# Authors: # Rob Crittenden # Pavel Zuna # # Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import platform import os import sys from nss.error import NSPRError from ipalib import api, errors, util from ipalib import Str, Flag, Bytes from ipalib.plugins.baseldap import * from ipalib.plugins.service import split_principal from ipalib.plugins.service import validate_certificate from ipalib.plugins.service import set_certificate_attrs from ipalib.plugins.dns import dns_container_exists, _record_types from ipalib.plugins.dns import add_forward_record from ipalib import _, ngettext from ipalib import x509 from ipapython.ipautil import ipa_generate_password, CheckedIPAddress from ipalib.request import context import base64 import nss.nss as nss import netaddr __doc__ = _(""" Hosts/Machines A host represents a machine. It can be used in a number of contexts: - service entries are associated with a host - a host stores the host/ service principal - a host can be used in Host-based Access Control (HBAC) rules - every enrolled client generates a host entry ENROLLMENT: There are three enrollment scenarios when enrolling a new client: 1. You are enrolling as a full administrator. The host entry may exist or not. A full administrator is a member of the hostadmin role or the admins group. 2. You are enrolling as a limited administrator. The host must already exist. A limited administrator is a member a role with the Host Enrollment privilege. 3. The host has been created with a one-time password. A host can only be enrolled once. If a client has enrolled and needs to be re-enrolled, the host entry must be removed and re-created. Note that re-creating the host entry will result in all services for the host being removed, and all SSL certificates associated with those services being revoked. A host can optionally store information such as where it is located, the OS that it runs, etc. EXAMPLES: Add a new host: ipa host-add --location="3rd floor lab" --locality=Dallas test.example.com Delete a host: ipa host-del test.example.com Add a new host with a one-time password: ipa host-add --os='Fedora 12' --password=Secret123 test.example.com Add a new host with a random one-time password: ipa host-add --os='Fedora 12' --random test.example.com Modify information about a host: ipa host-mod --os='Fedora 12' test.example.com Disable the host Kerberos key, SSL certificate and all of its services: ipa host-disable test.example.com Add a host that can manage this host's keytab and certificate: ipa host-add-managedby --hosts=test2 test """) def validate_host(ugettext, fqdn): """ Require at least one dot in the hostname (to support localhost.localdomain) """ if fqdn.find('.') == -1: return _('Fully-qualified hostname required') return None def is_forward_record(zone, str_address): addr = netaddr.IPAddress(str_address) if addr.version == 4: result = api.Command['dnsrecord_find'](zone, arecord=str_address) elif addr.version == 6: result = api.Command['dnsrecord_find'](zone, aaaarecord=str_address) else: raise ValueError('Invalid address family') return result['count'] > 0 def get_reverse_zone(ipaddr, prefixlen=None): ip = netaddr.IPAddress(ipaddr) revdns = unicode(ip.reverse_dns) if prefixlen is None: revzone = u'' result = api.Command['dnszone_find']()['result'] for zone in result: zonename = zone['idnsname'][0] if revdns.endswith(zonename) and len(zonename) > len(revzone): revzone = zonename else: if ip.version == 4: pos = 4 - prefixlen / 8 elif ip.version == 6: pos = 32 - prefixlen / 4 items = ip.reverse_dns.split('.') revzone = u'.'.join(items[pos:]) try: api.Command['dnszone_show'](revzone) except errors.NotFound: revzone = u'' if len(revzone) == 0: raise errors.NotFound( reason=_('DNS reverse zone for IP address %(addr)s not found') % dict(addr=ipaddr) ) revname = revdns[:-len(revzone)-1] return revzone, revname def remove_fwd_ptr(ipaddr, host, domain, recordtype): api.log.debug('deleting ipaddr %s' % ipaddr) try: revzone, revname = get_reverse_zone(ipaddr) delkw = { 'ptrrecord' : "%s.