/* vim:set et ts=4 sts=4: * * ibus-libpinyin - Intelligent Pinyin engine based on libpinyin for IBus * * Copyright (c) 2012 Peng Wu * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "PYStrokeEditor.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "PYString.h" #include "PYConfig.h" #define _(text) (gettext (text)) namespace PY { class StrokeDatabase{ public: StrokeDatabase(){ m_sqlite = NULL; m_sql = ""; } ~StrokeDatabase(){ if (m_sqlite){ sqlite3_close (m_sqlite); m_sqlite = NULL; } m_sql = ""; } gboolean isDatabaseExisted(const char *filename) { gboolean result = g_file_test(filename, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR); if (!result) return FALSE; sqlite3 *tmp_db = NULL; if (sqlite3_open_v2 (filename, &tmp_db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, NULL) != SQLITE_OK){ return FALSE; } /* Check the desc table */ sqlite3_stmt *stmt = NULL; const char *tail = NULL; m_sql = "SELECT value FROM desc WHERE name = 'version';"; result = sqlite3_prepare_v2 (tmp_db, m_sql.c_str(), -1, &stmt, &tail); if (result != SQLITE_OK) return FALSE; result = sqlite3_step (stmt); if (result != SQLITE_ROW) return FALSE; result = sqlite3_column_type (stmt, 0); if (result != SQLITE_TEXT) return FALSE; const char *version = (const char *) sqlite3_column_text (stmt, 0); if (strcmp("1.2.0", version) != 0) return FALSE; result = sqlite3_finalize (stmt); g_assert (result == SQLITE_OK); sqlite3_close (tmp_db); return TRUE; } /* No self-learning here, and no user database file. */ gboolean openDatabase(const char *system_db) { if (!isDatabaseExisted (system_db)) return FALSE; /* open system database. */ if (sqlite3_open_v2 (system_db, &m_sqlite, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { m_sqlite = NULL; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* List the characters in sequence order. */ gboolean listCharacters(const char *prefix, std::vector & characters){ sqlite3_stmt *stmt = NULL; const char *tail = NULL; characters.clear (); /* list characters */ const char *SQL_DB_LIST = "SELECT \"character\", \"token\" FROM \"strokes\"" "WHERE \"strokes\" LIKE \"%s%\" ORDER BY \"sequence\" ASC;"; m_sql.printf (SQL_DB_LIST, prefix); int result = sqlite3_prepare_v2 (m_sqlite, m_sql.c_str(), -1, &stmt, &tail); if (result != SQLITE_OK) return FALSE; result = sqlite3_step (stmt); while (result == SQLITE_ROW){ /* get the characters. */ result = sqlite3_column_type (stmt, 0); if (result != SQLITE_TEXT) return FALSE; const char *character = (const char *)sqlite3_column_text (stmt, 0); characters.push_back (character); result = sqlite3_step (stmt); } sqlite3_finalize (stmt); if (result != SQLITE_DONE) return FALSE; return TRUE; } private: sqlite3 *m_sqlite; String m_sql; }; StrokeEditor::StrokeEditor (PinyinProperties &props, Config &config) : Editor (props, config) { m_stroke_database = new StrokeDatabase; gboolean result = m_stroke_database->openDatabase (".." G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "data" G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "strokes.db") || m_stroke_database->openDatabase (PKGDATADIR G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "db" G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "strokes.db"); if (!result) g_warning ("can't open strokes database.\n"); } StrokeEditor::~StrokeEditor () { delete m_stroke_database; m_stroke_database = NULL; } gboolean StrokeEditor::processKeyEvent (guint keyval, guint keycode, guint modifiers) { //IBUS_SHIFT_MASK is removed. modifiers &= (IBUS_CONTROL_MASK | IBUS_MOD1_MASK | IBUS_SUPER_MASK | IBUS_HYPER_MASK | IBUS_META_MASK | IBUS_LOCK_MASK); if (modifiers) return FALSE; //handle backspace/delete here. if (processEditKey (keyval)) return TRUE; //handle page/cursor up/down here. if (processPageKey (keyval)) return TRUE; //handle label key select here. if (processLabelKey (keyval)) return TRUE; if (processSpace (keyval)) return TRUE; if (processEnter (keyval)) return TRUE; m_cursor = std::min (m_cursor, (guint)m_text.length ()); /* Remember the input string. */ if (m_cursor == 0) { g_return_val_if_fail ('u' == keyval, FALSE); m_text = "u"; m_cursor ++; } else { g_return_val_if_fail ('u' == m_text[0], FALSE); if (keyval >= 'a' && keyval <= 'z') { /* only lower case characters here */ m_text.insert (m_cursor, keyval); m_cursor ++; } } /* Deal other staff with updateStateFromInput (). */ updateStateFromInput (); update (); return TRUE; } gboolean StrokeEditor::processEditKey (guint keyval) { switch (keyval) { case IBUS_Delete: case IBUS_KP_Delete: removeCharAfter (); updateStateFromInput (); update (); return TRUE; case IBUS_BackSpace: removeCharBefore (); updateStateFromInput (); update (); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } gboolean StrokeEditor::processPageKey (guint keyval) { switch (keyval) { case IBUS_comma: if (m_config.commaPeriodPage ()) { pageUp (); return TRUE; } break; case IBUS_minus: if (m_config.minusEqualPage ()) { pageUp (); return TRUE; } break; case IBUS_period: if (m_config.commaPeriodPage ()) { pageDown (); return TRUE; } break; case IBUS_equal: if (m_config.minusEqualPage ()) { pageDown (); return TRUE; } break; case IBUS_Up: case IBUS_KP_Up: cursorUp (); return TRUE; case IBUS_Down: case IBUS_KP_Down: cursorDown (); return TRUE; case IBUS_Page_Up: case IBUS_KP_Page_Up: pageUp (); return TRUE; case IBUS_Page_Down: case IBUS_KP_Page_Down: pageDown (); return TRUE; case IBUS_Escape: reset (); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } gboolean StrokeEditor::processLabelKey (guint keyval) { switch (keyval) { case '1' ... '9': return selectCandidateInPage (keyval - '1'); break; case '0': return selectCandidateInPage (9); break; } return FALSE; } gboolean StrokeEditor::processEnter (guint keyval) { if (keyval != IBUS_Return) return FALSE; if (m_text.length () == 0) return FALSE; String preedit = m_text.substr (1); Text text (preedit); commitText (text); reset (); return TRUE; } gboolean StrokeEditor::processSpace (guint keyval) { if (!(keyval == IBUS_space || keyval == IBUS_KP_Space)) return FALSE; guint cursor_pos = m_lookup_table.cursorPos (); return selectCandidate (cursor_pos); } void StrokeEditor::candidateClicked (guint index, guint button, guint state) { selectCandidateInPage (index); } gboolean StrokeEditor::selectCandidateInPage (guint index) { guint page_size = m_lookup_table.pageSize (); guint cursor_pos = m_lookup_table.cursorPos (); if (G_UNLIKELY (index >= page_size)) return FALSE; index += (cursor_pos / page_size) * page_size; return selectCandidate (index); } gboolean StrokeEditor::selectCandidate (guint index) { if (index >= m_lookup_table.size ()) return FALSE; IBusText *candidate = m_lookup_table.getCandidate (index); Text text (candidate); commitText (text); reset (); return TRUE; } gboolean StrokeEditor::updateStateFromInput (void) { /* Do parse and candidates update here. */ /* prefix u double check here. */ if (m_text.empty ()) { m_preedit_text = ""; m_auxiliary_text = ""; m_cursor = 0; clearLookupTable (); return FALSE; } if ('u' != m_text[0]) { g_warning ("u is expected in m_text string.\n"); m_auxiliary_text = ""; clearLookupTable (); return FALSE; } m_auxiliary_text = "u"; if (1 == m_text.length ()) { clearLookupTable (); const char * help_string = _("Please use \"hspnz\" to input."); int space_len = std::max ( 0, m_aux_text_len - (int) g_utf8_strlen (help_string, -1)); m_auxiliary_text.append(space_len, ' '); m_auxiliary_text += help_string; return TRUE; } m_auxiliary_text += " "; String prefix = m_text.substr (1); m_auxiliary_text += prefix; /* lookup table candidate fill here. */ std::vector characters; gboolean retval = m_stroke_database->listCharacters (prefix.c_str (), characters); if (!retval) return FALSE; clearLookupTable (); std::vector::iterator iter; for (iter = characters.begin (); iter != characters.end (); ++iter){ Text text(*iter); m_lookup_table.appendCandidate (text); } return TRUE; } /* Auxiliary Functions */ void StrokeEditor::pageUp (void) { if (G_LIKELY (m_lookup_table.pageUp ())) { update (); } } void StrokeEditor::pageDown (void) { if (G_LIKELY (m_lookup_table.pageDown ())) { update (); } } void StrokeEditor::cursorUp (void) { if (G_LIKELY (m_lookup_table.cursorUp ())) { update (); } } void StrokeEditor::cursorDown (void) { if (G_LIKELY (m_lookup_table.cursorDown ())) { update (); } } void StrokeEditor::update (void) { updateLookupTable (); updatePreeditText (); updateAuxiliaryText (); } void StrokeEditor::reset (void) { m_text = ""; updateStateFromInput (); update (); } void StrokeEditor::clearLookupTable (void) { m_lookup_table.clear (); m_lookup_table.setPageSize (m_config.pageSize ()); m_lookup_table.setOrientation (m_config.orientation ()); } void StrokeEditor::updateLookupTable (void) { if (m_lookup_table.size ()){ Editor::updateLookupTableFast (m_lookup_table, TRUE); } else { hideLookupTable (); } } void StrokeEditor::updatePreeditText (void) { if (G_UNLIKELY (m_preedit_text.empty ())) { hidePreeditText (); return; } StaticText preedit_text (m_preedit_text); Editor::updatePreeditText (preedit_text, m_cursor, TRUE); } void StrokeEditor::updateAuxiliaryText (void) { if (G_UNLIKELY (m_auxiliary_text.empty ())) { hideAuxiliaryText (); return; } StaticText aux_text (m_auxiliary_text); Editor::updateAuxiliaryText (aux_text, TRUE); } gboolean StrokeEditor::removeCharBefore (void) { if (G_UNLIKELY (m_cursor <= 0)) { m_cursor = 0; return FALSE; } if (G_UNLIKELY (m_cursor > m_text.length ())) { m_cursor = m_text.length (); return FALSE; } m_text.erase (m_cursor - 1, 1); m_cursor = std::max (0, static_cast(m_cursor) - 1); return TRUE; } gboolean StrokeEditor::removeCharAfter (void) { if (G_UNLIKELY (m_cursor < 0)) { m_cursor = 0; return FALSE; } if (G_UNLIKELY (m_cursor >= m_text.length ())) { m_cursor = m_text.length (); return FALSE; } m_text.erase (m_cursor, 1); m_cursor = std::min (m_cursor, (guint) m_text.length ()); return TRUE; } #if 0 /* using static initializor to test stroke database here. */ static class TestStrokeDatabase{ public: TestStrokeDatabase (){ StrokeDatabase *db = new StrokeDatabase (); bool retval = db->isDatabaseExisted ("../data/strokes.db"); g_assert (retval); retval = db->openDatabase ("../data/strokes.db"); g_assert (retval); std::vector chars; std::vector::iterator iter; db->listCharacters("hshshhh", chars); printf ("characters:\t"); for (iter = chars.begin(); iter != chars.end(); ++iter) printf ("%s ", iter->c_str()); printf ("\n"); printf ("stroke database test ok.\n"); } } test_stroke_database; #endif };