/* * libpinyin * Library to deal with pinyin. * * Copyright (C) 2011 Peng Wu * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include "stl_lite.h" #include "pinyin_parser2.h" #include "pinyin_phrase2.h" #include "pinyin_custom2.h" #include "chewing_key.h" #include "pinyin_parser_table.h" #include "double_pinyin_table.h" #include "chewing_table.h" using namespace pinyin; static bool check_pinyin_options(guint32 options, const pinyin_index_item_t * item) { guint32 flags = item->m_flags; assert (flags & IS_PINYIN); /* handle incomplete pinyin. */ if (flags & PINYIN_INCOMPLETE) { if (!(options & PINYIN_INCOMPLETE)) return false; } /* handle correct pinyin, currently only one flag per item. */ flags &= PINYIN_CORRECT_ALL; options &= PINYIN_CORRECT_ALL; if (flags) { if ((flags & options) != flags) return false; } return true; } static bool check_chewing_options(guint32 options, const chewing_index_item_t * item) { guint32 flags = item->m_flags; assert (flags & IS_CHEWING); /* handle incomplete chewing. */ if (flags & CHEWING_INCOMPLETE) { if (!(options & CHEWING_INCOMPLETE)) return false; } return true; } /* methods for Chewing Keys to access pinyin parser table. */ const char * ChewingKeyRest::get_pinyin_string(){ if (m_table_index == 0) return NULL; /* check end boundary. */ assert(m_table_index < G_N_ELEMENTS(content_table)); return content_table[m_table_index].m_pinyin_str; } const char * ChewingKeyRest::get_chewing_string(){ if (m_table_index == 0) return NULL; /* check end boundary. */ assert(m_table_index < G_N_ELEMENTS(content_table)); return content_table[m_table_index].m_chewing_str; } /* Pinyin Parsers */ /* internal information for pinyin parsers. */ struct parse_value_t{ ChewingKey m_key; ChewingKeyRest m_key_rest; gint16 m_num_keys; gint16 m_parsed_len; gint16 m_last_step; /* constructor */ public: parse_value_t(){ m_num_keys = 0; m_parsed_len = 0; m_last_step = -1; } }; const guint16 max_full_pinyin_length = 7; /* include tone. */ const guint16 max_double_pinyin_length = 3; /* include tone. */ const guint16 max_chewing_length = 4; /* include tone. */ static bool compare_pinyin_less_than(const pinyin_index_item_t & lhs, const pinyin_index_item_t & rhs){ return 0 > strcmp(lhs.m_pinyin_input, rhs.m_pinyin_input); } static inline bool search_pinyin_index(guint32 options, const char * pinyin, ChewingKey & key, ChewingKeyRest & key_rest){ pinyin_index_item_t item; memset(&item, 0, sizeof(item)); item.m_pinyin_input = pinyin; std_lite::pair range; range = std_lite::equal_range (pinyin_index, pinyin_index + G_N_ELEMENTS(pinyin_index), item, compare_pinyin_less_than); guint16 range_len = range.second - range.first; assert(range_len <= 1); if (range_len == 1) { const pinyin_index_item_t * index = range.first; if (!check_pinyin_options(options, index)) return false; key_rest.m_table_index = index->m_table_index; key = content_table[key_rest.m_table_index].m_chewing_key; return true; } return false; } static bool compare_chewing_less_than(const chewing_index_item_t & lhs, const chewing_index_item_t & rhs){ return 0 > strcmp(lhs.m_chewing_input, rhs.m_chewing_input); } static inline bool search_chewing_index(guint32 options, const char * chewing, ChewingKey & key, ChewingKeyRest & key_rest){ chewing_index_item_t item; memset(&item, 0, sizeof(item)); item.m_chewing_input = chewing; std_lite::pair range; range = std_lite::equal_range (chewing_index, chewing_index + G_N_ELEMENTS(chewing_index), item, compare_chewing_less_than); guint16 range_len = range.second - range.first; assert (range_len <= 1); if (range_len == 1) { const chewing_index_item_t * index = range.first; if (!check_chewing_options(options, index)) return false; key_rest.m_table_index = index->m_table_index; key = content_table[key_rest.m_table_index].m_chewing_key; return true; } return false; } /* Full Pinyin Parser */ FullPinyinParser2::FullPinyinParser2 (){ m_parse_steps = g_array_new(TRUE, FALSE, sizeof(parse_value_t)); } bool FullPinyinParser2::parse_one_key (guint32 options, ChewingKey & key, ChewingKeyRest & key_rest, const char * pinyin, int len) const { /* "'" are not accepted in parse_one_key. */ assert(NULL == strchr(pinyin, '\'')); gchar * input = g_strndup(pinyin, len); guint16 tone = CHEWING_ZERO_TONE; guint16 tone_pos = 0; guint16 parsed_len = len; key = ChewingKey(); key_rest = ChewingKeyRest(); if (options & USE_TONE) { /* find the tone in the last character. */ char chr = input[parsed_len - 1]; if ( '0' < chr && chr <= '5' ) { tone = chr - '0'; parsed_len --; tone_pos = parsed_len; } } /* parse pinyin core staff here. */ /* Note: optimize here? */ input[parsed_len] = '\0'; if (!search_pinyin_index(options, input, key, key_rest)) --parsed_len; if (options & USE_TONE) { /* post processing tone. */ if ( parsed_len == tone_pos ) { if (tone != CHEWING_ZERO_TONE) { key.m_tone = tone; parsed_len ++; } } } key_rest.m_raw_begin = 0; key_rest.m_raw_end = parsed_len; g_free(input); return parsed_len == len; } int FullPinyinParser2::parse (guint32 options, ChewingKeyVector & keys, ChewingKeyRestVector & key_rests, const char *str, int len) const { int i; /* clear arrays. */ g_array_set_size(keys, 0); g_array_set_size(key_rests, 0); /* init m_parse_steps, and prepare dynamic programming. */ int step_len = len + 1; g_array_set_size(m_parse_steps, 0); parse_value_t value; for (i = 0; i < step_len; ++i) { g_array_append_val(m_parse_steps, value); } size_t next_sep = 0; gchar * input = g_strndup(str, len); parse_value_t * curstep = NULL, * nextstep = NULL; for (i = 0; i < len; ) { if (input[i] == '\'') { curstep = &g_array_index(m_parse_steps, parse_value_t, i); nextstep = &g_array_index(m_parse_steps, parse_value_t, i + 1); /* propagate current step into next step. */ nextstep->m_key = ChewingKey(); nextstep->m_key_rest = ChewingKeyRest(); nextstep->m_num_keys = curstep->m_num_keys; nextstep->m_parsed_len = curstep->m_parsed_len + 1; nextstep->m_last_step = i; next_sep = 0; continue; } /* forward to next "'" */ if ( 0 == next_sep ) { int k; for (k = i; k < len; ++k) { if (input[k] == '\'') break; } next_sep = k; i = next_sep; } /* dynamic programming here. */ for (size_t m = i; m < next_sep; ++m) { curstep = &g_array_index(m_parse_steps, parse_value_t, m); size_t try_len = std_lite::min (m + max_full_pinyin_length, next_sep); for (size_t n = m + 1; n < try_len + 1; ++n) { nextstep = &g_array_index(m_parse_steps, parse_value_t, n); /* gen next step */ const char * onepinyin = input + m; gint16 onepinyinlen = n - m; value = parse_value_t(); ChewingKey key; ChewingKeyRest rest; bool parsed = parse_one_key (options, key, rest, onepinyin, onepinyinlen); rest.m_raw_begin = m; rest.m_raw_end = n; if (!parsed) continue; value.m_key = key; value.m_key_rest = rest; value.m_num_keys = curstep->m_num_keys + 1; value.m_parsed_len = curstep->m_parsed_len + onepinyinlen; value.m_last_step = m; /* save next step */ if (-1 == nextstep->m_last_step) *nextstep = value; if (value.m_parsed_len > nextstep->m_parsed_len) *nextstep = value; if (value.m_parsed_len == nextstep->m_parsed_len && value.m_num_keys < nextstep->m_num_keys) *nextstep = value; } } } /* final step for back tracing. */ gint16 parsed_len = final_step(step_len, keys, key_rests); /* post processing for re-split table. */ if (options & USE_RESPLIT_TABLE) { post_process(options, keys, key_rests); } g_free(input); return parsed_len; } int FullPinyinParser2::final_step(size_t step_len, ChewingKeyVector & keys, ChewingKeyRestVector & key_rests) const{ int i; gint16 parsed_len = 0; parse_value_t * curstep = NULL; /* find longest match, which starts from the beginning of input. */ for (i = step_len - 1; i >= 0; --i) { curstep = &g_array_index(m_parse_steps, parse_value_t, i); if (i == curstep->m_parsed_len) break; } /* prepare saving. */ parsed_len = curstep->m_parsed_len; gint16 num_keys = curstep->m_num_keys; g_array_set_size(keys, num_keys); g_array_set_size(key_rests, num_keys); /* save the match. */ while (curstep->m_last_step != -1) { gint16 pos = curstep->m_num_keys - 1; /* skip "'" */ if (0 != curstep->m_key_rest.m_table_index) { ChewingKey * key = &g_array_index(keys, ChewingKey, pos); ChewingKeyRest * rest = &g_array_index (key_rests, ChewingKeyRest, pos); *key = curstep->m_key; *rest = curstep->m_key_rest; } /* back ward */ curstep = &g_array_index(m_parse_steps, parse_value_t, curstep->m_last_step); } return parsed_len; } bool FullPinyinParser2::post_process(guint32 options, ChewingKeyVector & keys, ChewingKeyRestVector & key_rests) const { int i; assert(keys->len == key_rests->len); gint16 num_keys = keys->len; ChewingKey * cur_key = NULL, * next_key = NULL; ChewingKeyRest * cur_rest = NULL, * next_rest = NULL; guint16 cur_tone = CHEWING_ZERO_TONE, next_tone = CHEWING_ZERO_TONE; for (i = 0; i < num_keys - 1; ++i) { cur_rest = &g_array_index(key_rests, ChewingKeyRest, i); next_rest = &g_array_index(key_rests, ChewingKeyRest, i + 1); /* some "'" here */ if (cur_rest->m_raw_end != next_rest->m_raw_begin) continue; cur_key = &g_array_index(keys, ChewingKey, i); next_key = &g_array_index(keys, ChewingKey, i + 1); if (options & USE_TONE) { cur_tone = cur_key->m_tone; next_tone = next_key->m_tone; cur_key->m_tone = next_key->m_tone = CHEWING_ZERO_TONE; } /* lookup re-split table */ size_t k; const resplit_table_item_t * item = NULL; for (k = 0; k < G_N_ELEMENTS(resplit_table); ++k) { item = resplit_table + k; /* no ops */ if (item->m_orig_freq >= item->m_new_freq) continue; /* use pinyin_exact_compare2 here. */ if (0 == pinyin_exact_compare2(item->m_orig_keys, cur_key, 2)) break; } /* find the match */ if (k < G_N_ELEMENTS(resplit_table)) { /* do re-split */ item = resplit_table + k; *cur_key = item->m_new_keys[0]; *next_key = item->m_new_keys[1]; /* assumes only moved one char in gen_all_resplit script. */ cur_rest->m_raw_end --; next_rest->m_raw_begin --; } /* save back tones */ if (options & USE_TONE) { cur_key->m_tone = cur_tone; next_key->m_tone = next_tone; } } return true; } #define IS_KEY(x) (('a' <= x && x <= 'z') || x == ';') bool DoublePinyinParser2::parse_one_key (guint32 options, ChewingKey & key, ChewingKeyRest & key_rest, const char *str, int len) const{ if (1 == len) { if (!