
+el 20
+ing 21
+mo 22
+nqu 23
+nta 24
+seq 25
+u n 26
+vel 27
+ de 28
+ o 29
+ se 30
+a c 31
+ado 32
+ar 33
+est 34
+ia 35
+inq 36
+io 37
+iqu 38
+lin 39
+o c 40
+o p 41
+ort 42
+por 43
+ta 44
+te 45
+ ag 46
+ eq 47
+ nc 48
+ pi 49
+ po 50
+ sa 51
+a d 52
+a e 53
+ant 54
+as 55
+ca 56
+cia 57
+des 58
+do 59
+gu 60
+imo 61
+l p 62
+nci 63
+ro 64
+rtu 65
+str 66
+tug 67
+u s 68
+ues 69
+ui 70
+ a 71
+ an 72
+ ap 73
+ ba 74
+ bi 75
+ ca 76
+ fr 77
+ gu 78
+ in 79
+ pe 80
+ qu 81
+agu 82
+apa 83
+con 84
+dor 85
+e f 86
+e g 87
+eir 88
+fre 89
+ho 90
+i a 91
+ica 92
+igu 93
+iro 94
+liq 95
+nti 96
+o b 97
+o l 98
+o s 99
+or 100
+r o 101
+ra 102
+req 103
+s c 104
+sim 105
+tar 106
+to 107
+ue 108
+uin 109
+ult 110
+ ci 111
+ en 112
+ ho 113
+ mu 114
+ ni 115
+ re 116
+ s 117
+ si 118
+ su 119
+a s 120
+a v 121
+abe 122
+ag 123
+al 124
+and 125
+anh 126
+apo 127
+ata 128
+ban 129
+ben 130
+bic 131
+boi 132
+cap 133
+car 134
+cin 135
+co 136
+com 137
+cto 138
+dei 139
+e b 140
+e o 141
+e s 142
+eca 143
+en 144
+er 145
+es 146
+exe 147
+fic 148
+for 149
+gal 150
+gra 151
+ias 152
+ich 153
+ico 154
+idi 155
+ili 156
+ir 157
+ira 158
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+la 160
+lis 161
+mbo 162
+mul 163
+na 164
+nho 165
+nio 166
+nt 167
+o q 168
+o r 169
+o t 170
+oc 171
+oio 172
+omb 173
+oo 174
+os 175
+par 176
+pe 177
+r b 178
+r e 179
+r s 180
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+re 182
+rec 183
+s a 184
+s s 185
+san 186
+sbo 187
+so 188
+sta 189
+tan 190
+tra 191
+tre 192
+u v 193
+uga 194
+ugu 195
+xeq 196
+ ab 197
+ ad 198
+ al 199
+ am 200
+ aq 201
+ ar 202
+ au 203
+ b 204
+ bo 205
+ c 206
+ ch 207
+ ct 208
+ cu 209
+ el 210
+ es 211
+ ex 212
+ fa 213
+ fi 214
+ ga 215
+ gr 216
+ id 217
+ ir 218
+ ne 219
+ ng 220
+ nu 221
+ ob 222
+ oo 223
+ pa 224
+ ps 225
+ pt 226
+ r 227
+ ra 228
+ ri 229
+ ss 230
+ st 231
+ ta 232
+ te 233
+ tr 234
+ ub 235
+ un 236
+ vi 237
+ vo 238
+a f 239
+a i 240
+a l 241
+a m 242
+a o 243
+a r 244
+ach 245
+aci 246
+act 247
+ad 248
+afa 249
+age 250
+agr 251
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+alh 253
+am 254
+amb 255
+ami 256
+ana 257
+ang 258
+anq 259
+aqu 260
+ara 261
+arb 262
+arc 263
+arg 264
+ari 265
+arr 266
+asa 267
+ati 268
+aut 269
+azi 270
+b n 271
+bar 272
+bat 273
+ber 274
+big 275
+bil 276
+biq 277
+bli 278
+boa 279
+boe 280
+bor 281
+bse 282
+c i 283
+c l 284
+c p 285
+cad 286
+cam 287
+cas 288
+ch 289
+cha 290
+che 291
+chi 292
+cio 293
+coc 294
+coi 295
+cou 296
+ctr 297
+cue 298
+cul 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ro b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ro
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fb7c59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ro
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ de 0
+ în 1
+de 2
+ a 3
+ul 4
+ co 5
+în 6
+re 7
+e d 8
+ea 9
+ di 10
+ pr 11
+le 12
+şi 13
+are 14
+at 15
+con 16
+ui 17
+ şi 18
+i d 19
+ii 20
+ cu 21
+e a 22
+lui 23
+ern 24
+te 25
+cu 26
+ la 27
+a c 28
+că 29
+din 30
+e c 31
+or 32
+ulu 33
+ne 34
+ter 35
+la 36
+să 37
+tat 38
+tre 39
+ ac 40
+ să 41
+est 42
+st 43
+tă 44
+ ca 45
+ ma 46
+ pe 47
+cur 48
+ist 49
+mân 50
+a d 51
+i c 52
+nat 53
+ ce 54
+i a 55
+ia 56
+in 57
+scu 58
+ mi 59
+ato 60
+aţi 61
+ie 62
+ re 63
+ se 64
+a a 65
+int 66
+ntr 67
+tru 68
+uri 69
+ă a 70
+ fo 71
+ pa 72
+ate 73
+ini 74
+tul 75
+ent 76
+min 77
+pre 78
+pro 79
+a p 80
+e p 81
+e s 82
+ei 83
+nă 84
+par 85
+rna 86
+rul 87
+tor 88
+ in 89
+ ro 90
+ tr 91
+ un 92
+al 93
+ale 94
+art 95
+ce 96
+e e 97
+e î 98
+fos 99
+ita 100
+nte 101
+omâ 102
+ost 103
+rom 104
+ru 105
+str 106
+ver 107
+ ex 108
+ na 109
+a f 110
+lor 111
+nis 112
+rea 113
+rit 114
+ al 115
+ eu 116
+ no 117
+ace 118
+cer 119
+ile 120
+nal 121
+pri 122
+ri 123
+sta 124
+ste 125
+ţie 126
+ au 127
+ da 128
+ ju 129
+ po 130
+ar 131
+au 132
+ele 133
+ere 134
+eri 135
+ina 136
+n a 137
+n c 138
+res 139
+se 140
+t a 141
+tea 142
+ că 143
+ do 144
+ fi 145
+a s 146
+ată 147
+com 148
+e ş 149
+eur 150
+guv 151
+i s 152
+ice 153
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+na 155
+rec 156
+rep 157
+ril 158
+rne 159
+rti 160
+uro 161
+uve 162
+ă p 163
+ ar 164
+ o 165
+ su 166
+ vi 167
+dec 168
+dre 169
+oar 170
+ons 171
+pe 172
+rii 173
+ ad 174
+ ge 175
+a m 176
+a r 177
+ain 178
+ali 179
+car 180
+cat 181
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+ene 183
+ept 184
+ext 185
+ilo 186
+iu 187
+n p 188
+ori 189
+sec 190
+u p 191
+une 192
+ă c 193
+şti 194
+ţia 195
+ ch 196
+ gu 197
+ai 198
+ani 199
+cea 200
+e f 201
+isc 202
+l a 203
+lic 204
+liu 205
+mar 206
+nic 207
+nt 208
+nul 209
+ris 210
+t c 211
+t p 212
+tic 213
+tid 214
+u a 215
+ucr 216
+ as 217
+ dr 218
+ fa 219
+ nu 220
+ pu 221
+ to 222
+cra 223
+dis 224
+enţ 225
+esc 226
+gen 227
+it 228
+ivi 229
+l d 230
+n d 231
+nd 232
+nu 233
+ond 234
+pen 235
+ral 236
+riv 237
+rte 238
+sti 239
+t d 240
+ta 241
+to 242
+uni 243
+xte 244
+ând 245
+îns 246
+ă s 247
+ bl 248
+ st 249
+ uc 250
+a b 251
+a i 252
+a l 253
+air 254
+ast 255
+bla 256
+bri 257
+che 258
+duc 259
+dul 260
+e m 261
+eas 262
+edi 263
+esp 264
+i l 265
+i p 266
+ica 267
+ică 268
+ir 269
+iun 270
+jud 271
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+lul 273
+mai 274
+men 275
+ni 276
+pus 277
+put 278
+ra 279
+rai 280
+rop 281
+sil 282
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+tra 284
+u s 285
+ua 286
+ude 287
+urs 288
+ân 289
+înt 290
+ţă 291
+ lu 292
+ mo 293
+ s 294
+ sa 295
+ sc 296
+a u 297
+an 298
+atu 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ru b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ru
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5050bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ru
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ на 0
+ пр 1
+то 2
+ не 3
+ли 4
+ по 5
+но 6
+ в 7
+на 8
+ть 9
+не 10
+ и 11
+ ко 12
+ом 13
+про 14
+ то 15
+их 16
+ ка 17
+ать 18
+ото 19
+ за 20
+ие 21
+ова 22
+тел 23
+тор 24
+ де 25
+ой 26
+сти 27
+ от 28
+ах 29
+ми 30
+стр 31
+ бе 32
+ во 33
+ ра 34
+ая 35
+ват 36
+ей 37
+ет 38
+же 39
+иче 40
+ия 41
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+сто 43
+ об 44
+вер 45
+го 46
+и в 47
+и п 48
+и с 49
+ии 50
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+о в 52
+ост 53
+тра 54
+ те 55
+ели 56
+ере 57
+кот 58
+льн 59
+ник 60
+нти 61
+о с 62
+рор 63
+ств 64
+чес 65
+ бо 66
+ ве 67
+ да 68
+ ин 69
+ но 70
+ с 71
+ со 72
+ сп 73
+ ст 74
+ чт 75
+али 76
+ами 77
+вид 78
+дет 79
+е н 80
+ель 81
+еск 82
+ест 83
+зал 84
+и н 85
+ива 86
+кон 87
+ого 88
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+оль 91
+ори 92
+ров 93
+ско 94
+ся 95
+тер 96
+что 97
+ мо 98
+ са 99
+ эт 100
+ант 101
+все 102
+ерр 103
+есл 104
+иде 105
+ина 106
+ино 107
+иро 108
+ите 109
+ка 110
+ко 111
+кол 112
+ком 113
+ла 114
+ния 115
+о т 116
+оло 117
+ран 118
+ред 119
+сь 120
+тив 121
+тич 122
+ых 123
+ ви 124
+ вс 125
+ го 126
+ ма 127
+ сл 128
+ако 129
+ани 130
+аст 131
+без 132
+дел 133
+е д 134
+е п 135
+ем 136
+жно 137
+и д 138
+ика 139
+каз 140
+как 141
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+нос 143
+о н 144
+опа 145
+при 146
+рро 147
+ски 148
+ти 149
+тов 150
+ые 151
+ вы 152
+ до 153
+ ме 154
+ ни 155
+ од 156
+ ро 157
+ св 158
+ чи 159
+а н 160
+ает 161
+аза 162
+ате 163
+бес 164
+в п 165
+ва 166
+е в 167
+е м 168
+е с 169
+ез 170
+ени 171
+за 172
+зна 173
+ини 174
+кам 175
+ках 176
+кто 177
+лов 178
+мер 179
+мож 180
+нал 181
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+ны 183
+ным 184
+ора 185
+оро 186
+от 187
+пор 188
+рав 189
+рес 190
+рис 191
+рос 192
+ска 193
+т н 194
+том 195
+чит 196
+шко 197
+ бы 198
+ о 199
+ тр 200
+ уж 201
+ чу 202
+ шк 203
+а б 204
+а в 205
+а р 206
+аби 207
+ала 208
+ало 209
+аль 210
+анн 211
+ати 212
+бин 213
+вес 214
+вно 215
+во 216
+вши 217
+дал 218
+дат 219
+дно 220
+е з 221
+его 222
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+ент 225
+ете 226
+и о 227
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+ись 229
+ит 230
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+мен 235
+мы 236
+нет 237
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+нны 239
+ног 240
+ной 241
+ном 242
+о п 243
+обн 244
+ове 245
+овн 246
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+пер 248
+по 249
+пра 250
+пре 251
+раз 252
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+ры 254
+се 255
+сли 256
+сов 257
+тре 258
+тся 259
+уро 260
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+чно 262
+ь в 263
+ько 264
+ьно 265
+это 266
+ют 267
+я н 268
+ ан 269
+ ес 270
+ же 271
+ из 272
+ кт 273
+ ми 274
+ мы 275
+ пе 276
+ се 277
+ це 278
+а м 279
+а п 280
+а т 281
+авш 282
+аже 283
+ак 284
+ал 285
+але 286
+ане 287
+ачи 288
+ают 289
+бна 290
+бол 291
+бы 292
+в и 293
+в с 294
+ван 295
+гра 296
+даж 297
+ден 298
+е к 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/sk b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/sk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9db2064
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/sk
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ pr 0
+ po 1
+ ne 2
+ a 3
+ch 4
+ na 5
+ je 6
+ní 7
+je 8
+ do 9
+na 10
+ova 11
+ v 12
+to 13
+ho 14
+ou 15
+ to 16
+ick 17
+ter 18
+že 19
+ st 20
+ za 21
+ost 22
+ých 23
+ se 24
+pro 25
+ te 26
+e s 27
+ že 28
+a p 29
+ kt 30
+pre 31
+ by 32
+ o 33
+se 34
+kon 35
+ př 36
+a s 37
+né 38
+ně 39
+sti 40
+ako 41
+ist 42
+mu 43
+ame 44
+ent 45
+ky 46
+la 47
+pod 48
+ ve 49
+ ob 50
+om 51
+vat 52
+ ko 53
+sta 54
+em 55
+le 56
+a v 57
+by 58
+e p 59
+ko 60
+eri 61
+kte 62
+sa 63
+ého 64
+e v 65
+mer 66
+tel 67
+ ak 68
+ sv 69
+ zá 70
+hla 71
+las 72
+lo 73
+ ta 74
+a n 75
+ej 76
+li 77
+ne 78
+ sa 79
+ak 80
+ani 81
+ate 82
+ia 83
+sou 84
+ so 85
+ení 86
+ie 87
+ re 88
+ce 89
+e n 90
+ori 91
+tic 92
+ vy 93
+a t 94
+ké 95
+nos 96
+o s 97
+str 98
+ti 99
+uje 100
+ sp 101
+lov 102
+o p 103
+oli 104
+ová 105
+ ná 106
+ale 107
+den 108
+e o 109
+ku 110
+val 111
+ am 112
+ ro 113
+ si 114
+nie 115
+pol 116
+tra 117
+ al 118
+ali 119
+o v 120
+tor 121
+ mo 122
+ ni 123
+ci 124
+o n 125
+ím 126
+ le 127
+ pa 128
+ s 129
+al 130
+ati 131
+ero 132
+ove 133
+rov 134
+ván 135
+ích 136
+ ja 137
+ z 138
+cké 139
+e z 140
+ od 141
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+de 143
+dob 144
+nep 145
+pra 146
+ric 147
+spo 148
+tak 149
+ vš 150
+a a 151
+e t 152
+lit 153
+me 154
+nej 155
+no 156
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+o t 158
+a j 159
+e a 160
+en 161
+est 162
+jí 163
+mi 164
+slo 165
+stá 166
+u v 167
+for 168
+nou 169
+pos 170
+pře 171
+si 172
+tom 173
+ vl 174
+a z 175
+ly 176
+orm 177
+ris 178
+za 179
+zák 180
+ k 181
+at 182
+cký 183
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+dy 186
+jak 187
+kov 188
+ny 189
+res 190
+ror 191
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+ op 194
+da 195
+do 196
+e j 197
+hod 198
+len 199
+ný 200
+o z 201
+poz 202
+pri 203
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+u s 205
+ ab 206
+aj 207
+ast 208
+it 209
+kto 210
+o o 211
+oby 212
+odo 213
+u p 214
+va 215
+ání 216
+í p 217
+ým 218
+ in 219
+ mi 220
+ať 221
+dov 222
+ka 223
+nsk 224
+áln 225
+ an 226
+ bu 227
+ sl 228
+ tr 229
+e m 230
+ech 231
+edn 232
+i n 233
+kýc 234
+níc 235
+ov 236
+pří 237
+í a 238
+ aj 239
+ bo 240
+a d 241
+ide 242
+o a 243
+o d 244
+och 245
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+svo 247
+é s 248
+ kd 249
+ vo 250
+ vý 251
+bud 252
+ich 253
+il 254
+ili 255
+ni 256
+ním 257
+od 258
+osl 259
+ouh 260
+rav 261
+roz 262
+st 263
+stv 264
+tu 265
+u a 266
+vál 267
+y s 268
+í s 269
+í v 270
+ hl 271
+ li 272
+ me 273
+a m 274
+e b 275
+h s 276
+i p 277
+i s 278
+iti 279
+lád 280
+nem 281
+nov 282
+opo 283
+uhl 284
+eno 285
+ens 286
+men 287
+nes 288
+obo 289
+te 290
+ved 291
+vlá 292
+y n 293
+ ma 294
+ mu 295
+ vá 296
+bez 297
+byv 298
+cho 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/sl b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/sl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9adb377
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/sl
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+je 0
+ pr 1
+ po 2
+ je 3
+ v 4
+ za 5
+ na 6
+pre 7
+da 8
+ da 9
+ki 10
+ti 11
+ja 12
+ne 13
+ in 14
+in 15
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+no 17
+na 18
+ni 19
+ bi 20
+jo 21
+ ne 22
+nje 23
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+i p 25
+pri 26
+o p 27
+red 28
+ do 29
+anj 30
+em 31
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+ bo 33
+ ki 34
+ iz 35
+ se 36
+ so 37
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+ de 39
+e v 40
+i s 41
+ko 42
+bil 43
+ira 44
+ove 45
+ br 46
+ ob 47
+e b 48
+i n 49
+ova 50
+se 51
+za 52
+la 53
+ ja 54
+ati 55
+so 56
+ter 57
+ ta 58
+a s 59
+del 60
+e d 61
+ dr 62
+ od 63
+a n 64
+ar 65
+jal 66
+ji 67
+rit 68
+ ka 69
+ ko 70
+ pa 71
+a b 72
+ani 73
+e s 74
+er 75
+ili 76
+lov 77
+o v 78
+tov 79
+ ir 80
+ ni 81
+ vo 82
+a j 83
+bi 84
+bri 85
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+let 87
+o n 88
+tan 89
+še 90
+ le 91
+ te 92
+eni 93
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+por 97
+pro 98
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+ke 100
+oli 101
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+ri 104
+uar 105
+ve 106
+ to 107
+a i 108
+a v 109
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+di 113
+do 114
+ga 115
+le 116
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+o s 119
+oda 120
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+ ma 123
+ mo 124
+ si 125
+a p 126
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+e n 128
+ega 129
+ju 130
+ka 131
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+ta 134
+a o 135
+e t 136
+e z 137
+i d 138
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+ila 140
+lit 141
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+odo 143
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+to 145
+var 146
+ved 147
+vol 148
+ la 149
+ no 150
+ vs 151
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+dnj 156
+eda 157
+gov 158
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+jag 160
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+eja 175
+ent 176
+ev 177
+i i 178
+i o 179
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+str 184
+ ra 185
+ s 186
+ tr 187
+ še 188
+arn 189
+bo 190
+drž 191
+i j 192
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+lja 196
+nsk 197
+o d 198
+o i 199
+om 200
+ora 201
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+rža 204
+tak 205
+va 206
+ven 207
+žav 208
+ me 209
+ če 210
+ame 211
+avi 212
+e i 213
+e o 214
+eka 215
+gre 216
+i t 217
+ija 218
+il 219
+ite 220
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+lju 222
+mor 223
+nik 224
+o t 225
+obi 226
+odn 227
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+re 229
+sto 230
+stv 231
+udi 232
+v i 233
+van 234
+ am 235
+ sp 236
+ st 237
+ tu 238
+ ve 239
+ že 240
+ajo 241
+ale 242
+apo 243
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+dru 245
+e j 246
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+im 255
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+nap 258
+nek 259
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+pos 261
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+ski 263
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+tom 265
+ton 266
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+tud 268
+tve 269
+v b 270
+vil 271
+vse 272
+čit 273
+ av 274
+ gr 275
+a z 276
+ans 277
+ast 278
+avt 279
+dan 280
+e m 281
+eds 282
+for 283
+i z 284
+kot 285
+mi 286
+nim 287
+o b 288
+o o 289
+od 290
+odl 291
+oiz 292
+ot 293
+par 294
+pot 295
+rje 296
+roi 297
+tem 298
+val 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/so b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/so
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..711fb6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/so
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ka 0
+ay 1
+da 2
+ ay 3
+aal 4
+oo 5
+aan 6
+ ka 7
+an 8
+in 9
+ in 10
+ada 11
+maa 12
+aba 13
+ so 14
+ali 15
+bad 16
+add 17
+soo 18
+ na 19
+aha 20
+ku 21
+ta 22
+ wa 23
+yo 24
+a s 25
+oma 26
+yaa 27
+ ba 28
+ ku 29
+ la 30
+ oo 31
+iya 32
+sha 33
+a a 34
+dda 35
+nab 36
+nta 37
+ da 38
+ ma 39
+nka 40
+uu 41
+y i 42
+aya 43
+ha 44
+raa 45
+ dh 46
+ qa 47
+a k 48
+ala 49
+baa 50
+doo 51
+had 52
+liy 53
+oom 54
+ ha 55
+ sh 56
+a d 57
+a i 58
+a n 59
+aar 60
+ee 61
+ey 62
+y k 63
+ya 64
+ ee 65
+ iy 66
+aa 67
+aaq 68
+gaa 69
+lam 70
+ bu 71
+a b 72
+a m 73
+ad 74
+aga 75
+ama 76
+iyo 77
+la 78
+a c 79
+a l 80
+een 81
+int 82
+she 83
+wax 84
+yee 85
+ si 86
+ uu 87
+a h 88
+aas 89
+alk 90
+dha 91
+gu 92
+hee 93
+ii 94
+ira 95
+mad 96
+o a 97
+o k 98
+qay 99
+ ah 100
+ ca 101
+ wu 102
+ank 103
+ash 104
+axa 105
+eed 106
+en 107
+ga 108
+haa 109
+n a 110
+n s 111
+naa 112
+nay 113
+o d 114
+taa 115
+u b 116
+uxu 117
+wux 118
+xuu 119
+ ci 120
+ do 121
+ ho 122
+ ta 123
+a g 124
+a u 125
+ana 126
+ayo 127
+dhi 128
+iin 129
+lag 130
+lin 131
+lka 132
+o i 133
+san 134
+u s 135
+una 136
+uun 137
+ ga 138
+ xa 139
+ xu 140
+aab 141
+abt 142
+aq 143
+aqa 144
+ara 145
+arl 146
+caa 147
+cir 148
+eeg 149
+eel 150
+isa 151
+kal 152
+lah 153
+ney 154
+qaa 155
+rla 156
+sad 157
+sii 158
+u d 159
+wad 160
+ ad 161
+ ar 162
+ di 163
+ jo 164
+ ra 165
+ sa 166
+ u 167
+ yi 168
+a j 169
+a q 170
+aad 171
+aat 172
+aay 173
+ah 174
+ale 175
+amk 176
+ari 177
+as 178
+aye 179
+bus 180
+dal 181
+ddu 182
+dii 183
+du 184
+duu 185
+ed 186
+ege 187
+gey 188
+hay 189
+hii 190
+ida 191
+ine 192
+joo 193
+laa 194
+lay 195
+mar 196
+mee 197
+n b 198
+n d 199
+n m 200
+no 201
+o b 202
+o l 203
+oog 204
+oon 205
+rga 206
+sh 207
+sid 208
+u q 209
+unk 210
+ush 211
+xa 212
+y d 213
+ bi 214
+ gu 215
+ is 216
+ ke 217
+ lo 218
+ me 219
+ mu 220
+ qo 221
+ ug 222
+a e 223
+a o 224
+a w 225
+adi 226
+ado 227
+agu 228
+al 229
+ant 230
+ark 231
+asa 232
+awi 233
+bta 234
+bul 235
+d a 236
+dag 237
+dan 238
+do 239
+e s 240
+gal 241
+gay 242
+guu 243
+h e 244
+hal 245
+iga 246
+ihi 247
+iri 248
+iye 249
+ken 250
+lad 251
+lid 252
+lsh 253
+mag 254
+mun 255
+n h 256
+n i 257
+na 258
+o n 259
+o w 260
+ood 261
+oor 262
+ora 263
+qab 264
+qor 265
+rab 266
+rit 267
+rta 268
+s o 269
+sab 270
+ska 271
+to 272
+u a 273
+u h 274
+u u 275
+ud 276
+ugu 277
+uls 278
+uud 279
+waa 280
