\secstar{Anivar's email to Swathanthra Malayalam Computing} \enlargethispage*{4\baselineskip} %{\vskip 2pt} \begin{english} Yes, I am writing this with tears. He was a close friend, co-traveler, and colleague in SMC. He was a student in IIIT hyderabad, working on CVIT lab, in the team to develop a malayalam OCR. He was under the treatment for Leukemia in CMC Vellore for past 2 years. He was very active contributor to Swathanthra Malayalam Computing's projects and various other FOSS projects such as pypdflib, silpa project, etc even from his hospital bed. In addition he used to write articles in malayal.am on various topics. In FEC also he was quite active and contributed to various discussion threads. He was one among SMC's Google Summer of Code candidates in 2007. His contribution to standardization discussions such as critique to International Domain Names Standard for Malayalam, Inscript 2 Draft Keyboard Standard, etc was also commendable. He was always available on google chat when he is in the intervals between treatments. We used to talk a lot about various contemporary topics. Jinesh was working on a paper about pitfalls in Biometric standards UID adopted, and he used to send a lot of contemporary research papers on biometrics to me. Our last chat (around sep 4th) was about planning get together, when he reaches home after treatments. Whenever we asks about his treatment details he used to show this XKCD comic \url{http://xkcd.com/931/} When he was in MES , he was the organiser of many FOSS activities in their campus and he was an initiator for Swatantra software user group Malappuram. \end{english} \subsection*{ജിനേഷിന്റെ മറ്റ് സൈബര്‍ സാന്നിദ്ധ്യങ്ങള്‍} Blog \url{http://www.jinsbond.in/} \\ Facebook \url{https://www.facebook.com/jinesh.jayaraman} \\ Twitter \url{http://twitter.com/#!/jinsbond007} \\ Picasa \url{http://picasaweb.google.com/jinesh.k} \\ \url{http://fci.wikia.com/wiki/User:Jinesh.k} \\ \url{https://github.com/santhoshtr/pypdflib/commits/master} \\ \url{http://code.google.com/p/tesseractindic/wiki/IndicLanguageTesseract} \newpage