(options & PINYIN_INCOMPLETE)) return false; char ch = str[0]; if (!IS_KEY(ch)) return false; int charid = ch == ';' ? 26 : ch - 'a'; const char * sheng = m_shengmu_table[charid].m_shengmu; if (NULL == sheng || strcmp(sheng, "'") == 0) return false; if (search_pinyin_index(options, sheng, key, key_rest)) { key_rest.m_raw_begin = 0; key_rest.m_raw_end = len; return true; } else { return false; } } ChewingTone tone = CHEWING_ZERO_TONE; options &= ~(PINYIN_CORRECT_ALL|PINYIN_AMB_ALL); /* parse tone */ if (3 == len) { if (!(options & USE_TONE)) return false; char ch = str[2]; if (!('0' < ch && ch <= '5')) return false; tone = (ChewingTone) (ch - '0'); } if (2 == len || 3 == len) { /* parse shengmu here. */ char ch = str[0]; if (!IS_KEY(ch)) return false; int charid = ch == ';' ? 26 : ch - 'a'; const char * sheng = m_shengmu_table[charid].m_shengmu; if (NULL == sheng) return false; if (strcmp(sheng, "'") == 0) sheng = ""; /* parse yunmu here. */ ch = str[1]; if (!IS_KEY(ch)) return false; charid = ch == ';' ? 26 : ch - 'a'; /* first yunmu */ const char * yun = m_yunmu_table[charid].m_yunmus[0]; gchar * pinyin = g_strdup_printf("%s%s", sheng, yun); if (search_pinyin_index(options, pinyin, key, key_rest)) { key_rest.m_raw_begin = 0; key_rest.m_raw_end = len; key.m_tone = tone; g_free(pinyin); return true; } g_free(pinyin); /* second yunmu */ yun = m_yunmu_table[charid].m_yunmus[1]; pinyin = g_strdup_printf("%s%s", sheng, yun); if (search_pinyin_index(options, pinyin, key, key_rest)) { key_rest.m_raw_begin = 0; key_rest.m_raw_end = len; key.m_tone = tone; g_free(pinyin); return true; } g_free(pinyin); } return false; } /* only 'a'-'z' and ';' are accepted here. */ int DoublePinyinParser2::parse (guint32 options, ChewingKeyVector & keys, ChewingKeyRestVector & key_rests, const char *str, int len) const{ g_array_set_size(keys, 0); g_array_set_size(key_rests, 0); int maximum_len = 0; int i; /* probe the longest possible double pinyin string. */ for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (!IS_KEY(str[i])) break; } maximum_len = i; /* maximum forward match for double pinyin. */ int parsed_len = 0; while (parsed_len < maximum_len) { const char * cur_str = str + parsed_len; i = std_lite::min(maximum_len - parsed_len, (int)max_double_pinyin_length); ChewingKey key; ChewingKeyRest key_rest; for (; i > 0; --i) { bool success = parse_one_key(options, key, key_rest, cur_str, i); if (success) break; } if (0 == i) /* no more possible double pinyins. */ break; key_rest.m_raw_begin = parsed_len; key_rest.m_raw_end = parsed_len + i; parsed_len += i; /* save the pinyin */ g_array_append_val(keys, key); g_array_append_val(key_rests, key_rest); } return parsed_len; } #undef IS_KEY bool DoublePinyinParser2::set_scheme(DoublePinyinScheme scheme) { switch (scheme) { case DOUBLE_PINYIN_ZRM: m_shengmu_table = double_pinyin_zrm_sheng; m_yunmu_table = double_pinyin_zrm_yun; return true; case DOUBLE_PINYIN_MS: m_shengmu_table = double_pinyin_mspy_sheng; m_yunmu_table = double_pinyin_mspy_yun; return true; case DOUBLE_PINYIN_ZIGUANG: m_shengmu_table = double_pinyin_zgpy_sheng; m_yunmu_table = double_pinyin_zgpy_yun; return true; case