+xus 281
+y b 282
+y q 283
+y s 284
+yad 285
+yay 286
+yih 287
+ aa 288
+ bo 289
+ br 290
+ go 291
+ ji 292
+ mi 293
+ of 294
+ ti 295
+ um 296
+ wi 297
+ xo 298
+a x 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/sq b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/sq
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..106db29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/sq
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+të 0
+ të 1
+në 2
+për 3
+ pë 4
+ e 5
+sht 6
+ në 7
+ sh 8
+se 9
+et 10
+ë s 11
+ë t 12
+ se 13
+he 14
+jë 15
+ër 16
+dhe 17
+ pa 18
+ë n 19
+ë p 20
+ që 21
+ dh 22
+një 23
+ë m 24
+ nj 25
+ësh 26
+in 27
+ me 28
+që 29
+ po 30
+e n 31
+e t 32
+ish 33
+më 34
+së 35
+me 36
+htë 37
+ ka 38
+ si 39
+e k 40
+e p 41
+ i 42
+anë 43
+ar 44
+ nu 45
+und 46
+ve 47
+ ës 48
+e s 49
+ më 50
+nuk 51
+par 52
+uar 53
+uk 54
+jo 55
+rë 56
+ta 57
+ë f 58
+en 59
+it 60
+min 61
+het 62
+n e 63
+ri 64
+shq 65
+ë d 66
+ do 67
+ nd 68
+sh 69
+ën 70
+atë 71
+hqi 72
+ist 73
+ë q 74
+ gj 75
+ ng 76
+ th 77
+a n 78
+do 79
+end 80
+imi 81
+ndi 82
+r t 83
+rat 84
+ë b 85
+ëri 86
+ mu 87
+art 88
+ash 89
+qip 90
+ ko 91
+e m 92
+edh 93
+eri 94
+je 95
+ka 96
+nga 97
+si 98
+te 99
+ë k 100
+ësi 101
+ ma 102
+ ti 103
+eve 104
+hje 105
+ira 106
+mun 107
+on 108
+po 109
+re 110
+ pr 111
+im 112
+lit 113
+o t 114
+ur 115
+ë e 116
+ë v 117
+ët 118
+ ku 119
+ së 120
+e d 121
+es 122
+ga 123
+iti 124
+jet 125
+ndë 126
+oli 127
+shi 128
+tje 129
+ bë 130
+ z 131
+gje 132
+kan 133
+shk 134
+ënd 135
+ës 136
+ de 137
+ kj 138
+ ru 139
+ vi 140
+ara 141
+gov 142
+kjo 143
+or 144
+r p 145
+rto 146
+rug 147
+tet 148
+ugo 149
+ali 150
+arr 151
+at 152
+d t 153
+ht 154
+i p 155
+ipë 156
+izi 157
+jnë 158
+n n 159
+ohe 160
+shu 161
+shë 162
+t e 163
+tik 164
+a e 165
+arë 166
+etë 167
+hum 168
+nd 169
+ndr 170
+osh 171
+ova 172
+rim 173
+tos 174
+va 175
+ fa 176
+ fi 177
+a s 178
+hen 179
+i n 180
+mar 181
+ndo 182
+por 183
+ris 184
+sa 185
+sis 186
+tës 187
+umë 188
+viz 189
+zit 190
+ di 191
+ mb 192
+aj 193
+ana 194
+ata 195
+dër 196
+e a 197
+esh 198
+ime 199
+jes 200
+lar 201
+n s 202
+nte 203
+pol 204
+r n 205
+ran 206
+res 207
+rrë 208
+tar 209
+ë a 210
+ë i 211
+ at 212
+ jo 213
+ kë 214
+ re 215
+a k 216
+ai 217
+akt 218
+hë 219
+hën 220
+i i 221
+i m 222
+ia 223
+men 224
+nis 225
+shm 226
+str 227
+t k 228
+t n 229
+t s 230
+ë g 231
+ërk 232
+ëve 233
+ ai 234
+ ci 235
+ ed 236
+ ja 237
+ kr 238
+ qe 239
+ ta 240
+ ve 241
+a p 242
+cil 243
+el 244
+erë 245
+gji 246
+hte 247
+i t 248
+jen 249
+jit 250
+k d 251
+mën 252
+n t 253
+nyr 254
+ori 255
+pas 256
+ra 257
+rie 258
+rës 259
+tor 260
+uaj 261
+yre 262
+ëm 263
+ëny 264
+ ar 265
+ du 266
+ ga 267
+ je 268
+dës 269
+e e 270
+e z 271
+ha 272
+hme 273
+ika 274
+ini 275
+ite 276
+ith 277
+koh 278
+kra 279
+ku 280
+lim 281
+lis 282
+qën 283
+rën 284
+s s 285
+t d 286
+t t 287
+tir 288
+tën 289
+ver 290
+ë j 291
+ ba 292
+ in 293
+ tr 294
+ zg 295
+a a 296
+a m 297
+a t 298
+abr 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/sr b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/sr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74fd6b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/sr
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ на 0
+ је 1
+ по 2
+је 3
+ и 4
+ не 5
+ пр 6
+га 7
+ св 8
+ог 9
+а с 10
+их 11
+на 12
+кој 13
+ога 14
+ у 15
+а п 16
+не 17
+ни 18
+ти 19
+ да 20
+ом 21
+ ве 22
+ ср 23
+и с 24
+ско 25
+ об 26
+а н 27
+да 28
+е н 29
+но 30
+ног 31
+о ј 32
+ој 33
+ за 34
+ва 35
+е с 36
+и п 37
+ма 38
+ник 39
+обр 40
+ова 41
+ ко 42
+а и 43
+диј 44
+е п 45
+ка 46
+ко 47
+ког 48
+ост 49
+све 50
+ств 51
+сти 52
+тра 53
+еди 54
+има 55
+пок 56
+пра 57
+раз 58
+те 59
+ бо 60
+ ви 61
+ са 62
+аво 63
+бра 64
+гос 65
+е и 66
+ели 67
+ени 68
+за 69
+ики 70
+ио 71
+пре 72
+рав 73
+рад 74
+у с 75
+ју 76
+ња 77
+ би 78
+ до 79
+ ст 80
+аст 81
+бој 82
+ебо 83
+и н 84
+им 85
+ку 86
+лан 87
+неб 88
+ово 89
+ого 90
+осл 91
+ојш 92
+пед 93
+стр 94
+час 95
+ го 96
+ кр 97
+ мо 98
+ чл 99
+а м 100
+а о 101
+ако 102
+ача 103
+вел 104
+вет 105
+вог 106
+еда 107
+ист 108
+ити 109
+ије 110
+око 111
+сло 112
+срб 113
+чла 114
+ бе 115
+ ос 116
+ от 117
+ ре 118
+ се 119
+а в 120
+ан 121
+бог 122
+бро 123
+вен 124
+гра 125
+е о 126
+ика 127
+ија 128
+ких 129
+ком 130
+ли 131
+ну 132
+ота 133
+ојн 134
+под 135
+рбс 136
+ред 137
+рој 138
+са 139
+сни 140
+тач 141
+тва 142
+ја 143
+ји 144
+ ка 145
+ ов 146
+ тр 147
+а ј 148
+ави 149
+аз 150
+ано 151
+био 152
+вик 153
+во 154
+гов 155
+дни 156
+е ч 157
+его 158
+и о 159
+ива 160
+иво 161
+ик 162
+ине 163
+ини 164
+ипе 165
+кип 166
+лик 167
+ло 168
+наш 169
+нос 170
+о т 171
+од 172
+оди 173
+она 174
+оји 175
+поч 176
+про 177
+ра 178
+рис 179
+род 180
+рст 181
+се 182
+спо 183
+ста 184
+тић 185
+у д 186
+у н 187
+у о 188
+чин 189
+ша 190
+јед 191
+јни 192
+ће 193
+ м 194
+ ме 195
+ ни 196
+ он 197
+ па 198
+ сл 199
+ те 200
+а у 201
+ава 202
+аве 203
+авн 204
+ана 205
+ао 206
+ати 207
+аци 208
+ају 209
+ања 210
+бск 211
+вор 212
+вос 213
+вск 214
+дин 215
+е у 216
+едн 217
+ези 218
+ека 219
+ено 220
+ето 221
+ења 222
+жив 223
+и г 224
+и и 225
+и к 226
+и т 227
+ику 228
+ичк 229
+ки 230
+крс 231
+ла 232
+лав 233
+лит 234
+ме 235
+мен 236
+нац 237
+о н 238
+о п 239
+о у 240
+одн 241
+оли 242
+орн 243
+осн 244
+осп 245
+оче 246
+пск 247
+реч 248
+рпс 249
+сво 250
+ски 251
+сла 252
+срп 253
+су 254
+та 255
+тав 256
+тве 257
+у б 258
+јез 259
+ћи 260
+ ен 261
+ жи 262
+ им 263
+ му 264
+ од 265
+ су 266
+ та 267
+ хр 268
+ ча 269
+ шт 270
+ ње 271
+а д 272
+а з 273
+а к 274
+а т 275
+аду 276
+ало 277
+ани 278
+асо 279
+ван 280
+вач 281
+вањ 282
+вед 283
+ви 284
+вно 285
+вот 286
+вој 287
+ву 288
+доб 289
+дру 290
+дсе 291
+ду 292
+е б 293
+е д 294
+е м 295
+ем 296
+ема 297
+ент 298
+енц 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ss b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95c82bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ss
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+ ku 0
+ le 1
+la 2
+eku 3
+a k 4
+nga 5
+ ng 6
+a n 7
+nge 8
+a l 9
+lo 10
+ ne 11
+eti 12
+kwe 13
+ndz 14
+e n 15
+o l 16
+ lo 17
+ela 18
+ema 19
+ent 20
+si 21
+ kw 22
+tsi 23
+i l 24
+wa 25
+lel 26
+kut 27
+e k 28
+und 29
+ni 30
+elo 31
+fun 32
+esi 33
+ si 34
+ele 35
+tin 36
+tfo 37
+ ti 38
+le 39
+kha 40
+tse 41
+e l 42
+pha 43
+ung 44
+i k 45
+ em 46
+ti 47
+sa 48
+ um 49
+isa 50
+eli 51
+ndl 52
+ing 53
+set 54
+we 55
+ise 56
+na 57
+ang 58
+etf 59
+khe 60
+and 61
+o n 62
+ we 63
+nti 64
+nye 65
+tfu 66
+ben 67
+a e 68
+uts 69
+let 70
+dza 71
+imi 72
+sek 73
+ko 74
+lok 75
+eni 76
+ye 77
+ba 78
+nkh 79
+ebe 80
+alo 81
+o k 82
+lan 83
+ga 84
+aba 85
+seb 86
+ ye 87
+he 88
+lwa 89
+kel 90
+ te 91
+ la 92
+kus 93
+wem 94
+ati 95
+ikh 96
+nek 97
+ala 98
+kuf 99
+i n 100
+oku 101
+ats 102
+mts 103
+hla 104
+wen 105
+a t 106
+ na 107
+gek 108
+uhl 109
+kub 110
+ngu 111
+ka 112
+aka 113
+fut 114
+kan 115
+kwa 116
+ li 117
+kuc 118
+onk 119
+ban 120
+ana 121
+ulu 122
+ se 123
+ im 124
+akh 125
+ume 126
+a i 127
+les 128
+tim 129
+ula 130
+ini 131
+lwe 132
+za 133
+fo 134
+hul 135
+ no 136
+han 137
+li 138
+iph 139
+a s 140
+tis 141
+khu 142
+ta 143
+dzi 144
+be 145
+emi 146
+ma 147
+end 148
+o t 149
+eke 150
+a u 151
+ ka 152
+ane 153
+lek 154
+mel 155
+elw 156
+kun 157
+sis 158
+lon 159
+utf 160
+any 161
+kho 162
+kul 163
+hlo 164
+ ba 165
+ufu 166
+aph 167
+lun 168
+e s 169
+hal 170
+ind 171
+isw 172
+o s 173
+use 174
+ekw 175
+me 176
+ndv 177
+eng 178
+uph 179
+hat 180
+ne 181
+so 182
+lul 183
+nom 184
+te 185
+lol 186
+awu 187
+nel 188
+lu 189
+ha 190
+wat 191
+men 192
+ete 193
+ lw 194
+nem 195
+ako 196
+zin 197
+kuh 198
+sha 199
+bha 200
+gab 201
+ in 202
+ale 203
+mis 204
+tem 205
+e e 206
+o e 207
+e t 208
+wek 209
+dze 210
+ome 211
+wel 212
+ lu 213
+emb 214
+nis 215
+ ek 216
+tsa 217
+u l 218
+o y 219
+dle 220
+ute 221
+len 222
+swa 223
+phe 224
+mkh 225
+ntf 226
+uke 227
+sit 228
+iny 229
+e i 230
+wo 231
+ani 232
+phi 233
+wet 234
+sin 235
+nhl 236
+mal 237
+mba 238
+mfu 239
+fu 240
+lab 241
+sik 242
+taw 243
+no 244
+hle 245
+e u 246
+eki 247
+ase 248
+ali 249
+ulw 250
+ve 251
+eka 252
+zel 253
+nta 254
+bon 255
+tek 256
+bo 257
+sig 258
+ama 259
+ile 260
+ule 261
+tfw 262
+mph 263
+uma 264
+kup 265
+emt 266
+asi 267
+dlu 268
+ish 269
+umt 270
+gen 271
+o w 272
+ike 273
+iga 274
+hak 275
+abe 276
+net 277
+gan 278
+kis 279
+nde 280
+ngi 281
+ukh 282
+bek 283
+mo 284
+phu 285
+sel 286
+elu 287
+i t 288
+ant 289
+dvo 290
+a y 291
+vo 292
+hum 293
+lis 294
+dla 295
+gam 296
+ive 297
+jen 298
+ket 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/st b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/st
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ff015b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/st
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+ng 0
+ho 1
+ le 2
+le 3
+ ho 4
+ ts 5
+a m 6
+sa 7
+la 8
+ ka 9
+a h 10
+ di 11
+ya 12
+ka 13
+ ya 14
+a t 15
+eng 16
+ets 17
+ ba 18
+ mo 19
+a l 20
+ se 21
+lo 22
+ bo 23
+wa 24
+tsa 25
+a b 26
+na 27
+ba 28
+ e 29
+ a 30
+a k 31
+ ma 32
+ang 33
+tse 34
+se 35
+o t 36
+a d 37
+a s 38
+ha 39
+so 40
+o l 41
+e h 42
+o y 43
+e t 44
+tla 45
+tsh 46
+olo 47
+e l 48
+e m 49
+o b 50
+o e 51
+seb 52
+ebe 53
+ela 54
+thu 55
+ele 56
+e k 57
+ana 58
+e b 59
+ th 60
+ ha 61
+tso 62
+o a 63
+o k 64
+ wa 65
+kgo 66
+tsw 67
+tho 68
+o h 69
+ong 70
+ la 71
+hut 72
+dit 73
+ane 74
+ me 75
+a e 76
+ tl 77
+ola 78
+edi 79
+elo 80
+di 81
+ona 82
+ ke 83
+wan 84
+ o 85
+a p 86
+apa 87
+tjh 88
+hlo 89
+ sa 90
+she 91
+let 92
+aba 93
+lok 94
+lao 95
+eo 96
+a a 97
+o s 98
+man 99
+to 100
+ hl 101
+a n 102
+isa 103
+e d 104
+swe 105
+set 106
+pa 107
+ na 108
+o m 109
+g l 110
+het 111
+ kg 112
+got 113
+aha 114
+eth 115
+re 116
+e e 117
+jha 118
+phe 119
+lan 120
+otl 121
+g k 122
+lek 123
+its 124
+ekg 125
+sen 126
+ao 127
+dis 128
+g m 129
+oth 130
+e a 131
+ith 132
+hla 133
+e s 134
+ke 135
+mol 136
+pel 137
+g h 138
+hab 139
+bet 140
+san 141
+ats 142
+mo 143
+lwa 144
+we 145
+ala 146
+len 147
+nts 148
+dip 149
+kap 150
+iso 151
+ mm 152
+uto 153
+alo 154
+e n 155
+si 156
+ta 157
+o w 158
+emo 159
+swa 160
+tsi 161
+oke 162
+bed 163
+the 164
+ ph 165
+a y 166
+wen 167
+ken 168
+ena 169
+hwa 170
+ne 171
+ore 172
+atl 173
+ano 174
+hel 175
+mot 176
+bo 177
+g t 178
+i b 179
+kga 180
+hor 181
+ngo 182
+nan 183
+no 184
+o n 185
+tlh 186
+shw 187
+kel 188
+pha 189
+etj 190
+bon 191
+ell 192
+g s 193
+gol 194
+tha 195
+ale 196
+dik 197
+kol 198
+bak 199
+ nt 200
+ika 201
+o d 202
+ te 203
+ohl 204
+g y 205
+ lo 206
+ti 207
+his 208
+ile 209
+g b 210
+oko 211
+ et 212
+han 213
+a o 214
+mat 215
+oho 216
+odi 217
+lel 218
+mel 219
+din 220
+kar 221
+o o 222
+uo 223
+mon 224
+hah 225
+te 226
+me 227
+ it 228
+o f 229
+nen 230
+heb 231
+ing 232
+bol 233
+bel 234
+hle 235
+puo 236
+lal 237
+tlo 238
+hal 239
+oph 240
+eba 241
+hat 242
+heo 243
+aro 244
+bat 245
+ko 246
+ban 247
+leh 248
+o i 249
+ole 250
+tle 251
+ fe 252
+kge 253
+pan 254
+ake 255
+g e 256
+aka 257
+eko 258
+ pe 259
+rik 260
+e y 261
+mme 262
+ama 263
+lha 264
+eha 265
+ fa 266
+ebo 267
+moh 268
+mae 269
+ete 270
+aem 271
+ots 272
+ahi 273
+o p 274
+uta 275
+okg 276
+ntl 277
+pal 278
+get 279
+i l 280
+e f 281
+oka 282
+sep 283
+lat 284
+ahl 285
+bot 286
+ese 287
+lah 288
+lon 289
+akg 290
+a f 291
+ pu 292
+ase 293
+g a 294
+mor 295
+kan 296
+nah 297
+boh 298
+e p 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/sv b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/sv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e93b335
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/sv
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+en 0
+ de 1
+et 2
+er 3
+tt 4
+om 5
+för 6
+ar 7
+de 8
+att 9
+ fö 10
+ing 11
+ in 12
+ at 13
+ i 14
+det 15
+ch 16
+an 17
+gen 18
+ an 19
+t s 20
+som 21
+te 22
+ oc 23
+ter 24
+ ha 25
+lle 26
+och 27
+ sk 28
+ so 29
+ra 30
+r a 31
+ me 32
+var 33
+nde 34
+är 35
+ ko 36
+on 37
+ans 38
+int 39
+n s 40
+na 41
+ en 42
+ fr 43
+ på 44
+ st 45
+ va 46
+and 47
+nte 48
+på 49
+ska 50
+ta 51
+ vi 52
+der 53
+äll 54
+örs 55
+ om 56
+da 57
+kri 58
+ka 59
+nst 60
+ ho 61
+as 62
+stä 63
+r d 64
+t f 65
+upp 66
+ be 67
+nge 68
+r s 69
+tal 70
+täl 71
+ör 72
+ av 73
+ger 74
+ill 75
+ng 76
+e s 77
+ekt 78
+ade 79
+era 80
+ers 81
+har 82
+ll 83
+lld 84
+rin 85
+rna 86
+säk 87
+und 88
+inn 89
+lig 90
+ns 91
+ ma 92
+ pr 93
+ up 94
+age 95
+av 96
+iva 97
+kti 98
+lda 99
+orn 100
+son 101
+ts 102
+tta 103
+äkr 104
+ sj 105
+ ti 106
+avt 107
+ber 108
+els 109
+eta 110
+kol 111
+men 112
+n d 113
+t k 114
+vta 115
+år 116
+juk 117
+man 118
+n f 119
+nin 120
+r i 121
+rsä 122
+sju 123
+sso 124
+ är 125
+a s 126
+ach 127
+ag 128
+bac 129
+den 130
+ett 131
+fte 132
+hor 133
+nba 134
+oll 135
+rnb 136
+ste 137
+til 138
+ ef 139
+ si 140
+a a 141
+e h 142
+ed 143
+eft 144
+ga 145
+ig 146
+it 147
+ler 148
+med 149
+n i 150
+nd 151
+så 152
+tiv 153
+ bl 154
+ et 155
+ fi 156
+ sä 157
+at 158
+des 159
+e a 160
+gar 161
+get 162
+lan 163
+lss 164
+ost 165
+r b 166
+r e 167
+re 168
+ret 169
+sta 170
+t i 171
+ ge 172
+ he 173
+ re 174
+a f 175
+all 176
+bos 177
+ets 178
+lek 179
+let 180
+ner 181
+nna 182
+nne 183
+r f 184
+rit 185
+s s 186
+sen 187
+sto 188
+tor 189
+vav 190
+ygg 191
+ ka 192
+ så 193
+ tr 194
+ ut 195
+ad 196
+al 197
+are 198
+e o 199
+gon 200
+kom 201
+n a 202
+n h 203
+nga 204
+r h 205
+ren 206
+t d 207
+tag 208
+tar 209
+tre 210
+ätt 211
+ få 212
+ hä 213
+ se 214
+a d 215
+a i 216
+a p 217
+ale 218
+ann 219
+ara 220
+byg 221
+gt 222
+han 223
+igt 224
+kan 225
+la 226
+n o 227
+nom 228
+nsk 229
+omm 230
+r k 231
+r p 232
+r v 233
+s f 234
+s k 235
+t a 236
+t p 237
+ver 238
+ bo 239
+ br 240
+ ku 241
+ nå 242
+a b 243
+a e 244
+del 245
+ens 246
+es 247
+fin 248
+ige 249
+m s 250
+n p 251
+någ 252
+or 253
+r o 254
+rbe 255
+rs 256
+rt 257
+s a 258
+s n 259
+skr 260
+t o 261
+ten 262
+tio 263
+ven 264
+ al 265
+ ja 266
+ p 267
+ r 268
+ sa 269
+a h 270
+bet 271
+cke 272
+dra 273
+e f 274
+e i 275
+eda 276
+eno 277
+erä 278
+ess 279
+ion 280
+jag 281
+m f 282
+ne 283
+nns 284
+pro 285
+r t 286
+rar 287
+riv 288
+rät 289
+t e 290
+t t 291
+ust 292
+vad 293
+öre 294
+ ar 295
+ by 296
+ kr 297
+ mi 298
+arb 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/sw b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/sw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c01b093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/sw
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ wa 0
+wa 1
+a k 2
+a m 3
+ ku 4
+ ya 5
+a w 6
+ya 7
+ni 8
+ ma 9
+ka 10
+a u 11
+na 12
+za 13
+ia 14
+ na 15
+ika 16
+ma 17
+ali 18
+a n 19
+ am 20
+ili 21
+kwa 22
+ kw 23
+ini 24
+ ha 25
+ame 26
+ana 27
+i n 28
+ za 29
+a h 30
+ema 31
+i m 32
+i y 33
+kuw 34
+la 35
+o w 36
+a y 37
+ata 38
+sem 39
+ la 40
+ati 41
+chi 42
+i w 43
+uwa 44
+aki 45
+li 46
+eka 47
+ira 48
+ nc 49
+a s 50
+iki 51
+kat 52
+nch 53
+ ka 54
+ ki 55
+a b 56
+aji 57
+amb 58
+ra 59
+ri 60
+rik 61
+ada 62
+mat 63
+mba 64
+mes 65
+yo 66
+zi 67
+da 68
+hi 69
+i k 70
+ja 71
+kut 72
+tek 73
+wan 74
+ bi 75
+a a 76
+aka 77
+ao 78
+asi 79
+cha 80
+ese 81
+eza 82
+ke 83
+moj 84
+oja 85
+ hi 86
+a z 87
+end 88
+ha 89
+ji 90
+mu 91
+shi 92
+wat 93
+ bw 94
+ake 95
+ara 96
+bw 97
+i h 98
+imb 99
+tik 100
+wak 101
+wal 102
+ hu 103
+ mi 104
+ mk 105
+ ni 106
+ ra 107
+ um 108
+a l 109
+ate 110
+esh 111
+ina 112
+ish 113
+kim 114
+o k 115
+ ir 116
+a i 117
+ala 118
+ani 119
+aq 120
+azi 121
+hin 122
+i a 123
+idi 124
+ima 125
+ita 126
+rai 127
+raq 128
+sha 129
+ ms 130
+ se 131
+afr 132
+ama 133
+ano 134
+ea 135
+ele 136
+fri 137
+go 138
+i i 139
+ifa 140
+iwa 141
+iyo 142
+kus 143
+lia 144
+lio 145
+maj 146
+mku 147
+no 148
+tan 149
+uli 150
+uta 151
+wen 152
+ al 153
+a j 154
+aad 155
+aid 156
+ari 157
+awa 158
+ba 159
+fa 160
+nde 161
+nge 162
+nya 163
+o y 164
+u w 165
+ua 166
+umo 167
+waz 168
+ye 169
+ ut 170
+ vi 171
+a d 172
+a t 173
+aif 174
+di 175
+ere 176
+ing 177
+kin 178
+nda 179
+o n 180
+oa 181
+tai 182
+toa 183
+usa 184
+uto 185
+was 186
+yak 187
+zo 188
+ ji 189
+ mw 190
+a p 191
+aia 192
+amu 193
+ang 194
+bik 195
+bo 196
+del 197
+e w 198
+ene 199
+eng 200
+ich 201
+iri 202
+iti 203
+ito 204
+ki 205
+kir 206
+ko 207
+kuu 208
+mar 209
+mbo 210
+mil 211
+ngi 212
+ngo 213
+o l 214
+ong 215
+si 216
+ta 217
+tak 218
+u y 219
+umu 220
+usi 221
+uu 222
+wam 223
+ af 224
+ ba 225
+ li 226
+ si 227
+ zi 228
+a v 229
+ami 230
+atu 231
+awi 232
+eri 233
+fan 234
+fur 235
+ger 236
+i z 237
+isi 238
+izo 239
+lea 240
+mbi 241
+mwa 242
+nye 243
+o h 244
+o m 245
+oni 246
+rez 247
+saa 248
+ser 249
+sin 250
+tat 251
+tis 252
+tu 253
+uin 254
+uki 255
+ur 256
+wi 257
+yar 258
+ da 259
+ en 260
+ mp 261
+ ny 262
+ ta 263
+ ul 264
+ we 265
+a c 266
+a f 267
+ais 268
+apo 269
+ayo 270
+bar 271
+dhi 272
+e a 273
+eke 274
+eny 275
+eon 276
+hai 277
+han 278
+hiy 279
+hur 280
+i s 281
+imw 282
+kal 283
+kwe 284
+lak 285
+lam 286
+mak 287
+msa 288
+ne 289
+ngu 290
+ru 291
+sal 292
+swa 293
+te 294
+ti 295
+uku 296
+uma 297
+una 298
+uru 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/tl b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/tl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a98aad4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/tl
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ng 0
+ang 1
+ na 2
+ sa 3
+an 4
+nan 5
+sa 6
+na 7
+ ma 8
+ ca 9
+ay 10
+n g 11
+ an 12
+ong 13
+ ga 14
+at 15
+ pa 16
+ala 17
+ si 18
+a n 19
+ga 20
+g n 21
+g m 22
+ito 23
+g c 24
+man 25
+san 26
+g s 27
+ing 28
+to 29
+ila 30
+ina 31
+ di 32
+ ta 33
+aga 34
+iya 35
+aca 36
+g t 37
+ at 38
+aya 39
+ama 40
+lan 41
+a a 42
+qui 43
+a c 44
+a s 45
+nag 46
+ ba 47
+g i 48
+tan 49
+'t 50
+ cu 51
+aua 52
+g p 53
+ ni 54
+os 55
+'y 56
+a m 57
+ n 58
+la 59
+ la 60
+o n 61
+yan 62
+ ay 63
+usa 64
+cay 65
+on 66
+ya 67
+ it 68
+al 69
+apa 70
+ata 71
+t n 72
+uan 73
+aha 74
+asa 75
+pag 76
+ gu 77
+g l 78
+di 79
+mag 80
+aba 81
+g a 82
+ara 83
+a p 84
+in 85
+ana 86
+it 87
+si 88
+cus 89
+g b 90
+uin 91
+a t 92
+as 93
+n n 94
+hin 95
+ hi 96
+a't 97
+ali 98
+ bu 99
+gan 100
+uma 101
+a d 102
+agc 103
+aqu 104
+g d 105
+ tu 106
+aon 107
+ari 108
+cas 109
+i n 110
+niy 111
+pin 112
+a i 113
+gca 114
+siy 115
+a'y 116
+yao 117
+ag 118
+ca 119
+han 120
+ili 121
+pan 122
+sin 123
+ual 124
+n s 125
+nam 126
+ lu 127
+can 128
+dit 129
+gui 130
+y n 131
