# # simple playbook to check all hosts and see how many updates they have pending. # It could be a lot faster if we didn't gather facts, but we need that for yum vs dnf checking # # If you want a pretty sorted list, you need to post process the output here with something # like: # # time ansible-playbook check-for-updates.yml | grep msg\": | awk -F: '{print $2}' | sort # - name: check for updates hosts: all gather_facts: true user: root tasks: - name: check for updates (yum) yum: list=updates update_cache=true register: yumoutput when: ansible_distribution_major_version|int < 22 and ansible_virtualization_role == 'host' - name: check for updates (dnf) dnf: list=updates register: dnfoutput when: ansible_distribution_major_version|int > 21 and ansible_virtualization_role == 'host' - debug: msg="{{ inventory_hostname}} {{ yumoutput.results|length }}" when: yumoutput is defined and yumoutput.results|length > 0 - debug: msg="{{ inventory_hostname}} {{ dnfoutput.results|length }}" when: dnfoutput is defined and dnfoutput.results|length > 0