# # This playbook power cycles an arm soc, sets time and runs playbook on it. # # requires -e "target=arm0N-builderXX.arm.fedoraproject.org" -l arm0N-builderXX.arm.fedoraproject.org - name: power cycle instance hosts: "{{ target }}" gather_facts: False user: root vars_files: - /srv/web/infra/ansible/vars/global.yml - "/srv/private/ansible/vars.yml" tasks: - name: power off delegate_to: noc01.phx2.fedoraproject.org command: /opt/calxeda/bin/ipmitool -U admin -P "{{ armsocipmipass }}" -H "{{inventory_hostname_short}}-mgmt.arm.fedoraproject.org" power off # no_log: True - name: power on delegate_to: noc01.phx2.fedoraproject.org command: /opt/calxeda/bin/ipmitool -U admin -P "{{ armsocipmipass }}" -H "{{inventory_hostname_short}}-mgmt.arm.fedoraproject.org" power on # no_log: True - name: wait for soc ssh to come back up local_action: wait_for delay=10 host={{ target }} port=22 state=started timeout=1200 - name: make sure time is set delegate_to: "{{target}}" command: ntpdate -u bastion01.phx2.fedoraproject.org - include: groups/buildhw.yml hosts="{{target}}"