# GlusterFS module by James # Copyright (C) 2010-2013+ James Shubin # Written by James Shubin # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . define gluster::brick( $group = 'default', # grouping for multiple puppet-glusters # if dev is false, path in $name is used directly after a mkdir -p $dev = false, # /dev/sdc, /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-36003048007e14f0014ca2743150a5471 $raid_su = '', # used by mkfs.xfs and lvm, eg: 256 (K) $raid_sw = '', # used by mkfs.xfs and lvm, eg: 10 $partition = true, # partition, or build on the block dev? $labeltype = '', # gpt $lvm = true, # use lvm or not ? $fsuuid = '', # set a uuid for this fs (uuidgen) $fstype = '', # xfs $ro = false, # use for emergencies only- you want your fs rw $xfs_inode64 = false, $xfs_nobarrier = false, $force = false, # if true, this will overwrite any xfs fs it sees, useful for rebuilding gluster and wiping data. NOTE: there are other safeties in place to stop this. $areyousure = false, # do you allow puppet to do dangerous things ? $comment = '' ) { include gluster::brick::base include gluster::again include gluster::vardir #$vardir = $::gluster::vardir::module_vardir # with trailing slash $vardir = regsubst($::gluster::vardir::module_vardir, '\/$', '') # eg: annex1.example.com:/storage1a $split = split($name, ':') # do some $name parsing $host = $split[0] # host fqdn # NOTE: technically $path should be everything BUT split[0]. This # lets our $path include colons if for some reason they're needed. #$path = $split[1] # brick mount or storage path # TODO: create substring function $path = inline_template("<%= '${name}'.slice('${host}'.length+1, '${name}'.length-'${host}'.length-1) %>") $short_path = sprintf("%s", regsubst($path, '\/$', '')) # no trailing $valid_path = sprintf("%s/", regsubst($path, '\/$', '')) if ! ( "${host}:${path}" == "${name}" ) { fail('The brick $name must match a $host-$path pattern.') } Gluster::Host[$host] -> Gluster::Brick[$name] # brick requires host # create a brick tag to be collected by the gluster_brick_group_* fact! $safename = regsubst("${name}", '/', '_', 'G') # make /'s safe file { "${vardir}/brick/${safename}.${group}": content => "${name}\n", owner => root, group => root, mode => 644, ensure => present, require => File["${vardir}/brick/"], } # # fsuuid... # if ("${fsuuid}" != '') and "${fsuuid}" =~ /^[a-f0-9]{8}\-[a-f0-9]{4}\-[a-f0-9]{4}\-[a-f0-9]{4}\-[a-f0-9]{12}$/ { fail("The chosen fs uuid: '${fsuuid}' is not valid.") } # if we manually *pick* a uuid, then store it too, so that it # sticks if we ever go back to using automatic uuids. this is # useful if a user wants to initially import uuids by picking # them manually, and then letting puppet take over afterwards if "${fsuuid}" != '' { # $group is unnecessary, but i left it in for consistency... file { "${vardir}/brick/fsuuid/${safename}.${group}": content => "${fsuuid}\n", owner => root, group => root, mode => 600, # might as well... ensure => present, require => File["${vardir}/brick/fsuuid/"], } } # we sha1 to prevent weird characters in facter $fsuuid_safename = sha1("${name}.${group}") $valid_fsuuid = "${fsuuid}" ? { # fact from the data generated in: ${vardir}/brick/fsuuid/* '' => getvar("gluster_brick_fsuuid_${fsuuid_safename}"), # fact! default => "${fsuuid}", } # you might see this on first run if the fsuuid isn't generated yet if (type($dev) != 'boolean') and ("${valid_fsuuid}" == '') { warning('An $fsuuid must be specified or generated.') } # # raid... # # TODO: check inputs for sanity and auto-detect if one is empty # TODO: maybe we can detect these altogether from the raid set! if "${raid_su}" == '' and "${raid_sw}" == '' { # if we are not using a real device, we should ignore warnings! if type($dev) != 'boolean' { # real devices! if $lvm or "${fstype}" == 'xfs' { warning('Setting $raid_su and $raid_sw is recommended.') } } } elsif "${raid_su}" != '' and "${raid_sw}" != '' { # ensure both are positive int's ! validate_re("${raid_su}", '^\d+$') validate_re("${raid_sw}", '^\d+$') } else { fail('You must set both $raid_su and $raid_sw or neither.') } # # partitioning... # $valid_labeltype = $labeltype ? { #'msdos' => 'msdos', # TODO default => 'gpt', } # get the raw /dev/vdx device, and append the partition number $dev0 = "`/bin/readlink -e ${dev}`" # resolve to /dev/ $part_mklabel = "/sbin/parted -s -m -a optimal ${dev0} mklabel ${valid_labeltype}" $part_mkpart = "/sbin/parted -s -m -a optimal ${dev0} mkpart primary 0% 100%" # $dev1 = $partition ? { false => "${dev0}", # block device without partition default => "${dev0}1", # partition one (eg: /dev/sda1) } # # lvm... # if $lvm { # NOTE: this is need for thin-provisioning, and RHS compliance! # NOTE: as a consequence of this type of automation, we generate # really ugly vg names like: "vg_annex1.example.com+_gluster_" ! # TODO: in the future, it might be nice to provide an option to # use simplified naming based on hostname and a brick number... $lvm_safename = regsubst("${safename}", ':', '+', 'G') # safe! $lvm_vgname = "vg_${lvm_safename}" $lvm_lvname = "lv_${lvm_safename}" $lvm_dataalignment = inline_template('<%= @raid_su.to_i*@raid_sw.to_i %>') $lvm_pvcreate = "/sbin/pvcreate --dataalignment ${lvm_dataalignment}K ${dev1}" $lvm_vgcreate = "/sbin/vgcreate ${lvm_vgname} ${dev1}" # creates dev /dev/vgname/lvname # FIXME: should we use --extents or --size and what values ? $lvm_lvcreate = "/sbin/lvcreate --extents 100%PVS -n ${lvm_lvname} ${lvm_vgname}" $dev2 = "/dev/${lvm_vgname}/${lvm_lvname}" } else { $dev2 = "${dev1}" # pass through, because not using lvm } # # mkfs... # $ro_bool = $ro ? { # this has been added as a convenience true => 'ro', default => 'rw', } # if $dev is false, we assume we're using a path backing store on brick $valid_fstype = type($dev) ? { 'boolean' => $dev ? { false => 'path', # no dev, just a path spec default => '', # invalid type }, default => $fstype ? { 'ext4' => 'ext4', # TODO default => 'xfs', }, } if ( $valid_fstype == 'path' ) { # do a mkdir -p in the execution section below... $options_list = [] # n/a # XFS mount options: # http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=blob;f=Documentation/filesystems/xfs.txt;hb=HEAD } elsif ( $valid_fstype == 'xfs' ) { # exec requires include gluster::brick::xfs $exec_requires = [Package['xfsprogs']] $xfs_arg00 = "/sbin/mkfs.${valid_fstype}" $xfs_arg01 = '-q' # shh! # NOTE: the -f forces creation when it sees an old xfs part $xfs_arg02 = $force ? { true => '-f', default => '', } # Due to extensive use of extended attributes, RHS recommends # XFS inode size set to 512 bytes from the defaults 256 Bytes. $xfs_arg03 = '-i size=512' # An XFS file system allows you to select a logical block size # for the file-system directory that is greater than the # logical block size of the file-system. Increasing the logical # block size for the directories from the default of 4K, # decreases the directory IO, which improves the performance of # directory operations. See: # http://xfs.org/index.php/XFS_FAQ#Q:_Performance:_mkfs.xfs_-n_size.3D64k_option $xfs_arg04 = '-n size=8192' # To align the IO at the file system layer it is important that # we set the correct stripe unit (stripe element size) and # stripe width (number of data disks) while formatting the file # system. These options are sometimes auto-detected but manual # configuration is needed with many of the hardware RAID # volumes. $xfs_arg05 = "-d su=${raid_su}k,sw=${raid_sw}" $xfs_cmdlist = [ "${xfs_arg00}", "${xfs_arg01}", "${xfs_arg02}", "${xfs_arg03}", "${xfs_arg04}", "${xfs_arg05}", "${dev2}" ] $xfs_cmd = join(delete($xfs_cmdlist, ''), ' ') # TODO: xfs_admin doesn't have a --quiet flag. silence it... $xfs_admin = "/usr/sbin/xfs_admin -U '${valid_fsuuid}' ${dev2}" # mkfs w/ uuid command $mkfs_exec = "${xfs_cmd} && ${xfs_admin}" # By default, XFS allocates inodes to reflect their on-disk # location. However, because some 32-bit userspace applications # are not compatible with inode numbers greater than 232, XFS # will allocate all inodes in disk locations which result in # 32-bit inode numbers. This can lead to decreased performance # on very large filesystems (i.e. larger than 2 terabytes), # because inodes are skewed to the beginning of the block # device, while data is skewed towards the end. # To address this, use the inode64 mount option. This option # configures XFS to allocate inodes and data across the entire # file system, which can improve performance. $option01 = $xfs_inode64 ? { true => 'inode64', default => '', } # By default, XFS uses write barriers to ensure file system # integrity even when power is lost to a device with write # caches enabled. For devices without write caches, or with # battery-backed write caches, disable barriers using the # nobarrier option. $option02 = $xfs_nobarrier ? { true => 'nobarrier', default => '', } $options_list = ["${option01}", "${option02}"] } elsif ( $valid_fstype == 'ext4' ) { # exec requires include gluster::brick::ext4 $exec_requires = [Package['e2fsprogs']] # mkfs w/ uuid command $mkfs_exec = "/sbin/mkfs.