%s." % (host, domain) } api.Command['dnsrecord_del'](revzone, revname, **delkw) except errors.NotFound: pass try: delkw = { recordtype : ipaddr } api.Command['dnsrecord_del'](domain, host, **delkw) except errors.NotFound: pass host_output_params = ( Flag('has_keytab', label=_('Keytab'), ), Str('managedby_host', label='Managed by', ), Str('managing_host', label='Managing', ), Str('subject', label=_('Subject'), ), Str('serial_number', label=_('Serial Number'), ), Str('issuer', label=_('Issuer'), ), Str('valid_not_before', label=_('Not Before'), ), Str('valid_not_after', label=_('Not After'), ), Str('md5_fingerprint', label=_('Fingerprint (MD5)'), ), Str('sha1_fingerprint', label=_('Fingerprint (SHA1)'), ), Str('revocation_reason?', label=_('Revocation reason'), ), ) def validate_ipaddr(ugettext, ipaddr): """ Verify that we have either an IPv4 or IPv6 address. """ try: ip = CheckedIPAddress(ipaddr, match_local=False) except: return _('invalid IP address') return None class host(LDAPObject): """ Host object. """ container_dn = api.env.container_host object_name = _('host') object_name_plural = _('hosts') object_class = ['ipaobject', 'nshost', 'ipahost', 'pkiuser', 'ipaservice'] # object_class_config = 'ipahostobjectclasses' search_attributes = [ 'fqdn', 'description', 'l', 'nshostlocation', 'krbprincipalname', 'nshardwareplatform', 'nsosversion', 'managedby' ] default_attributes = [ 'fqdn', 'description', 'l', 'nshostlocation', 'krbprincipalname', 'nshardwareplatform', 'nsosversion', 'usercertificate', 'memberof', 'managedby', 'memberindirect', 'memberofindirect', ] uuid_attribute = 'ipauniqueid' attribute_members = { 'enrolledby': ['user'], 'memberof': ['hostgroup', 'netgroup', 'role', 'hbacrule', 'sudorule'], 'managedby': ['host'], 'managing': ['host'], 'memberofindirect': ['hostgroup', 'netgroup', 'role', 'hbacrule', 'sudorule'], } bindable = True relationships = { 'memberof': ('Member Of', 'in_', 'not_in_'), 'enrolledby': ('Enrolled by', 'enroll_by_', 'not_enroll_by_'), 'managedby': ('Managed by', 'man_by_', 'not_man_by_'), 'managing': ('Managing', 'man_', 'not_man_'), } password_attributes = [('userpassword', 'has_password'), ('krbprincipalkey', 'has_keytab')] label = _('Hosts') label_singular = _('Host') takes_params = ( Str('fqdn', validate_host, pattern='^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-\.]{0,254}$', pattern_errmsg='may only include letters, numbers, and -', maxlength=255, cli_name='hostname', label=_('Host name'), primary_key=True, normalizer=lambda value: value.lower(), ), Str('description?', cli_name='desc', label=_('Description'), doc=_('A description of this host'), ), Str('l?', cli_name='locality', label=_('Locality'), doc=_('Host locality (e.g. "Baltimore, MD")'), ), Str('nshostlocation?', cli_name='location', label=_('Location'), doc=_('Host location (e.g. "Lab 2")'), ), Str('nshardwareplatform?', cli_name='platform', label=_('Platform'), doc=_('Host hardware platform (e.g. "Lenovo T61")'), ), Str('nsosversion?', cli_name='os', label=_('Operating system'), doc=_('Host operating system and version (e.g. "Fedora 9")'), ), Str('userpassword?', cli_name='password', label=_('User password'), doc=_('Password used in bulk enrollment'), ), Flag('random?', doc=_('Generate a random password to be used in bulk enrollment'), flags=['no_search'], default=False, ), Str('randompassword?', label=_('Random password'), flags=['no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search'], ), Bytes('usercertificate?', validate_certificate, cli_name='certificate', label=_('Certificate'), doc=_('Base-64 encoded server certificate'), ), Str('krbprincipalname?', label=_('Principal name'), flags=['no_create', 'no_update', 'no_search'], ), ) def get_dn(self, *keys, **options): hostname = keys[-1] if hostname.endswith('.'): hostname = hostname[:-1] dn = super(host, self).get_dn(hostname, **options) try: self.backend.get_entry(dn, ['']) except errors.NotFound: try: (dn, entry_attrs) = self.backend.find_entry_by_attr( 'serverhostname', hostname, self.object_class, [''], self.container_dn ) except errors.NotFound: pass return dn def get_managed_hosts(self, dn): host_filter = 'managedBy=%s' % dn host_attrs = ['fqdn'] ldap = self.api.Backend.ldap2 managed_hosts = [] try: (hosts, truncated) = ldap.find_entries(base_dn=self.container_dn, filter=host_filter, attrs_list=host_attrs) for