/* vim:set et ts=4 sts=4: * * ibus-libpinyin - Intelligent Pinyin engine based on libpinyin for IBus * * Copyright (c) 2011 Peng Wu * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "PYPBopomofoEditor.h" #include "PYConfig.h" #include "PYLibPinyin.h" #include "PYPinyinProperties.h" #include "PYSimpTradConverter.h" #include "PYHalfFullConverter.h" using namespace PY; const static gchar * bopomofo_select_keys[] = { "1234567890", "asdfghjkl;", "1qaz2wsxed", "asdfzxcvgb", "1234qweras", "aoeu;qjkix", "aoeuhtnsid", "aoeuidhtns", "qweasdzxcr" }; LibPinyinBopomofoEditor::LibPinyinBopomofoEditor (PinyinProperties & props, Config & config) : LibPinyinPhoneticEditor (props, config), m_select_mode (FALSE) { m_instance = LibPinyinBackEnd::instance ().allocChewingInstance (); } LibPinyinBopomofoEditor::~LibPinyinBopomofoEditor (void) { LibPinyinBackEnd::instance ().freeChewingInstance (m_instance); m_instance = NULL; } void LibPinyinBopomofoEditor::reset (void) { m_select_mode = FALSE; LibPinyinPhoneticEditor::reset (); } gboolean LibPinyinBopomofoEditor::insert (gint ch) { /* is full */ if (G_UNLIKELY (m_text.length () >= MAX_PINYIN_LEN)) return TRUE; m_text.insert (m_cursor++, ch); updatePinyin (); update (); return TRUE; } gboolean LibPinyinBopomofoEditor::processGuideKey (guint keyval, guint keycode, guint modifiers) { if (!m_config.guideKey ()) return FALSE; if (G_UNLIKELY (cmshm_filter (modifiers) != 0)) return FALSE; if (G_LIKELY (m_select_mode)) return FALSE; if (G_UNLIKELY (keyval == IBUS_space)) { m_select_mode = TRUE; update (); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } gboolean LibPinyinBopomofoEditor::processAuxiliarySelectKey (guint keyval, guint keycode, guint modifiers) { if (G_UNLIKELY (cmshm_filter (modifiers) != 0)) return FALSE; guint i; switch (keyval) { case IBUS_KP_0: i = 9; if (!m_config.auxiliarySelectKeyKP ()) return FALSE; break; case IBUS_KP_1 ... IBUS_KP_9: i = keyval - IBUS_KP_1; if (!m_config.auxiliarySelectKeyKP ()) return FALSE; break; case IBUS_F1 ... IBUS_F10: i = keyval - IBUS_F1; if (!m_config.auxiliarySelectKeyF ()) return FALSE; break; default: return FALSE; } m_select_mode = TRUE; selectCandidateInPage (i); update (); return TRUE; } gboolean LibPinyinBopomofoEditor::processSelectKey (guint keyval, guint keycode, guint modifiers) { if (G_UNLIKELY (!m_text)) return FALSE; if (G_LIKELY (!m_select_mode && ((modifiers & IBUS_MOD1_MASK) == 0))) return FALSE; const gchar * pos = NULL; const gchar * keys = bopomofo_select_keys[m_config.selectKeys ()]; for ( const gchar * p = keys; *p; ++p ) { if ( *p == keyval ) pos = p; } if (pos == NULL) return FALSE; m_select_mode = TRUE; guint i = pos - keys; selectCandidateInPage (i); update (); return TRUE; } gboolean LibPinyinBopomofoEditor::processBopomofo (guint keyval, guint keycode, guint modifiers) { if (G_UNLIKELY (cmshm_filter (modifiers) != 0)) return m_text ? TRUE : FALSE; if (!(pinyin_in_chewing_keyboard (m_instance, keyval, NULL))) return FALSE; if (keyval == IBUS_space) return FALSE; m_select_mode = FALSE; return insert (keyval); } gboolean LibPinyinBopomofoEditor::processKeyEvent (guint keyval, guint keycode, guint modifiers) { modifiers &= (IBUS_SHIFT_MASK | IBUS_CONTROL_MASK | IBUS_MOD1_MASK | IBUS_SUPER_MASK | IBUS_HYPER_MASK | IBUS_META_MASK | IBUS_LOCK_MASK); if (G_UNLIKELY (processGuideKey (keyval, keycode, modifiers))) return TRUE; if (G_UNLIKELY (processSelectKey (keyval, keycode, modifiers))) return TRUE; if (G_UNLIKELY (processAuxiliarySelectKey (keyval, keycode, modifiers))) return TRUE; if (G_LIKELY (processBopomofo (keyval, keycode, modifiers))) return TRUE; switch (keyval) { case IBUS_space: m_select_mode = TRUE; return processSpace (keyval, keycode, modifiers); case IBUS_Up: case IBUS_KP_Up: case IBUS_Down: case IBUS_KP_Down: case IBUS_Page_Up: case IBUS_KP_Page_Up: case IBUS_Page_Down: case IBUS_KP_Page_Down: case IBUS_Tab: m_select_mode = TRUE; return LibPinyinPhoneticEditor::processFunctionKey (keyval, keycode, modifiers); case IBUS_BackSpace: case IBUS_Delete: case IBUS_KP_Delete: case IBUS_Left: case IBUS_KP_Left: case IBUS_Right: case IBUS_KP_Right: case IBUS_Home: case IBUS_KP_Home: case IBUS_End: case IBUS_KP_End: m_select_mode = FALSE; return LibPinyinPhoneticEditor::processFunctionKey (keyval, keycode, modifiers); default: return LibPinyinPhoneticEditor::processFunctionKey (keyval, keycode, modifiers); } return FALSE; } void LibPinyinBopomofoEditor::updatePinyin (void) { if (G_UNLIKELY (m_text.empty ())) { m_pinyin_len = 0; /* TODO: check whether to replace "" with NULL. */ pinyin_parse_more_chewings (m_instance, ""); pinyin_guess_sentence(m_instance); return; } m_pinyin_len = pinyin_parse_more_chewings (m_instance, m_text.c_str ()); pinyin_guess_sentence (m_instance); } void LibPinyinBopomofoEditor::commit () { if (G_UNLIKELY (m_text.empty ())) return; m_buffer.clear (); /* sentence candidate */ char *tmp = NULL; pinyin_get_sentence(m_instance, &tmp); if (tmp) { if (m_props.modeSimp ()) { m_buffer << tmp; } else { SimpTradConverter::simpToTrad (tmp, m_buffer); } g_free (tmp); } /* text after pinyin */ const gchar *p = m_text.c_str() + m_pinyin_len; while (*p != '\0') { const char * symbol = NULL; if (pinyin_in_chewing_keyboard(m_instance, *p, &symbol)) { m_buffer << symbol; } else { if (G_UNLIKELY (m_props.modeFull ())) { m_buffer.appendUnichar (HalfFullConverter::toFull (*p)); } else { m_buffer << *p; } } ++p; } pinyin_train(m_instance); LibPinyinBackEnd::instance ().modified(); LibPinyinPhoneticEditor::commit ((const gchar *)m_buffer); reset(); } void LibPinyinBopomofoEditor::updatePreeditText () { /* preedit text = guessed sentence + un-parsed pinyin text */ if (G_UNLIKELY (m_text.empty ())) { hidePreeditText (); return; } m_buffer.clear (); char *tmp = NULL; pinyin_get_sentence(m_instance, &tmp); if (tmp) { if (m_props.modeSimp ()) { m_buffer<m_pinyin_keys; PinyinKeyPosVector & pinyin_poses = m_instance->m_pinyin_key_rests; for (guint i = 0; i < pinyin_keys->len; ++i) { PinyinKey *key = &g_array_index (pinyin_keys, PinyinKey, i); PinyinKeyPos *pos = &g_array_index (pinyin_poses, PinyinKeyPos, i); guint cursor = pos->m_raw_begin; if (G_UNLIKELY (cursor == m_cursor)) { /* at word boundary. */ m_buffer << '|' << key->get_chewing_string (); } else if (G_LIKELY ( cursor < m_cursor && m_cursor < pos->m_raw_end )) { /* in word */ /* raw text */ String raw = m_text.substr (cursor, pos->length ()); guint offset = m_cursor - cursor; m_buffer << ' '; String before = raw.substr (0, offset); String after = raw.substr (offset); String::const_iterator iter; const char * symbol = NULL; for ( iter = before.begin (); iter != before.end (); ++iter) { if ( pinyin_in_chewing_keyboard(m_instance, *iter, &symbol)) m_buffer << symbol; else m_buffer << *iter; } m_buffer << '|'; for ( iter = after.begin (); iter != after.end (); ++iter) { if ( pinyin_in_chewing_keyboard(m_instance, *iter, &symbol)) m_buffer << symbol; else m_buffer << *iter; } } else { /* other words */ m_buffer << ' ' << key->get_chewing_string (); } } if (m_cursor == m_pinyin_len) m_buffer << '|'; /* append rest text */ const gchar * p = m_text.c_str() + m_pinyin_len; m_buffer << p; StaticText aux_text (m_buffer); Editor::updateAuxiliaryText (aux_text, TRUE); }