node default { # this will get put on every host... $url = '' file { '/etc/motd': content => "This is Puppet-Gluster+Vagrant! (${url})\n", } } # puppetmaster node puppet inherits default { if "${::vagrant_gluster_firewall}" != 'false' { include firewall } $allow = split("${::vagrant_gluster_allow}", ',') # ip list fact class { '::puppet::server': pluginsync => true, # do we want to enable pluginsync? storeconfigs => true, # do we want to enable storeconfigs? autosign => [ '*', # FIXME: this is a temporary solution #"*.${domain}", # FIXME: this is a temporary solution ], #allow_duplicate_certs => true, # redeploy without cert clean allow => $allow, # also used in fileserver.conf repo => true, # automatic repos shorewall => "${::vagrant_gluster_firewall}" ? { 'false' => false, default => true, }, start => true, } class { '::puppet::deploy': path => '/vagrant/puppet/', # puppet folder is put here... backup => false, # don't use puppet to backup... } } node /^annex\d+$/ inherits default { # annex{1,2,..N} if "${::vagrant_gluster_firewall}" != 'false' { include firewall } class { '::puppet::client': #start => true, start => false, # useful for testing manually... } # build a list of hashes with ordered vdX devices # (s='';q=i;(q, r = (q - 1).divmod(26)) && s.prepend(('a'..'z').to_a[r]) until;'/dev/vd'+s) $skip = 1 # skip over 1 disk (eg: /dev/vda from the host) $disks = "${::vagrant_gluster_disks}" $disks_yaml = inline_template("<%= (1+@skip.to_i..@disks.to_i+@skip.to_i).collect { |i| { 'dev' => (s='';q=i;(q, r = (q - 1).divmod(26)) && s.insert(0, ('a'..'z').to_a[r]) until;'/dev/vd'+s) } }.to_yaml %>") #$brick_params_defaults = [ # this is one possible example data set # {'dev' => '/dev/vdb'}, # {'dev' => '/dev/vdc'}, # {'dev' => '/dev/vdd'}, # {'dev' => '/dev/vde'}, #] $brick_params_defaults = parseyaml($disks_yaml) notice(inline_template('disks: <%= YAML::load(@disks_yaml).inspect %>')) #notify { 'disks': # message => inline_template('disks: <%= YAML::load(@disks_yaml).inspect %>'), #} $brick_param_defaults = { # TODO: set these from vagrant variables... 'lvm' => false, 'fstype' => "${::vagrant_gluster_fstype}" ? { '' => undef, default => "${::vagrant_gluster_fstype}", }, 'xfs_inode64' => true, 'force' => true, } # this is a simple way to setup gluster class { '::gluster::simple': volume => 'puppet', replica => "${::vagrant_gluster_replica}", count => "${::vagrant_gluster_bricks}", # brick count layout => "${::vagrant_gluster_layout}", vip => "${::vagrant_gluster_vip}", # from vagrant version => "${::vagrant_gluster_version}", vrrp => true, setgroup => "${::vagrant_gluster_setgroup}", shorewall => "${::vagrant_gluster_firewall}" ? { 'false' => false, default => true, }, # NOTE: this is brick_params_defaults NOT param! param is below brick_params_defaults => "${::vagrant_gluster_disks}" ? { '0' => undef, # NOTE: _each_ host will have N bricks with these devs! default => $brick_params_defaults, }, brick_param_defaults => "${::vagrant_gluster_disks}" ? { '0' => undef, # NOTE: _each_ brick will use these... default => $brick_param_defaults, }, } } node /^client\d+$/ inherits default { # client{1,2,..N} if "${::vagrant_gluster_firewall}" != 'false' { include firewall } class { '::puppet::client': #start => true, start => false, # useful for testing manually... } $host = "${::vagrant_gluster_vip_fqdn}" ? { '' => "${::vagrant_gluster_vip}", default => "${::vagrant_gluster_vip_fqdn}", } gluster::mount { '/mnt/gluster/puppet/': server => "${host}:/puppet", rw => true, version => "${::vagrant_gluster_version}", shorewall => "${::vagrant_gluster_firewall}" ? { 'false' => false, default => true, }, } } class firewall { $FW = '$FW' # make using $FW in shorewall easier class { '::shorewall::configuration': # NOTE: no configuration specifics are needed at the moment } shorewall::zone { ['net', 'man']: type => 'ipv4', options => [], # these aren't really needed right now } # management zone interface used by vagrant-libvirt shorewall::interface { 'man': interface => 'MAN_IF', broadcast => 'detect', physical => 'eth0', # XXX: set manually! options => ['dhcp', 'tcpflags', 'routefilter', 'nosmurfs', 'logmartians'], comment => 'Management zone.', # FIXME: verify options } # XXX: eth1 'dummy' zone to trick vagrant-libvirt into leaving me alone # # net zone that gluster uses to communicate shorewall::interface { 'net': interface => 'NET_IF', broadcast => 'detect', physical => 'eth2', # XXX: set manually! options => ['tcpflags', 'routefilter', 'nosmurfs', 'logmartians'], comment => 'Public internet zone.', # FIXME: verify options } # TODO: is this policy really what we want ? can we try to limit this ? shorewall::policy { '$FW-net': policy => 'ACCEPT', # TODO: shouldn't we whitelist? } shorewall::policy { '$FW-man': policy => 'ACCEPT', # TODO: shouldn't we whitelist? } #################################################################### #ACTION SOURCE DEST PROTO DEST SOURCE ORIGINAL # PORT PORT(S) DEST shorewall::rule { 'ssh': rule => " SSH/ACCEPT net $FW SSH/ACCEPT man $FW ", comment => 'Allow SSH'} shorewall::rule { 'ping': rule => " #Ping/DROP net $FW Ping/ACCEPT net $FW Ping/ACCEPT man $FW ", comment => 'Allow ping from the `bad` net zone'} shorewall::rule { 'icmp': rule => " ACCEPT $FW net icmp ACCEPT $FW man icmp ", comment => 'Allow icmp from the firewall zone'} }