#!/usr/bin/python3 import os import sqlite3 from argparse import ArgumentParser from operator import itemgetter import utils from myconfig import MyConfig from dirwalk import walkIndex SELECT_WORD_DML = ''' SELECT freq from ngram where words = ?; ''' config = MyConfig() #change cwd to the word recognizer directory words_dir = config.getWordRecognizerDir() os.chdir(words_dir) #chdir done def getWordFrequency(conn, word): sep = config.getWordSep() word_str = sep + word + sep cur = conn.cursor() row = cur.execute(SELECT_WORD_DML, (word_str, )).fetchone() if None == row: return 0 else: freq = row[0] return freq def computeThreshold(conn): wordswithfreq = [] wordlistfile = open(config.getWordsListFileName(), "r") for oneline in wordlistfile.readlines(): oneline = oneline.rstrip(os.linesep) if len(oneline) == 0: continue word = oneline freq = getWordFrequency(conn, word) if freq < config.getWordMinimumOccurrence(): continue wordswithfreq.append((word, freq)) wordlistfile.close() #ascending sort wordswithfreq.sort(key=itemgetter(1)) pos = int(len(wordswithfreq) * config.getPartialWordThreshold()) (word, threshold) = wordswithfreq[-pos] print(word, threshold) return threshold def handleOneIndex(indexpath, subdir, indexname): print(indexpath, subdir, indexname) indexstatuspath = indexpath + config.getStatusPostfix() indexstatus = utils.load_status(indexstatuspath) if not utils.check_epoch(indexstatus, 'Populate'): raise utils.EpochError('Please populate first.\n') if utils.check_epoch(indexstatus, 'PartialWordThreshold'): return workdir = config.getWordRecognizerDir() + os.sep + \ subdir + os.sep + indexname print(workdir) length = 1 filename = config.getNgramFileName(length) filepath = workdir + os.sep + filename conn = sqlite3.connect(filepath) threshold = computeThreshold(conn) indexstatus['PartialWordThreshold'] = threshold conn.commit() if conn: conn.close() #sign epoch utils.sign_epoch(indexstatus, 'PartialWordThreshold') utils.store_status(indexstatuspath, indexstatus) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = ArgumentParser(description='Partial word threshold.') parser.add_argument('--indexdir', action = 'store', \ help='index directory', \ default=config.getTextIndexDir()) args = parser.parse_args() print(args) walkIndex(handleOneIndex, args.indexdir) print('done')