# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim:set et sts=4 sw=4: # # libpinyin - Library to deal with pinyin. # # Copyright (C) 2011 Peng Wu # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. import pinyin import bopomofo import chewing import itertools from correct import * pinyin_list = sorted(bopomofo.PINYIN_BOPOMOFO_MAP.keys()) shengmu_list = sorted(pinyin.SHENGMU_LIST) def check_pinyin_chewing_map(): for pinyin_key in pinyin.PINYIN_DICT.keys(): if pinyin_key in pinyin_list: pass else: print("pinyin %s has no chewing mapping", pinyin_key) def get_chewing(pinyin_key): initial, middle, final = \ 'CHEWING_ZERO_INITIAL', 'CHEWING_ZERO_MIDDLE', 'CHEWING_ZERO_FINAL' assert pinyin_key != None assert pinyin_key in bopomofo.PINYIN_BOPOMOFO_MAP #handle 'w' and 'y' if pinyin_key[0] == 'w': initial = 'PINYIN_W' if pinyin_key[0] == 'y': initial = 'PINYIN_Y' #get chewing string bopomofo_str = bopomofo.PINYIN_BOPOMOFO_MAP[pinyin_key] #handle 'ci', 'chi', 'si', 'shi', 'zi', 'zhi', 'ri' if pinyin_key in {'ci', 'chi', 'si', 'shi', 'zi', 'zhi', 'ri'}: middle = "CHEWING_I" #normal process for char in bopomofo_str: if char in chewing.CHEWING_ASCII_INITIAL_MAP: initial = chewing.CHEWING_ASCII_INITIAL_MAP[char] if char in chewing.CHEWING_ASCII_MIDDLE_MAP: middle = chewing.CHEWING_ASCII_MIDDLE_MAP[char] if char in chewing.CHEWING_ASCII_FINAL_MAP: final = chewing.CHEWING_ASCII_FINAL_MAP[char] if char == "ㄜ": # merge "ㄝ" and "ㄜ" final = "CHEWING_E" post_process_rules = { #handle "ueng"/"ong" ("CHEWING_U", "CHEWING_ENG"): ("CHEWING_ZERO_MIDDLE", "PINYIN_ONG"), #handle "veng"/"iong" ("CHEWING_V", "CHEWING_ENG"): ("CHEWING_I", "PINYIN_ONG"), #handle "ien"/"in" ("CHEWING_I", "CHEWING_EN"): ("CHEWING_ZERO_MIDDLE", "PINYIN_IN"), #handle "ieng"/"ing" ("CHEWING_I", "CHEWING_ENG"): ("CHEWING_ZERO_MIDDLE", "PINYIN_ING"), } if (middle, final) in post_process_rules: (middle, final) = post_process_rules[(middle, final)] return initial, middle, final def gen_pinyin_list(): for p in itertools.chain(gen_pinyins(), gen_shengmu(), gen_corrects(), gen_u_to_v(), ): yield p def gen_pinyins(): #generate all pinyins in bopomofo for pinyin_key in pinyin_list: flags = [] if pinyin_key in bopomofo.PINYIN_BOPOMOFO_MAP.keys(): flags.append("IS_CHEWING") if pinyin_key in pinyin.PINYIN_DICT.keys(): flags.append("IS_PINYIN") if pinyin_key in shengmu_list: flags.append("PINYIN_INCOMPLETE") chewing_key = bopomofo.PINYIN_BOPOMOFO_MAP[pinyin_key] if chewing_key in chewing.ASCII_CHEWING_INITIAL_MAP: flags.append("CHEWING_INCOMPLETE") yield pinyin_key, pinyin_key, chewing_key, \ flags, get_chewing(pinyin_key) def get_shengmu_chewing(shengmu): assert shengmu in shengmu_list, "Expected shengmu here." chewing_key = 'CHEWING_{0}'.format(shengmu.upper()) if chewing_key in chewing.ASCII_CHEWING_INITIAL_MAP: initial = chewing_key else: initial = 'PINYIN_{0}'.format(shengmu.upper()) return initial, "CHEWING_ZREO_MIDDLE", "CHEWING_ZERO_FINAL" def gen_shengmu(): #generate all shengmu for shengmu in shengmu_list: if shengmu in pinyin_list: continue flags = ["IS_PINYIN", "PINYIN_INCOMPLETE"] chewing_key = get_shengmu_chewing(shengmu) chewing_initial = chewing_key[0] if chewing_initial in chewing.ASCII_CHEWING_INITIAL_MAP: chewing_initial = chewing.ASCII_CHEWING_INITIAL_MAP[chewing_initial] yield shengmu, shengmu, chewing_initial, \ flags, chewing_key def gen_corrects(): #generate corrections for correct, wrong in auto_correct: flags = ['IS_PINYIN', 'PINYIN_CORRECT_{0}_{1}'.format(wrong.upper(), correct.upper())] for pinyin_key in pinyin_list: if pinyin_key.endswith(correct) and pinyin_key != correct: chewing_key = bopomofo.PINYIN_BOPOMOFO_MAP[pinyin_key] new_pinyin_key = pinyin_key.replace(correct, wrong) yield pinyin_key, new_pinyin_key, chewing_key,\ flags, get_chewing(pinyin_key) def gen_u_to_v(): #generate U to V for correct, wrong, flags in auto_correct_ext: #over-ride flags flags = ['IS_PINYIN', 'PINYIN_CORRECT_V_U'] pinyin_key = correct chewing_key = bopomofo.PINYIN_BOPOMOFO_MAP[pinyin_key] yield correct, wrong, chewing_key, flags, get_chewing(pinyin_key) ### main function ### if __name__ == "__main__": #pre-check here check_pinyin_chewing_map() #dump for p in gen_pinyin_list(): print (p)