${valid_fstype} -U '${valid_fsuuid}' ${dev2}" # mount options $options_list = [] # TODO } else { fail('The $fstype is invalid.') } # put all the options in an array, remove the empty ones, and join with # commas (this removes ',,' double comma uglyness) # adding 'defaults' here ensures no ',' (leading comma) in mount command $mount_options = inline_template('<%= (["defaults"]+@options_list).delete_if {|x| x.empty? }.join(",") %>') $exec_noop = $areyousure ? { true => false, default => true, } # if we're on itself, and we have a real device to work with if (type($dev) != 'boolean') and ("${fqdn}" == "${host}") { # partitioning... if $partition { if $exec_noop { notify { "noop for partitioning: ${name}": message => "${part_mklabel} && ${part_mkpart}", } } exec { "${part_mklabel} && ${part_mkpart}": logoutput => on_failure, unless => [ # if one element is true, this *doesn't* run "/usr/bin/test -e ${dev1}", # does the partition 1 exist ? '/bin/false', # TODO: add more criteria ], require => $exec_requires, timeout => 3600, # TODO noop => $exec_noop, before => $lvm ? { # if no lvm, skip to mkfs false => Exec["gluster-brick-mkfs-${name}"], default => Exec["gluster-brick-lvm-pvcreate-${name}"], }, alias => "gluster-brick-partition-${name}", } } # lvm... if $lvm { if $exec_noop { notify { "noop for lvm: ${name}": message => "${lvm_pvcreate} && ${lvm_vgcreate} && ${lvm_lvcreate}", } } exec { "${lvm_pvcreate}": logoutput => on_failure, unless => [ # if one element is true, this *doesn't* run "/sbin/pvdisplay ${dev1}", '/bin/false', # TODO: add more criteria ], require => $exec_requires, timeout => 3600, # set to something very long noop => $exec_noop, before => Exec["gluster-brick-lvm-vgcreate-${name}"], alias => "gluster-brick-lvm-pvcreate-${name}", } exec { "${lvm_vgcreate}": logoutput => on_failure, unless => [ # if one element is true, this *doesn't* run "/sbin/vgdisplay ${lvm_vgname}", '/bin/false', # TODO: add more criteria ], require => $exec_requires, timeout => 3600, # set to something very long noop => $exec_noop, before => Exec["gluster-brick-lvm-lvcreate-${name}"], alias => "gluster-brick-lvm-vgcreate-${name}", } exec { "${lvm_lvcreate}": logoutput => on_failure, unless => [ # if one element is true, this *doesn't* run #"/sbin/lvdisplay ${lvm_lvname}", # nope! "/sbin/lvs --separator ':' | /usr/bin/tr -d ' ' | /bin/awk -F ':' '{print \$1}' | /bin/grep -q '${lvm_lvname}'", '/bin/false', # TODO: add more criteria ], require => $exec_requires, timeout => 3600, # set to something very long noop => $exec_noop, before => Exec["gluster-brick-mkfs-${name}"], alias => "gluster-brick-lvm-lvcreate-${name}", } } if $exec_noop { notify { "noop for mkfs: ${name}": message => "${mkfs_exec}", } } else { # if valid_fsuuid isn't ready, trigger an exec again... exec { "gluster-brick-fsuuid-execagain-${name}": command => '/bin/true', # do nothing but notify logoutput => on_failure, onlyif => "/usr/bin/test -z '${valid_fsuuid}'", notify => Common::Again::Delta['gluster-exec-again'], # this (optional) require makes it more logical require => File["${vardir}/brick/fsuuid/"], } } # mkfs... exec { "${mkfs_exec}": logoutput => on_failure, onlyif => "/usr/bin/test -n '${valid_fsuuid}'", unless => [ # if one element is true, this *doesn't* run "/usr/bin/test -e /dev/disk/by-uuid/${valid_fsuuid}", '/bin/false', # TODO: add more criteria ], require => $exec_requires, timeout => 3600, # set to something very long noop => $exec_noop, alias => "gluster-brick-mkfs-${name}", } # make an empty directory for the mount point file { "${valid_path}": ensure => directory, # make sure this is a directory recurse => false, # don't recurse into directory purge => false, # don't purge unmanaged files force => false, # don't purge subdirs and links require => Exec["gluster-brick-mkfs-${name}"], } # mount points don't seem to like trailing slashes... if "${valid_fsuuid}" != '' { # in case fsuuid isn't ready yet mount { "${short_path}": atboot => true, ensure => mounted, device => "UUID=${valid_fsuuid}", fstype => "${valid_fstype}", # noatime,nodiratime to save gluster from silly updates options => "${mount_options},${ro_bool},noatime,nodiratime,noexec", # TODO: is nodev? nosuid? noexec? a good idea? dump => '0', # fs_freq: 0 to skip file system dumps # NOTE: technically this should be '2', to `fsck.xfs` # after the rootfs ('1'), but fsck.xfs actually does # 'nothing, successfully', so it's irrelevant, because # xfs uses xfs_check and friends only when suspect. pass => '2', # fs_passno: 0 to skip fsck on boot require => [ File["${valid_path}"], ], } } } elsif ((type($dev) == 'boolean') and (! $dev)) and ("${fqdn}" == "${host}") { # ensure the full path exists! exec { "/bin/mkdir -p '${valid_path}'": creates => "${valid_path}", logoutput => on_failure, noop => $exec_noop, alias => "gluster-brick-mkdir ${name}", } } } # vim: ts=8