/* * libpinyin * Library to deal with pinyin. * * Copyright (C) 2011 Peng Wu * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "chewing_large_table.h" #include #include "pinyin_phrase2.h" #include "pinyin_parser2.h" /* internal class definition */ namespace pinyin{ class ChewingLengthIndexLevel{ protected: GArray * m_chewing_array_indexes; public: /* constructor/destructor */ ChewingLengthIndexLevel(); ~ChewingLengthIndexLevel(); /* load/store method */ bool load(MemoryChunk * chunk, table_offset_t offset, table_offset_t end); bool store(MemoryChunk * new_chunk, table_offset_t offset, table_offset_t & end); /* search method */ int search(pinyin_option_t options, int phrase_length, /* in */ ChewingKey keys[], /* out */ PhraseIndexRanges ranges) const; /* add/remove index method */ int add_index(int phrase_length, /* in */ ChewingKey keys[], /* in */ phrase_token_t token); int remove_index(int phrase_length, /* in */ ChewingKey keys[], /* in */ phrase_token_t token); }; template class ChewingArrayIndexLevel{ protected: typedef PinyinIndexItem2 IndexItem; protected: MemoryChunk m_chunk; /* compress consecutive tokens */ int convert(pinyin_option_t options, ChewingKey keys[], IndexItem * begin, IndexItem * end, PhraseIndexRanges ranges) const; public: /* load/store method */ bool load(MemoryChunk * chunk, table_offset_t offset, table_offset_t end); bool store(MemoryChunk * new_chunk, table_offset_t offset, table_offset_t & end); /* search method */ int search(pinyin_option_t options, /* in */ChewingKey keys[], /* out */ PhraseIndexRanges ranges) const; /* add/remove index method */ int add_index(/* in */ ChewingKey keys[], /* in */ phrase_token_t token); int remove_index(/* in */ ChewingKey keys[], /* in */ phrase_token_t token); }; }; using namespace pinyin; /* class implementation */ ChewingBitmapIndexLevel::ChewingBitmapIndexLevel(pinyin_option_t options) : m_options(options) { memset(m_chewing_length_indexes, 0, sizeof(m_chewing_length_indexes)); } void ChewingBitmapIndexLevel::reset() { for (int k = CHEWING_ZERO_INITIAL; k < CHEWING_NUMBER_OF_INITIALS; ++k) for (int l = CHEWING_ZERO_MIDDLE; l < CHEWING_NUMBER_OF_MIDDLES; ++l) for (int m = CHEWING_ZERO_FINAL; m < CHEWING_NUMBER_OF_FINALS; ++m) for (int n = CHEWING_ZERO_TONE; n < CHEWING_NUMBER_OF_TONES; ++n) { ChewingLengthIndexLevel * & length_array = m_chewing_length_indexes[k][l][m][n]; if (length_array) delete length_array; length_array = NULL; } } /* search methods */ int ChewingBitmapIndexLevel::search(int phrase_length, /* in */ ChewingKey keys[], /* out */ PhraseIndexRanges ranges) const { assert(phrase_length > 0); return initial_level_search(phrase_length, keys, ranges); } int ChewingBitmapIndexLevel::initial_level_search (int phrase_length, /* in */ ChewingKey keys[], /* out */ PhraseIndexRanges ranges) const { /* macros */ #define MATCH(AMBIGUITY, ORIGIN, ANOTHER) case ORIGIN: \ { \ result |= middle_and_final_level_search(ORIGIN, phrase_length, \ keys, ranges); \ if (m_options & AMBIGUITY) { \ result |= middle_and_final_level_search(ANOTHER, \ phrase_length, \ keys, ranges); \ } \ return result; \ } /* deal with ambiguities */ int result = SEARCH_NONE; const ChewingKey & first_key = keys[0]; switch(first_key.m_initial) { MATCH(PINYIN_AMB_C_CH, CHEWING_C, CHEWING_CH); MATCH(PINYIN_AMB_C_CH, CHEWING_CH, CHEWING_C); MATCH(PINYIN_AMB_Z_ZH, CHEWING_Z, CHEWING_ZH); MATCH(PINYIN_AMB_Z_ZH, CHEWING_ZH, CHEWING_Z); MATCH(PINYIN_AMB_S_SH, CHEWING_S, CHEWING_SH); MATCH(PINYIN_AMB_S_SH, CHEWING_SH, CHEWING_S); MATCH(PINYIN_AMB_L_R, CHEWING_R, CHEWING_L); MATCH(PINYIN_AMB_L_N, CHEWING_N, CHEWING_L); MATCH(PINYIN_AMB_F_H, CHEWING_F, CHEWING_H); MATCH(PINYIN_AMB_F_H, CHEWING_H, CHEWING_F); MATCH(PINYIN_AMB_G_K, CHEWING_G, CHEWING_K); MATCH(PINYIN_AMB_G_K, CHEWING_K, CHEWING_G); case CHEWING_L: { result |= middle_and_final_level_search (CHEWING_L, phrase_length, keys, ranges); if (m_options & PINYIN_AMB_L_N) result |= middle_and_final_level_search (CHEWING_N, phrase_length, keys,ranges); if (m_options & PINYIN_AMB_L_R) result |= middle_and_final_level_search (CHEWING_R, phrase_length, keys, ranges); return result; } default: { result |= middle_and_final_level_search ((ChewingInitial) first_key.m_initial, phrase_length, keys, ranges); return result; } } #undef MATCH return result; } int ChewingBitmapIndexLevel::middle_and_final_level_search (ChewingInitial initial, int phrase_length, /* in */ ChewingKey keys[], /* out */ PhraseIndexRanges ranges) const { /* macros */ #define MATCH(AMBIGUITY, ORIGIN, ANOTHER) case ORIGIN: \ { \ result = tone_level_search \ (initial, middle, \ ORIGIN, phrase_length, keys, ranges); \ if (m_options & AMBIGUITY) { \ result |= tone_level_search \ (initial, middle, \ ANOTHER, phrase_length, keys, ranges); \ } \ return result; \ } int result = SEARCH_NONE; const ChewingKey & first_key = keys[0]; const ChewingMiddle middle = (ChewingMiddle)first_key.m_middle; switch(first_key.m_final) { case CHEWING_ZERO_FINAL: { if (middle == CHEWING_ZERO_MIDDLE) { /* in-complete pinyin */ if (!(m_options & PINYIN_INCOMPLETE)) return result; for (int m = CHEWING_ZERO_MIDDLE; m < CHEWING_NUMBER_OF_MIDDLES; ++m) for (int n = CHEWING_ZERO_FINAL; n < CHEWING_NUMBER_OF_FINALS; ++n) { if (CHEWING_ZERO_MIDDLE == m && CHEWING_ZERO_FINAL == n) continue; result |= tone_level_search (initial, (ChewingMiddle) m, (ChewingFinal) n, phrase_length, keys, ranges); } return result; } else { /* normal pinyin */ result |= tone_level_search (initial, middle, CHEWING_ZERO_FINAL, phrase_length, keys, ranges); return result; } } MATCH(PINYIN_AMB_AN_ANG, CHEWING_AN, CHEWING_ANG); MATCH(PINYIN_AMB_AN_ANG, CHEWING_ANG, CHEWING_AN); MATCH(PINYIN_AMB_EN_ENG, CHEWING_EN, CHEWING_ENG); MATCH(PINYIN_AMB_EN_ENG, CHEWING_ENG, CHEWING_EN); MATCH(PINYIN_AMB_IN_ING, PINYIN_IN, PINYIN_ING); MATCH(PINYIN_AMB_IN_ING, PINYIN_ING, PINYIN_IN); default: { result |= tone_level_search (initial, middle, (ChewingFinal) first_key.m_final, phrase_length, keys, ranges); return result; } } #undef MATCH return result; } int ChewingBitmapIndexLevel::tone_level_search (ChewingInitial initial, ChewingMiddle middle, ChewingFinal final, int phrase_length, /* in */ ChewingKey keys[], /* out */ PhraseIndexRanges ranges) const { int result = SEARCH_NONE; const ChewingKey & first_key = keys[0]; switch (first_key.m_tone) { case CHEWING_ZERO_TONE: { /* deal with zero tone in chewing large table. */ for (int i = CHEWING_ZERO_TONE; i < CHEWING_NUMBER_OF_TONES; ++i) { ChewingLengthIndexLevel * phrases = m_chewing_length_indexes [initial][middle][final][(ChewingTone)i]; if (phrases) result |= phrases->search (m_options, phrase_length - 1, keys + 1, ranges); } return result; } default: { ChewingLengthIndexLevel * phrases = m_chewing_length_indexes [initial][middle][final][CHEWING_ZERO_TONE]; if (phrases) result |= phrases->search (m_options, phrase_length - 1, keys + 1, ranges); phrases = m_chewing_length_indexes [initial][middle][final][(ChewingTone) first_key.m_tone]; if (phrases) result |= phrases->search (m_options, phrase_length - 1, keys + 1, ranges); return result; } } return result; } ChewingLengthIndexLevel::ChewingLengthIndexLevel() { m_chewing_array_indexes = g_array_new(FALSE, TRUE, sizeof(void *)); } ChewingLengthIndexLevel::~ChewingLengthIndexLevel() { #define CASE(len) case len: \ { \ ChewingArrayIndexLevel * & array = g_array_index \ (m_chewing_array_indexes, ChewingArrayIndexLevel *, len); \ if (array) \ delete array; \ array = NULL; \ break; \ } for (guint i = 0; i < m_chewing_array_indexes->len; ++i) { switch (i){ CASE(0); CASE(1); CASE(2); CASE(3); CASE(4); CASE(5); CASE(6); CASE(7); CASE(8); CASE(9); CASE(10); CASE(11); CASE(12); CASE(13); CASE(14); CASE(15); default: assert(false); } } #undef CASE g_array_free(m_chewing_array_indexes, TRUE); m_chewing_array_indexes = NULL; } int ChewingLengthIndexLevel::search(pinyin_option_t options, int phrase_length, /* in */ ChewingKey keys[], /* out */ PhraseIndexRanges ranges) const { int result = SEARCH_NONE; if (m_chewing_array_indexes->len < phrase_length + 1) return result; if (m_chewing_array_indexes->len > phrase_length + 1) result |= SEARCH_CONTINUED; #define CASE(len) case len: \ { \ ChewingArrayIndexLevel * & array = g_array_index \ (m_chewing_array_indexes, ChewingArrayIndexLevel *, len); \ if (!array) \ return result; \ result |= array->search(options, keys, ranges); \ return result; \ } switch (phrase_length) { CASE(0); CASE(1); CASE(2); CASE(3); CASE(4); CASE(5); CASE(6); CASE(7); CASE(8); CASE(9); CASE(10); CASE(11); CASE(12); CASE(13); CASE(14); CASE(15); default: assert(false); } #undef CASE } template int ChewingArrayIndexLevel::search (pinyin_option_t options, /* in */ChewingKey keys[], /* out */ PhraseIndexRanges ranges) const { IndexItem * chunk_begin = NULL, * chunk_end = NULL; chunk_begin = (IndexItem *) m_chunk.begin(); chunk_end = (IndexItem *) m_chunk.end(); /* do the search */ ChewingKey left_keys[phrase_length], right_keys[phrase_length]; compute_lower_value2(options, keys, left_keys, phrase_length); compute_upper_value2(options, keys, right_keys, phrase_length); IndexItem left(left_keys, -1), right(right_keys, -1); IndexItem * begin = std_lite::lower_bound (chunk_begin, chunk_end, left, phrase_exact_less_than2); IndexItem * end = std_lite::upper_bound (chunk_begin, chunk_end, right, phrase_exact_less_than2); return convert(options, keys, begin, end, ranges); } /* compress consecutive tokens */ template int ChewingArrayIndexLevel::convert (pinyin_option_t options, ChewingKey keys[], IndexItem * begin, IndexItem * end, PhraseIndexRanges ranges) const { IndexItem * iter = NULL; PhraseIndexRange cursor; GArray * head, * cursor_head = NULL; int result = SEARCH_NONE; /* TODO: check the below code */ cursor.m_range_begin = null_token; cursor.m_range_end = null_token; for (iter = begin; iter != end; ++iter) { if (0 != pinyin_compare_with_ambiguities2 (options, keys, iter->m_keys, phrase_length)) continue; phrase_token_t token = iter->m_token; head = ranges[PHRASE_INDEX_LIBRARY_INDEX(token)]; if (NULL == head) continue; result |= SEARCH_OK; if (null_token == cursor.m_range_begin) { cursor.m_range_begin = token; cursor.m_range_end = token + 1; cursor_head = head; } else if (cursor.m_range_end == token && PHRASE_INDEX_LIBRARY_INDEX(cursor.m_range_begin) == PHRASE_INDEX_LIBRARY_INDEX(token)) { ++cursor.m_range_end; } else { g_array_append_val(cursor_head, cursor); cursor.m_range_begin = token; cursor.m_range_end = token + 1; cursor_head = head; } } if (null_token == cursor.m_range_begin) return result; g_array_append_val(cursor_head, cursor); return result; } /* add/remove index method */ int ChewingBitmapIndexLevel::add_index(int phrase_length, /* in */ ChewingKey keys[], /* in */ phrase_token_t token) { const ChewingKey first_key = keys[0]; ChewingLengthIndexLevel * & length_array = m_chewing_length_indexes [first_key.m_initial][first_key.m_middle] [first_key.m_final][first_key.m_tone]; if (NULL == length_array) { length_array = new ChewingLengthIndexLevel(); } return length_array->add_index(phrase_length - 1, keys + 1, token); } int ChewingBitmapIndexLevel::remove_index(int phrase_length, /* in */ ChewingKey keys[], /* in */ phrase_token_t token) { const ChewingKey first_key = keys[0]; ChewingLengthIndexLevel * & length_array = m_chewing_length_indexes [first_key.m_initial][first_key.m_middle] [first_key.m_final][first_key.m_tone]; if (length_array) return length_array->remove_index(phrase_length - 1, keys + 1, token); return REMOVE_ITEM_DONOT_EXISTS; } int ChewingLengthIndexLevel::add_index(int phrase_length, /* in */ ChewingKey keys[], /* in */ phrase_token_t token) { assert(phrase_length + 1 < MAX_PHRASE_LENGTH); if (m_chewing_array_indexes->len <= phrase_length) g_array_set_size(m_chewing_array_indexes, phrase_length + 1); #define CASE(len) case len: \ { \ ChewingArrayIndexLevel * & array = g_array_index \ (m_chewing_array_indexes, \ ChewingArrayIndexLevel *, len); \ if (NULL == array) \ array = new ChewingArrayIndexLevel; \ return array->add_index(keys, token); \ } switch(phrase_length) { CASE(0); CASE(1); CASE(2); CASE(3); CASE(4); CASE(5); CASE(6); CASE(7); CASE(8); CASE(9); CASE(10); CASE(11); CASE(12); CASE(13); CASE(14); CASE(15); default: assert(false); } #undef CASE } int ChewingLengthIndexLevel::remove_index(int phrase_length, /* in */ ChewingKey keys[], /* in */ phrase_token_t token) { assert(phrase_length + 1 < MAX_PHRASE_LENGTH); if (m_chewing_array_indexes->len <= phrase_length) return REMOVE_ITEM_DONOT_EXISTS; #define CASE(len) case len: \ { \ ChewingArrayIndexLevel * & array = g_array_index \ (m_chewing_array_indexes, \ ChewingArrayIndexLevel *, len); \ if (NULL == array) \ return REMOVE_ITEM_DONOT_EXISTS; \ return array->remove_index(keys, token); \ } switch (phrase_length) { CASE(0); CASE(1); CASE(2); CASE(3); CASE(4); CASE(5); CASE(6); CASE(7); CASE(8); CASE(9); CASE(10); CASE(11); CASE(12); CASE(13); CASE(14); CASE(15); default: assert(false); } #undef CASE } template int ChewingArrayIndexLevel::add_index (/* in */ ChewingKey keys[], /* in */ phrase_token_t token) { IndexItem * begin, * end; IndexItem add_elem(keys, token); begin = (IndexItem *) m_chunk.begin(); end = (IndexItem *) m_chunk.end(); std_lite::pair range; range = std_lite::equal_range (begin, end, add_elem, phrase_exact_less_than2); IndexItem * cur_elem; for (cur_elem = range.first; cur_elem != range.second; ++cur_elem) { if (cur_elem->m_token == token) return INSERT_ITEM_EXISTS; if (cur_elem->m_token > token) break; } int offset = (cur_elem - begin) * sizeof(IndexItem); m_chunk.insert_content(offset, &add_elem, sizeof(IndexItem)); return INSERT_OK; } template int ChewingArrayIndexLevel::remove_index (/* in */ ChewingKey keys[], /* in */ phrase_token_t token) { IndexItem * begin, * end; IndexItem