DOUBLE_PINYIN_ABC: m_shengmu_table = double_pinyin_abc_sheng; m_yunmu_table = double_pinyin_abc_yun; return true; case DOUBLE_PINYIN_PYJJ: m_shengmu_table = double_pinyin_pyjj_sheng; m_yunmu_table = double_pinyin_pyjj_yun; return true; case DOUBLE_PINYIN_XHE: m_shengmu_table = double_pinyin_xhe_sheng; m_yunmu_table = double_pinyin_xhe_yun; return true; case DOUBLE_PINYIN_CUSTOMIZED: assert(FALSE); }; return false; /* no such scheme. */ } /* the chewing string must be freed with g_free. */ static bool search_chewing_symbols(const chewing_symbol_item_t * symbol_table, const char key, char ** chewing) { /* just iterate the table, as we only have < 50 items. */ while (symbol_table->m_input != '\0') { if (symbol_table->m_input == key) { *chewing = g_strdup(symbol_table->m_chewing); return true; } symbol_table ++; } return false; } static bool search_chewing_tones(const chewing_tone_item_t * tone_table, const char key, char * tone) { /* just iterate the table, as we only have < 10 items. */ while (tone_table->m_input != '\0') { if (tone_table->m_input == key) { *tone = tone_table->m_tone; return true; } tone_table ++; } return false; } bool ChewingParser2::parse_one_key(guint32 options, ChewingKey & key, ChewingKeyRest & key_rest, const char *str, int len) const { char tone = CHEWING_ZERO_TONE; int symbols_len = len; /* probe whether the last key is tone key in str. */ if (options & USE_TONE) { char ch = str[len - 1]; /* remove tone from input */ if (search_chewing_tones(m_tone_table, ch, &tone)) symbols_len --; } int i; gchar * chewing = NULL, * onechar = NULL; /* probe the possible chewing map in the rest of str. */ for (i = 0; i < symbols_len; ++i) { if (!search_chewing_symbols(m_symbol_table, str[i], &onechar)) { g_free(onechar); g_free(chewing); return false; } if (!chewing) { chewing = g_strdup(onechar); } else { gchar * tmp = chewing; chewing = g_strconcat(chewing, onechar, NULL); g_free(tmp); } g_free(onechar); } /* search the chewing in the chewing index table. */ if (search_chewing_index(options, chewing, key, key_rest)) { key_rest.m_raw_begin = 0; key_rest.m_raw_end = len; /* save back tone if available. */ key.m_tone = tone; g_free(chewing); return true; } g_free(chewing); return false; } /* only characters in chewing keyboard scheme are accepted here. */ int ChewingParser2::parse(guint32 options, ChewingKeyVector & keys, ChewingKeyRestVector & key_rests, const char *str, int len) const { /* probe the longest possible chewing string. */ /* maximum forward match for chewing. */ assert(FALSE); } bool ChewingParser2::set_scheme(ChewingScheme scheme) { switch(scheme) { case CHEWING_STANDARD: m_symbol_table = chewing_standard_symbols; m_tone_table = chewing_standard_tones; return true; case CHEWING_IBM: m_symbol_table = chewing_ibm_symbols; m_tone_table = chewing_ibm_tones; return true; case CHEWING_GINYIEH: m_symbol_table = chewing_ginyieh_symbols; m_tone_table = chewing_ginyieh_tones; return true; case CHEWING_ETEN: m_symbol_table = chewing_eten_symbols; m_tone_table = chewing_eten_tones; return true; } return false; } bool ChewingParser2::in_chewing_scheme(const char key){ gchar * chewing = NULL; char tone = CHEWING_ZERO_TONE; bool retval = search_chewing_symbols(m_symbol_table, key, &chewing) || search_chewing_tones(m_tone_table, key, &tone); g_free(chewing); return retval; }