#include #include #include #include #include "novel_types.h" #include "phrase_index.h" #include "phrase_large_table.h" #include "tag_utility.h" using namespace pinyin; /* internal taglib structure */ struct tag_entry{ int m_line_type; char * m_line_tag; int m_num_of_values; char ** m_required_tags; /* char ** m_optional_tags; */ /* int m_optional_count = 0; */ char ** m_ignored_tags; }; tag_entry tag_entry_copy(int line_type, const char * line_tag, int num_of_values, char * required_tags[], char * ignored_tags[]){ tag_entry entry; entry.m_line_type = line_type; entry.m_line_tag = g_strdup( line_tag ); entry.m_num_of_values = num_of_values; entry.m_required_tags = g_strdupv( required_tags ); entry.m_ignored_tags = g_strdupv( ignored_tags ); return entry; } tag_entry tag_entry_clone(tag_entry * entry){ return tag_entry_copy(entry->m_line_type, entry->m_line_tag, entry->m_num_of_values, entry->m_required_tags, entry->m_ignored_tags); } void tag_entry_reclaim(tag_entry * entry){ g_free( entry->m_line_tag ); g_strfreev( entry->m_required_tags ); g_strfreev(entry->m_ignored_tags); } static bool taglib_free_tag_array(GArray * tag_array){ for ( size_t i = 0; i < tag_array->len; ++i) { tag_entry * entry = &g_array_index(tag_array, tag_entry, i); tag_entry_reclaim(entry); } g_array_free(tag_array, TRUE); return true; } /* special unichar to be handled in split_line. */ static gunichar backslash = 0; static gunichar quote = 0; static gboolean split_line_init(){ backslash = g_utf8_get_char("\\"); quote = g_utf8_get_char("\""); return TRUE; } /* Pointer Array of Array of tag_entry */ static GPtrArray * g_tagutils_stack = NULL; bool taglib_init(){ assert( g_tagutils_stack == NULL); g_tagutils_stack = g_ptr_array_new(); GArray * tag_array = g_array_new(TRUE, TRUE, sizeof(tag_entry)); g_ptr_array_add(g_tagutils_stack, tag_array); /* init split_line. */ split_line_init(); return true; } bool taglib_add_tag(int line_type, const char * line_tag, int num_of_values, const char * required_tags, const char * ignored_tags){ GArray * tag_array = (GArray *) g_ptr_array_index(g_tagutils_stack, g_tagutils_stack->len - 1); /* some duplicate tagname or line_type check here. */ for ( size_t i = 0; i < tag_array->len; ++i) { tag_entry * entry = &g_array_index(tag_array, tag_entry, i); if ( entry->m_line_type == line_type || strcmp( entry->m_line_tag, line_tag ) == 0 ) return false; } char ** required = g_strsplit_set(required_tags, ",:", -1); char ** ignored = g_strsplit_set(ignored_tags, ",:", -1); tag_entry entry = tag_entry_copy(line_type, line_tag, num_of_values, required, ignored); g_array_append_val(tag_array, entry); g_strfreev(required); g_strfreev(ignored); return true; } static void ptr_array_entry_free(gpointer data, gpointer user_data){ g_free(data); } static gboolean hash_table_key_value_free(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data){ g_free(key); g_free(value); return TRUE; } /* split the line into tokens. */ static gchar ** split_line(const gchar * line){ /* array for tokens. */ GArray * tokens = g_array_new(TRUE, TRUE, sizeof(gchar *)); for ( const gchar * cur = line; *cur; cur = g_utf8_next_char(cur) ){ gunichar unichar = g_utf8_get_char(cur); const gchar * begin = cur; gchar * token = NULL; if ( g_unichar_isspace (unichar) ) { continue; }else if ( unichar == quote ) { /* handles "\"". */ /* skip the first '"'. */ begin = cur = g_utf8_next_char(cur); while (*cur) { unichar = g_utf8_get_char(cur); if ( unichar == backslash ) { cur = g_utf8_next_char(cur); g_return_val_if_fail(*cur, NULL); } else if ( unichar == quote ){ break; } cur = g_utf8_next_char(cur); } gchar * tmp = g_strndup( begin, cur - begin); /* TODO: switch to own strdup_escape implementation for \"->" transforming. */ token = g_strdup_printf(tmp); g_free(tmp); } else { /* handles other tokens. */ while(*cur) { unichar = g_utf8_get_char(cur); if ( g_unichar_isgraph(unichar) ) { /* next unichar */ cur = g_utf8_next_char(cur); } else { /* space and other characters handles. */ break; } } token = g_strndup( begin, cur - begin ); } g_array_append_val(tokens, token); if ( !*cur ) break; } return (gchar **)g_array_free(tokens, FALSE); } bool taglib_read(const char * input_line, int & line_type, GPtrArray * values, GHashTable * required){ /* reset values and required. */ g_ptr_array_foreach(values, ptr_array_entry_free, NULL); g_ptr_array_set_size(values, 0); g_hash_table_foreach_steal(required, hash_table_key_value_free, NULL); /* use own version of split_line instead of g_strsplit_set for special token.*/ char ** tokens = split_line(input_line); int num_of_tokens = g_strv_length(tokens); char * line_tag = tokens[0]; GArray * tag_array = (GArray *) g_ptr_array_index(g_tagutils_stack, g_tagutils_stack->len - 1); tag_entry * cur_entry = NULL; /* find line type. */ for ( size_t i = 0; i < tag_array->len; ++i) { tag_entry * entry = &g_array_index(tag_array, tag_entry, i); if ( strcmp( entry->m_line_tag, line_tag ) == 0 ) { cur_entry = entry; break; } } if ( !cur_entry ) return false; line_type = cur_entry->m_line_type; for ( int i = 1; i < cur_entry->m_num_of_values + 1; ++i) { g_return_val_if_fail(i < num_of_tokens, false); char * value = g_strdup( tokens[i] ); g_ptr_array_add(values, value); } int ignored_len = g_strv_length( cur_entry->m_ignored_tags ); int required_len = g_strv_length( cur_entry->m_required_tags); for ( int i = cur_entry->m_num_of_values + 1; i < num_of_tokens; ++i){ g_return_val_if_fail(i < num_of_tokens, false); const char * tmp = tokens[i]; /* check ignored tags. */ bool tag_ignored = false; for ( int m = 0; m < ignored_len; ++m) { if ( strcmp(tmp, cur_entry->m_ignored_tags[m]) == 0) { tag_ignored = true; break; } } if ( tag_ignored ) { ++i; continue; } /* check required tags. */ bool tag_required = false; for ( int m = 0; m < required_len; ++m) { if ( strcmp(tmp, cur_entry->m_required_tags[m]) == 0) { tag_required = true; break; } } /* warning on the un-expected tags. */ if ( !tag_required ) { g_warning("un-expected tags:%s.\n", tmp); ++i; continue; } char * key = g_strdup(tokens[i]); ++i; g_return_val_if_fail(i < num_of_tokens, false); char * value = g_strdup(tokens[i]); g_hash_table_insert(required, key, value); } /* check for all required tags. */ for ( int i = 0; i < required_len; ++i) { const char * required_tag_str = cur_entry->m_required_tags[i]; gboolean result = g_hash_table_lookup_extended(required, required_tag_str, NULL, NULL); if ( !result ) { g_warning("missed required tags: %s.\n", required_tag_str); g_strfreev(tokens); return false; } } g_strfreev(tokens); return true; } bool taglib_remove_tag(int line_type){ /* Note: duplicate entry check is in taglib_add_tag. */ GArray * tag_array = (GArray *) g_ptr_array_index(g_tagutils_stack, g_tagutils_stack->len - 1); for ( size_t i = 0; i < tag_array->len; ++i) { tag_entry * entry = &g_array_index(tag_array, tag_entry, i); if (entry->m_line_type != line_type) continue; tag_entry_reclaim(entry); g_array_remove_index(tag_array, i); return true; } return false; } bool taglib_push_state(){ assert(g_tagutils_stack->len >= 1); GArray * next_tag_array = g_array_new(TRUE, TRUE, sizeof(tag_entry)); GArray * prev_tag_array = (GArray *) g_ptr_array_index(g_tagutils_stack, g_tagutils_stack->len - 1); for ( size_t i = 0; i < prev_tag_array->len; ++i) { tag_entry * entry = &g_array_index(prev_tag_array, tag_entry, i); tag_entry new_entry = tag_entry_clone(entry); g_array_append_val(next_tag_array, new_entry); } g_ptr_array_add(g_tagutils_stack, next_tag_array); return true; } bool taglib_pop_state(){ assert(g_tagutils_stack->len > 1); GArray * tag_array = (GArray *) g_ptr_array_index(g_tagutils_stack, g_tagutils_stack->len - 1); g_ptr_array_remove_index(g_tagutils_stack, g_tagutils_stack->len - 1); taglib_free_tag_array(tag_array); return true; } bool taglib_fini(){ for ( size_t i = 0; i < g_tagutils_stack->len; ++i){ GArray * tag_array = (GArray *) g_ptr_array_index(g_tagutils_stack, i); taglib_free_tag_array(tag_array); } g_ptr_array_free(g_tagutils_stack, TRUE); g_tagutils_stack = NULL; return true; } static phrase_token_t taglib_special_string_to_token(const char * string){ struct token_pair{ phrase_token_t token; const char * string; }; static const token_pair tokens [] = { {sentence_start, ""}, {0, NULL} }; const token_pair * pair = tokens; while (pair->string) { if ( strcmp(string, pair->string ) == 0 ) return pair->token; pair++; } fprintf(stderr, "error: unknown token:%s.\n", string); return 0; } phrase_token_t taglib_string_to_token(PhraseLargeTable * phrases, const char * string){ phrase_token_t token = 0; if ( string[0] == '<' ) { return taglib_special_string_to_token(string); } glong phrase_len = g_utf8_strlen(string, -1); utf16_t * phrase = g_utf8_to_utf16(string, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); int result = phrases->search(phrase_len, phrase, token); if ( !(result & SEARCH_OK) ) fprintf(stderr, "error: unknown token:%s.\n", string); g_free(phrase); return token; } static const char * taglib_special_token_to_string(phrase_token_t token){ struct token_pair{ phrase_token_t token; const char * string; }; static const token_pair tokens [] = { {sentence_start, ""}, {0, NULL} }; const token_pair * pair = tokens; while (pair->token) { if ( token == pair->token ) return pair->string; pair++; } fprintf(stderr, "error: unknown token:%d.\n", token); return NULL; } char * taglib_token_to_string(FacadePhraseIndex * phrase_index, phrase_token_t token) { PhraseItem item; utf16_t buffer[MAX_PHRASE_LENGTH]; gchar * phrase; /* deal with the special phrase index, for "..." */ if ( PHRASE_INDEX_LIBRARY_INDEX(token) == 0 ) { return g_strdup(taglib_special_token_to_string(token)); } int result = phrase_index->get_phrase_item(token, item); if (result != ERROR_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "error: unknown token:%d.\n", token); return NULL; } item.get_phrase_string(buffer); guint8 length = item.get_phrase_length(); phrase = g_utf16_to_utf8(buffer, length, NULL, NULL, NULL); return phrase; }