+gal 132
+hat 133
+nal 134
+ is 135
+bag 136
+fra 137
+ fr 138
+ su 139
+a l 140
+ co 141
+ani 142
+ bi 143
+ da 144
+alo 145
+isa 146
+ita 147
+may 148
+o s 149
+sil 150
+una 151
+ in 152
+ pi 153
+l n 154
+nil 155
+o a 156
+pat 157
+sac 158
+t s 159
+ ua 160
+agu 161
+ail 162
+bin 163
+dal 164
+g h 165
+ndi 166
+oon 167
+ua 168
+ ha 169
+ind 170
+ran 171
+s n 172
+tin 173
+ulo 174
+eng 175
+g f 176
+ini 177
+lah 178
+lo 179
+rai 180
+rin 181
+ton 182
+g u 183
+inu 184
+lon 185
+o'y 186
+t a 187
+ ar 188
+a b 189
+ad 190
+bay 191
+cal 192
+gya 193
+ile 194
+mat 195
+n a 196
+pau 197
+ra 198
+tay 199
+y m 200
+ant 201
+ban 202
+i m 203
+nas 204
+nay 205
+no 206
+sti 207
+ ti 208
+ags 209
+g g 210
+ta 211
+uit 212
+uno 213
+ ib 214
+ ya 215
+a u 216
+abi 217
+ati 218
+cap 219
+ig 220
+is 221
+la' 222
+ do 223
+ pu 224
+api 225
+ayo 226
+gos 227
+gul 228
+lal 229
+tag 230
+til 231
+tun 232
+y c 233
+y s 234
+yon 235
+ano 236
+bur 237
+iba 238
+isi 239
+lam 240
+nac 241
+nat 242
+ni 243
+nto 244
+od 245
+pa 246
+rgo 247
+urg 248
+ m 249
+adr 250
+ast 251
+cag 252
+gay 253
+gsi 254
+i p 255
+ino 256
+len 257
+lin 258
+m g 259
+mar 260
+nah 261
+to' 262
+ de 263
+a h 264
+cat 265
+cau 266
+con 267
+iqu 268
+lac 269
+mab 270
+min 271
+og 272
+par 273
+sal 274
+ za 275
+ao 276
+doo 277
+ipi 278
+nod 279
+nte 280
+uha 281
+ula 282
+ re 283
+ill 284
+lit 285
+mac 286
+nit 287
+o't 288
+or 289
+ora 290
+sum 291
+y p 292
+ al 293
+ mi 294
+ um 295
+aco 296
+ada 297
+agd 298
+cab 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/tlh b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/tlh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5b1a36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/tlh
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+tlh 0
+e' 1
+gh 2
+i' 3
+ 'e 4
+u' 5
+ vi 6
+atl 7
+a' 8
+ gh 9
+ej 10
+ ho 11
+ ch 12
+ mu 13
+ tl 14
+nga 15
+mey 16
+wi' 17
+be' 18
+an 19
+ch 20
+gan 21
+chu 22
+lh 23
+ing 24
+'e' 25
+hin 26
+jat 27
+lhi 28
+ da 29
+ ja 30
+o' 31
+ugh 32
+aq 33
+cha 34
+ po 35
+ey 36
+ 'a 37
+ je 38
+'ej 39
+ pa 40
+ng 41
+ad 42
+ qa 43
+oh 44
+eh 45
+ah 46
+gha 47
+je 48
+ lu 49
+hol 50
+aw' 51
+ ji 52
+ong 53
+pu' 54
+aj 55
+vad 56
+w' 57
+' j 58
+ha' 59
+is 60
+tah 61
+' ' 62
+ang 63
+h ' 64
+pon 65
+am 66
+law 67
+mo' 68
+qu' 69
+hbe 70
+ol 71
+vam 72
+agh 73
+mu' 74
+ahv 75
+bej 76
+ogh 77
+uch 78
+' v 79
+ach 80
+hug 81
+ lo 82
+ qu 83
+cho 84
+hva 85
+ij 86
+ la 87
+lu' 88
+vis 89
+ ne 90
+ pu 91
+ so 92
+ ta 93
+ va 94
+'ac 95
+di' 96
+hu' 97
+lah 98
+moh 99
+ 'o 100
+' m 101
+daq 102
+hah 103
+n h 104
+neh 105
+u'm 106
+ay' 107
+gho 108
+h v 109
+meh 110
+oy 111
+ ma 112
+ nu 113
+'me 114
+el 115
+ ba 116
+ be 117
+ de 118
+ ng 119
+' t 120
+h d 121
+hvi 122
+oq 123
+ wa 124
+' l 125
+'wi 126
+hme 127
+li' 128
+uq 129
+ bo 130
+bog 131
+del 132
+h p 133
+h t 134
+ich 135
+vil 136
+ qe 137
+ wi 138
+ahb 139
+ban 140
+eng 141
+haq 142
+hoh 143
+ov 144
+viq 145
+ ha 146
+ ti 147
+' n 148
+' p 149
+'a' 150
+hwi 151
+igh 152
+lo' 153
+y' 154
+ du 155
+ no 156
+ yu 157
+'mo 158
+'va 159
+daj 160
+das 161
+egh 162
+hom 163
+muc 164
+om 165
+otl 166
+us 167
+ bi 168
+ tu 169
+' h 170
+chm 171
+h q 172
+hov 173
+nis 174
+qar 175
+uj 176
+' q 177
+'ch 178
+h m 179
+hmo 180
+jih 181
+par 182
+wij 183
+ hu 184
+' d 185
+'a 186
+etl 187
+h g 188
+h j 189
+h l 190
+lod 191
+maq 192
+och 193
+wa' 194
+yuq 195
+ di 196
+ le 197
+ pe 198
+ ya 199
+'di 200
+che 201
+ech 202
+ih 203
+ija 204
+in 205
+j ' 206
+j m 207
+lhw 208
+pa' 209
+ 'i 210
+ mi 211
+ qi 212
+ ro 213
+ ru 214
+'be 215
+anp 216
+ghi 217
+ghu 218
+h b 219
+hay 220
+hch 221
+iq 222
+npu 223
+od 224
+paq 225
+qay 226
+rda 227
+soh 228
+ do 229
+ me 230
+ qo 231
+ sa 232
+' c 233
+' g 234
+' s 235
+'lu 236
+aml 237
+ard 238
+as 239
+d p 240
+gme 241
+h n 242
+hta 243
+i'v 244
+j j 245
+jij 246
+len 247
+ngm 248
+qan 249
+qme 250
+vaj 251
+wiv 252
+ mo 253
+ ni 254
+'la 255
+'pu 256
+'qu 257
+ar 258
+arm 259
+dwi 260
+g p 261
+ghd 262
+h c 263
+ham 264
+hla 265
+hqu 266
+ilo 267
+iqa 268
+iqi 269
+j p 270
+j t 271
+j v 272
+lad 273
+lho 274
+mar 275
+mug 276
+pus 277
+q s 278
+q t 279
+rgh 280
+rma 281
+sov 282
+ta' 283
+tin 284
+tu' 285
+u'd 286
+vet 287
+yli 288
+yu' 289
+ to 290
+'oh 291
+aqq 292
+art 293
+at 294
+ayl 295
+ayt 296
+et 297
+haj 298
+har 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/tn b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/tn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..338e4ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/tn
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+ di 0
+ le 1
+go 2
+le 3
+ go 4
+ng 5
+ ts 6
+ya 7
+ ya 8
+sa 9
+tlh 10
+ mo 11
+ bo 12
+a m 13
+lo 14
+tsa 15
+ e 16
+o t 17
+a b 18
+wa 19
+ ka 20
+a k 21
+a t 22
+ka 23
+a g 24
+eng 25
+olo 26
+o y 27
+la 28
+ a 29
+a d 30
+ets 31
+mo 32
+se 33
+ tl 34
+ ba 35
+tsh 36
+ ma 37
+ba 38
+a l 39
+tse 40
+so 41
+na 42
+elo 43
+ se 44
+ele 45
+e d 46
+o l 47
+lho 48
+e t 49
+di 50
+e g 51
+ kg 52
+dit 53
+kgo 54
+o k 55
+ang 56
+lha 57
+e m 58
+e e 59
+we 60
+ane 61
+o m 62
+e k 63
+e l 64
+ong 65
+set 66
+wan 67
+ela 68
+tso 69
+tla 70
+o d 71
+e b 72
+ola 73
+ngw 74
+gwe 75
+o b 76
+aba 77
+atl 78
+a p 79
+ o 80
+a a 81
+o a 82
+otl 83
+a s 84
+o e 85
+dir 86
+thu 87
+ga 88
+ ga 89
+shw 90
+ots 91
+aka 92
+hab 93
+hwa 94
+aga 95
+o g 96
+gan 97
+tsw 98
+ana 99
+mol 100
+ ke 101
+hut 102
+ me 103
+ona 104
+lel 105
+its 106
+lao 107
+kga 108
+dik 109
+got 110
+ fa 111
+let 112
+ wa 113
+ose 114
+no 115
+t h 116
+swe 117
+edi 118
+ats 119
+a n 120
+e s 121
+oko 122
+oth 123
+kwa 124
+kar 125
+ th 126
+a e 127
+ala 128
+tir 129
+o n 130
+dip 131
+isa 132
+gat 133
+ti 134
+ano 135
+bot 136
+ nn 137
+ ha 138
+len 139
+alo 140
+any 141
+aro 142
+iti 143
+iri 144
+o s 145
+sen 146
+net 147
+ke 148
+ho 149
+mai 150
+ika 151
+eka 152
+to 153
+ith 154
+re 155
+g m 156
+hat 157
+bo 158
+g l 159
+et 160
+emo 161
+ama 162
+iso 163
+rol 164
+fa 165
+iwa 166
+kan 167
+she 168
+si 169
+ao 170
+g k 171
+wen 172
+lol 173
+o o 174
+bos 175
+itl 176
+a y 177
+the 178
+lwa 179
+e n 180
+ la 181
+ore 182
+ mm 183
+ko 184
+tha 185
+e a 186
+eo 187
+lhe 188
+bol 189
+ha 190
+ po 191
+isi 192
+i b 193
+lan 194
+ na 195
+i t 196
+ale 197
+ne 198
+gon 199
+ris 200
+ira 201
+bon 202
+ sa 203
+g y 204
+g g 205
+pha 206
+oga 207
+mel 208
+ro 209
+gol 210
+o w 211
+ kw 212
+i l 213
+ ti 214
+tlo 215
+log 216
+por 217
+ ja 218
+a f 219
+ ne 220
+hok 221
+lot 222
+ pu 223
+e y 224
+uto 225
+g t 226
+hom 227
+okg 228
+ ko 229
+o f 230
+ame 231
+gor 232
+ta 233
+ pe 234
+nts 235
+ kh 236
+tho 237
+gel 238
+adi 239
+are 240
+ete 241
+ase 242
+mon 243
+heo 244
+oro 245
+omo 246
+nen 247
+nel 248
+ile 249
+nng 250
+ntl 251
+abo 252
+ogo 253
+ara 254
+nse 255
+ego 256
+hel 257
+uo 258
+mog 259
+san 260
+ula 261
+rag 262
+kol 263
+te 264
+etl 265
+bat 266
+ te 267
+puo 268
+amo 269
+ofe 270
+lat 271
+ati 272
+ole 273
+rab 274
+tsi 275
+iro 276
+man 277
+ael 278
+ega 279
+lwe 280
+ra 281
+din 282
+tle 283
+sek 284
+ing 285
+yo 286
+a o 287
+ re 288
+aot 289
+uso 290
+o r 291
+ere 292
+jwa 293
+aem 294
+lam 295
+lek 296
+ jw 297
+gwa 298
+mok 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/tr b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/tr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e9ae5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/tr
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+lar 0
+en 1
+ler 2
+an 3
+in 4
+ bi 5
+ ya 6
+eri 7
+de 8
+ ka 9
+ir 10
+arı 11
+ ba 12
+ de 13
+ ha 14
+ın 15
+ara 16
+bir 17
+ ve 18
+ sa 19
+ile 20
+le 21
+nde 22
+da 23
+ bu 24
+ana 25
+ini 26
+ını 27
+er 28
+ve 29
+ yı 30
+lma 31
+yıl 32
+ ol 33
+ar 34
+n b 35
+nda 36
+aya 37
+li 38
+ası 39
+ ge 40
+ind 41
+n k 42
+esi 43
+lan 44
+nla 45
+ak 46
+anı 47
+eni 48
+ni 49
+nı 50
+rın 51
+san 52
+ ko 53
+ ye 54
+maz 55
+baş 56
+ili 57
+rin 58
+alı 59
+az 60
+hal 61
+ınd 62
+ da 63
+ gü 64
+ele 65
+ılm 66
+ığı 67
+eki 68
+gün 69
+i b 70
+içi 71
+den 72
+kar 73
+si 74
+ il 75
+e y 76
+na 77
+yor 78
+ek 79
+n s 80
+ iç 81
+bu 82
+e b 83
+im 84
+ki 85
+len 86
+ri 87
+sın 88
+ so 89
+ün 90
+ ta 91
+nin 92
+iği 93
+tan 94
+yan 95
+ si 96
+nat 97
+nın 98
+kan 99
+rı 100
+çin 101
+ğı 102
+eli 103
+n a 104
+ır 105
+ an 106
+ine 107
+n y 108
+ola 109
+ ar 110
+al 111
+e s 112
+lik 113
+n d 114
+sin 115
+ al 116
+ dü 117
+anl 118
+ne 119
+ya 120
+ım 121
+ına 122
+ be 123
+ada 124
+ala 125
+ama 126
+ilm 127
+or 128
+sı 129
+yen 130
+ me 131
+atı 132
+di 133
+eti 134
+ken 135
+la 136
+lı 137
+oru 138
+ gö 139
+ in 140
+and 141
+e d 142
+men 143
+un 144
+öne 145
+a d 146
+at 147
+e a 148
+e g 149
+yar 150
+ ku 151
+ayı 152
+dan 153
+edi 154
+iri 155
+ünü 156
+ği 157
+ılı 158
+eme 159
+eği 160
+i k 161
+i y 162
+ıla 163
+ ça 164
+a y 165
+alk 166
+dı 167
+ede 168
+el 169
+ndı 170
+ra 171
+üne 172
+ sü 173
+dır 174
+e k 175
+ere 176
+ik 177
+imi 178
+işi 179
+mas 180
+n h 181
+sür 182
+yle 183
+ ad 184
+ fi 185
+ gi 186
+ se 187
+a k 188
+arl 189
+aşı 190
+iyo 191
+kla 192
+lığ 193
+nem 194
+ney 195
+rme 196
+ste 197
+tı 198
+unl 199
+ver 200
+ sı 201
+ te 202
+ to 203
+a s 204
+aşk 205
+ekl 206
+end 207
+kal 208
+liğ 209
+min 210
+tır 211
+ulu 212
+unu 213
+yap 214
+ye 215
+ı i 216
+şka 217
+ştı 218
+ bü 219
+ ke 220
+ ki 221
+ard 222
+art 223
+aşa 224
+n i 225
+ndi 226
+ti 227
+top 228
+ı b 229
+ va 230
+ ön 231
+aki 232
+cak 233
+ey 234
+fil 235
+isi 236
+kle 237
+kur 238
+man 239
+nce 240
+nle 241
+nun 242
+rak 243
+ık 244
+ en 245
+ yo 246
+a g 247
+lis 248
+mak 249
+n g 250
+tir 251
+yas 252
+ iş 253
+ yö 254
+ale 255
+bil 256
+bul 257
+et 258
+i d 259
+iye 260
+kil 261
+ma 262
+n e 263
+n t 264
+nu 265
+olu 266
+rla 267
+te 268
+yön 269
+çık 270
+ ay 271
+ mü 272
+ ço 273
+ çı 274
+a a 275
+a b 276
+ata 277
+der 278
+gel 279
+i g 280
+i i 281
+ill 282
+ist 283
+ldı 284
+lu 285
+mek 286
+mle 287
+n ç 288
+onu 289
+opl 290
+ran 291
+rat 292
+rdı 293
+rke 294
+siy 295
+son 296
+ta 297
+tçı 298
+tın 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ts b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14d2ca3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ts
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+ ku 0
+ku 1
+na 2
+ka 3
+wa 4
+a n 5
+ sw 6
+a m 7
+ya 8
+a k 9
+ ti 10
+swi 11
+hi 12
+la 13
+ ya 14
+ le 15
+ hi 16
+a t 17
+a v 18
+ va 19
+ni 20
+ na 21
+ndz 22
+ ma 23
+a h 24
+ xi 25
+a s 26
+i n 27
+ele 28
+i k 29
+ana 30
+a l 31
+nga 32
+lo 33
+va 34
+le 35
+aka 36
+ela 37
+irh 38
+eka 39
+ vu 40
+iwa 41
+a x 42
+ ka 43
+yi 44
+ wa 45
+isa 46
+sa 47
+ko 48
+ta 49
+ga 50
+wu 51
+wi 52
+tir 53
+ ek 54
+ mi 55
+ ni 56
+o y 57
+elo 58
+awu 59
+isi 60
+swa 61
+i t 62
+hla 63
+a e 64
+ ta 65
+ ng 66
+ la 67
+a y 68
+ri 69
+eri 70
+ ri 71
+rhi 72
+eke 73
+umb 74
+u t 75
+ndl 76
+ yi 77
+lan 78
+i v 79
+esw 80
+mbe 81
+i l 82
+a r 83
+e k 84
+ang 85
+les 86
+ula 87
+ti 88
+yon 89
+o w 90
+ona 91
+law 92
+xa 93
+nel 94
+yo 95
+lel 96
+iko 97
+ lo 98
+amb 99
+ a 100
+i y 101
+ xa 102
+ane 103
+wan 104
+i s 105
+ond 106
+fan 107
+end 108
+i h 109
+o l 110
+u k 111
+mbi 112
+n'w 113
+ke 114
+dyo 115
+ fa 116
+lam 117
+nhl 118
+o s 119
+ong 120
+no 121
+ ko 122
+u n 123
+ ha 124
+ho 125
+oko 126
+u h 127
+i m 128
+o n 129
+ yo 130
+ngu 131
+o k 132
+u y 133
+ati 134
+u l 135
+van 136
+ulu 137
+and 138
+mba 139
+kum 140
+u v 141
+wo 142
+be 143
+ha 144
+riw 145
+dza 146
+si 147
+ en 148
+o h 149
+ hl 150
+o t 151
+eyi 152
+ nt 153
+ila 154
+lok 155
+dzi 156
+nge 157
+ mu 158
+ala 159
+to 160
+a w 161
+ by 162
+arh 163
+aku 164
+tsa 165
+wak 166
+rho 167
+'wa 168
+ nd 169
+min 170
+lav 171
+tim 172
+ley 173
+tik 174
+dle 175
+tin 176
+mat 177
+ler 178
+let 179
+sel 180
+his 181
+mel 182
+lu 183
+ika 184
+a a 185
+ngo 186
+eng 187
+o x 188
+ nk 189
+amu 190
+siw 191
+ani 192
+eni 193
+ma 194
+ nh 195
+mi 196
+swo 197
+eti 198
+tan 199
+mo 200
+ham 201
+iwe 202
+ kh 203
+han 204
+lek 205
+nti 206
+ung 207
+hak 208
+dzo 209
+ete 210
+ ts 211
+ava 212
+hu 213
+fum 214
+kar 215
+vul 216
+ wu 217
+kul 218
+und 219
+i x 220
+nhu 221
+yis 222
+xik 223
+bis 224
+xi 225
+e y 226
+ra 227
+hle 228
+ hu 229
+wek 230
+ano 231
+yen 232
+a d 233
+sis 234
+olo 235
+pfu 236
+i w 237
+nyi 238
+e n 239
+so 240
+ki 241
+fun 242
+iso 243
+tsh 244
+kon 245
+nku 246
+hel 247
+i b 248
+e h 249
+ari 250
+imi 251
+i e 252
+ind 253
+vum 254
+nts 255
+ime 256
+kom 257
+mfu 258
+ise 259
+ mf 260
+hin 261
+dla 262
+vut 263
+gan 264
+i r 265
+ban 266
+bya 267
+mil 268
+int 269
+ats 270
+ dy 271
+u s 272
+e x 273
+ile 274
+kel 275
+kwa 276
+ no 277
+i f 278
+asi 279
+za 280
+uri 281
+o m 282
+rha 283
+e l 284
+in' 285
+eta 286
+von 287
+i a 288
+kho 289
+ wo 290
+iki 291
+ ra 292
+u e 293
+o e 294
+zo 295
+yin 296
+ink 297
+any 298
+ket 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/uk b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/uk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bf31f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/uk
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ на 0
+ за 1
+ння 2
+ня 3
+на 4
+ пр 5
+ого 6
+го 7
+ськ 8
+ по 9
+ у 10
+від 11
+ере 12
+ мі 13
+ не 14
+их 15
+ть 16
+пер 17
+ ві 18
+ів 19
+ пе 20
+ що 21
+льн 22
+ми 23
+ні 24
+не 25
+ти 26
+ати 27
+енн 28
+міс 29
+пра 30
+ува 31
+ник 32
+про 33
+рав 34
+івн 35
+ та 36
+буд 37
+влі 38
+рів 39
+ ко 40
+ рі 41
+аль 42
+но 43
+ому 44
+що 45
+ ви 46
+му 47
+рев 48
+ся 49
+інн 50
+ до 51
+ уп 52
+авл 53
+анн 54
+ком 55
+ли 56
+лін 57
+ног 58
+упр 59
+ бу 60
+ з 61
+ ро 62
+за 63
+и н 64
+нов 65
+оро 66
+ост 67
+ста 68
+ті 69
+ють 70
+ мо 71
+ ні 72
+ як 73
+бор 74
+ва 75
+ван 76
+ень 77
+и п 78
+нь 79
+ові 80
+рон 81
+сті 82
+та 83
+у в 84
+ько 85
+іст 86
+ в 87
+ ре 88
+до 89
+е п 90
+заб 91
+ий 92
+нсь 93
+о в 94
+о п 95
+при 96
+і п 97
+ ку 98
+ пі 99
+ сп 100
+а п 101
+або 102
+анс 103
+аці 104
+ват 105
+вни 106
+и в 107
+ими 108
+ка 109
+нен 110
+ніч 111
+она 112
+ої 113
+пов 114
+ьки 115
+ьно 116
+ізн 117
+ічн 118
+ ав 119
+ ма 120
+ ор 121
+ су 122
+ чи 123
+ ін 124
+а з 125
+ам 126
+ає 127
+вне 128
+вто 129
+дом 130
+ент 131
+жит 132
+зни 133
+им 134
+итл 135
+ла 136
+них 137
+ниц 138
+ова 139
+ови 140
+ом 141
+пор 142
+тьс 143
+у р 144
+ься 145
+ідо 146
+іль 147
+ісь 148
+ ва 149
+ ді 150
+ жи 151
+ че 152
+ і 153
+а в 154
+а н 155
+али 156
+вез 157
+вно 158
+еве 159
+езе 160
+зен 161
+ицт 162
+ки 163
+ких 164
+кон 165
+ку 166
+лас 167
+ля 168
+мож 169
+нач 170
+ним 171
+ної 172
+о б 173
+ову 174
+оди 175
+ою 176
+ро 177
+рок 178
+сно 179
+спо 180
+так 181
+тва 182
+ту 183
+у п 184
+цтв 185
+ьни 186
+я з 187
+і м 188
+ії 189
+ вс 190
+ гр 191
+ де 192
+ но 193
+ па 194
+ се 195
+ ук 196
+ їх 197
+а о 198
+авт 199
+аст 200
+ают 201
+вар 202
+ден 203
+ди 204
+ду 205
+зна 206
+и з 207
+ико 208
+ися 209
+ити 210
+ког 211
+мен 212
+ном 213
+ну 214
+о н 215
+о с 216
+обу 217
+ово 218
+пла 219
+ран 220
+рив 221
+роб 222
+ска 223
+тан 224
+тим 225
+тис 226
+то 227
+тра 228
+удо 229
+чин 230
+чни 231
+і в 232
+ію 233
+ а 234
+ во 235
+ да 236
+ кв 237
+ ме 238
+ об 239
+ ск 240
+ ти 241
+ фі 242
+ є 243
+а р 244
+а с 245
+а у 246
+ак 247
+ані 248
+арт 249
+асн 250
+в у 251
+вик 252
+віз 253
+дов 254
+дпо 255
+дів 256
+еві 257
+енс 258
+же 259
+и м 260
+и с 261
+ика 262
+ичн 263
+кі 264
+ків 265
+між 266
+нан 267
+нос 268
+о у 269
+обл 270
+одн 271
+ок 272
+оло 273
+отр 274
+рен 275
+рим 276
+роз 277
+сь 278
+сі 279
+тла 280
+тів 281
+у з 282
+уго 283
+уді 284
+чи 285
+ше 286
+я н 287
+я у 288
+ідп 289
+ій 290
+іна 291
+ія 292
+ ка 293
+ ни 294
+ ос 295
+ си 296
+ то 297
+ тр 298
+ уг 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ur b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ur
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..906af4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ur
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+یں 0
+ کی 1
+کے 2
+ کے 3
+نے 4
+ کہ 5
+ے ک 6
+کی 7
+میں 8
+ می 9
+ہے 10
+وں 11
+کہ 12
+ ہے 13
+ان 14
+ہیں 15
+ور 16
+ کو 17
+یا 18
+ ان 19
+ نے 20
+سے 21
+ سے 22
+ کر 23
+ستا 24
+ او 25
+اور 26
+تان 27
+ر ک 28
+ی ک 29
+ اس 30
+ے ا 31
+ پا 32
+ ہو 33
+ پر 34
+رف 35
+ کا 36
+ا ک 37
+ی ا 38
+ ہی 39
+در 40
+کو 41
+ ای 42
+ں ک 43
+ مش 44
+ مل 45
+ات 46
+صدر 47
+اکس 48
+شرف 49
+مشر 50
+پاک 51
+کست 52
+ی م 53
+ دی 54
+ صد 55
+ یہ 56
+ا ہ 57
+ن ک 58
+وال 59
+یہ 60
+ے و 61
+ بھ 62
+ دو 63
+اس 64
+ر ا 65
+نہی 66
+کا 67
+ے س 68
+ئی 69
+ہ ا 70
+یت 71
+ے ہ 72
+ت ک 73
+ سا 74
+لے 75
+ہا 76
+ے ب 77
+ وا 78
+ار 79
+نی 80
+کہا 81
+ی ہ 82
+ے م 83
+ سی 84
+ لی 85
+انہ 86
+انی 87
+ر م 88
+ر پ 89
+ریت 90
+ن م 91
+ھا 92
+یر 93
+ جا 94
+ جن 95
+ئے 96
+پر 97
+ں ن 98
+ہ ک 99
+ی و 100
+ے د 101
+ تو 102
+ تھ 103
+ گی 104
+ایک 105
+ل ک 106
+نا 107
+کر 108
+ں م 109
+یک 110
+ با 111
+ا ت 112
+دی 113
+ن س 114
+کیا 115
+یوں 116
+ے ج 117
+ال 118
+تو 119
+ں ا 120
+ے پ 121
+ چا 122
+ام 123
+بھی 124
+تی 125
+تے 126
+دوس 127
+س ک 128
+ملک 129
+ن ا 130
+ہور 131
+یے 132
+ مو 133
+ وک 134
+ائی 135
+ارت 136
+الے 137
+بھا 138
+ردی 139
+ری 140
+وہ 141
+ویز 142
+ں د 143
+ھی 144
+ی س 145
+ رہ 146
+ من 147
+ نہ 148
+ ور 149
+ وہ 150
+ ہن 151
+ا ا 152
+است 153
+ت ا 154
+ت پ 155
+د ک 156
+ز م 157
+ند 158
+ورد 159
+وکل 160
+گی 161
+گیا 162
+ہ پ 163
+یز 164
+ے ت 165
+ اع 166
+ اپ 167
+ جس 168
+ جم 169
+ جو 170
+ سر 171
+اپن 172
+اکث 173
+تھا 174
+ثری 175
+دیا 176
+ر د 177
+رت 178
+روی 179
+سی 180
+ملا 181
+ندو 182
+وست 183
+پرو 184
+چاہ 185
+کثر 186
+کلا 187
+ہ ہ 188
+ہند 189
+ہو 190
+ے ل 191
+ اک 192
+ دا 193
+ سن 194
+ وز 195
+ پی 196
+ا چ 197
+اء 198
+اتھ 199
+اقا 200
+اہ 201
+تھ 202
+دو 203
+ر ب 204
+روا 205
+رے 206
+سات 207
+ف ک 208
+قات 209
+لا 210
+لاء 211
+م م 212
+م ک 213
+من 214
+نوں 215
+و ا 216
+کرن 217
+ں ہ 218
+ھار 219
+ہوئ 220
+ہی 221
+یش 222
+ ام 223
+ لا 224
+ مس 225
+ پو 226
+ پہ 227
+انے 228
+ت م 229
+ت ہ 230
+ج ک 231
+دون 232
+زیر 233
+س س 234
+ش ک 235
+ف ن 236
+ل ہ 237
+لاق 238
+لی 239
+وری 240
+وزی 241
+ونو 242
+کھن 243
+گا 244
+ں س 245
+ں گ 246
+ھنے 247
+ھے 248
+ہ ب 249
+ہ ج 250
+ہر 251
+ی آ 252
+ی پ 253
+ حا 254
+ وف 255
+ گا 256
+ا ج 257
+ا گ 258
+اد 259
+ادی 260
+اعظ 261
+اہت 262
+جس 263
+جمہ 264
+جو 265
+ر س 266
+ر ہ 267
+رنے 268
+س م 269
+سا 270
+سند 271
+سنگ 272
+ظم 273
+عظم 274
+ل م 275
+لیے 276
+مل 277
+موہ 278
+مہو 279
+نگھ 280
+و ص 281
+ورٹ 282
+وہن 283
+کن 284
+گھ 285
+گے 286
+ں ج 287
+ں و 288
+ں ی 289
+ہ د 290
+ہن 291
+ہوں 292
+ے ح 293
+ے گ 294
+ے ی 295
+ اگ 296
+ بع 297
+ رو 298
