/* * libpinyin * Library to deal with pinyin. * * Copyright (C) 2002,2003,2006 James Su * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "stl_lite.h" #include "novel_types.h" #include "pinyin_base.h" #include "pinyin_phrase.h" #include "pinyin_large_table.h" using namespace pinyin; // Internal data definition /** * struct of pinyin token. * * this struct store the informations of a pinyin token * (an initial or final) */ struct PinyinToken { const char *latin; /**< Latin name of the token. */ const char *zhuyin; /**< Zhuyin name in UTF-8. */ int latin_len; /**< length of Latin name. */ int zhuyin_len; /**< length of Chinese name. */ }; /** * struct to index PinyinToken list. */ struct PinyinTokenIndex { int start; int num; }; static const PinyinToken __pinyin_initials[] = { {"", "", 0, 0}, {"b", "ㄅ", 1, 1}, {"c", "ㄘ", 1, 1}, {"ch","ㄔ", 2, 1}, {"d", "ㄉ", 1, 1}, {"f", "ㄈ", 1, 1}, {"h", "ㄏ", 1, 1}, {"g", "ㄍ", 1, 1}, {"k", "ㄎ", 1, 1}, {"j", "ㄐ", 1, 1}, {"m", "ㄇ", 1, 1}, {"n", "ㄋ", 1, 1}, {"l", "ㄌ", 1, 1}, {"r", "ㄖ", 1, 1}, {"p", "ㄆ", 1, 1}, {"q", "ㄑ", 1, 1}, {"s", "ㄙ", 1, 1}, {"sh","ㄕ", 2, 1}, {"t", "ㄊ", 1, 1}, {"w", "ㄨ", 1, 1}, //Should be omitted in some case. {"x", "ㄒ", 1, 1}, {"y", "ㄧ", 1, 1}, //Should be omitted in some case. {"z", "ㄗ", 1, 1}, {"zh","ㄓ", 2, 1} }; static const PinyinToken __pinyin_finals[] = { {"", "", 0, 0}, {"a", "ㄚ", 1, 1}, {"ai", "ㄞ", 2, 1}, {"an", "ㄢ", 2, 1}, {"ang", "ㄤ", 3, 1}, {"ao", "ㄠ", 2, 1}, {"e", "ㄜ", 1, 1}, {"ea", "ㄝ", 2, 1}, {"ei", "ㄟ", 2, 1}, {"en", "ㄣ", 2, 1}, {"eng", "ㄥ", 3, 1}, {"er", "ㄦ", 2, 1}, {"i", "ㄧ", 1, 1}, {"ia", "ㄧㄚ", 2, 2}, {"ian", "ㄧㄢ", 3, 2}, {"iang","ㄧㄤ", 4, 2}, {"iao", "ㄧㄠ", 3, 2}, {"ie", "ㄧㄝ", 2, 2}, {"in", "ㄧㄣ", 2, 2}, {"ing", "ㄧㄥ", 3, 2}, {"iong","ㄩㄥ", 4, 2}, {"iu", "ㄧㄡ", 2, 2}, {"ng", "ㄣ", 2, 1}, {"o", "ㄛ", 1, 1}, {"ong", "ㄨㄥ", 3, 2}, {"ou", "ㄡ", 2, 1}, {"u", "ㄨ", 1, 1}, {"ua", "ㄨㄚ", 2, 2}, {"uai", "ㄨㄞ", 3, 2}, {"uan", "ㄨㄢ", 3, 2}, {"uang","ㄨㄤ", 4, 2}, {"ue", "ㄩㄝ", 2, 2}, {"ueng","ㄨㄥ", 4, 2}, {"ui", "ㄨㄟ", 2, 2}, {"un", "ㄨㄣ", 2, 2}, {"uo", "ㄨㄛ", 2, 2}, {"v", "ㄩ", 1, 1}, {"van", "ㄩㄢ", 3, 2}, {"ve", "ㄩㄝ", 2, 2}, {"vn", "ㄩㄣ", 2, 2} }; static const PinyinToken __pinyin_tones [] = { {"", "", 0, 0}, {"1", "ˉ", 1, 1}, {"2", "ˊ", 1, 1}, {"3", "ˇ", 1, 1}, {"4", "ˋ", 1, 1}, {"5", "˙", 1, 1} }; static const PinyinTokenIndex __pinyin_initials_index[] = { //a b c d e f g h i j k l m {-1,0},{1,1}, {2,2}, {4,1}, {-1,0},{5,1}, {7,1}, {6,1}, {-1,0},{9,1}, {8,1}, {12,1},{10,1}, //n o p q r s t u v w x y z {11,1},{-1,0},{14,1},{15,1},{13,1},{16,2},{18,1},{-1,0},{-1,0},{19,1},{20,1},{21,1},{22,2} }; static const PinyinTokenIndex __pinyin_finals_index[] = { //a b c d e f g h i j k l m {1,5}, {-1,0},{-1,0},{-1,0},{6,6},{-1,0},{-1,0},{-1,0},{12,10},{-1,0},{-1,0},{-1,0},{-1,0}, //n o p q r s t u v w x y z {22,1},{23,3},{-1,0},{-1,0},{-1,0},{-1,0},{-1,0},{26,10},{36,4},{-1,0},{-1,0},{-1,0},{-1,0} }; static const PinyinInitial __shuang_pin_stone_initial_map [] = { PINYIN_ZeroInitial, // A PINYIN_Bo, // B PINYIN_Ci, // C PINYIN_De, // D PINYIN_ZeroInitial, // E PINYIN_Fo, // F PINYIN_Ge, // G PINYIN_He, // H PINYIN_Shi, // I PINYIN_Ji, // J PINYIN_Ke, // K PINYIN_Le, // L PINYIN_Mo, // M PINYIN_Ne, // N PINYIN_ZeroInitial, // O PINYIN_Po, // P PINYIN_Qi, // Q PINYIN_Ri, // R PINYIN_Si, // S PINYIN_Te, // T PINYIN_Chi, // U PINYIN_Zhi, // V PINYIN_Wu, // W PINYIN_Xi, // X PINYIN_Yi, // Y PINYIN_Zi, // Z PINYIN_ZeroInitial, // ; }; static const PinyinFinal __shuang_pin_stone_final_map [][2] = { { PINYIN_A, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // A { PINYIN_Ia, PINYIN_Ua }, // B { PINYIN_Uan, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // C { PINYIN_Ao, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // D { PINYIN_E, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // E { PINYIN_An, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // F { PINYIN_Ang, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // G { PINYIN_Uang,PINYIN_Iang }, // H { PINYIN_I, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // I { PINYIN_Ian, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // J { PINYIN_Iao, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // K { PINYIN_In, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // L { PINYIN_Ie, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // M { PINYIN_Iu, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // N { PINYIN_Uo, PINYIN_O }, // O { PINYIN_Ou, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // P { PINYIN_Ing, PINYIN_Er }, // Q { PINYIN_En, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // R { PINYIN_Ai, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // S { PINYIN_Ng, PINYIN_Eng }, // T { PINYIN_U, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // U { PINYIN_V, PINYIN_Ui }, // V { PINYIN_Ei, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // W { PINYIN_Uai, PINYIN_Ue }, // X { PINYIN_Ong, PINYIN_Iong }, // Y { PINYIN_Un, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // Z { PINYIN_ZeroFinal, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // ; }; static const PinyinInitial __shuang_pin_zrm_initial_map [] = { PINYIN_ZeroInitial, // A PINYIN_Bo, // B PINYIN_Ci, // C PINYIN_De, // D PINYIN_ZeroInitial, // E PINYIN_Fo, // F PINYIN_Ge, // G PINYIN_He, // H PINYIN_Chi, // I PINYIN_Ji, // J PINYIN_Ke, // K PINYIN_Le, // L PINYIN_Mo, // M PINYIN_Ne, // N PINYIN_ZeroInitial, // O PINYIN_Po, // P PINYIN_Qi, // Q PINYIN_Ri, // R PINYIN_Si, // S PINYIN_Te, // T PINYIN_Shi, // U PINYIN_Zhi, // V PINYIN_Wu, // W PINYIN_Xi, // X PINYIN_Yi, // Y PINYIN_Zi, // Z PINYIN_ZeroInitial, // ; }; static const PinyinFinal __shuang_pin_zrm_final_map [][2] = { { PINYIN_A, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // A { PINYIN_Ou, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // B { PINYIN_Iao, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // C { PINYIN_Uang,PINYIN_Iang }, // D { PINYIN_E, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // E { PINYIN_En, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // F { PINYIN_Ng, PINYIN_Eng }, // G { PINYIN_Ang, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // H { PINYIN_I, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // I { PINYIN_An, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // J { PINYIN_Ao, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // K { PINYIN_Ai, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // L { PINYIN_Ian, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // M { PINYIN_In, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // N { PINYIN_Uo, PINYIN_O }, // O { PINYIN_Un, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // P { PINYIN_Iu, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // Q { PINYIN_Uan, PINYIN_Er }, // R { PINYIN_Ong, PINYIN_Iong }, // S { PINYIN_Ue, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // T { PINYIN_U, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // U { PINYIN_V, PINYIN_Ui }, // V { PINYIN_Ia, PINYIN_Ua }, // W { PINYIN_Ie, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // X { PINYIN_Ing, PINYIN_Uai }, // Y { PINYIN_Ei, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // Z { PINYIN_ZeroFinal, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // ; }; static const PinyinInitial __shuang_pin_ms_initial_map [] = { PINYIN_ZeroInitial, // A PINYIN_Bo, // B PINYIN_Ci, // C PINYIN_De, // D PINYIN_ZeroInitial, // E PINYIN_Fo, // F PINYIN_Ge, // G PINYIN_He, // H PINYIN_Chi, // I PINYIN_Ji, // J PINYIN_Ke, // K PINYIN_Le, // L PINYIN_Mo, // M PINYIN_Ne, // N PINYIN_ZeroInitial, // O PINYIN_Po, // P PINYIN_Qi, // Q PINYIN_Ri, // R PINYIN_Si, // S PINYIN_Te, // T PINYIN_Shi, // U PINYIN_Zhi, // V PINYIN_Wu, // W PINYIN_Xi, // X PINYIN_Yi, // Y PINYIN_Zi, // Z PINYIN_ZeroInitial, // ; }; static const PinyinFinal __shuang_pin_ms_final_map [][2] = { { PINYIN_A, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // A { PINYIN_Ou, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // B { PINYIN_Iao, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // C { PINYIN_Uang,PINYIN_Iang }, // D { PINYIN_E, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // E { PINYIN_En, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // F { PINYIN_Ng, PINYIN_Eng }, // G { PINYIN_Ang, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // H { PINYIN_I, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // I { PINYIN_An, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // J { PINYIN_Ao, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // K { PINYIN_Ai, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // L { PINYIN_Ian, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // M { PINYIN_In, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // N { PINYIN_Uo, PINYIN_O }, // O { PINYIN_Un, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // P { PINYIN_Iu, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // Q { PINYIN_Uan, PINYIN_Er }, // R { PINYIN_Ong, PINYIN_Iong }, // S { PINYIN_Ue, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // T { PINYIN_U, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // U { PINYIN_V, PINYIN_Ui }, // V { PINYIN_Ia, PINYIN_Ua }, // W { PINYIN_Ie, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // X { PINYIN_Uai, PINYIN_V }, // Y { PINYIN_Ei, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // Z { PINYIN_Ing, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // ; }; static const PinyinInitial __shuang_pin_ziguang_initial_map [] = { PINYIN_Chi, // A PINYIN_Bo, // B PINYIN_Ci, // C PINYIN_De, // D PINYIN_ZeroInitial, // E PINYIN_Fo, // F PINYIN_Ge, // G PINYIN_He, // H PINYIN_Shi, // I PINYIN_Ji, // J PINYIN_Ke, // K PINYIN_Le, // L PINYIN_Mo, // M PINYIN_Ne, // N PINYIN_ZeroInitial, // O PINYIN_Po, // P PINYIN_Qi, // Q PINYIN_Ri, // R PINYIN_Si, // S PINYIN_Te, // T PINYIN_Zhi, // U PINYIN_ZeroInitial, // V PINYIN_Wu, // W PINYIN_Xi, // X PINYIN_Yi, // Y PINYIN_Zi, // Z PINYIN_ZeroInitial, // ; }; static const PinyinFinal __shuang_pin_ziguang_final_map [][2] = { { PINYIN_A, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // A { PINYIN_Iao, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // B { PINYIN_Ing, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // C { PINYIN_Ie, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // D { PINYIN_E, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // E { PINYIN_Ian, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // F { PINYIN_Uang,PINYIN_Iang }, // G { PINYIN_Ong, PINYIN_Iong }, // H { PINYIN_I, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // I { PINYIN_Iu, PINYIN_Er }, // J { PINYIN_Ei, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // K { PINYIN_Uan, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // L { PINYIN_Un, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // M { PINYIN_Ui, PINYIN_Ue }, // N { PINYIN_Uo, PINYIN_O }, // O { PINYIN_Ai, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // P { PINYIN_Ao, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // Q { PINYIN_An, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // R { PINYIN_Ang, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // S { PINYIN_Ng, PINYIN_Eng }, // T { PINYIN_U, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // U { PINYIN_V, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // V { PINYIN_En, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // W { PINYIN_Ia, PINYIN_Ua }, // X { PINYIN_In, PINYIN_Uai }, // Y { PINYIN_Ou, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // Z { PINYIN_ZeroFinal, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // ; }; static const PinyinInitial __shuang_pin_abc_initial_map [] = { PINYIN_Zhi, // A PINYIN_Bo, // B PINYIN_Ci, // C PINYIN_De, // D PINYIN_Chi, // E PINYIN_Fo, // F PINYIN_Ge, // G PINYIN_He, // H PINYIN_ZeroInitial, // I PINYIN_Ji, // J PINYIN_Ke, // K PINYIN_Le, // L PINYIN_Mo, // M PINYIN_Ne, // N PINYIN_ZeroInitial, // O PINYIN_Po, // P PINYIN_Qi, // Q PINYIN_Ri, // R PINYIN_Si, // S PINYIN_Te, // T PINYIN_ZeroInitial, // U PINYIN_Shi, // V PINYIN_Wu, // W PINYIN_Xi, // X PINYIN_Yi, // Y PINYIN_Zi, // Z PINYIN_ZeroInitial, // ; }; static const PinyinFinal __shuang_pin_abc_final_map [][2] = { { PINYIN_A, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // A { PINYIN_Ou, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // B { PINYIN_In, PINYIN_Uai }, // C { PINYIN_Ia, PINYIN_Ua }, // D { PINYIN_E, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // E { PINYIN_En, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // F { PINYIN_Ng, PINYIN_Eng }, // G { PINYIN_Ang, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // H { PINYIN_I, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // I { PINYIN_An, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // J { PINYIN_Ao, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // K { PINYIN_Ai, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // L { PINYIN_Ui, PINYIN_Ue }, // M { PINYIN_Un, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // N { PINYIN_Uo, PINYIN_O }, // O { PINYIN_Uan, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // P { PINYIN_Ei, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // Q { PINYIN_Iu, PINYIN_Er }, // R { PINYIN_Ong, PINYIN_Iong }, // S { PINYIN_Uang,PINYIN_Iang }, // T { PINYIN_U, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // U { PINYIN_V, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // V { PINYIN_Ian, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // W { PINYIN_Ie, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // X { PINYIN_Ing, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // Y { PINYIN_Iao, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // Z { PINYIN_ZeroFinal, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // ; }; static const PinyinInitial __shuang_pin_liushi_initial_map [] = { PINYIN_ZeroInitial, // A PINYIN_Bo, // B PINYIN_Ci, // C PINYIN_De, // D PINYIN_ZeroInitial, // E PINYIN_Fo, // F PINYIN_Ge, // G PINYIN_He, // H PINYIN_Chi, // I PINYIN_Ji, // J PINYIN_Ke, // K PINYIN_Le, // L PINYIN_Mo, // M PINYIN_Ne, // N PINYIN_ZeroInitial, // O PINYIN_Po, // P PINYIN_Qi, // Q PINYIN_Ri, // R PINYIN_Si, // S PINYIN_Te, // T PINYIN_Shi, // U PINYIN_Zhi, // V PINYIN_Wu, // W PINYIN_Xi, // X PINYIN_Yi, // Y PINYIN_Zi, // Z PINYIN_ZeroInitial, // ; }; static const PinyinFinal __shuang_pin_liushi_final_map [][2] = { { PINYIN_A, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // A { PINYIN_Ao, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // B { PINYIN_Ang, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // C { PINYIN_Uan, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // D { PINYIN_E, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // E { PINYIN_An, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // F { PINYIN_Ong, PINYIN_Iong }, // G { PINYIN_Ui, PINYIN_Ue }, // H { PINYIN_I, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // I { PINYIN_Ia, PINYIN_Ua }, // J { PINYIN_Un, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // K { PINYIN_Iu, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // L { PINYIN_In, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // M { PINYIN_Uang,PINYIN_Iang }, // N { PINYIN_Uo, PINYIN_O }, // O { PINYIN_Ng, PINYIN_Eng }, // P { PINYIN_Ing, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // Q { PINYIN_Ou, PINYIN_Er }, // R { PINYIN_Ai, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // S { PINYIN_Ian, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // T { PINYIN_U, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // U { PINYIN_V, PINYIN_En }, // V { PINYIN_Ei, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // W { PINYIN_Ie, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // X { PINYIN_Uai, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // Y { PINYIN_Iao, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // Z { PINYIN_ZeroFinal, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }, // ; }; static const size_t __zhuyin_zhuyin_map_start_char = 0x3105; static const size_t __zhuyin_zhuyin_map_tone_start_idx = 37; static const PinyinKey __zhuyin_zhuyin_map [][3] = { {PinyinKey(PINYIN_Bo),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_Po),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_Mo),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_Fo),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_De),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_Te),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_Ne),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_Le),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_Ge),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_Ke),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_He),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_Ji),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_Qi),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_Xi),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_Zhi),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_Chi),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_Shi),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_Ri),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