host in hosts: managed_hosts.append(host[0]) except errors.NotFound: return [] return managed_hosts def suppress_netgroup_memberof(self, entry_attrs): """ We don't want to show managed netgroups so remove them from the memberofindirect list. """ ng_container = DN(api.env.container_netgroup, api.env.basedn) if 'memberofindirect' in entry_attrs: for member in entry_attrs['memberofindirect']: memberdn = DN(member) if memberdn.endswith(ng_container): try: netgroup = api.Command['netgroup_show'](memberdn['cn'], all=True)['result'] if self.has_objectclass(netgroup['objectclass'], 'mepmanagedentry'): entry_attrs['memberofindirect'].remove(member) except errors.NotFound: pass api.register(host) class host_add(LDAPCreate): __doc__ = _('Add a new host.') has_output_params = LDAPCreate.has_output_params + host_output_params msg_summary = _('Added host "%(value)s"') member_attributes = ['managedby'] takes_options = ( Flag('force', label=_('Force'), doc=_('force host name even if not in DNS'), ), Flag('no_reverse', doc=_('skip reverse DNS detection'), ), Str('ip_address?', validate_ipaddr, doc=_('Add the host to DNS with this IP address'), label=_('IP Address'), ), ) def pre_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry_attrs, attrs_list, *keys, **options): if 'ip_address' in options and dns_container_exists(ldap): parts = keys[-1].split('.') domain = unicode('.'.join(parts[1:])) result = api.Command['dnszone_find']()['result'] match = False for zone in result: if domain == zone['idnsname'][0]: match = True break if not match: raise errors.NotFound( reason=_('DNS zone %(zone)s not found') % dict(zone=domain) ) ip = CheckedIPAddress(options['ip_address'], match_local=False) if not options.get('no_reverse', False): try: prefixlen = None if not ip.defaultnet: prefixlen = ip.prefixlen # we prefer lookup of the IP through the reverse zone revzone, revname = get_reverse_zone(ip, prefixlen) reverse = api.Command['dnsrecord_find'](revzone, idnsname=revname) if reverse['count'] > 0: raise errors.DuplicateEntry(message=u'This IP address is already assigned.') except errors.NotFound: pass else: if is_forward_record(domain, unicode(ip)): raise errors.DuplicateEntry(message=u'This IP address is already assigned.') if not options.get('force', False) and not 'ip_address' in options: util.validate_host_dns(self.log, keys[-1]) if 'locality' in entry_attrs: entry_attrs['l'] = entry_attrs['locality'] del entry_attrs['locality'] entry_attrs['cn'] = keys[-1] entry_attrs['serverhostname'] = keys[-1].split('.', 1)[0] if 'userpassword' not in entry_attrs and not options.get('random', False): entry_attrs['krbprincipalname'] = 'host/%s@%s' % ( keys[-1], self.api.env.realm ) if 'krbprincipalaux' not in entry_attrs['objectclass']: entry_attrs['objectclass'].append('krbprincipalaux') if 'krbprincipal' not in entry_attrs['objectclass']: entry_attrs['objectclass'].append('krbprincipal') else: if 'krbprincipalaux' in entry_attrs['objectclass']: entry_attrs['objectclass'].remove('krbprincipalaux') if 'krbprincipal' in entry_attrs['objectclass']: entry_attrs['objectclass'].remove('krbprincipal') if 'random' in options: if options.get('random'): entry_attrs['userpassword'] = ipa_generate_password() # save the password so it can be displayed in post_callback setattr(context, 'randompassword', entry_attrs['userpassword']) del entry_attrs['random'] cert = options.get('usercertificate') if cert: cert = x509.normalize_certificate(cert) x509.verify_cert_subject(ldap, keys[-1], cert) entry_attrs['usercertificate'] = cert entry_attrs['managedby'] = dn return dn def post_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry_attrs, *keys, **options): exc = None try: if 'ip_address' in options and dns_container_exists(ldap): parts = keys[-1].split('.') domain = unicode('.'