diff options
authorJames Shubin <>2014-03-13 11:45:26 -0400
committerJames Shubin <>2014-03-16 22:39:08 -0400
commitc7a6ef2c0267540ab2b272872648476255557dc6 (patch)
parent05576cd410bb2616ce72e3e9e24850f911cbb6dc (diff)
Add automatic generation of fs UUID's per brick filesystem.
This automatically generates UUID's for each physical filesystem, or alternatively, you can specify one manually with the $fsuuid argument. This will make a _big_ difference when using gluster::simple to automatically deploy a large cluster of physical machines, since you don't have to manually generate one uuid per device (which is time consuming and could be a lot to do and a lot to maintain).
3 files changed, 224 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/lib/facter/gluster_fsuuid.rb b/lib/facter/gluster_fsuuid.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ed48dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/facter/gluster_fsuuid.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+# GlusterFS module by James
+# Copyright (C) 2010-2013+ James Shubin
+# Written by James Shubin <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+require 'facter'
+require 'digest/sha1'
+# TODO: the ruby uuid method can be used when newer ruby versions are used here
+# require 'securerandom'
+# SecureRandom.uuid
+# uuid regexp
+regexp = /^[a-f0-9]{8}\-[a-f0-9]{4}\-[a-f0-9]{4}\-[a-f0-9]{4}\-[a-f0-9]{12}$/
+fqdn = Facter.value('fqdn') # this could be nil !
+# find the module_vardir
+dir = Facter.value('puppet_vardirtmp') # nil if missing
+if dir.nil? # let puppet decide if present!
+ dir = Facter.value('puppet_vardir')
+ if dir.nil?
+ var = nil
+ else
+ var = dir.gsub(/\/$/, '')+'/'+'tmp/' # ensure trailing slash
+ end
+ var = dir.gsub(/\/$/, '')+'/'
+if var.nil?
+ # if we can't get a valid vardirtmp, then we can't continue
+ module_vardir = nil
+ valid_brickdir = nil
+ uuiddir = nil
+ module_vardir = var+'gluster/'
+ valid_brickdir = module_vardir.gsub(/\/$/, '')+'/brick/'
+ uuiddir = valid_brickdir+'fsuuid/' # safe dir that won't get purged...
+# NOTE: module specific mkdirs, needed to ensure there is no blocking/deadlock!
+if not(var.nil?) and not
+ Dir::mkdir(var)
+if not(module_vardir.nil?) and not
+ Dir::mkdir(module_vardir)
+found = {}
+# generate uuid and parent directory if they don't already exist...
+if not(module_vardir.nil?) and
+ if not
+ Dir::mkdir(uuiddir)
+ end
+ # loop through brick dir, looking for brick names to make fsuuid's for!
+ if not(valid_brickdir.nil?) and and
+ Dir.glob(valid_brickdir+'*.*').each do |f|
+ b = File.basename(f)
+ g = b.split('.') # $
+ group = g.pop() # pop off suffix (the group name)
+ if g.length >= 1
+ # NOTE: some of this code is unnecessary, but i
+ # kept it because it matches the brick parsing.
+ x = g.join('.') # in case value had dots in it.
+ brick =, 'r').read.strip # read into str
+ # eg:
+ split = brick.split(':') # do some $name parsing
+ host = split[0] # host fqdn
+ # NOTE: technically $path should be everything BUT split[0]. This
+ # lets our $path include colons if for some reason they're needed.
+ #path = split[1] # brick mount or storage path
+ path = brick.slice(host.length+1, brick.length-host.length-1)
+ # if fqdn is nil, generate for everyone...
+ # (other hosts data will just be unused...)
+ if not(fqdn.nil?)
+ # otherwise, skip hosts that aren't us!
+ if host != fqdn
+ next
+ end
+ end
+ uuidfile = uuiddir + b
+ # we sha1 to prevent weird characters in facter
+ key = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(host + ':' + path + '.' + group)
+ # create an fsuuid for each brick and store it
+ # in our vardir if it doesn't already exist...
+ if not File.exist?(uuidfile)
+ result = system("/usr/bin/uuidgen > '" + uuidfile + "'")
+ if not(result)
+ # TODO: print warning
+ end
+ end
+ # create facts from all the uuid files found...