remove_elem(keys, token); begin = (IndexItem *) m_chunk.begin(); end = (IndexItem *) m_chunk.end(); std_lite::pair range; range = std_lite::equal_range (begin, end, remove_elem, phrase_exact_less_than2); IndexItem * cur_elem; for (cur_elem = range.first; cur_elem != range.second; ++cur_elem) { if (cur_elem->m_token == token) break; } if (cur_elem == range.second) return REMOVE_ITEM_DONOT_EXISTS; int offset = (cur_elem - begin) * sizeof(IndexItem); m_chunk.remove_content(offset, sizeof(IndexItem)); return REMOVE_OK; } /* load text method */ bool ChewingLargeTable::load_text(FILE * infile) { char pinyin[256]; char phrase[256]; phrase_token_t token; size_t freq; while (!feof(infile)) { fscanf(infile, "%s", pinyin); fscanf(infile, "%s", phrase); fscanf(infile, "%u", &token); fscanf(infile, "%ld", &freq); if(feof(infile)) break; glong len = g_utf8_strlen(phrase, -1); FullPinyinParser2 parser; ChewingKeyVector keys; ChewingKeyRestVector key_rests; keys = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(ChewingKey)); key_rests = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(ChewingKeyRest)); pinyin_option_t options = USE_TONE; parser.parse(options, keys, key_rests, pinyin, strlen(pinyin)); if (len != keys->len) { fprintf(stderr, "ChewingLargeTable::load_text:%s\t%s\t%u\t%ld\n", pinyin, phrase, token, freq); continue; } add_index(keys->len, (ChewingKey *)keys->data, token); g_array_free(keys, TRUE); g_array_free(key_rests, TRUE); } return true; } /* load/store method */ bool ChewingBitmapIndexLevel::load(MemoryChunk * chunk, table_offset_t offset, table_offset_t end) { reset(); char * begin = (char *) chunk->begin(); table_offset_t phrase_begin, phrase_end; table_offset_t * index = (table_offset_t *) (begin + offset); phrase_end = *index; for (int k = 0; k < CHEWING_NUMBER_OF_INITIALS; ++k) for (int l = 0; l < CHEWING_NUMBER_OF_MIDDLES; ++l) for (int m = 0; m < CHEWING_NUMBER_OF_FINALS; ++m) for (int n = 0; n < CHEWING_NUMBER_OF_TONES; ++n) { phrase_begin = phrase_end; index++; phrase_end = *index; if (phrase_begin == phrase_end) /* null pointer */ continue; ChewingLengthIndexLevel * phrases = new ChewingLengthIndexLevel; phrases->load(chunk, phrase_begin, phrase_end - 1); m_chewing_length_indexes[k][l][m][n] = phrases; assert(phrase_end <= end); assert(*(begin + phrase_end - 1) == c_separate); } offset += (CHEWING_NUMBER_OF_INITIALS * CHEWING_NUMBER_OF_MIDDLES * CHEWING_NUMBER_OF_FINALS * CHEWING_NUMBER_OF_TONES + 1) * sizeof(table_offset_t); assert(c_separate == *(begin + offset)); return true; } bool ChewingBitmapIndexLevel::store(MemoryChunk * new_chunk, table_offset_t offset, table_offset_t & end) { table_offset_t phrase_end; table_offset_t index = offset; offset += (CHEWING_NUMBER_OF_INITIALS * CHEWING_NUMBER_OF_MIDDLES * CHEWING_NUMBER_OF_FINALS * CHEWING_NUMBER_OF_TONES + 1) * sizeof(table_offset_t); /* add '#' */ new_chunk->set_content(offset, &c_separate, sizeof(char)); offset += sizeof(char); new_chunk->set_content(index, &offset, sizeof(table_offset_t)); index += sizeof(table_offset_t); for (int k = 0; k < CHEWING_NUMBER_OF_INITIALS; ++k) for (int l = 0; l < CHEWING_NUMBER_OF_MIDDLES; ++l) for (int m = 0; m < CHEWING_NUMBER_OF_FINALS; ++m) for (int n = 0; n < CHEWING_NUMBER_OF_TONES; ++n) { ChewingLengthIndexLevel * phrases = m_chewing_length_indexes[k][l][m][n]; if (NULL == phrases) { /* null pointer */ new_chunk->set_content(index, &offset, sizeof(table_offset_t)); index += sizeof(table_offset_t); continue; } /* has a end '#' */ phrases->store(new_chunk, offset, phrase_end); offset = phrase_end; /* add '#' */ new_chunk->set_content(offset, &c_separate, sizeof(char)); offset += sizeof(char); new_chunk->set_content(index, &offset, sizeof(table_offset_t)); index += sizeof(table_offset_t); } end = offset; return true; } bool ChewingLengthIndexLevel::load(MemoryChunk * chunk, table_offset_t offset, table_offset_t end) { char * begin = (char *) chunk->begin(); guint32 nindex = *((guint32 *)(begin + offset)); /* number of index */ table_offset_t * index = (table_offset_t *) (begin + offset + sizeof(guint32)); table_offset_t phrase_begin, phrase_end = *index; m_chewing_array_indexes = g_array_new(FALSE, TRUE, sizeof(void *)); for (guint32 i = 0; i < nindex; ++i) { phrase_begin = phrase_end; index++; phrase_end = *index; if (phrase_begin == phrase_end) { void * null = NULL; g_array_append_val(m_chewing_array_indexes, null); continue; } #define CASE(len) case len: \ { \ ChewingArrayIndexLevel * phrase = \ new ChewingArrayIndexLevel; \ phrase->load(chunk, phrase_begin, phrase_end - 1); \ assert(*(begin + phrase_end - 1) == c_separate); \ assert(phrase_end <= end); \ g_array_append_val(m_chewing_array_indexes, phrase); \ break; \ } switch ( i ){ CASE(0); CASE(1); CASE(2); CASE(3); CASE(4); CASE(5); CASE(6); CASE(7); CASE(8); CASE(9); CASE(10); CASE(11); CASE(12); CASE(13); CASE(14); CASE(15); default: assert(false); } #undef CASE } /* check '#' */ offset += sizeof(guint32) + (nindex + 1) * sizeof(table_offset_t); assert(c_separate == *(begin + offset)); return true; } bool ChewingLengthIndexLevel::store(MemoryChunk * new_chunk, table_offset_t offset, table_offset_t & end) { guint32 nindex = m_chewing_array_indexes->len; /* number of index */ new_chunk->set_content(offset, &nindex, sizeof(guint32)); table_offset_t index = offset + sizeof(guint32); offset += sizeof(guint32) + (nindex + 1) * sizeof(table_offset_t); new_chunk->set_content(offset, &c_separate, sizeof(char)); offset += sizeof(char); new_chunk->set_content(index, &offset, sizeof(table_offset_t)); index += sizeof(table_offset_t); table_offset_t phrase_end; for (guint32 i = 0; i < nindex; ++i) { #define CASE(len) case len: \ { \ ChewingArrayIndexLevel * phrase = g_array_index \ (m_chewing_array_indexes, ChewingArrayIndexLevel *, i); \ if (NULL == phrase) { \ new_chunk->set_content \ (index, &offset, sizeof(table_offset_t)); \ index += sizeof(table_offset_t); \ continue; \ } \ phrase->store(new_chunk, offset, phrase_end); \ offset = phrase_end; \ break; \ } switch ( i ){ CASE(0); CASE(1); CASE(2); CASE(3); CASE(4); CASE(5); CASE(6); CASE(7); CASE(8); CASE(9); CASE(10); CASE(11); CASE(12); CASE(13); CASE(14); CASE(15); default: assert(false); } #undef CASE /* add '#' */ new_chunk->set_content(offset, &c_separate, sizeof(char)); offset += sizeof(char); new_chunk->set_content(index, &offset, sizeof(table_offset_t)); index += sizeof(table_offset_t); } end = offset; return true; } template bool ChewingArrayIndexLevel:: load(MemoryChunk * chunk, table_offset_t offset, table_offset_t end) { char * begin = (char *) chunk->begin(); m_chunk.set_chunk(begin + offset, end - offset, NULL); return true; } template bool ChewingArrayIndexLevel:: store(MemoryChunk * new_chunk, table_offset_t offset, table_offset_t & end) { new_chunk->set_content(offset, m_chunk.begin(), m_chunk.size()); end = offset + m_chunk.size(); return true; }