\section*{Evaluating FOSS Contributions} \vskip 2pt Counting FOSS contributions towards research grants actually threw open a new area of investigation as such I guess. Its about evaluation of novelty factor of contribution to FOSS project. As we know, in any field of research, evaluation metrics is a big area of investigation and people come up with new distances and measures every now and then(even we are in the middle of such an effort for OCR). Normally novelty factor is decided based on where the related paper is published, how good it is explored and how good is the theoretical foundation for the papers. The interesting thing is, many FOSS projects cite papers published(and some regularly publish papers) in main stream journals to get acknowledged for their novelty and to ensure the novelty of the algorithms they use. Many times authors note use in FOSS projects to report on real time usage, easier adaptation etc.(many plugins in GIMP are developments of European univ. PhDs, famous one is, a resynthesizer plugin). But the idea of evaluating the novelty factor solely considering the contribution to the project require a new metric to evaluate it too. The normal factors required to assert novelty is all present in a collaborative project very much in line with the normal lab, professor, conferences, peer reviews mechanism. The only difference and a crucial missing factor will a published(i would say inaccessible too, a paper costs 5-10 USD depending on the publisher, conference and journal) covering paper. Peer review of the technique, its implementation in real time projects and required documentations as part of the project documentation and various blog and log entries are available. Peer review of subject experts happen very well in discussions over IRC and mailing lists(most of which are archived). Different perspectives from theoretical foundations to practical implementation issues were discussed in a single go there(depends on the project too). But this varies from project to project. A project or a contribution which generates a bigger discussion and criticized and evaluated rigorously should get more points(very similar to classification of conferences and journals to A +,A,etc.). We can even have a FOSS project classification depending on how much discussions, scrutiny and perspectives are evaluated before new features are incorporated into the existing system. Also another thing we can draw parallel is the criterion used by conferences and journals for accepting a paper and the peer review system of the projects. These are some ideas got into my mind, when thought about a systematic evaluation metric for novelty in FOSS contribution. A metric and system like this will help to counter so many software patents too i guess. There is Special Interest Group of ACM for Computer Science Education. They have a special section on FOSS. I haven't seen the proceedings so don't know what all they discussed. But it will be good to check these formal forums and their proceedings to look for prior ideas on the subject. I don't have access to ACM libraries here. If we can put some time and thought into this, we can develop a draft and then may be start an open discussion too. This will help FOSS projects to avoid depending on non free published items for claiming the novelty factor due for them(since Santhosh is not interested in publishing, he is not recognized by anyone in academia of Indian Language Research though his works are very popular). I think what ever i wrote was taking it apriori that acceptance of ideas to a project is enough for validation. My problem was how do we evaluate the novelty factor(we know there is novelty factor, but how to scale it). Then later on turning this novelty factor itself to rate the projects. Now projects interact with academia in a weird way, we should find a middle ground, where even academic contributions like submitting a paper to A+ journal is counted similar to adding the same algorithm with all its detail to a project with A+ novelty factor. People might not accept it as such, and at first, there will be double contributions, but with enough campaigning and ensuring that the evaluation framework is strong enough and thus reliable, we can make some progress. It will also work as a counter measure to now monopolistic attitude of IEEE,ACM etc. in case of academic publishing. Only thing i worry about is the arguments against the review of documentation (like how implementation of something in one project will ensure its reimplementation capability in different scenario if the documentation is not aimed at that). Capability to reimplement and produce results for a different set of users for a different set of purposes should also carry weightage(like how much help does this implementation give on doing that). That usually doesn't come under the aims of project and they don't care, but the ones who are doing contribution and waiting for it to be counted towards their Degree or Salary should be aware and do it. Collaborative publishing can be very well used and example of wikipedia can support the claim. Acceptance by user community is a validation of novelty. But how the detail or contribution is accepted may not always be a measure of novelty (some contributions, very novel, might not trigger much response, some trivial ones might trigger huge response). So to evaluate novelty and the original contribution, there should be a mechanism which in turn projects can use to count or evaluate their innovativeness or novelty factor. This along with a must do documentation of the contribution in a collaborative peer reviewed wiki kind of system should ensure freedom of the knowledge generated out of the process. It is a matter of not just accepting FOSS to mainstream academic research, but more or less bringing back the idea of freedom to the academia. Should prepare a draft framework(i don't have much idea on how to prepare it). Then should try evaluating some recent contributions to some projects on basis of this framework(we can use SILPA as one of the sample projects). Then present this to the world as a method to count novelty in collaborative projects without using the normal way of stat of publication(all FOSS projects maintained by universities or research organizations cite their publications to show novelty). \newpage