# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim:set et sts=4 sw=4: # # libpinyin - Library to deal with pinyin. # # Copyright (C) 2013 Peng Wu # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. BOPOMOFO_SYMBOLS = [ 'ㄅ', 'ㄆ', 'ㄇ', 'ㄈ', 'ㄉ', 'ㄊ', 'ㄋ', 'ㄌ', 'ㄍ', 'ㄎ', 'ㄏ', 'ㄐ', 'ㄑ', 'ㄒ', 'ㄓ', 'ㄔ', 'ㄕ', 'ㄖ', 'ㄗ', 'ㄘ', 'ㄙ', 'ㄧ', 'ㄨ', 'ㄩ', 'ㄚ', 'ㄛ', 'ㄜ', 'ㄝ', 'ㄞ', 'ㄟ', 'ㄠ', 'ㄡ', 'ㄢ', 'ㄣ', 'ㄤ', 'ㄥ', 'ㄦ', 'ˉ', 'ˊ', 'ˇ', 'ˋ', '˙', ] #陰平聲不標號, use space key BOPOMOFO_SYMBOL_RANGE = (0, -5) BOPOMOFO_INITIAL_RANGE = (0, 21) BOPOMOFO_MIDDLE_RANGE = (21, 24) BOPOMOFO_FINAL_RANGE = (24, -5) BOPOMOFO_TONE_RANGE = (-5, None) BOPOMOFO_KEYBOARDS = { #標準注音鍵盤 'STANDARD': ( "1","q","a","z","2","w","s","x","e","d","c","r","f","v","5","t","g","b","y","h","n", "u","j","m","8","i","k",",","9","o","l",".","0","p",";","/","-", " ","6","3","4","7", ), #精業注音鍵盤 'GINYIEH': ( "2","w","s","x","3","e","d","c","r","f","v","t","g","b","6","y","h","n","u","j","m", "8","i","k",",","9","o","l",".","0","p",";","/","-","[","'","=", " ","q","a","z","1", ), #倚天注音鍵盤 'ETEN': ( "b","p","m","f","d","t","n","l","v","k","h","g","7","c",",",".","/","j",";","'","s", "e","x","u","a","o","r","w","i","q","z","y","8","9","0","-","=", " ","2","3","4","1", ), #IBM注音鍵盤 'IBM': ( "1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0","-","q","w","e","r","t","y","u","i","o","p", "a","s","d","f","g","h","j","k","l",";","z","x","c","v","b","n", " ","m",",",".","/", ), #許氏注音鍵盤 'HSU': ( "b","p","m","f","d","t","n","l","g","k","h","j","v","c","j","v","c","r","z","a","s", "e","x","u","y","h","g","e","i","a","w","o","m","n","k","l","l", " ","d","f","j","s", ), #倚天26鍵注音鍵盤 'ETEN26': ( "b","p","m","f","d","t","n","l","v","k","h","g","v","c","g","y","c","j","q","w","s", "e","x","u","a","o","r","w","i","q","z","p","m","n","t","l","h", " ","f","j","k","d", ), #標準(Dvorak)注音鍵盤 'DVORAK-STANDARD': ( "1","'","a",";","2",",","o","q",".","e","j","p","u","k","5","y","i","x","f","d","b", "g","h","m","8","c","t","w","9","r","n","v","0","l","s","z","[", " ","6","3","4","7", ), #許氏(Dvorak)注音鍵盤 'DVORAK-HSU': ( "b","p","m","f","d","t","n","l","g","k","h","j","v","c","j","v","c","r","z","a","s", "e","x","u","y","h","g","e","i","a","w","o","m","n","k","l","l", " ","d","f","j","s", ), #大千26鍵注音鍵盤 'DACHEN-CP26': ( "q","q","a","z","w","w","s","x","e","d","c","r","f","v","t","t","g","b","y","h","n", "u","j","m","u","i","k","b","i","o","l","m","o","p","l","n","p", " ","e","r","d","y", ), }