.join(parts[1:])) ip = CheckedIPAddress(options['ip_address'], match_local=False) add_forward_record(domain, parts[0], unicode(ip)) if not options.get('no_reverse', False): try: prefixlen = None if not ip.defaultnet: prefixlen = ip.prefixlen revzone, revname = get_reverse_zone(ip, prefixlen) addkw = { 'ptrrecord' : keys[-1]+'.' } api.Command['dnsrecord_add'](revzone, revname, **addkw) except errors.EmptyModlist: # the entry already exists and matches pass del options['ip_address'] except Exception, e: exc = e if options.get('random', False): try: entry_attrs['randompassword'] = unicode(getattr(context, 'randompassword')) except AttributeError: # On the off-chance some other extension deletes this from the # context, don't crash. pass if exc: raise errors.NonFatalError( reason=_('The host was added but the DNS update failed with: %(exc)s') % dict(exc=exc) ) set_certificate_attrs(entry_attrs) if options.get('all', False): entry_attrs['managing'] = self.obj.get_managed_hosts(dn) self.obj.get_password_attributes(ldap, dn, entry_attrs) if entry_attrs['has_password']: # If an OTP is set there is no keytab, at least not one # fetched anywhere. entry_attrs['has_keytab'] = False return dn api.register(host_add) class host_del(LDAPDelete): __doc__ = _('Delete a host.') msg_summary = _('Deleted host "%(value)s"') member_attributes = ['managedby'] takes_options = ( Flag('updatedns?', doc=_('Remove entries from DNS'), default=False, ), ) def pre_callback(self, ldap, dn, *keys, **options): # If we aren't given a fqdn, find it if validate_host(None, keys[-1]) is not None: hostentry = api.Command['host_show'](keys[-1])['result'] fqdn = hostentry['fqdn'][0] else: fqdn = keys[-1] # Remove all service records for this host truncated = True while truncated: try: ret = api.Command['service_find'](fqdn) truncated = ret['truncated'] services = ret['result'] except errors.NotFound: break else: for entry_attrs in services: principal = entry_attrs['krbprincipalname'][0] (service, hostname, realm) = split_principal(principal) if hostname.lower() == fqdn: api.Command['service_del'](principal) updatedns = options.get('updatedns', False) if updatedns: try: updatedns = dns_container_exists(ldap) except errors.NotFound: updatedns = False if updatedns: # Remove DNS entries parts = fqdn.split('.') domain = unicode('.'.join(parts[1:])) result = api.Command['dnszone_find']()['result'] match = False for zone in result: if domain == zone['idnsname'][0]: match = True break if not match: raise errors.NotFound( reason=_('DNS zone %(zone)s not found') % dict(zone=domain) ) # Get all forward resources for this host records = api.Command['dnsrecord_find'](domain, idnsname=parts[0])['result'] for record in records: if 'arecord' in record: remove_fwd_ptr(record['arecord'][0], parts[0], domain, 'arecord') if 'aaaarecord' in record: remove_fwd_ptr(record['aaaarecord'][0], parts[0], domain, 'aaaarecord') else: # Try to delete all other record types too _attribute_types = [str('%srecord' % t.lower()) for t in _record_types] for attr in _attribute_types: if attr not in ['arecord', 'aaaarecord'] and attr in record: for i in xrange(len(record[attr])): if (record[attr][i].endswith(parts[0]) or record[attr][i].endswith(fqdn+'.')): delkw = { unicode(attr) : record[attr][i] } api.Command['dnsrecord_del'](domain, record['idnsname'][0], **delkw) break try: (dn, entry_attrs) = ldap.get_entry(dn, ['usercertificate']) except errors.NotFound: self.obj.handle_not_found(*keys) if 'usercertificate' in entry_attrs: cert = x509.normalize_certificate(entry_attrs.get('usercertificate')[0]) try: serial = unicode(x509.get_serial_number(cert, x509.DER)) try: result = api.Command['cert_show'](unicode(serial))['result' ] if 'revocation_reason' not in result: try: api.Command['cert_revoke'](unicode(serial), revocation_reason=4) except errors.NotImplementedError: # some CA's might not implement revoke pass except errors.NotImplementedError: # some CA's might not implement revoke pass except NSPRError, nsprerr: if nsprerr.errno == -8183: # If we can't decode the cert them proceed with # removing the host. self.log.info("Problem decoding certificate %s" % nsprerr.args[1]) else: raise nsprerr return dn api.register(host_del) class host_mod(LDAPUpdate): __doc__ = _('Modify information about a host.') has_output_params = LDAPUpdate.has_output_params + host_output_params msg_summary = _('Modified host "%(value)s"') member_attributes = ['managedby'] takes_options = LDAPUpdate.takes_options + ( Str('krbprincipalname?', cli_name='principalname', label=_('Principal