_Zi),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_Ci),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_Si),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_ZeroInitial,PINYIN_A),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_ZeroInitial,PINYIN_O),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_ZeroInitial,PINYIN_E),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_ZeroInitial,PINYIN_Ea),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_ZeroInitial,PINYIN_Ai),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_ZeroInitial,PINYIN_Ei),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_ZeroInitial,PINYIN_Ao),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_ZeroInitial,PINYIN_Ou),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_ZeroInitial,PINYIN_An),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_ZeroInitial,PINYIN_En),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_ZeroInitial,PINYIN_Ang),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_ZeroInitial,PINYIN_Eng),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_ZeroInitial,PINYIN_Er),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_ZeroInitial,PINYIN_I),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_ZeroInitial,PINYIN_U),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, {PinyinKey(PINYIN_ZeroInitial,PINYIN_V),PinyinKey(),PinyinKey()}, }; static const size_t __zhuyin_map_start_char = 0x20; #include "pinyin_zhuyin_map_data.h" static const PinyinKey (*__zhuyin_maps []) [3] = { __zhuyin_zhuyin_map, __zhuyin_standard_map, __zhuyin_hsu_map, __zhuyin_ibm_map, __zhuyin_gin_yieh_map, __zhuyin_et_map, __zhuyin_et26_map, 0 }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // implementation of PinyinKey const guint16 PinyinKey::min_value = 0; const guint16 PinyinKey::max_value = PINYIN_Number_Of_Initials * PINYIN_Number_Of_Finals * PINYIN_Number_Of_Tones - 1; const char* PinyinKey::get_initial_string () const { return __pinyin_initials [m_initial].latin; } const char* PinyinKey::get_initial_zhuyin_string () const { if ((m_initial == PINYIN_Wu && m_final == PINYIN_U) || (m_initial == PINYIN_Yi && (m_final == PINYIN_I || m_final == PINYIN_In || m_final == PINYIN_Ing || m_final == PINYIN_Ong || m_final == PINYIN_U || m_final == PINYIN_Ue || m_final == PINYIN_Uan || m_final == PINYIN_Un))) return ""; return __pinyin_initials [m_initial].zhuyin; } const char* PinyinKey::get_final_string () const { return __pinyin_finals [m_final].latin; } const char* PinyinKey::get_final_zhuyin_string () const { if (m_initial == PINYIN_Yi && m_final == PINYIN_Ong) { return __pinyin_finals [PINYIN_Iong].zhuyin; } else if (m_initial == PINYIN_Yi || m_initial == PINYIN_Ji || m_initial == PINYIN_Qi || m_initial == PINYIN_Xi) { switch (m_final) { case PINYIN_U: return __pinyin_finals [PINYIN_V].zhuyin; case PINYIN_Ue: return __pinyin_finals [PINYIN_Ve].zhuyin; case PINYIN_Uan: return __pinyin_finals [PINYIN_Van].zhuyin; case PINYIN_Un: return __pinyin_finals [PINYIN_Vn].zhuyin; } if (m_initial == PINYIN_Yi && m_final == PINYIN_E) return __pinyin_finals [PINYIN_Ea].zhuyin; } else if ((m_initial == PINYIN_Ne || m_initial == PINYIN_Le) && m_final == PINYIN_Ue) { return __pinyin_finals [PINYIN_Ve].zhuyin; } else if ((m_initial == PINYIN_Zhi || m_initial == PINYIN_Chi || m_initial == PINYIN_Shi || m_initial == PINYIN_Zi || m_initial == PINYIN_Ci || m_initial == PINYIN_Si || m_initial == PINYIN_Ri) && m_final == PINYIN_I) { return ""; } return __pinyin_finals [m_final].zhuyin; } const char* PinyinKey::get_tone_string () const { return __pinyin_tones [m_tone].latin; } const char* PinyinKey::get_tone_zhuyin_string () const { return __pinyin_tones [m_tone].zhuyin; } const char * PinyinKey::get_key_string () const { char key [16]; g_snprintf (key, 15, "%s%s%s", get_initial_string(), get_final_string(), get_tone_string ()); return g_strdup(key); } const char * PinyinKey::get_key_zhuyin_string () const { char key [32]; g_snprintf (key, 31, "%s%s%s", get_initial_zhuyin_string(), get_final_zhuyin_string(), get_tone_zhuyin_string ()); return g_strdup (key); } int PinyinKey::set (const PinyinValidator &validator, const char *str, int len) { if (!str || ! (*str)) return 0; PinyinDefaultParser parser; return parser.parse_one_key (validator, *this, str, len); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // implementation of PinyinValidator BitmapPinyinValidator::BitmapPinyinValidator (const PinyinLargeTable *table) { initialize (table); } void BitmapPinyinValidator::initialize (const PinyinLargeTable *table) { memset (m_bitmap, 0, sizeof (m_bitmap)); if (!table) return; for (guint16 val=0; val<=PinyinKey::max_value; ++val) if (!table->has_key (PinyinKey (val))) m_bitmap [val >> 3] |= (1 << (val % 8)); } bool BitmapPinyinValidator::operator () (PinyinKey key) const { if (key.is_empty ()) return false; guint16 val = key.get_value (); return (m_bitmap [ val >> 3 ] & (1 << (val % 8))) == 0; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // implementation of PinyinParser PinyinParser::~PinyinParser () { } struct PinyinReplaceRulePair { PinyinInitial initial; PinyinFinal final; PinyinInitial new_initial; PinyinFinal new_final; }; class PinyinReplaceRulePairLessThan { public: bool operator () (const PinyinReplaceRulePair &lhs, const PinyinReplaceRulePair &rhs) const { if (lhs.initial < rhs.initial) return true; if (lhs.initial > rhs.initial) return false; return lhs.final < rhs.final; } }; void PinyinParser::normalize (PinyinKey &key) { static const PinyinReplaceRulePair rules [] = { #if 0 {PINYIN_ZeroInitial, PINYIN_I, PINYIN_Yi, PINYIN_I}, {PINYIN_ZeroInitial, PINYIN_Ia, PINYIN_Yi, PINYIN_A}, {PINYIN_ZeroInitial, PINYIN_Ian, PINYIN_Yi, PINYIN_An}, {PINYIN_ZeroInitial, PINYIN_Iang, PINYIN_Yi, PINYIN_Ang}, {PINYIN_ZeroInitial, PINYIN_Iao, PINYIN_Yi, PINYIN_Ao}, {PINYIN_ZeroInitial, PINYIN_Ie, PINYIN_Yi, PINYIN_E}, {PINYIN_ZeroInitial, PINYIN_In, PINYIN_Yi, PINYIN_In}, {PINYIN_ZeroInitial, PINYIN_Ing, PINYIN_Yi, PINYIN_Ing}, {PINYIN_ZeroInitial, PINYIN_Iong, PINYIN_Yi, PINYIN_Ong}, {PINYIN_ZeroInitial, PINYIN_Iu, PINYIN_Yi, PINYIN_Ou}, {PINYIN_ZeroInitial, PINYIN_U, PINYIN_Wu, PINYIN_U}, {PINYIN_ZeroInitial, PINYIN_Ua, PINYIN_Wu, PINYIN_A}, {PINYIN_ZeroInitial, PINYIN_Uai, PINYIN_Wu, PINYIN_Ai}, {PINYIN_ZeroInitial, PINYIN_Uan, PINYIN_Wu, PINYIN_An}, {PINYIN_ZeroInitial, PINYIN_Uang, PINYIN_Wu, PINYIN_Ang}, {PINYIN_ZeroInitial, PINYIN_Ue, PINYIN_Wu, PINYIN_E}, {PINYIN_ZeroInitial, PINYIN_Ueng, PINYIN_Wu, PINYIN_Eng}, {PINYIN_ZeroInitial, PINYIN_Ui, PINYIN_Wu, PINYIN_Ei}, {PINYIN_ZeroInitial, PINYIN_Un, PINYIN_Wu, PINYIN_En}, {PINYIN_ZeroInitial, PINYIN_Uo, PINYIN_Wu, PINYIN_O}, {PINYIN_ZeroInitial, PINYIN_V, PINYIN_Yi, PINYIN_U}, {PINYIN_ZeroInitial, PINYIN_Van, PINYIN_Yi, PINYIN_Uan}, {PINYIN_ZeroInitial, PINYIN_Ve, PINYIN_Yi, PINYIN_Ue}, {PINYIN_ZeroInitial, PINYIN_Vn, PINYIN_Yi, PINYIN_Un}, #endif {PINYIN_Ji, PINYIN_V, PINYIN_Ji, PINYIN_U}, {PINYIN_Ji, PINYIN_Van, PINYIN_Ji, PINYIN_Uan}, {PINYIN_Ji, PINYIN_Ve, PINYIN_Ji, PINYIN_Ue}, {PINYIN_Ji, PINYIN_Vn, PINYIN_Ji, PINYIN_Un}, {PINYIN_Ne, PINYIN_Ve, PINYIN_Ne, PINYIN_Ue}, {PINYIN_Le, PINYIN_Ve, PINYIN_Le, PINYIN_Ue}, {PINYIN_Qi, PINYIN_V, PINYIN_Qi, PINYIN_U}, {PINYIN_Qi, PINYIN_Van, PINYIN_Qi, PINYIN_Uan}, {PINYIN_Qi, PINYIN_Ve, PINYIN_Qi, PINYIN_Ue}, {PINYIN_Qi, PINYIN_Vn, PINYIN_Qi, PINYIN_Un}, {PINYIN_Xi, PINYIN_V, PINYIN_Xi, PINYIN_U}, {PINYIN_Xi, PINYIN_Van, PINYIN_Xi, PINYIN_Uan}, {PINYIN_Xi, PINYIN_Ve, PINYIN_Xi, PINYIN_Ue}, {PINYIN_Xi, PINYIN_Vn, PINYIN_Xi, PINYIN_Un} }; static const PinyinReplaceRulePair *rules_start = rules; static const PinyinReplaceRulePair *rules_end = rules + sizeof(rules)/sizeof(PinyinReplaceRulePair); PinyinReplaceRulePair kp; kp.initial = key.get_initial (); kp.final = key.get_final (); const PinyinReplaceRulePair *p = std_lite::lower_bound (rules_start, rules_end, kp, PinyinReplaceRulePairLessThan ()); if (p->initial == kp.initial && p->final == kp.final) { key.set_initial (p->new_initial); key.set_final (p->new_final); } } //============== Internal functions used by PinyinDefaultParser ============== static int __default_parser_parse_initial (PinyinInitial &initial, const char *str, int len) { int lastlen = 0; initial = PINYIN_ZeroInitial; if (str && *str >= 'a' && *str <= 'z') { int start = __pinyin_initials_index [*str - 'a'].start; int end = __pinyin_initials_index [*str - 'a'].num + start; if (start > 0) { for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) { if ((len < 0 || len >= __pinyin_initials [i].latin_len) && __pinyin_initials [i].latin_len >= lastlen) { int j; for (j = 1; j < __pinyin_initials [i].latin_len; ++j) { if (str [j] != __pinyin_initials [i].latin [j]) break; } if (j == __pinyin_initials [i].latin_len) { initial = static_cast(i); lastlen = __pinyin_initials [i].latin_len; } } } } } return lastlen; } static int __default_parser_parse_final (PinyinFinal &final, const char *str, int len) { int lastlen = 0; final = PINYIN_ZeroFinal; if (str && *str >= 'a' && *str <= 'z') { int start = __pinyin_finals_index [*str - 'a'].start; int end = __pinyin_finals_index [*str - 'a'].num + start; if (start > 0) { for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) { if ((len < 0 || len >= __pinyin_finals [i].latin_len) && __pinyin_finals [i].latin_len >= lastlen) { int j; for (j = 1; j < __pinyin_finals [i].latin_len; ++j) { if (str [j] != __pinyin_finals [i].latin [j]) break; } if (j == __pinyin_finals [i].latin_len) { final = static_cast(i); lastlen = __pinyin_finals [i].latin_len; } } } } } return lastlen; } static int __default_parser_parse_tone (PinyinTone &tone, const char *str, int len) { tone = PINYIN_ZeroTone; if (str && (len >= 1 || len < 0)) { int kt = (*str) - '0'; if (kt >= PINYIN_First && kt <= PINYIN_LastTone) { tone = static_cast(kt); return 1; } } return 0; } static int __default_parser_parse_one_key (const PinyinValidator &validator, PinyinKey &key, const char *str, int len = -1) { int initial_len = 0; int final_len = 0; int tone_len = 0; const char *ptr; PinyinInitial initial; PinyinFinal final; PinyinTone tone; key.clear (); if (!str || !len) return 0; if (len < 0) len = strlen (str); while (len > 0) { ptr = str; initial = PINYIN_ZeroInitial; final = PINYIN_ZeroFinal; tone = PINYIN_ZeroTone; final_len = __default_parser_parse_final (final, ptr, len); ptr += final_len; len -= final_len; // An initial is present if (final == PINYIN_ZeroFinal) { initial_len = __default_parser_parse_initial (initial, ptr, len); ptr += initial_len; len -= initial_len; if (len){ final_len = __default_parser_parse_final (final, ptr, len); ptr += final_len; len -= final_len; } } if (len) tone_len = __default_parser_parse_tone (tone, ptr, len); key.set (initial, final, tone); PinyinParser::normalize (key); // A valid key was found, return. if (validator (key)) break; // The key is invalid, reduce the len and find again. len = initial_len + final_len + tone_len - 1; initial_len = final_len = tone_len = 0; key.clear (); } len = initial_len + final_len + tone_len; return len; } struct DefaultParserCacheElement { PinyinKey key; PinyinKeyPos pos; int num_keys; int parsed_len; int next_start; }; typedef GArray* DefaultParserCache; /* Array of DefaultParserCacheElement */ static int __default_parser_parse_recursive (const PinyinValidator &validator, DefaultParserCache &cache, int &real_start, int &num_keys, const char *str, int len, int start) { if (*str == 0 || len == 0) return 0; int