+ uuid =, 'r').read.strip.downcase # read into str
+ if uuid.length == 36 and regexp.match(uuid)
+ # avoid:
+ found[key] = uuid
+ # TODO: print warning on else...
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+found.keys.each do |x|
+ Facter.add('gluster_brick_fsuuid_'+x) do
+ #confine :operatingsystem => %w{CentOS, RedHat, Fedora}
+ setcode {
+ found[x]
+ }
+ end
+# list of generated gluster_brick_fsuuid's
+Facter.add('gluster_brick_fsuuid_facts') do
+ #confine :operatingsystem => %w{CentOS, RedHat, Fedora}
+ setcode {
+ found.keys.collect {|x| 'gluster_brick_fsuuid_'+x }.join(',')
+ }
+# vim: ts=8
diff --git a/manifests/brick.pp b/manifests/brick.pp
index d753d5f..a44ce2e 100644
--- a/manifests/brick.pp
+++ b/manifests/brick.pp
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ define gluster::brick(
$comment = ''
) {
include gluster::brick::base
+ include gluster::again
include gluster::vardir
#$vardir = $::gluster::vardir::module_vardir # with trailing slash
@@ -73,6 +74,42 @@ define gluster::brick(
+ # fsuuid...
+ #
+ if ("${fsuuid}" != '') and "${fsuuid}" =~ /^[a-f0-9]{8}\-[a-f0-9]{4}\-[a-f0-9]{4}\-[a-f0-9]{4}\-[a-f0-9]{12}$/ {
+ fail("The chosen fs uuid: '${fsuuid}' is not valid.")
+ }
+ # if we manually *pick* a uuid, then store it too, so that it
+ # sticks if we ever go back to using automatic uuids. this is
+ # useful if a user wants to initially import uuids by picking
+ # them manually, and then letting puppet take over afterwards
+ if "${fsuuid}" != '' {
+ # $group is unnecessary, but i left it in for consistency...
+ file { "${vardir}/brick/fsuuid/${safename}.${group}":
+ content => "${fsuuid}\n",
+ owner => root,
+ group => root,
+ mode => 600, # might as well...
+ ensure => present,
+ require => File["${vardir}/brick/fsuuid/"],
+ }
+ }
+ # we sha1 to prevent weird characters in facter
+ $fsuuid_safename = sha1("${name}.${group}")
+ $valid_fsuuid = "${fsuuid}" ? {
+ # fact from the data generated in: ${vardir}/brick/fsuuid/*
+ '' => getvar("gluster_brick_fsuuid_${fsuuid_safename}"), # fact!
+ default => "${fsuuid}",
+ }
+ # you might see this on first run if the fsuuid isn't generated yet
+ if (type($dev) != 'boolean') and ("${valid_fsuuid}" == '') {
+ warning('An $fsuuid must be specified or generated.')
+ }
+ #
# raid...
# TODO: check inputs for sanity and auto-detect if one is empty
@@ -218,7 +255,7 @@ define gluster::brick(
$xfs_cmd = join(delete($xfs_cmdlist, ''), ' ')
# TODO: xfs_admin doesn't have a --quiet flag. silence it...
- $xfs_admin = "/usr/sbin/xfs_admin -U '${fsuuid}' ${dev2}"
+ $xfs_admin = "/usr/sbin/xfs_admin -U '${valid_fsuuid}' ${dev2}"
# mkfs w/ uuid command
$mkfs_exec = "${xfs_cmd} && ${xfs_admin}"
@@ -257,7 +294,7 @@ define gluster::brick(
$exec_requires = [Package['e2fsprogs']]
# mkfs w/ uuid command
- $mkfs_exec = "/sbin/mkfs.${valid_fstype} -U '${fsuuid}' ${dev2}"
+ $mkfs_exec = "/sbin/mkfs.${valid_fstype} -U '${valid_fsuuid}' ${dev2}"
# mount options
$options_list = [] # TODO
@@ -340,7 +377,8 @@ define gluster::brick(
exec { "${lvm_lvcreate}":
logoutput => on_failure,
unless => [ # if one element is true, this *doesn't* run
- "/sbin/lvdisplay ${lvm_lvname}",
+ #"/sbin/lvdisplay ${lvm_lvname}", # nope!
