path: root/manifests
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Diffstat (limited to 'manifests')
1 files changed, 99 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/manifests/host.pp b/manifests/host.pp
index 9a31f97..7bd461d 100644
--- a/manifests/host.pp
+++ b/manifests/host.pp
@@ -20,69 +20,115 @@
# only the host holding the vip is allowed to execute cluster peer operations.
define gluster::host(
- $uuid
+ $uuid = '' # if empty, puppet will attempt to use the gluster fact
) {
+ include gluster::vardir
+ #$vardir = $::gluster::vardir::module_vardir # with trailing slash
+ $vardir = regsubst($::gluster::vardir::module_vardir, '\/$', '')
# if we're on itself
if ( "${fqdn}" == "${name}" ) {
- # set a unique uuid per host
- file { '/var/lib/glusterd/':
- content => template('gluster/'),
- owner => root,
- group => root,
- mode => 600, # u=rw,go=r
- seltype => 'glusterd_var_lib_t',
- seluser => 'unconfined_u',
- ensure => present,
- require => File['/var/lib/glusterd/'],
+ # don't purge the uuid file generated within
+ file { "${vardir}/uuid/":
+ ensure => directory, # make sure this is a directory
+ recurse => false, # don't recurse into directory
+ purge => false, # don't purge unmanaged files
+ force => false, # don't purge subdirs and links
+ require => File["${vardir}/"],
- } else {
- # set uuid=
- exec { "/bin/echo 'uuid=${uuid}' >> '/var/lib/glusterd/peers/${uuid}'":
- logoutput => on_failure,
- unless => "/bin/grep -qF 'uuid=' '/var/lib/glusterd/peers/${uuid}'",
- notify => File['/var/lib/glusterd/peers/'], # propagate the notify up
- before => File["/var/lib/glusterd/peers/${uuid}"],
- alias => "gluster-host-uuid-${name}",
- # FIXME: doing this causes a dependency cycle! adding
- # the Package[] require doesn't. It would be most
- # correct to require the peers/ folder, but since it's
- # not working, requiring the Package[] will still give
- # us the same result. (Package creates peers/ folder).
- # NOTE: it's possible the cycle is a bug in puppet or a
- # bug in the dependencies somewhere else in this module.
- #require => File['/var/lib/glusterd/peers/'],
- require => Package['glusterfs-server'],
+ $valid_uuid = "${uuid}" ? {
+ # fact from the data generated in: ${vardir}/uuid/uuid
+ '' => "${::gluster_uuid}",
+ default => "${uuid}",
+ if "${valid_uuid}" == '' {
+ fail('No valid UUID exists yet!')
+ } else {
+ # set a unique uuid per host
+ file { '/var/lib/glusterd/':
+ content => template('gluster/'),
+ owner => root,
+ group => root,
+ mode => 600, # u=rw,go=r
+ seltype => 'glusterd_var_lib_t',
+ seluser => 'unconfined_u',
+ ensure => present,
+ require => File['/var/lib/glusterd/'],
+ }
- # set state=
- exec { "/bin/echo 'state=3' >> '/var/lib/glusterd/peers/${uuid}'":
- logoutput => on_failure,
- unless => "/bin/grep -qF 'state=' '/var/lib/glusterd/peers/${uuid}'",
- notify => File['/var/lib/glusterd/peers/'], # propagate the notify up
- before => File["/var/lib/glusterd/peers/${uuid}"],
- require => Exec["gluster-host-uuid-${name}"],
- alias => "gluster-host-state-${name}",
+ # NOTE: $name here should probably be the fqdn...
+ @@file { "${vardir}/uuid/uuid_${name}":
+ content => "${valid_uuid}\n",
+ tag => 'gluster_uuid',
+ owner => root,
+ group => root,
+ mode => 600,
+ ensure => present,
+ }
- # set hostname1=...
- exec { "/bin/echo 'hostname1=${name}' >> '/var/lib/glusterd/peers/${uuid}'":
- logoutput => on_failure,
- unless => "/bin/grep -qF 'hostname1=' '/var/lib/glusterd/peers/${uuid}'",
- notify => File['/var/lib/glusterd/peers/'], # propagate the notify up
- before => File["/var/lib/glusterd/peers/${uuid}"],
- require => Exec["gluster-host-state-${name}"],
+ File <<| tag == 'gluster_uuid' |>> { # collect to make facts
- # tag the file so it doesn't get removed by purge
- file { "/var/lib/glusterd/peers/${uuid}":
- ensure => present,
- notify => File['/var/lib/glusterd/peers/'], # propagate the notify up
- owner => root,
- group => root,
- # NOTE: this mode was found by inspecting the process
- mode => 600, # u=rw,go=r
- seltype => 'glusterd_var_lib_t',
- seluser => 'unconfined_u',
+ } else {
+ $valid_uuid = "${uuid}" ? {
+ # fact from the data generated in: ${vardir}/uuid/uuid
+ '' => getvar("gluster_uuid_${name}"), # fact !
+ default => "${uuid}",
+ }
+ if "${valid_uuid}" == '' {
+ notice('No valid UUID exists yet.') # different msg
+ } else {
+ # set uuid=
+ exec { "/bin/echo 'uuid=${valid_uuid}' >> '/var/lib/glusterd/peers/${valid_uuid}'":
+ logoutput => on_failure,
+ unless => "/bin/grep -qF 'uuid=' '/var/lib/glusterd/peers/${valid_uuid}'",
+ notify => File['/var/lib/glusterd/peers/'], # propagate the notify up
+ before => File["/var/lib/glusterd/peers/${valid_uuid}"],
+ alias => "gluster-host-uuid-${name}",
+ # FIXME: doing this causes a dependency cycle! adding
+ # the Package[] require doesn't. It would be most
+ # correct to require the peers/ folder, but since it's
+ # not working, requiring the Package[] will still give
+ # us the same result. (Package creates peers/ folder).
+ # NOTE: it's possible the cycle is a bug in puppet or a
+ # bug in the dependencies somewhere else in this module.
+ #require => File['/var/lib/glusterd/peers/'],
+ require => Package['glusterfs-server'],
+ }
+ # set state=
+ exec { "/bin/echo 'state=3' >> '/var/lib/glusterd/peers/${valid_uuid}'":
+ logoutput => on_failure,
+ unless => "/bin/grep -qF 'state=' '/var/lib/glusterd/peers/${valid_uuid}'",
+ notify => File['/var/lib/glusterd/peers/'], # propagate the notify up
+ before => File["/var/lib/glusterd/peers/${valid_uuid}"],
+ require => Exec["gluster-host-uuid-${name}"],
+ alias => "gluster-host-state-${name}",
+ }
+ # set hostname1=...
+ exec { "/bin/echo 'hostname1=${name}' >> '/var/lib/glusterd/peers/${valid_uuid}'":
+ logoutput => on_failure,
+ unless => "/bin/grep -qF 'hostname1=' '/var/lib/glusterd/peers/${valid_uuid}'",
+ notify => File['/var/lib/glusterd/peers/'], # propagate the notify up
+ before => File["/var/lib/glusterd/peers/${valid_uuid}"],
+ require => Exec["gluster-host-state-${name}"],
+ }
+ # tag the file so it doesn't get removed by purge
+ file { "/var/lib/glusterd/peers/${valid_uuid}":
+ ensure => present,
+ notify => File['/var/lib/glusterd/peers/'], # propagate the notify up
+ owner => root,
+ group => root,
+ # NOTE: this mode was found by inspecting the process
+ mode => 600, # u=rw,go=r
+ seltype => 'glusterd_var_lib_t',
+ seluser => 'unconfined_u',
+ }