This is an overview of the object/attribute coverage. Useful to compare the actual names used for different xmlrpc calls. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Test Plan Properties ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FIELD CREATE GET UPDATE id --- plan_id --- author --- author_id --- name name* name name parent parent parent_id parent product product* product_id product product.version default_product_version* default_product_version default_product_version type type* type_id type --- text* TestPlan.get_text TestPlan.store_text --- is_active is_active is_active --- --- create_date --- --- --- extra_link --- --- --- --- env_group ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Test Run Properties ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FIELD CREATE GET UPDATE id --- run_id --- testplan plan* plan_id plan? build build* build_id build manager manager* manager_id manager summary summary* summary summary product product* --- product --- product_version* product_version product_version tester default_tester default_tester_id default_tester --- plan_text_version plan_text_version time estimated_time estimated_time estimated_time notes notes notes notes status status --- status caseruns case --- --- tags tag --- --- --- --- environment_id --- --- --- plan_text_version --- --- --- start_date --- --- --- stop_date --- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Test Case Properties ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FIELD CREATE GET UPDATE id --- case_id --- arguments arguments arguments arguments author --- author_id --- automated is_automated is_automated is_automated bugs bug --- --- category category* category_id category components component --- --- notes notes notes notes testplans plan --- --- priority priority* priority_id priority --- product* --- product script script script script sortkey sortkey sortkey sortkey status case_status case_status_id case_status summary summary* summary summary tags tag --- --- tester default_tester default_tester_id default_tester time estimated_time estimated_time estimated_time --- is_automated_pro... is_automated_pro... is_automated_pro... --- requirement requirement requirement --- alias alias alias --- action text.action --- --- effect text.effect --- --- setup text.setup --- --- breakdown text.breakdown --- --- --- create_date --- --- --- reviewer_id --- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Case Run Properties ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FIELD CREATE GET UPDATE id --- case_run_id --- assignee assignee assignee_id assignee build build* build_id build notes notes notes notes sortkey sortkey sortkey sortkey status case_run_status case_run_status_id case_run_status testcase case* case_id --- testrun run* run_id --- --- case_text_version case_text_version ---