/* vim:set et ts=4 sts=4: * * ibus-libpinyin - Intelligent Pinyin engine based on libpinyin for IBus * * Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Peng Huang * Copyright (c) 2010 BYVoid * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include "PYConfig.h" #include "PYPunctEditor.h" namespace PY { #include "PYPunctTable.h" PunctEditor::PunctEditor (PinyinProperties & props, Config & config) : Editor (props, config), m_punct_mode (MODE_DISABLE), m_lookup_table (m_config.pageSize ()) { } gboolean PunctEditor::insert (gchar ch) { switch (m_punct_mode) { case MODE_DISABLE: { g_assert (ch == IBUS_grave); g_assert (m_cursor == 0); m_text.insert (m_cursor++, ch); m_punct_mode = MODE_INIT; updatePunctCandidates (0); m_selected_puncts.clear (); m_selected_puncts.insert (m_selected_puncts.begin (), m_punct_candidates[0]); update (); } break; case MODE_INIT: { m_text.clear (); m_selected_puncts.clear (); m_cursor = 0; } case MODE_NORMAL: { m_text.insert (m_cursor, ch); updatePunctCandidates (ch); m_punct_mode = MODE_NORMAL; if (m_punct_candidates.size () > 0) { m_selected_puncts.insert (m_selected_puncts.begin () + m_cursor, m_punct_candidates[0]); } m_cursor ++; update (); } break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } return TRUE; } inline gboolean PunctEditor::processSpace (guint keyval, guint keycode, guint modifiers) { if (m_punct_mode != MODE_INIT && m_punct_mode != MODE_NORMAL) return FALSE; if (cmshm_filter (modifiers) != 0) return TRUE; commit (); return TRUE; } gboolean PunctEditor::processPunct (guint keyval, guint keycode, guint modifiers) { if (cmshm_filter (modifiers) != 0) return TRUE; if (m_punct_mode == MODE_DISABLE) { if (keyval == IBUS_grave) { insert (keyval); return TRUE; } } g_assert (m_punct_mode == MODE_INIT || m_punct_mode == MODE_NORMAL); switch (keyval) { case IBUS_grave: /* ` */ case IBUS_asciitilde: /* ~ */ case IBUS_exclam: /* ~ */ case IBUS_at: /* @ */ case IBUS_numbersign: /* # */ case IBUS_dollar: /* $ */ case IBUS_percent: /* % */ case IBUS_asciicircum: /* ^ */ case IBUS_ampersand: /* & */ case IBUS_asterisk: /* * */ case IBUS_parenleft: /* ( */ case IBUS_parenright: /* ) */ case IBUS_minus: /* - */ case IBUS_underscore: /* _ */ case IBUS_equal: /* = */ case IBUS_plus: /* + */ case IBUS_bracketleft: /* [ */ case IBUS_bracketright: /* ] */ case IBUS_braceleft: /* { */ case IBUS_braceright: /* } */ case IBUS_backslash: /* \ */ case IBUS_bar: /* | */ case IBUS_colon: /* : */ case IBUS_semicolon: /* ; */ case IBUS_apostrophe: /* ' */ case IBUS_quotedbl: /* " */ case IBUS_comma: /* , */ case IBUS_period: /* . */ case IBUS_less: /* < */ case IBUS_greater: /* > */ case IBUS_slash: /* / */ case IBUS_question: /* ? */ case IBUS_0...IBUS_9: case IBUS_a...IBUS_z: case IBUS_A...IBUS_Z: return insert (keyval); default: return FALSE; } } gboolean PunctEditor::processKeyEvent (guint keyval, guint keycode, guint modifiers) { if (modifiers & IBUS_MOD4_MASK) return FALSE; modifiers &= (IBUS_SHIFT_MASK | IBUS_CONTROL_MASK | IBUS_MOD1_MASK | IBUS_SUPER_MASK | IBUS_HYPER_MASK | IBUS_META_MASK | IBUS_LOCK_MASK); switch (keyval) { case IBUS_space: return processSpace (keyval, keycode, modifiers); case IBUS_Return: case IBUS_KP_Enter: commit (m_text); return TRUE; case IBUS_Escape: reset (); return TRUE; case IBUS_BackSpace: removeCharBefore (); return TRUE; case IBUS_Delete: case IBUS_KP_Delete: removeCharAfter (); return TRUE; case IBUS_Left: case IBUS_KP_Left: moveCursorLeft (); return TRUE; case IBUS_Right: case IBUS_KP_Right: moveCursorRight (); return TRUE; case IBUS_Home: case IBUS_KP_Home: moveCursorToBegin (); return TRUE; case IBUS_End: case IBUS_KP_End: moveCursorToEnd (); return TRUE; case IBUS_Up: case IBUS_KP_Up: cursorUp (); return TRUE; case IBUS_Down: case IBUS_KP_Down: cursorDown (); return TRUE; case IBUS_Page_Up: case IBUS_KP_Page_Up: pageUp (); return TRUE; case IBUS_Page_Down: case IBUS_KP_Page_Down: case IBUS_Tab: pageDown (); return TRUE; default: return processPunct(keyval, keycode, modifiers); } } void PunctEditor::pageUp (void) { if (G_LIKELY (m_lookup_table.pageUp ())) { m_selected_puncts[m_cursor - 1] = m_punct_candidates[m_lookup_table.cursorPos ()]; updateLookupTableFast (m_lookup_table, TRUE); updatePreeditText (); updateAuxiliaryText (); } } void PunctEditor::pageDown (void) { if (G_LIKELY (m_lookup_table.pageDown ())) { m_selected_puncts[m_cursor - 1] = m_punct_candidates[m_lookup_table.cursorPos ()]; updateLookupTableFast (m_lookup_table, TRUE); updatePreeditText (); updateAuxiliaryText (); } } void PunctEditor::cursorUp (void) { if (G_LIKELY (m_lookup_table.cursorUp ())) { m_selected_puncts[m_cursor - 1] = m_punct_candidates[m_lookup_table.cursorPos ()]; updateLookupTableFast (m_lookup_table, TRUE); updatePreeditText (); updateAuxiliaryText (); } } void PunctEditor::cursorDown (void) { if (G_LIKELY (m_lookup_table.size () && m_lookup_table.cursorDown ())) { m_selected_puncts[m_cursor - 1] = m_punct_candidates[m_lookup_table.cursorPos ()]; updateLookupTableFast (m_lookup_table, TRUE); updatePreeditText (); updateAuxiliaryText (); } } gboolean PunctEditor::moveCursorLeft (void) { if (G_UNLIKELY (m_cursor == 0)) return FALSE; m_cursor --; if (m_cursor == 0) { m_punct_candidates.clear (); fillLookupTable (); } else { updatePunctCandidates (m_text[m_cursor - 1]); /* restore cursor pos */ std::vector::iterator it; it = std::find (m_punct_candidates.begin (), m_punct_candidates.end (), m_selected_puncts[m_cursor - 1]); if (it != m_punct_candidates.end ()) m_lookup_table.setCursorPos (it - m_punct_candidates.begin ()); } update(); return TRUE; } gboolean PunctEditor::moveCursorRight (void) { if (G_UNLIKELY (m_cursor == m_text.length ())) return FALSE; m_cursor ++; updatePunctCandidates (m_text[m_cursor - 1]); /* restore cursor pos */ std::vector::iterator it; it = std::find (m_punct_candidates.begin (), m_punct_candidates.end (), m_selected_puncts[m_cursor - 1]); if (it != m_punct_candidates.end ()) m_lookup_table.setCursorPos (it - m_punct_candidates.begin ()); update(); return TRUE; } gboolean PunctEditor::moveCursorToBegin (void) { if (G_UNLIKELY (m_cursor == 0)) return FALSE; g_assert (m_punct_mode == MODE_INIT || m_punct_mode == MODE_NORMAL); m_cursor = 0; m_punct_candidates.clear (); fillLookupTable (); update (); return TRUE; } gboolean PunctEditor::moveCursorToEnd (void) { if (G_UNLIKELY (m_cursor == m_text.length ())) return FALSE; g_assert (m_punct_mode == MODE_NORMAL); m_cursor = m_text.length (); updatePunctCandidates (m_text[m_cursor - 1]); /* restore cursor pos */ std::vector::iterator it; it = std::find (m_punct_candidates.begin (), m_punct_candidates.end (), m_selected_puncts[m_cursor - 1]); if (it != m_punct_candidates.end ()) m_lookup_table.setCursorPos (it - m_punct_candidates.begin ()); update(); return TRUE; } gboolean PunctEditor::removeCharBefore (void) { if (G_UNLIKELY (m_cursor == 0)) return FALSE; m_cursor --; m_selected_puncts.erase (m_selected_puncts.begin () + m_cursor); m_text.erase (m_cursor, 1); if (m_text.empty()) { reset (); } else { if (m_cursor > 0) { updatePunctCandidates (m_text[m_cursor - 1]); /* restore cursor pos */ std::vector::iterator it; it = std::find (m_punct_candidates.begin (), m_punct_candidates.end (), m_selected_puncts[m_cursor - 1]); if (it != m_punct_candidates.end ()) m_lookup_table.setCursorPos (it - m_punct_candidates.begin ()); } else { m_punct_candidates.clear (); fillLookupTable (); } } update(); return TRUE; } gboolean PunctEditor::removeCharAfter (void) { if (G_UNLIKELY (m_cursor == m_text.length ())) return FALSE; m_selected_puncts.erase (m_selected_puncts.begin () + m_cursor); m_text.erase (m_cursor, 1); if (m_text.empty()) { reset (); } update(); return TRUE; } void PunctEditor::reset (void) { m_punct_mode = MODE_DISABLE; m_selected_puncts.clear (); m_punct_candidates.clear (); fillLookupTable (); Editor::reset (); } void