used_len = 0; real_start = 0; num_keys = 0; if (*str == '\'' || *str == ' ') { ++used_len; ++str; ++start; --len; } if (!isalpha (*str) || !len) return 0; real_start = start; // The best keys start from this position have been found, just return the result. DefaultParserCacheElement* element = &g_array_index (cache, DefaultParserCacheElement, start); if (element->num_keys >=0) { num_keys = element->num_keys; return element->parsed_len; } PinyinKey first_key; PinyinKey best_first_key; PinyinKeyPos pos; int first_len = 0; int best_first_len = 0; int remained_len = 0; int best_remained_len = 0; int remained_keys = 0; int best_remained_keys = 0; int remained_start = 0; int best_remained_start = 0; first_len = __default_parser_parse_one_key (validator, first_key, str, len); if (!first_len) { element = &g_array_index(cache, DefaultParserCacheElement, start); element->key = PinyinKey (); element->num_keys = 0; element->parsed_len = 0; element->next_start = start; return 0; } best_first_key = first_key; best_first_len = first_len; if (len > first_len) { char ch1 = str [first_len -1]; char ch2 = str [first_len]; best_remained_len = __default_parser_parse_recursive (validator, cache, best_remained_start, best_remained_keys, str + first_len, len - first_len, start + first_len); // For those keys which the last char is 'g' or 'n' or 'r', try put the end char into the next key. if (first_len > 1 && (((ch1=='g' || ch1=='n' || ch1=='r') && (ch2=='a' || ch2=='e' || ch2=='i' || ch2=='o' || ch2=='u' || ch2=='v')) || ((ch1=='a' || ch1=='e' || ch1=='o') && (ch2=='i' || ch2=='n' || ch2=='o' || ch2=='r' || ch2=='u')))) { first_len = __default_parser_parse_one_key (validator, first_key, str, first_len - 1); if (first_len) { remained_len = __default_parser_parse_recursive (validator, cache, remained_start, remained_keys, str + first_len, len - first_len, start + first_len); DefaultParserCacheElement* best_remained_element = &g_array_index (cache, DefaultParserCacheElement, best_remained_start); // A better seq was found. if (remained_len != 0 && (remained_len + first_len) >= (best_remained_len + best_first_len) && (remained_keys <= best_remained_keys || best_remained_keys == 0)) { #if 1 if ((remained_len + first_len) > (best_remained_len + best_first_len) || remained_keys < best_remained_keys || best_remained_element->key.get_final () == PINYIN_ZeroFinal || best_remained_element->key.get_initial () == PINYIN_Wu || best_remained_element->key.get_initial () == PINYIN_Yi) { #endif best_first_len = first_len; best_first_key = first_key; best_remained_len = remained_len; best_remained_keys = remained_keys; best_remained_start = remained_start; #if 1 } #endif } } } } num_keys = best_remained_keys + 1; element = &g_array_index (cache, DefaultParserCacheElement, start); pos.set_pos(start); pos.set_length(best_first_len); element->key = best_first_key; element->pos = pos; element->num_keys = num_keys; element->parsed_len = used_len + best_first_len + best_remained_len; element->next_start = best_remained_start; return element->parsed_len; } //============================================================================ PinyinDefaultParser::~PinyinDefaultParser () { } int PinyinDefaultParser::parse_one_key (const PinyinValidator &validator, PinyinKey &key, const char *str, int len) const { return __default_parser_parse_one_key (validator, key, str, len); } int PinyinDefaultParser::parse (const PinyinValidator &validator, PinyinKeyVector & keys, PinyinKeyPosVector & poses, const char *str, int len) const { g_array_set_size(keys, 0); g_array_set_size(poses, 0); if (!str || !len) return 0; if (len < 0) len = strlen (str); DefaultParserCacheElement elm; elm.num_keys = -1L; elm.parsed_len = 0; elm.next_start = 0; DefaultParserCache cache = g_array_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (DefaultParserCacheElement)); g_array_set_size(cache, len); for ( int index = 0 ; index < len ; index++){ DefaultParserCacheElement * element = &g_array_index(cache,DefaultParserCacheElement, index); *element = elm; } int start = 0; int num_keys = 0; len = __default_parser_parse_recursive (validator, cache, start, num_keys, str, len, 0); for (size_t i=0; i<(size_t)num_keys; ++i) { DefaultParserCacheElement* element = &g_array_index (cache, DefaultParserCacheElement, start); g_array_append_val(keys, element->key); g_array_append_val(poses, element->pos); start = element->next_start; } return len; } PinyinShuangPinParser::PinyinShuangPinParser (PinyinShuangPinScheme scheme) { set_scheme (scheme); } PinyinShuangPinParser::PinyinShuangPinParser (const PinyinInitial initial_map[27], const PinyinFinal final_map[27][2]) { set_scheme (initial_map, final_map); } PinyinShuangPinParser::~PinyinShuangPinParser () { } int PinyinShuangPinParser::parse_one_key (const PinyinValidator &validator, PinyinKey &key, const char *str, int len) const { key.clear (); if (!str || !len || ! (*str)) return 0; if (len < 0) len = strlen (str); PinyinInitial initial = PINYIN_ZeroInitial; PinyinFinal final = PINYIN_ZeroFinal; PinyinFinal final_cands [4] = { PINYIN_ZeroFinal, PINYIN_ZeroFinal, PINYIN_ZeroFinal, PINYIN_ZeroFinal }; PinyinTone tone = PINYIN_ZeroTone; int idx [2] = {-1, -1}; int used_len = 0; size_t i; bool matched = false; for (i = 0; i < 2 && i < (size_t) len; ++i) { if (str [i] >= 'a' && str [i] <= 'z') idx [i] = str [i] - 'a'; else if (str [i] == ';') idx [i] = 26; } // parse initial or final if (idx [0] >= 0) { initial = m_initial_map [idx[0]]; final_cands [0] = m_final_map [idx[0]][0]; final_cands [1] = m_final_map [idx[0]][1]; } if (initial == PINYIN_ZeroInitial && final_cands [0] == PINYIN_ZeroFinal) return 0; // parse final, if str [0] == 'o' (idx [0] == 14) then just skip to parse final. if (idx [1] >= 0 && (initial != PINYIN_ZeroInitial || idx[0] == 14)) { final_cands [2] = m_final_map [idx [1]][0]; final_cands [3] = m_final_map [idx [1]][1]; for (i = 2; i < 4; ++i) { if (final_cands [i] != PINYIN_ZeroFinal) { key.set (initial, final_cands [i]); PinyinParser::normalize (key); if (validator (key)) { final = final_cands [i]; matched = true; used_len = 2; str += 2; len -= 2; break; } } } } if (!matched) { initial = PINYIN_ZeroInitial; for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { key.set (initial, final_cands [i]); PinyinParser::normalize (key); if (validator (key)) { final = final_cands [i]; matched = true; used_len = 1; ++str; --len; break; } } } if (!matched) return 0; // parse tone if (len) { int kt = (*str) - '0'; if (kt >= PINYIN_First && kt <= PINYIN_LastTone) { tone = static_cast(kt); key.set (initial, final, tone); if (validator (key)) { return used_len + 1; } } } return used_len; } int PinyinShuangPinParser::parse (const PinyinValidator &validator, PinyinKeyVector &keys, PinyinKeyPosVector & poses, const char *str, int len) const { g_array_set_size(keys, 0); g_array_set_size(poses, 0); if (!str || !len || ! (*str)) return 0; if (len < 0) len = strlen (str); int used_len = 0; PinyinKey key; PinyinKeyPos pos; while (used_len < len) { if (*str == '\'' || *str == ' ') { ++str; ++used_len; continue; } int one_len = parse_one_key (validator, key, str, len); if (one_len) { pos.set_pos(used_len); pos.set_length(one_len); g_array_append_val(keys, key); g_array_append_val(poses, pos); } else { break; } str += one_len; used_len += one_len; } return used_len; } void PinyinShuangPinParser::set_scheme (PinyinShuangPinScheme scheme) { switch (scheme) { case SHUANG_PIN_STONE: set_scheme (__shuang_pin_stone_initial_map, __shuang_pin_stone_final_map); break; case SHUANG_PIN_ZRM: set_scheme (__shuang_pin_zrm_initial_map, __shuang_pin_zrm_final_map); break; case SHUANG_PIN_MS: set_scheme (__shuang_pin_ms_initial_map, __shuang_pin_ms_final_map); break; case SHUANG_PIN_ZIGUANG: set_scheme (__shuang_pin_ziguang_initial_map, __shuang_pin_ziguang_final_map); break; case SHUANG_PIN_ABC: set_scheme (__shuang_pin_abc_initial_map, __shuang_pin_abc_final_map); break; case SHUANG_PIN_LIUSHI: set_scheme (__shuang_pin_liushi_initial_map, __shuang_pin_liushi_final_map); break; default: set_scheme (__shuang_pin_zrm_initial_map, __shuang_pin_zrm_final_map); return; } } void PinyinShuangPinParser::set_scheme (const PinyinInitial initial_map[27], const PinyinFinal final_map[27][2]) { for (size_t i = 0; i < 27; ++i) { m_initial_map [i] = initial_map [i]; m_final_map [i][0] = final_map [i][0]; m_final_map [i][1] = final_map [i][1]; } } void PinyinShuangPinParser::get_scheme (PinyinInitial initial_map[27], PinyinFinal final_map[27][2]) { for (size_t i = 0; i < 27; ++i) { initial_map [i] = m_initial_map [i]; final_map [i][0] = m_final_map [i][0]; final_map [i][1] = m_final_map [i][1]; } } PinyinZhuYinParser::PinyinZhuYinParser (PinyinZhuYinScheme scheme) : m_scheme (scheme) { } PinyinZhuYinParser::~PinyinZhuYinParser () { } int PinyinZhuYinParser::parse_one_key (const PinyinValidator &validator, PinyinKey &key, const char *str, int len) const { PinyinKey candkeys[4][3]; gunichar ch; if (len < 0) len = g_utf8_strlen (str, -1); for (int i= 0; i < 4 && i < len; ++i) { ch = g_utf8_get_char (str); if (!get_keys (candkeys[i], ch)) break; str = g_utf8_next_char (str); } return pack_keys (key, validator, candkeys); } int PinyinZhuYinParser::parse (const PinyinValidator &validator, PinyinKeyVector & keys, PinyinKeyPosVector & poses, const char *str, int len) const { g_array_set_size(keys, 0); g_array_set_size(poses, 0); if (!str || !len || ! (*str)) return 0; int used_len = 0; PinyinKey key; PinyinKeyPos pos; if (len < 0) len = g_utf8_strlen (str, -1); while (used_len < len) { if (g_utf8_get_char (str) == ' ') { ++used_len; str = g_utf8_next_char (str); continue; } int one_len = parse_one_key (validator, key, str, len); if (one_len) { pos.set_pos (used_len); pos.set_length (one_len); g_array_append_val (keys, key); g_array_append_val (poses, pos); } else { break; } /* utf8 next n chars. */ for ( int i = 0; i < one_len; ++i ) { str = g_utf8_next_char (str); } used_len += one_len; } return used_len; } void PinyinZhuYinParser::set_scheme (PinyinZhuYinScheme scheme) { m_scheme = scheme; } PinyinZhuYinScheme PinyinZhuYinParser::get_scheme () const { return m_scheme; } bool PinyinZhuYinParser::get_keys (PinyinKey keys[], gunichar ch) const { if (m_scheme == ZHUYIN_ZHUYIN) { if (ch == 0x20 || ch == 0x02C9) keys [0].set_tone (PINYIN_First); else if (ch == 0x02CA) keys [0].set_tone (PINYIN_Second); else if (ch == 0x02C7) keys [0].set_tone (PINYIN_Third); else if (ch == 0x02CB) keys [0].set_tone (PINYIN_Fourth); else if (ch == 0x02D9) keys [0].set_tone (PINYIN_Fifth); else if (ch >= 0x3105 && ch <= 0x3129) { keys[0] = __zhuyin_zhuyin_map[ch - 0x3105][0]; keys[1] = __zhuyin_zhuyin_map[ch - 0x3105][1]; keys[2] = __zhuyin_zhuyin_map[ch - 0x3105][2]; } } else if (ch >= 0x20 && ch <= 0x7D) { keys[0] = __zhuyin_maps[m_scheme][ch - 0x20][0]; keys[1] = __zhuyin_maps[m_scheme][ch - 0x20][1]; keys[2] = __zhuyin_maps[m_scheme][ch - 0x20][2]; } else { keys[0].clear (); keys[1].clear (); keys[2].clear (); } return !keys[0].is_empty (); } struct ZhuYinFinalReplaceRulePair { PinyinFinal final1; PinyinFinal final2; PinyinFinal new_final; }; class ZhuYinFinalReplaceRulePairLessThan { public: bool operator () (const ZhuYinFinalReplaceRulePair &lhs, const ZhuYinFinalReplaceRulePair &rhs) const { if (lhs.final1 < rhs.final1) return true; if (lhs.final1 > rhs.final1) return false; return lhs.final2 < rhs.final2; } }; int PinyinZhuYinParser::pack_keys (PinyinKey &key, const PinyinValidator &validator, const PinyinKey