This is puppet-gluster a puppet module for gluster. Please read the INSTALL file for instructions on getting this installed. Look in the examples/ folder for usage. If none exist, please contribute one! This code may be a work in progress. The interfaces may change without notice. Patches are welcome, but please be patient. They are best received by email. Please ping me if you have big changes in mind, before you write a giant patch. Module specific notes: * All the participating nodes, need to have an identical puppet-gluster config. * There is an experimental gluster::wrapper class, for easier deployment. * You can use less of the available resources, if you only want to manage some. * You can get CentOS and RHEL rpms from: * or: * Dependencies: * puppetlabs-stdlib (required) * my puppet-common module (optional) * my puppet-shorewall module (optional) * my puppet-puppet module (optional) * gluster packages (see above notes) Happy hacking, James Shubin ,