/* * libpinyin * Library to deal with pinyin. * * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Peng Wu * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef PHRASE_INDEX_H #define PHRASE_INDEX_H #include #include #include "novel_types.h" #include "pinyin_base.h" #include "pinyin_phrase.h" #include "memory_chunk.h" /* * Phrase Index File Format * * Indirect Index: Index by Token * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * + Phrase Offset + Phrase Offset + Phrase Offset + ...... + * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * Phrase Content: * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * + Phrase Length + number of Pronunciations + Uni-gram Frequency+ * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * + n Pronunciations + Phrase String(UCS2) + * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */ class PinyinLookup; namespace pinyin{ /* Because this is not large, * Store this in user home directory. */ const size_t phrase_item_header = sizeof(guint8) + sizeof(guint8) + sizeof(guint32); class PhraseItem{ friend class SubPhraseIndex; private: MemoryChunk m_chunk; bool set_n_pronunciation(guint8 n_prouns); public: /* Null Constructor */ PhraseItem(){ m_chunk.set_size(phrase_item_header); memset(m_chunk.begin(), 0, m_chunk.size()); } PhraseItem(MemoryChunk chunk){ m_chunk = chunk; assert ( m_chunk.size() >= phrase_item_header); } /* functions */ guint8 get_phrase_length(){ char * buf_begin = (char *)m_chunk.begin(); return (*(guint8 *)buf_begin); } guint8 get_n_pronunciation(){ char * buf_begin = ( char *) m_chunk.begin(); return (*(guint8 *)(buf_begin + sizeof(guint8))); } guint32 get_unigram_frequency(){ char * buf_begin = (char *)m_chunk.begin(); return (*(guint32 *)(buf_begin + sizeof(guint8) + sizeof(guint8))); } gfloat get_pinyin_possibility(PinyinCustomSettings & custom, PinyinKey * pinyin_keys){ guint8 phrase_length = get_phrase_length(); guint8 npron = get_n_pronunciation(); size_t offset = phrase_item_header + phrase_length * sizeof ( utf16_t ); char * buf_begin = (char *)m_chunk.begin(); guint32 matched = 0, total_freq =0; for ( int i = 0 ; i < npron ; ++i){ char * pinyin_begin = buf_begin + offset + i * ( phrase_length * sizeof(PinyinKey) + sizeof(guint32) ); guint32 * freq = (guint32 *)(pinyin_begin + phrase_length * sizeof(PinyinKey)); total_freq += *freq; if ( 0 == pinyin_compare_with_ambiguities(custom, (PinyinKey *)pinyin_begin, pinyin_keys, phrase_length)){ matched += *freq; } } // use preprocessor to avoid zero freq, in gen_pinyin_table. /* if ( 0 == total_freq ) return 0.1; */ gfloat retval = matched / (gfloat) total_freq; /* if ( 0 == retval ) return 0.03; */ return retval; } void increase_pinyin_possibility(PinyinCustomSettings & custom, PinyinKey * pinyin_keys, gint32 delta); bool get_phrase_string(utf16_t * phrase); bool set_phrase_string(guint8 phrase_length, utf16_t * phrase); bool get_nth_pronunciation(size_t index, /* out */ PinyinKey * pinyin, /* out */ guint32 & freq); /* Normally don't change the first pronunciation, * which decides the token number. */ void append_pronunciation(PinyinKey * pinyin, guint32 freq); void remove_nth_pronunciation(size_t index); }; /* * In Sub Phrase Index, token == (token & PHRASE_MASK). */ class SubPhraseIndex{ private: guint32 m_total_freq; MemoryChunk m_phrase_index; MemoryChunk m_phrase_content; MemoryChunk * m_chunk; public: SubPhraseIndex():m_total_freq(0){ m_chunk = NULL; } ~SubPhraseIndex(){ reset(); } void reset(){ if ( m_chunk ){ delete m_chunk; m_chunk = NULL; } } /* binary memory chunk load/store method */ bool load(MemoryChunk * chunk, table_offset_t offset, table_offset_t end); bool store(MemoryChunk * new_chunk, table_offset_t offset, table_offset_t & end); /* get token range in this sub phrase */ int get_range(/* out */ PhraseIndexRange & range); /* Zero-gram */ guint32 get_phrase_index_total_freq(); int add_unigram_frequency(phrase_token_t token, guint32 delta); /* get_phrase_item function can't modify the phrase item, * but can increment the freq of the special pronunciation. */ int get_phrase_item(phrase_token_t token, PhraseItem & item); int add_phrase_item(phrase_token_t token, PhraseItem * item); /* remove_phrase_item will substract item->get_unigram_frequency() * from m_total_freq */ int remove_phrase_item(phrase_token_t token, /* out */ PhraseItem * & item); }; class FacadePhraseIndex{ friend class ::PinyinLookup; private: guint32 m_total_freq; SubPhraseIndex * m_sub_phrase_indices[PHRASE_INDEX_LIBRARY_COUNT]; public: FacadePhraseIndex(){ m_total_freq = 0; memset(m_sub_phrase_indices, 0, sizeof(m_sub_phrase_indices)); } ~FacadePhraseIndex(){ for ( size_t i = 0; i < PHRASE_INDEX_LIBRARY_COUNT; ++i){ if ( m_sub_phrase_indices[i] ){ delete m_sub_phrase_indices[i]; m_sub_phrase_indices[i] = NULL; } } } /* load/store single sub phrase index, according to the config files. */ bool load_text(guint8 phrase_index, FILE * infile); bool load(guint8 phrase_index, MemoryChunk * chunk); bool store(guint8 phrase_index, MemoryChunk * new_chunk); bool unload(guint8 phrase_index); /* compat all SubPhraseIndex m_phrase_content memory usage.*/ bool compat(); /* get each sub phrase token range with phrase_index added */ int get_range(guint8 phrase_index, /* out */ PhraseIndexRange & range); /* Zero-gram */ guint32 get_phrase_index_total_freq(){ return m_total_freq; } int add_unigram_frequency(phrase_token_t token, guint32 delta){ guint8 index = PHRASE_INDEX_LIBRARY_INDEX(token); SubPhraseIndex * sub_phrase = m_sub_phrase_indices[index]; if ( !sub_phrase ) return ERROR_NO_SUB_PHRASE_INDEX; m_total_freq += delta; return sub_phrase->add_unigram_frequency(token, delta); } /* get_phrase_item function can't modify the phrase item */ int get_phrase_item(phrase_token_t token, PhraseItem & item){ guint8 index = PHRASE_INDEX_LIBRARY_INDEX(token); SubPhraseIndex * sub_phrase = m_sub_phrase_indices[index]; if ( !sub_phrase ) return ERROR_NO_SUB_PHRASE_INDEX; return sub_phrase->get_phrase_item(token, item); } int add_phrase_item(phrase_token_t token, PhraseItem * item){ guint8 index = PHRASE_INDEX_LIBRARY_INDEX(token); SubPhraseIndex * & sub_phrase = m_sub_phrase_indices[index]; if ( !sub_phrase ){ sub_phrase = new SubPhraseIndex; } m_total_freq += item->get_unigram_frequency(); return sub_phrase->add_phrase_item(token, item); } int remove_phrase_item(phrase_token_t token, PhraseItem * & item){ guint8 index = PHRASE_INDEX_LIBRARY_INDEX(token); SubPhraseIndex * & sub_phrase = m_sub_phrase_indices[index]; if ( !sub_phrase ){ return ERROR_NO_SUB_PHRASE_INDEX; } int result = sub_phrase->remove_phrase_item(token, item); if ( result ) return result; m_total_freq -= item->get_unigram_frequency(); return result; } }; }; using namespace pinyin; #endif