+ شا 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/uz b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/uz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..647aa2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/uz
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ан 0
+ган 1
+лар 2
+га 3
+нг 4
+инг 5
+нин 6
+да 7
+ни 8
+ида 9
+ари 10
+ига 11
+ини 12
+ар 13
+ди 14
+ би 15
+ани 16
+ бо 17
+дан 18
+лга 19
+ ҳа 20
+ ва 21
+ са 22
+ги 23
+ила 24
+н б 25
+и б 26
+ кў 27
+ та 28
+ир 29
+ ма 30
+ага 31
+ала 32
+бир 33
+ри 34
+тга 35
+лан 36
+лик 37
+а к 38
+аги 39
+ати 40
+та 41
+ади 42
+даг 43
+рга 44
+ йи 45
+ ми 46
+ па 47
+ бў 48
+ қа 49
+ қи 50
+а б 51
+илл 52
+ли 53
+аси 54
+и т 55
+ик 56
+или 57
+лла 58
+ард 59
+вчи 60
+ва 61
+иб 62
+ири 63
+лиг 64
+нга 65
+ран 66
+ ке 67
+ ўз 68
+а с 69
+ахт 70
+бўл 71
+иги 72
+кўр 73
+рда 74
+рни 75
+са 76
+ бе 77
+ бу 78
+ да 79
+ жа 80
+а т 81
+ази 82
+ери 83
+и а 84
+илг 85
+йил 86
+ман 87
+пах 88
+рид 89
+ти 90
+увч 91
+хта 92
+ не 93
+ со 94
+ уч 95
+айт 96
+лли 97
+тла 98
+ ай 99
+ фр 100
+ эт 101
+ ҳо 102
+а қ 103
+али 104
+аро 105
+бер 106
+бил 107
+бор 108
+ими 109
+ист 110
+он 111
+рин 112
+тер 113
+тил 114
+ун 115
+фра 116
+қил 117
+ ба 118
+ ол 119
+анс 120
+ефт 121
+зир 122
+кат 123
+мил 124
+неф 125
+саг 126
+чи 127
+ўра 128
+ на 129
+ те 130
+ эн 131
+а э 132
+ам 133
+арн 134
+ат 135
+иш 136
+ма 137
+нла 138
+рли 139
+чил 140
+шга 141
+ иш 142
+ му 143
+ ўқ 144
+ара 145
+ваз 146
+и у 147
+иқ 148
+моқ 149
+рим 150
+учу 151
+чун 152
+ши 153
+энг 154
+қув 155
+ҳам 156
+ сў 157
+ ши 158
+бар 159
+бек 160
+дам 161
+и ҳ 162
+иши 163
+лад 164
+оли 165
+олл 166
+ори 167
+оқд 168
+р б 169
+ра 170
+рла 171
+уни 172
+фт 173
+ўлг 174
+ўқу 175
+ де 176
+ ка 177
+ қў 178
+а ў 179
+аба 180
+амм 181
+атл 182
+б к 183
+бош 184
+збе 185
+и в 186
+им 187
+ин 188
+ишл 189
+лаб 190
+лей 191
+мин 192
+н д 193
+нда 194
+оқ 195
+р м 196
+рил 197
+сид 198
+тал 199
+тан 200
+тид 201
+тон 202
+ўзб 203
+ ам 204
+ ки 205
+а ҳ 206
+анг 207
+анд 208
+арт 209
+аёт 210
+дир 211
+ент 212
+и д 213
+и м 214
+и о 215
+и э 216
+иро 217
+йти 218
+нсу 219
+оди 220
+ор 221
+си 222
+тиш 223
+тоб 224
+эти 225
+қар 226
+қда 227
+ бл 228
+ ге 229
+ до 230
+ ду 231
+ но 232
+ пр 233
+ ра 234
+ фо 235
+ қо 236
+а м 237
+а о 238
+айд 239
+ало 240
+ама 241
+бле 242
+г н 243
+дол 244
+ейр 245
+ек 246
+ерг 247
+жар 248
+зид 249
+и к 250
+и ф 251
+ий 252
+ило 253
+лди 254
+либ 255
+лин 256
+ми 257
+мма 258
+н в 259
+н к 260
+н ў 261
+н ҳ 262
+ози 263
+ора 264
+оси 265
+рас 266
+риш 267
+рка 268
+роқ 269
+сто 270
+тин 271
+хат 272
+шир 273
+ ав 274
+ рў 275
+ ту 276
+ ўт 277
+а п 278
+авт 279
+ада 280
+аза 281
+анл 282
+б б 283
+бой 284
+бу 285
+вто 286
+г э 287
+гин 288
+дар 289
+ден 290
+дун 291
+иде 292
+ион 293
+ирл 294
+ишг 295
+йха 296
+кел 297
+кўп 298
+лио 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ve b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ve
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bd52ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/ve
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+ha 0
+ vh 1
+a m 2
+na 3
+ u 4
+a n 5
+tsh 6
+wa 7
+a u 8
+ na 9
+nga 10
+vha 11
+ ts 12
+ dz 13
+ kh 14
+dza 15
+a v 16
+ya 17
+ ya 18
+a t 19
+ho 20
+la 21
+ zw 22
+ mu 23
+edz 24
+vhu 25
+ga 26
+shi 27
+za 28
+a k 29
+ ng 30
+kha 31
+ ma 32
+hum 33
+ne 34
+ nd 35
+o n 36
+lo 37
+dzi 38
+shu 39
+ ha 40
+a d 41
+o y 42
+nda 43
+ele 44
+zwi 45
+aho 46
+ang 47
+no 48
+ a 49
+ela 50
+a z 51
+hu 52
+sha 53
+i n 54
+ wa 55
+ana 56
+hi 57
+kan 58
+o d 59
+ano 60
+a h 61
+zwa 62
+ th 63
+ mi 64
+gan 65
+a l 66
+sa 67
+han 68
+di 69
+u t 70
+and 71
+ndi 72
+yo 73
+the 74
+do 75
+ri 76
+vho 77
+ni 78
+ka 79
+uri 80
+si 81
+o t 82
+mbe 83
+o w 84
+ane 85
+we 86
+zo 87
+i t 88
+e n 89
+i h 90
+she 91
+ush 92
+o k 93
+zi 94
+da 95
+a a 96
+thu 97
+ la 98
+a p 99
+zan 100
+ i 101
+a s 102
+lwa 103
+ula 104
+i d 105
+aka 106
+ do 107
+mis 108
+hed 109
+ita 110
+li 111
+ hu 112
+iwa 113
+ lu 114
+i v 115
+he 116
+ ka 117
+elo 118
+so 119
+amb 120
+avh 121
+ sh 122
+o v 123
+i k 124
+lel 125
+u v 126
+dzo 127
+u s 128
+ fh 129
+mo 130
+nwe 131
+o l 132
+umi 133
+wah 134
+isi 135
+hel 136
+a i 137
+vel 138
+adz 139
+tan 140
+i m 141
+ath 142
+thi 143
+wi 144
+ ur 145
+hat 146
+ine 147
+le 148
+vhe 149
+any 150
+a y 151
+hon 152
+isa 153
+ala 154
+o a 155
+alu 156
+udi 157
+umb 158
+ bv 159
+ash 160
+ te 161
+ li 162
+lus 163
+nya 164
+has 165
+led 166
+swa 167
+hus 168
+o i 169
+umo 170
+one 171
+nde 172
+tha 173
+ it 174
+kho 175
+ngo 176
+mus 177
+hak 178
+e y 179
+ea 180
+ivh 181
+o m 182
+u n 183
+hin 184
+tho 185
+mut 186
+ayo 187
+fhi 188
+ sa 189
+tel 190
+hul 191
+hun 192
+ulo 193
+ith 194
+ma 195
+ yo 196
+lan 197
+e v 198
+ ph 199
+go 200
+i a 201
+o u 202
+hud 203
+ pf 204
+uka 205
+zhi 206
+uvh 207
+dzw 208
+ing 209
+elw 210
+ila 211
+wo 212
+mbo 213
+u d 214
+ite 215
+isw 216
+asi 217
+e k 218
+ndu 219
+fhe 220
+o h 221
+mel 222
+u b 223
+ika 224
+bo 225
+gud 226
+dzh 227
+kon 228
+ifh 229
+ ta 230
+e d 231
+uth 232
+ ho 233
+i z 234
+wan 235
+ulu 236
+mad 237
+inw 238
+oth 239
+ani 240
+dis 241
+wit 242
+ou 243
+bve 244
+ets 245
+u i 246
+adi 247
+e m 248
+fha 249
+nah 250
+dal 251
+win 252
+ si 253
+sho 254
+ in 255
+yam 256
+lay 257
+eka 258
+a f 259
+i u 260
+end 261
+i y 262
+alo 263
+i l 264
+uso 265
+mul 266
+ta 267
+del 268
+u k 269
+ mb 270
+pha 271
+ di 272
+dad 273
+ali 274
+o s 275
+pfu 276
+khw 277
+e a 278
+ ko 279
+ ne 280
+hen 281
+mas 282
+ume 283
+ini 284
+ish 285
+udz 286
+ira 287
+oni 288
+luk 289
+nel 290
+iso 291
+mba 292
+dzu 293
+hom 294
+i s 295
+zwo 296
+ngu 297
+ara 298
+unz 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/xh b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/xh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40c401b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/xh
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+la 0
+ ku 1
+lo 2
+nga 3
+a k 4
+ ng 5
+oku 6
+ kw 7
+ uk 8
+a n 9
+uku 10
+ye 11
+a i 12
+yo 13
+ela 14
+ele 15
+a u 16
+nye 17
+we 18
+wa 19
+ama 20
+e n 21
+ise 22
+aba 23
+ba 24
+ho 25
+enz 26
+o n 27
+ngo 28
+kub 29
+nge 30
+ath 31
+fun 32
+o e 33
+lel 34
+ung 35
+uba 36
+ko 37
+elo 38
+ezi 39
+o k 40
+the 41
+kwa 42
+na 43
+kwe 44
+ang 45
+e i 46
+le 47
+ka 48
+esi 49
+o y 50
+ na 51
+e k 52
+eth 53
+pha 54
+ in 55
+kun 56
+nzi 57
+and 58
+ni 59
+ban 60
+ ye 61
+ no 62
+lwa 63
+lun 64
+ ok 65
+any 66
+zi 67
+li 68
+ ne 69
+ulu 70
+a e 71
+eli 72
+gok 73
+o l 74
+ebe 75
+und 76
+isa 77
+seb 78
+ndo 79
+ ez 80
+tho 81
+o i 82
+do 83
+ben 84
+ing 85
+kwi 86
+ndl 87
+uny 88
+ala 89
+a a 90
+eyo 91
+e u 92
+kan 93
+ ab 94
+thi 95
+i k 96
+i n 97
+o u 98
+o z 99
+elw 100
+sa 101
+sek 102
+ayo 103
+het 104
+o o 105
+eka 106
+ um 107
+hi 108
+bo 109
+so 110
+isi 111
+wen 112
+lwe 113
+aph 114
+a l 115
+ya 116
+eko 117
+ana 118
+ yo 119
+kuf 120
+ini 121
+imi 122
+ali 123
+ha 124
+awu 125
+wan 126
+ent 127
+uth 128
+tha 129
+za 130
+ula 131
+kho 132
+ ii 133
+ane 134
+e a 135
+iso 136
+uph 137
+ le 138
+ile 139
+zin 140
+nts 141
+ si 142
+eng 143
+nok 144
+ong 145
+hla 146
+zwe 147
+ el 148
+oka 149
+eki 150
+lis 151
+azi 152
+ lo 153
+tsh 154
+ am 155
+ufu 156
+ant 157
+isw 158
+o a 159
+ngu 160
+o s 161
+ ba 162
+int 163
+eni 164
+une 165
+wul 166
+hul 167
+sel 168
+i e 169
+use 170
+lan 171
+ke 172
+nis 173
+emi 174
+ li 175
+ is 176
+iph 177
+ im 178
+a o 179
+aka 180
+mfu 181
+ zi 182
+ink 183
+mal 184
+ley 185
+man 186
+nya 187
+nek 188
+akh 189
+ume 190
+ ko 191
+alo 192
+tu 193
+i u 194
+ntu 195
+izw 196
+kel 197
+izi 198
+i i 199
+si 200
+gan 201
+ase 202
+ind 203
+i a 204
+ndi 205
+nel 206
+alu 207
+sis 208
+ubo 209
+kut 210
+mth 211
+kus 212
+lek 213
+mis 214
+nde 215
+ zo 216
+ we 217
+ani 218
+ga 219
+iko 220
+siz 221
+no 222
+phu 223
+e e 224
+hon 225
+ond 226
+ne 227
+ith 228
+kul 229
+gam 230
+gen 231
+pho 232
+ iz 233
+phe 234
+hat 235
+khu 236
+iin 237
+han 238
+zo 239
+lu 240
+ulo 241
+nda 242
+qo 243
+zik 244
+hel 245
+o m 246
+ lw 247
+zis 248
+dle 249
+uhl 250
+men 251
+olo 252
+mel 253
+del 254
+nza 255
+oko 256
+okw 257
+olu 258
+kuk 259
+nte 260
+swa 261
+law 262
+enk 263
+ ya 264
+i y 265
+gaq 266
+sha 267
+aqo 268
+e l 269
+ikh 270
+nkq 271
+ule 272
+ ka 273
+onk 274
+thu 275
+wo 276
+bon 277
+kup 278
+qub 279
+a y 280
+kqu 281
+dla 282
+ es 283
+he 284
+ano 285
+lum 286
+be 287
+iga 288
+ ze 289
+o w 290
+aku 291
+mga 292
+nke 293
+te 294
+ ol 295
+ze 296
+kum 297
+emf 298
+esh 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/zu b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/zu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79494b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/guesslanguages/trigrams/zu
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+oku 0
+la 1
+nga 2
+ ng 3
+a n 4
+ ku 5
+a k 6
+thi 7
+ uk 8
+ezi 9
+e n 10
+uku 11
+le 12
+lo 13
+hi 14
+wa 15
+ no 16
+a u 17
+ela 18
+we 19
+a i 20
+ni 21
+ele 22
+zin 23
+uth 24
+ama 25
+elo 26
+pha 27
+ing 28
+aba 29
+ath 30
+and 31
+enz 32
+eth 33
+esi 34
+ma 35
+lel 36
+ um 37
+ ka 38
+the 39
+ung 40
+nge 41
+ngo 42
+tho 43
+nye 44
+kwe 45
+eni 46
+izi 47
+ye 48
+ kw 49
+ndl 50
+ho 51
+a e 52
+na 53
+zi 54
+het 55
+kan 56
+e u 57
+e i 58
+und 59
+ise 60
+isi 61
+nda 62
+kha 63
+ba 64
+i k 65
+nom 66
+fun 67
+ ez 68
+ iz 69
+ke 70
+ben 71
+o e 72
+isa 73
+zwe 74
+kel 75
+ka 76
+aka 77
+nzi 78
+o n 79
+e k 80
+oma 81
+kwa 82
+ ne 83
+any 84
+ang 85
+hla 86
+i u 87
+mth 88
+kub 89
+o k 90
+ana 91
+ane 92
+ikh 93
+ebe 94
+kut 95
+ha 96
+ is 97
+azi 98
+ulu 99
+seb 100
+ala 101
+onk 102
+ban 103
+i e 104
+azw 105
+wen 106
+ ab 107
+han 108
+a a 109
+i n 110
+imi 111
+lan 112
+hat 113
+lwa 114
+ na 115
+ini 116
+akh 117
+li 118
+ngu 119
+nke 120
+nok 121
+ume 122
+eke 123
+elw 124
+yo 125
+aph 126
+kus 127
+ es 128
+ ok 129
+iph 130
+ im 131
+mel 132
+i i 133
+ lo 134
+ in 135
+ am 136
+kho 137
+za 138
+gok 139
+sek 140
+lun 141
+kun 142
+lwe 143
+sha 144
+sik 145
+kuf 146
+hak 147
+a y 148
+thu 149
+sa 150
+o u 151
+khu 152
+ayo 153
+hul 154
+e a 155
+ali 156
+eng 157
+lu 158
+ne 159
+ ko 160
+eli 161
+uba 162
+dle 163
+e e 164
+ith 165
+ yo 166
+a l 167
+nel 168
+mis 169
+ si 170
+kul 171
+a o 172
+sis 173
+lok 174
+gen 175
+o z 176
+i a 177
+emi 178
+uma 179
+eka 180
+alo 181
+man 182
+isw 183
+tha 184
+o i 185
+lon 186
+so 187
+uph 188
+uhl 189
+ntu 190
+zim 191
+mal 192
+ind 193
+wez 194
+ ba 195
+o o 196
+ yi 197
+ we 198
+ula 199
+phe 200
+o y 201
+ile 202
+o l 203
+wo 204
+wel 205
+ga 206
+tu 207
+hle 208
+okw 209
+fan 210
+ le 211
+kaz 212
+ase 213
+ani 214
+nde 215
+bo 216
+ngi 217
+ule 218
+ em 219
+men 220
+iny 221
+amb 222
+mbi 223
+gan 224
+ifu 225
+o s 226
+ant 227
+hel 228
+ika 229
+ona 230
+i l 231
+fut 232
+ fu 233
+ze 234
+u a 235
+nhl 236
+nin 237
+ zo 238
+end 239
+sig 240
+u k 241
+gab 242
+ufa 243
+ish 244
+ush 245
+kuz 246
+no 247
+gam 248
+kuh 249
+ ye 250
+nya 251
+nez 252
+zis 253
+dlu 254
+kat 255
+dla 256
+tsh 257
+ se 258
+ike 259
+kuq 260
+gu 261
+osi 262
+swa 263
+lul 264
+ zi 265
+ima 266
+e l 267
+kup 268
+mo 269
+nza 270
+asi 271
+ko 272
+kum 273
+lek 274
+she 275
+umt 276
+uny 277
+yok 278
+wan 279
+wam 280
+ame 281
+ong 282
+lis 283
+mkh 284
+ahl 285
+ale 286
+use 287
+o a 288
+alu 289
+gap 290
+si 291
+hlo 292
+nje 293
+omt 294
+o w 295
+okh 296
+he 297
+kom 298
+i s 299
diff --git a/silpa/modules/hyphenator/ b/silpa/modules/hyphenator/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a78503
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/hyphenator/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import hyphenator
diff --git a/silpa/modules/hyphenator/ b/silpa/modules/hyphenator/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..889aee3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/hyphenator/
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+This is a Pure Python module to hyphenate text.
+It is inspired by Ruby's Text::Hyphen, but currently reads standard *.dic files,
+that must be installed separately.
+In the future it's maybe nice if dictionaries could be distributed together with
+this module, in a slightly prepared form, like in Ruby's Text::Hyphen.
+Wilbert Berendsen, March 2008
+License: LGPL.
+import sys
+import re
+from common import *
+#__all__ = ("Hyphenator")
+# cache of per-file Hyph_dict objects
+hdcache = {}
+# precompile some stuff
+parse_hex = re.compile(r'\^{2}([0-9a-f]{2})').sub
+parse = re.compile(r'(\d?)(\D?)').findall
+def hexrepl(matchObj):
+ return unichr(int(, 16))
+class parse_alt(object):
+ """
+ Parse nonstandard hyphen pattern alternative.
+ The instance returns a special int with data about the current position
+ in the pattern when called with an odd value.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, pat, alt):
+ alt = alt.split(',')
+ self.change = alt[0]
+ if len(alt) > 2:
+ self.index = int(alt[1])
+ self.cut = int(alt[2]) + 1
+ else:
+ self.index = 1
+ self.cut = len(re.sub(r'[\d\.]', '', pat)) + 1
+ if pat.startswith('.'):
+ self.index += 1
+ def __call__(self, val):
+ self.index -= 1
+ val = int(val)
+ if val & 1:
+ return dint(val, (self.change, self.index, self.cut))
+ else:
+ return val
+class dint(int):
+ """
+ Just an int some other data can be stuck to in a data attribute.
+ Call with ref=other to use the data from the other dint.
+ """
+ def __new__(cls, value, data=None, ref=None):
+ obj = int.__new__(cls, value)
+ if ref and type(ref) == dint:
+ =
+ else:
+ = data
+ return obj
+class Hyph_dict(object):
+ """
+ Reads a hyph_*.dic file and stores the hyphenation patterns.
+ Parameters:
+ -filename : filename of hyph_*.dic to read
+ """
+ def __init__(self, filename):
+ self.patterns = {}
+ f = open(filename)
+ charset = f.readline().strip()
+ if charset.startswith('charset '):
+ charset = charset[8:].strip()
+ for pat in f:
+ pat = pat.decode(charset).strip()
+ if not pat or pat[0] == '%': continue
+ # replace ^^hh with the real character
+ pat = parse_hex(hexrepl, pat)
+ # read nonstandard hyphen alternatives
+ if '/' in pat:
+ pat, alt = pat.split('/', 1)
+ factory = parse_alt(pat, alt)
+ else:
+ factory = int
+ tag, value = zip(*[(s, factory(i or "0")) for i, s in parse(pat)])
+ # if only zeros, skip this pattern
+ if max(value) == 0: continue
+ # chop zeros from beginning and end, and store start offset.
+ start, end = 0, len(value)
+ while not value[start]: start += 1
+ while not value[end-1]: end -= 1
+ self.patterns[''.join(tag)] = start, value[start:end]
+ f.close()
+ self.cache = {}
+ self.maxlen = max(map(len, self.patterns.keys()))
+ def positions(self, word):
+ """
+ Returns a list of positions where the word can be hyphenated.
+ E.g. for the dutch word 'lettergrepen' this method returns
+ the list [3, 6, 9].
+ Each position is a 'data int' (dint) with a data attribute.
+ If the data attribute is not None, it contains a tuple with
+ information about nonstandard hyphenation at that point:
+ (change, index, cut)
+ change: is a string like 'ff=f', that describes how hyphenation
+ should take place.
+ index: where to substitute the change, counting from the current
+ point
+ cut: how many characters to remove while substituting the nonstandard
+ hyphenation
+ """
+ word = word.lower()
+ points = self.cache.get(word)
+ if points is None:
+ prepWord = '.%s.' % word
+ res = [0] * (len(prepWord) + 1)
+ for i in range(len(prepWord) - 1):
+ for j in range(i + 1, min(i + self.maxlen, len(prepWord)) + 1):
+ p = self.patterns.get(prepWord[i:j])
+ if p:
+ offset, value = p
+ s = slice(i + offset, i + offset + len(value))
+ res[s] = map(max, value, res[s])
+ points = [dint(i - 1, ref=r) for i, r in enumerate(res) if r % 2]
+ self.cache[word] = points
+ return points
+class Hyphenator(SilpaModule):
+ """
+ Reads a hyph_*.dic file and stores the hyphenation patterns.
+ Provides methods to hyphenate strings in various ways.
+ Parameters:
+ -filename : filename of hyph_*.dic to read
+ -left: make the first syllabe not shorter than this
+ -right: make the last syllabe not shorter than this
+ -cache: if true (default), use a cached copy of the dic file, if possible
+ left and right may also later be changed:
+ h = Hyphenator(file)
+ h.left = 1
+ """
+ #self.left=2
+ #def __init__(self, left=2, right=2, cache=True):
+ left = 2
+ right = 2
+ def loadHyphDict(self,lang, cache=True):
+ filename="./modules/hyphenator/rules/hyph_"+lang+".dic"
+ if not cache or filename not in hdcache:
+ hdcache[filename] = Hyph_dict(filename)
+ self.hd = hdcache[filename]
+ def positions(self, word):
+ """
+ Returns a list of positions where the word can be hyphenated.
+ See also Hyph_dict.positions. The points that are too far to
+ the left or right are removed.
+ """
+ right = len(word) - self.right
+ return [i for i in self.hd.positions(word) if self.left <= i <= right]
+ def iterate(self, word):
+ """
+ Iterate over all hyphenation possibilities, the longest first.
+ """
+ if isinstance(word, str):
+ word = word.decode('latin1')
+ for p in reversed(self.positions(word)):
+ if
+ # get the nonstandard hyphenation data
+ change, index, cut =
+ if word.isupper():
+ change = change.upper()
+ c1, c2 = change.split('=')
+ yield word[:p+index] + c1, c2 + word[p+index+cut:]
+ else:
+ yield word[:p], word[p:]
+ def wrap(self, word, width, hyphen='-'):
+ """
+ Return the longest possible first part and the last part of the
+ hyphenated word. The first part has the hyphen already attached.
+ Returns None, if there is no hyphenation point before width, or
+ if the word could not be hyphenated.
+ """
+ width -= len(hyphen)
+ for w1, w2 in self.iterate(word):
+ if len(w1) <= width:
+ return w1 + hyphen, w2
+ def inserted(self, word, hyphen='-'):
+ """
+ Returns the word as a string with all the possible hyphens inserted.
+ E.g. for the dutch word 'lettergrepen' this method returns
+ the string 'let-ter-gre-pen'. The hyphen string to use can be
+ given as the second parameter, that defaults to '-'.
+ """
+ if isinstance(word, str):
+ word = word.decode('latin1')
+ l = list(word)
+ for p in reversed(self.positions(word)):
+ if
+ # get the nonstandard hyphenation data
+ change, index, cut =
+ if word.isupper():
+ change = change.upper()
+ l[p + index : p + index + cut] = change.replace('=', hyphen)
+ else:
+ l.insert(p, hyphen)
+ return ''.join(l)
+ def process(self,form):
+ response = """
+ <h2>Hyphenate Text</h2></hr>
+ <p>Enter the text for hyphenation in the below text area.