PunctEditor::candidateClicked (guint index, guint button, guint state) { selectCandidateInPage(index); } inline void PunctEditor::commit (const gchar *str) { StaticText text(str); commitText (text); reset (); } void PunctEditor::commit (void) { m_buffer.clear (); for (std::vector::iterator it = m_selected_puncts.begin (); it != m_selected_puncts.end (); it++) { m_buffer << *it; } commit (m_buffer); } inline gboolean PunctEditor::selectCandidate (guint i) { switch (m_punct_mode) { case MODE_INIT: { g_assert (m_cursor == 1); m_lookup_table.setCursorPos (i); m_selected_puncts[m_cursor - 1] = m_punct_candidates[i]; commit (); return TRUE; } case MODE_NORMAL: { m_lookup_table.setCursorPos (i); m_selected_puncts[m_cursor - 1] = m_punct_candidates[i]; /* if it is the last punct, commit the result */ if (m_cursor == m_text.length ()) { commit (); } else { moveCursorRight (); } return TRUE; } default: g_assert_not_reached (); } return FALSE; } inline gboolean PunctEditor::selectCandidateInPage (guint i) { guint page_size = m_lookup_table.pageSize (); guint cursor_pos = m_lookup_table.cursorPos (); if (G_UNLIKELY (i >= page_size)) return FALSE; i += (cursor_pos / page_size) * page_size; return selectCandidate (i); } void PunctEditor::update (void) { updateLookupTable (); updatePreeditText (); updateAuxiliaryText (); } void PunctEditor::fillLookupTable (void) { m_lookup_table.clear (); m_lookup_table.setPageSize (m_config.pageSize ()); m_lookup_table.setOrientation (m_config.orientation ()); for (std::vector::iterator it = m_punct_candidates.begin (); it != m_punct_candidates.end (); it++) { StaticText text (*it); // text.appendAttribute (IBUS_ATTR_TYPE_FOREGROUND, 0x004466, 0, -1); m_lookup_table.appendCandidate (text); } } void PunctEditor::updateLookupTable (void) { if (m_lookup_table.size ()) { Editor::updateLookupTable (m_lookup_table, TRUE); } else { hideLookupTable (); } } static int punct_cmp (const void *p1, const void *p2) { const gint s1 = (gint)(glong) p1; const gchar *s2 = **(gchar ***) p2; return s1 - s2[0]; } void PunctEditor::updatePunctCandidates (gchar ch) { const gchar *** brs; const gchar ** res; m_punct_candidates.clear(); brs = (const gchar ***) std::bsearch (reinterpret_cast(ch), punct_table, G_N_ELEMENTS (punct_table), sizeof(punct_table[0]), punct_cmp); if (brs != NULL) { for (res = (*brs) + 1; *res != NULL; ++res) { m_punct_candidates.push_back (*res); } } fillLookupTable (); } void PunctEditor::updateAuxiliaryText (void) { switch (m_punct_mode) { case MODE_DISABLE: hideAuxiliaryText (); break; case MODE_INIT: { m_buffer = "`"; StaticText aux_text (m_buffer); Editor::updateAuxiliaryText (aux_text, TRUE); } break; case MODE_NORMAL: { if (m_cursor == 0) { hideAuxiliaryText (); } else { m_buffer.clear (); for (String::iterator i = m_text.begin (); i != m_text.end (); ++i) { if (i - m_text.begin () == (gint) m_cursor) m_buffer << '|'; m_buffer << *i; } if (m_text.end () - m_text.begin () == (gint) m_cursor) m_buffer << '|'; StaticText aux_text (m_buffer); Editor::updateAuxiliaryText (aux_text, TRUE); } } break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } } void PunctEditor::updatePreeditText (void) { switch (m_punct_mode) { case MODE_DISABLE: hidePreeditText (); break; case MODE_INIT: { m_buffer = m_punct_candidates[m_lookup_table.cursorPos ()]; StaticText preedit_text (m_buffer); /* underline */ preedit_text.appendAttribute (IBUS_ATTR_TYPE_UNDERLINE, IBUS_ATTR_UNDERLINE_SINGLE, 0, -1); Editor::updatePreeditText (preedit_text, m_cursor, TRUE); } break; case MODE_NORMAL: { m_buffer.clear (); for (std::vector::iterator it = m_selected_puncts.begin (); it != m_selected_puncts.end (); it++) { m_buffer << *it; } StaticText preedit_text (m_buffer); /* underline */ preedit_text.appendAttribute (IBUS_ATTR_TYPE_UNDERLINE, IBUS_ATTR_UNDERLINE_SINGLE, 0, -1); Editor::updatePreeditText (preedit_text, m_cursor, TRUE); } break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } } };