/* * libpinyin * Library to deal with pinyin. * * Copyright (C) 2011 Peng Wu * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef PINYIN_PARSER2_H #define PINYIN_PARSER2_H #include #include "chewing_key.h" namespace pinyin{ typedef struct { const char * m_pinyin_str; const char * m_chewing_str; ChewingKey m_chewing_key; } content_table_item_t; typedef struct { const char * m_pinyin_input; guint32 m_flags; guint16 m_table_index; } pinyin_index_item_t; typedef struct { const char * m_chewing_input; guint32 m_flags; guint16 m_table_index; } chewing_index_item_t; typedef struct { ChewingKey m_orig_key; guint32 m_orig_freq; ChewingKey m_first_key; ChewingKey m_second_key; guint32 m_new_freq; } divided_table_item_t; typedef struct { ChewingKey m_orig_first_key; ChewingKey m_orig_second_key; guint32 m_orig_freq; ChewingKey m_new_first_key; ChewingKey m_new_second_key; guint32 m_new_freq; } resplit_table_item_t; typedef GArray * ChewingKeyVector; typedef GArray * ChewingKeyRestVector; typedef GArray * ParseValueVector; /** * @brief Class to translate string into ChewingKey. */ class PinyinParser2 { /* constructor/destructor */ public: virtual ~PinyinParser2 () {} /* public method */ public: /** * @brief Translate only one ChewingKey from a string. * * @param options pinyin options from pinyin_custom2.h. * @param key stores result ChewingKey. * @param str snput string in UTF-8 encoding, in most case this string is just a plain ASCII string. * @param len the length of str, in number of chars rather than bytes. * * @return whether the entire string is parsed as one key. */ virtual bool parse_one_key (guint32 options, ChewingKey & key, ChewingKeyRest & key_rest, const char *str, int len) const = 0; /** * @brief Translate the source string into a set of ChewingKeys. * * @param options pinyin options from pinyin_custom2.h. * @param keys stores result ChewingKeys. * @param str input string in UTF-8 encoding, in most case this string is just a plain ASCII string. * @param len the length of str, in number of chars rather than bytes. * * @return the number of chars were actually used. */ /* Note: * the parse method will use dynamic programming to drive parse_one_key. */ virtual int parse (guint32 options, ChewingKeyVector & keys, ChewingKeyRestVector & key_rests, const char *str, int len) const = 0; }; /** * The Full Pinyin Parser which parses full pinyin string into ChewingKeys. */ class FullPinyinParser2 : public PinyinParser2 { /* Note: some internal pointers to full pinyin table. */ protected: ParseValueVector m_parse_steps; int final_step(size_t step_len, ChewingKeyVector & keys, ChewingKeyRestVector & key_rests) const; public: FullPinyinParser2 (); virtual ~FullPinyinParser2 () { g_array_free(m_parse_steps, TRUE); } virtual bool parse_one_key (guint32 options, ChewingKey & key, ChewingKeyRest & key_rest, const char *str, int len) const; virtual int parse (guint32 options, ChewingKeyVector & keys, ChewingKeyRestVector & key_rests, const char *str, int len) const; }; /* The valid input chars of ShuangPin is a-z and ';' */ class DoublePinyinParser2 : public PinyinParser2 { /* Note: two internal pointers to double pinyin scheme table. */ public: virtual ~DoublePinyinParser2 () {} virtual bool parse_one_key (guint32 options, ChewingKey & key, ChewingKeyRest & key_rest, const char *str, int len) const; virtual int parse (guint32 options, ChewingKeyVector & keys, ChewingKeyRestVector & key_rests, const char *str, int len) const; public: bool set_scheme (DoublePinyinScheme scheme); }; /** * @brief Class to parse Chewing input string * * Several keyboard scheme are supported: * * ZHUYIN_ZHUYIN Parse original ZhuYin string, such as ㄅㄧㄢ * * Chewing_STANDARD Standard ZhuYin keyboard, which maps 1 to Bo(ㄅ), q to Po(ㄆ) etc. * * Chewing_HSU Hsu ZhuYin keyboard, which uses a-z (except q) chars. * * Chewing_IBM IBM ZhuYin keyboard, which maps 1 to Bo(ㄅ), 2 to Po(ㄆ) etc. * * Chewing_GIN_YIEH Gin-Yieh ZhuYin keyboard. * * Chewing_ET Eten (倚天) ZhuYin keyboard. * * Chewing_ET26 Eten (倚天) ZhuYin keyboard, which only uses a-z chars. * UTF-8 string is used in ZhuYin Parser, because the requirement of supporting original ZhuYin strings. * So that the length of inputted string is calculated in number of utf8 chars instead of bytes. */ class ChewingParser2 : public PinyinParser2 { /* Note: one internal pointer to chewing scheme table. */ public: virtual ~ChewingParser2 () {} virtual bool parse_one_key (guint32 options, ChewingKey & key, ChewingKeyRest & key_rest, const char *str, int len) const; virtual int parse (guint32 options, ChewingKeyVector & keys, ChewingKeyRestVector & key_rests, const char *str, int len) const; public: bool set_scheme (ChewingScheme scheme); }; }; #endif