-- encoding: UTF-8 _CHINESE_DIGITS = { [0] = "〇", [1] = "一", [2] = "二", [3] = "三", [4] = "四", [5] = "五", [6] = "六", [7] = "七", [8] = "八", [9] = "九", [10] = "十", } _DATE_PATTERN = "^(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)$" _TIME_PATTERN = "^(%d+):(%d+)$" function get_chinese_math_num(num) local ret if num < 10 then ret = _CHINESE_DIGITS[num] elseif num < 20 then ret = _CHINESE_DIGITS[10] if num > 10 then ret = ret .. _CHINESE_DIGITS[num % 10] end elseif num < 100 then local mod = num % 10 ret = _CHINESE_DIGITS[(num - mod) / 10] .. _CHINESE_DIGITS[10] if mod > 0 then ret = ret .. _CHINESE_DIGITS[mod] end else error("Invalid number") end return ret end function get_chinese_non_math_num(num) local ret = "" for ch in tostring(num):gmatch(".") do if ch >= "0" and ch <= "9" then ch = _CHINESE_DIGITS[tonumber(ch)] end ret = ret .. ch end return ret end function _verify_time(hour, minute) if hour < 0 or hour > 23 or minute < 0 or minute > 59 then error("Invalid time") end end function _verify_date(month, day) if month < 1 or month > 12 or day < 1 or day > _MONTH_TABLE_LEAF[month] then error("Invalid date") end end function _verify_date_with_year(year, month, day) _verify_date(month, day) if year < 1 or year > 9999 then error("Invalid year") end if month == 2 and day == 29 then if year % 400 ~= 0 and year % 100 == 0 then error("Invalid lunar day") end if year % 4 ~= 0 then error("Invalid lunar day") end end end function get_chinese_date(y, m, d, full) if full then return get_chinese_non_math_num(y) .. "年" .. get_chinese_math_num(m) .. "月" .. get_chinese_math_num(d) .. "日" else return y .. "年" .. m .. "月" .. d .. "日" end end function get_chinese_time(h, m, full) if full then local ret = get_chinese_math_num(h) .. "时" if m > 0 then ret = ret .. get_chinese_math_num(m) .. "分" end return ret else return h .. "时" .. m .. "分" end end function normalize_date(y, m, d) return string.format("%d-%02d-%02d", y, m, d) end function normalize_time(h, m) return string.format("%02d:%02d", h, m) end function get_time(input) local now = input if #input == 0 then now = os.date("%H:%M") end local hour, minute now:gsub(_TIME_PATTERN, function(h, m) hour = tonumber(h) minute = tonumber(m) end) _verify_time(hour, minute) return { normalize_time(hour, minute), get_chinese_time(hour, minute, false), get_chinese_time(hour, minute, true), } end function get_date(input) local now = input if #input == 0 then now = os.date("%Y-%m-%d") end local year, month, day now:gsub(_DATE_PATTERN, function(y, m, d) year = tonumber(y) month = tonumber(m) day = tonumber(d) end) _verify_date_with_year(year, month, day) return { normalize_date(year, month, day), get_chinese_date(year, month, day, false), get_chinese_date(year, month, day, true), } end ---------------------------------- _MATH_KEYWORDS = { "abs", "acos", "asin", "atan", "atan2", "ceil", "cos", "cosh", "deg", "exp", "floor", "fmod", "frexp", "ldexp", "log", "log10", "max", "min", "modf", "pi", "pow", "rad", "random", "randomseed", "sin", "sinh", "sqrt", "tan", "tanh", } function _add_math_keyword(input) local ret = input for _, keyword in pairs(_MATH_KEYWORDS) do ret = ret:gsub(string.format("([^%%a\\.])(%s((.-)))", keyword), "%1math.%2") ret = ret:gsub(string.format("^(%s((.-)))", keyword), "math.%1") end return ret end function compute(input) local expr = "return " .. _add_math_keyword(input) local func = loadstring(expr) if func == nil then return "-- 未完整表达式 --" end local ret = func() if ret == math.huge then -- div/0 return "-- 计算错误 --" end if ret ~= ret then -- We rely on the property that NaN is the only value not equal to itself. return "-- 计算错误 --" end return ret end -------------------------- _ZODIAC_TABLE = { [{3, 21, 4, 19}] = "白羊座(Aries) ♈", [{4, 20, 5, 20}] = "金牛座(Taurus) ♉", [{5, 21, 6, 21}] = "双子座(Gemini) ♊", [{6, 22, 7, 22}] = "巨蟹座(Cancer) ♋", [{7, 23, 8, 22}] = "狮子座(Leo) ♌", [{8, 23, 9, 23}] = "处女座(Virgo) ♍", [{9, 24, 10, 23}] = "天秤座(Libra) ♎", [{10, 24, 11, 21}] = "天蝎座(Scorpio) ♏", [{11, 22, 12, 21}] = "射手座(Sagittarius) ♐", [{12, 22, 12, 31}] = "摩羯座(Capricorn) ♑", [{1, 1, 1, 19}] = "摩羯座(Capricorn) ♑", [{1, 20, 2, 18}] = "水瓶座(Aquarius) ♒", [{2, 19, 3, 20}] = "双鱼座(Pisces) ♓", } _MONTH_TABLE_NORMAL = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 } _MONTH_TABLE_LEAF = { 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 } function _compute_month_and_day(month1, day1, month2, day2) if month1 < month2 then return -1 elseif month1 > month2 then return 1 elseif day1 < day2 then return -1 elseif day1 > day2 then return 1 else return 0 end end -- birthday is a string in MM-DD format. function query_zodiac(birthday) local month = 0 local day = 0 birthday:gsub("([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)$", function(m, d) month = tonumber(m) day = tonumber(d) end ) _verify_date(month, day) for range, name in pairs(_ZODIAC_TABLE) do local from_month = range[1] local from_day = range[2] local to_month = range[3] local to_day = range[4] if _compute_month_and_day(month, day, from_month, from_day) >=0 and _compute_month_and_day(month, day, to_month, to_day) <=0 then return name end end error("Should never reach here") end ------------ ime.register_command("sj", "get_time", "输入时间", "alpha", "输入可选时间,例如12:34") ime.register_command("rq", "get_date", "输入日期", "alpha", "输入可选日期,例如2013-01-01") ime.register_command("js", "compute", "计算模式", "none", "输入表达式,例如log(2)") ime.register_command("xz", "query_zodiac", "查询星座", "none", "输入您的生日,例如12-3") print("lua script loaded.")