# GlusterFS module by James # Copyright (C) 2010-2013+ James Shubin # Written by James Shubin # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . class gluster::wrapper( $nodetree, $volumetree, $vip = '', # vip of the cluster (optional but recommended) $nfs = false, # TODO in server.pp $shorewall = false, $zone = 'net', # TODO: allow a list of zones $allow = 'all' ) { # # build gluster::server # $hosts = split(inline_template("<%= @nodetree.keys.join(',') %>"), ',') $ips = split(inline_template('<%= @nodetree.map{ |host,value| \'#{value["ip"]}\' }.join(",") %>'), ',') class { 'gluster::server': hosts => $hosts, ips => $ips, #XXX: TODO? clients => XXX, nfs => $nfs, shorewall => $shorewall, zone => $zone, allow => $allow, } # # build gluster::host # # EXAMPLE: #gluster::host { 'annex1.example.com': # # use uuidgen to make these # uuid => '1f660ca2-2c78-4aa0-8f4d-21608218c69c', #} # filter the nodetree so that only host elements with uuid's are left # XXX: each_with_object doesn't exist in rhel6 ruby, so use inject #$hosttree = inline_template('<%= @nodetree.each_with_object({}) {|(x,y), h| h[x] = y.select{ |key,value| ["uuid"].include?(key) } }.to_yaml %>') $hosttree = inline_template('<%= @nodetree.inject({}) {|h, (x,y)| h[x] = y.select{ |key,value| ["uuid"].include?(key) }; h }.to_yaml %>') # newhash = oldhash.inject({}) { |h,(k,v)| h[k] = some_operation(v); h } # XXX: does this form work ? $yaml_host = parseyaml($hosttree) create_resources('gluster::host', $yaml_host) # # build gluster::brick # # EXAMPLE: #gluster::brick { 'annex1.example.com:/mnt/storage1a': # dev => '/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-36003048007e26c00173ad3b633a2ef67', # /dev/sda # labeltype => 'gpt', # fstype => 'xfs', # fsuuid => '1ae49642-7f34-4886-8d23-685d13867fb1', # xfs_inode64 => true, # xfs_nobarrier => true, # areyousure => true, #} # filter the nodetree and build out each brick element from the hosts $bricktree = inline_template('<%= r = {}; @nodetree.each {|x,y| y["bricks"].each {|k,v| r[x+":"+k] = v} }; r.to_yaml %>') # this version removes any invalid keys from the brick specifications #$bricktree = inline_template('<%= r = {}; @nodetree.each {|x,y| y["bricks"].each {|k,v| r[x+":"+k] = v.select{ |key,value| ["dev", "labeltype", "fstype", "fsuuid", "..."].include?(key) } } }; r.to_yaml %>') $yaml_brick = parseyaml($bricktree) create_resources('gluster::brick', $yaml_brick) # # build gluster::volume # # EXAMPLE: #gluster::volume { 'examplevol': # replica => 2, # bricks => $brick_list, # start => undef, # i'll start this myself #} # to be used as default gluster::volume brick list $bricklist = split(inline_template("<%= @bricktree.keys.join(',') %>"), ',') # semi ok method: #$volumetree_defaults_all = { # "bricks" => $bricklist, # "transport" => 'tcp', # "replica" => 1, # "stripe" => 1, # "vip" => $vip, # "start" => undef, # ? #} #$semi_ok = inline_template('<%= @volumetree.each_with_object({}) {|(x,y), h| h[x] = @volumetree_defaults_all.each_with_object({}) {|(xx,yy), hh| hh[xx] = y.fetch(xx, @volumetree_defaults_all[xx])} }.to_yaml %>') # good method $volumetree_defaults = { 'bricks' => $bricklist, 'vip' => $vip, } # loop through volumetree... if special defaults are missing, then add! $volumetree_updated = inline_template('<%= @volumetree.each_with_object({}) {|(x,y), h| h[x] = y; @volumetree_defaults.each {|k,v| h[k] = h.fetch(k, v)} }.to_yaml %>') $yaml_volume = parseyaml($volumetree_updated) create_resources('gluster::volume', $yaml_volume) # # build gluster::volume::property (auth.allow) # # EXAMPLE: #gluster::volume::property { 'examplevol#auth.allow': # value => ',,', #} #$simplewrongname = inline_template('<%= @volumetree.each_with_object({}) {|(x,y), h| h[x+"#auth.allow"] = y.select{ |key,value| ["clients"].include?(key) } }.to_yaml %>') $propertytree = inline_template('<%= @volumetree.each_with_object({}) {|(x,y), h| h[x+"#auth.allow"] = { "value" => y.fetch("clients", []) } }.to_yaml %>') $yaml_volume_property = parseyaml($propertytree) create_resources('gluster::volume::property', $yaml_volume_property) } # vim: ts=8