path: root/manifests/mount.pp
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Diffstat (limited to 'manifests/mount.pp')
1 files changed, 171 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/manifests/mount.pp b/manifests/mount.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27b6baa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/mount.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+# GlusterFS module by James
+# Copyright (C) 2010-2013+ James Shubin
+# Written by James Shubin <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# XXX: try mounting with: glusterfs --volfile-server=<server-address> --volfile-id=<volume-name> <mount-point> --xlator-option='*dht*.assert-no-child-down=yes' # TODO: quotes or not?
+define gluster::mount(
+ $server, # NOTE: use a vip as server hostname
+ $rw = false, # mount read only (true) or rw (false)
+# $suid = false, # mount with suid (true) or nosuid (false) # TODO: will this work with gluster ?
+ $mounted = true, # useful if we want to pull in the group
+ # defs, but not actually mount (testing)
+ $repo = true, # add a repo automatically? true or false
+ $version = '', # pick a specific version (defaults to latest)
+ $ip = '', # you can specify which ip address to use (if multiple)
+ $shorewall = false
+) {
+ #mount -t glusterfs /test
+ #include gluster::mount::base
+ #class { '::gluster::mount::base':
+ # repo => $repo,
+ # version => $version,
+ #}
+ $params = {
+ 'repo' => $repo,
+ 'version' => $version,
+ }
+ # because multiple gluster::mount types are allowed on the same server,
+ # we include with the ensure_resource function to avoid identical calls
+ ensure_resource('class', '::gluster::mount::base', $params)
+ # eg: vip:/volume
+ $split = split($server, ':') # do some $server parsing
+ $host = $split[0] # host fqdn or ip (eg: vip)
+ # NOTE: technically $path should be everything BUT split[0]. This
+ # lets our $path include colons if for some reason they're needed.
+ #$path = $split[1] # volume
+ # TODO: create substring function
+ $path = inline_template("<%= '${server}'.slice('${host}'.length+1, '${server}'.length-'${host}'.length-1) %>")
+ $short_path = sprintf("%s", regsubst($path, '\/$', '')) # no trailing
+ #$valid_path = sprintf("%s/", regsubst($path, '\/$', ''))
+ $volume = sprintf("%s", regsubst($short_path, '^\/', '')) # no leading
+ if ! ( "${host}:${path}" == "${server}" ) {
+ fail('The $server must match a $host:$path pattern.')
+ }
+ if ! ( "${host}:/${volume}" == "${server}" ) {
+ fail('The $server must match a $host:/$volume pattern.')
+ }
+ $short_name = sprintf("%s", regsubst("${name}", '\/$', '')) # no trailing
+ $long_name = sprintf("%s/", regsubst("${name}", '\/$', '')) # trailing...
+ $valid_ip = "${ip}" ? {
+ '' => "${::gluster_host_ip}" ? { # smart fact...
+ '' => "${::ipaddress}", # puppet picks!
+ default => "${::gluster_host_ip}", # smart
+ },
+ default => "${ip}", # user selected
+ }
+ if "${valid_ip}" == '' {
+ fail('No valid IP exists!')
+ }
+ if $shorewall {
+ $safename = regsubst("${name}", '/', '_', 'G') # make /'s safe
+ @@shorewall::rule { "glusterd-management-${fqdn}-${safename}":
+ #@@shorewall::rule { "glusterd-management-${volume}-${fqdn}":
+ action => 'ACCEPT',
+ source => '', # override this on collect...
+ source_ips => ["${valid_ip}"],
+ dest => '$FW',
+ proto => 'tcp',
+ port => '24007',
+ comment => 'Allow incoming tcp:24007 from each glusterd.',
+ tag => 'gluster_firewall_management',
+ ensure => present,
+ }
+ # wrap shorewall::rule in a fake type so that we can add $match
+ #@@shorewall::rule { "gluster-volume-${fqdn}-${safename}":
+ @@gluster::rulewrapper { "gluster-volume-${fqdn}-${safename}":
+ action => 'ACCEPT',
+ source => '', # override this on collect...
+ source_ips => ["${valid_ip}"],
+ dest => '$FW',
+ proto => 'tcp',
+ port => '', # override this on collect...
+ #comment => "${fqdn}",
+ comment => 'Allow incoming tcp port from glusterfsds.',
+ tag => 'gluster_firewall_volume',
+ match => "${volume}", # used for collection
+ ensure => present,
+ }
+ }
+ $rw_bool = $rw ? {
+ true => 'rw',
+ default => 'ro',
+ }
+ # TODO: will this work with gluster ?
+ #$suid_bool = $suid ? {
+ # true => 'suid',
+ # default => 'nosuid',
+ #}
+ $mounted_bool = $mounted ? {
+ false => unmounted,
+ default => mounted,
+ }
+ # ensure parent directories exist
+ exec { "gluster-mount-mkdir-${name}":
+ command => "/bin/mkdir -p '${long_name}'",
+ creates => "${long_name}",
+ logoutput => on_failure,
+ before => File["${long_name}"],
+ }
+ # make an empty directory for the mount point
+ file { "${long_name}": # ensure a trailing slash
+ ensure => directory, # make sure this is a directory
+ recurse => false, # don't recurse into directory
+ purge => false, # don't purge unmanaged files
+ force => false, # don't purge subdirs and links
+ alias => "${short_name}", # don't allow duplicates name's
+ }
+ # Mount Options:
+ # * backupvolfile-server=server-name
+ # * fetch-attempts=N (where N is number of attempts)
+ # * log-level=loglevel
+ # * log-file=logfile
+ # * direct-io-mode=[enable|disable]
+ # * ro (for readonly mounts)
+ # * acl (for enabling posix-ACLs)
+ # * worm (making the mount WORM - Write Once, Read Many type)
+ # * selinux (enable selinux on GlusterFS mount)
+ # XXX: consider mounting only if some exported resource, collected and turned into a fact shows that the volume is available...
+ # XXX: or something... consider adding the notify => Poke[] functionality
+ mount { "${short_name}":
+ atboot => true,
+ ensure => $mounted_bool,
+ device => "${server}",
+ fstype => 'glusterfs',
+ options => "defaults,_netdev,${rw_bool}", # TODO: will $suid_bool work with gluster ?
+ dump => '0', # fs_freq: 0 to skip file system dumps
+ pass => '0', # fs_passno: 0 to skip fsck on boot
+ require => [
+ Package[['glusterfs', 'glusterfs-fuse']],
+ File["${long_name}"], # the mountpoint
+ Exec['gluster-fuse'], # ensure fuse is loaded!
+ ],
+ }
+# vim: ts=8