+ Language of each word will be detected.
+ You can give the text in any language and even with mixed language
+ </p>
+ <form action="" method="post">
+ <textarea name='input_text' id='id1'>%s</textarea>
+ <input type="submit" id="Hyphenate" value="Hyphenate" name="action" style="width:12em;"/>
+ </br>
+ </form>
+ """
+ if(form.has_key('input_text')):
+ text = action=form['input_text'].value .decode('utf-8')
+ response=response % text
+ words=text.split(" ")
+ response = response+"<h2>Hyphenation Results</h2></hr>"
+ response = response+"<table class=\"table1\"><tr><th>Word</th><th>Hyphenated Word</th></tr>"
+ for word in words:
+ word=word.strip()
+ if(word>""):
+ mm=ModuleManager()
+ ld = mm.getModuleInstance("Detect Language")
+ lang=ld.detect_lang(word)[word]
+ self.loadHyphDict(lang)
+ hyph_word = self.inserted(word)
+ response = response+"<tr><td>"+word+"</td><td>"+hyph_word+"</td></tr>"
+ response = response+"</table> "
+ else:
+ response=response % ""
+ return response
+ def get_module_name(self):
+ return "Hyphentator"
+ def get_info(self):
+ return "Hyphenates each word in the text in all possible positions"
+def getInstance():
+ return Hyphenator()
+# __call__ = iterate
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ dict_file = sys.argv[1]
+ word = sys.argv[2].decode('latin1')
+ h = Hyphenator(dict_file, left=1, right=1)
+ for i in h(word):
+ print i
diff --git a/silpa/modules/hyphenator/rules/hyph_bn_IN.dic b/silpa/modules/hyphenator/rules/hyph_bn_IN.dic
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42dca20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/hyphenator/rules/hyph_bn_IN.dic
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+% Hyphenation for Bengali
+% Copyright (C) 2008 Santhosh Thottingal <>
+% This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+% License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+% version 3 or later version of the License.
+% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% Lesser General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+% License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
diff --git a/silpa/modules/hyphenator/rules/hyph_en_US.dic b/silpa/modules/hyphenator/rules/hyph_en_US.dic
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d91204b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/hyphenator/rules/hyph_en_US.dic
@@ -0,0 +1,9784 @@
diff --git a/silpa/modules/hyphenator/rules/hyph_gu_IN.dic b/silpa/modules/hyphenator/rules/hyph_gu_IN.dic
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13b9b60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/hyphenator/rules/hyph_gu_IN.dic
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+% Hyphenation for Gujarati
+% Copyright (C) 2008 Santhosh Thottingal <>
+% This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+% License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+% version 3 or later version of the License.
+% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% Lesser General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+% License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
diff --git a/silpa/modules/hyphenator/rules/hyph_hi_IN.dic b/silpa/modules/hyphenator/rules/hyph_hi_IN.dic
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc82fbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/hyphenator/rules/hyph_hi_IN.dic
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+% Hyphenation for Hindi
+% Copyright (C) 2008 Santhosh Thottingal <>
+% This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+% License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+% version 3 or later version of the License.
+% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% Lesser General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+% License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
diff --git a/silpa/modules/hyphenator/rules/hyph_kn_IN.dic b/silpa/modules/hyphenator/rules/hyph_kn_IN.dic
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e241192
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/hyphenator/rules/hyph_kn_IN.dic
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+% Hyphenation for Kannada
+% Copyright (C) 2008 Santhosh Thottingal <>
+% This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+% License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+% version 3 or later version of the License.
+% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% Lesser General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+% License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
diff --git a/silpa/modules/hyphenator/rules/hyph_ml_IN.dic b/silpa/modules/hyphenator/rules/hyph_ml_IN.dic
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36a70f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/hyphenator/rules/hyph_ml_IN.dic
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+% Hyphenation for Malayalam
+% Copyright (C) 2008 Santhosh Thottingal <>
+% This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+% License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+% version 3 or later version of the License.
+% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% Lesser General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+% License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
diff --git a/silpa/modules/hyphenator/rules/hyph_or_IN.dic b/silpa/modules/hyphenator/rules/hyph_or_IN.dic
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9ea024
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/hyphenator/rules/hyph_or_IN.dic
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+% Hyphenation for Oriya
+% Copyright (C) 2008 Santhosh Thottingal <>
+% This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+% License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+% version 3 or later version of the License.
+% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% Lesser General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+% License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
diff --git a/silpa/modules/hyphenator/rules/hyph_pa_IN.dic b/silpa/modules/hyphenator/rules/hyph_pa_IN.dic
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcda980
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/hyphenator/rules/hyph_pa_IN.dic
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+% Hyphenation for Panjabi(Gurmughi)
+% Copyright (C) 2008 Santhosh Thottingal <>
+% This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+% License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+% version 3 or later version of the License.
+% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% Lesser General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+% License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
diff --git a/silpa/modules/hyphenator/rules/hyph_ta_IN.dic b/silpa/modules/hyphenator/rules/hyph_ta_IN.dic
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..298d7d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/hyphenator/rules/hyph_ta_IN.dic
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+% Hyphenation for Tamil
+% Copyright (C) 2008 Santhosh Thottingal <>
+% This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+% License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+% version 3 or later version of the License.
+% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% Lesser General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+% License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
diff --git a/silpa/modules/hyphenator/rules/hyph_te_IN.dic b/silpa/modules/hyphenator/rules/hyph_te_IN.dic
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62ddfe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/hyphenator/rules/hyph_te_IN.dic
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+% Hyphenation for Telugu
+% Copyright (C) 2008 Santhosh Thottingal <>
+% This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+% License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+% version 3 or later version of the License.
+% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% Lesser General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+% License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
diff --git a/silpa/modules/inexactsearch/ b/silpa/modules/inexactsearch/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d47e9c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/inexactsearch/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import inexactsearch
diff --git a/silpa/modules/inexactsearch/ b/silpa/modules/inexactsearch/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d1f35b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/inexactsearch/
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Paralperu
+# Copyright 2008 Santhosh Thottingal <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# If you find any bugs or have any suggestions email:
+# URL:
+import sys
+import re
+from common import *
+class ApproximateSearch(SilpaModule):
+ def syllabalize_ml(self, text):
+ signs = [
+ u'\u0d02', u'\u0d03', u'\u0d3e', u'\u0d3f', u'\u0d40', u'\u0d41',
+ u'\u0d42', u'\u0d43', u'\u0d44', u'\u0d46', u'\u0d47', u'\u0d48',
+ u'\u0d4a', u'\u0d4b', u'\u0d4c', u'\u0d4d']
+ limiters = ['.','\"','\'','`','!',';',',','?']
+ chandrakkala = u'\u0d4d'
+ lst_chars = []
+ for char in text:
+ if char in limiters:
+ lst_chars.append(char)
+ elif char in signs:
+ lst_chars[-1] = lst_chars[-1] + char
+ else:
+ try:
+ if lst_chars[-1][-1] == chandrakkala:
+ lst_chars[-1] = lst_chars[-1] + char
+ else:
+ lst_chars.append(char)
+ except IndexError:
+ lst_chars.append(char)
+ return lst_chars
+ def bigram_search(self, str1, str2, syllable_search=False):
+ """Return approximate string comparator measure (between 0.0 and 1.0)
+ using bigrams.
+ score = bigram(str1, str2)
+ str1 The first string
+ str2 The second string
+ Bigrams are two-character sub-strings contained in a string. For example,
+ 'peter' contains the bigrams: pe,et,te,er.
+ This routine counts the number of common bigrams and divides by the
+ average number of bigrams. The resulting number is returned.
+ """
+ # Quick check if the strings are the same - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ #
+ if (str1 == str2):
+ result_string = "<div style='float: left; background-color: green;' title=\" Bigram comparator : string1: %s, string2: %s. Exact Match found" % (str1, str2)
+ result_string = result_string + "\">"+str1+ "</div>"
+ return result_string
+ bigr1 = []
+ bigr2 = []
+ # Make a list of bigrams for both strings - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ #
+ for i in range(1,len(str1)):
+ bigr1.append(str1[i-1:i+1])
+ for i in range(1,len(str2)):
+ bigr2.append(str2[i-1:i+1])
+ # Compute average number of bigrams - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ #
+ average = (len(bigr1)+len(bigr2)) / 2.0
+ if (average == 0.0):
+ return str1
+ # Get common bigrams - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ #
+ common = 0.0
+ if (len(bigr1) < len(bigr2)): # Count using the shorter bigram list
+ short_bigr = bigr1
+ long_bigr = bigr2
+ else:
+ short_bigr = bigr2
+ long_bigr = bigr1
+ for b in short_bigr:
+ if (b in long_bigr):
+ common += 1.0
+ long_bigr[long_bigr.index(b)] = [] # Mark this bigram as counted
+ w = common / average
+ if(w>=0.6):
+ result_string = "<div style='float: left; background-color: yellow;' title=\" Bigram comparator string 1: %s, string 2: %s" % (str1, str2)
+ else:
+ if((w>0.4) & (w<0.6)):
+ result_string = "<div style='float: left; background-color: grey;' title=\" Bigram comparator string 1: %s, string 2: %s" % (str1, str2)
+ else:
+ result_string = "<div style='float: left;' title=\" Bigram comparator string1: %s, string2: %s" % (str1, str2)
+ result_string = result_string + " Number of bigrams in String1: %i" % (len(bigr1))
+ result_string = result_string + " Number of bigrams in String2: %i" % (len(bigr2))
+ result_string = result_string + " Average: %i" % (average)
+ result_string = result_string + " Common: %i" % (common)
+ result_string = result_string + " Final approximate string weight: " + str(w)
+ result_string = result_string + "\">"+str1+ "</div>"
+ return result_string
+ def process(self,form):
+ response = """
+ <h2>Inexact Search</h2></hr>
+ <p>The search performed by search engines on Indic text is not effective.
+ It does not take care of the inflective or agglutinative nature of the language.
+ This application tries to solve that by using an inexact search algorithm based on maximum common bigram algorithm.
+ </p>
+ <p>Enter the text for searching in the below text area.
+ </p>
+ <form action="" method="post">
+ <textarea cols='100' rows='25' name='input_text' id='input_text'>%s</textarea>
+ <br/>
+ <input type="text" name="search_key" value="%s"/>
+ <input type="submit" id="Hyphenate" value="Approximate Search" name="action" style="width:12em;"/>
+ </br>
+ </form>
+ """
+ if(form.has_key('input_text')):
+ text = action=form['input_text'].value .decode('utf-8')
+ if(form.has_key('search_key')):
+ key = action=form['search_key'].value .decode('utf-8')
+ response=response % (text,key)
+ words=text.split(" ")
+ response = response+"<h2>Search Results</h2></hr>"
+ response = response+"<p>Words in green are with exact match. Words in Yellow are with approximate Match."
+ response = response+" Move your mouse pointer over the words to get more information on matching.</p></hr>"
+ else:
+ response = response+ "Enter a string to search."
+ return response % (text,"")
+ for word in words:
+ word=word.strip()
+ if(word>""):
+ response = response+ self.bigram_search(word, key)
+ response = response+ "<div style='float: left;'>&nbsp;</div>"
+ else:
+ response=response % ("","")
+ return response
+ def get_module_name(self):
+ return "Approximate Search"
+ def get_info(self):
+ return "Approximate Search for a string in the given text. Based on bigram search algorithm"
+def getInstance():
+ return ApproximateSearch()
diff --git a/silpa/modules/lemmatizer/ b/silpa/modules/lemmatizer/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e77cd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/lemmatizer/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import lemmatizer
diff --git a/silpa/modules/lemmatizer/ b/silpa/modules/lemmatizer/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..212cded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/lemmatizer/
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import sys
+import codecs
+import os
+import string
+import curses.ascii
+from common import SilpaModule
+class Lemmatizer(SilpaModule):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.rules_file = "./modules/lemmatizer/lemmatizer_ml.rules"
+ self.rulesDict = dict()
+ def lemmatize(self, text):
+ result = ""
+ self.rulesDict = self.LoadRules()
+ words=text.split(" ")
+ word_count=len(words)
+ result_dict = dict()
+ word_iter=0
+ word=""
+ while word_iter < word_count:
+ word = words[word_iter]
+ word = self.trim(word)
+ word_length = len(word)
+ suffix_pos_itr = 2
+ word_lemmatized=""
+ while suffix_pos_itr < word_length :
+ suffix = word[suffix_pos_itr:word_length]
+ if suffix in self.rulesDict:
+ word_lemmatized= word[0:suffix_pos_itr] + self.rulesDict[suffix]
+ break;
+ suffix_pos_itr = suffix_pos_itr+1
+ word_iter = word_iter+1
+ if(word_lemmatized==""):
+ word_lemmatized=word
+ result_dict[ word ] = word_lemmatized
+ return result_dict
+ def LoadRules(self):
+ print "Loading the rules..."
+ rules_dict = dict()
+ line = []
+ line_number = 0
+ rule_number = 0
+ rules_file = codecs. open(self.rules_file,encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')
+ while 1:
+ line_number = line_number +1
+ text = unicode( rules_file.readline())
+ if text == "":
+ break
+ if text[0] == '#':
+ continue #this is a comment - ignore
+ text = text.split("#")[0] #remove the comment part of the line
+ line_number = line_number +1
+ line = text.strip() # remove unwanted space
+ if(line == ""):
+ continue
+ if(len(line.split("=")) != 2):
+ print "[Error] Syntax Error in the Rules. Line number: ", line_number
+ print "Line: "+ text
+ continue
+ lhs = line.split("=") [ 0 ] .strip()
+ rhs = line.split("=") [ 1 ] .strip()
+ if(len(rhs)>0):
+ if(lhs[0]=='"'):
+ lhs=lhs[1:len(lhs)] # if the string is "quoted"
+ if(lhs[len(lhs)-1]=='"'):
+ lhs=lhs[0:len(lhs)-1] # if the string is "quoted"
+ if(len(rhs)>0):
+ if(rhs[0]=='"'):
+ rhs=rhs[1:len(rhs)] # if the string is "quoted"
+ if(rhs[len(rhs)-1]=='"'):
+ rhs=rhs[0:len(rhs)-1] # if the string is "quoted"
+ rule_number=rule_number+1
+ rules_dict[lhs]=rhs
+ #print "[", rule_number ,"] " +lhs + " : " +rhs
+ print "Found ",rule_number, " rules."
+ return rules_dict
+ def trim(self,word):
+ punctuations=['~','!','@','#','$','%','^','&','*','(',')','-','+','_','=','{','}','|' ,':',';','<','>','\,','.','?']
+ word=word.strip()
+ index=len(word)-1
+ while index>0:
+ if word[index] in punctuations:
+ word=word[0:index]
+ else:
+ break
+ index=index-1
+ return word
+ def process(self, form):
+ response = """
+ <h2>Lemmatization</h2></hr>
+ <p>Enter the text for lemmatization in the below text area.
+ Language of each word will be detected.
+ You can give the text in any language and even with mixed language
+ </p>
+ <form action="" method="post">
+ <textarea cols='100' rows='25' name='input_text' id='id1'>%s</textarea>
+ <input type="submit" id="Lemmatize" value="Lemmatize" name="action" style="width:12em;"/>
+ <input type="reset" value="Clear" style="width:12em;"/>
+ </br>
+ </form>
+ """
+ if(form.has_key('input_text')):
+ text = action=form['input_text'].value .decode('utf-8')
+ response=response % text
+ result_dict = self.lemmatize(text)
+ response = response+"<h2>Lemmatization Results</h2></hr>"
+ response = response+"<table class=\"table1\"><tr><th>Word</th><th>Lemmatized form</th></tr>"
+ for key in result_dict:
+ response = response+"<tr><td>"+key+"</td><td>"+result_dict[key]+"</td></tr>"
+ response = response+"</table> "
+ else:
+ response=response % ""
+ return response
+ def get_module_name(self):
+ return "Lemmatizer"
+ def get_info(self):
+ return "Malayalam Lemmatizer(Experimental)"
+def getInstance():
+ return Lemmatizer()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ lemmatizer= Lemmatizer()
+ lemmatizer.rules_file="/home/santhosh/www/"
+ lemmatizer.lemmatize("മുദ്രാവാക്യവുമായി മുറ്റത്തില്‍")
diff --git a/silpa/modules/lemmatizer/lemmatizer_ml.rules b/silpa/modules/lemmatizer/lemmatizer_ml.rules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bfc40d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/lemmatizer/lemmatizer_ml.rules
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+#Malayalam Prathyaya Rules
+#അനുസ്വാരത്തിലവസാനിക്കുന്ന ക്രിയ/നാമം
+ത്തില്‍ = ം
+ത്തെ = ം
+വുമായി = ം
+ത്തിലേയ്ക്ക് =ം
+ത്തിലേയ്ക്കു്= ം
+ത്തിലായി= ം
+മെങ്കില്‍=ം എങ്കില്‍
+മാണു് = ം ആണു്
+മാണ്=ം ആണ്
+മല്ല = ം അല്ല
+മില്ല = ം ഇല്ല
+മേ =ം
+മാകാം = ം ആകാം
+മായിരിക്കും=ം‌ ആയിരിക്കുക
+മുണ്ടായിരുന്നതായി=ം ഉണ്ടു് ആവുക
+മുണ്ടായി=ം ഉണ്ടു് ആവുക
+മുണ്ടായിരുന്ന=ം ഉണ്ടു് ആവുക
+മുണ്ടായിരുന്നു=ം ഉണ്ടു് ആവുക
+മുള്ള=ം ഉണ്ടാവുക
+മോ = ം
+മെ = ം
+ങ്ങളില്‍= ം
+ങ്ങള്‍ = ം
+ുകള്‍ = ു്
+യ്ക്കുന്ന = യ്ക്കുക
+ക്കുന്ന = ക്കുക
+#ചില്ലിലവസാനിക്കുന്ന നാമങ്ങള്‍
+രില്‍ = ര്‍
+രാണു് = ര്‍ ആണു്
+രാണ് = ര്‍ ആണ്
+രല്ല = ര്‍ അല്ല
+രില്ല = ര്‍ ഇല്ല
+രുടെ = ര്‍
+രുടേ = ര്‍
+രു് = ര്‍
+രെ = ര്‍
+രോടു് = ര്‍
+രൊടു് = ര്‍
+രൊട് = ര്‍
+രോട് = ര്‍
+രാല്‍ = ര്‍
+രോ = ര്‍
+നില്‍ = ന്‍
+നാണു് = ന്‍ ആണു്
+നാണ്=ന്‍ ആണ്
+നല്ല = ന്‍ അല്ല
+നില്ല= ന്‍ ഇല്ല
+നുടെ = ന്‍
+നുടേ= ന്‍
+നോടു് = ന്‍
+നോട് = ന്‍
+നായി = ന്‍ ആയി
+നോ =ന്‍
+ലാണു്= ല്‍ ആണു്
+ലാണ് = ല്‍ ആണ്
+ലല്ല= ല്‍ അല്ല
+ലില്ല = ല്‍ ഇല്ല
+ലില്‍ = ല്‍
+ലിന്റെ = ല്‍
+ലോട് = ല്‍
+ലോടു് = ല്‍
+ലായി=ല്‍ ആയി
+ലോ= ല്‍
+ണാണു്= ണ്‍ ആണു്
+ണാണ് = ണ്‍ ആണ്
+ണിന്റെ = ണ്‍
+ണല്ല = ണ്‍ അല്ല
+ണില്ല = ണ്‍ ഇല്ല
+ണോട് =ണ്‍
+ണോടു = ണ്‍
+ണോടു്= ണ്‍
+ണോ= ണ്‍
+ളാണു്= ള്‍ ആണു്
+ളാണ്=ള്‍ ആണ്
+ളല്ല = ള്‍ അല്ല
+ളില്ല= ള്‍ ഇല്ല
+ളോട് = ള്‍
+ളോടു് =ള്‍
+ളോടു = ള്‍
+ളുടെ =ള്‍
+ള്‍ക്കുള്ള =ള്‍ ഉള്ള
+#അ/ഇകാരത്തിലവസാനിക്കുന്ന നാമങ്ങള്‍
+യിലുള്ള=യില്‍ ഉള്ള
+യ്ക്ക് =
+യ്ക്കു് =
+#ഉകാരത്തിലവസാനിക്കുന്ന നാമങ്ങള്‍
+#് എന്നതിലവസാനിക്കുന്ന നാമങ്ങള്‍
+#അ/ഇകാരത്തിലവസാനിക്കുന്ന ക്രിയകള്‍
+യാകാന്‍=" ആകാന്‍"
+യുള്ള=" ഉള്ള"
+#ഉകാരത്തിലവസാനിക്കുന്ന ക്രിയകള്‍
+ുണ്ടായ= ു് ഉണ്ടായ
+ുണ്ടാവുക= ു് ഉണ്ടാവുക
+#ത്തുക എന്നതില്‍ അവസാനിക്കുന്ന ക്രിയകള്‍= ഉണര്‍ത്തുക, പകര്‍ത്തുക
+ത്താറുണ്ടു്= ത്തുക ഉണ്ടു്
+ത്താറുണ്ട്= ത്തുക ഉണ്ടു്
+ത്തിയിട്ടുണ്ടു്= ത്തുക ഉണ്ടു്
+ത്തുയിട്ടുണ്ട്=ത്തുക ഉണ്ടു്
+ത്തിയില്ല=ത്തുക ഇല്ല
+#തുക എന്നതില്‍ അവസാനിക്കുന്ന ക്രിയകള്‍ = കരുതുക. പൊരുതുക
+താറുണ്ടു്=തുക ഉണ്ടു്
+താറുണ്ട്=തുക ഉണ്ടു്
+തിയില്ല=തുക ഇല്ല
+#ക്കുക എന്നതില്‍ അവസാനിക്കുന്ന ക്രിയകള്‍ = സഞ്ചരിക്കുക, ഉറക്കുക പറക്കുക
+ക്കാറാണു്= ക്കുക ആണു്
+ക്കാറാണ്=ക്കുക ആണു്
+യ്ക്കാനായി=യ്ക്കാന്‍ ആവുക
+ക്കാനായി=ക്കാന്‍ ആവുക
+ന്നിട്ടുണ്ടു്=ക്കുക ഉണ്ടു്
+ന്നിട്ടുണ്ട്=ക്കുക ഉണ്ടു്
+#കുക എന്നതില്‍ അവസാനിക്കുന്ന ക്രിയകള്‍= പടരുക, തുടരുക, വിടരുക
+ര്‍ന്നില്ല=രുക ഇല്ല
+രാനായി=രുക ആവുക
+#ങ്ങുക എന്നതില്‍ അവസാനിക്കുന്ന ക്രിയകള്‍=കറങ്ങുക
+യാണിവ=" ആണു് ഇവ"
+യുള്ളവ=" ഉള്ള അവ"
+യുള്ളതു്=" ഉള്ള അതു്"
+ാക്കപ്പെടുന്ന=ു് ആക്കുക പെടുക"
+ായിരിക്കും=" ു് ആയിരിക്കും"
+യാണുണ്ടാവുക=" ഉണ്ടാവുക"
+ളാണുള്ളത്="ള്‍ ആണു് ഉള്ളതു്"
+യുപയോഗിച്ചു്=ു് ഉപയോഗിക്കുക
+ുപയോഗിച്ചു്=ു് ഉപയോഗിക്കുക
+യുപയോഗിച്ച്=ു് ഉപയോഗിക്കുക
+ുപയോഗിച്ച്=ു് ഉപയോഗിക്കുക
diff --git a/silpa/modules/ngram/algorithm b/silpa/modules/ngram/algorithm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..495b85a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/ngram/algorithm
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+We have a TREE data structure. Each node in the tree is an instance of NgramNode.
+Each NgramNode objects contains a string value of the node and a Rank
+Rank is the incremented frequency of occurance of the corresponding string in the training corpus
+NGramNode is a super class of SyllableNgramNode and WordNgramNode
+That means, each node in the tree can be either a syllable or a word.
+We have only one tree for both words and syllables as of now
+In the tree, the root node is an empty node with label *. That indicates that all its childs, either syllables or words,
+are start of word or sentence respectively.
+Child of a node meaning:
+Y is a child ofX means , Y can follow immediately after the occurance of X in the text, Where X,Y are either syllable or word(only one time in a tree route)
+X can have any number of childs.
+The probability that a node in the list of childs occur in a given context is controlled by Rank(node)
+Rank is nothing but integer values incremented based on frequency of occurance.
+Higher the rank, higher the probability that the node can follow immediately after X
+Persistance of the populated tree is achieved through pickling the entire tree structure.