keys[][3]) const { static const ZhuYinFinalReplaceRulePair final_rules [] = { {PINYIN_I, PINYIN_A, PINYIN_Ia}, {PINYIN_I, PINYIN_An, PINYIN_Ian}, {PINYIN_I, PINYIN_Ang, PINYIN_Iang}, {PINYIN_I, PINYIN_Ao, PINYIN_Iao}, {PINYIN_I, PINYIN_Ea, PINYIN_Ie}, {PINYIN_I, PINYIN_En, PINYIN_In}, {PINYIN_I, PINYIN_Eng, PINYIN_Ing}, {PINYIN_I, PINYIN_O, PINYIN_I}, {PINYIN_I, PINYIN_Ou, PINYIN_Iu}, {PINYIN_U, PINYIN_A, PINYIN_Ua}, {PINYIN_U, PINYIN_Ai, PINYIN_Uai}, {PINYIN_U, PINYIN_An, PINYIN_Uan}, {PINYIN_U, PINYIN_Ang, PINYIN_Uang}, {PINYIN_U, PINYIN_Ei, PINYIN_Ui}, {PINYIN_U, PINYIN_En, PINYIN_Un}, {PINYIN_U, PINYIN_Eng, PINYIN_Ueng}, {PINYIN_U, PINYIN_O, PINYIN_Uo}, {PINYIN_V, PINYIN_An, PINYIN_Van}, {PINYIN_V, PINYIN_Ea, PINYIN_Ve}, {PINYIN_V, PINYIN_En, PINYIN_Vn}, {PINYIN_V, PINYIN_Eng, PINYIN_Iong} }; static const ZhuYinFinalReplaceRulePair *final_rules_start = final_rules; static const ZhuYinFinalReplaceRulePair *final_rules_end = final_rules + sizeof(final_rules)/sizeof(ZhuYinFinalReplaceRulePair); PinyinInitial initial; PinyinFinal final1; PinyinFinal final2; PinyinTone tone; PinyinKey best_key; int best_used_keys = 0; int best_score = -1; bool best_key_valid = false; size_t num; size_t size [4]; size_t possibles [4]; for (num=0; !keys[num][0].is_empty () && num<4; ++num) { for (size[num]=0; !keys[num][size[num]].is_empty () && size[num]<3; ++size[num]); possibles[num] = (num > 0 ? possibles[num-1] : 1) * size[num]; } while (num) { for (size_t i=0; i score) continue; // Is it possible? if (!initial && !final1 && !final2) continue; if (final1 && final2) { if (final2 == PINYIN_I || final2 == PINYIN_U || final2 == PINYIN_V) std_lite::swap (final1, final2); // Invalid finals. if (final1 != PINYIN_I && final1 != PINYIN_U && final1 != PINYIN_V) continue; // In such case, there must be no initial, // otherwise it's illegal. if (final1 == PINYIN_I && final2 == PINYIN_O) { if (!initial) { initial = PINYIN_Yi; final1 = PINYIN_O; final2 = PINYIN_ZeroFinal; } else { continue; } } else { ZhuYinFinalReplaceRulePair fp; fp.final1 = final1; fp.final2 = final2; const ZhuYinFinalReplaceRulePair *p = std_lite::lower_bound (final_rules_start, final_rules_end, fp, ZhuYinFinalReplaceRulePairLessThan ()); // It's invalid that got two finals but they are not in our rules if (p != final_rules_end && p->final1 == fp.final1 && p->final2 == fp.final2) final1 = p->new_final; else continue; if (final1 == PINYIN_Ueng && initial) final1 = PINYIN_Ong; } } else if ((initial == PINYIN_Zhi || initial == PINYIN_Chi || initial == PINYIN_Shi || initial == PINYIN_Zi || initial == PINYIN_Ci || initial == PINYIN_Si || initial == PINYIN_Ri) && !final1) { final1 = PINYIN_I; } key.set (initial, final1, tone); PinyinParser::normalize (key); bool key_valid; if (best_score < score || (best_score == score && (best_used_keys < used_keys || ((key_valid = validator (key)) && !best_key_valid)))) { best_key = key; best_used_keys = used_keys; best_score = score; best_key_valid = key_valid; // Break loop if a valid key with tone has been found. if (key_valid && final1 && tone) { num = 0; break; } } } if (num > (size_t)best_used_keys) num = best_used_keys; else break; } // CAUTION: The best key maybe not a valid key key = best_key; // pos.set_length (best_used_keys); return best_used_keys; } namespace pinyin{ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // implementation of PinyinKey comparision classe int pinyin_compare_initial (const PinyinCustomSettings &custom, PinyinInitial lhs, PinyinInitial rhs) { if ((lhs == rhs) || (custom.use_ambiguities [PINYIN_AmbCiChi] && (lhs == PINYIN_Ci && rhs == PINYIN_Chi)) || (custom.use_ambiguities [PINYIN_AmbChiCi] && (lhs == PINYIN_Chi && rhs == PINYIN_Ci)) || (custom.use_ambiguities [PINYIN_AmbZiZhi] && (lhs == PINYIN_Zi && rhs == PINYIN_Zhi)) || (custom.use_ambiguities [PINYIN_AmbZhiZi] && (lhs == PINYIN_Zhi && rhs == PINYIN_Zi)) || (custom.use_ambiguities [PINYIN_AmbSiShi] && (lhs == PINYIN_Si && rhs == PINYIN_Shi)) || (custom.use_ambiguities [PINYIN_AmbShiSi] && (lhs == PINYIN_Shi && rhs == PINYIN_Si)) || (custom.use_ambiguities [PINYIN_AmbLeNe] && (lhs == PINYIN_Le && rhs == PINYIN_Ne)) || (custom.use_ambiguities [PINYIN_AmbNeLe] && (lhs == PINYIN_Ne && rhs == PINYIN_Le)) || (custom.use_ambiguities [PINYIN_AmbLeRi] && (lhs == PINYIN_Le && rhs == PINYIN_Ri)) || (custom.use_ambiguities [PINYIN_AmbRiLe] && (lhs == PINYIN_Ri && rhs == PINYIN_Le)) || (custom.use_ambiguities [PINYIN_AmbFoHe] && (lhs == PINYIN_Fo && rhs == PINYIN_He)) || (custom.use_ambiguities [PINYIN_AmbHeFo] && (lhs == PINYIN_He && rhs == PINYIN_Fo)) || (custom.use_ambiguities [PINYIN_AmbGeKe] && (lhs == PINYIN_Ge && rhs == PINYIN_Ke)) || (custom.use_ambiguities [PINYIN_AmbKeGe] && (lhs == PINYIN_Ke && rhs == PINYIN_Ge)) ) return 0; else return (lhs - rhs); } int pinyin_compare_final (const PinyinCustomSettings &custom, PinyinFinal lhs, PinyinFinal rhs) { if((lhs == rhs) || (custom.use_ambiguities [PINYIN_AmbAnAng] && (lhs == PINYIN_An && rhs == PINYIN_Ang)) || (custom.use_ambiguities [PINYIN_AmbAngAn] && (lhs == PINYIN_Ang && rhs == PINYIN_An)) || (custom.use_ambiguities [PINYIN_AmbEnEng] && (lhs == PINYIN_En && rhs == PINYIN_Eng)) || (custom.use_ambiguities [PINYIN_AmbEngEn] && (lhs == PINYIN_Eng && rhs == PINYIN_En)) || (custom.use_ambiguities [PINYIN_AmbInIng] && (lhs == PINYIN_In && rhs == PINYIN_Ing)) || (custom.use_ambiguities [PINYIN_AmbIngIn] && (lhs == PINYIN_Ing && rhs == PINYIN_In)) ) return 0; else if (custom.use_incomplete && (lhs == PINYIN_ZeroFinal || rhs == PINYIN_ZeroFinal)) return 0; else return (lhs - rhs); } int pinyin_compare_tone (const PinyinCustomSettings &custom, PinyinTone lhs, PinyinTone rhs) { if(lhs == rhs || !lhs || !rhs) return 0; else return (lhs - rhs); } };