/* * libzhuyin * Library to deal with zhuyin. * * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Peng Wu * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef NGRAM_H #define NGRAM_H #include namespace pinyin{ class Bigram; /** Note: * The system single gram contains the trained freqs. * The user single gram contains the delta freqs. * During the Viterbi beam search, use merge_single_gram to merge the system * single gram and the user single gram. */ /** * SingleGram: * * The single gram in the bi-gram. * */ class SingleGram{ friend class Bigram; friend bool merge_single_gram(SingleGram * merged, const SingleGram * system, const SingleGram * user); private: MemoryChunk m_chunk; SingleGram(void * buffer, size_t length); public: /** * SingleGram::SingleGram: * * The constructor of the SingleGram. * */ SingleGram(); /** * SingleGram::retrieve_all: * @array: the GArray to store the retrieved bi-gram phrase item. * @returns: whether the retrieve operation is successful. * * Retrieve all bi-gram phrase items in this single gram. * */ bool retrieve_all(/* out */ BigramPhraseWithCountArray array) const; /** * SingleGram::search: * @range: the token range. * @array: the GArray to store the matched bi-gram phrase item. * @returns: whether the search operation is successful. * * Search the bi-gram phrase items according to the token range. * * Note: the array result may contain many items. * */ bool search(/* in */ PhraseIndexRange * range, /* out */ BigramPhraseArray array) const; /** * SingleGram::insert_freq: * @token: the phrase token. * @freq: the freq of this token. * @returns: whether the insert operation is successful. * * Insert the token with the freq. * */ bool insert_freq(/* in */ phrase_token_t token, /* in */ guint32 freq); /** * SingleGram::remove_freq: * @token: the phrase token. * @freq: the freq of the removed token. * @returns: whether the remove operation is successful. * * Remove the token. * */ bool remove_freq(/* in */ phrase_token_t token, /* out */ guint32 & freq); /** * SingleGram::get_freq: * @token: the phrase token. * @freq: the freq of the token. * @returns: whether the get operation is successful. * * Get the freq of the token. * */ bool get_freq(/* in */ phrase_token_t token, /* out */ guint32 & freq) const; /** * SingleGram::set_freq: * @token: the phrase token. * @freq: the freq of the token. * @returns: whether the set operation is successful. * * Set the freq of the token. * */ bool set_freq(/* in */ phrase_token_t token, /* in */ guint32 freq); /** * SingleGram::get_total_freq: * @total: the total freq of this single gram. * @returns: whether the get operation is successful. * * Get the total freq of this single gram. * */ bool get_total_freq(guint32 & total) const; /** * SingleGram::set_total_freq: * @total: the total freq of this single gram. * @returns: whether the set operation is successful. * * Set the total freq of this single gram. * */ bool set_total_freq(guint32 total); /** * SingleGram::get_length: * @returns: the number of items in this single gram. * * Get the number of items in this single gram. * */ guint32 get_length(); /** * SingleGram::mask_out: * @mask: the mask. * @value: the value. * @returns: the number of removed items. * * Mask out the matched items in this single gram. * */ guint32 mask_out(phrase_token_t mask, phrase_token_t value); /** * SingleGram::prune: * @returns: whether the prune operation is successful. * * Obsoleted by Katz k mixture model pruning. * */ bool prune(); }; /** * Bigram: * * The Bi-gram class. * */ class Bigram{ private: DB * m_db; void reset(){ if ( m_db ){ m_db->sync(m_db, 0); m_db->close(m_db, 0); m_db = NULL; } } public: /** * Bigram::Bigram: * * The constructor of the Bigram. * */ Bigram(){ m_db = NULL; } /** * Bigram::~Bigram: * * The destructor of the Bigram. * */ ~Bigram(){ reset(); } /** * Bigram::load_db: * @dbfile: the Berkeley DB file name. * @returns: whether the load operation is successful. * * Load the Berkeley DB into memory. * */ bool load_db(const char * dbfile); /** * Bigram::save_db: * @dbfile: the Berkeley DB file name. * @returns: whether the save operation is successful. * * Save the in-memory Berkeley DB into disk. * */ bool save_db(const char * dbfile); /** * Bigram::attach: * @dbfile: the Berkeley DB file name. * @flags: the flags of enum ATTACH_FLAG. * @returns: whether the attach operation is successful. * * Attach this Bigram with the Berkeley DB. * */ bool attach(const char * dbfile, guint32 flags); /** * Bigram::load: * @index: the previous token in the bi-gram. * @single_gram: the single gram of the previous token. * @returns: whether the load operation is successful. * * Load the single gram of the previous token. * */ bool load(/* in */ phrase_token_t index, /* out */ SingleGram * & single_gram); /** * Bigram::store: * @index: the previous token in the bi-gram. * @single_gram: the single gram of the previous token. * @returns: whether the store operation is successful. * * Store the single gram of the previous token. * */ bool store(/* in */ phrase_token_t index, /* in */ SingleGram * single_gram); /** * Bigram::remove: * @index: the previous token in the bi-gram. * @returns: whether the remove operation is successful. * * Remove the single gram of the previous token. * */ bool remove(/* in */ phrase_token_t index); /** * Bigram::get_all_items: * @items: the GArray to store all previous tokens. * @returns: whether the get operation is successful. * * Get the array of all previous tokens for parameter estimation. * */ bool get_all_items(/* out */ GArray * items); /** * Bigram::mask_out: * @mask: the mask. * @value: the value. * @returns: whether the mask out operation is successful. * * Mask out the matched items. * */ bool mask_out(phrase_token_t mask, phrase_token_t value); }; /** * merge_single_gram: * @merged: the merged single gram of system and user single gram. * @system: the system single gram to be merged. * @user: the user single gram to be merged. * @returns: whether the merge operation is successful. * * Merge the system and user single gram into one merged single gram. * * Note: Please keep system and user single gram * when using merged single gram. * */ bool merge_single_gram(SingleGram * merged, const SingleGram * system, const SingleGram * user); }; #endif