name'), doc=_('Kerberos principal name for this host'), attribute=True, ), ) def pre_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry_attrs, attrs_list, *keys, **options): # Allow an existing OTP to be reset but don't allow a OTP to be # added to an enrolled host. if 'userpassword' in options: entry = {} self.obj.get_password_attributes(ldap, dn, entry) if not entry['has_password'] and entry['has_keytab']: raise errors.ValidationError(name='password', error=_('Password cannot be set on enrolled host.')) # Once a principal name is set it cannot be changed if 'cn' in entry_attrs: raise errors.ACIError(info='cn is immutable') if 'locality' in entry_attrs: entry_attrs['l'] = entry_attrs['locality'] del entry_attrs['locality'] if 'krbprincipalname' in entry_attrs: (dn, entry_attrs_old) = ldap.get_entry( dn, ['objectclass', 'krbprincipalname'] ) if 'krbprincipalname' in entry_attrs_old: msg = 'Principal name already set, it is unchangeable.' raise errors.ACIError(info=msg) obj_classes = entry_attrs_old['objectclass'] if 'krbprincipalaux' not in obj_classes: obj_classes.append('krbprincipalaux') entry_attrs['objectclass'] = obj_classes cert = x509.normalize_certificate(entry_attrs.get('usercertificate')) if cert: x509.verify_cert_subject(ldap, keys[-1], cert) (dn, entry_attrs_old) = ldap.get_entry(dn, ['usercertificate']) if 'usercertificate' in entry_attrs_old: oldcert = x509.normalize_certificate(entry_attrs_old.get('usercertificate')[0]) try: serial = unicode(x509.get_serial_number(oldcert, x509.DER)) try: result = api.Command['cert_show'](unicode(serial))['result'] if 'revocation_reason' not in result: try: api.Command['cert_revoke'](unicode(serial), revocation_reason=4) except errors.NotImplementedError: # some CA's might not implement revoke pass except errors.NotImplementedError: # some CA's might not implement revoke pass except NSPRError, nsprerr: if nsprerr.errno == -8183: # If we can't decode the cert them proceed with # modifying the host. self.log.info("Problem decoding certificate %s" % nsprerr.args[1]) else: raise nsprerr entry_attrs['usercertificate'] = cert if 'random' in options: if options.get('random'): entry_attrs['userpassword'] = ipa_generate_password() setattr(context, 'randompassword', entry_attrs['userpassword']) del entry_attrs['random'] return dn def post_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry_attrs, *keys, **options): if options.get('random', False): entry_attrs['randompassword'] = unicode(getattr(context, 'randompassword')) set_certificate_attrs(entry_attrs) self.obj.get_password_attributes(ldap, dn, entry_attrs) if entry_attrs['has_password']: # If an OTP is set there is no keytab, at least not one # fetched anywhere. entry_attrs['has_keytab'] = False if options.get('all', False): entry_attrs['managing'] = self.obj.get_managed_hosts(dn) self.obj.suppress_netgroup_memberof(entry_attrs) return dn api.register(host_mod) class host_find(LDAPSearch): __doc__ = _('Search for hosts.') has_output_params = LDAPSearch.has_output_params + host_output_params msg_summary = ngettext( '%(count)d host matched', '%(count)d hosts matched', 0 ) member_attributes = ['memberof', 'enrolledby', 'managedby'] def pre_callback(self, ldap, filter, attrs_list, base_dn, scope, *args, **options): if 'locality' in attrs_list: attrs_list.remove('locality') attrs_list.append('l') return (filter.replace('locality', 'l'), base_dn, scope) def post_callback(self, ldap, entries, truncated, *args, **options): if options.get('pkey_only', False): return for entry in entries: (dn, entry_attrs) = entry set_certificate_attrs(entry_attrs) self.obj.get_password_attributes(ldap, dn, entry_attrs) self.obj.suppress_netgroup_memberof(entry_attrs) if entry_attrs['has_password']: # If an OTP is set there is no keytab, at least not one # fetched anywhere. entry_attrs['has_keytab'] = False if options.get('all', False): entry_attrs['managing'] = self.obj.get_managed_hosts(entry[0]) api.register(host_find) class host_show(LDAPRetrieve): __doc__ = _('Display information about a host.') has_output_params = LDAPRetrieve.has_output_params + host_output_params takes_options = LDAPRetrieve.takes_options + ( Str('out?', doc=_('file to