/* vim:set et ts=4 sts=4: * * ibus-libpinyin - Intelligent Pinyin engine based on libpinyin for IBus * * Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Peng Huang * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include extern "C" { #include "lua-plugin.h" } #include "PYConfig.h" #include "PYPointer.h" #include "PYLookupTable.h" #include "PYEditor.h" #include "PYExtEditor.h" namespace PY { static const char * numbers [2][10] = { {"零", "壹", "贰", "叁", "肆", "伍", "陆", "柒", "捌", "玖",}, {"〇", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "七", "八", "九",}, }; struct unit_t{ const char * unit_zh_name; // Chinese Character const int digits; // Position in string. const bool persist; // Whether to force eating zero and force inserting into result string. }; static unit_t units_simplified[] ={ {"兆", 12, true}, {"亿", 8, true}, {"万", 4, true}, {"千", 3, false}, {"百", 2, false}, {"十", 1, false}, {"", 0, true}, }; static unit_t units_traditional[] ={ {"兆", 12, true}, {"亿", 8, true}, {"万", 4, true}, {"仟", 3, false}, {"佰", 2, false}, {"拾", 1, false}, {"", 0, true}, }; static const std::string simplest_cn_number(gint64 num) { std::string result = ""; if ( num == 0 ) result = numbers[1][0]; while (num > 0) { int remains = num % 10; num = num / 10; result = std::string ( numbers[1][remains] ) + result; } return result; } static inline const std::string translate_to_longform(gint64 num, const char * number[10], unit_t units[]) { std::string result = ""; int cur_pos = -1; bool eat_zero = false; while (num > 0) { int remains = num % 10; num = num / 10; cur_pos ++; std::string unit = ""; int pos = cur_pos; size_t i = 6; while ( pos > 0 ) { for ( i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { pos = pos % units[i].digits; if ( pos == 0 ) break; } } if ( units[i].persist ) { result = std::string (units[i].unit_zh_name) + result; eat_zero = true; } if ( remains == 0){ if ( eat_zero ) continue; result = std::string (number[0]) + result; eat_zero = true; continue; }else{ eat_zero = false; } if (num == 0 && remains == 1 && i == 5) result = std::string (units[i].unit_zh_name) + result; else if (units[i].persist) result = std::string (number[remains]) + result; else result = std::string (number[remains]) + std::string (units[i].unit_zh_name) + result; } return result; } static const std::string simplified_number(gint64 num) { return translate_to_longform(num, numbers[1], units_simplified); } static const std::string traditional_number(gint64 num) { if ( 0 == num ) return numbers[0][0]; return translate_to_longform(num, numbers[0], units_traditional); } /* Write digit/alpha/none Label generator here. * foreach (results): 1, from get_retval; 2..n from get_retvals. */ ExtEditor::ExtEditor (PinyinProperties & props, Config & config) : Editor (props, config), m_mode (LABEL_NONE), m_result_num (0), m_candidate (NULL), m_candidates (NULL) { m_lua_plugin = ibus_engine_plugin_new (); loadLuaScript ( ".." G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "lua" G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "base.lua")|| loadLuaScript (PKGDATADIR G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "base.lua"); gchar * path = g_build_filename (g_get_user_config_dir (), "ibus", "libpinyin", "user.lua", NULL); loadLuaScript(path); g_free(path); } int ExtEditor::loadLuaScript (std::string filename) { return !ibus_engine_plugin_load_lua_script (m_lua_plugin, filename.c_str ()); } void ExtEditor::resetLuaState () { g_object_unref (m_lua_plugin); m_lua_plugin = ibus_engine_plugin_new (); } gboolean