+ "/sbin/lvs --separator ':' | /usr/bin/tr -d ' ' | /bin/awk -F ':' '{print \$1}' | /bin/grep -q '${lvm_lvname}'",
'/bin/false', # TODO: add more criteria
require => $exec_requires,
@@ -355,13 +393,24 @@ define gluster::brick(
notify { "noop for mkfs: ${name}":
message => "${mkfs_exec}",
+ } else {
+ # if valid_fsuuid isn't ready, trigger an exec again...
+ exec { "gluster-brick-fsuuid-execagain-${name}":
+ command => '/bin/true', # do nothing but notify
+ logoutput => on_failure,
+ onlyif => "/usr/bin/test -z '${valid_fsuuid}'",
+ notify => Common::Again::Delta['gluster-exec-again'],
+ # this (optional) require makes it more logical
+ require => File["${vardir}/brick/fsuuid/"],
+ }
# mkfs...
exec { "${mkfs_exec}":
logoutput => on_failure,
+ onlyif => "/usr/bin/test -n '${valid_fsuuid}'",
unless => [ # if one element is true, this *doesn't* run
- "/usr/bin/test -e /dev/disk/by-uuid/${fsuuid}",
+ "/usr/bin/test -e /dev/disk/by-uuid/${valid_fsuuid}",
'/bin/false', # TODO: add more criteria
require => $exec_requires,
@@ -380,22 +429,24 @@ define gluster::brick(
# mount points don't seem to like trailing slashes...
- mount { "${short_path}":
- atboot => true,
- ensure => mounted,
- device => "UUID=${fsuuid}",
- fstype => "${valid_fstype}",
- # noatime,nodiratime to save gluster from silly updates
- options => "${mount_options},${ro_bool},noatime,nodiratime,noexec", # TODO: is nodev? nosuid? noexec? a good idea?
- dump => '0', # fs_freq: 0 to skip file system dumps
- # NOTE: technically this should be '2', to `fsck.xfs`
- # after the rootfs ('1'), but fsck.xfs actually does
- # 'nothing, successfully', so it's irrelevant, because
- # xfs uses xfs_check and friends only when suspect.
- pass => '2', # fs_passno: 0 to skip fsck on boot
- require => [
- File["${valid_path}"],
- ],
+ if "${valid_fsuuid}" != '' { # in case fsuuid isn't ready yet
+ mount { "${short_path}":
+ atboot => true,
+ ensure => mounted,
+ device => "UUID=${valid_fsuuid}",
+ fstype => "${valid_fstype}",
+ # noatime,nodiratime to save gluster from silly updates
+ options => "${mount_options},${ro_bool},noatime,nodiratime,noexec", # TODO: is nodev? nosuid? noexec? a good idea?
+ dump => '0', # fs_freq: 0 to skip file system dumps
+ # NOTE: technically this should be '2', to `fsck.xfs`
+ # after the rootfs ('1'), but fsck.xfs actually does
+ # 'nothing, successfully', so it's irrelevant, because
+ # xfs uses xfs_check and friends only when suspect.
+ pass => '2', # fs_passno: 0 to skip fsck on boot
+ require => [
+ File["${valid_path}"],
+ ],
+ }
} elsif ((type($dev) == 'boolean') and (! $dev)) and ("${fqdn}" == "${host}") {
diff --git a/manifests/brick/base.pp b/manifests/brick/base.pp
index 83398e2..c39cb3f 100644
--- a/manifests/brick/base.pp
+++ b/manifests/brick/base.pp
@@ -28,5 +28,14 @@ class gluster::brick::base {
force => true, # don't purge subdirs and links
require => File["${vardir}/"],
+ # don't purge the fsuuid file's generated within
+ file { "${vardir}/brick/fsuuid/":
+ ensure => directory, # make sure this is a directory
+ recurse => false, # don't recurse into directory
+ purge => false, # don't purge unmanaged files
+ force => false, # don't purge subdirs and links
+ require => File["${vardir}/brick/"],
+ }
# vim: ts=8