path: root/src/pinyin.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/pinyin.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 124 deletions
diff --git a/src/pinyin.cpp b/src/pinyin.cpp
index 5985a43..3c87122 100644
--- a/src/pinyin.cpp
+++ b/src/pinyin.cpp
@@ -492,130 +492,6 @@ bool pinyin_in_chewing_keyboard(pinyin_instance_t * instance,
(context->m_options, key, symbol);
-#if 0
-static gint compare_token( gconstpointer lhs, gconstpointer rhs){
- phrase_token_t token_lhs = *((phrase_token_t *)lhs);
- phrase_token_t token_rhs = *((phrase_token_t *)rhs);
- return token_lhs - token_rhs;
-/* internal definition */
-typedef struct {
- pinyin_context_t * m_context;
- ChewingKey * m_pinyin_keys;
-} compare_context;
-static gint compare_token_with_unigram_freq(gconstpointer lhs,
- gconstpointer rhs,
- gpointer user_data){
- phrase_token_t token_lhs = *((phrase_token_t *)lhs);
- phrase_token_t token_rhs = *((phrase_token_t *)rhs);
- compare_context * context = (compare_context *)user_data;
- FacadePhraseIndex * phrase_index = context->m_context->m_phrase_index;
- pinyin_option_t options = context->m_context->m_options;
- ChewingKey * pinyin_keys = context->m_pinyin_keys;
- PhraseItem item;
- phrase_index->get_phrase_item(token_lhs, item);
- guint32 freq_lhs = item.get_unigram_frequency() *
- item.get_pronunciation_possibility(options, pinyin_keys) * 256;
- phrase_index->get_phrase_item(token_rhs, item);
- guint32 freq_rhs = item.get_unigram_frequency() *
- item.get_pronunciation_possibility(options, pinyin_keys) * 256;
- return -(freq_lhs - freq_rhs); /* in descendant order */
-bool pinyin_get_candidates(pinyin_instance_t * instance,
- size_t offset,
- TokenVector candidates){
- pinyin_context_t * & context = instance->m_context;
- ChewingKeyVector & pinyin_keys = instance->m_pinyin_keys;
- g_array_set_size(candidates, 0);
- ChewingKey * keys = &g_array_index
- (pinyin_keys, ChewingKey, offset);
- size_t pinyin_len = pinyin_keys->len - offset;
- compare_context comp_context;
- comp_context.m_context = context;
- comp_context.m_pinyin_keys = keys;
- PhraseIndexRanges ranges;
- memset(ranges, 0, sizeof(ranges));
- guint8 min_index, max_index;
- assert( ERROR_OK == context->m_phrase_index->
- get_sub_phrase_range(min_index, max_index));
- for (size_t m = min_index; m <= max_index; ++m) {
- ranges[m] = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(PhraseIndexRange));
- }
- GArray * tokens = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(phrase_token_t));
- for (ssize_t i = pinyin_len; i >= 1; --i) {
- g_array_set_size(tokens, 0);
- /* clear ranges. */
- for ( size_t m = min_index; m <= max_index; ++m ) {
- g_array_set_size(ranges[m], 0);
- }
- /* do pinyin search. */
- int retval = context->m_pinyin_table->search
- (i, keys, ranges);
- if ( !(retval & SEARCH_OK) )
- continue;
- /* reduce to a single GArray. */
- for (size_t m = min_index; m <= max_index; ++m) {
- for (size_t n = 0; n < ranges[m]->len; ++n) {
- PhraseIndexRange * range =
- &g_array_index(ranges[m], PhraseIndexRange, n);
- for (size_t k = range->m_range_begin;
- k < range->m_range_end; ++k) {
- g_array_append_val(tokens, k);
- }
- }
- }
- g_array_sort(tokens, compare_token);
- /* remove the duplicated items. */
- phrase_token_t last_token = null_token;
- for ( size_t n = 0; n < tokens->len; ++n) {
- phrase_token_t token = g_array_index(tokens, phrase_token_t, n);
- if ( last_token == token ){
- g_array_remove_index(tokens, n);
- n--;
- }
- last_token = token;
- }
- /* sort the candidates of the same length by uni-gram freqs. */
- g_array_sort_with_data(tokens, compare_token_with_unigram_freq,
- &comp_context);
- /* copy out candidates. */
- g_array_append_vals(candidates, tokens->data, tokens->len);
- if ( !(retval & SEARCH_CONTINUED) )
- break;
- }
- g_array_free(tokens, TRUE);
- for (size_t m = min_index; m <= max_index; ++m) {
- g_array_free(ranges[m], TRUE);
- }
- return true;
/* internal definition */
typedef struct _compare_item_t{
phrase_token_t m_token;