store certificate in'), ), ) member_attributes = ['managedby'] def post_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry_attrs, *keys, **options): self.obj.get_password_attributes(ldap, dn, entry_attrs) if entry_attrs['has_password']: # If an OTP is set there is no keytab, at least not one # fetched anywhere. entry_attrs['has_keytab'] = False set_certificate_attrs(entry_attrs) if options.get('all', False): entry_attrs['managing'] = self.obj.get_managed_hosts(dn) self.obj.suppress_netgroup_memberof(entry_attrs) return dn def forward(self, *keys, **options): if 'out' in options: util.check_writable_file(options['out']) result = super(host_show, self).forward(*keys, **options) if 'usercertificate' in result['result']: x509.write_certificate(result['result']['usercertificate'][0], options['out']) result['summary'] = _('Certificate stored in file \'%(file)s\'') % dict(file=options['out']) return result else: raise errors.NoCertificateError(entry=keys[-1]) else: return super(host_show, self).forward(*keys, **options) api.register(host_show) class host_disable(LDAPQuery): __doc__ = _('Disable the Kerberos key, SSL certificate and all services of a host.') has_output = output.standard_value msg_summary = _('Disabled host "%(value)s"') def execute(self, *keys, **options): ldap = self.obj.backend # If we aren't given a fqdn, find it if validate_host(None, keys[-1]) is not None: hostentry = api.Command['host_show'](keys[-1])['result'] fqdn = hostentry['fqdn'][0] else: fqdn = keys[-1] # See if we actually do anthing here, and if not raise an exception done_work = False dn = self.obj.get_dn(*keys, **options) try: (dn, entry_attrs) = ldap.get_entry(dn, ['usercertificate']) except errors.NotFound: self.obj.handle_not_found(*keys) truncated = True while truncated: try: ret = api.Command['service_find'](fqdn) truncated = ret['truncated'] services = ret['result'] except errors.NotFound: break else: for entry_attrs in services: principal = entry_attrs['krbprincipalname'][0] (service, hostname, realm) = split_principal(principal) if hostname.lower() == fqdn: try: api.Command['service_disable'](principal) done_work = True except errors.AlreadyInactive: pass if 'usercertificate' in entry_attrs: cert = x509.normalize_certificate(entry_attrs.get('usercertificate')[0]) try: serial = unicode(x509.get_serial_number(cert, x509.DER)) try: result = api.Command['cert_show'](unicode(serial))['result' ] if 'revocation_reason' not in result: try: api.Command['cert_revoke'](unicode(serial), revocation_reason=4) except errors.NotImplementedError: # some CA's might not implement revoke pass except errors.NotImplementedError: # some CA's might not implement revoke pass except NSPRError, nsprerr: if nsprerr.errno == -8183: # If we can't decode the cert them proceed with # disabling the host. self.log.info("Problem decoding certificate %s" % nsprerr.args[1]) else: raise nsprerr # Remove the usercertificate altogether ldap.update_entry(dn, {'usercertificate': None}) done_work = True self.obj.get_password_attributes(ldap, dn, entry_attrs) if entry_attrs['has_keytab']: ldap.remove_principal_key(dn) done_work = True if not done_work: raise errors.AlreadyInactive() return dict( result=True, value=keys[0], ) def post_callback(self, ldap, dn, entry_attrs, *keys, **options): self.obj.suppress_netgroup_memberof(entry_attrs) return dn api.register(host_disable) class host_add_managedby(LDAPAddMember): __doc__ = _('Add hosts that can manage this host.') member_attributes = ['managedby'] has_output_params = LDAPAddMember.has_output_params + host_output_params allow_same = True def post_callback(self, ldap, completed, failed, dn, entry_attrs, *keys, **options): self.obj.suppress_netgroup_memberof(entry_attrs) return (completed, dn) api.register(host_add_managedby) class host_remove_managedby(LDAPRemoveMember): __doc__ = _('Remove hosts that can manage this host.') member_attributes = ['managedby'] has_output_params = LDAPRemoveMember.has_output_params + host_output_params def post_callback(self, ldap, completed, failed, dn, entry_attrs, *keys, **options): self.obj.suppress_netgroup_memberof(entry_attrs) return (completed, dn) api.register(host_remove_managedby)