/* * novel-pinyin, * A Simplified Chinese Sentence-Based Pinyin Input Method Engine * Based On Markov Model. * * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Peng Wu * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef MEMORY_CHUNK_H #define MEMORY_CHUNK_H #include #include #include #include #include #include "stl_lite.h" /* for unmanaged mode * m_free_func == free , when memory is allocated by malloc * m_free_func == NULL, * when memory is in small protion of allocated area * m_free_func == other, * malloc then free. */ class MemoryChunk{ typedef void (* free_func_t)(void *); private: char * m_data_begin; char * m_data_end; //one data pass the end. char * m_allocated; //one data pass the end. free_func_t m_free_func; private: void reset(){ if ( m_free_func ) (*m_free_func)(m_data_begin); m_data_begin = NULL; m_data_end = NULL; m_allocated = NULL; m_free_func = NULL; } void ensure_has_space(size_t new_size){ int delta_size = m_data_begin + new_size - m_data_end; if ( delta_size <= 0 ) return; ensure_has_more_space ( delta_size ); } /* enlarge function */ void ensure_has_more_space(size_t extra_size){ if ( 0 == extra_size ) return; size_t newsize; size_t cursize = size(); if ( m_free_func != free ) { /* copy on resize */ newsize = cursize + extra_size; /* do the copy */ char * tmp = (char *) malloc(newsize); assert(tmp); memset(tmp, 0, newsize); memmove(tmp, m_data_begin, cursize); /* free the origin memory */ if ( m_free_func){ (*m_free_func)(m_data_begin); } /* change varibles */ m_data_begin = tmp; m_data_end = m_data_begin + cursize; m_allocated = m_data_begin + newsize; m_free_func = free; return; } /* the memory area is managed by this memory chunk */ if ( extra_size <= (size_t) (m_allocated - m_data_end)) return; newsize = std_lite::max( capacity()<<1, cursize + extra_size); m_data_begin = (char *) realloc(m_data_begin, newsize); assert(m_data_begin); memset(m_data_begin + cursize, 0, newsize - cursize); m_data_end = m_data_begin + cursize; m_allocated = m_data_begin + newsize; return; } public: /* constructors */ MemoryChunk(){ m_data_begin = NULL; m_data_end = NULL; m_allocated = NULL; m_free_func = NULL; } /* destructors */ ~MemoryChunk(){ reset(); } /* read access method */ void* begin() const{ return m_data_begin; } void* end() const{ return m_data_end; } size_t size(){ return m_data_end - m_data_begin; } void set_size(size_t newsize){ ensure_has_space(newsize); m_data_end = m_data_begin + newsize; } size_t capacity(){ return m_allocated - m_data_begin; } /* * Transfer management of a memory chunk allocated by other part system * to the memory chunk. */ void set_chunk(void* begin, size_t length, free_func_t free_func){ if ( m_free_func ) m_free_func( m_data_begin ); m_data_begin = (char *) begin; m_data_end = (char *) m_data_begin + length; m_allocated = (char *) m_data_begin + length; m_free_func = free_func; } /* subchunk * use set_buffer internally. * new chunk need to be deleted. */ MemoryChunk * get_sub_chunk(size_t offset, size_t length){ MemoryChunk * retval = new MemoryChunk(); char * begin_pos = m_data_begin + offset; retval->set_chunk(begin_pos, length, NULL); return retval; } /* write function * Data are written directly to the memory area. */ bool set_content(size_t offset, const void * data, size_t len){ size_t cursize = std_lite::max(size(), offset + len); ensure_has_space(offset + len); memmove(m_data_begin + offset, data, len); m_data_end = m_data_begin + cursize; return true; } /* insert function * Data are written to the memory area, * the original content are moved towards the rear. * parameter offset start from zero. */ bool insert_content(size_t offset, const void * data, size_t length){ ensure_has_more_space(length); size_t move_size = size() - offset; memmove(m_data_begin + offset + length, m_data_begin + offset, move_size); memmove(m_data_begin + offset, data, length); m_data_end += length; return true; } /* remove function * Data are removed directly, * the following content are moved towards the front. */ bool remove_content(size_t offset, size_t length){ size_t move_size = size() - offset - length; memmove(m_data_begin + offset, m_data_begin + offset + length, move_size); m_data_end -= length; return true; } /* get_content function * Get the binary data */ bool get_content(size_t offset, void * buffer, size_t length){ if ( size() < offset + length ) return false; memcpy( buffer, m_data_begin + offset, length); return true; } /* compact memory, reduce the size */ void compact_memory(){ if ( m_free_func != free ) return; size_t newsize = size(); m_data_begin = (char *) realloc(m_data_begin, newsize); m_allocated = m_data_begin + newsize; } /* file storage functions */ bool load(const char * filename){ /* free old data */ reset(); struct stat stat_buf; int retval = stat(filename, &stat_buf); if ( retval ) return false; FILE* file = fopen(filename, "r"); if ( !file ) return false; int data_len = stat_buf.st_size; void* data = malloc(data_len); if ( !data ){ fclose(file); return false; } data_len = fread(data, 1, data_len, file); set_chunk(data, data_len, free); //Fixes memory chunk end. if ( stat_buf.st_size > data_len ) m_allocated = (char *) m_data_begin + stat_buf.st_size; fclose(file); return true; } bool save(const char * filename){ FILE* file = fopen(filename, "w"); if ( !file ) return false; size_t data_len = fwrite(begin(), 1, size(), file); if ( data_len != size()){ fclose(file); return false; } fsync(fileno(file)); fclose(file); return true; } }; #endif