ExtEditor::processKeyEvent (guint keyval, guint keycode, guint modifiers) { //IBUS_SHIFT_MASK is removed. modifiers &= (IBUS_CONTROL_MASK | IBUS_MOD1_MASK | IBUS_SUPER_MASK | IBUS_HYPER_MASK | IBUS_META_MASK | IBUS_LOCK_MASK); if ( modifiers ) return FALSE; //handle backspace/delete here. if (processEditKey (keyval)) return TRUE; //handle page/cursor up/down here. if (processPageKey (keyval)) return TRUE; //handle label key select here. if (processLabelKey (keyval)) return TRUE; if (processSpace (keyval)) return TRUE; if (processEnter (keyval)) return TRUE; m_cursor = std::min (m_cursor, (guint)m_text.length ()); /* Remember the input string. */ switch (m_cursor) { case 0: //Empty input string. { g_return_val_if_fail ( 'i' == keyval || 'I' == keyval, FALSE); if ( 'i' == keyval || 'I' == keyval) { m_text.insert (m_cursor, keyval); m_cursor++; } } break; case 1 ... 2: // Only contains 'i' or 'I' in input string. { g_return_val_if_fail ( 'i' == m_text[0] || 'I' == m_text[0], FALSE); if ( isalnum (keyval) ) { m_text.insert (m_cursor, keyval); m_cursor++; } } break; default: //Here is the appended argment. { g_return_val_if_fail ( 'i' == m_text[0] || 'I' == m_text[0], FALSE); if (isprint (keyval)) { m_text.insert (m_cursor, keyval); m_cursor++; } } break; } /* Deal other staff with updateStateFromInput (). */ updateStateFromInput (); update (); return TRUE; } gboolean ExtEditor::processEditKey (guint keyval) { switch (keyval) { case IBUS_Delete: case IBUS_KP_Delete: removeCharAfter (); updateStateFromInput (); update (); return TRUE; case IBUS_BackSpace: removeCharBefore (); updateStateFromInput (); update (); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } gboolean ExtEditor::processPageKey (guint keyval) { switch (keyval) { //For 2000-10-10 16:30 input. case IBUS_comma: if (m_config.commaPeriodPage ()) { pageUp (); return TRUE; } break; #if 0 case IBUS_minus: if (m_config.minusEqualPage ()) { pageUp (); return TRUE; } break; #endif case IBUS_period: if (m_config.commaPeriodPage ()) { pageDown (); return TRUE; } break; case IBUS_equal: if (m_config.minusEqualPage ()) { pageDown (); return TRUE; } break; case IBUS_Up: case IBUS_KP_Up: cursorUp (); return TRUE; case IBUS_Down: case IBUS_KP_Down: cursorDown (); return TRUE; case IBUS_Page_Up: case IBUS_KP_Page_Up: pageUp (); return TRUE; case IBUS_Page_Down: case IBUS_KP_Page_Down: pageDown (); return TRUE; case IBUS_Escape: reset (); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } gboolean ExtEditor::processLabelKey (guint keyval) { //According to enum ExtEditorLabelMode. switch (m_mode) { case LABEL_LIST_DIGIT: switch (keyval) { case '1' ... '9': return selectCandidateInPage (keyval - '1'); break; case '0': return selectCandidateInPage (9); break; } break; case LABEL_LIST_NUMBERS: case LABEL_LIST_ALPHA: switch (keyval) { case 'a' ... 'k': return selectCandidateInPage (keyval - 'a'); break; case 'A' ... 'K': return selectCandidateInPage (keyval - 'A'); break; } break; default: break; } return FALSE; } gboolean ExtEditor::processSpace (guint keyval) { if (!