# # simple gluster setup for physical provisioning. # (yeah, that's it-- for iron!) # node /^annex\d+$/ { # annex{1,2,..N} class { '::gluster::simple': # by allowing you to enumerate these things here in this class, # you're able to specify all of these from a provisioning tool. # this is useful in a tool like foreman which only lets you set # class variables, and doesn't let you define individual types! replica => 2, vip = '', vrrp = true, # NOTE: this example will show you different possibilities, but # it is probably not sane to define your devices in a mixed way brick_params => { 'fqdn1.example.com' => [ {dev => '/dev/disk/by-uuid/01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef'}, {dev => '/dev/sde', partition => false}, ], 'fqdn2.example.com' => [ {dev => '/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:02:00.0-scsi-0:1:0:0', raid_su => 256, raid_sw => 10} {dev => '/dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x600508e0000000002b012b744715743a', lvm => true}, ], #'fqdnN.example.com' => [...], }, # these will get used by every brick, even if only specified by # the count variable... keep in mind that without the $dev var, # some of these parameters aren't used by the filesystem brick. brick_param_defaults => { lvm => false, xfs_inode64 => true, force => true, }, } }