+Tree operations:
+a) Adding a syllable-ngram, n=2
diff --git a/silpa/modules/ngram/ml.txt b/silpa/modules/ngram/ml.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c48980
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/ngram/ml.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+കടലില്‍ ജീവിക്കുന്ന ഒരു സസ്തനിയാണ് നീലത്തിമിംഗലം. ബലീന്‍ തിമിംഗലങ്ങളുടെ ഒരു ഉപജാതിയാണിവ. ലോകത്ത് ഇന്നുവരെയുള്ളതില്‍ ഏറ്റവും വലിയ ജീവിയായി കണക്കാക്കപ്പെടുന്ന നീലത്തിമിംഗലങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് 33 മീ. നീളവും 181 മെട്രിക് ടണിലധികം ഭാരവും ഉണ്ടാകാം. നീണ്ട ശരീരപ്രകൃതിയുള്ള നീലത്തിമിംഗലങ്ങളുടെ ശരീരം നീലകലര്‍ന്ന ചാരനിറത്തോടെയാണുണ്ടാവുക, ശരീരത്തിനടിഭാഗത്തേക്ക് നിറം കുറവായിരിക്കും. നീലത്തിമിംഗലങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് കുറഞ്ഞത് മൂന്നുപജാതികളെങ്കിലും ഉണ്ടെന്നു കരുതുന്നു.
diff --git a/silpa/modules/ngram/ b/silpa/modules/ngram/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cab2ed9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/ngram/
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Ngram
+# Copyright 2008-2009 Santhosh Thottingal <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+import codecs
+import pickle
+import pydot
+import os,sys
+from optparse import OptionParser
+class NgramNode:
+ def __init__(self, node_value="*", rank=1, child_list=None):
+ self.node_value=node_value
+ self.rank=rank
+ self.child_list=child_list
+ self.desc="Start Node"
+ def setNode(self, node_value="*", rank=None,childs=None, child_list=None):
+ self.node_value=node_value
+ self.rank=rank
+ self.child_list=child_list
+ def getName(self):
+ return self.node_value
+ def getDesc(self):
+ return self.desc
+ def setDesc(self,desc):
+ self.desc = desc
+ return self.desc
+ def getRank(self):
+ return self.rank
+ def setRank(self, rank):
+ self.rank = rank
+ def incrRank(self, incr=1):
+ self.rank = self.rank + incr
+ return self.rank
+ def getChildList(self):
+ if(self.child_list!=None):
+ return self.child_list
+ else:
+ return None
+ def getChildByName(self,child_name):
+ if(self.child_list==None):
+ return None
+ for child in self.child_list:
+ if(child.getName()==child_name):
+ return child
+ def childIndex(self,childnode):
+ if(self.child_list==None):
+ return -1
+ for child in self.child_list:
+ if(child.getName()==childnode.getName()):
+ return self.child_list.index(child)
+ return -2
+ def printChildList(self):
+ if(self.child_list==None):
+ return None
+ for child in self.child_list:
+ print child,
+ def addChildNode(self, node):
+ if(node!=None):
+ if(self.child_list==None):
+ self.child_list=[]
+ #Check whether this node is already present in the Ngram Tree
+ member_index=self.childIndex(node)
+ if(member_index>=0):
+ #Node already present.Incrementing Rank
+ self.child_list[member_index].incrRank()
+ else:
+ self.child_list.append(node)
+ #Keep it sorted as per the ranks
+ self.child_list.sort()
+ def removeChildNode(self, node):
+ if(node!=None & self.child_list!=None):
+ self.child_list.remove(node)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "Node: %s[%d]" % (self.node_value, self.rank)
+ '''Recursively traverse through the tree and print the nodes-Depth First Traversal'''
+ def toString(self):
+ print "Node: %s[%d]" % (self.node_value, self.rank)
+ child_list=self.getChildList()
+ if(child_list!=None):
+ for child_node in child_list :
+ child_node.toString()
+ '''Defining the less than operater of the object'''
+ def __lt__(self, node):
+ return self.getRank() < node.getRank()
+ '''Defining the greater than operater of the object'''
+ def __gt__(self, node):
+ return self.getRank() > node.getRank()
+ '''Defining the equal-to operater of the object'''
+ def __eq__(self, node):
+ if(node==None):
+ return False
+ return (self.getName() == node.getName()) & (self.getRank() == node.getRank())
+ '''Defining the comparison of two object instances. Required for sorting the list of objects'''
+ def __cmp__(self, node):
+ if(node==None):
+ return 1
+ if(self.getName()==node.getName()):
+ return cmp(self.getRank(), node.getRank())
+ else:
+ return 1
+#Syllable Node Class
+#Extends NgramNode class
+class SyllableNode(NgramNode):
+ def __str__(self):
+ return ("Syllable: %s[%d]" % (self.node_value, self.rank )).encode('utf-8')
+#Word Node Class
+#Extends NgramNode class
+class WordNode(NgramNode):
+ def __str__(self):
+ return ("Word: %s[%d]" % (self.node_value, self.rank )).encode('utf-8')
+class NGram:
+ def __init__(self, text=None, language=None):
+ self.text=None
+ self.language=None
+ try:
+ #Try loading picked tree object
+ self.ngrams=pickle.load(open(PICKLED_TREE))
+ print "Loaded the ngram from " + PICKLED_TREE
+ except:
+ #Initialize with empty node
+ self.ngrams=NgramNode()
+ print "New one"
+ self.search_depth=0
+ def getRoot(self, node_name=None):
+ if(node_name==None):
+ return self.ngrams
+ else:
+ return self.searchNode(node_name)
+ def searchNodeByName(self, node_name, current_node=None, depth=MAX_TREE_DEPTH):
+ if(current_node==None):
+ current_node=self.getRoot()
+ self.search_depth = 0
+ if(self.search_depth==depth):
+ return None
+ if(current_node.getName() == node_name):
+ print "Found at depth", self.search_depth
+ return current_node
+ else:
+ child_list=current_node.getChildList()
+ if(child_list==None):
+ return None
+ else:
+ child_list=child_list
+ self.search_depth = self.search_depth+1
+ for child_node in child_list :
+ result_node=self.searchNodeByName(node_name,child_node, depth)
+ if(result_node!=None):
+ return result_node
+ def printNgram(self, current_node=None):
+ if(current_node==None):
+ current_node=self.getRoot()
+ print current_node
+ child_list=current_node.getChildList()
+ if(child_list==None):
+ return None
+ else:
+ child_list.sort()
+ for child_node in child_list :
+ self.printNgram(child_node)
+ def toDot(self, graph , current_node=None):
+ if(current_node==None):
+ current_node=self.getRoot()
+ child_list=current_node.getChildList()
+ if(child_list!=None):
+ key=current_node.getName()
+ for child_node in child_list:
+ value=child_node.getName()
+ if((key!=None) & ord(key[len(key)-1])<=0x0901 & len(key)>1):
+ key=key[0:len(key)-1]
+ if(value!=None):
+ if((ord(value[len(value)-1])<=0x0901) & len(value)>1):
+ value=value[0:len(value)-2]
+ graph.add_edge(pydot.Edge(key.encode('utf-8'),value.encode('utf-8')))
+ self.toDot(graph,child_node)
+ def toGraph(self, output_image_file):
+ graph=pydot.Dot()
+ self.toDot(graph)
+ #print graph.to_string().encode('utf-8')
+ graph.write(output_image_file,"dot", "png" )
+ def addSyllables(self,text, window_size=2):
+ words=text.split(" ")
+ ngrams = []
+ for word in words:
+ #TODO-Normalize before taking ngram!!!
+ word = "*"+word+"]"
+ syllables = self.syllabalize_ml(word)
+ syllable_count = len(syllables)
+ window_start = 0
+ window_end = 0
+ while window_start + window_size <= syllable_count:
+ if(window_start + window_size < syllable_count):
+ window_end = window_start + window_size
+ else:
+ window_end = syllable_count
+ ngrams.append(syllables[window_start:window_end])
+ window_start = window_start+1
+ return ngrams
+ '''Syllabalize a given Malayalam string. Based on ml-split code by Baiju M'''
+ def syllabalize_ml(self,text):
+ signs = [
+ u'\u0d02', u'\u0d03', u'\u0d3e', u'\u0d3f', u'\u0d40', u'\u0d41',
+ u'\u0d42', u'\u0d43', u'\u0d44', u'\u0d46', u'\u0d47', u'\u0d48',
+ u'\u0d4a', u'\u0d4b', u'\u0d4c', u'\u0d4d']
+ limiters = ['.','\"','\'','`','!',';',',','?', ']']
+ chandrakkala = u'\u0d4d'
+ lst_chars = []
+ for char in text:
+ if char in limiters:
+ lst_chars.append(char)
+ elif char in signs:
+ lst_chars[-1] = lst_chars[-1] + char
+ else:
+ try:
+ if lst_chars[-1][-1] == chandrakkala :
+ lst_chars[-1] = lst_chars[-1] + char
+ else:
+ lst_chars.append(char)
+ except IndexError:
+ lst_chars.append(char)
+ return lst_chars
+ def addWords(self,text, window_size=2):
+ text = "* "+text+" ]"
+ words = text.split(" ")
+ ngrams = []
+ word_count = len(words)
+ window_start = 0
+ window_end = 0
+ while window_start + window_size <= word_count:
+ if(window_start + window_size < word_count):
+ window_end = window_start + window_size
+ else:
+ window_end = word_count
+ words[window_start:window_end]
+ ngrams.append(words[window_start:window_end])
+ window_start = window_start+1
+ return ngrams
+ def populateSyllableNgram(self, text):
+ ngrams = self.addSyllables(text)
+ for ngram in ngrams:
+ ngram_str=""
+ for item in ngram:
+ if(item.strip()>""):
+ if(ngram_str==""):
+ ngram_str=ngram_str+ item
+ else:
+ if(ngram_str=="["):
+ parent_node=self.getRoot()
+ else:
+ parent_node=self.searchNodeByName(ngram_str,self.getRoot())
+ if(parent_node==None):
+ print "Parent node not found for " + item
+ else:
+ parent_node.addChildNode(SyllableNode(item))
+ print ngram_str+ " -> "+item
+ #pickle the tree
+ pickle.dump(self.getRoot(),open(PICKLED_TREE,'w'))
+ def populateWordNgram(self, text):
+ ng = NGram ()
+ ngrams = ng.addWords(text)
+ for ngram in ngrams:
+ ngram_str=""
+ for item in ngram:
+ if(item.strip()>""):
+ if(ngram_str==""):
+ ngram_str=ngram_str+ item
+ else:
+ if(ngram_str=="*"):
+ parent_node=self.getRoot()
+ else:
+ parent_node=self.searchNodeByName(ngram_str,self.getRoot())
+ if(parent_node==None):
+ print "Parent node not found for " + item
+ else:
+ parent_node.addChildNode(WordNode(item))
+ print ngram_str+ " -> "+item
+ #pickle the tree
+ pickle.dump(self.getRoot(),open(PICKLED_TREE,'w'))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ usage = "usage: %prog [options] inputfile"
+ parser = OptionParser(version="%prog 0.1",description="Malayalam NGram Analyser")
+ parser.set_usage(usage)
+ parser.add_option("-g", "--generate-graph", dest="gen_graph",help="Generates a graph in png format to visualize the ngram")
+ parser.add_option("-p", "--print", action="store_true",default=False,dest="print_ngram",help="Print the Ngram")
+ parser.add_option("-i", "--input-file", dest="input_file",help="Input File for learning")
+ parser.add_option("-s", "--suggest-syllables", dest="suggest_syllables",help="Suggest next possible syllables for the given letter/syllable ")
+ parser.add_option("-w", "--suggest-words", dest="suggest_words",help="Suggest next possible words for the given word ")
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ if(options.gen_graph):
+ ng = NGram ()
+ ng.toGraph(options.gen_graph)
+ if(options.input_file):
+ if not os.path.exists(options.input_file):
+ print "File Doesnot Exist"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ corpus_file = codecs. open(options.input_file,encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')
+ ng = NGram ()
+ while 1:
+ text = unicode( corpus_file.readline())
+ if text == "":
+ break
+ text= text + " ]"
+ ng.populateSyllableNgram(text)
+ ng.populateWordNgram(text)
+ print "Populated"
+ if(options.print_ngram):
+ ng = NGram ()
+ print ng.getRoot().toString()
+ if(options.suggest_syllables):
+ ng = NGram ()
+ print "Searching for" + options.suggest_words
+ print ng.searchNodeByName(unicode(options.suggest_syllables))
+ if(options.suggest_syllables):
+ ng = NGram ()
+ print "Searching for "+ options.suggest_words
+ print ng.searchNodeByName(unicode(options.suggest_words))
diff --git a/silpa/modules/ngram/ngram_ml.txt b/silpa/modules/ngram/ngram_ml.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4db8f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/ngram/ngram_ml.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+V\u0d1c\u0d40\u0d35\u0d3f\u0d2f\u0d3e\u0d2f\u0d3f -> \u0d1c\u0d40\u0d35\u0d3f\u0d2f\u0d3e\u0d2f\u0d3f
+V\u0d2c\u0d32\u0d40\u0d28\u0d4d\u200d -> \u0d2c\u0d32\u0d40\u0d28\u0d4d\u200d -> \u0d2c\u0d32\u0d40\u0d28\u0d4d\u200d
+V33 -> \u0d15\u0d41\u0d31\u0d1e\u0d4d\u0d1e\u0d24\u0d4d -> 33 -> \u0d15\u0d41\u0d31\u0d1e\u0d4d\u0d1e\u0d24\u0d4d
+V\u0d12\u0d30\u0d41 -> \u0d12\u0d30\u0d41
+V\u0d2d\u0d15\u0d4d\u0d37\u0d3f\u0d15\u0d4d\u0d15\u0d41\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d28\u0d24\u0d4d -> \u0d2d\u0d15\u0d4d\u0d37\u0d3f\u0d15\u0d4d\u0d15\u0d41\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d28\u0d24\u0d4d -> \u0d2d\u0d15\u0d4d\u0d37\u0d3f\u0d15\u0d4d\u0d15\u0d41\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d28\u0d24\u0d4d
+V\u0d38\u0d2e\u0d41\u0d26\u0d4d\u0d30\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d32\u0d41\u0d02 -> \u0d38\u0d2e\u0d41\u0d26\u0d4d\u0d30\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d32\u0d41\u0d02 -> \u0d38\u0d2e\u0d41\u0d26\u0d4d\u0d30\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d32\u0d41\u0d02
+V\u0d1a\u0d3e\u0d30\u0d28\u0d3f\u0d31\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d4b\u0d1f\u0d46\u0d2f\u0d3e\u0d23\u0d41\u0d23\u0d4d\u0d1f\u0d3e\u0d35\u0d41\u0d15 -> \u0d1a\u0d3e\u0d30\u0d28\u0d3f\u0d31\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d4b\u0d1f\u0d46\u0d2f\u0d3e\u0d23\u0d41\u0d23\u0d4d\u0d1f\u0d3e\u0d35\u0d41\u0d15
+V\u0d28\u0d3f\u0d31\u0d02 -> \u0d28\u0d3f\u0d31\u0d02
+V\u0d36\u0d30\u0d40\u0d30\u0d2a\u0d4d\u0d30\u0d15\u0d43\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d2f\u0d41\u0d33\u0d4d\u0d33 -> \u0d36\u0d30\u0d40\u0d30\u0d2a\u0d4d\u0d30\u0d15\u0d43\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d2f\u0d41\u0d33\u0d4d\u0d33
+V\u0d09\u0d23\u0d4d\u0d1f\u0d46\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d28\u0d41 -> \u0d09\u0d23\u0d4d\u0d1f\u0d46\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d28\u0d41
+V\u0d35\u0d1f\u0d15\u0d4d\u0d15\u0d28\u0d4d\u200d -> \u0d35\u0d1f\u0d15\u0d4d\u0d15\u0d28\u0d4d\u200d -> \u0d35\u0d1f\u0d15\u0d4d\u0d15\u0d28\u0d4d\u200d
+V\u0d05\u0d15\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d3e\u0d15\u0d4d\u0d15\u0d3e\u0d31\u0d41\u0d23\u0d4d\u0d1f\u0d4d -> \u0d05\u0d15\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d3e\u0d15\u0d4d\u0d15\u0d3e\u0d31\u0d41\u0d23\u0d4d\u0d1f\u0d4d -> \u0d05\u0d15\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d3e\u0d15\u0d4d\u0d15\u0d3e\u0d31\u0d41\u0d23\u0d4d\u0d1f\u0d4d
+V\u0d28\u0d40\u0d30\u0d3e\u0d33\u0d3f\u0d15\u0d33\u0d47\u0d2f\u0d41\u0d02 -> \u0d28\u0d40\u0d30\u0d3e\u0d33\u0d3f\u0d15\u0d33\u0d47\u0d2f\u0d41\u0d02 -> \u0d28\u0d40\u0d30\u0d3e\u0d33\u0d3f\u0d15\u0d33\u0d47\u0d2f\u0d41\u0d02
+V\u0d1c\u0d40\u0d35\u0d3f\u0d15\u0d4d\u0d15\u0d41\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d28 -> \u0d1c\u0d40\u0d35\u0d3f\u0d15\u0d4d\u0d15\u0d41\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d28
+V\u0d15\u0d23\u0d15\u0d4d\u0d15\u0d3e\u0d15\u0d4d\u0d15\u0d2a\u0d4d\u0d2a\u0d46\u0d1f\u0d41\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d28 -> \u0d15\u0d23\u0d15\u0d4d\u0d15\u0d3e\u0d15\u0d4d\u0d15\u0d2a\u0d4d\u0d2a\u0d46\u0d1f\u0d41\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d28
+V\u0d15\u0d41\u0d33\u0d4d\u0d33\u0d28\u0d4d\u200d -> \u0d15\u0d41\u0d33\u0d4d\u0d33\u0d28\u0d4d\u200d -> \u0d15\u0d41\u0d33\u0d4d\u0d33\u0d28\u0d4d\u200d
+V\u0d2c\u0d3f -> \u0d2c\u0d3f -> \u0d2c\u0d3f -> \u0d2c\u0d3f -> \u0d2c\u0d3f -> \u0d2c\u0d3f
+V\u0d28\u0d40\u0d32\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d2e\u0d3f\u0d02\u0d17\u0d32\u0d19\u0d4d\u0d19\u0d33\u0d4d\u200d\u0d15\u0d4d\u0d15\u0d4d -> \u0d28\u0d40\u0d32\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d2e\u0d3f\u0d02\u0d17\u0d32\u0d19\u0d4d\u0d19\u0d33\u0d4d\u200d\u0d15\u0d4d\u0d15\u0d4d
+V\u0d2e\u0d42\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d28\u0d41\u0d2a\u0d1c\u0d3e\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d15\u0d33\u0d46\u0d19\u0d4d\u0d15\u0d3f\u0d32\u0d41\u0d02 -> \u0d2e\u0d42\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d28\u0d41\u0d2a\u0d1c\u0d3e\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d15\u0d33\u0d46\u0d19\u0d4d\u0d15\u0d3f\u0d32\u0d41\u0d02
+V\u0d28\u0d40\u0d32\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d2e\u0d3f\u0d02\u0d17\u0d32\u0d02 -> \u0d28\u0d40\u0d32\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d2e\u0d3f\u0d02\u0d17\u0d32\u0d02 -> \u0d28\u0d40\u0d32\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d2e\u0d3f\u0d02\u0d17\u0d32\u0d02
+V\u0d2e\u0d46\u0d1f\u0d4d\u0d30\u0d3f\u0d15\u0d4d -> \u0d2e\u0d46\u0d1f\u0d4d\u0d30\u0d3f\u0d15\u0d4d
+V\u0d35\u0d32\u0d3f\u0d2f -> \u0d35\u0d32\u0d3f\u0d2f
+V\u0d28\u0d40\u0d32\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d2e\u0d3f\u0d02\u0d17\u0d32\u0d19\u0d4d\u0d19\u0d33\u0d41\u0d1f\u0d46 -> \u0d28\u0d40\u0d32\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d2e\u0d3f\u0d02\u0d17\u0d32\u0d19\u0d4d\u0d19\u0d33\u0d41\u0d1f\u0d46
+V\u0d35\u0d30\u0d41\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d28 -> \u0d35\u0d30\u0d41\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d28 -> \u0d35\u0d30\u0d41\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d28
+V\u0d38\u0d2e\u0d41\u0d26\u0d4d\u0d30\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d32\u0d4d\u200d -> \u0d38\u0d2e\u0d41\u0d26\u0d4d\u0d30\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d32\u0d4d\u200d -> \u0d38\u0d2e\u0d41\u0d26\u0d4d\u0d30\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d32\u0d4d\u200d
+V\u0d15\u0d3e\u0d23\u0d41\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d28 -> \u0d15\u0d3e\u0d23\u0d41\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d28 -> \u0d15\u0d3e\u0d23\u0d41\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d28
+V\u0d28\u0d40\u0d32\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d2e\u0d3f\u0d02\u0d17\u0d32\u0d02 -> \u0d28\u0d40\u0d32\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d2e\u0d3f\u0d02\u0d17\u0d32\u0d02
+V\u0d0f\u0d31\u0d4d\u0d31\u0d35\u0d41\u0d02 -> \u0d0f\u0d31\u0d4d\u0d31\u0d35\u0d41\u0d02
+V\u0d36\u0d30\u0d40\u0d30\u0d02 -> \u0d36\u0d30\u0d40\u0d30\u0d02
+V\u0d09\u0d23\u0d4d\u0d1f\u0d3e\u0d15\u0d3e\u0d02 -> \u0d09\u0d23\u0d4d\u0d1f\u0d3e\u0d15\u0d3e\u0d02
+V\u0d28\u0d40\u0d32\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d2e\u0d3f\u0d02\u0d17\u0d32\u0d19\u0d4d\u0d19\u0d33\u0d41\u0d02 -> \u0d28\u0d40\u0d32\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d2e\u0d3f\u0d02\u0d17\u0d32\u0d19\u0d4d\u0d19\u0d33\u0d41\u0d02 -> \u0d28\u0d40\u0d32\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d2e\u0d3f\u0d02\u0d17\u0d32\u0d19\u0d4d\u0d19\u0d33\u0d41\u0d02
+V\u0d12\u0d30\u0d41 -> \u0d12\u0d30\u0d41
+V\u0d1f\u0d23\u0d3f\u0d32\u0d27\u0d3f\u0d15\u0d02 -> \u0d1f\u0d23\u0d3f\u0d32\u0d27\u0d3f\u0d15\u0d02
+V\u0d1a\u0d46\u0d31\u0d3f\u0d2f -> \u0d1a\u0d46\u0d31\u0d3f\u0d2f -> \u0d1a\u0d46\u0d31\u0d3f\u0d2f
+V\u0d06\u0d23\u0d41 -> \u0d06\u0d23\u0d41 -> \u0d06\u0d23\u0d41
+V\u0d15\u0d3e\u0d23\u0d2a\u0d4d\u0d2a\u0d46\u0d1f\u0d41\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d28 -> \u0d15\u0d23\u0d4d\u0d1f\u0d41 -> \u0d15\u0d3e\u0d23\u0d2a\u0d4d\u0d2a\u0d46\u0d1f\u0d41\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d28 -> \u0d15\u0d23\u0d4d\u0d1f\u0d41 -> \u0d15\u0d3e\u0d23\u0d2a\u0d4d\u0d2a\u0d46\u0d1f\u0d41\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d28 -> \u0d15\u0d23\u0d4d\u0d1f\u0d41
+V\u0d05\u0d31\u0d4d\u0d31\u0d4d\u0d32\u0d3e\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d31\u0d3f\u0d15\u0d4d -> \u0d2a\u0d38\u0d2b\u0d3f\u0d15\u0d4d -> \u0d05\u0d31\u0d4d\u0d31\u0d4d\u0d32\u0d3e\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d31\u0d3f\u0d15\u0d4d -> \u0d2a\u0d38\u0d2b\u0d3f\u0d15\u0d4d -> \u0d05\u0d31\u0d4d\u0d31\u0d4d\u0d32\u0d3e\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d31\u0d3f\u0d15\u0d4d -> \u0d2a\u0d38\u0d2b\u0d3f\u0d15\u0d4d
+V\u0d38\u0d38\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d28\u0d3f\u0d2f\u0d3e\u0d23\u0d4d -> \u0d09\u0d2a\u0d1c\u0d3e\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d2f\u0d3e\u0d23\u0d3f\u0d35 -> \u0d38\u0d38\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d28\u0d3f\u0d2f\u0d3e\u0d23\u0d4d -> \u0d09\u0d2a\u0d1c\u0d3e\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d2f\u0d3e\u0d23\u0d3f\u0d35
+V\u0d0e\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d28\u0d3f\u0d35\u0d2f\u0d3e\u0d23\u0d35 -> \u0d0e\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d28\u0d3f\u0d35\u0d2f\u0d3e\u0d23\u0d35 -> \u0d0e\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d28\u0d3f\u0d35\u0d2f\u0d3e\u0d23\u0d35
+V\u0d15\u0d4a\u0d1e\u0d4d\u0d1a\u0d41\u0d2a\u0d4b\u0d32\u0d41\u0d33\u0d4d\u0d33 -> \u0d15\u0d4a\u0d1e\u0d4d\u0d1a\u0d41\u0d2a\u0d4b\u0d32\u0d41\u0d33\u0d4d\u0d33 -> \u0d15\u0d4a\u0d1e\u0d4d\u0d1a\u0d41\u0d2a\u0d4b\u0d32\u0d41\u0d33\u0d4d\u0d33
+V\u0d15\u0d30\u0d41\u0d24\u0d41\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d28\u0d41 -> \u0d15\u0d30\u0d41\u0d24\u0d41\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d28\u0d41
+V\u0d2e\u0d39\u0d3e\u0d38\u0d2e\u0d41\u0d26\u0d4d\u0d30\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d32\u0d4d\u200d -> \u0d2e\u0d39\u0d3e\u0d38\u0d2e\u0d41\u0d26\u0d4d\u0d30\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d32\u0d4d\u200d -> \u0d2e\u0d39\u0d3e\u0d38\u0d2e\u0d41\u0d26\u0d4d\u0d30\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d32\u0d4d\u200d -> \u0d2e\u0d39\u0d3e\u0d38\u0d2e\u0d41\u0d26\u0d4d\u0d30\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d32\u0d4d\u200d -> \u0d2e\u0d39\u0d3e\u0d38\u0d2e\u0d41\u0d26\u0d4d\u0d30\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d32\u0d4d\u200d -> \u0d2e\u0d39\u0d3e\u0d38\u0d2e\u0d41\u0d26\u0d4d\u0d30\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d32\u0d4d\u200d
+V(B -> (B -> (B
+V\u0d2d\u0d3e\u0d30\u0d35\u0d41\u0d02 -> \u0d2d\u0d3e\u0d30\u0d35\u0d41\u0d02
+V\u0d07\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d28\u0d41\u0d35\u0d30\u0d46\u0d2f\u0d41\u0d33\u0d4d\u0d33\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d32\u0d4d\u200d -> \u0d07\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d28\u0d41\u0d35\u0d30\u0d46\u0d2f\u0d41\u0d33\u0d4d\u0d33\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d32\u0d4d\u200d
+V\u0d2e\u0d31\u0d4d\u0d31\u0d4a\u0d30\u0d41 -> \u0d2e\u0d31\u0d4d\u0d31\u0d4a\u0d30\u0d41 -> \u0d2e\u0d31\u0d4d\u0d31\u0d4a\u0d30\u0d41
+V\u0d2e\u0d40 -> \u0d2e\u0d40
+V\u0d15\u0d41\u0d31\u0d35\u0d3e\u0d2f\u0d3f\u0d30\u0d3f\u0d15\u0d4d\u0d15\u0d41\u0d02 -> \u0d15\u0d41\u0d31\u0d35\u0d3e\u0d2f\u0d3f\u0d30\u0d3f\u0d15\u0d4d\u0d15\u0d41\u0d02
+V\u0d1a\u0d46\u0d31\u0d41 -> \u0d1a\u0d46\u0d31\u0d41 -> \u0d1a\u0d46\u0d31\u0d41
+V\u0d2e\u0d39\u0d3e\u0d38\u0d2e\u0d41\u0d26\u0d4d\u0d30\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d32\u0d41\u0d02 -> \u0d2e\u0d39\u0d3e\u0d38\u0d2e\u0d41\u0d26\u0d4d\u0d30\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d32\u0d41\u0d02 -> \u0d2e\u0d39\u0d3e\u0d38\u0d2e\u0d41\u0d26\u0d4d\u0d30\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d32\u0d41\u0d02
+V\u0d28\u0d40\u0d32\u0d15\u0d32\u0d30\u0d4d\u200d\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d28 -> \u0d28\u0d40\u0d32\u0d15\u0d32\u0d30\u0d4d\u200d\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d28
+V\u0d15\u0d3e\u0d23\u0d41\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d28 -> \u0d15\u0d3e\u0d23\u0d41\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d28 -> \u0d15\u0d3e\u0d23\u0d41\u0d28\u0d4d\u0d28
+V\u0d2a\u0d41\u0d31\u0d02\u0d24\u0d4b\u0d1f\u0d41\u0d33\u0d4d\u0d33 -> \u0d2a\u0d41\u0d31\u0d02\u0d24\u0d4b\u0d1f\u0d41\u0d33\u0d4d\u0d33 -> \u0d2a\u0d41\u0d31\u0d02\u0d24\u0d4b\u0d1f\u0d41\u0d33\u0d4d\u0d33
+V\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d2e\u0d3f\u0d02\u0d17\u0d32\u0d19\u0d4d\u0d19\u0d33\u0d41\u0d1f\u0d46 -> \u0d24\u0d3f\u0d2e\u0d3f\u0d02\u0d17\u0d32\u0d19\u0d4d\u0d19\u0d33\u0d46 -> \u0d24\u0d3f\u0d2e\u0d3f\u0d02\u0d17\u0d32\u0d19\u0d4d\u0d19\u0d33\u0d46 -> \u0d24\u0d3f\u0d2e\u0d3f\u0d02\u0d17\u0d32\u0d19\u0d4d\u0d19\u0d33\u0d46 -> \u0d24\u0d3f\u0d2e\u0d3f\u0d02\u0d17\u0d32\u0d19\u0d4d\u0d19\u0d33\u0d41\u0d1f\u0d46
+V\u0d2a\u0d4b\u0d32\u0d46 -> \u0d2a\u0d4b\u0d32\u0d46 -> \u0d2a\u0d4b\u0d32\u0d46
+V181 -> 181
+V\u0d09\u0d2a\u0d1c\u0d3e\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d2f\u0d3e\u0d35\u0d3e\u0d28\u0d3f\u0d1f\u0d2f\u0d41\u0d23\u0d4d\u0d1f\u0d4d -> \u0d09\u0d2a\u0d1c\u0d3e\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d2f\u0d3e\u0d35\u0d3e\u0d28\u0d3f\u0d1f\u0d2f\u0d41\u0d23\u0d4d\u0d1f\u0d4d -> \u0d09\u0d2a\u0d1c\u0d3e\u0d24\u0d3f\u0d2f\u0d3e\u0d35\u0d3e\u0d28\u0d3f\u0d1f\u0d2f\u0d41\u0d23\u0d4d\u0d1f\u0d4d
+V\u0d1c\u0d40\u0d35\u0d3f\u0d15\u0d33\u0d46 -> \u0d1c\u0d40\u0d35\u0d3f\u0d15\u0d33\u0d46 -> \u0d1c\u0d40\u0d35\u0d3f\u0d15\u0d33\u0d46
+V\u0d2c\u0d3f -> \u0d2c\u0d3f -> \u0d2c\u0d3f
+s. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/silpa/modules/ngram/ b/silpa/modules/ngram/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec4b184
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/ngram/
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Ngram
+# Copyright 2009 Jinesh K J <>
+# Copyright 2009 Swathantra Malayalam Computing <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# If you find any bugs or have any suggestions email: or
+# URL:
+import pydot
+import codecs
+import pickle
+import sys
+from visualizer import NGramVisualizer
+from optparse import OptionParser
+def getData(new_file_name):
+ line = []
+ line_number = 0
+ rule_number = 0
+ corpus=""
+ data_file = codecs. open(new_file_name,encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')
+ while 1:
+ line_number = line_number +1
+ text = unicode( data_file.readline())
+ if text == "":
+ break
+ if text[0] == '#':
+ continue
+ line_number = line_number +1
+ line = text.strip()
+ if(line == ""):
+ continue
+ corpus=corpus+" "+line
+ return corpus
+def printGraph(corpus,start_word):
+ ngv=NGramVisualizer ()
+ graph_dict=pickle.load(open(corpus))
+ graph=pydot.Dot()
+ uni_start_word = start_word.decode("utf-8")
+# print start_word
+# print uni_start_word
+ graph=ngv.generate_graph(graph_dict, graph,uni_start_word)
+ print graph.to_string().encode("utf-8")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ usage = "usage: %prog [options] INPUTDATA CORPUSFILE"
+ parser = OptionParser(version="%prog 1.0",description="Sample program to add data INPUTDATA to the corpus in CORPUSFILE")
+ parser.set_usage(usage)
+ parser.add_option("-s", "--start-word", dest="start_word",action="store_true",default=False,help="Creates a graph beginning from INPUTDATA")
+ parser.add_option("-f", "--file", action="store_true",default=False,dest="infile",help="Gets Data from file INPUTDATA")
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ if len(args) != 2 :
+ parser.error("incorrect number of arguments")
+ if options.infile and options.start_word:
+ parser.error("options -f and -s are mutually exclusive")
+ ngv=NGramVisualizer ()
+ if options.infile:
+ data = getData(args[0])
+ # print data
+ ngv.loadCorpus(data,args[1])
+ elif options.start_word:
+ printGraph(args[1],args[0])
+ else:
+ # print args[0]
+ data = args[0].decode("utf-8")
+ ngv.loadCorpus(data,args[1])
diff --git a/silpa/modules/ngram/ b/silpa/modules/ngram/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..585c11f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/ngram/
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Ngram
+# Copyright 2008 Santhosh Thottingal <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# If you find any bugs or have any suggestions email:
+# URL:
+import pydot
+import codecs
+import pickle
+class NGramVisualizer:
+ depth=0
+ def loadCorpus(self,corpus,corpus_file_name):
+ limiters = [".","!","?",",",";"]
+ try:
+ corpusfile = open(corpus_file_name)
+ except IOError:
+ graph_dict = dict()
+ else:
+ graph_dict = pickle.load(corpusfile)
+ # graph_dict = dict()
+ sentences=[]
+ sentence = ""
+ start = 0
+ for index in range(0,len(corpus)):
+ for delimit in limiters:
+ if corpus[index] == delimit:
+ sentence = corpus[start:index]
+ sentences.append(sentence)
+ start = index+1
+ for line in sentences:
+ words=line.split(" ")
+ word_count=len(words)
+ prev_word=""
+ for word in words:
+ #print word
+ word=word.strip()
+ if(prev_word==""):
+ prev_word=word
+ continue;
+ if(prev_word!=""):
+ if(graph_dict.has_key(prev_word)):
+ graph_dict[prev_word]=graph_dict[prev_word]+" -> "+word
+ else:
+ graph_dict[prev_word]=word
+ prev_word=word
+ prev_word=""
+ pickle.dump(graph_dict,open(corpus_file_name,'w'))
+ #return graph_dict
+ def generate_full_graph(self, start_word, graph_dict,outputimage):
+ for key in graph_dict.iterkeys():
+ values=graph_dict[key].split("->")
+ for value in values:
+ value=value.strip()
+ #print key, value
+ if(start_word>""):
+ if(key==start_word):
+ graph.add_edge(pydot.Edge(key.encode('utf-8'),value.encode('utf-8')))
+ else:
+ graph.add_edge(pydot.Edge(key.encode('utf-8'),value.encode('utf-8')))
+ def generate_graph(self, graph_dict, graph, src):
+ self.depth=self.depth+1
+ #print self.depth ,src
+ if(graph.get_node(src)!=[]):
+ return graph
+ if(self.depth>200):
+ return graph
+ values=[]
+ if(graph_dict.has_key(src)) :
+ values=graph_dict[src].split("->")
+ for dest in values:
+ dest=dest.strip()
+ #print src, dest,graph.get_edge(src,dest)
+ if(graph.get_edge(src,dest)):
+ continue
+ else:
+ graph.add_edge(pydot.Edge(src,dest))
+ graph=self.generate_graph(graph_dict, graph, dest)
+ return graph
+#if __name__ == "__main__":
+# ngv=NGramVisualizer ()
+# graph_dict = dict()
+# graph_dict=ngv.loadCorpus ("ml.txt",graph_dict)
+# pickle.dump(graph_dict,open('ngram_ml.txt','w'))
+# graph=pydot.Dot()
+# graph=ngv.generate_graph(graph_dict, graph,u"നീലത്തിമിംഗലങ്ങള്‍ക്ക്")
+# print graph.to_string().encode("utf-8")
+ #graph.write("ngvgraph-hi.png","dot", "raw" )
diff --git a/silpa/modules/paralperu/ b/silpa/modules/paralperu/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5398c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/paralperu/
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Paralperu
+# Copyright 2008 Santhosh Thottingal <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# If you find any bugs or have any suggestions email:
+# URL:
+class Paralperu:
+ def paralperu(self,text):
+ result = ""
+ text=unicode(text)
+ index = len(text) - 1
+ while index >= 0:
+ if ((index)>= 0 ) :
+ if (text[index]== '്'):
+ index = index - 2 #skip the letter before chandrakkala
+ continue
+ if (text[index] == u'ക'):
+ result = result + '1'
+ if (text[index]== u'ട'):
+ result = result + '1'
+ if (text[index]== u'പ'):
+ result = result + '1'
+ if (text[index]== u'യ'):
+ result = result + '1'
+ if (text[index]== u'ഖ'):
+ result = result + '2'
+ if (text[index]== u'ഠ'):
+ result = result + '2'
+ if (text[index]== u'ഫ'):
+ result = result + '2'
+ if (text[index]== u'ര'):
+ result = result + '2'
+ if (text[index]== u'ഗ'):
+ result = result + '3'
+ if (text[index]== u'ഡ'):
+ result = result + '3'
+ if (text[index]== u'ബ'):
+ result = result + '3'
+ if (text[index]== u'ല'):
+ result = result + '3'
+ if (text[index]== u'ഘ'):
+ result = result + '4'
+ if (text[index]== u'ഢ'):
+ result = result + '4'
+ if (text[index]== u'ഭ'):
+ result = result + '4'
+ if (text[index]== u'വ'):
+ result = result + '4'
+ if (text[index]== u'ങ'):
+ result = result + '5'
+ if (text[index]== u'ണ'):
+ result = result + '5'
+ if (text[index]== u'മ'):
+ result = result + '5'
+ if (text[index]== u'ശ'):
+ result = result + '5'
+ if (text[index]== u'ച'):
+ result = result + '6'
+ if (text[index]== u'ത'):
+ result = result + '6'
+ if (text[index]== u'ഷ'):
+ result = result + '6'
+ if (text[index]== u'ഛ'):
+ result = result + '7'
+ if (text[index]== u'ഥ'):
+ result = result + '7'
+ if (text[index]== u'സ'):
+ result = result + '7'
+ if (text[index]== u'ജ'):
+ result = result + '8'
+ if (text[index]== u'ദ'):
+ result = result + '8'
+ if (text[index]== u'ഹ'):
+ result = result + '8'
+ if (text[index]== u'ഝ'):
+ result = result + '9'
+ if (text[index]== u'ധ'):
+ result = result + '9'
+ if (text[index]== u'ള'):
+ result = result + '9'
+ if (text[index]== u'ഞ'):
+ result = result + '0'
+ if (text[index]== u'ന'):
+ result = result + '0'
+ if (text[index]== u'ഴ'):
+ result = result + '0'
+ if (text[index]== u'റ'):
+ result = result + '0'
+ if (text[index]== u'അ'):
+ result = result + '0'
+ if (text[index]== u'ആ'):
+ result = result + '0'
+ if (text[index]== u'ഇ'):
+ result = result + '0'
+ if (text[index]== u'ഈ'):
+ result = result + '0'
+ if (text[index]== u'ഉ'):
+ result = result + '0'
+ if (text[index]== u'ഊ'):
+ result = result + '0'
+ if (text[index]== u'ഋ'):
+ result = result + '0'
+ if (text[index]== u'ൠ'):
+ result = result + '0'
+ if (text[index]== u'ഌ'):
+ result = result + '0'
+ if (text[index]== u'ൡ'):
+ result = result + '0'
+ if (text[index]== u'എ'):
+ result = result + '0'
+ if (text[index]== u'ഏ'):
+ result = result + '0'
+ if (text[index]== u'ഒ'):
+ result = result + '0'
+ if (text[index]== u'ഓ'):
+ result = result + '0'
+ if (text[index]== u'ഔ'):
+ result = result + '0'
+ index = index-1
+ return result
diff --git a/silpa/modules/payyans/maps/ b/silpa/modules/payyans/maps/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22fa9f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/payyans/maps/
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+#Ambili Font map for Payyans
+#Copyright 2009 Zyxware (
+#Copyright 2008 SMC (
+#Licensed under GPLv3
+#Contact for bug reports
+ =സ്സ
diff --git a/silpa/modules/payyans/maps/ b/silpa/modules/payyans/maps/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..126031d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/payyans/maps/
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
diff --git a/silpa/modules/payyans/maps/ b/silpa/modules/payyans/maps/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4e1765
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/payyans/maps/
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
diff --git a/silpa/modules/payyans/maps/ b/silpa/modules/payyans/maps/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed24cc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/payyans/maps/
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+@ = ഥ
+A = ക്ക
+B = ങ്ങ
+C = ങ്ക
+E = ഞ്ഞ
+F = ഞ്ച
+G = ട്ട
+H = ണ്ണ
+I = ണ്ട
+J = ത്ത
+K = ന്ന
+L = ന്ത
+M = പ്പ
+N = മ്മ
+O = മ്പ
+P = ഗ്ഗ
+T = സ്സ
+U = ള്ള
+V = ര്‍
+W = ല്‍
+X = ന്‍
+Y = ണ്‍
+Z = ള്‍
+` = ഋ
+a = ന്റ
+b = ്വ
+c = ്യ
+d = ്ര
+f = ക്ഷ
+g = ദ്ദ
+i = ദ്ധ
+j = ത്ഥ
+m = ണ്ഡ
+o = ഗ്ന
+p = ണ്മ
+q = ത്ഭ
+r = ത്സ
+s = ന്ഥ
+t = ന്ധ
+u = ഗ്മ
+v = ത്മ
+w = ന്ദ
+x = റ്റ
+y = ത്ന
+z = ന്മ
+{ = ള
+| = മ്ല
+~ = ഖ
+¡ = ്
+¢ = ം
+£ = ഃ
+€ = ശ്ശ
+¥ = ഔ
+Š = സ്ല
+§ = ഇ
+© = ഉ
+ª = ഊ
+« = ഋ
+® =എ
+¯ = ഏ
+° = ഐ
+± = ഗ്ല
+² = ഒ
+³ = ഓ
+µ = ക
+¶ = ഖ
+· = ഗ
+¹ = ങ
+º = ച
+» = ഛ
+Œ = വ്വ
+¿ = ട
+À = ഠ
+Á = ഡ
+Â = ഢ
+Ã = ണ
+Ä = ത
+Å = ഥ
+Æ = ദ
+Ç = ധ
+È = ന
+É = പ
+Ë = ഫ
+Ì = ബ
+Í = ഭ
+Î = മ
+Ï = യ
+Ð = ക്ല
+Õ = വ
+Ö = ശ
+× = ഷ
+Ø = സ
+Ù = ഹ
+Ú = റ്റ
+Û = ശ്ശ
+Ü = ല
+Ý = ഴ
+Þ = ാ
+ß = ി
+à = ീ
+á = ു
+â = ൂ
+ã = ൃ
+æ = െ
+ç = േ
+è = ൈ
+ì = ൗ
+í = ്
+ò = ി
+ó = ു
+ô = ൂ
+ø = ര
+ù = റ
diff --git a/silpa/modules/payyans/maps/ b/silpa/modules/payyans/maps/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76068de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/payyans/maps/
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# ML-Revathi mapping to Unicode
+# Givetherulesinfollowingformat
diff --git a/silpa/modules/payyans/maps/ b/silpa/modules/payyans/maps/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dba911f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/payyans/maps/
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+! = ?
+" = ?
+# = ?
+$ = ?
+% = ?
+& = ?
+' = ?
+( = ?
+) = ?
+* = ?
++ = ?
+, = ?
+- = ?
+. = ?
+/ = ?
+0 = ?
+1 = ?
+2 = ?
+3 = ?
+4 = ?
+5 = ?
+6 = ?
+7 = ?
+8 = ?
+9 = ?
+: = ?
+; = ?
+< = ?
+= = ?
+> = ?
+? = ?
+@ = ?
+A = ?
+B = ?
+C = ?
+D = ?
+E = ?
+F = ?
+G = ?
+H = ?
+I = ?
+J = ?
+K = ?
+L = ?
+M = ?
+N = ?
+O = ?
+P = ?
+Q = ?
+R = ?
+S = ?
+T = ?
+U = ?
+V = ?
+W = ?
+X = ?
+Y = ?
+Z = ?
+[ = ?
+\ = ?
+] = ?
+^ = ?
+_ = ?
+` = ?
+a = ?
+b = ?
+c = ?
+d = ?
+e = ?
+f = ?
+g = ?
+h = ?
+i = ?
+j = ?
+k = ?
+l = ?
+m = ?
+n = ?
+o = ?
+p = ?
+q = ?
+r = ?
+s = ?
+t = ?
+u = ?
+v = ?
+w = ?
+x = ?
+y = ?
+z = ?
+{ = ?
+| = ?
+} = ?
+~ = ?
+ = ?
+ = ?
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+ = ?
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+ = ?
+ = ?
+ = ?
+ = ?
diff --git a/silpa/modules/payyans/ b/silpa/modules/payyans/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8751347
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/payyans/
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Payyans Ascii to Unicode Convertor
+# Copyright 2008-2009 Santhosh Thottingal <>,
+# Nishan Naseer <>, Manu S Madhav <>,
+# Rajeesh K Nambiar <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# If you find any bugs or have any suggestions email:
+# URL:
+പയ്യന്‍ ആളു തരികിടയാകുന്നു. ആസ്കി വേറൊരു തരികിടയും.
+തരികിടയെ തരികിടകൊണ്ടു നേരിടുന്നതാണു് ബുദ്ധി.
+അമേരിക്കാ-ഇറാഖ് യുദ്ധം താഴെപ്പറയും വിധമാകുന്നു.
+'''ആവശ്യത്തിനുള്ള കോപ്പുകള്‍ കൂട്ടുക '''
+import sys #കുന്തം
+import codecs #കൊടച്ചക്രം
+import os #ശീലക്കുട
+from common import *
+'''പയ്യന്റെ ക്ലാസ് ഉന്നതകുലമാകുന്നു. ച്ചാല്‍ ആഢ്യന്‍ തന്നെ. ഏ ക്ലാസ് പയ്യന്‍...!'''
+class Payyans(SilpaModule):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.input_filename =""
+ self.output_filename=""
+ self.mapping_filename=""
+ self.rulesDict=None
+ self.pdf=0
+ def word2ASCII(self, unicode_text):
+ index = 0
+ prebase_letter = ""
+ ascii_text=""
+ self.direction = "u2a"
+ self.rulesDict = self.LoadRules()
+ while index < len(unicode_text):
+ '''കൂട്ടക്ഷരങ്ങള്‍ക്കൊരു കുറുക്കുവഴി'''
+ for charNo in [3,2,1]:
+ letter = unicode_text[index:index+charNo]
+ if letter in self.rulesDict:
+ ascii_letter = self.rulesDict[letter]
+ letter = letter.encode('utf-8')
+ '''കിട്ടിയ അക്ഷരങ്ങളുടെ അപ്പുറത്തും ഇപ്പുറത്തും സ്വരചിഹ്നങ്ങള്‍ ഫിറ്റ് ചെയ്യാനുള്ള ബദ്ധപ്പാട്'''
+ if letter == 'ൈ': # പിറകില്‍ രണ്ടു സാധനം പിടിപ്പിക്കുക
+ ascii_text = ascii_text[:-1] + ascii_letter*2 + ascii_text[-1:]
+ elif (letter == 'ോ') | (letter == 'ൊ') | (letter == 'ൌ'): #മുമ്പിലൊന്നും പിറകിലൊന്നും
+ ascii_text = ascii_text[:-1] + ascii_letter[0] + ascii_text[-1:] + ascii_letter[1]
+ elif (letter == 'െ') | (letter == 'േ') |(letter == '്ര'): #പിറകിലൊന്നുമാത്രം
+ ascii_text = ascii_text[:-1] + ascii_letter + ascii_text[-1:]
+ else:
+ ascii_text = ascii_text + ascii_letter
+ index = index+charNo
+ break
+ else:
+ if(charNo==1):
+ index=index+1
+ ascii_text = ascii_text + letter
+ break;
+ '''നോക്കിയിട്ടു കിട്ടുന്നില്ല ബായി'''
+ ascii_letter = letter
+ #ascii_text = ascii_text + ascii_letter
+ #index = index+1
+ return ascii_text
+ def Uni2Ascii(self):
+ '''പണിതുടങ്ങട്ടെ'''
+ if self.input_filename :
+ uni_file =, encoding = 'utf-8', errors = 'ignore')
+ else :
+ uni_file =, encoding = 'utf-8', errors = 'ignore')
+ text = ""
+ if self.output_filename :
+ output_file =, encoding = 'utf-8', errors = 'ignore', mode='w+')
+ while 1:
+ text =uni_file.readline()
+ if text == "":
+ break
+ ascii_text = ""
+ # ഹീന ജാതിയിലേയ്ക്ക് തരം താഴ്ത്ത്വാ !
+ ascii_text = self.word2ASCII(text)
+ if self.output_filename :
+ output_file.write(ascii_text)
+ else:
+ print ascii_text.encode('utf-8')
+ ''' പയ്യന്‍ നല്ലോരു യൂണിക്കോട് ഫയലില്‍ കേറി നെരങ്ങി ആസ്ക്കിയാക്കി. ദൈവമേ, ഈ പയ്യനു നല്ലബുദ്ധി തോന്നിക്കണേ... '''
+ return 0
+ def word2Unicode(self, ascii_text):
+ index = 0
+ post_index = 0
+ prebase_letter = ""
+ postbase_letter = "" # "‌‌്യ", "്വ"
+ unicode_text = ""
+ next_ucode_letter = ""
+ self.direction="a2u"
+ self.rulesDict = self.LoadRules()
+ while index < len(ascii_text):
+ for charNo in [2,1]:
+ letter = ascii_text[index:index+charNo]
+ if letter in self.rulesDict:
+ unicode_letter = self.rulesDict[letter]
+ if(self.isPrebase(unicode_letter)): #സ്വരചിഹ്നമാണോ?
+ prebase_letter = unicode_letter
+ else: #സ്വരചിഹ്നമല്ല
+ #എങ്കില്‍ വ്യഞ്ജനത്തിനു ശേഷം പോസ്റ്റ്-ബേസ് ഉണ്ടോ എന്നു നോക്കൂ
+ post_index = index+charNo
+ if post_index < len(ascii_text):
+ letter = ascii_text[post_index]
+ if letter in self.rulesDict:
+ next_ucode_letter = self.rulesDict[letter]
+ if self.isPostbase(next_ucode_letter):
+ postbase_letter = next_ucode_letter
+ index = index + 1
+ if ((unicode_letter.encode('utf-8') == "എ") |
+ ( unicode_letter.encode('utf-8') == "ഒ" )):
+ unicode_text = unicode_text + postbase_letter + self.getVowelSign(prebase_letter , unicode_letter)
+ else:
+ unicode_text = unicode_text + unicode_letter + postbase_letter + prebase_letter
+ prebase_letter=""
+ postbase_letter=""
+ index = index + charNo
+ break
+ else:
+ if charNo == 1:
+ unicode_text = unicode_text + letter
+ index = index + 1
+ break
+ unicode_letter = letter
+ return unicode_text # മതം മാറ്റി തിരിച്ചു കൊടുക്ക്വാ !
+ def Ascii2Uni(self):
+ if self.pdf :
+ command = "pdftotext '" + self.input_filename +"'"
+ process = os.popen(command, 'r')
+ status = process.close()
+ if status:
+ print "The input file is a PDF file. To convert this the pdftotext utility is required. "
+ print "This feature is available only for GNU/Linux Operating system."
+ '''ഊഹും. കൊന്നാലും ഇനി മുന്നോട്ടില്ല. മുന്നില്‍ മറ്റവനാകുന്നു. ഏതു്? '''
+ return 1 # Error - no pdftotext !
+ else:
+ self.input_filename = os.path.splitext(self.input_filename)[0] + ".txt"
+ if self.input_filename :
+ ascii_file =, encoding = 'utf-8', errors = 'ignore')
+ else :
+ ascii_file =, encoding = 'utf-8', errors = 'ignore')
+ text = ""
+ if self.output_filename :
+ output_file =, encoding = 'utf-8', errors = 'ignore', mode='w+')
+ '''സത്യമുള്ളടത്തോളം... അതുകൊണ്ടു തന്നെ ടെര്‍മിനേഷന്‍ ഉറപ്പു്'''
+ while 1:
+ text =ascii_file.readline()
+ if text == "":
+ break
+ unicode_text = ""
+ ''' അങ്ങട്ട് മതം മാറ്റ്വാ... ആസ്കിതനും നാസ്തികനും ഒന്നന്നെ! '''
+ unicode_text = self.word2Unicode(text)
+ if self.output_filename :
+ output_file.write(unicode_text)
+ else:
+ print unicode_text.encode('utf-8')
+ ''' പയ്യന്റെ അവതാരോദ്ദേശ്യം പൂര്‍ണ്ണമായിരിക്കുന്നു. ഇനി മടക്കം. റിട്ടേണ്‍...! '''
+ return 0
+ def getVowelSign(self, vowel_letter, vowel_sign_letter):
+ vowel= vowel_letter.encode('utf-8')
+ vowel_sign= vowel_sign_letter.encode('utf-8')
+ if vowel == "എ":
+ if vowel_sign == "െ":
+ return "ഐ"
+ if vowel == "ഒ":
+ if vowel_sign == "ാ":
+ return "ഓ"
+ if vowel_sign =="ൗ":
+ return "ഔ"
+ return (vowel_letter+ vowel_sign_letter)
+ def isPrebase(self, letter):
+ '''
+ ഇതെന്തിനാന്നു ചോദിച്ചാ, ഈ അക്ഷരങ്ങളുടെ ഇടതു വശത്തെഴുതുന്ന സ്വര ചിഹ്നങ്ങളുണ്ടല്ലോ?
+ അവ ആസ്കി തരികിടയില്‍ എഴുതുന്നതു് ഇടതു വശത്തു തന്നെയാ. യൂണിക്കോഡില്‍ അക്ഷരത്തിനു ശേഷവും
+ അപ്പൊ ആ വക സംഭവങ്ങളെ തിരിച്ചറിയാനാണു് ഈ സംഭവം.
+ "തരികിട തരികിടോ ധീംതരികിട" (തരികിട തരികിടയാല്‍) എന്നു പയ്യന്റെ ഗുരു പയ്യഗുരു പയ്യെ മൊഴിഞ്ഞിട്ടുണ്ടു്.
+ '''
+ unicode_letter = letter.encode('utf-8')
+ if( ( unicode_letter == "േ" ) | ( unicode_letter == "ൈ" ) | ( unicode_letter == "ൊ" ) | ( unicode_letter == "ോ" ) | ( unicode_letter == "ൌ" )
+ | ( unicode_letter == "്ര" ) | ( unicode_letter == "െ" )
+ ):
+ return True #"ഇതു സത്യം... അ...സത്യം.... അസത്യം...!"
+ else:
+ return False
+ def isPostbase(self, letter):
+ '''
+ "ക്യ" എന്നതിലെ "്യ", "ക്വ" എന്നതിലെ "്വ" എന്നിവ പോസ്റ്റ്-ബേസ് ആണ്.
+ "ത്യേ" എന്നത് ആസ്കിയില്‍ "ഏ+ത+്യ" എന്നാണ് എഴുതുന്നത്. അപ്പോള്‍ വ്യഞ്ജനം കഴിഞ്ഞ് പോസ്റ്റ്-ബേസ്
+ ഉണ്ടെങ്കില്‍ വ്യഞ്ജനം+പോസ്റ്റ്-ബേസ് കഴിഞ്ഞേ പ്രീ-ബേസ് ചേര്‍ക്കാവൂ! ഹൊ, പയ്യന്‍ പാണിനീശിഷ്യനാണ്!!
+ '''
+ unicode_letter = letter.encode('utf-8')
+ if ( (unicode_letter == "്യ") | (unicode_letter == "്വ") ):
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def LoadRules(self):
+ '''
+ ഈ സംഭവമാണു് മാപ്പിങ്ങ് ഫയല്‍ എടുത്തു് വായിച്ചു പഠിക്കുന്നതു്.
+ '''
+ if(self.rulesDict):
+ return self.rulesDict
+ rules_dict = dict()
+ line = []
+ line_number = 0
+ rules_file = codecs. open(self.mapping_filename,encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')
+ while 1:
+ ''' ലൈന്‍ നമ്പര്‍ , മാപ്പിങ്ങ് ഫയലില്‍ തെറ്റുണ്ടെങ്കില്‍ പറയാന്‍ ആവശ്യാണു് '''
+ line_number = line_number +1
+ text = unicode( rules_file.readline())
+ if text == "":
+ break
+ '''കമന്റടിച്ചേ മത്യാവൂന്നു വെച്ചാ ആവാം. ഒട്ടും മുഷിയില്ല്യ'''
+ if text[0] == '#':
+ continue
+ ''' കമന്റടി പതിവുപോലെ മൈന്റ് ചെയ്യണ്ട ഒന്നും കണ്ടില്യാ കേട്ടില്യാന്നു വെച്ചു നടന്നോളൂ(മനസ്സില്‍ ചിരിച്ചോളൂ) '''
+ line = text.strip()
+ if(line == ""):
+ continue
+ '''ലൈനൊന്നും ല്യാ, മോശം.. ങും പോട്ടെ. വേറെ ലൈന്‍ പിടിക്കാം'''
+ if(len(line.split("=")) != 2):
+ '''എന്തോ പ്രശ്നണ്ടു്. ന്നാ അതങ്ങടു തുറന്നു പറഞ്ഞേക്കാം'''
+ print "Error: Syntax Error in the Ascii to Unicode Map in line number ", line_number
+ print "Line: "+ text
+ '''പരിപാടി നിര്‍ത്താം '''
+ return 2 # Error - Syntax error in Mapping file
+ '''ഇടതന്‍'''
+ lhs = line.split("=") [ 0 ]
+ '''വലതന്‍'''
+ rhs = line.split("=") [ 1 ]
+ '''ഇതിനിടക്കിനി മൂന്നാമനു സ്കോപ്പിണ്ടോ? '''
+ '''മറക്കാതെ ഇരിക്കട്ടെ. ആവശ്യം വരും '''
+ if self.direction == 'a2u':
+ rules_dict[lhs]=rhs
+ else:
+ rules_dict[rhs]=lhs
+ return rules_dict
+ def process(self,form):
+ response = """
+ <h2>ASCII to Unicode Conversion</h2></hr>
+ <p>Enter the text for detecting the language in the below text area.
+ </p>
+ <form action="" method="post">
+ <textarea name='input_text' id='id1'>%s</textarea><br/>
+ Select Font : <select id="font" name="%s" style="width:12em;">
+ <option value="karthika">Karthika</option>
+ <option value="bhavana">Bhavana</option>
+ <option value="revathi">Revathi</option>
+ <option value="ambili">Ambili</option>
+ <option value="manorama">Manorama</option>
+ </select>
+ <input type="submit" id="Convert To Unicode" value="%s" name="action" style="width:12em;"/>
+ </br>
+ </form>
+ """
+ action=form['action'].value.decode('utf-8')
+ if(action=="To Unicode"):
+ if(form.has_key('input_text')):
+ text = form['input_text'].value .decode('utf-8')
+ response=response % (text,"a2ufont", form['action'].value.decode('utf-8') )
+ if(form.has_key('a2ufont')):
+ font = form['a2ufont'].value .decode('utf-8')
+ self.mapping_filename="./modules/payyans/maps/"+font+".map"
+ if (len(text)>0):
+ result = "<p> "+self.word2Unicode(text) .replace('\n', '<br/>') +"</p>"
+ else :
+ result=""
+ response=response+result
+ else:
+ response=response % ("","a2ufont", form['action'].value.decode('utf-8') )
+ if(action=="To ASCII"):
+ if(form.has_key('input_text')):
+ text = form['input_text'].value .decode('utf-8')
+ response=response % (text,"u2afont", form['action'].value.decode('utf-8') )
+ if(form.has_key('u2afont')):
+ font = form['u2afont'].value .decode('utf-8')
+ self.mapping_filename="./modules/payyans/maps/"+font+".map"
+ if (len(text)>0):
+ result = "<p> "+self.word2Unicode(text) .replace('\n', '<br/>') +"</p>"
+ else :
+ result=""
+ response=response+result
+ else:
+ response=response % ("","u2afont", form['action'].value.decode('utf-8') )
+ return response
+ def get_module_name(self):
+ return "Payyans Unicode-ASCII Converter"
+ def get_info(self):
+ return "ASCII data - Unicode Convertor based on font maps"
+def getInstance():
+ return Payyans()
diff --git a/silpa/modules/syllabalizer/ b/silpa/modules/syllabalizer/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..706ee77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/syllabalizer/
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""mlsplit - Split Malayalam words into letters
+This script splits Malayalam words into letters.
+Copyright (C) 2008 Baiju M <baiju.m.mail AT>
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
+your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import sys
+import re
+import codecs
+from common import *
+class Syllabalizer(SilpaModule):
+ def syllabalize_ml(self,text):
+ signs = [
+ u'\u0d02', u'\u0d03', u'\u0d3e', u'\u0d3f', u'\u0d40', u'\u0d41',
+ u'\u0d42', u'\u0d43', u'\u0d44', u'\u0d46', u'\u0d47', u'\u0d48',
+ u'\u0d4a', u'\u0d4b', u'\u0d4c', u'\u0d4d']
+ limiters = ['.','\"','\'','`','!',';',',','?']
+ chandrakkala = u'\u0d4d'
+ lst_chars = []
+ for char in text:
+ if char in limiters:
+ lst_chars.append(char)
+ elif char in signs:
+ lst_chars[-1] = lst_chars[-1] + char
+ else:
+ try:
+ if lst_chars[-1][-1] == chandrakkala:
+ lst_chars[-1] = lst_chars[-1] + char
+ else:
+ lst_chars.append(char)
+ except IndexError:
+ lst_chars.append(char)
+ return lst_chars
+ def syllabalize_hi(self,text):
+ signs = [
+ u'\u0902', u'\u0903', u'\u093e', u'\u093f', u'\u0940', u'\u0941',
+ u'\u0942', u'\u0943', u'\u0944', u'\u0946', u'\u0947', u'\u0948',
+ u'\u094a', u'\u094b', u'\u094c', u'\u094d']
+ limiters = ['.','\"','\'','`','!',';',',','?']
+ chandrakkala = u'\u094d'
+ lst_chars = []
+ for char in text:
+ if char in limiters:
+ lst_chars.append(char)
+ elif char in signs:
+ lst_chars[-1] = lst_chars[-1] + char
+ else:
+ try:
+ if lst_chars[-1][-1] == chandrakkala:
+ lst_chars[-1] = lst_chars[-1] + char
+ else:
+ lst_chars.append(char)
+ except IndexError:
+ lst_chars.append(char)
+ return lst_chars
+ #Source:
+ #Author: Cabu
+ def syllabalize_en(self,text):
+ text = " " + text + " "
+ vowel_list = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y']
+ vowel_pairs = ['ai', 'au', 'aw', 'ee','ea', 'oa', 'oi', 'ou', 'oo', 'ow', 'oy', 'uu']
+ consonant_list = ['b', 'c', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'z']
+ consonant_blends = ['bl', 'br', 'ch', 'chr', 'cl', 'cr', 'dr', 'fl', 'fr', 'gl', 'gr', 'kn', 'pl', 'pr',
+ 'sc', 'sh', 'sk', 'sl', 'sm', 'sn', 'sp', 'spr', 'squ', 'st', 'str', 'sw',
+ 'th', 'tr', 'thr', 'nt', 'wh']
+ # Cut numbers in digits
+ p = re.compile ("([0-9])([0-9])", re.IGNORECASE)
+ for i in range (2):
+ text = p.sub ("\\1#\\2", text)
+ # Cut i / vowel (- o) / consonant
+ p = re.compile ("i([aeiuy])([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz])", re.IGNORECASE)
+ text = p.sub ("i+\\1+\\2", text)
+ # Cut the / vowel / consonant
+ p = re.compile ("the([aeiouy])([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz])", re.IGNORECASE)
+ text = p.sub ("the+\\1+\\2", text)
+ # Cut vowel / vowel except for pairs
+ position = 0
+ while position < len (text)-1:
+ if text [position] in vowel_list and text [position+1] in vowel_list:
+ if not (text [position:position+2] in vowel_pairs):
+ if not (text [position-1:position+3] in ["tion", "dual", "nion", "quir", "tiou"]):
+ text = text [:position+1] + "_" + text [position+1:]
+ position = position + 1
+ # Cut consonant / consonant (ll, mm, ...)
+ p = re.compile ("([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz])\\1([^ ])", re.IGNORECASE)
+ text = p.sub ("\\1-\\1\\2", text)
+ # Cut vowel / consonant vowel
+ start = 0
+ end = 0
+ while start < len (text)-1:
+ if text [start] in vowel_list and text [start+1] in consonant_list:
+ end = start + 1
+ while end <= len (text)-1 and text [end] in consonant_list:
+ end = end + 1
+ if end <= len (text)-1 and (text [start+1:end] in consonant_list or text [start+1:end] in consonant_blends) and text [end] in vowel_list and text [end:end+2] <> "e ":
+ text = text [:start+1] + "/" + text [start+1:]
+ start = start + 1
+ # Cut vowel consonant / consonant+ vowel (trumpet, simple, understanding, ...)
+ start = 0
+ end = 0
+ while start < len (text)-1:
+ if text [start] in vowel_list and text [start+1] in consonant_list:
+ end = start + 2
+ while end <= len (text)-1 and text [end] in consonant_list:
+ end = end + 1
+ if end <= len (text)-1 and end > start+2 and text [end] in vowel_list:
+ if not (text [start+1:end] in consonant_blends):
+ text = text [:start+2] + "-" + text [start+2:]
+ start = start + 1
+ # Return the words splitted
+ return text
+ def process(self, form):
+ response = """
+ <h2>Syllabalizer</h2></hr>
+ <p>Enter the text for syllabalization in the below text area.
+ Language of each word will be detected.
+ You can give the text in any language and even with mixed language
+ </p>
+ <form action="" method="post">
+ <textarea cols='100' rows='25' name='input_text' id='id1'>%s</textarea>
+ <input type="submit" id="Syllabalize" value="Syllabalize" name="action" style="width:12em;"/>
+ <input type="reset" value="Clear" style="width:12em;"/>
+ </br>
+ </form>
+ """
+ if(form.has_key('input_text')):
+ text = form['input_text'].value.decode('utf-8')
+ response=response % text
+ words = text.split(" ")
+ response = response+"<h2>Syllabalization Results</h2></hr>"
+ for word in words:
+ syllables = self.syllabalize(word)
+ syll_result=""
+ for syllable in syllables:
+ syll_result=syll_result+syllable + "-"
+ result = syll_result.replace('\n', '<br/>')
+ response = response+result
+ else:
+ response=response % ""
+ return response
+ def get_module_name(self):
+ return "Syllabalizer"
+ def get_info(self):
+ return "Syllabalize each word in the given text"
+ def syllabalize(self,text):
+ mm=ModuleManager()
+ ld = mm.getModuleInstance("Detect Language")
+ lang=ld.detect_lang(text)[text]
+ if(lang=="ml_IN"):
+ return self.syllabalize_ml(text)
+ if(lang=="hi_IN"):
+ return self.syllabalize_hi(text)
+ if(lang=="en_US"):
+ return self.syllabalize_en(text)
+ lst_chars=[]
+ for char in text:
+ lst_chars.append(char)
+ return lst_chars
+def getInstance():
+ return Syllabalizer()
diff --git a/silpa/modules/transliterator/ b/silpa/modules/transliterator/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b534cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/modules/transliterator/
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Any Indian Language to any other Indian language transliterator
+# Copyright 2008 Santhosh Thottingal <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# If you find any bugs or have any suggestions email:
+# URL:
+from common import *
+class Transliterator(SilpaModule):
+ def transliterate_ml_en(self, word):
+ virama=u"്"
+ #TODO: how to make this more generic so that more languages can be handled here?
+ #idea1: transliterate any langauge to a common language say hindi and the n do conversion?
+ #existing can be used?
+ #idea2: Have dictionaries for each language like english_xx_dict ?
+ #TODO: complete this
+ english_ml_dict={u'അ':'a',u'ആ':'a',u'ഇ':'a',u'ഈ':'a',u'ഉ':'a',u'ഊ':'a',u'ഋ':'a',\
+ u'എ':'a',u'ഏ':'a',u'ഐ':'a',u'ഒ':'a',u'ഓ':'a',u'ഔ':'a',\
+ u'ക':'k',u'ഖ':'kh',u'ഗ':'g',u'ഘ':'gh',u'ങ്ങ':'ng',\
+ u'ച':'ch',u'ഛ':'chh',u'ജ':'j',u'ഝ':'jhh',u'ഞ':'nj',\
+ u'ട':'t',u'ഠ':'th',u'ഡ':'d',u'ഢ':'dh',u'ണ':'n',\
+ u'ത':'th',u'ഥ':'th',u'ദ':'d',u'ധ':'dh',u'ന':'n',\
+ u'പ':'p',u'ഫ':'ph',u'ബ':'b',u'ഭ':'bh',u'മ':'m',\
+ u'യ':'y',u'ര':'r',u'ല':'l', u'വ':'v', u'റ':'r',\
+ u'ശ':'sa',u'ഷ':'sh',u'സ':'s', u'ഹ':'h',u'ള':'l',u'ഴ':'zh',\
+ u'ാ':'a',u'ി':'i' ,u'ീ':'ee' ,u'ു':'u',\
+ u'ൂ':'uu',u'ൃ':'ri' ,u'െ':'e' ,u'േ':'e',\
+ u'ൈ':'ai',u'ൊ':'o' ,u'ോ':'oo' ,u'ൗ':'au'}
+ word_length =len(word)
+ index=0
+ tx_string=""
+ while index<word_length:
+ a_vowel=""
+ try:
+ if(index+1<word_length):
+ if(word[index+1]==virama):
+ a_vowel=""
+ else:
+ if(index+1<word_length):
+ if (english_ml_dict[word[index+1]] in ['a','e','i','o','u']):
+ a_vowel=""
+ else:
+ a_vowel="a"
+ if (english_ml_dict[word[index]] in ['a','e','i','o','u']):
+ a_vowel=""
+ tx_string=tx_string+ english_ml_dict[word[index]] + a_vowel
+ except:
+ tx_string=tx_string+ word[index]
+ index=index+1
+ return tx_string
+ def transliterate(self,text, target_lang_code):
+ mm=ModuleManager()
+ ld = mm.getModuleInstance("Detect Language")
+ tx_str=""
+ words=text.split(" ")
+ for word in words:
+ if(word.strip()>""):
+ src_lang_code=ld.detect_lang(word)[word]
+ if((target_lang_code=="en_US") and (src_lang_code=="ml_IN")):
+ tx_str=tx_str + self.transliterate_ml_en(word)
+ continue
+ for chr in word:
+ offset=ord(chr) + self.getOffset(src_lang_code, target_lang_code)
+ if(offset>0):
+ tx_str=tx_str + unichr (offset)
+ tx_str=tx_str + " "
+ else:
+ tx_str=tx_str + word
+ return tx_str
+ def getOffset(self,src,target):
+ lang_bases={'en_US':0,'hi_IN': 0x0901,'bn_IN': 0x0981, 'pa_IN':0x0A01,'gu_IN':0x0A81 , 'or_IN': 0x0B01,'ta_IN': 0x0B81,'te_IN' : 0x0C01, 'ka_IN' :0x0C81 ,'ml_IN': 0x0D01}
+ src_id=0
+ target_id=0
+ try:
+ src_id=lang_bases[src]
+ target_id=lang_bases[target]
+ return (target_id - src_id)
+ except:
+ return 0
+ def process(self, form):
+ response = """
+ <h2>Transliterator</h2></hr>
+ <p>Enter the text for transliteration in the below text area.
+ Language of each word will be detected.
+ You can give the text in any language and even with mixed language
+ </p>
+ <form action="" method="post">
+ <textarea name='input_text' id='id1'>%s</textarea></br>
+ <select id="trans-lang" name="trans-lang" style="width:12em;">
+ <option value="hi_IN">Hindi</option>
+ <option value="ml_IN">Malayalam</option>
+ <option value="bn_IN">Bengali</option>
+ <option value="ta_IN">Tamil</option>
+ <option value="te_IN">Telugu</option>
+ <option value="or_IN">Oriya</option>
+ <option value="gu_IN">Gujarai</option>
+ <option value="pa_IN">Panjabi</option>
+ <option value="ka_IN">Kannada</option>
+ <option value="en_US">English</option>
+ </select>
+ <input type="submit" id="Transliterate" value="Transliterate" name="action" style="width:12em;"/>
+ <input type="reset" value="Clear" style="width:12em;"/>
+ </br>
+ </form>
+ """
+ if(form.has_key('input_text')):
+ text = form['input_text'].value.decode('utf-8')
+ target_lang = form['trans-lang'].value.decode('utf-8')
+ response=response % text
+ response = response+"<h2>Transliterated Text</h2></hr>"
+ result = self.transliterate(text,target_lang)
+ result = result.replace('\n', '<br/>')
+ response = response+result
+ else:
+ response=response % ""
+ return response
+ def get_module_name(self):
+ return "Transliterator"
+ def get_info(self):
+ return "Transliterated the text between any Indian Language"
+def getInstance():
+ return Transliterator()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ t=Transliterator ()
+ print t.transliterate (u"കരയുന്നോ കരയുന്നോ?" , "ta_IN")
diff --git a/silpa/silpa.conf b/silpa/silpa.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a70a482
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/silpa.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Silpa configuration file
+# This is a comment
+# Global properties
+SILPA_SITE_COPYRIGHT= Copyright 2008-2009. Silpa Team. All rights Reserved.
+#Silpa Plugin Modules
+#Format: action=module. For eg:
+#Action names should be unique. and should be prefixed with "SILPA_ACTION."
+#TO disable an action, comment out the line
+#An example entry
+#SILPA_ACTION.Sort=modules.sort #comment at the end of line is also allowed
+SILPA_ACTION.Transliterate=modules.transliterate #transliterator module
+SILPA_ACTION.Normalize=modules.normalizer #transliterator module
+SILPA_ACTION.Stem=modules.stemmer #stemmer module for Indian Languages
+SILPA_ACTION.Detect_Language=utils #This is also a valid module
+SILPA_ACTION.Guess_Language=modules.guess_language #This is also a valid module
+SILPA_ACTION.To_Unicode=modules.payyans #Ascii to Unicode conversion Module
+SILPA_ACTION.To_ASCII=modules.payyans #Unicode to Ascii conversion Module
+SILPA_ACTION.Syllabalize=modules.syllabalizer #Syllabalizer module
+SILPA_ACTION.Hyphenate=modules.hyphenator #Syllabalizer module
+SILPA_ACTION.Dictionary=modules.dictionary #English Malayalam Dictionary Module
+SILPA_ACTION.Fortune=modules.fortune #Syllabalizer module
+SILPA_ACTION.Anagram=modules.anagram #Anagram module
+SILPA_ACTION.Approximate_Search=modules.inexactsearch #Approximate search
+#End of Silpa configuration file
diff --git a/silpa/ b/silpa/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..377f1bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from common import *
+from modules import *
+from utils import *
+import traceback
+import cgitb
+import cgi
+def index(form):
+ if(form.has_key('action')):
+ action=form['action'].value
+ else:
+ action=""
+ response=SilpaResponse()
+ if(action=="lemmatize"):
+ response.setBreadcrumb("Lemmatizer")
+ response. setContent("<textarea cols='100' rows='25' name='input_text' id='id1'>%s</textarea>")
+ if(action=="Detect Language"):
+ response.setBreadcrumb(action)
+ ldetector=LangDetect()
+ response. setContent(ldetector.process(form))
+ if(action=="Hyphenate"):
+ response.setBreadcrumb(action)
+ hyphenator=Hyphenate()
+ response. setContent(hyphenator.process(form))
+ response.setBreadcrumb("Coming Soon")
+ response.setContent("Not implemented in current version...!")
+ return response.toString();
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"
+ print index(cgi.FieldStorage()).encode('utf-8')
diff --git a/silpa/templates/ b/silpa/templates/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a966c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/templates/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from base import *
diff --git a/silpa/templates/ b/silpa/templates/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00d6586
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/templates/
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+def getBaseHTML():
+ content = """\
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
+<html xmlns="">
+Copyright: Daemon Pty Limited 2006,
+Community: Mollio $
+License: Released Under the "Common Public License 1.0",
+License: Released Under the "Creative Commons License",
+License: Released Under the "GNU Creative Commons License",
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
+<title>Silpa- The Indian Language Computing project</title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/main.css" media="screen" />
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/print.css" media="print" />
+<!--[if lte IE 6]>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/ie6_or_less.css" />
+<script type="text/javascript" src="js/common.js"></script>
+<body id="type-f">
+<div id="wrap">
+ <div id="header">
+ <div id="site-name">Silpa</div>
+ <div id="search">
+ <form action="">
+ <label for="searchsite">Site Search:</label>
+ <input id="searchsite" name="searchsite" type="text" />
+ <input type="submit" value="Go" class="f-submit" />
+ </form>
+ </div>
+ <ul id="nav">
+ <li class="active"><a href="#">Home</a></li>
+ <li class="active"><a href="#">About</a>
+ </li>
+ <li class="active"><a href="#">Documentation</a>
+ <ul>
+ <li class="first"><a href="#">Language Detection</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">Spellcheck</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">Text to Speech</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li class="active"><a href="#">Links</a>
+ <li class="active"><a href="#">License</a>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <div id="content-wrap">
+ <div id="utility">
+ <ul id="nav-secondary">
+ <li class="first"><a href="?action=Detect+Language">Language Detection</a></li>
+ <li><a href="?action=spellcheck">Spellcheck</a></li>
+ <li class="active"><a href="#">Font Conversion</a>
+ <ul>
+ <li class="first"><a href="?action=To+Unicode">Ascii to Unicode</a></li>
+ <li><a href="?action=To+Ascii">Unicode to Ascii</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li><a href="#">Lemmatizer</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">Normalizer</a></li>
+ <li class="last"><a href="#">Sort</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <div id="content">
+ <div id="breadcrumb">
+ </div>
+ <hr />
+ <div class="featurebox">
+ <h3>Welcome to Silpa!</h3>
+ <p><strong>Silpa stands for Swathanthra Indian Language Processing Applications. Silpa is a single place in the web
+ where you can use the exising free(dom) software langauge processing applications easily. Silpa is in development and if you
+ are intersted in contributing just drop a mail to <a href="">Santhosh</a> </p>
+ </div>
+ <div id="sidebar">
+ <div class="featurebox">
+ <h3>Welcome to Silpa!</h3>
+ <p><strong>Silpa stands for Swathanthra Indian Language Processing Applications. Silpa is a single place in the web
+ where you can use the exising free(dom) software langauge processing applications easily. Silpa is in development and if you
+ are intersted in contributing just drop a mail to <a href="">Santhosh</a> </p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div id="poweredby"><a href="">SMC</a></div>
+ </div>
+ return content
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ print getBaseHTML()
diff --git a/silpa/utils/ b/silpa/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7b55b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from silpautils import *
+from langdetect import *
diff --git a/silpa/utils/ b/silpa/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..727ea6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# Spellchecker with language detection
+# coding: utf-8
+# Copyright © 2008 Santhosh Thottingal
+# Released under the GPLV3+ license
+from common import *
+class LangDetect(SilpaModule):
+ def detect_lang(self, text):
+ words=text.split(" ")
+ word_count=len(words)
+ word_iter=0
+ word=""
+ result_dict=dict()
+ while word_iter < word_count:
+ word=words[word_iter]
+ if(word):
+ length = len(word)
+ index = 0
+ while index < length:
+ letter=word[index]
+ if ((letter >= u'ം') & (letter <=u'൯')):
+ result_dict[word]= "ml_IN"
+ if ((letter >= u'ঁ') & (letter <= u'৺')):
+ result_dict[word]= "bn_IN"
+ if ((letter >= u'ँ') & (letter <= u'ॿ')):
+ result_dict[word]= "hi_IN"
+ if ((letter >=u'ઁ') & (letter <= u'૱')):
+ result_dict[word]= "gu_IN"
+ if ((letter >= u'ਁ') & (letter <=u'ੴ')):
+ result_dict[word]= "pa_IN"
+ if ((letter >= u'ಂ') & (letter <=u'ೲ')):
+ result_dict[word]= "ka_IN"
+ if ((letter >= u'ଁ') & (letter <= u'ୱ')):
+ result_dict[word]= "or_IN"
+ if ((letter >=u'ஂ') & (letter <= u'௺')):
+ result_dict[word]= "ta_IN"
+ if ((letter >=u'ఁ') & (letter <= u'౯')):
+ result_dict[word]= "te_IN"
+ if ((letter <= u'z')):
+ result_dict[word]= "en_US"
+ index=index+1
+ word_iter=word_iter+1
+ return result_dict
+ def process(self,form):
+ response = """
+ <h2>Language Detection</h2></hr>
+ <p>Enter the text for detecting the language in the below text area.
+ Language of each word will be detected.
+ You can give the text in any language and even with mixed language
+ </p>
+ <form action="" method="post">
+ <textarea cols='100' rows='25' name='input_text' id='id1'>%s</textarea>
+ <input type="submit" id="Detect Language" value="Detect Language" name="action" style="width:12em;"/>
+ <input type="reset" value="Clear" style="width:12em;"/>
+ </br>
+ </form>
+ """
+ if(form.has_key('input_text')):
+ text = action=form['input_text'].value .decode('utf-8')
+ response=response % text
+ detected_lang_dict = self.detect_lang(text)
+ response = response+"<h2>Language Detection Results</h2></hr>"
+ response = response+"<table class=\"table1\"><tr><th>Word</th><th>Language</th></tr>"
+ for key in detected_lang_dict:
+ response = response+"<tr><td>"+key+"</td><td>"+detected_lang_dict[key]+"</td></tr>"
+ response = response+"</table> "
+ else:
+ response=response % ""
+ return response
+ def get_module_name(self):
+ return "Indian Language Detector"
+ def get_info(self):
+ return "Detects the language of the given text word by word. Supports only Indian Language"
+def getInstance():
+ return LangDetect()
diff --git a/silpa/utils/ b/silpa/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02556af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silpa/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import codecs
+def getTemplate():
+ return open(getTemplateName()).read()
+def getTemplateName():
+ return loadConfiguration()["SILPA_TEMPLATE"]
+def getCopyrightInfo():
+ return loadConfiguration()["SILPA_SITE_COPYRIGHT"]
+def getModulesList():
+ conf_dict=loadConfiguration()
+ action_dict={}
+ for item in conf_dict :
+ if(item.startswith("SILPA_ACTION.")):
+ action_dict[item.replace("SILPA_ACTION.","")]=conf_dict[item]
+ return action_dict
+def loadConfiguration():
+ conf_dict={}
+ conffile = codecs. open("silpa.conf",encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')
+ while 1:
+ text = unicode( conffile.readline())
+ if text == "":
+ break
+ line = text.split("#")[0].strip()
+ if(line == ""):
+ continue
+ try:
+ lhs = line.split("=") [ 0 ]
+ rhs = line.split("=") [ 1 ]
+ conf_dict[lhs]=rhs
+ except:
+ pass
+ return conf_dict
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ print getModulesList()