(keyval == IBUS_space || keyval == IBUS_KP_Space)) return FALSE; guint cursor_pos = m_lookup_table.cursorPos (); switch (m_mode) { case LABEL_LIST_NUMBERS: selectCandidate (cursor_pos); break; case LABEL_LIST_COMMANDS: case LABEL_LIST_DIGIT: case LABEL_LIST_ALPHA: selectCandidate (cursor_pos); break; case LABEL_LIST_SINGLE: g_return_val_if_fail (cursor_pos == 0 , FALSE); selectCandidate (cursor_pos); break; default: break; } return TRUE; } gboolean ExtEditor::processEnter(guint keyval) { if (keyval != IBUS_Return) return FALSE; if (m_text.length () == 0) return FALSE; Text text(m_text); commitText (text); reset (); return TRUE; } void ExtEditor::pageUp (void) { if (G_LIKELY(m_lookup_table.pageUp ())) { update (); } } void ExtEditor::pageDown (void) { if (G_LIKELY(m_lookup_table.pageDown ())) { update (); } } gboolean ExtEditor::removeCharBefore (void) { if (G_UNLIKELY( m_cursor <= 0 )) { m_cursor = 0; return FALSE; } if (G_UNLIKELY( m_cursor > m_text.length () )) { m_cursor = m_text.length (); return FALSE; } m_text.erase (m_cursor - 1, 1); m_cursor = std::max (0, static_cast(m_cursor) - 1); return TRUE; } gboolean ExtEditor::removeCharAfter (void) { if (G_UNLIKELY( m_cursor < 0 )) { m_cursor = 0; return FALSE; } if (G_UNLIKELY( m_cursor >= m_text.length () )) { m_cursor = m_text.length (); return FALSE; } m_text.erase (m_cursor, 1); m_cursor = std::min (m_cursor, (guint)m_text.length ()); return TRUE; } void ExtEditor::cursorUp (void) { if (G_LIKELY (m_lookup_table.cursorUp ())) { update (); } } void ExtEditor::cursorDown (void) { if (G_LIKELY (m_lookup_table.cursorDown ())) { update (); } } void ExtEditor::update (void) { updateLookupTable (); updatePreeditText (); updateAuxiliaryText (); } void ExtEditor::reset (void) { m_text = ""; updateStateFromInput (); update (); } void ExtEditor::candidateClicked (guint index, guint button, guint state) { selectCandidateInPage (index); } gboolean ExtEditor::selectCandidateInPage (guint index) { guint page_size = m_lookup_table.pageSize (); guint cursor_pos = m_lookup_table.cursorPos (); if (G_UNLIKELY(index >= page_size)) return FALSE; index += (cursor_pos / page_size) * page_size; return selectCandidate (index); } gboolean ExtEditor::selectCandidate (guint index) { switch (m_mode) { case LABEL_LIST_NUMBERS: { if ( index >= m_lookup_table.size() ) return FALSE; IBusText * candidate = m_lookup_table.getCandidate(index); Text text(candidate); commitText(text); reset(); return TRUE; } break; case LABEL_LIST_COMMANDS: { std::string prefix = m_text.substr (1, 2); int len = prefix.length (); const char * prefix_str = prefix.c_str (); const GArray * commands = ibus_engine_plugin_get_available_commands (m_lua_plugin); int match_count = -1; for (int i = 0; i < static_cast(commands->len); ++i) { lua_command_t * command = &g_array_index (commands, lua_command_t, i); if ( strncmp (prefix_str, command->command_name, len) == 0 ) { match_count++; } if ( match_count == static_cast(index) ) { m_text.clear (); m_text = "i"; m_text += command->command_name; m_cursor = m_text.length (); break; } } updateStateFromInput (); update (); } return TRUE; break; case LABEL_LIST_DIGIT: case LABEL_LIST_ALPHA: { g_return_val_if_fail (m_result_num > 1, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (static_cast(index) < m_result_num, FALSE); const lua_command_candidate_t * candidate = g_array_index (m_candidates, lua_command_candidate_t *, index); if ( candidate->content ) { Text text (candidate->content); commitText (text); m_text.clear (); } else if (candidate->suggest) { m_text += candidate->suggest; m_cursor += strlen(candidate->suggest); } updateStateFromInput (); update (); } return TRUE; break; case LABEL_LIST_SINGLE: { g_return_val_if_fail (m_result_num == 1, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (index == 0, FALSE); if ( m_candidate->content ) { Text text (m_candidate->content); commitText (text); m_text.clear (); } else if (m_candidate->suggest) { m_text += m_candidate->suggest; } updateStateFromInput (); update (); return TRUE; } break; default: break; } return FALSE; } bool ExtEditor::updateStateFromInput (void) { /* Do parse and candidates update here. */ /* prefix i double check here. */ if ( !m_text.length () ) { m_preedit_text = ""; m_auxiliary_text = ""; m_cursor = 0; clearLookupTable (); return FALSE; } if ( 'i' != m_text[0] && 'I' != m_text[0] ) { g_warning ("'i' or 'I' is expected in m_text string.\n"); return FALSE; } m_auxiliary_text = m_text[0]; m_mode = LABEL_LIST_COMMANDS; if ( 1 == m_text.length () ) { fillCommandCandidates (); return true; } /* Check m_text len, and update auxiliary string meanwhile. * 1. only "i", dispatch to fillCommandCandidates (void). * 2. "i" with one charactor, * dispatch to fillCommandCandidates (std::string). * 3. "i" with two charactor or more, * dispatch to fillCommand (std::string, const char * argument). */ if ( isalpha (m_text[1])) { m_mode = LABEL_LIST_COMMANDS; if ( m_text.length () == 2) { fillCommandCandidates (m_text.substr (1,1).c_str ()); m_auxiliary_text += " "; m_auxiliary_text += m_text.substr (1, 1); return true; } else if ( m_text.length () >= 3) { std::string command_name = m_text.substr (1,2); m_auxiliary_text += " "; m_auxiliary_text += m_text.substr (1,2); const char * argment = NULL; std::string arg = ""; if (m_text.length () > 3) { arg = m_text.substr (3); argment = arg.c_str (); m_auxiliary_text += " "; m_auxiliary_text += argment; } /* finish auxiliary text computing here. */ const lua_command_t * command = ibus_engine_plugin_lookup_command (m_lua_plugin, command_name.c_str ()); if ( NULL == command) { m_mode = LABEL_NONE; clearLookupTable (); m_lookup_table.clear (); return FALSE; } if ( command->help ){ int space_len = std::max ( 0, m_aux_text_len - (int) g_utf8_strlen (command->help, -1) - 2 /* length of "[...]" */); m_auxiliary_text.append(space_len, ' '); m_auxiliary_text += "["; m_auxiliary_text += command->help; m_auxiliary_text += "]"; } std::string label = command->leading; if ( "digit" == label ) m_mode = LABEL_LIST_DIGIT; else if ( "alpha" == label ) m_mode = LABEL_LIST_ALPHA; else m_mode = LABEL_LIST_NONE; fillCommand (command_name, argment); } } else if ( isdigit (m_text[1]) ) { m_mode = LABEL_LIST_NUMBERS; std::string number = m_text.substr(1); m_auxiliary_text += " "; m_auxiliary_text += number; //Generate Chinese number. gint64 num = atoll (number.c_str ()); fillChineseNumber (num); } return true; } bool ExtEditor::fillCommandCandidates (void) { return fillCommandCandidates (""); } bool ExtEditor::fillCommandCandidates (std::string prefix) { clearLookupTable (); /* fill candidates here. */ int len = prefix.length (); const char * prefix_str = prefix.c_str (); const GArray * commands = ibus_engine_plugin_get_available_commands (m_lua_plugin); int count = -1; for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast(commands->len); ++i) { lua_command_t * command = &g_array_index (commands, lua_command_t, i); if ( strncmp (prefix_str, command->command_name, len) == 0) { count++; std::string candidate = command->command_name; candidate += "."; candidate += command->description; m_lookup_table.setLabel (count, Text ("")); m_lookup_table.appendCandidate (Text (candidate)); } } return true; } bool ExtEditor::fillCommand (std::string command_name, const char * argument) { const lua_command_t * command = ibus_engine_plugin_lookup_command (m_lua_plugin, command_name.c_str ()); if ( NULL == command ) return false; if ( m_result_num != 0) { if ( m_result_num == 1) { ibus_engine_plugin_free_candidate ((lua_command_candidate_t *)m_candidate); m_candidate = NULL; }else{ for ( int i = 0; i < m_result_num; ++i) { const lua_command_candidate_t * candidate = g_array_index (m_candidates, lua_command_candidate_t *, i); ibus_engine_plugin_free_candidate ((lua_command_candidate_t *)candidate); } g_array_free (m_candidates, TRUE); m_candidates = NULL; } m_result_num = 0; g_assert (m_candidates == NULL && m_candidate == NULL); } m_result_num = ibus_engine_plugin_call (m_lua_plugin, command->lua_function_name, argument); if ( 1 == m_result_num ) m_mode = LABEL_LIST_SINGLE; clearLookupTable (); //Generate labels according to m_mode if ( LABEL_LIST_DIGIT == m_mode ) { for ( int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i ) m_lookup_table.setLabel ( i - 1, Text (i - 1 + '1') ); } if ( LABEL_LIST_ALPHA == m_mode) { for ( int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i ) m_lookup_table.setLabel ( i - 1, Text (i - 1 + 'a') ); } if ( LABEL_LIST_NONE == m_mode || LABEL_LIST_SINGLE == m_mode) { for ( int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) m_lookup_table.setLabel ( i - 1, Text ("")); } //Generate candidates std::string result; if ( 1 == m_result_num ) { m_candidate = ibus_engine_plugin_get_retval (m_lua_plugin); result = ""; if ( m_candidate->content ) { result = m_candidate->content; if (strstr (result.c_str (), "\n")) result = "(字符画)"; } if ( m_candidate->suggest && m_candidate-> help ) { result += m_candidate->suggest; result += " "; result += "["; result += m_candidate->help; result += "]"; } m_lookup_table.appendCandidate (Text (result)); }else if (m_result_num > 1) { m_candidates = ibus_engine_plugin_get_retvals (m_lua_plugin); for ( int i = 0; i < m_result_num; ++i) { const lua_command_candidate_t * candidate = g_array_index (m_candidates, lua_command_candidate_t *, i); result = ""; if ( candidate->content ) { result = candidate->content; if (strstr (result.c_str (), "\n")) result = "(字符画)"; } if ( candidate->suggest && candidate-> help ) { result += candidate->suggest; result += " "; result += "["; result += candidate->help; result += "]"; } m_lookup_table.appendCandidate (Text (result)); } } return true; } bool ExtEditor::fillChineseNumber(gint64 num) { clearLookupTable(); if ( LABEL_LIST_NUMBERS == m_mode) { for ( int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i ) m_lookup_table.setLabel ( i - 1, Text (i - 1 + 'a') ); } std::string result = simplified_number(num); if ( !result.empty() ){ Text text(result); m_lookup_table.appendCandidate(text); } result = traditional_number(num); if ( !result.empty() ){ Text text(result); m_lookup_table.appendCandidate(text); } result = simplest_cn_number(num); if ( !result.empty() ){ Text text(result); m_lookup_table.appendCandidate(text); } return TRUE; } void ExtEditor::clearLookupTable (void) { m_lookup_table.clear (); m_lookup_table.setPageSize (m_config.pageSize ()); m_lookup_table.setOrientation (m_config.orientation ()); } void ExtEditor::updateLookupTable (void) { if (m_lookup_table.size ()) { Editor::updateLookupTableFast (m_lookup_table, TRUE); } else { hideLookupTable (); } } void ExtEditor::updatePreeditText (void) { if ( G_UNLIKELY(m_preedit_text.empty ()) ) { hidePreeditText (); return; } StaticText preedit_text (m_preedit_text); Editor::updatePreeditText (preedit_text, m_cursor, TRUE); } void ExtEditor::updateAuxiliaryText (void) { if ( G_UNLIKELY(m_auxiliary_text.empty ()) ) { hideAuxiliaryText (); return; } StaticText aux_text (m_auxiliary_text); Editor::updateAuxiliaryText (aux_text, TRUE); } };